>The people never have the power. Only the illusion of it. And here's the real secret: they don't want it. The responsibility is too great to bear. It's why they're so quick to fall in line as soon as someone takes charge. They want to be told what to do. They yearn for it.
You can't say he's wrong.
The people never have the power. Only the illusion of it. And here's the real secret: they don't want it...
He’s right but what do we do with that information? Good observation but we need solutions.
>It's why they're so quick to fall in line as soon as someone takes charge
Yeah, so long as it's someone who knows what they're doing and don't make it obvious that they only want power and money and nothing else. If you're a corrupted templar. then someone will eventually stand up and fight you.
kino character, shame that the game's fucking boring crap
He should've been the protagonist.
Conner isnt as bad as some people say but Haythem was genuinely interesting.
He wasn't.
How so?
Only thing I disliked was hit outfit.
It looked way too elegant for someone doing so much field stuff.
i was really REALLY pissed off when the game took me from playing as him to playing as that redskinned piece of shit
I wish Haytham was at least half of the game, the Templar side of things felt far more sympathetic than it was in Rogue, plus, he had far more character than Connor anyway.
As weak as ACIII was both gameplay wise and specially ending Desmond's story, it gaves us one of the best characters in the franchise. Then three games later they completely fuck it all over. AC has been dead for 4 years now, maybe even before that depending on your POV. Shame
Haytham Kenway is the best player character in all of Assassin's Creed. I'm glad that some people have been re-evaluating Assassin's Creed III since the remaster released yesterday. People were too hard on the game back in 2012.
worst asscreed ever
>Black Flag
>god tier
Imagine having such a shit taste.
That’s because 90% of the game was playing as Squanto instead of Haytham.
>no AC game where you play as pimp master F Murray Abraham killing Assassins and fucking Indian bitches
>Origins and Odyssey are better AC than Brotherhood and Revelations
Please neck yourself as soon as possible so that we may contain your retardation.
So is Odyssey a good game? I like Greek history.
Run of the mill RPG, fucking awful AC. You "may" enjoy it if you say you like Greek history though, I doubt it.
>I wish Haytham was at least half of the game
He's wrong. Done.
the only god tier AC is AC II
Replay it. Trust me, I did recently and it hasn't aged that well. I don't even mean gameplay wise.
Do what? Power always belonged in the hands of leaders, as it should be. The problem is to pick good leaders (and be able to pick them), not to somehow make everybody be able to hold power at the same time.
>not god tier
Monarchy only fails when the dictator is flawed, Democracy is constant compromise for mediocrity. Republics can only last so long before their classes slouch into degeneracy.
His outfit is the best part, it’s practical, high class travel attire.
>that tier list
Absolutely disgusting
I have replayed it, it’s good.
It's shit. Origins is much better, even if neither are really AC.
The Templars are moustache-twirling cartoon villains, especially compared to those from 1. Ezio's quest takes approximately 20 years, except there's times where there's like a 3/4 year timeskip that makes you wonder just what the hell was he doing, just twiddling his thumbs?
Also not enough Modern Day shenanigans, although I know how most people feel about those but that sentiment is what's given us modern AC so there's that too.
The point of Conner’s story was the overwhelmed desire for independence drowned in trust and idealism. From Haytham’s perspective that would never make sense
>This white guy is the bad guy, but his son, the native American is the real protagonist and good guy
>everyone prefers the dad
Ezio, Haythem, Edward, Shay Cormac, all the best written characters are white.
Look listen
Don’t talk
I don’t think you’re listening
I got these tings, on my wrists
And they’re glistening