So it has come to my attention that the Vit upgrades in this game actually do nothing and they are just a placebo that tricks you into thinking you have more health by extending the bar. The same more than likely goes for posture. That is all.
What do you mean?
It literally just makes the bar look bigger. Enemies do a % of your health no matter what. You technically have the same health when you start the game as you do with all 20 prayer beads. I'm guessing the posture bar works exactly the same.
I don't think so user, everything just hits harder the more you advance.
expect for senpou temple, senpou temple was a fucking joke
>Is the bull at fountainhead easier than the burning bull from before?
Yes because 1, you can deathblow him and 2, there are no breakable shit around that fuck up your vision.
Did you even complete this game?
You do not have to believe me. I'm going to laugh my ass off when this turns out to be true. Screen cap this.
>tfw keep failing the stealth in the tutorial area and dying to the guards
literally how bros
How do I beat the spear nigger, this shit is so fucking unfair
Fuck you miyazaki
do i lure Jinzaemon to the Abandoned Dungeon? i didn't at first but now he's giving me a second chance
Is there a guide similar to this
Fuck off with your bullshit. You're in every fucking thread asking stupid fucking questions. Do you really need (yous) that much faggot? No (you) for you.
>dude this game has many endings with different bosses!!!
>the only difference is a little video at the end
Butterfly keeps fucking housing me, I know this is optional but how important is it that I do this fight? I've only beaten horsefucker as far as other bosses go
>early game
>impossible to survive grab of the headless
>late game
>you survive it with a sliver of health
OP is full of shit
Where is a good place to farm Sen?
strength upgrades are pretty useful
what if
the grab's damage
gets reduced???????
I started thinking that might be the case when I went back and some enemy at the start hit me for a shit ton.
keep going down with him, he'll spawn following your progress
Iosefka's clinic is literally the worst you can send someone
>19 vit
oneshot by NG+ ogre grab
>20 vit
still a sliver of health left
endgame burning ashina, outskirts stairway idol backstabbing until the bridge
How can I make Kuro real?
Got on the ledge at the side of stairs, stay at a position he cant hit you, spend 5 minutos stabbing his legs until the HP goes to 0
Can I get a prosthetic tier list? I think i've been making the game harder on myself for mainly using the spear (mainly for the follow up slash) and shurikan.
Sorry I should have mentioned I'm still pretty early in the game (up to the fight at the top of the castle but I've done a load of exploring elsewhere. Right now I've been grinding cash in Sunken Valley but I'm wondering if there's a better place.)
It's pretty easy to disprove this. I got up to Owl and went back to hirata to farm a bit of money and the enemies tickled me while I one shot them all
I feel like I'm making zero progress. I was going through the outskirts and I beat this general guy after like 5 hours, I got a bunch of experience and now I'm too afraid to progress because I don't want to lose it all. I haven't levelled up once yet.
>random ass tip loading screen
>guarding make your posture recover faster
bitch I spent the WHOLE GAME thinking my posture would recover faster if I stopped guarding
teleports behind u is best prosthetic
So the difference is so negligible that it is almost worthless? Thanks for proving my point.
No, i've been getting chopped up by beginner soldiers for shits n giggles while lategame, and it barely hurts.
Was the miko pregnant in the end? Did Sekiro fucked her?
God Tier:
Situational God Tier:
Everything else tier:
everything else
The difference is dying and not dying. How is that negligible?
Best by far is the firecraker, it werks on most enemies and bosses giving you free attacks or time to heal/ use power ups etc.
no reason to really worry too much about it at that point imo, just progress
lmao sure, don't collect that last few beads and see for yourself
>still a sliver of health left
So farming all of the mini-bosses in the game is worth it for a sliver of health if you get caught? You might as well resurrect instead.
spear is good for mobs, instadelete from a safe range, not so much for bosses EXCEPT guardian ape and headless ape, completely wrecks his shit in.
You could do better against bosses with firecracker/shuriken as gapcloser/situational umbrellas
I'm having problems with Snake Eyes, fuck me
Don't dodge long attacks, its unreliable as fuck.
It's better to transfer as much hits to your posture as possible, the punishment for getting it broken is as good as nothing.
Use jumps and kicks against sweeps, even helps against grab sometimes.
MIKIRI, learn to see a thrust and press B the moment the symbol ends.
Dont run around like a pussy, stay on the offensive and learn to L1 right before you get hit for sweet deflection.
Compose yourself and look at your enemy's hands.
You can do it.
Patience and confidence
Soon you will be able to sprint and zip around while backstabbing and you’ll empty out areas in seconds
how are you supposed to even damage the headless they take almost no damage, the only one I could kill was the underwater one
realize her punish windows is huge
realize everytime she aims you can sidestep and prep a stab or ichi
realize everytime she grabs you can stepdodge away and prep a stab or ichi
just don't get caught in her melee combos not deflecting
It doesn't matter how good you are.
You need to change your mindset until it clicks, lurk more.
The final boss fight makes no sense from a narrative perspective
Backstab him first by walking around him when he’s walking down the stairs as you approach him. Then just mikiri counter his ass and try not to die on his last health bar.
Thanks for the encouragement user. Is levelling up that important? Because I usually end up losing most of my exp due to repeated deaths.
What are you having trouble with? kill some mooks until level up if you don't feel safe
Any tips on this bitch? I swear, the minibosses are unironically way harder than the main bosses in this dumb game, lmao
>barely do any posture damage to her, even with deflects
>hits for a truck load
>deflects your own attacks
What the fuck dude, shit just doesn't seem fun so far. Like, every single enemy has such a tiny moveset and you get railroaded into more or less parrying their 1-2 highly punishable moves then repeating.
Not difficult, just tedious
Press L3 to crouch, stay in the grass
If you mean once you get the sword, better kill them all in a fair fight, cause if you can't kill these pushovers with a few well-timed deflects you're going to eat shit very quickly
>narrative perspective
enlighten for retards
You only lose your skill progress, not your skill points (I.e the blue portion of the bar).
spear and shuriken for gods
firecrackers for plebs
rest is useless unless you suck ass at the game
Is it possible to gather up all ingridients to all three endings and savescum right before deciding what to give to Kuro? If so, is there a very specific order of doing things without lockin some ending away?
can anyone explain how to get to Demon of Song? I'm more than halfway through my playthrough and want to battle this guy. What are the requirements?
i got you senpai
I'm at the Demon of Hatred. How do I consistently avoid damage when he does his vertical jump in phase 1-2? I try to jump back then grapple, but I randomly get hit by fire or get stunned by random debris.
Also, what's the best method to avoid the fire volley when you're too far? I usually avoid it by just running straight ahead and dodging forwards, but they'll still hit me sometimes. Much less then when I just jump forward.
Threadly reminder that Okami Warriors are cuties.
Old Isshin says at some point he would have loved to duel you
I would have to agree. That fucking owl fight. What's the point of powerups if they put you back at square one on bosses.
I ignored her the first time I went through there, came back later with a few vit/attack upgrades. A few deflects + punishing the sweep is enough once you hit hard enough.
Literally don't move at all. Just parry her whenever she comes in and kick her in the face when she sweeps.
obligatory dragon priestess post
sry demon of HATE i think his name is. my bad
Gid back later. Most people seem to not realize that the attack stat and HP/posture stat can really affect the boss’ difficulty. I got to her at late game and she’s a cakewalk.
Shocker, stand still and spam LB till you get her timings down like every other garbage boss in this game so far.
I just beat him and when he leaps into the air you need to quickly run away and get some distance and then grapple. You can't avoid the fire volley, when he's far away he goes into ranged mode, what worked best for me is bait the fire volley and quickly rush in before the next attack, just don't go in too quickly or you'll get slammed by another fire volley
Is it ever explained who she is?
Get back, stay in front of his head where the AoE is the smallest. To time it, jump as he comes down, then grapple his head, hit him a few times. Start a safe distance away then get closer once you can properly gauge the AoE. Don't get stuck in a corner, the camera will fuck you up everytime (that's always true though).
Why would you use Yotsuba? Jesus, don't you value your eyes?
Yes, basically do everything to gather the materials before killing the dragon then backup after you kill the final boss. You get to choose the end.
How do you deal with that one charge attack the demon of hate has?
You know the one.
no requirements, he's optional but not hard to find at the very end of the game
>he wants to fight a DS2 boss in Sekiro
Just decide to not betray kuro and he's in ashina ourtskirts near the end of the game.
surprise motherfucker, a headless nigget with homing skulls
>naw man, avoid him and push on
>surprise motherfucker, another Snake Eyes, now with more cronies with cannons
>sure, pupper a cannon and deal with him
Eat shit game, this is just fucking boss rush mode and I don't like it one bit.
If it's so obvious, then why were you having so much trouble? If you only spam deflect, you'll either just block or get hit.
Vit is required to prevent you from getting one shot. It should only be considered a universal one shot preventer.
This user is wrong.
At 19 vit you can get one shot by ogre grab in NG+. At 20 you can't.
That's it
Do they really expect you to keep an eye up for holes in the ceiling in order to progress the campaign? is there even another way up ashina castle?
Just jump to the left, I think jumping in any direction works because I panicked sometimes and jumped into the path of his charge but he just clipped through me
That's the safe way to do it sure, if you're actually good you can sprint and jump around her attacks and rush her down.
Spoiler that shit dumb nigga
Jump to the left, the window is pretty big.
have you not played a from game?
I don't think so, I just think enemies scale as you move forward in a small way. Without health upgrades against like Ape, you get one shot but with 2-3 necklaces you can tank like like 3 hits
anyone have that picture of that idiot saying the game is against disabled gamers?
not salty at all btw
Wait until you hit the invasion. It literally is a boss rush.
I'm not, just beat her. Literally spammed LB and then jumped on her whenever the red sign flashed. Rinse and repeated.
Holy shit these bosses suck
Where the fuck do I get more Mercury? I already got my first Lapiz Lazuli from that undead dude at the Fountainhead and have only 1 mercury in my inventory. I can't upgrade my shit.
>spoiler obvious story beats
Yes but fags here were saying the endings have different bosses and that chanced a lot.
Sure ya did bud.
I bet you didn't even notice the shinobi door either.
Ashina Castle, Ashina Outskirts Stairs
I feel like I've made no real progress in this game, especially compared to DS3 and Bloodborne, where it was pretty easy to see where I was going from there. Got to the Shinobi hunter, got my shit pushed in so decided to head down the left-hand path and up to the area with Juzou, but have just as bad luck with him. How do I git gud?
They really are. I wish they'd show them without the mask
>that area where they're dancing for the other warriors or playing kickball with each other
Shura and Purification do though
I've seen people pull the centipede out of him with the spear, but it doesn't work when I try it.
How is your point that it's a placebo effect and "literally just makes the bar look bigger" proven by the posts you quoted when you even say in this very post that they're "almost" worthless instead of worthless?
What? I'm way past that, maybe I got 1 couple but that's it. Or is it a drop from enemies there?
The difference is "negligible" on a LATE game enemy, you fucking retard. It will accordingly be different on trash mobs and mid game bosses.
Holy fuck, seriously just kill yourself you sub 70 IQ brainlet.
I only consistently use Shuriken for chip damage and keeping enemy posture from regenerating during sippies
I also used the whistle on the third stage of hatred demon for an easy win, I only got to his third phase once and it was the time I killed him
from what I'm reading on these threads fireworks seem to be a crutch if you suck at the game so maybe you'll find use in that, I dunno how good you are
make the spear go into his neck
You mean the one where he just jumps and explodes on the ground after landing? Just run away. He gives you plenty of time to do that with the windup and the travel time.
For the fire volley, he often does it after he does his perilous charge attack or after a big jump backwards at which point he'll slowly moves towards you to throw it. You just have to anticipate it at that point and be ready to run a bit backwards. If you IMMEDIATELY run towards him after dodging it though, he'll likely throw a second volley which will be harder to avoid so just wait a bit before closing the distance.
chip about 1/3 of her health away and you'll start to properly break down her posture. block as many attacks as possible and jump away from her unguardable. that's the window to attack once. watch your own posture and hold your guard up to keep your meter down. use firecrackers to create a heal window if you need it as she will punish your heals quickly. rinse and repeat. i beat her at the second attempt and i'm not even very good at the game.
That simply is not true. Lobos is doing a no upgrade run and anything Isshin does one-shots him, which obviously isn't the case if you've upgraded your Vit.
try starting a new game and beat the game without upgrading your health or damage
>durr its obvious why would I spoiler it
even if it's obvious now we have confirmation of it. if it's expected for the whole story then we can enjoy it when we get the actual payoff in-game. now you just took away that payoff because you're a silly memester.
They probably look like the Mist Nobles, so kinda spooky at first glance but actually adorable.
Like everything thing in life. Keep trying and you'll get better.
You cannot get to the drunkard without killing the shinobi hunter
No. The fact that i make you angry with my existence is enough of a reason for me to continue living.
>man i would love to duel sekiro
>oh yeah we also gotta get the dragonblood to save ashina i guess i'll do that too
Anyone? Or did i miss see it?
You have to perfect parry some attacks he does I think. eventually he will do a big overhead smash, perfect parry that one and use the spear. It will pull out the centipede and do huge posture damage.
Hirata estate can be tough at the beginning. Get some more vit/attack upgrades and come back later. Go up the Ashina castle.
You probably have to do the follow up R2 to pull the spear back.
>2 scared 2 go practice on gen+isshin and git wrekt a million times
Love how there's alwasy some mad cuz bad in these threads
Is Ashina fucked yet? If not, there will be different soldiers spawning there once you reach that point in the story, they drop it
the payoff is the friends we made along the way.
Honestly, a joke is more than just its punchline.
If you cant appreciate why something happens what payoff is the thing that happens?
I held down the sprint button and punished her dash attack, won first try. I might've ruined a good boss fight for myself by cheesing it, but as far as I', concerned anything goes on the first try on a boss
>You cannot get to the drunkard without killing the shinobi hunter
Jump off the bridge in front of the shinobi hunter, there are branches that lead to the cave. You just can't open Butterfly's door.
Why are the fucking nobles eating them anyways? you'd think the okami could defend themselves
Are the purple firecrackers better or worse than the regular firecrackers?
Thanks. So basically as long as I get the bell from Emma and dont kill dragon, I cant fuck up anything?
How much vitality does the "Restores Vitality upon deathblow" give back? Because I'm at 4 and a half skill points at the moment.
I did user. On the left hand side of the area he is in, you can drop off the cliff and grapple around to head towards that area.
Fair enough, I'll give that a shot then.
>firecrackers tier
>useful tier
Flame vent
>pretty useless but still good in certain sitations tier
>useful for stealth and certain enemy types tier
>good for farming monks tier
Just parry her.
Yeah, got wrecked by shinobi. Is it from the red guys or the purple fags? I don't think they ever dropped it for me, but I have a bunch of those items that raise item drops.
>No. The fact that i make you angry with my existence is enough of a reason for me to continue living.
Lmao legit high schooler. No wonder you waited until the weekend to post. Report and move on people.
>oh yeah we also gotta get the dragonblood to save ashina i guess i'll do that too
He doesn’t give a shit about that dragon blood though.
Thank you.
just shut the fuck up and tag your spoilers, you cum hoarder
Aren't the nobles humans that got transformed and the Okami warriors natural yokai fish people, or some shit? Probably something to do with that
I lose precision in my hands, i was doing genichiro and learned his first 2 phases, but then i lost control of my hands and keep accidentally crouching and shit when im trying to block, or just being really sweaty and slow
as long as you've grabbed the flamethrower and axe from the estate you're good, you can always just come back later when you have the mechanics more internalized
>Sekiro is all Buddhism no Shinto
>you will never swordfight Susano-o
>you will never run errands for Tsukoyomi and Amaterasu.
>only female standard enemies
>they're barefoot
Myiazaki's not even hiding it anymore
i was the same. abandon everything about souls combat, that's the most important thing. you'll get a feel for the systems quicker and things will eventually click. that click was huge for me as i was able start feeling like i was making progress even though the game is still tough as balls sometimes.
I wish ceramic shards actually made sound, the enemies don't react to them unless you hit them, which is pointless if I want them to look at a certain spot
I have astigmatism, so tomorrow is actually painful to look at for more than 20 seconds and causes ghosting in my vision.
For the shinobi-hunter guy in the Estate, do I need to kill every single fag standing around him every time or can I lead him somewhere where I can just 1v1 him? Trying to stealth kill everyone again when he kills me takes forever
Mostly worse than the previous upgrade, from what I can tell. The delay in activation is a huge bummer.
Go back to an earlier area and you will easily see this isnt the case. Ashina outskirts samurai were two shotting me at the start and now itd take like 10 consecutive hits from them to down me
He literally says that he'll grant Genichiro his wish, which is saving Ashina
Red guys, ministry soldiers
Not sure if all of them, but cannon certainly dudes have a good chance of dropping it
>Press L3...
user... don’t tell me that you are playing the inferior PS4 version instead of the superior Xbox One X or the Godly Steam 4K/60fps versión?
Not much at first but it stacks. You get the same ability from some bosses.
Easy as fuck and boring as fuck
L E W D S W H E N?
Which one though? The 2nd one can be cheesed by having her walk in the poison swamp. The first one can be backstabbed and the rest of the fight is just going ham on her ass and avoiding her grab.
I swapped L3 and Down so I press d-pad down to crouch and L3 is just for eavesdropping, so it does nothing if I accidentally hit it.
This slightly fucks up some menus like the homeward bone one but it helped me a ton.
Who the fuck is the ministry, a bunch of united clans?
>How much vitality does the "Restores Vitality upon deathblow" give back?
Like 10-15%? Any heal on deathblow is better than no heal at all though. It's undeniably one of the best skills in the game.
you might not know this, being a xbone brainlet, but you can use any controller on PC
*but cannon dudes certainly have a good chance of dropping it
ideally yes. it'll allow you to focus on counter timing better.
This goddamn fucking mikiro or whatever counter doesn't even work when the fuck do I push circle?
Fuick this cancerous fucking game
It's good to find a place and level to a certain point to minimize loss, like juzou's bandits at the estate.
This helps you train a little too, you need to figure out the mechanics and the timing.
Don't worry about dragonrot when you die more, nothing much happens and it's very curable.
Buy bags of money as insurance.
When should I cure dragonrot ?
>God tier:
Flame vent with the skill
Fan with the skill
>Great tier:
Firecrackers at any level even with no skill
>Lady Butterfly and dog killer tier:
Extremely niche uses or irrelevant tier:
Everything else
But that's false you fucking moron as getting vit upgrades can be the difference between 1 shot and 2 shot.
When the big Godzilla rune pops up and they're about to stab you
Let's see you l1 spam the headless :)
You can fuck up early on if you don't advance enough the miko quest line before getting the 2 items from ape and monk.
>everyone says guardian apes second phase is way easier than the first
>kill the first phase my literal first try
>keep getting my fucking ass handed to me on the second
Any tips?
The final boss is so fucking hard. I can do phases 1 and 2 easily but his 3rd phase is fucking me up bad.
Just dash into the attack while it is being executed
>That moment when you defeat the demon of hatred, he thanks you as he disappears, all the sounds of battle go silent, the flames die out and you can only hear the wind and crows as you stand alone in the middle of a snow covered battlefield
Kino as fuck
The "more posture and vitality damage" isn't really worth the delay, in my opinion. The damage effects lasts for like one or two attacks and the delay makes it less reliable since some enemies might maneuver out of it in the time it takes for it to blow.
Isshin wants to fight Sekiro but can't because he's sickly and dying
Isshin wants to try to help Jobichiro because he pities him but can't because he's sickly and dying
Isshin gets an opportunity to come back to life, help Genchiro, and fight Sekiro so he takes it
if you mean that him popping out of Gen's body makes no sense there's a scroll earlier on that says the Black Mortal Blade can open the gates to hell which seems to be a colloquial way to say it can resurrect people
>Using DS4 instead of Xbone Controller or Switch Controller Pro.
TOP seKEKiro
>flame vent
>anything but a joke
Nah, you didn't miss anything. When I found out it's another "stand still and spam tap LB" bosses, I beat her instantly.
God the bosses in this game suck dick so far, lmao
Silly user, everyone knows you R1 spam headless.
I made good cash in Hirata, start from the altar just before the boss and go backwards.
I have no clue who the ministry gunmen are but I just have to look for dudes firing cannons at me in Ashina Outskirts, right? Any good idol location to farm them?
tier 1 (masterclass)
tier 2 (utility out the ass)
*teleports behind u*
tier 3 (style points, less utility / too situational for upper tiers)
tier 4 (no daddy no)
Ok this trash game made me ruin a controller
Holy fuck why didn't I refund this trash
When you have quite a few npcs with dragonrot and after you beat a particularly hard boss.
Most of the time you'll still be able to progress their quests even if they've been sick for a while
don't press circle and a direction or it likely won't work. just circle by itself when you see the weapon shimmer after the big red symbol
Honor his grandson wish user. He came back in top performance and wanted a good fight. The muh grandson is just a shallow reason. He’s been helping you the entire game. Even not giving a fuck after you beat the shit out of Genichiro the first time. In Shura ending he also tried to stop you and Owl from betraying Kuro too.
Already beat him ages ago if you're talking about that dude near the snake boss near the start.
I keep fucking up the Mikiri timing with him, though I hit it every time on the practice guy. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Get the skill. Its easily the best prosthetic in the game but its locked behind like 30 skill points before it gets good.
i wish i was good at avoiding the poo.
Stairs, where you fight the ogre
Are you sure you have them yet? Ashina is literally on fire at that point, not just shinobi on rooftops
Didn't even need , I have 16 spirit emblems which means I used them twice (meant to use shurikan while she was dashing away) on accident.
How kill the monkey? His HP is insanely huge
go practice it with the undying guy at the dilapidated temple
>Demon of hatred second phase theme
Use the blue sugar for the 3rd phase you last a bit more.
Took me 3-4 hours to beat him. Not gonna lie I didn't enjoy most of it
does anyone have an estimate to exactly how much the "bell demon" buffs enemies?
I feel like some enemies hit like 50% more damage but I'm not sure
Too late buddy, I broke my controller
try this if you're not already doing it.
First off make sure you have the Mikiri counter. Second, you don’t have to but it helps since in the heat of the battle you might end up aggroing one of them.
Just Parry. I killed her in the first rey
He tried to stop you because you've fallen to Shura and will destroy Japan if you're not stopped
He literally says this come on
In italian the game calls her the vergin, so...
>Ashina is literally on fire
Oh. Fuck me. I assumed that I should already have a bunch of mercury because I got a lapiz lazuli. Guess I need to progress more through the Fountainhead.
Does confetti do more damage to the demon?
I mean he technically is an apparition
Same, the first time I was just very patient and somehow killed him. If you spam shurikens you also can chip down like 1/4 of his health. For the 2 apes battle I started parring in his second form and it was surprisingly easy.
If you want materials you get some fatty lumps and red clumps by sending him to the dungeon. Otherwise all you get is some shitty jizo doll.
The what?
Phase 3 is by far the easiest because of how much he spams thunder (which you can just direct back at him for free damage). If you survived phase 2 there's no reason you cant beat 3. Its the same phase but he gives you a free stun every 5 seconds.
my progress has been halted by corrupted monk and guardian ape. i'll try again tomorrow
I think in the beginning the DB heal gives you like 2 ticks of the pellet healing worth of HP back. The final upgrade to it gives back like half a sippy’s worth.
>Masked purple enemy appears.
No, it doesn't.
Alright boys, place your bets for dlc
Probably gonna deal with Tomoe in a memory in dlc, who knows what else.
Upgrade the firecrackers to long spark.
If you just fucking rail on him and stop him with the firecrackers every once and a while you can keep the distance closed and keep him from throwing the poo
I know that feel
I beat ape then monk, but monk is only 1 phase so you might have an easier time with her
They absolutely wrecked me the first time but they're fun to fight 1 on 1.
>His HP is insanely huge
Try taking it down to 0
Probably will be memory related. The buddha statue would be a good place to put in DLC levels.
Starting New Game+, going to ring that damn bell and remove Kuro's charm.
Bring your worst game, I can take it. I probably can't take it
i forgot that i never beat him in the early game and came back with 4 attack power. still surprisingly tricky for me, barely got him on my first attempt back.
I'd prefer if they kept making their own characters instead of butchering historical and mythologycal ones
Oda Nobunaga in Nioh was fucking embarassing
It probably just feels that way because everything is scaling with you. So just about at any point in the game everything can two shot you.
The monk is piss easy bro I was wondering why it was a late game boss.
Wait what, to what point I need to advance it before monk and ape?
burn because he still takes damage but won't attempt to extinguish it so he burns longer
when he does the stand up and strike down move you get tons of hits for free
You only need to make sure it's a fucking THRUST attack and that you're dodging TOWARDS it
It can't get much more simple than that.
The timing is way more forgiving than deflecting
Only use it if you know they can reach you, in other cases, just jump away
I'm using a Dualshock 4 on PC. I've never owned an Xbox and I hurt everytime I have to use its controllers.
I'm hoping for an actual fight with a ching chong dragon, maybe THE sea dragon king in his underwater palace
I feel like i'm the only one who liked the beast bosses except for bull
>mfw they become a regular enemy in Ashina
>think I'll get my shit kicked in
>kill them with ease
This game's really good at making you realize you've grown.
that's nice
>new game+
>every prosthetic is replaced by buddha effigies
>somehow I know sculptor is behind this
Forgot my face.
Shuriken Firecrackers and Ravenmist are in leagues of their own
I never removed them
>tier 3
Its the easiest way to do fast vitality damage if you get an opening. Its usefullness is way more apparent on NG+ when you generally need to whittle down enemies health a lot more before their posture starts increasing. Spiral Spear is one of the best tools in the game.
>Parry all of their shit, mikiri them, jump over their sweep, break their posture with a final perfect parry
Bull is bullshit
Ape and Ape +Black GF are fun
Screening Monkey is a meme
Snake is shit
I honestly believe that they turned down the difficulty on them or something. It is really strange.
>Like, every single enemy has such a tiny moveset and you get railroaded into more or less parrying their 1-2 highly punishable moves then repeating.
I'm noticing this too.
as cool as it looks, it's straight up not worth getting into a close range battle with any enemy. one fuckup and you lose 80% of your health. the only real way to play is bait attacks until it's a punishable one and punish, retreat, then repeat.
I was having a hard time with her then I realized I still had Demon Bell on. Dispelled it and destroyed her. Kind of feel like I took the easy way out.
Snake's not really a boss
>and shurikan.
This should always be in your first slot, theres nothing wrong with this
>Learn from one of these threads that their kicks are mikiri-able
>Which for whatever reason never occurred to me
The role of bully was reversed that day.
When you jump over a sweeping attack, what's the optimal punish? I've been attacking immediately after jumping, but I see other people doing that jump-kick thing that happens when you hit X again. Is that definitively better?
The last prosthetic skill? I've been sinking points to get it but christ it takes forever.
She is suprisingly difficult
Try some shuriken chasing slice combos on her wind ups and some raven mist when she is about to overwhelm your posture
After you get her to half health just parry her attacks
is there some kind of thing I'm supposed to do to the Burning Bull to like knock him over or something for a death blow? or am I just supposed to circlestrafe and occasionally hit him?
I didn't keep the charm. The enemy hit like trucks and you get chipped when blocking.
Until you give the rice she made for Kuro to him and he makes you a rice cake.
Also it's not killing the monk and the ape that trigger the advancement of the story but actually picking up the items they are defending. You can kill them and leave the items there and the story wont advance.
I love how you basically break their fucking leg when mikir countering it
Sekiro is fucking ruthless
>not difficult
>but im still gonna bitch about it and ask people for tips on how to beat her anyway
the folding screen monkeys could have been an amazing boss fight. it's a great idea but it ends up being piss easy, gimmicky busy work
The illusion monkey fight was fun. This is how you do a Bed of Chaos fight right.
1000% better. It deals immense posture damage and you can still follow up with an attack anyway.
Somewhere in Japan, Miyazaki just had a mindblowing orgasm and sprayed his shorts.
i think they made it easier because people were too stupid/lazy to lure them into traps.
when you jump the sweep press jump again and you'll bounce off the enemy leaving them open for a falling attack
>dude it was so easy lmao I beat it first try haha
love these kinds of posts
So fucking satisfying your first time doing it. Fuck ever late game enemy. I enjoy killing them way to much.
The gimmicky fights in Sekiro are surprisingly okay.
They're a cool concept but basically broken, you can kill them just by running around ignoring all the puzzle shit
That makes sense now why we don't see a lot of yokais around...or why the tengu dude wasn't a husbando tier anthro crow but a larper with a long nosed mask.
Press jump again near them will do the enemy step movement that damages their posture a fair lot. One of the skill allows you to do the kick combo like those purple ninja which deals fuck huge posture damage to sweeping enemies too.
Holy shit retard, if you go to late game without upgradibg health youll get one shotted. It’s scaled so youll get 1-3 hits to kill you through the game.
It's hard to say, the jump-kick does more posture damage, so if you're going for posture break, that's what you want to do. But you're fine to get a few hits in to lower their health otherwise.
Can I still give Kuro the rice and do the Return ending if Owl is already at the top of the castle? He fog walled the fucking room.
I'll have to keep that in mind for next playthrough.
why am i seeing ghosts everywhere now? mostly samurais and those flying shuriken faggots. they just started appearing in different locations for some reason.
Are you this guy?
The monk really isn't that difficult
I didn't even know it was supposed to be a puzzle. I killed them all in literally under 2 minutes using firecrackers and stealth.
Yeah but it's infinitely more frustrating to chase the little faggots like that.
Well damn I already picked those up. I tought I can advance that stuff after the Owl fight. I guess Im locked out from that ending then.
Kill him. You can still do that after the fight
When it's getting darker the spooks come out
He's an apparition, so the confetti helps with damage. Apart from that, learn to bait his overhead attack, because when you deflect that he gets stunned for a shitload of time for easy HP damage.
>One of the skill allows you to do the kick combo like those purple ninja which deals fuck huge posture damage to sweeping enemies too.
The final monk skill? It's supposed to fuck up posture?
>Learn from one of these threads that their kicks are mikiri-able
no way
both xbone and switch have fucked up useless dpads. you're not telling me you use an analog stick for 2d platformers, are you?
Tell me a boss you found difficult
lmao that bass
Did you recently kill the ape?
consider yourselves lucky.
when i first me the shadow miniboss in the well where you first spawn, i had 3 attack power and i didn't know you could stealth kill him from above, so i learned fucking everything about that unit until i finally was able to kill him twice.
took me like 2 hours lol.
>Dangayronpa fag getting filtered
Get the senpou esoteric text
There is a sweep attack punish in three
You mean their kicks other than the one that gets the red kanji warning?
Super Sayan God Isshin is pretty tough
Purification doesn't have a different end boss, you just have to complete an optional boss in order to get it.
Imagine being this fucking immature.
the monk is very difficult if you killed all 3 of his phases without deathblowing him from the branches.
It can be pretty annoying. Two appeared right after the centipede giraffe fight, in the same room, before the fog gate even disappeared.
If you use it on a sweep attack, yes. It does a lot more posture damage than a normal jump kick I think. You can use the skill on air too so it’s not even that hard to time.
People get THIS mad at their own failings?
Never, even when I was dying like 20~30+ times to a boss, did I ever blame the game. It's always because I misread an attack or some shit. What a bitch.
the fuck do i do?
think it depends on the enemy
fought lady butterfly pretty late and she was still chunky half my health at 16 vit but regular old mooks certainly down scale at all
Cheese tier:
Fun tier:
Helpful but boring tier:
Flame Vent
Situational tier:
Literally what tier:
How do you fight multiple enemies+miniboss?
You literally get no time to do anything because the miniboss spams long range unblockables.
Look up
Isshin really isn't that difficult
End bosses yeah but they just mentioned there being different bosses in general in the ending routes.
there's a hook point above you if you face the shrine.
Nah, but I can relate
>massacring chink fucking shits
>Sun "monkey trouble" Wukong boss fight
>Tomoe ping pong lighting boss fight
>new overpowered prosthetic
These are all pretty much guaranteed.
Homeward Idol or look above
I only deathblowed the second phase, felt like it was what i was expected to do
There's a grapple point above the viscera shrine.
turn around, walk back outside, look for a grapple point
Even on NG++++ I still dread Enshin every time. Normal spear users are no problem but this dude just keeps wrecking me.
ashina reservoir or ashina castle, where to go after blazing bull?
180 and go the through the exit lol. you don't kill this one.
Huh, gonna give it another go then.
thanks brehs
Try doing it anyway it may still be possible since Kuro is there after the owl. And report back.
>Patches is in the dlc
>He's chinese
How do I git gud at demon of hatred.
He doesn't seem to conform to the normal rules of parrying.
No, the unblockable one. For whatever reason I just registered kicks and things like that as sweeps or something, and would just dodge-step them all the time. My dumb ass couldn't put 2 and 2 together that kicks would count as thrusts, don't know how to explain it.
lel I just used the idol, didn't even notice
you'll get your poo pushed in by at least one of the dudes at the reservoir. make a start on the castle.
>voice shaking as if about to cry
>grind to get improved mikiri counter, higher posture damage and posture damage reduction
>game becomes 50x more tolerable
How are you supposed to fight two monkey bosses at the same time?
Is there any useful there? I just teleported back.
I only have rape ape x2 and Isshin left and I'm kind of depressed the game's about to end
He's a gigantic fucking monster, why would you block his massive limbs with your tiny sword?
Just dodge and block only when you absolutely WILL get hit
What dis blue nigga?
>choking back tears
I got mad enough to tell O'rin she's a whore when her death voice clip kept asking why Sakuza wouldn't come.
This game is easy, just play it like a rhythm game and accept that youre going to die a few times before you get the rhythm of a boss down. Giraffeboy is a perfect example of this. He has literally 2 attacks. Get down the timing for deflecting the rapid attacks and jumping when he does his sperg sweep and you win.
Only thing that throws me off is having to guess if an attack is a sweep, thrust, or normal slash from the startup animation.
>weapon shimmer
Is this true for all thrust attacks or do you just mean use this as a visual flag in general?
>stepdodges away during a thrust attack
feels bad guys. I didn't get the second bell from emma and I'm stuck at 19 VIT :(
Just beat demon
True but during fight he literally pissed off back round where he came from as i tried to keep following him. He got his health back and came back out.
Firecrackers, the answer is firecrackers.
He's blue da ba dee da buh da.
>those other recent games
Where did you find him?
actually needed for best ending.
>Is this true for all thrust attacks or do you just mean use this as a visual flag in general?
not sure. I've been using it for thrust attacks
Go for his black gf. Try to position yourself so that the white guy is at behind the black so his attacks will clip into his gf instead. Deflect like 3 of her combo and she’s dead. And run around too.
You can block the Divine Dragon just fine, which is also idiotic but it works.
but i'm all out of emblems and farming them is so fucking slow
>He's a gigantic fucking monster, why would you block his massive limbs with your tiny sword?
Did you fight the monkey? He's even bigger
Related to a certain rice loli quest.
If I remember correctly, it just leads back to the Poison Pool idol shrine. It's how I noticed the area changed and encountered Monkey Trouble 2: Electric Boogaloo.
used in return ending
It happened to me too, he was fucking 2 hits away from death. Still killed him right after.
Kill their supports a few at a times then 1-on-1. Protip: the stealth sugar can help you get a free deathblow or a puppet if you've got the ninjutsu.
Purple umbrella the rape ape to death. Save all emblems for round 2 so you can ignore the shebeast
Thanks friends I love you
Farm money and buy them.
Sometimes I blame the game but when I cool off or take a break I realize how stupid and childish I'm being and realize I'm wrong.
Where the fuck is Owl 2? I literally checked every nook and cranny of this videogame, and only have the secret passage part left I think.
An actual fuck up on From's part, if you're asking me.
You can meet the high priest in Senpou temple, where he gives you the "infested" tome, but if you go straight to the cave nearby, you'll find this, which is apparently his corpse, since rice loli during her quest tells you to find him for yet another tome, this time about the dragon, and you find it at this exact place.
They fucked up.
I did it!
>mfw I realized you can mikiri their kick for maximum BM
Just parry him lol
No really, that's the trick
Use the wealth balloon and kill lots of or hard enemies, you can gain a lot of money this way which you can use to mass purchase emblems
How the fuck was I suppose to know he was the monk the rice bitch was looking for?
Yep this load screen tip got me too, how the fuck can something so cruical to know be kept behind a loading screen tip that most people don't even pay attention to/read, then there's the RNG that you may not even see that tip in the first place.
Why didnt you get it? I mean do you know at what part you failed? Im closing the Owl fight I dont want to miss it myself
>dude i hear music
>ok weird
>dude the music it's coming from somewhere far away dude
>ok creepy
>mfw i suddenly hear "the music" too
>mfw i find "the music"
Miyazaki you creepy ass motherfucker, just make a horror gane already you weird fuck.
i kept calling snake eyes shirafuji and all the gun men rapists when I was dying in sunken valley
The pagoda has an unbearably shit camera, that's the biggest problem with the fight.
Everyone says finger is bad but malcontent is great for ghost enemies.
The is a whole retarded sequence of shit you have to do so just look it up how to unlock him.
i think that limited emblems and not having them just restock when you rest is such a shitty problem that i will probably just use cheat engine to max the out
>Go find the monk, he's in a cave not far from here
>The nearest cave is that one
Good job user, did you enjoy that fight?
I was actually surprised when Orin took out her sword and started attacking me
What’s the best tool against seven spears dude at Ashina Reservoir?
I thought it would be that spear to rip his armor off but when I stab him and yank it, nothing happens.
Is there some other tool that’ll work?
Pagoda? Fuck you you piece of fucking shit. I hope you burn in hell.
Of course he can't play a real videogame
He is in an alternate version of the Hirata Estate you can only enter after a series of obtuse steps required for the Purification ending.
Chances are you already messed up and will have to do it in NG+.
fucking ashina elite is wrecking my tight asshole, help me pull it out
Parry twice.
What was the point of the abandoned dungeon quest? The nigger is just there in his shitty cage crying and I got nothing of interest inside, just seems like he was already batshit crazy.
This isn't true at all. Get some prayer beads and go back to Hirata Estates and you'll see enemies do almost nothing to your health.
do you have to fight owl 1 if you choose to side with him, cause I'm regretting breaking the code right now
>get to True Monk
>phase 2 begins, starts imitating Wet Nurse
>hop from tree to tree to avoid the damage
>she just smacks me out of the air in mid-jump
So what am I supposed to do? Just run around on the ground and pray that I don't get whacked from off-screen? If the trees aren't safe then it's pure RNG either way.
Mikiri and Firecrackers.
mikiri his thrusts and parry his other attacks
dont try to dodge against him, his reach is insane
he also staggers if you perfect parry some of his attacks which gives you a big window to attack
Press lb twice when you see the flash
>What’s the best tool against seven spears dude at Ashina Reservoir?
Gachin sugar and pupeteering his friend.
>you can parry a giant bull with flaming straw on his head
huh, that seems unintuitive.
I circle-strafed him to death
>requires you to do bunch of shit before dragon
Well fuck
This is some high tier obscure shit even by Souls standards
When his handle shines press L1 twice, pay attention to his draw.
>still haven't gotten to Owl
These threads on Yea Forums make me nervous alone
Snake eyes are some of the hardest in the game. I think i only had more of an issue with the shichimen warrior at the fountainhead palace where those fucking lightning dogs keep appearing mid fight.
I have shadow rush and Ashina cross but the Mushin art that requires both just says “information locked”, how do I unlock that shit?
Lol, and no.
>user didn't fight the 3 secret bosses
I feel like Sekiro really nailed the "travelling places no human was meant to go" feeling when you start descending down into the valley and start to fuck around in caves and shit. You start seeing more inhuman enemies and the battle music gets all tense and horrific. That one cave with the bead beneath the floorboards of that one shrine in particular was spooky.
>the code says that you must give your life for your master if necessary
Nah fuck that lying cunt
I did the tree thing and it worked. Just never stop moving.
Get onto the highest branch in the back, then jump deathblow her.
When phase 2 starts hop onto the highest tree and deathblow her from above, skipping straight to phase 3.
I hooked from tree to tree really fast and it worked most of the time
sometimes you will get unlucky but its still the best strat unless you want to do the full cheese
Souls games and Bloodborne are horror games.
I fought every boss in the game, the 3 good endings are literally the same shit.
Am i turning into a witcher?
thanks amigos
beat him first try once I've reached his second phase. Your own skill can surprise you, truly. Do it man.
Just wait until near the end game when you can buy confetti and have some prosthetics that help. They're near impossible without some tool for openings and a good supply of confetti.
Try Thrusting But Hole
fucked up the cropping sorry
Thurst attack trivializes his fight
Just beat that corrupted monk dude and noticed I only have 2 areas unlocked in the abandoned dungeon. Am I missing something there? There's one of those "terror" demon guys but I dont have any confetti left so will leave him for later, but besides that, anything of worth?
hes not that bad once you know his combos
one of the cooler fights since he uses lots of tools that you have to react to
the headless scares the shit out of me for some reason
I don't have divine confetti anymore, how do I kill that nigger?
It actually kind of pisses me off that you miss the whole last zone if you stay with the iron code
Phase 2 can be instantly deathblow'd, every time, consistently.
When the phase begins, grapple up to the highest tree branch (Which is, from the perspective of entering the fight for the first time, the branch to the left side of the bridge in the back).
From up there, you can see her real body controlling the shadows, and can jump toward her for a deathblow.
Hell, you can do the same thing for the first phase if you're fast enough, get to that same branch as quick as you can and you can deathblow the first phase before it starts.
Owl 2 is new and the Evil ending has 2 other bosses like what did you expect.
Is there any particular reason why the upgraded prosthetics don't replace the older versions? I get why the sweeping spear and the charging spear are separate, but why does the original one exist when it doesn't really have any advantage anymore?
You are joking right? I'm not a great player by any measure but i first timed her. She's one of those nice bosses who will kill herself if you just parry.
how to kill corrupted monk? wtf i cant
3 good endings are the same final boss but vastly different endings you boob.
Kuro dies, Wolf lives.
Wolf dies, Kuro lives.
Kuro is mortally injured and has his soul put into Rice Loli, then the journey to China begins.
Farm divine confetti.
Do you even know what progressive difficulty is you fucking retard?
Get Okinaga's Flame Vent, there's your Igni
Purple umbrella
You could probably purple umbrella it a lot since it gives you a big free divine confetti slash attack for 1 emblem. If you think he's spooky wait until you run into one in the fog, or worse, underwater
PC guys who play with controller- Xbox One or PS4 controller?
BB unironically scared me when Santa Claus kidnapped me and I ended up in Yahar Gul.
name says it all
it seems like they abandoned the level at some point in development, its basically just a connector to senpou and the depths with a mini boss in there
That fight was a shitshow.
> only a slive of HP left, let me teleport to the other side of the arena
> here you get super laser in the face as you run back
> woops now I'm back over there again :)
> anyway here's some lightning from a dog who wandered in during the fight
All for some lapis lazuli I'll never use since I don't find prosthetics useful, thanks From
I didn't stop moving, I just got whacked anyway.
Well that's some bullshit. Thanks for the tip pals.
Should i defeat the music maker Mist Noble, i feel like this is a trap because the fight is so easy.
Because eventually different upgraded tools have different effects. The first few are direct upgrades but eventually they are more varied.
I would but I don't know what drops some
At first? Fuck no, couldn't even get one bar down. Then something clicked and I started just chopping that old bitch to pieces. I would say Owl 2 was more satisfying to kill, but camera going ape on pillars in that fight kind of ruined it.
One boss for every ending.
There are three areas I can't reach.
In Hirata estate there's a cliff across the river left of where you fought the spear dude with an opposing tree branch.
In the poison pit where you fight the sniper lady there's another one.
And in Fountainhead palace there's a building I barely can't jump to.
Do you need to midair activate some special combat art to make up for that distance or am I just retarded?
Some of them are worse then previous versions, like the ultimate flame vent no longer causing burn even though that's the whole point of it.
Yes. It's the only way to progress. They're much more dangerous next time you meet.
Yeah the .avi you get is different but everything else is the safe.
Emma will be revealed to be Tomoe in a DLC.
I thought we were going to go through more memories than just the one
I need to find the "finger" tool to unlock purple umbrella, so I guess I've missed it or I'm not too far in the game
Thrust attack is his weakness user, it's not too bad of a fight
Those samurai dressed in blue in the castle.
Yes, because there's only two possible final bosses. Good and bad. What the fuck did you expect? Previous games only had the one, minus Bloodborne if you count Moon Presence.
i gave all the shit to the divine child and now im at the fountainhead palace
how does one unlock owl (father)
sub 1h in the making
not sure about the first
the other two are reachable by hooking to fairly hidden spots
The sabimaru is great for the okami warriors and gun dudes as they are super vulnerable to it.
DLC memories
>You could probably purple umbrella it a lot since it gives you a big free divine confetti slash attack for 1 emblem
I thought you had to tap L1 while shielding (which costs emblems) to build up the free damage? So what, you just sit under the shield holding R2 forever? For a game with so much text it does a shit job explaining how anything works.
The finger is the last one most people get, but it's unmissable.
>mfw died to the very first one at fountainhead because i want to observe their pattern
Why did she put up such a shit fight then
if you've killed owl the first time already then you've missed it permanently until next playthrough
Kinda sad the zombies didn't get more love. It's a good ominous zone to stumble into early too. Big spooky purple thing in a giant arena, the first 'immortal' enemies, the big fucking hole you have to jump into.
imagine coming in to a [game] thread and complaining about spoilers
literally like feeding your gf taco bell and then complaining about her stinky farts
have they announced their plans for DLC?
Rule 1 comes before rule 2.
I don't like the xbox controller so I use ds4
Not really as there are humans everywhere you go. It all feels like japan but with some fantasy elements. Sepou is probably the weirdest place and even then it's just a few centipede statues.
Couldn't find a way across in hirata either.
Go down the path where snake eyes was, look up to you left.
The building on the left in fountainhead palace I don't know how to get to either.
are you implying chadshina isshina isn't husbando tier?
Tomoe is an Okami warrior woman and Emma is a regular human. Also, Emma isn't very old, but Tomoe descended to Ashina a loooooong time ago. This is Tomoe.
He can't be in fountainhead if he killed the owl.
>not fountainhead palace
>the place with literal four-armed mutant fish people
There will be no dlc.
But thats wrong. You cant get the bell from Emma before you have defeted Owl at the tower
With purple umbrella you can just press R1 while shielded and do a big confetti slash for a good amount of damage even without projectile absorption or whatever. It instantly takes you out of shield and eats an emblem though. You may need the project force skill?
Which one of you faggots is this?
you have to do specific eavesdropping IMMEDIATELY after killing owl or you miss it, you retard
I mean you start seeing ghosts, the centipede assassin things, those weird ass wall demons, and half transformed fish men the deeper you go down.
Merely pretending.
I can't beat Isshin, Sword Saint
any advice?
I dunno. That umbrella saved my ass with jinsuke's bitch ass
Currently I use XBone. They layout kind of throws me off sometimes though since Im so used to Nintendo's placement of ABXY
The umbrella is kinda shit vs headless because you don't have enough emblems to kill his 2 health bars.
No, go back Ashina outskirts and let yourself get hit by a samurai there. It doesn't do much damage. The upgrades work but enemies get stronger the further you get into the game.
Learn her major attacks. Don't be afraid to hit as she will often cancel her attacks to defend.
It's quite easy to bait whole attack sequences, go in for a hit or two at the end, get back out and keep repeating.
During ghost phase they always come from the bridge, so back against a wall and face the bridge then it's easy parries.
Git Gud
That's literally it, it's a battle of skill
It's not immediately. The only PONR is getting the tears. You can do all the sidequests at the literal last idol.
T. somebody who tested all of this shit on NG+5
Can you get into the room the surgeon and samurai are in at the abandoned dungeon, or only eavesdrop?
Hyper armor should not exist in this game, the way the back and forth works goes right out the window when I'm smacking Isshin in the face with the follow-up Ichimonji and he just suddenly decides it's time for me to take damage.
Hesitation is defeat
Fuck off from his charge and draw attacks, stay close and aggressive otherwise. Phase 4 do lightning reversal.
Later in the game vendors just sell it.
Right lads, i'm lost. Just killed corrupted monk, anything left in the area (besides the item you need for Kuro)?
Hello again anons, it's the user who's been having input lag (and now, another) issues.
I'm playing on PC, with a wireless XB1 controller. 1060 card. Windowed mode. I have anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3 second input lag. Some notes on this:
>THIS IS ONLY HAPPENING IN SEKIRO, NOT ONE OF THE 387 OTHER STEAM GAMES i OWN EXPERIENCE INPUT LAG (including the Souls games and even Nioh - I just tested these out last week) - it's not the contoller
>I've tried several graphics options in Sekiro, no change
>I've tried a few options in nVidia Control Panel (like turning VSync OFF) - no change
>an user last week suggested changing resolution from 1440 to 1080, so I tried this - no change
One of the last things I tried actually fixed input lag: changing to fullscreen (again, via Sekiro). That worked. No input lag! However, going fullscreen has caused a completely different issue: I'm guessing due to the HDR mode that gets enabled in fullscreen, when I closed out of Sekiro I found that all my color setups on my desktop/windows were all jacked up. The color/contrast/brightness/gama/etc were aaaaall off, and I had to spend a good 20+min readjusting my color setup. After, just to be sure it was Sekiro and not some ghost nVidia update, I reopened Sekiro and closed it - all my colors were jacked up, again.
SO. I've been waiting patiently for a patch to drop, no luck. I've been posting here and other boards, no luck. I've been searching forums and posts all over the web for this issue, no luck. I'm not playing wired when I haven't had to for ANY other game, and I'm not playing in fullscreen when that jacks up my display. So, I'm boned.
If anyone else has had this experience, at least the PC input lag, and has genuine, actual help/advice, I'm all eyes. Otherwise I'm biding my time for a patch. And if one doesn't come (or it doesn't fix my issue(s)), I'm gonna bite the bullet and just got by a different version. In the meantime, I'm playing through Nioh.
you can use firecrackers to cheese him a little bit but you will run out quick
bottom line is you will have to learn his moveset, no way around it
if you rest at all after owl dies then emma is no longer at isshin for the first eavesdrop
No true I did it after half of the fountainhead.
Guys what should i do before fighting the dude who cut your arm off (can't remember his name) so i don't miss anything , i feel like im at the point where i explored enough and i don't wanna keep going before continuing the story.
Pretty sure that cliff is by the two spear dudes and the cave entrance.
Yeah I'd divine confetti anyways to be safe honestly. But it's still good for blocking fear build up from slashes if you have to, and that slash attack does a good chunk of damage so if you're blocking with it you may as well let one out.
>everyone talking about how Genichiro is a fucking jobber
>everyone talking about how hard purple well ninja and snake eyes 1 are
>tfw beat the latter two on my first try without having to heal, but got stuck on Genichiro for a whole day
I don't understand
Man I had the polar opposite of this shit. First phase was hard because of his leaping grabs but his headless form was a cake walk.
All you really gotta do is parry his sword attacks and bait out the slow over head swing. If you can perfect parry that shit he will go down for a solid second or two. Apparently if you use the spear during this time you can pull out the centipede in him to do a massive damage or something but I killed him without knowing that. At any point of during the fight if you see him move his head towards the neck either start running away or start dodging backwards fast. You can also stay far to bait out his weird slide sword sweep which comes out slow and have a long animation so you can punish him after that attack.
You mean pic related? If so, literally just run around her and wait for her openings to get 1 or 2 hits in. Rinse and repeat just like the drunkard fight.
Unless you want to learn to parry her
Where do I go after the second general fight? With the sign that tells you to turn back?
How does progression work in this game anyway? Do I finish the estate first or the first area? The estate has that purple guy that's just way too strong
>tfw his kid was already dead and was tricked by the monks for who knows how long
Man had a hard life. Thanks for the firecrackers, niggy.
Difficulty is subjective or something
wait where do you find out robert is long-dead
I unironically wouldn't be mad if that was true, it'll be too funny
if you beat the divine dragon before getting it when you return from the diving realm kuro is gone and emma won't give you the bell
Would not be surprised
Monks are absolute scumbags in this game
well did you encounter any roberts in there? don't think so
do you need anti air death blow for phase 1 ?
Anything i'm missing in this area? Just killed the corrupted monk and got the item for Kuro and killed 3-4 minibosses I think
Is it time to go to the monkey area?
>Immortality WR speedrun is 55 minutes
>went through the entire game, including Isshin, in 55 minutes
>meanwhile took me over 2 hours just for Isshin
Genichiro is a jobber regardless of his fight being difficult for you.
t. vaati
Estate is entirely optional though the boss of the area, Lady Butterfly is meant to be the second boss. Progress in the real world to the first boss then finish the estate. The path past the sign that tells you to turn back leads to a super hard mini-boss that you don't have the items to deal with yet. You can run past him though and unlock the deamon bell which makes the game harder in return for an increase in money and item drops.
I beat the ape first phase (the 2 health bars) on my first try but struggled hard on snake eyes lol.
Isshin room eavesdrop is not needed
guys? I'm stuck. What the hell, there's no obvious paths after the ogre and general
Think the riceloli says the monks kill kids, so there's that. Either way, kid is gonna die regardless.
Just run around her. Her gun tracking is terrible
Where the fuck do I go after Isshin Outskirts get locked off? The areas I can port to have had their entrances blocked off.
Thank you
try looking down from the ledges
Jump off the bridge to the side
After you beat the boss for the monkey area you can rematch him in the open area after the poison pool which unlocks another Sculpture. THEN after you beat rematched monkey boss ANOTHER boss spawns there- one of thoes black magic shaman bosses.
How do I get to the pot noble in the palace?
Guardian puts people back into soulsborne mode. I found the first phase dead easy, i could do it no hits consistently. I died to the second phase well over 10 times.
The problem is with his size and undead status you think his attacks will be unblockable so try and run. If you don't parry that overhead you have almost no opening to attack, except his dive but the hitbox on that is temperamental.
use the roof of the building near bonfire that is after the carp sequence
I HAD TO GO BEHIND TO FUCKING EAVESDROP? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I fucking TRIED to by crouching outside of the entrance but NO I had to go behind so because of that now I cant' do the fuckign ENSDING Ispent the entire game playing for. Dude. fuck it. I don't even want to beat it anymore.
You can straight up cheese her with the jump (posture damage) than spam mortal strike.
You need to be 18 to post here.
For me the lady butterfly Was My first boss
>Armored Warrior traveled to the east seeking to cure his ill son, Robert, hearing tales of immortal, undying people
>They sell firecrackers along the way to afford the trip
>You fight Armored Warrior at Senpou Temple
>The same temple where monks experimented on countless children, killing all but one, to create the Divine Child
>They probably offered to give his son immortality, in exchange for him protecting the temple from intruders, but the kid just died like all the others
But sure user, Robert is totally alive and well, he's just off on a nice picnic is all, having a jolly old time.
The game just ends there mate. We've all been making up head canon.
Door in the back of the gun fort?
relax dude, half the thread here had the same thing
just play ng+ bro
Is there anything missable before fighting genichiro.
He's right, From should stop making asinine skippable shit required for certain endings
Because you fight him again and he turns into a glorified speed bump
fuck you faggot i'm a boomer
do the back stab trick for first death blow then sprint round her only going in for one sprint slash at the end of her insane combos, keep a good distance as well.
Robert was more than likely one of the dead children of the rejuvenating waters
just stick to botw and skyrim
I forgot to kill the purple guy in the well, and now the castle is on fire, blocking my way back to the reservoir. Is there a way back or am I fucked?
t. walkthrough follower
go on a break and read a guide then pretend like you did it all by yourself ;^)
I don't care about the validity of his opinions. He expresses himself like a 15-year-old.
There's a grapple point leading to the carp feeding only
Shuriken are god tier though. They should always be in your primary left slot. Umbrella is also god tier. Last slot is up to you. Axe, vent, and sabimaru are all good choices that i usually swap between for the last slot.
It's a story door, you'll have to go back there later once you get the key, it's not an optional thing.
At the end of the temple area there is a NPC that gives you some Lore on the monks and what they've been doing. He then gives you an item that unlocks some dialogue with an npc. After fighting Genichiro he's gone, replaced by a bell that takes you into the boss fight so you might want to visit him first.
I am clearly not the same guy you replied to the first time
So has anyone found a way to farm lazulite?
Douse him with oil and set him on fire.
The blue samurai boss was suprisingly easy. He almost killed himself for me.
True the guys an idiot.
Anyway, i heard about this before. Without spiking cause i haven't fought Genichiro yet, i have eavesdrop in the temple? It's in the back of the temple right.
Also who is the lady the little lord is qith during thise red apparitions around the castle. She isn't Emma the doctor no? She is wearing different clothes.
Can't be done. 6 per playthrough. Go again.
he comes back and is still a wet blanket
Isn't lazulite this game's version of titanite slabs? I don't think they're farmable.
Didn't even know you can eavesdrop Emma.
Whatever, I never planned on doing NG+ anyways.
Anyone know the deal with the bodies in mibu village pond? All head down in the sand.
The simplest way is probably to run around him to bait his quickdraw attack, and then wallop him without letting him sheathe his sword
Don't think there is a way. People have farmed for 6+ hours with nothing dropping.
Sorry can you a little more specific, which temple?
I will forever occupy this comfy cushion whilst remembering this splendid victory
>Also who is the lady the little lord is with
Have you tried talking to Emma after you saw those memories?
So I'm on sword saint, any tips?
I can get him to the spear phase easy but damn. He even looks younger in this fight like wtf
>She isn't Emma the doctor no?
It is, actually. The first time you see one of those memories, you can return to Emma and ask her about it.
The game never really explains why Sekiro can see memories like that, however. Seems like a strange detail to leave out.
Dumb fucking nigger. I will beat you to death with my bear fucking hands.
Also don't forget to come back here and talk about how easy the fight was for you.
Where’s the new bread, casual scum?
Well shit, okay then.
Which are more worst scumbags, monks from this game or The Choir from bloodsborne? I vote for Choir, they turned orphans into ayylmaos and did all kind of fucked up experiement with children
She only talks about my resurrection ability.
That's because he is younger.
He is younger, but only slightly.
He was brought back by Genichiro's wish/desire in his PRIME, so you're fighting a revived Isshin ready to kick ass at full strength.
Cheese: Bait the leaping overhead and attack
Real: Just keeping focusing on learning the patterns. Aggression is 100% the way to win this fight quickly.
I don't think there is.
The Senpou temple area. One of three main routes you can get to from Ashina Castle, the others being Sunken Valley and Ashina Depths.
be agressive, but be wary of his counter being able to wreck your shit with ease. Also, p3 is a lot easier than p2. If you can get him to p2 easily, he should be down soon.
Monks did basically the same, all the ghost monkeys you fight in the folding screen monkeys bossifght are the spirits of the children who didin't survive the experiments
I always just use the Abandoned Dungeon Entrance idol. It shouldn't be locked off.
Emma has literary never changed her dialogue from saying something about "a long time ago we use to have dragonrot". Keeps saying the same thing.
Also then who is the lady Genichiro is with during his fight cutscene, can't be Emma because i already lost to Genichiro once and Emma is still back at the temple.
pretty sure she's the bitch that got married in the place that takes you to the fountainhead palace.
Does anything special happen in you haven't died when you talk to Kuro in Ashina Castle?
Sadly, it's not possible. I'm not sure if that guy drops a prayer bead, but if he does, you should be able to collect it at the item box at the Dilapidated Temple. It'll cost you some sen to retrieve it though.
The clue is in his saying "hesitate and you lose". When you get him to the first deathblow start stroking the touchpad as if it were a penis shaft and an animation of sekiro fellating him will begin. You have to tap the pad in time with ishin's moans like parries or you incur posture damage as he spasms. Eventually you get the 'lifeblow' indicator and then you R1 whilst licking the touchpad and he'll finish and shake hands and the credits roll.
What am I doing wrong? I've got the suppress skills and I pop a stealth candy but everyone still detects me? Is there some other ability or thing I'm missing? I've literally seen videos of people sneaking up on a miniboss that I can't.
Which monkey should I go after first in the double ape fight?
Well what the choir did was undoubtedly nore horrific, we never get to know much about the monks. The choir had better aims though of reaching genuine godhood.
Aren't the monkeys just… monkeys ? The monk dude says they're trying to keep the halls of illusion for the children, you just can't see them. Kotaro says so as well.