How do we fix heavy ?

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give him an energy shield

Unban weapons that get him to mid faster

give him a parry

>Unban weapons
Fucking kek in your wildest dreams.

>Timing punches to deflect rockets and pills
I never knew how badly I wanted something like this

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give him another weapon slot so he can carry both a sandvich AND the shotgun

and let the buffalo steak's minicrits be used with the shotgun, so Fat Scout doesn't stay as a meme strat and becomes actually viable. TFC had Heavy Shotguns, why can't TF2


you can cuck snipers by punching of doing voices that lift your hand to your head


I want more Tf2 in my life but I’ve moved on from the game. Valve nailed the aesthetic and game design, they just stopped caring and let the fans take over which is how we ended up with bread and bonus ducks

nothing wrong with him (on casual) if you know how to play

What's wrong with the Heavy?

>giving heavy unlimited airblast
sounds so retarded but fuck it, I want to punch kritz rockets right into pocketfags

server where

Miniguns can destroy projectiles mid-air.

>people still playing Team Autism 2

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Put him in another game

Fucking release his update

>people still seethe over Based Fortress

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>Royal Guard Heavy

Gaben yes please

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Wrong, you have about 3 minutes of play time since you are spotted by your first enemy to exploit them not expecting, after that, you're getting ganked by the whole team. The only other way he's viable is if you have a pocket medic

Turn the football helmet into a secondary weapon that blocks a few sniper shots. They'll never do it though because of the dumb hat economy.

You cant
Anything other than scout, soldier, demo and medic is basically a troll pick and just asking to get kicked

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>and let the fans take over which is how we ended up with bread and bonus ducks
Bonus ducks was 100% valve.


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Armor that occupies his primary weapon slot. Gives immunity to crits, headshots, backstabs, and knockback. Make shotgun heavies great again!

>the face of tf2, the most popular character
>still the worst character in the game after

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People sperg out about Kart Heavies but I love just riding on it and basically being a mobile sentry.


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That would be pyro after Bluemoon. Again.

What kinds of new (non reskined) weapons do you guys have in mind?

Spy is worst character. Seriously, when is the spy EVER useful in a real game?

Primary super shotgun
Dual wield shotguns
Any shotgun in the primary slot so you can run shotgun + sandvich
Soldier's banners

give heavy 2 miniguns at the same time

I go spy whenever the enemy team has an heavy-medic combo that's carrying the their team a bit too hard, or just whenever there are multiple heavies or medics in general.
yeah, maybe I could go sniper and do the same thing, but I suck at aiming

is MvM even worth doing anymore or nah?

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I usually go pomson engie for that. Too much random paranoid spy checking everything for a spy to do much.

Nothing is worth doing. Just play whatever you find fun.

Give him 600 HP

But Spy is actually fun to play

Make his minigun shoot rockets instead

Why did Valve have to murder the community servers?

It's thankless, precision recreation of the one setup that will work if your team is perfect, with a microscopic chance of getting something good if you also paid money.

I don't know why you would.

For profit? It only ever was worth it when botkiller weapons were still new and people paid 20+ keys just for gold botkillers. Aussies drop too rarely for it to be worth it. Just play boot camp for fun, PvE fits this game surprisingly well.

they did?

because they're cucks

By letting him into smash bros ultimate

Matchmaking killed the server browser.

>before casual matchmaking
>like 10+ servers all the time full of players
>now with casual matchmaking
>servers all died, only 1 2fort server from 6-9pm full
it hurts im an ausfag

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As long as Party Van still exists I'm keeping this game on my hard drive. nu-Valve can suck my nuts

Because they were fucking cancer
Also they said they were planing on focusing on Community Servers for the heavy update

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True. Just worthless in a competitive environment.

they claim they are fixing the community servers but that was like 12 months ago.

>Because they were fucking cancer

Quickplay damaged community servers, matchmaking fuckin finished most of them off. I still miss my "home" server with loads of custom maps on it. Damn update caused almost all the regulars to totally quit TF2.

A secondary that is a bucket that covers his head and lets him absorb one headshot.
If Sniper gets an item that lets him destroy his counter class with no skill what so ever then it's fair game for Heavy to have one too.

Should have to be something else because muh hats but I like the idea

>TFC had Heavy Shotguns, why can't TF2
Because the TFC Scout was borderline useless and Valve intentionally gave the only Super Shotgun in TF2 to the Scout to make him a speedy damage dealer while giving the other classes the normal shotty. Same damage, but the Scattergun has harsher damage ramp-up and falloff, rewarding a Scout for getting in close but punishing them more for staying too far back and not making use of their speed and agility.

Literally one of the most balanced weapons in the game and one of the few that has NEVER been touched in a balance patch.

IF an update comes out I think it would be pretty cool if there was some kind of machine grenade launcher that is semi automatic be given to Heavy.

Glue another heavy on his back

Do people still play MvM? I haven't played it since it first came out & I feel like trying it out again

Give him an artillary gun

Give him a maxim machine gun as a primary
No random crits, some other downside but when he crouches down the shield protects his face (breaks on headshot?)
it was used by ruskies so it fits the character too

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>Either revert the Gloves of Running Urgently to Lingering Mark of Death on-deploy or reduce the maxhp drain by 100
>Remove the melee-only restriction on the Buffalo Steak, but only make the mini crits apply to melee
>Make the Dalokohs Bar give you a Hard to Kill buff for 7 seconds that enables you to achieve negative health values without dying to help aid pushes. Basically, something similar to Bonk, except rather than negating damage, it delays its effects.
>Make better shotguns

>maxim machine gun
i think something like that is on the workshop desu

Give Heavy the razorback

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all I ever do in tf2 anymore is play modded mvm servers

What's the best community made MvM map and robot type?

>riot shield
>reduced knockback/resistance to headshots
>burst fire cannon that encourages accuracy

Any of these really

The whole "Heavy shares the banners with Soldier" idea really appeals to me.

>more varied weapons
>A nerf to sniper
>more ways to support the team

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It makes nothing but perfect sense considering Heavy is often the rallying point and always positioned in the middle of a battle (never roaming or hanging at the back).

Why is Sniper such an inconsistent class?
Within the same game, I can go from failing to hit revved up Heavies to just hitting flying Soldiers or strafe-spastic Scouts without even thinking about it.

whats the point of buffing him when 6s faggots will just ban anything that lets him get to mid anyway

depends on your tastes and how much nonsense you're willing to put up with. just search for mvm maps and look at the different gamemodes/maps

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Just buff his movespeed a little

It's you that's inconsistent, not the class.

I personally think that soldier should have his banners removed and heavy should get his banners. Soldier is the best class in the game and giving him banners only makes him even better while Heavy is one of the worst ones to pick. Giving Heavy the banners will make people play him more for pushes while Soldier shitters can't be a one man army

>Pyro's update made him even worse
>People actually want the Heavy update, even after this

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>blacklisting servers

>>Pyro's update made him even worse

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I don't have any blacklisted, look at the checkboxes