What game should I play Yea Forums? I've got a PC, PS4, Vita, Switch, and 3ds. Bored out of my mind...

What game should I play Yea Forums? I've got a PC, PS4, Vita, Switch, and 3ds. Bored out of my mind. Recommend me 1 (one) good game.

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Play whatever the fuck you want to play asshole. Should I dress you too?

Brigador or Zeno Clash, I played both recently and they were pretty good.

smash ultimate

>Good game
Literally impossible

wrong board, retard.
Yea Forums doesn't discuss nor play games.

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Played already

Get the Deltarune demo for free and then question your sexuality a second time.

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Try giving some guidelines. Are you in the mood for action, simulation? What are some games you really like?
Otherwise we are just going to pull names out of our ass and you are gonna play HuniePop.

Yes please

Take out Smash Ultimate and make a tournament of CPUs named after these systems.
Whichever wins assign games you want to play to a fighter and repeat until you have a game to play.

Gravity Rush 2!

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Something short (10hr) game, no open world, decent story and fun gameplay

Oh and stream it

Note: Do NOT play Gravity Rush 2. It's an awful game.



>no joke
>not even any comical misspelling
>just being a mad retard

you are the problem

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Rabi Ribi

Only played halfway through dmc3, Am I gonna be confused?


Could always just play with yourself

Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition

>literally have access to almost every game ever made

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>being too poor to understand the overwhelming sensation of too many games

Just replay super metroid, that's what I always do.