Master Blaster Zero 2 thread.
DLC when?
Master Blaster Zero 2 thread
Other urls found in this thread:
What happened to the last one?
got pruned
Remember Kannalovers we are waiting for holy grail.
Of course there i post another obligatory kanna hug pic.
this game is only on switch, right?
and there is a third obligatory kanna hug pic
hopefully soon and hopes it features more of Kanna otherwise it won't be good
cheer up user, Kanna wouldn't want any of us to be sad
i must confess that i have mixed feelings with this pic. the pic overall is nice, but i would really want kanna to be taller and/or thiccer to be a perfect hug pic.
oh, thats a shame. would have maybe gotten interested with the game if it was on PC.
i could wait for the emulator to catch on (if it didnt already) but my computer is a toaster and probably wont run properly.
Remember to focus on self betterment and leading a long, good life.
Every second longer you live is a second closer to the potentiality of large scale genetic engineering, or robotic implants, or lifelike vr simulations, so every man can get a Kanna gf in some shape or form.
Stay alive, stay happy, and stay healthy. We're all gonna make it.
Eh you could if the switch rumors hold up you could always buy the kiddy version of it.
>switch rumors
>kiddy version
please elaborate
There are rumors of two Nintendo switch revisions coming out. One will be a stripped down childproof cheap version of it and the other will be for the big boys or enthusiast
ah this one, it bumped into my ear before.
still probably wont work because the distribution of nintendo products here is pretty crap.
thanks for the help anyways
boy do i love those eyes
hum... guys? help me out here, i don't know what she means by this... what am i supposed to do now?...
Sharing a shower with kanna!
too small
Do you think she drinks from her tail?
did somebody said BIGGER?
>melon milk
>not watermelon juice
T.plebs, she literally is a plant, her suit has a watermelon design in the chest
>She will never be real
It's just not fair.
just listen
Here's the preview of chapter 1 user posted for this btw
i want to see her wearing a ill fitting coconut bikini
This is the next bowsette, mods. Ban these threads already. Your lord, pepe, demands it.
frogposters deserve the rope
Dont worry, you will be the one hanging. Just like Bowsette!
But Kanna is 100x better than Tranny Bowser.
since i just finished BMZ1 i can now play her game
faggots comparing Glorious kanna's threads to that trannysette trash don't renember the insane amount of threads there were about her, literally more than 75% of the catalog filled with those trash threads meanwhile Kanna Threads are top comfy and contained to a single one
>There are two master blaster threads.
Guys come on lets be reasonable about this.
also we encourage ingame discussion even if a big percentage of people including me didnt play the game
oh, really? were sorry.
were gonna try to contain this within 1 thread
What's yiur favorite thing about Kanna Yea Forums? For me it's her personality that orobably makes her immune to the depression and mental anguish we get. And even if she does get sad she'll still keep her smile.
kanna thread not a blaster master thread, they're two separate things and should be separated
If there's any drawfags on this thread, we need one of Kanna enjoying a nice refreshing drink of BRAWNDO THE THIRST MUTILATOR!
Nah we need Kanna in different clothes. Her catsuit is fine and all but imagine her wearing a nurses outfit, pharmacist doctors coat or a gardener girl outfit.
she ticks all my boxes
>big melons
>big ass
>cute face
Next time use the catalog okay buddy ?
Do you think she know's how devastatingly effective her Melon's are?
im 110% sure this thread was made first, even checked the catalog before starting discussing
Well the fact she cannot generate body heat but likes others body heat so she cuddles at every opportunity is great combined with her melons, cuteness and warm personality. Even if outside everybody see me as a very tough guy(I can handle my shit), actually I love wholesome stuff like cuddling being headpatted and caressed, also I like handholding.
According to the timestamps at least, that appears to not be correct
Her Smile alone can Cure me from my depression and her glorious body is just a delight for my eyes and my dick to see
Well that Eve and other literally who thread will eventually die while Kanna's thread lives and even reaches post limit like always.
She's honestly the perfect women.
she for all intensive purposes would probably cure me of my depression.
>Plantgirl gets popular
>It's just a green woman with a pot for a head and fat tits
I guess I'll take what I can get
I agree. Dating Kanna would be the greatest confidence booster. Becoming an alpha chad in about a week by being with her.
Don't forget her root tail
We don't really know what Kanna looks like underneath her suit apart from the Melon's. Her personality too is also why everyone loves her.
Theres also the fact that We dont know if she has feet or stumps.
I like to think she has feet, because she has hands right?
I'd like to as well but until DLC drops we wont know for sure.
>that image
God damn I'd give anything to fuck this girl all night like the pastebin until her and I are bedwridden while my dick is red and raw and she's covered in love bruises.
I feel like plants would be uncomfortable to fuck.
desu just being able to see her in person would make my day, she's just that awesome
does something about THIS body looks unconfortable to fuck to you?
Anyone got links to all the writefag shit that's been made so far?
What's that suppose to mean?
Indeed. I don't care about alpha or beta etc. All what I need it to cuddle with Kanna and have a great time together.
I just want her to hug me and caress me, it will make my life better and actually have other reason to live than just plaing vidya.
What is this, a Kanna for ants?
No no, she looks hot as fuck and I thought her picture from the actual game was fanart until I looked it up. I'm just saying plants have different flesh and all. Wouldn't it be like jerking off with a leaf around your dick?
All you have to do to get Yea Forums hooked on your game is to pander to them with a waifu.
Her net bra makes indents my dude, I don't think her body would be rigid like a leaf at all, quite the opposite.
Tactic as old as time works man titties sell. did you really think Titanic sold because men wanted to go watch a sappy love story? No men both young and old went to see it for some boobies.
she would genuinely make life worth living, her tenderly and lovely actituted would push me towards improving myself in any way possible to improve her time with me in any way i possibly can, if she can somehow take my seed and reproduce, then i would make a family with her in a heartbeat and be at her side until death takes us apart, shame its just too perfect to be true but hey at least dreams are a thing
Beautiful work user.
It's not my work but i agree it's good.
Haha imagine someone drew Kanna going to a holloween party dressed up like a vampire like Vampire sunflower haha I bet that'd look so silly.
to some extend yes, there's a generic anime girl in the game aswell but she ain't as popular as Kanna because she's not special, Kanna on the other hand is one of a kind, unique and very much worth us drolling over her, i say if they managed to make such a good girl then they deserve the extra attention they get
Yeah haha, and her user bf is wearing a Witch Hunter costume. I bet they'd do such silly rp things together in the afterparty.
imagine if someone made street fighter style sprites of Kanna and add it to MUGEN
That would take a ton of effort especially since we dont know exactly how kanna handles herself outside her tank yet.
Wellit would definitely be tight
What if, in her DLC she dies
Absolutely Wholesome and Cute
we must lead a crusade to inticreates hq
Impossible because there'd be a legion of anona to make sure that would never happen.
Is this actual official art of the character or am I being duped by fan art?
IP is official, the rest is sweet, sweet fanart.
Well hot diggity dog, this whole time I thought Yea Forums was exaggerating. I thought developers were big pussies these days too. Color me pleasantly surprised.
just look at the in-game art. she is literally perfect
She's so perfect, and none of us can have her.
not even jason
True, Jason is stuck with the obsessive psycho who looks incredibly generic instead of the pure plant alien girl.
No one cares what you think frogboy.
this is what it taste like
Melon milkies
Either like this or Bubble melon milk tea.
Melon milkers.
Hands up~
Nah Kanna's juice should taste like Tripicana tropical punch. Shit is like liquid crack.
Whatever it tastes like, it must be Heaven.
Right, something that just stops you from letting go once you latch on.
Id like to blast those titties.
is there more like this? Asking for a friend
>Planetoid C-2 is pain in the ass, but eventually beat it
>Yea Forums says there's nothing this bad later on
>get to the part where you have to push blocks and climb that goddamn "Snake Eater"-tier ladder with Eve
>it is easily 50 times worse
Never mind, I'm retarded and I forgot that time-slow was a thing for this segment. Just beat the game, too.
I'd suck on them forever
You can skip the block section too
I don't get it.
Since when did Yea Forums start liking potheads?
mega milkers are universal
Kanna is cute!
since the last nindie direct
imagine the smell
i really like how this one slips under the radar
smells like watermelon
What do you mean? I see nothing wrong with that Kanna picture.
Watermelon's don't have smells though.
I wanna cuddle with Kanna really bad
That's bizzare. Oranges have a smell but Watermelon? I've never heard of that before.
So after enjoying DMFD I just bought everything else from these guys I could, so blaster master 1 and 2, and the gunvolt collection. Where should I start.
Kanna is perfection
It actually goes over that in the article. Watermelon smell is just harder to recreate artificially.
waifuposting is all good and dandy but in wich was do you want kanna campain to be diferent to the MC?
Hilarious platforming antics since her MA is the most agile by far.
I'm honestly surprised she has as much fanart as she does, Blaster Master is pretty niche.
That's a squeaky hammer r-right?
It's because of the Nindies Showcase I'm sure
Of course, only a harmless prank. If anyone actually tried to hurt Kanna they'd be violently murdered by her gf with a 9 iron Driver Nephi style.
>the state of this thread.
come on guys atleast talk about the game somewhat. even hypotheticals.
new stuff btw.
there is already a thread for that
Did I say gf? I meant bf. Silly me Kanna is 100% straight and not a degenerate.
Except she is actually from a game.
what the fuck is master blaster
sounds like a bomberman expansion
Doesnt matter, what we say goes! And we say, death to your threads!
“a deal’s a deal user”
sounds like it but its a game about a dude named jason and his android waifu and they drive around in a tank killing mutants on earth for the first game.
Y'know, the more I look at her official art and her spritework, the more attractive I realize she is. It's a shame that majority of drawfags get at least one aspect of her wrong - be it forgetting her root-tail, not drawing her stacked enough, forgetting the flowers, incorrect eyes, the blushing of her "cheeks", forgetting the netting she wears, her goggles, and so on.
Point is, regardless if a given faggot has ever played her game, let alone knows what game she's from, she has a clearcut appealing design that made her instantly stand out from the crowd, huge tits or not.
Are there any plot holes that need resolving?
Fair enougth and in the off the tank sections? different final boss?
Her design is a unique take on plantgirls if you type into google right now plantgirls you'll get the standard Anime plantgirls and Pokemon.
The last time Japan did a design that broke the mold on something was when Taokaka was shown off.
She'd likely have a more limited arsenal than Jason, but have unique tools of her own. Same goes for the other MA pilots.
Drolrevo Mastro will no doubt remain the last boss, but the approach to him will likely get completely overhauled for each character to be a "final test" for all their skills.
God i wish that were me
given her weaponry as shows she wields 6 Bladed petals/leaves Psychokinetically ? We dont even know if she can throw these at will or if they shoot something or if she can use them in different configurations.
She could be a melee specialist but that would probably conflict with Gonbei.
I recall seeing her holding dual handguns, so she'll likely be focused on ranged attacks.
To be fair her tank also specializes in close-range combat so I think it'd make some sense
Feral kanna when???
K-kanna put the gun down w-we can talk about this!
wtf I'm black now
>In Sony PS4 hentai games(What are rated for adults) have lewd stuff censored.
>Meanwhile in Nintendo switch E-rated game has a plant-girl in tight suit with melon sized boobs and big cleavage.
Well sry Sony fans but in this category Switch is absolutely based.
I wish Kanna was with me so I could cuddle and hug her for hours.
Source me nigga.
Boobs are for everyone.
fukken nice, reminds me of the good old fapfiction times on /mlp/
People of Japan know Boobs are good for your kids especially for young boys.
The only one that needs fixing is "Grumpy Gus", because he doesn't use a whip. Have him shoot his "zap muthafucka" helmet lightning rod thing instead. Or keep the drawing and change his whip into a shield, since that's how you exploit him into making him open for a blast counter.
There is any new Kanna hug art? This stuff is a peak of Kanna's art.
I wish drawfags could draw Kanna wearing different clothes. Like a summer dress or a swimsuit or something.
Eve would be upset if she saw this...
I wanna see Kanna in a bikini
I mean, what I love about her design is the whole net thing. Images like: Just make me see a generic busty woman with a weird head.
>extra fat all over for no reason
I mean "she thicc uuuungh." Wait, no I don't.
There is any info about wholesome writefag? Is he alive?
He's wagecucking in the cage. I think that preview was the only thing he's done so far.
I like that Kanna version of this art. Mostly because they decided to make her face expression more wholesome.
Big melons
Heres an avatar for you all.
I have the other pilots too
Good job user!
>google reverse image search
>find original
Get cucked
Good night Yea Forums! may you dream of melons and cuddles!
Wish Kanna had more feet pics.
How about DLC where you play as custom character (with posibility of self insert) and when you go to strangia you have option to date kanna and perform wholesome love making with her?
Well, maybe will be there but i dont think about it much. her melons are the main dish.
this feet dont bother me unless they're the main attraction.
I mean it was never very hard to find anyways,