FOW Interactive, better known as Studio FOW thanks to its adult animations...

>FOW Interactive, better known as Studio FOW thanks to its adult animations, came on Kickstarter with a hybrid of shmup and tactical role-playing game called Subverse.

>Players will have to make a sex revolution in a puritan-driven galaxy. In between gameplay Subverse offers cut scenes and dialogues like in erotic visual novels, but with fully animated models of space waifus. There are six of them (illegal sexbot, runaway doctor, pirate leader, runaway hacker, cat thief, octopus bounty hunter), each can become a co-pilot during shmup segments and bestow unique abilities with weapons. In tactical gameplay passages, you need to protect your ship with the help of artificially grown monsters.

Sexy xcom with a shmup minigame is all I ever wanted.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>one IP
Hey, FOW here, thanks for shilling our game on Yea Forums!
I might try it if it ever comes out but I'm no fan of the stuff FOW usually does.

>if it ever comes out
Kickstarter has reached the goal allready so it is comming out.

>SFM porn studio making an actual game
>might actually be good
what an odd timeline this is.

First crowdfunded game you had an interest in?

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Well, the Venn diagram of "Xcom fan" and "SFM hardcore pornography enthusiast" is probably pretty close to a circle so I imagine it'll do quite well

Who knows how long this will take, especially Western porn games are notorious for taking really long.

>hentai games are allowed on Steam
It definitely is a weird timeline.


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based and naive pilled

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I dont really care about crowdfunding which is why I didnt link their kickstarter.
But shit man. X-COM with sluts? That's very interesting to me. and my penis

I like shmups and trpgs and cute girls but I'm not familiar with these guys and kickstarter is a red flag. Could someone post some of their notable prior work for reference?

You are asking for me to get banned for posting non christian content on a blue board?

>the only character design that appeals to me is this one
>actually like it a lot
do i follow my dick Yea Forums

As a Robofucker the design ain't bad but her face is pretty eh. I don't think the stylized metal hair works with a more realistic face.

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Have sex

I just did. Now let me talk about video games.

Eh, I'd still her.

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"Blame" SJWs and their "sex = bad" attitude towards video games. All that did was getting rid of everything in the middle, like skimpy outfits and fanservice in general. Now porn is going to fill the void.

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Looks like it won’t be a good game, so I have no interest in getting it, but I will give the team props for the art direction. The boobs seem a little too floppy though

They have already reached the lew scene goal. so better save money untill it comes out.
and that is summer 2019 on their steam page

I mean yeah same but I still think she'd look better with more realistic hair. Also she needs bunny ears and tail if she's going to be wearing almost everything else.

if you squint you can still see her pussy

Her anal output is equipped with 27 difrent suction settings. If that does not sell you a sex robot I dont know what would.

have sex

Yeah, I'm not blaming you for having an interest in the game. Just trying to tell you that just because a game has been fully crowdfunded is no guarantee it will actually release.

>Have sex
Where do you think we are.

>cuckshit shilling on Yea Forums

>raise monsters to fuck your girls

SONY dont care.
eh whatever. it's not like I am one of pic related. I would not be too disapointed the project went tits up.

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>it is comming out.

in 2025

>people still falling for kikestarter scames
>from StudioFOW of all places

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>studio fow
lmao trash

What madmen. Some of their stuff is really good tho'.

27 different suction settings


>Letting the game be filled with shitty monster gangbang NTR
Fucking thanks you absolute hacks


>Porn games
>EVER good

>20 backers

Could be fun. I hope they involve fucking monsters and dogs like in their animations.

20 people with 750 dollaridoos on hand.

So retards.


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Will probably be vanilla as fuck considering its on steam

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Well, I'm out then.

What's even the point of a Waifu then? If you have female crew mates sure, or if they're polygamous, yeah. But to have your "waifus" whoring around when you're not fucking them is just cuck shit.

What a fucking weiner.

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all this effort for it to just be a scam?

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FOWfags are hard cuckolds. Why do you think they keep paying for their garbage?

god i hope he's being ironic

Please kill yourself for having

still annoyed about all the girls have the same body, they seriously need to change that, that red pirate NEEDS to be come a moderate-muscular girl with medium sized tits.

user? are you okay?

Never! You can't make me!

>skub zone
Disgusting filth. I'm refunding my pledge immediately.

Is that a fucking SKUB ZONE?

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>"it's not cuckshit I swear"

looks like the actual cucks recognize when they are welcome by a game


Oh shit he pissed off Candlej

having sex is overrated, love making is where is at.

yall anti skub ppl are some sad sacks of shit.

Please ignore my previous statement, Studio FOW surely can do nothing wrong and the fetishes featured in their movies are absolutely perfect and nothing wrong about them!

Not even sure why those people post that shit

The REAL reason devs add "NTR" scenes, or scenes where the MC is not present, is so they can reuse the same scene whether you're playing a Male or Female main character.

Reverse femdom with Lily. Alternatively, FFM with any of the girls.

>Skub Zone
What the fuck? I can't believe I was actually excited for this shit

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Based StuioFOW, blessing user with the gift of lights

We can't see the top of that from the picture, it might be saying "NO Skub zone"

What effort? It's a static 2D background. You're not actually going to freely walk around in there.

You men are pathetic. Even with tinder literally a download away you still stick to shit like this like a baby boy.

>Devs refuse to say if cuckshit will be completely optional or not

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If you guys notice, part of the sign is cut-off so it's most likely 3 lines, therefore the sign actually says "ANTI-SKUB ZONE"

xstoryplayer update never ever

>Kickstarter has reached the goal allready so it is comming out.

How old are you?

Don't lie, user.

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rent free

I doubt it. Fucking game devs have been shoving Skub in their games recently for brownie points, and kowtowing to Skubfags. do you really think these guys have the balls to take an Anti-Skub stance?

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>muh cuckshit
Stop self-inserting you morons.

>Fortune's back on the menu boys!

Sooo...What are the chances, we get at least one bestiality scene in this game ?

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>>Devs refuse to say if cuckshit will be completely optional or not
What the fuck did you expect from FOW? Their """"director""" is a complete fucking faggot when it comes to porn.

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>Players will have to make a sex revolution in a puritan-driven galaxy.
So it's set in America?

>anti-skub drones are in this thread RIGHT NOW
you "people" need to be gassed

>implying I'm complaining

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Add another reddit forced meme to the filter

I want to impregnate that robot

You'll get it after you kill yourself.

Why would anyone support a... sex game? Any gamer should understand that this is wrong and immoral.

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Recommend me some good porn games

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I hope its fun. But the superior version of porn games are always ones you can choose to be how lewd you you are.

IIRC, they said, all the sex scenes are hidden in a tech-tree and you can avoid cuck scenes.

You should already know, every piece of pornographic media will be cursed by the creators shit fetish.

Thanks reddit.

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>wahh why won't girls have sex with me
>plays this

you're only worsening your own situation.

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Tales of Androgyny

>haha dude look I'm supporting skub on Yea Forums!! look how contrarian i'm being guys!! lol skub is so good!!!!
fuck off back to Gaia

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Am I the only one in a state of dissonance about this?

Half of me think that this looks very good, with more effort than many kickstarter pitches that came before, like the one by Tim Schafer, or Star Citizen or Wasteland, I stress again, the "pitch", like they have a clear goal, the way to achieve it but obviously need the money.

The other half of me, remembers all those years of promises they never delivered to people that were supporting them, Metroid to name one of 10 or so projects, the VR goal, the remaster goal, going ahead with new projects (like the 2B one) when ones announced months/years before did not even get a trailer, their last video came exactly 1 year after the month it had been announced months before it would come out.

But in the end I would think that to blow this one too would be one step too far.

they should definitely add impregnation to the game
nothing's more sexual than a round and sexy pregnant belly on a beautiful woman

This is from Mirror, right? Is it a good game?

Porn games are inherently a bad thing. There are games that are good despite being filled with smut (Sengoku Rance and Night of Revenge, for instance), but the marriage of sex and video games will never be okay.

The one disappointing thing about this game is the fucking robot's voice. It's so awful. She looks like she's really cutesy, right? Go listen to her voice reel. It's either a landwhale or an actual man. Her voice is so deep it's ridiculous and she sounds like she has her mouth pried open as she's speaking. It's just so terrible.

I think I might actually replace her voice with a female synthesizer if it's at all possible. Makes sense for the character. Otherwise I'm just turning her voice off, I'd rather imagine a good one than hear an awful one.
Fuck it annoys me because she's so cute but sounds so TERRIBLE

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Wow I bet she does this after she takes 999 dicks in front of you, thanks BASED FOW!

Just buy it if it ever comes out and let the retards gamble

Sims 3 and 4.

>unironically using a phone for internet and as a multimedia device at all

That's why you let your harem lez out with each other when you aren't around

No one in the thread is complaining about women not having sex with them. go to twitter and scream about incels some more you absolute sack of shit.

If is good I would like to support it, though I hope it comes on something other than Steam because I don't feel like showing my support like that.

It's an okay bejeweled clone with some cute girls. I'd say its worth the $1 when it's on sale.

imagine Studio FOW made DOA 7

>caring about 3D

Fuck off.

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I don't want some thots STDs

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what the fuck is skub

Newfag detected

> 20 slots for backers
> that means 20 scenes
> the rules state choice of waifu following that fetish
Yeah i can't see how this would backfire horribly.

Everyone chooses the same waifus for their shit leaving the others in the dark... or everyone says the same or similar fetishes with the same waifu which means fewer unique scenes are actually done since one of them already qualifies. "work with" the director and animator? "Give us your notes and we'll do our best" meanwhile on release day the whale is shitting himself in anger that the robot is being choked with the right hand instead of the left hand... Or someone's gore fetish trolling wasn't indulged the way they'd hoped with a permanent death or disfigurement of a waifu in an attempt to derail the project

> 1000 USD
Uh huh, time will tell if those idiots got their money's worth.

Real life.

Nope, that's a trap. They are abusing your morals to get you to gamble on a game that may or may not come out. Even if it WILL be the best game ever they don't deserve your money right now.


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>Everyone chooses the same waifus for their shit leaving the others in the dark...
sounds fine, they paid for it
>or everyone says the same or similar fetishes with the same waifu which means fewer unique scenes are actually done since one of them already qualifies.
then they tell them "how lucky, that's already in, you get to pick another one"
>"work with" the director and animator? "Give us your notes and we'll do our best" meanwhile on release day the whale is shitting himself in anger that the robot is being choked with the right hand instead of the left hand...
then they're an entitled baby and everyone will laugh at them. They have no right to their money back, it's a donation.
>Or someone's gore fetish trolling wasn't indulged the way they'd hoped with a permanent death or disfigurement of a waifu in an attempt to derail the project
They'll just say no, lol

in 2019 you should not even give a shit about that honestly.

Imagine actually caring about the modern 3D woman. Embarrassing.

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How about a GOOD porn mod, Todd. You fucking hack.

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Can I play as a girl (futa) though? I'm not interested otherwise

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When i made the thread I Hoped to spark a conversation about xcom with sluts.
thus far it has derailed into
>kickstarted distrust posting
>FOW complaints
>some phone poster telling everyone to have sex with real women
>cuck hate
>FUCKING ''skub vs anti skub'' in 2019
I allready love this game allready and will buy it even if it comes out in 2035 eve just because it makes Yea Forums fume.

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No, this is a game for heterosexuals

>wanting to play as a girl (futa) instead of just a girl whoring herself out to ayylmaos
Gay as fuck.

>to get you to gamble on a game that may or may not come out
and if it does come out then you're still on multiple layers of gambling concerning: 1. gameplay 2. porn 3. audio (lol stock meat-slaps) 4. music 5. stability 6. won't get pulled from steam 7. won't get sniped by exclusive chink store 8. the waifu you liked the art of isn't a bitch you end up hate-fucking the guts out of 9. the list goes fucking on

you mean a man with gyno

why should i put my grain of sand into Arrakis?

I'm not gonna buy your shitty porn game, Dark.

they're using HOTS UI, Blizzard can literally sue them

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>implying cuck hate is a bad thing

Based mommy poster.

Futa is technically straigher than straight porn though If anyone has that copypasta laying around
Fuck, if it even has just a plain girl option. I just said futa so they can still use scenes of girls getting fucked by a dick
Shemale, tranny, etc.

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I'd probably buy it on sale, but $200 worth of kickstarter exclusive pre-order DLC before it hits early access this summer is a huge red flag.

> assuming the developers are benevolent
> ever
it could be true but it could also be false. be careful if you want to take that risk, you should know how this "donate to fund our game!" shit should go by now.

> they'll just say no, lol
someone who lays down 1000 USD for a project that has a chance to not get made is probably a long-time supporter and is writing their meal ticket, they will almost certainly compromise on the subject. throw in some "it's not actually real, just a simulator/holodeck"

Tobi Hime aka Inter Breed. It's Angry Birds meets Monster Girls with SRPG elements. Very fun.

Well hating cucks is not healthy to oneself and cucks hate themselves for continuing their cuck life style which in itself is not healthy
Cuck hate is a bad thing for everyone.
Cucks should peacefully sunset themselves.

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At what stretch goal do they hire good animators?

Needs a female protagonist and hot studs (preferably alien)

>people still fund kickstarters
People really learn nothing from history. There's been countless "games" that never happened. They can just pocket the money and run away. Idiots.

They should prioritize hiring VAs that match the girls first

noone gives a shit not on this board not on the other. Đ–D

I wish the wacky subversive porn games were actually good and interesting. This looks like Mass Effect Source Filmmaker porn, but with an even less interesting set of characters to sleep with. A waifufest carefully calculated to be as boring and nonthreatening as possible, appealing to gamers that feel burdened with the shame they feel about jacking off to a cartoon woman once. A modern day Huniepop. Sad stuff.

>but $200 worth of kickstarter exclusive pre-order DLC before it hits early access this summer is a huge red flag.
because everyone knows that the only thing people will do is watch the cutscenes for free on the interbutts

Name a single game from an established group that didn't deliver. The ones that run to Mexico with the cash are no-names with 50k RPG maker games. The worst you can say is that there are some that had bad games (Double Fine, Mighty No 9, etc)

>futa option available
Hell yeah motherfucker

You will never be a woman, tranny.

You got a source on that? Or did I miss it in the video somewhere

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what does this mean?
can you BE the futa?


Have sex you disgusting man pigs

neck yourself subhuman ape

that trailer was great

I love it


>Building your whole marketing on old memes
The trailer is so cringe inducing I can't even watch it to the end.


I enjoy not having herpes k thx


Dang. Porn games are the one type of game I don't like a lot of gameplay.

Will there be cunny in this game?
If there isn't then i'm not interested.

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>didn't even finish saying his name
Newfags everyone.

no, pedophiles should be hanged, so leave


3D cunny is OFFLIMITS

yea, but in the jail cell faggot

Kamidori and Rance are great though.

>Premise is "what if Mass Effect but with actual sex"
>Large emphasis on gameplay as well as the porn
Honestly, if they manage to nail the XCOM shit and the schmup sections this might be a steam best seller.

Can't wait for the response desu

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>Haremshitters already seething

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love the top

This is set in the future where a (non-lethal) cure for pedophilia has been found.

Whose name?

Ok, Rance is the one exception. But that's just because it's really, really good.

>if they manage to nail the XCOM shit
uhhh user I think you're confused this isn't a turn based strategy game

Thanks anons

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This is the closest we'll get to XCOM XPiratez on a big budget, so I might as well pledge.


You are just as bad as the so called "white skubpremicists" you are "fighting" so hard to combat.

You're just the other side of the coin and nobody wants you at any rally anywhere you cucks

So, legal lolis are a thing?

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Never coming out. Studio FOW is a joke.

Go to /aco/'s 3D animation and you'll regularly see them gettig shit on for almost never or being late on release SFM stuff. Also, they make shit 3D porn.

Hell, I'll put down money that Summer Saga and Cloud Meadows will come out before this. Enjoy being scammed or edged out of your money.

>Players will have to make a sex revolution in a puritan-driven galaxy
blue pilled and degenerate as fuck
Donald Trump would be so disappointed in you guys

t. cuckold

God damn it, I watch their stuff because I don’t want to click around for porn. I hope they keep making videos.

Considering they just started development and it's fully 3D it's kind of a given that those two projects you listed, 2D games with years of development put in, will beat it to the punch. No one's going to argue there.

The game will be completely uninteresting and forgettable except for the novelty of being a porn game with mainstream social media coverage that lends it some legitimacy, and the only people talking about post-release will be permavirgins who try to convince you that the writing's actually really good and the gameplay is actually fun guys I swear because it gave them a boner.

Gameplay sounds boring as fuck.
But eh their animations are nice so its worth a try I guess.

Harem Hotel. Build up a harem of girls over time in a hotel you own, with fun girls, good art, good animation. And the creator has pledged never to put NTR/cuck content into the game, as well, and instead is focusing on implementing marriage and pregnancies.

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>try to convince you that the writing's actually really good
kek that would be a new low

>Cringy porn plot
Might as well skip the story entirely

>No loli co-pilot
>Still no Sarah/Clem/Sunny/Little Sister/Rachel/Bharda/Bhadra/Natalia/Emily vids

what the hell?
WHAT THE HELL? is this a shmup renaissance?

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It will be a shitty rush job of a shmup

>tfw hypest games of the year to me are a porn game and Memelands 3
When did vidya went down the shitter so fast?

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But I don't want a harem. I want cute monogamous waifu to fuck

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Will the animations be in real time or prerendered shit

>If you fight skubpremacists you're just as bad as them!!!
You're a fuckin idiot dude lmao

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It's going to be Star Citizen like those other games. Always saying "we're working on it" but forever in development hell while asking for mre money.

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When you got taste this shit.

fuck of you SJW fucktard. Go back to your containment website

Probably, but we won't know until they do it.

Can I flush that freckle faced girl into space while I rail the sexy doctor?

Haha, no. Usually it's faggot degenerates who are willing to spend HUNDREDS of dollars just to commission scenes of a girl getting fucked by beasts.
This is why animopron makes $25,000 a month.

>the creator has pledged never to put NTR/cuck content into the game,

What is it with Western rule 34 and cuckshit
I seriously don't get it.

>Marie with water baloon tits
B or C cup would be acceptable

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So focus your efforts on your favorite girl and propose marriage, faggot.

Is this your first time hearing about StudioFOW? They're masters of hype only leading to disappointment.

I mean, what else is there in this year to look foward to?

DMC5 was Vergil fanwank with no substance
RE2 was somehow worse than the original game
Sekiro was just an inferior Souls games
KH3 was rushed, needs a critical mode and additional content to be on par with KH2FM
Bannerlord is a never ever.
Cyberpunk is still 1-2 years away
Vampires Bloodlines 2 is SJW garbage.

I could go on.

worked for CoC and Huniepop

Can anyone comment on Studio FOW's current work ethic? Do they deliver animations on a timely schedule/ within reasonable estimates? Or are they slow/late like most western animators/developers?

I just know from weg's that most developers are slow as shit because their usually 1-3 man teams with horrible management.

Dropped $200 on this. Why am I so dumb

Shit taste confirmed. Don't know what I was expecting from a Boderlands loving FOWfag

There's a difference between been skeptical about upcoming games and being a never satisfied megafaggot. Guess which one applies to you?

I see you didn't play any of them and regurgitate Yea Forums, cool cool. DMC5 has no substance while KH3 just needs critical, these are not opinions that came from the same individual.

>Studio FOW
Hard pass.

>the creator has pledged never to put NTR/cuck content into the game
Absolutely Based.

see This is among a number of announced projects and promises that will never be released. They were supposed to even release a VR game as one of their goals 2 years ago lamo

Shit. They use made filters so most can't see their porn or make it hard too. It wavers from good to horrible. And they're slow as shit.

Just surf around /aco's 3D porn Anim

Must rule 34 artists are fucking degenerates of the highest order, not surprising cuckshit is so popular now.

>artificially grown monsters
I was interested in this but I'm glad there was a line to remind me why I hate this studio.

Snow Daze
Four Elements Trainer

Do I get an actual game copy with the 20 quid pledge, or is it just an early access like the 10 quid one?


>they actually deleted the teaser

fucking lol

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>Cuck shit
Real shame. The girls looked good and the game seemed kinda neat

How long are the separate routes?

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Source? Playing as a futa is the one thing that would get me to pledge

>2 words
>guaranteed (You)s


I'd dial down your gameplay expectations... Quite a bit

It's gonna be some Haydee tier trash dude

thats a boy

Nevermind. I just googled it and it's shitty 3D animation

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>planets don't all have juvenile dirty names
this game is gonna be shit

>Kickstarter has reached the goal already so it is coming out.
someone PLEASE the google doc with all funded and failed kickstarter projects, I lost it

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>Mary Celeste
Well shit, she's a goner for sure.

>skub zone
My erection cannot be contained

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looks like my girlfriend, aside from the massive tits

Only 5.5k left until they reach the 200k milestone for Xeno animations

> XPiratez on the OpenXcom engine
my mutant.

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>Yea Forums suddenly supports skub now
This board has turned to shit

as an Xcomlet is it worth trying this mod is it porn?

fuck off faggot, Yea Forums always supported skub
you anti-skub mongoloids really need to leave

No arguments, just butthurt. Okay.
I mean, I don't like playing Nero or V, the women look like trash, the story is really bad and the game itself is like 10 hours long. I mean for the last one you can say "well replay it because the real meat is DMD" but it feels like a complete waste of time to me because it's still the same game with very few incentives if you don't actually like playing 2/3 of it and don't get even get anything new like the loot in the Borderlands series, for instance.

KH3 was good to me though, maybe is because I actually enjoy playing as Sora or since it's easier and I never got particularly good at DMC games so that's why they're not particularly fun to me.

>literal advertisement

What the FUCK is a skub?

>faggot election tourist trying to rewrite history
Yea Forums has and always will fucking hate skub you nigger
for goddamn 14 years ive been here and for 14 fucking years ive never seen a motherfucker support skub until 2016

Nice shit taste you mega retard.

It's ridiculous unbalanced goofy fun on one of my favourite settings in vidya.
It's kinda sexy, but it's more about teasing than straight-up porn. It's more on the implication

New gameplay

Attached: 1456377374581.webm (783x440, 1.6M)

ok fag lmao

>dislikes Nero and V but loves Sora
Yeah you got shit taste. Nothing wrong with that, but you should preface your posts with "I have shit taste, don't take me seriously" so I don't have to read so much.
Nero, even without any devil breakers or devil bringer, has twice as much depth and interesting mechanics as KH2 Sora does and that's a fact.

Attached: 1456377697722.webm (783x440, 2.74M)


Lets put it another way, is there anyone on the team who has expeeience in game development at all?

They can render a movie, great, but exe are a bit more complex than mp4

you're not fooling anyone, newfag

These animations are such dogshit goddamn. Looking like a Jimmy Neutron episode.

What was this guy's name again? Theatre 22?

Runaway City

well yeah its some shit some nip threw into MMD

this also, it's super hard and almost unfair, but it's addicting as fuck. I love how the research system works on it

Yeah, just seething. Should just told you me you're trolling from the start so I could just post smug anime girls pictures or just reaction images in general.

Attached: s-l1000.jpg (1000x793, 175K)

Literally one the upcoming strech goals is creatures you fucking disgusting pathetic faggot

Hey, that show was better than this!

Stay mad, fag.


>tfw dont like a single one of fow's videos
Their animations just arent up to par to other solo animators and I dont have retarded fetishes like 40 foot monsters fucking girls. Why cant any other groups just form a group and make easy fucking money like they do

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Pretty much my thoughts as well.

Damn porn games are starting to look better than actual games.

No, their animations are okay, it's just that they're always terribly lit, feature bad voice actresses, even worse voice actors, and the sweep the camera around too much and it's all rape and whatever.


They should just give up on the voice acting and story writing altogether, it's awful cringe anyway

I'm surprised they didn't make a snake waifu to capitalize on the years of xcom 2 memes.

Luther didn't reform the church for this

Attached: martin-luther-9389283-1-402.jpg (300x300, 12K)

Luther didn't have porn back then.

this is just the beginning
triple A porn games are coming

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How will we know the first AAA porn game when we see it?

Based Venti poster.
But yeah, the future is bright, lads.

You'll just know.

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he can at least do that, you can't

>foreplay is vital
i have heard so many histories of woman not being sexually satisfied for that.
can't imagine a man going directly into the vago without foreplay.

>Bloodlines 2

When the women in the game suddenly start sprouting nigger dicks on their forehead and they start raping people with it.

An SJW game will be the first AAA porn game and they'll pretend it's high art. Mark my fucking words.

I downloaded tinder but im still ugly and get 0 matches so fuck you

but their were a fuck ton of prostitutes

they finally found a way for women to stop aging?

An SJW h-game? So it would be like a regular h-game but instead of calling the dickgirls futa they call them trans women?
Yeah I guess Yea Forums would get butthurt about that.

Having transwomen would be fetishizing them. An SJW h-game could only have either ugly lesbians, or gay men.

I don't wanna date the kind of people you find on tinder. I'm the kinda guy that wants a long term relationship with a cute reserved girl and maybe a few kids down the line. I am not gonna hook up with some random slut that probably fucked well over 100 guys before reaching age 20.

No thanks

I got /fit/ and my life back together yet still my qt virgin waifu is still no where to be seen. I think I've been duped.

just when I thought we were finally getting a good western porn game

>cuck scenes confirmed
>your waifus are sluts when you are not around
>alien/insect bestiality confirmed

hard pass, we can't have nice things anymore.

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>Having transwomen would be fetishizing them
Not when you have the AAA budget to put a story in there that turns it into affirmative high art.
>An SJW h-game could only have either ugly lesbians, or gay men.
We're talking about AAA vidya which cannot exist without selling to the majority market of straight people, so the people would look gorgeous and hetero sex would be in. Investors don't grant budgets out of the goodness of their hearts you know. And porn games are already niche as is. So a SJW AAA porn game wouldn't have any of this weird shit you're talking about, it would just be weirdly sex positive and consent-forward and the black characters would have natural hairstyles.

>he doesn't want cuckino

>actually owning a cell phone

>early access
Come back when it's a full game


I've basically given up. I've had one experience with a cute girl in my life and that's enough. It took fucking ages and it lasted 4 months, but those were still the best 4 months of my life. I've had my fill of women in my life, it's okay. I can die happy now and until that day I kick the bucket I'm just gonna worship cute lovable 2d girls. 3d women are fucking exhausting.

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>ÂŁ175 backer exclusive DLC

They really just had to jew it up didn't they?

>Expecting western devs to make a cute character in a porn game

You'll take your cast of strong idependent sluts with deep voice and who sucked 37 cocks before yours and you'll like it.

I've seen too much ks that reached beyond their funding goals and still not deliver what they have promised.

>dude what is a fantasy in which you can have things exactly the way you want? Like, COME ON this isn't the real world whatsoever and all elements can be controlled but you should have shitty things in there just to spice things up!
Also my harem is free to fuck each other if they like, lesbo shit doesn't count.

Cucks should be summarily executed. It'll be good for the economy, plus it's a form of population control literally no one would get mad at.

>no walking just menu navigation

kinda dissapointed

Sounds like early access will be available in a few months. I wonder how fat through the game they actually are

What you are describing could not possibly exist as an "sjw" game. What you are describing would be heavily criticized by them.

Welp, I'm sure as fuck not giving them any money now.

You gotta no true scotsman me about what is and isn't SJW?

>western """""art"""""
No thanks, go shill your meme garbage somewhere else.

they were zombie prostitutes due to chlamydia

It says Xeno. This could literally mean anything thing on two legs with an alien head.
I'm more specific than that, user.

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source me up senpai

>What was this guy's name again? Theatre 22?

Attached: 1537370032015.png (602x556, 512K)
Remember me when i'm on vacation, user.

Seconded if you take it for what it is its enjoyable

This game,at best, won't be done until 2023

kino trailer

thanks bb

Try 1room.

Attached: welcome home face.png (1280x720, 880K)

The literal picture is of a turtle monster

>unfinished translation
I'll make a note to check up on it later though!

I mean the devs already stated the girls are going to be having sex with other aliens while you watch so does that count?

>Make a Futa character
>Just want to see a fat ass while shes fucking another fat ass
>Get called gay
>Make a Fat Guy with a bigass
>I still wanna see a fat ass when hes fucking a fat ass
>No one bats an eye
YOU'RE THE REAL FAGS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1552512019772.png (1280x720, 694K)

They are promising June 2019 or in the summer. They say they have all the modules ready to play. If they can release some gameplay like they said I would be inclined to trust them

Cool, instant priate.

>hentai kamen reference

Exclusive DLC for high tiers is why I probably won't touch it, I have no interest in buying an incomplete game.


>make a degenerate pairing
>get called out for it
>make a normal pairing
>no one cares
stop trying to justify being gay and COPE

How untranslated is it?

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>Make a Fat Guy
Wait is this possible? I always wanted to play as a fat guy in a porn game but they usually only let you play as a muscular dude or a twink that looks like he's 12.

I was pretty interested in the game until I dug a little deeper and found out they're making a harem game but all your waifus, except the robot, fuck other people/aliens/creatures. Not interested in NTR lite or cuck shit. And given FOWs other works the game is going to end up like a 3d version of Trials in Tainted Space.

Attached: rRkpKcM.gif (245x185, 539K)

It's the way things are sir, it's always been this way with ugly fat bastards.

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>big budget porn games ever doing anything but hetero
good luck with that happening, 100% a death knell

>For now this translation covers all the prologue,UI elements,Ero-scenes (partially) and some dialogue during the Interaction phase.
For a game that seems reliant on its writing I think I'd rather wait than jerk off like an ooga booga caveman.

>futanari on female
>focus on impregnation
>fully voiced in English (not the worst acting)
>Art pretty good
>died a week after I discovered it

what a shame....

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Exception is furry shit. For reasons beyond me furries have fuckloads of cash to throw at projects.

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>fully voiced
Good riddance

>Subverse has monster on girl content
>no female player character
Devs please. Don't waste 50k britbucks on playing room dress-up or cinematics. Spend the money on actual fucking content.

Doctor is cute but I don't like her voice that much.

Well fuck. Know any other monogamous VNs that focus on story instead of "ooga booga fuck all the fish girls" that aren't dreadful?

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>tfw so thirsty for a space opera I might give this a shot

The gameplay is a bunch of gifs and it already looks like shit. How cucked do you have to be to kickstart a dev with no history in video games and no playable demo?

Outer Worlds

Cautiously looking forward user, cautiously looking forward.

Somebody tell them they can't design characters for shit

She's waiting for you user

Attached: Teaching Feeling.jpg (600x600, 83K)

Advertise your game elsewhere you fucking cuck.

the one we make together my place or yours?

dear god this art is fugly

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good, futafags deserve to fucking die off for barging in and ruining porn for the rest of us so fucking often

Into the trash it goes, still sad though, it could have been actually good

This, wtf is wrong with ypu people, its a girl with a fucking dick, what kind of mental illness allows someone to enjoy that shit

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I've already finished TF, fug. Is there really not many games where I can fuck a qt after hours of dialogue and healing?

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every time I see this fucker I just think of that guy and his toothbrush fingers

Western shit has to adhere to women's lib at all times.

Have you played baby's first VN yet?

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Basically every VN I've played is 'Babby's First VN' Katawa Shoujo, Kara no Shojo, Kana Imouto, Saya no Uta, etc.

No idea what the one in your pic is though

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cuck stuff seems optional but the fact it's taking up resources makes me not want the game in the first place

Yume Miru Kusuri, the original baby's first VN. It's good.

Have you seen the degeneracy of the people that donate to/commission this crap, I don't doubt that those freaks are why they add the cuck/alien shit in the first place

>Yume Miru Kusuri
Oh, I've heard of that. It's the one with drugs, right? Never actually played it. I'll go "buy" it now.

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those are kickstarters, they plan on selling the game

The game seems cool, I'd even pay for it, but...

It's gonna be cuck/NTR shit isn't it?

Gonna play the devil's advocate gere and admit I wholely see the logic in that. Like I liked it a lot when in Mass Effect 3 if you didn't romance either Tali or Garrus they end up together. Likewise one of the reasons I prefer Artificial Academy 2 over Koikatsu is because in AA2 the whole school is interacting with each other and doing shit whereas in Koikatsu everyone is just waiting for you to interact with them.

It can be cool if it's malleable. Like you can appease the waifu crowd by having romantic quests and keep monogamous relationship with the girls or decide to encourange and go on full on degeneracy, and have this affect the sexual revolution your main character stages. You can even keep it like a paragon-renegade slider and have your approach to sex alter it.

Fuck off cuck

That would be the ideal, to allow you to play as a vanillafag if you so wish. Still, something tells me that going full-degeneracy is an inevitability

You're mistaken.

They are mislabeling the females as 'waifus' when they're just cocksleeves for whatever else is in the scene. You, that thing, other females (preferred).

It's not NTR if the point is that you fuck whomever, whenever. Even if your sexbot already came with 100K Miles on it

don't associate vergil with futafaggotshit, thanks

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>trials in tainted space in 3D will come out before Fen finishes his game

I'll use whatever reaction I want

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They said they are aware they don't know how to make a game so they hired some people for it.

>being puritan bad
Fuck you and your western sex driven society. FUCK OFF AND LIVE YOUR LIFE BEING SLAVES TO PLEASURE.

It's Mass Effect meets Xcom meets shmup meets Hgame

I'm so fine with that

>promises to be released on summer 2019
>it's actually the early access not the actual game on steam
get fucked faggots

>says the turbo whore eating Valtrex like candy
Haha.. you sure showed us Great Unclean One.

I'm not supporting this until there's a DRM free version, I don't want people knowing I'm playing this on steam.

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But at the same time, if your're already going down the full on degeneracy route with the game, is it that bad to just enjoy? I mean we still don't know if you can actually romance girls as we only know you can bang them and build a harem. We also don't know if we're having a protagonist who's "too based for love". If the point of the game is to get everyone to have sex with everything, just roll with it.

Like I feel this whole "cuck" thing boiling up for a few years by now has left people scared shitless of certain porn fetishes. And when porn is something that distresses you, then something must be really wrong here.

Don't fucking reply to my posts you subhuman cuckold.

Certain fetishes deserve to be shamed user.

>you're already a degenerate, just little cuckshit is no big deal
That's called a fucking slippery slope you cuck. That's like jerking off to traps then saying it's no homo every time you stroke it

Show me how the nipples are done. That's going to make or break this.

There's a fucking line between liking tomboys. thick thighs or some other shit and literally wanting to see your love interest get railed by another man/alien thing

haha fuck you

But I don't get you people, why are you saying it's cuck fetish? At no point are they refered to as love interests, they're just chicks you can bang, not your girlfriends.

Are you making emoitional attachments already and you haven't even see the game?

>not love interests
what does waifu mean?

William Dildofingers was a good friend.

>love interest
>western porn "game"
not him user, but you shouldn't get your hopes that high. go back to playing jap games, they respect your fetish for meaningful relationships

>Players will have to make a sex revolution in a puritan-driven galaxy.
Name of the game?

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They're just using slang, man. You're taking FOW, with cheeky pitch description, for their every word literally?

People don't like cuckshit user, it doesn't matter if they're your wife or just some skank you bang on the regular. Aren't you a man, user?

slang for what? whore? barnyard breeding bitch?
last I checked waifu was slang for "wife"

Why do all American pornographic productions have to be comedies?
Is it because you’re still ashamed and embarrassed by it?
How are we supposed to take you seriously if you can’t take sex seriously?

>inb4 puritan according to them means loving monogamous relationships

it's a word which lost its real meaning because of "weebs"(another example)

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I know you're memeing at this point, I really cannot see the logic in this. There is too much darkness in your heart for you to get jealous ovee a fictional character you have no attachment to.

Stick to japanese games, because with that kind of frailty you are gonna hate western porn games. And stay the fuck away from the Taimanin Asagi series.

Merchandisable girls.

Attached: milf.png (439x157, 5K)

>sexy XCOM
>Ctrl+F 'SexCOM'
>0 results
It was the lowest hanging fruit and NO ONE EVEN TOOK A NIBBLE

>Q: So, I just read the character profile and it look like Lily having sex with the Manticore is unavoidable (and I don't means clicking on the skip button either), is this true? That would suck imo since it not my cup of tea and so far she's my favorite girl. Oh well, still love her in either case and hopefully we can change it one the captain and her, so to speak, hook up.

>A: It's canon to her character that she bangs the mantics, but that doesn't mean you have to watch her do it.
Oh for fucks sake

>locker room

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I wish FOW would make just a vanilla sex video instead having a big monster with a big spiky slime cock fucking them halfway the video

>tfw went so deep down the fetish rabbithole I ended up settling back to vanilla

people use "pornfu" for slut they like, using waifu is disingenuous and will mislead people

Xeno is kind of like their thing. I feel if they didn't do that they wouldn't be StudioFOW.

It's like asking for a Taimanin Asagi game that's a vanilla high school visual novel. It'd probably be good, but it wouldn't be a Taimanin game.

The best movie short by them isn't actually from them.

"Loving" -- whether you like it or not!

Fucking lol, confirmed beta orbiter.
BV is a fucking moron with an a creepy Oblivion face

Pure vanilla is overdone. A monster trying to romance others is the new vanilla. It's like Beauty and Beast but Beast can't change back to his human form.

What's the issue here

I honestly won't even play games without fan service anymore. What's the point? I love tits. When added to games, it makes them twice as good.

>literal monster cuckshit trash
All women belong to me and only me

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You get cucked by bug things no matter what you do.

>Who else can't wait for the PS4 release?

Attached: 1530333824866.png (1148x1398, 1.57M)

>Constantly call them waifus
>btw they'll be fucking frog monsters and shti while you watch :^)

Attached: mikabonk2.gif (100x100, 24K)

Mandatory rape/cuck/NTR is common in porn game. Better get used to it now

I don't think you know what the world "cuckold" means. Unless you think that right now you're being cucked by millions of people having sex right now since you're not in on it?

>"WOW dude! this bitch is completely impossible!"

Having your love interest fuck some alien creatures is not being cuckolded and other thermonuclear hot takes at 12, stay tuned.

So will this be the first sci-fi rpg in which the sex/romance scenes are actually fappable?

Attached: Kamille aproval.jpg (1440x1080, 142K)

No, it's being made by Studio FOW.

There's a difference between someone having sex before you met them, someone cheating on you, and someone making you watch them cheat on you, and choosing to watch someone cheat on you.

Yeah but they don't do that it's just shitty monster rape.
But I mean on the other hand that's the studio's thing. It's why i'm not backing Subverse but I at least get that they have their niche and that niche is big.

It is the natural conclusion to a man's spiritual journey.

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i just wanted them to finish metroid god fucking dam it man it's been years fuck sake man

Go look up some average Samus sfm, turn the brightness down really low, load up a pornhub video for the audio, and rapidly shake your monitor around. There, that's your FOW Samus animation (sans shitty writing).

omg your fucking brilliant a gold star for you
for bonus points: What are we talking about?

There's a missed opportunity here. They could've added something like open and monogamous relationships having different effects. Like in Divinity Dragon Commander where you could let the elf bang whoever which would increase morale, but decrease love.

You make a very good point. The same thing happens with drugs.

I mean technically yeah, but Studio fow has an established audience and that audience wants to see greasy slimy monster dick sliding in a girl who has awful voice acting. They aren't gonna put romance in.

Some dumbass bull-shit since we don't have the game to know which one it is

I recall that they made a flash game with wolf vanilla content.

based, I work on my shitty rpgmaker game with that mentality.

aw too bad, you almost got those points
but I'll give you the answer
>someone cheating on you, and someone making you watch them cheat on you
but I'll hand it to you
>we don't have the game to know which one it is
is true, which is bad for PORN

I don't know what you guys are talking about or WTF is going on, but that Cia and Zelda POV blowjob animation kino. Don't care about anything else though

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even if cuckshit is optional it's going to end up being 90% of the game like cm3d.

I feel like this will end up being like Cockwork Industries. Cool shit promised but mysteriously missing in the full version.

>inb4 they put the game on a patreon or patreon-like and milk it forever

Sign me up

Attached: ryusei take pictures.jpg (1280x720, 81K)

well at least I'll be able laugh at all the cucks that wasted their money

>perfect sexbot
>double chin

They got kicked off patreon which is why they even have a kickstarter.

Part of the problem is that people who AREN'T cucklords create waifus and then don't want to share them. Anyone who would work so hard on creating a nice waifu for their video game and sell that video game (effectively selling out their waifu) is inherently a cuck to some degree.

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"degrees of cuck" is such a degenerate fucking /r9k/ism and leads to nothing but misleading scared young men out of dating anybody.

>skub zone
fucking skubfags i swear to god

Do all these porn devs even understand the whole fucking point of a harem?
Why do they always add fucking cuck shit?

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Forgot screenshot.

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strong words for a person with so little intellect

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>You will never seize absolute political power and execute people who have fetishes you don't like.
It's not fair, people with shit taste need to be punished.

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Why are you mixing game dev into this. We're talking about the experience for the player.
The player deserves a power fantasy, nothing better to give him all the girls. Fuck NPCs they deserve nothing if they don't pay

>Why are you mixing game dev into this. We're talking about the experience for the player.
The two are intrinsically linked.

Hmm so how much of this game will be "game" and how much will be jerkoff material?

This whole cuck thing is the media emasculating white men. The homosexual agenda is real. All this vegan diet shit. Making you weaker. Making you infertile. Making it easier to clean out your asshole so you can get pegged.

I mean ok there's NTR in game, nothing wrong with that but for fuck's sake stop forcing that shit into my throat. Do you want to activate NTR, yes/no? How fucking simple.

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But I don't get it, why are you so obsessed with this? Like, worst comes to worst don't romance/whatever the mad scientist.

It's like you're nitpicking hard to find NTR in a game which the point is to have yout character have sex and to watch a lot of sex scenes. You're so obsessed with finding the cuck in this that it makes me belive you actually want it in the game.

>jap pro porn game: every fetish represented, every genre from card game to grand strategy
>jap indie porn game: rpg maker female pov garbage
>western indie porn game: you fuck your mom and are also a cuck

who is this guy, a dev?

Fuck you cucks need to be exterminated.

Dysgenic attitudes must be purged by society by force.

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Optional fetishes are the future of big-budget porn products. I distinctly remember the american Starless release having the option to have scat, and that's the way to go.

>Girl has lots of sexual experience before (you)
>still despite this she still chooses (you) above all else
why is this only exiting to me

Agreed. Along with other fetishes. Like a checklist or something.

Attached: Ultimate Ant man and Wasp.jpg (620x536, 129K)

Because you're a cuck

How is it dysgenic to have weak men lose to strong men?

because it's ur fantasy bro

Go to bed /weg/

Because you're able to actually think about the female's perspective instead of forgetting she has a part in it.

playing starless but not wanting to see gross fetish shit is like playing mortal kombat and not wanting to see fatalities

face it. You love NTR but are too ashamed of yourself to admit it. Read NeuTRal Actor on nhentai. It's some good shit.

If it makes your heart beat faster, your blood rush and your hands tremble: congratulations you've gone down the deep end.

>Being considerate towards women
Get the fuck out of here faggot

Go fuck yourself.

>think about the female's perspective instead of forgetting she has a part in it.
but he didn't
he made her choose him
but that's okay because fantasy

I am not even be able to relate to the protagonist in those situations.

Incels don't know this, but this is the metagame of being good in the sheets.

Yeah, they totally missed the point.

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I have some sick fetishes that i'm very ashamed of but cuck shit isn't one of them because i'm actually capable of growing hair on my chest you S O Y slurping mega faggot.

You misunderstand. There's no lusting after a real female person involved here at any point. It's just a set of autists getting mad at another set of autists because Autist B's creative work doesn't suit Autist A's personal tastes. It doesn't have to. It's Autist B's creative work so naturally Autist B's personal tastes are going to be prevalent.

>Players will have to make a sex revolution in a puritan-driven galaxy. In between gameplay
Anyway to fight for them?

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There have been plenty of sci-fi eroge already.

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>Sexual satisfaction is more important than a stable long term function monogamous relationship.

I want the modern world to end.

Attached: Evola.jpg (216x296, 38K)

No, I don't think player choice is in anyway considered.

God forbid a relationship have both

Look at you. Scared shitless of a little porn. Pretty pathetic.

Face reality: people have experiencr in their lives. Women are individuals and just like you can dump them for being insane cunts, they can and will dump you for underperfoming in bed. This insecurity you show over the prospect of it happening, even within the realm of fiction, just reflects how you are not confident in your ability to please a woman and to compete with other men.

Yeah but they're all lazy static scene trash and thus not fappable to the warm-blooded man.

Japanese games simul-releasing with English TL is bretty gud. I dunno if it would have happened without Steam.

No, I mean, understanding the female perspective is the metagame of being good in the sheets. You know understanding that sex is a 2P game where the win condition is pleasing your partner and not just demand for your partner to do everything in her power to please you.

That's obviously ideal but society values the former over the later and thus deserves to and will inevitably perish.

Jesus Christ the projection on this lad.

It's the exact same shit as watching a woman with a strap-on fuck another woman except the strap-on can shoot cum. What about this is so incomprehensible to you people?

If you say so user. Don't worry, you'll find the one some day.

Yeah tell that to the devs

The deal with it generation is dying. Less and less people are willing to endure unhappiness or getting shit on just to avoid rocking the boat.


It's true Futa on woman is the straightest porn that there is.

Futa on Futa however is 100% gay.

Yeah dude.
Rise up and shit.

Can someone explain this meme to me?

Vanilla in western rule 34 is practically dead, it's all futas, cuckshit, monsters and gangbanging.

I just wanted to talk about not liking the ntr stuff in a game that's selling point is waifus, not tHiS SoCiEtY

>this whole thread
Wew, good thing nobody listens to you faggots anymore

I feel like 750 is actually really low for something like that.
I'd expect something like $2000 or $5000 even

Check up on the concept of catharsis, my dude and you'll understand that indulging in some NTR here and there every other week doesn't actually make you a cuck, just like how a little bit of loli doesn't make you a pedo, a little bit of interracial doesn't make you a racist or a 9 chain in Puyo Puyo once doesn't make you good at the game

Futa on futa is as straight as a man fucking a woman.

Attached: 1446097791898.png (1578x935, 96K)

So you're telling me if I go on the front page of a site I won't find a bunch of straight porn?

>I can just say rise up and delegitimize the very concept of revolution.
State your position openly instead of being a snarky passive aggressive cunt. You think that the very idea of rebellion to be "cringe" because some faggots on Facebook made a meme about rising up over trivial entertainment.

ew. Why does porn oc's always look so shitty.

Illiterate fuck

>went to college to figure out that 25% is less than 50%

dude i love degenerate furry futa shit but i will never ever get off on cuck shit. it requires such a weak frame of mind to get off on.

You say it like it should be obvious but there are constantly people who fail to grasp such a simple concept.

In other words. the moment the programmer cuts and runs the project is dead. Hey just like the other x number of high profile porn game projects! is mostly western porn user. Are you feeling okay?

That's some mental gymnastics. Next you'll say that Futanari on (Male) portrays a sexual relationship between a man and a woman

It can be that simple. Unfortunately the ERPers who go on about wanting to suck/get fucked and other forms of dick worship ruin it for the rest.

It does since it's essentially like a female pegging a dude but with a real dick

No, futa on male is shit and anyone who likes it is a fag that ruins futa for everyone with taste.