What would you do, Yea Forums?

What would you do, Yea Forums?

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I’d stop playing cringey RPGMaker dogshit for incels.

Ask where I can find Succubus Witch.


Never mind because that’s like selling your life away for a thing of little value. Now what happens?

>have Chrome in party
>talk to the succubus idol
>this happens
It's the little things

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>tfw mgq paradox has more content than AAA rpgs

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>Not Paradox difficulty

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I'm not autistic. Very Hard is the most optimal difficulty setting without you dying in one-shots from enemies.
Hell and Paradox are for spergs.

reddit needs to leave this land

gimme an english download link with latest update or else

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I spent a similar amount of time playing paradox part 1.
It's a fucking shame the translation for part 2 still isn't done and it will be YEARS before the third game is fully translated, if that even happens as it's rumoured to have more content than parts 1 and 2 combined.
I just don't care anymore, too much time has passed since I played paradox.

No regrets is the correct answer.

Thats a succubus, right?

I ask for her hand in marriage.

I'd do a 360 and walk away

No, only my wife Chrome can use my body

Just head to their general or something I assume they have pastebins for that.

>marrying a succubus
That’s like marrying a gold digger

I regret nothing.

That’s only because you haven’t thought about it yet

Even if she eats you with her tail?

Angels > monsters

I've thought about marrying a succubus many times.

Like, how Cell does?

>Replying to the tripfag with a cuck fetish
Succubi wouldn't even take him

I see you are a fellow man of refined taste.

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Post your party

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Paradox mode isn't too hard aside from the retarded start. Just have a big numbers team, and a vore team for when you have no idea what to do against random encounters

Exactly like Cell.

I think the most common strategy for Slime Mountain on Paradox is to just start the game on Very Hard/Hell and turn it up to Paradox as soon as you leave it. Fuck Slime Mountain on Paradox, it makes Gacha games RNG look good.

No sex first?

Honestly Alma was the most evil knight and she needed a good ass kicking or 3. Erubetie was just vengeful towards humans who were killing her people, Tamamo wanted to be a goofy loli granny even if her unsealed form is pretty brutal and Granberry was just a proud and noble warrior. Meanwhile Alma is a remorseless killer for her own pleasure, something succs in MGQ don’t have to be.

If you are lucky then she'll gobble you up while fucking you.

That would be acceptable.

Preferable really. She'll rock your world before making you her meal.

I want to play Paradox but I don't want to get myself into it only to find that it'll be another several years before the translation finishes.

This is my party at end of part 1, haven't touched Part 2 yet because I'm waiting for end of translation of it.

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You'll easily get more than 50 hours of gameplay before you reach the untranslated stuff.

Kitsune Loli>Dragon Pup with Tiny Bandits as side girls>Half-succ Princess>Granberia>POWER GAP>Alice>Everything else


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Apparently more yuri sex.

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please follow this advice

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>Picking Alice again
Having a fresh partner and seeing all of her interactions as well as how she ever-so-slowly grows out of her "kill all monsters" mindset is far better then Alice 2: Electric Boogaloo.

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have sex

That’s half the fun of Paradox. This Illias still has a lot of the flaws normal Illias did but she’s not on a power trip and is being positively influenced by Luka. Remember that Illias is really just a lonely girl when she drops all the bullshit.
I’m curious how Paradox 3 will go, the routes are diverging now and I can’t tell if Paradox Illias is going to be redeemed or fall back into her old ways.

Kitsu is as strong as she is retarded. Vivi is shit and needs fixing because I like her

Alma Elma is just there to cheese fights

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>he doesn't use the most op healer in the game

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Go to the /vg/ MGQ thread and download the latest version off of the mega link for general monster girl games, that's the most recent one

I deleted the game but kept my save folder just in case I ever decided I want to grind forever again, I maxed all possible races+classes on my entire main team and cleared the super dungeon up to the top floor/got an entire set for each member of every super item, 170 hours of playtime

Illias is the best.

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Illias is legit a more entertaining character than Alice. Even when you don't pick her.

>Going with Alice

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pick nevermind

sluts are revolting

>that centaur girl
>all the kitsunes
I was working on Alice and a few others when I was last playing, which was a long time ago. I did import the save file into Part 2 back when it released - Pope Ranchera was absolutely broken with the change in how certain skills worked - and I killed a few superbosses, but kind of got bored and didn't even finish given that it wasn't even translated. Last time I looked at the /vg/ thread there wasn't really a way to translate the game, although apparently there is a more coherent method now. I'll probably give it a try one of these times mainly to pick up the new kitsunes and have them in the party as well.