Exclusive info. PAX East conference. Not up on any sites yet. Original character. Some kind of pirate. Looks...
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Is shodown a big boy fighting game? I'm looking to get into a fighter that's not Pokken.
When's this coming out?
eh, it's super niche but it is a real fighting game I guess
June 2019
She is hot. Cant wait to cut her in half.
>Uses a giant sword
THIS IS DISGUSTING, LIKE OTHER DEVS THEY ARE CLEARLY CATERING TO THOSE FUCKING belt fetishists. Really, they couldn't put other things than that, like broken fishnets? I like the weapon thou.
a-are you mad? :/
>le stronk black womyn swinging around a giant sword
Fucking SJWs
Reminds me of that one extremely sexy npc from FF9.
Dick status: Hard and ready.
Looks atrocious. No Cham Cham or possibly Rimururu, no buy.
That butt is fat
Did Nomura design this character's outfit? Nice abs though
>pandering to brown muscle girl fetishists while simultaneously BTFOing incel pedos
You're supposed to be in jail Watsuki
>no chamcham
Based, chamcham is trash.
"Darli Dagger"? Sounds like a cartoon character or early DC Comics girl.
SHUT THE FUCK UP BOCO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Damn, her design is so busy. And she has more belts than the average Tales of protag.
exposed pantsu
user, he got out with a little slap on the wrist. Now he's back to drawing his Kenshin spin-off.
You are better off complaining about Iroha like every nip.
She would literally be perfect without those 2 parallel belts and the daggers on her calf.
Exposed skin, the fuck kind of fighter is that? SNK needs to show some maturity.
Mr.Wizard pls go and stay go
Yep, this Sen tier trash is just about what I expected from new designs. Oh well, there's always Shiki.
well, they have my money now
That's a big saw.
I guess the class and somber tone of I - IV is just never coming back, does it.
Neogeo collection coming to PC and consoles.
>Somber tone
>Cham Cham exists
Nigga this shit ain't last blade. It was always goofy.
Reminds me of Lani from FFIX.
That's what it was.
I'm glad it's also confirmed to be released on the Xbox. I can be hyped for once
>games I can already play on fightcade
Need to see how she looks in game
Im looking forward to seeing how the other new characters turn out.