Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?

Why does this trigger Yea Forums so much?

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30fps is perfectly playable
60fps is ideal
Anything over 60 is a meme

shut up

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Motion sickness.
It mostly goes away at 50+fps

30FPS makes games choppy, thus making games play worse. 60FPS really should be the industry standard.

next gen consoles will make it happen

>games where 60fps should be a must even on consoles
fighting games and action games (the likes of DMC, NG and Bayo)
>games where 60fps isn't a must
anything else. You don't benefit from having more frames in whatever retarded ass skill-less shit you play

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FPS is the biggest meme in gaming

But more frames literally leads to a smoother experience, 30fps looks cheap and controls like shit

It tends to dip into 24fps

maybe on xbox


But not really.

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>smoother gameplay isn't a must
terminate yourself, every game benefits from higher fps

there's nothing wrong with 30fps
only autists will disagree

At what point is the difference in FPS negligible? i.e. any amount above it isn't noticed. 70 FPS? 90?

Anything above 60 is a meme

zoomers, 30fps with good frame-pacing is perfectly playable

60fps is only really a must when you're playing some genres (i.e. fighting, racing) competitively

I played La noire at 30 fps honestly didnt even care

console pleb detected

>next gen consoles will make it happen
Didn't they say the same about the current gen consoles? And the 7th gen?

>zoomers, 30fps with good frame-pacing is perfectly playable
This is what zoomers are saying though.

XBone X can already do 4k60

>t. loser with a 60Hz monitor

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>XBone X can already do 4k60
Yeah, in Forza and Skyrim and pixelshit indie games.
Checkerboard upscaled Dynamic resolution 1464p with an unlocked framerate dropping to 45 is not 4k60fps.

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My point is that next gen consoles are going to be much more powerful than current gen, probably a little over 1080ti

>probably a little over 1080ti

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>little over 1080ti
That's roughly equivalent to a 2080, depends on what you mean by "little over". That's an $800 GPU, there is no fucking way they're putting that shit in a console.
Just a reminder that the base PS4 and XBone had a GPU roughly between a 7950 and 7970. Those cards were 2 year old when the base consoles released and they weren't even the strongest cards on the market in their prime.
You're probably getting something close to a VEGA 56 in next-gen consoles. Maybe a VEGA 64 if they sell them for $500-$600 instead of $400.

>probably a little over a 1080ti
This is bait, right?

Everything in this post is just my opinion, not objective facts

60fps is ideal and should be the standard.
30fps is playable and personally acceptable if the game/machine(i.e. toaster or console) can't mantain 60fps.
Switching from 60 to 30 is annoying when i know i can get 60 (i can run GTAV on my entry level no GPU pc at stable 60 with rare dips in the mid 50, but occasionally it locks at 30 and i have to alt tab out and back to make it go to 60 again).
While, as i just said, switching from 60 to 30 is annoying and initially does feel like a slide show in comparison, if i have to deal with it for whatever reason, it's not really an issue and takes just 2 minutes to adapt to it, after that i dont see the "slideshow" effect anymore.
If i never seen a specific game at 60(i.e. games locked at 30 on release), i can barely notice it and i dont really care.

>It's less powerful than a 2 gen out of date mid range
Big ol fuckin oof there bud

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>games where 60fps should be a must even on consoles
Anything where you control the camera.

120hz fag here
30fps is playable but not good, i will tolerate it for old games with timing issues
60fps is good
anything between 61-120 is better but i dont care that much. i have a global 60fps cap on my pc and only unlock it for a game where it actually genuinely matters and doesnt cause timing issues.there are very few of such cases.

because it made bloodborne less enjoyable

What is the big deal with FPS anyway? All that is happening is the screen is going faster which isn't a big deal.

forgot to add, i can definitely notice fps above 60, but it makes basically no difference personally, if i played a game at 120, look away and for whatever reason it switched back to 60, i'd notice it and adapt to it not giving a fuck in 2 seconds

Once you experience 240hz even 60 will feel sloppy and stuttery.
30fps can kindly leave and disappear forever.

Frame perfect inputs you uneducated brainlet consolenigger. I know it's triggering for some consolecuckolds to hear but fighters are quite literally unplayable if below 60fps

What the fuck are you playing where 60 or below is needed to stop timing issues? DOS and W95 games?


30fps is unplayable
60fps is acceptable
Anything over 60 improves the experience further

most of the people in this thread are trolling or retarded

Japanese PC ports probably.

I used a 144hz monitor at my buddy's place and once I came back home it took me a few days to get used to 60 again

Just get a better monitor that has a 1ms response time.

Because 99% of the time it comes with drops. 60 locked should be what everything targets. Above 60 is completely retarded

It bothers me because we are capable of having 60 be the standard but everyone wants to hop on the 4k train instead

30fps is ok if you are away from TV and it's locked and doesn't drop
60fps with no drops should be standard
I play multiplayer games on 60fps and wonder what the experience would be on 120fps. It would probably improve my statistics by a small margin.

30fps is only playable on analog stick third person games
60fps is perfectly playable
120fps is ideal
Anything over 120fps is a meme

We should be aiming for >1000hz in the coming future.


because it shows that developers are more concerned with how something looks than how something plays, its ok for some games I guess

4k doesn't even make up a decent size of the market to warrant pushing for it.

>4k 120hz monitors
>4k 144hz monitors
>highest end GPUs can barely achieve 60fps at 4k in most recent games
whats the point?
i can understand 120/144hz on 1080p monitors, but even then, the highest end GPUs can achieve 120fps on most recent games, and depending on the GPU and the game, some cant even maintain it.

>He thinks the next gen console will be near performance of a 1080Ti

oh ho ho hahah hahah

maybe a 970 or 1060 3gb version lmao

good luck trying to get a console made under $700 if it's near 1080Ti in the GPU department lmao

you don't need to enable every inefficient piece of shit graphics option the moment you buy a card from this decade

One word: Navi.

all of these poverty stricken niggers talking shit LMAo literally just play any game at a higher frame rate than the one your used to playing for awhile and its hard to go back

Why do movies look so smooth at 24fps, yet games 30fps look like a slideshow?

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just play counter strike at 30, 60, then 120... it's obvious the difference

No, he's right.

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I don't actually give a shit and I never understood it desu

30 FPS is okay. 60 FPS is good. Anything above 60 FPS is nice to have but I wouldn't get assblasted over it

even thats a strench the ps4 and xbox one are on par with gaming pcs from 2011

>VEGA and VII might have been total failures but the next thing will totally be great and AMD will sell 2080 level GPUs for $300
Stop living in your fantasy world. Ryzen was catching lighting in a bottle, it's unlikely to happen again, especially in the GPU division.

because shutter speed means built-in per-object motion blur, while games literally are just a fucking slideshow of perfectly crisp, but disjointed, images

i know that, but at 4K, shadow of the tomb raider, hitman, far cry 5 and other recent games can barely get to 90-100fps even in their mid settings using a 2080ti, so it's not a matter of maxing out games, so what's the point of a 4k 120/144hz monitor if to play at 4k and actually achieve 120/144fps yous have to tune down games to their lowest presets/settings?
If you're buying such a monitor, you're doing it for the looks, but if you're then forced to use low presets in games, looks will be horrible anyway.

Xbox One X is 1070-1070ti tier, you think next gen can't hit 1080ti levels?


>Ryzen was catching lightning in a bottle
oh no no no, we got em boys

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>i can understand 120/144hz on 1080p monitors, but even then, the highest end GPUs can achieve 120fps on most recent games
That's what I'm replying to. Not defending some fucking 2160p/144hz meme screens.
And stop saying 4k you retard, it doesn't mean shit. Literally just a marketing term to make the jump seem bigger.


Someone just post the Hobbit webm and end this thread

Expect the majority agrees that 60 fps is better in every situation for the last 20 years

Only console fags who get excited when ports of last gen games are annonced to be 60 fps disagree that 30 fps isn't aids

It's a 580 equivalent.

Framerate is a meme that hardware companies use to bait mustards into buying more expensive shit, when in reality a $300 console can run any game perfectly fine AND get great exclusives.

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>Xbox One X is 1070-1070ti tier
no it's not, playing games on a pc and setting them at the XBONE equivalent in terms of graphics, even a 9XX series can give better performance.
a 1070-1070ti destroys the XBONE


I have a 2600X, idiot. Stop pretending the FX series wasn't total fucking garbage and that AMD wasn't insanely far behind for a fucking decade before they closed the IPC gap with Ryzen.
Going from a total joke to forcing consumer CPUs to finally move away from 4C/8T in one generation on their budget is definitely not something they can easily do. If they could they wouldn't have been making that Bulldozer garbage.

i paly at 8k 15 fps and i heav no porblem

30fps gives me motion sickness and headaches on top of looking choppy and it’s the reason I can’t play Bloodborne even tho I really want too, I hope they bring it to pc so it’s playable. 60fps should be the standard and it’s what really kills consoles for me I’m really hoping the next generation of consoles can pull through! I’ve also never experienced a 144hz monitor but I’m sure that improves things a lot.

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jesus christ, get the fuck out

Doesn't trigger me, I'm just not interested in anything lower than 60 ever since getting a 165hz monitor.
It's like not having any interest in listening to 8 track. No thanks.

Attached: 60vs30.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

#Iphone filenames

your point is correct, but that video sucks for an actual comparison, the 30 video side actually drops to 24-25fps for 2 seconds every 4 seconds, giving an even more choppy impression than actual stable 30fps

>the 30 video side actually drops to 24-25fps for 2 seconds every 4 seconds
So just like actual consoles?

autists and dumb people in general like to nitpick minor details when they dont have a good argument

Youre so mentally unstable that a girls feet makes to angry

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still looks like shit playing bl2 while browsing and just set it to a 30 fps capped curious

actully fucking gross, how do console tards put up with this is beyond me

>Your game running at have the speed
>minor detail

keep being poor faggot

5 mins at 60 fps and you will never be able to play 30 again. its disgusting ever

>It's like not having any interest in listening to 8 track. No thanks.

its largely down to exposure. 30 fps wasn't pleasant, but I always found ~45 to be pretty smooth and acceptable. 60 on lower settings for shooters. now that I'm accustomed to high refresh with adaptive sync though, anything below 70-80 looks very choppy. I feel like I have a distinct advantage on shooters at 100+ fps

because console tards eat it up and claim anything higher is unnecessary.

Attached: WleUBGG[1].gif (460x359, 77K)

it's most jarring with camera movement, and an analog stick is what, some 20? 40? times slower than what a mouse will peak at in casual play.

>I feel like I have a distinct advantage on shooters at 100+ fps
I mean you definitely do have an advantage with higher refresh rates. There's a reason pro gamers don't use 60hz displays anymore. That's a thing.

big number good small number bad. "objective" metrics are nice when you don't have any media literacy. you can just say that the game is better because the graphics are better because the numbers are bigger

>claim anything higher is unnecessary
That's because we're capable of playing a game at 30 fps without sperging out about it.

Brainlets educate yourselves.

Only because consoles have no other option.
Fox and grapes.

>i can eat shit and be happy with it !
wow, so that's the power of console peasants

because CRTs could display 75-200hz with a full screen refresh

so why cant these shitty LED panels do the same?

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Different user but I can think of Dark Souls, Skyrim, Attack on Titan. AoT especially, in the main menu I get three digit FPS and the timing matches it so it's hard to even select options because holding a button for more than a fraction of a second makes it skip like five places.

>we're capable of eating out of someone else's garbage can without sperging out about it.
ok buddy, you do you.

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depends on game
30fps in FPS games is awful
30fps in CIV 6 is fine
also: 144fps is ideal.

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Also Near Atomato breaks stuff over 60

Imagine choosing a piston engine plane over a mach 5+ capable jet engine, and most people are fine with the piston engine never knowing how fast planes can really go.

But we're talking about video games

That's just a sign of lazy, short sighted developers.

There’s nothing wrong with FPS, I’d rather just play with 60+fps.

>what is analogy/metaphor

Or maybe they know PC is irrelevant and nobody cares about it?

It's a sign the game is for and/or was made for consoles and therefore weak as shit.

It is what it is, it's still a thing regardless.

Why does the mere mention of physical copies trigger digital drones so much?

lol ok

it is and I sure as fuck vote with my dollar by not buying those games.

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it's a TF2 video, it's obviously meant to show stable 60 on pc vs stable 30 on pc, nothing in that video has anything to do with consoles.
I was just pointing out that video is horribly made

ITT people with low income trying to justify their low FPS console/monitor

Anything less than 60 is unplayable full stop, but you're not really gaming until you hit 144hz

Who said anything about buying

30 is fine as long as it’s consistent
I would take that over a unlocked frame rate of 45-60fps.

stable 60 > stable 30 > unstable 60

and freesync/gsync 100-165hz is vastly superior to both.

More like people use common sense and know that above 60 is pointless