Valve, are you okay?

Valve, are you okay?

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Unrealistic expectations

"Evil man wants to be monopolist billionaire just like creators of other anti-competitive corporations"

he is right they are both bloatware aswell

They told Tim he could do anything he set his mind to

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This boomer needs to fuck off already.

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>the two worst example of companies that shattered all privacy and anonymity on the internet

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Valve had their moment in the sun. But they havent done fucking shit for years. Their latest game release that cant even get above 300 concurrent players show be a sign for you all that Valve has no fucking idea what they're doing anymore. The only reason they're still relevant is their customers not coming to terms with the sunk cost fallacy. Epic games on the other hands knows what kids and the future generation wants and will be here to stay for the foreseeable future..

>epic games ceo wants his company to be the gaming equivalent of two of the absolute worst major companies in the tech industry

more like Swine

The real reason he hates the bear.

Attached: Why xing really hates winnie the pooh.jpg (386x359, 32K)

desu, they're actually in the middle of re-inventing a whole lot of stuff.

Infact in steam beta, they even have motion control capabilities for my switch pro controller.
If they work more on these APIs they can then allow for motion control games that are outside of VR games which is something no PC game store actually has.

You always hear about valve 'working' on things.

Again, this guy has the sex offender "look".

Is that an admission that the EGS is spyware meant to steal your data?

>motion controls

Is this 2012? Is Valve really so out of touch that they are funding 2 dead fads at once?

Imagine being in the games industry and using the trojan horse that is the Unreal Engine series.

Yeah fuck vale doing nothing
Like vulkan
Or Linux
Or controllers
Or vr
Or vogl
Or workshop

Good news, Epic Game is made Unreal Engine the Platform for gaming.

If Valve Want compete need build new Game engine given as Unreal engine terms and build some big game with it .... Like Half Life 3.

>Its a dead fad to provide support with a controller that came out recently

The absolute State of Yea Forums

well they have the "stealing your user information and selling it to china" part down pat already so what's left

I want to be a smart, charismatic billionaire.
If wishes were horses.

competition is good. hopefully steams and valve get their shit together. they'll never be able to dethrone steam though, not when most PC gamers have a majority of their library on steam

He looks conservative. I trust him.

He looks like a thumb that someone photoshopped a goofy face onto.

>google and facebook
>companies with near monopolistic influence in some of the areas they are active in, that have zero respect from consumer rights and privacy

I just keep imagining him doing a massive fucking lone of coke before any statement

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They already share the same amount of data to chinks, so he's already there

I think that's pretty standard for most CEOs.
Some just handle it better than others.

words like google and facebook are kinda like curse words in 2019, not sure if he really wants that unless he really really just wants to sell people's data

>Chink slave wants to intrude on people's personal information and then act like he's the good guy

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>Touhou niggers support Epic Games

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Pandering to bugmen censorship. Give it time, they'll add "creative cultural sensitivity" compliancy restrictions to their store. Quote this.

What exactly do you think valve can do to combat exclusives thats good for consumers?
The only counter is to either buy your own exclusives or outbid epic.
Both leave valve with less money to spend on improving the store for users







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today I will remind them

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uh, chang, have you lost your mind?



Just Chatting is lowkey the best kind of livestream

Valve drones def lost their minds then

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I like fortnite

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They haven't done anything with taking about in years.

>"Competition is important for the market"
>removes competition with exclusivity deals
>"this is all for the sake of the consumer"
>forces you to use a store even worse than Uplay
>"we waant to be like 2 of the most hated companies in the world"

is sweeney genuinely retarded?

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Nobody usign Facebook has a personal attachment to Facebook, as soon as a better alternative exists everyone will move in droves. Nobody likes Facebook, it's just the most convenient social media. Unless your ad company, Facebook should mean nothing to you.

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all valve has to do is release anything half life related, even if it isn't hl3

This is a man who still thinks steam only carries valves own games, and that epic was the first online store to carry games from multiple publishers.

He is absolutely retarded, if he didn't make that evident every time he goes on twitter and opens his mouth.

>chinese plant wants to own and datamine everything just like western capitalist piggu
checks out

I like how Fortnite completely went to his head.

>Sweeney wants to datamine the fuck out of you
Oh really

Ok Tim Sweeney

>Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney Wants to Tell You What You Already Know
>And that's a good thing, and here's why!

ALso the screenshot button on the switch pro controller actually takes screenshots in steam games and pressing home opens up the overlay.
So i find that to be pretty cool desu.

You Valve drones didn't complain when Valve got rid of choice by getting rid of physical copies and gave digital distribution a monopoly on PC

facebook has an extensive data collecting service on almost every website, even if you're not using nor have a fb account you are affected by facebooks business, which si the same as googles

Thank You President Xi!

TV isn't vidya user.

fuck off child

really? That's pretty cool

physical media is not gone, nor will it be gone.
not for film, not for games, not for music, not for books, not even for audio books

Let's fuck Valve up. They deserve it for being the worst company of all time.

So dystopic and evil? You Epic shills have your work cut out for you.

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Considering that literally nobody wanted Valve to have anything to do with hardware like controllers? Yes.

don't forget a shopping cart

So he wants his company to be shit?

>Like vulkan
Useless gimmick.
>Or Linux
Literally who the fuck even uses Linux.
>Or controllers
Nobody gives a fuck.
>Or vr
Retarded gimmick.
>Or vogl
Nobody gives a fuck.
>Or workshop

You want to know why Epic Games is defeating Valve? It's because they're not wasting their time with useless retard shit like fucking Linux and VR.

You can still buy physical games tho, it just so happens digital copies are far more convenient

This fag lucks out on Fortnite and already wants to take over the world, capitalism sucks.

They're sure as fuck not wasting their time on having a good storefront either.

Most of these are pointless data bloats.

>>Or vr
>Retarded gimmick.
How is this shit still alive though?

So he wants his store to be a multinational corporation that actively fucks over everyone that uses their products? Sounds about right.

What is Apex supposed to do with Valve? Is it because it topped fortnite? Also
>Using number of people watching someone playing the game as an indicator whether or not people play said game
Why does Yea Forums keep pushing this meme?

ye, and when you press home, you can move the controller around and move the mouse on screen with it.

Sure you have to use a dongle if you want to use it wirelessly but you can use it with the cable you get with the controller and it works fine.

>How DARE valve try to expand their markets in an effort to make money and even help the player base find something they like or even allow developers some more APIs so they can optimize their games to work with multiple different kinds of controllers.

1989 Tiananmen Square protests
Male chromosomes XY Female chromosomes XX

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all you're telling me right now is that Epic Games are not dreamers and risk takers, but just another shareholder profit maximizing machine

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Literally every corporate shill on the planet wants to be the google or facebook of something.

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game company works on things what a scoop

It's because of the source engine. Don't bother with it. It's just "consolewar" shitpsoting

>zoomers unironically believe journalists and headlines

You can tell Epic is failing and scrambling by how much money they’re pumping into journalists right now.

Valve has always been low-key, high impact mentality.

Wow, it's almost as if people want Valve to focus exclusively on game development instead of useless shit that nobody ever wanted. Who would have thought?

insects are pointless bloat

Too many companies spent a ton of money on it, so they gotta keep pumping money to keep it on life support.

>high impact

Valve's low-key strategy is literally what's killing them off right now. They're arrogant cunts who think that they're too good for marketing. They believe they're so perfect that drones are willing to advertise for them. They actually believe that "word of mouth" is an actual marketing strategy these days.

Reality will hit Valve soon enough, and that reality will smash Valve's puny testicles with a sledgehammer, because that's the only way to tell Valve that their business model is irrelevant. They will need to bribe journalists if they want to stay alive.

>bribe journalists if they want to stay alive
You people don't know how insignificant you are.

You have been visited by Happy Chiang.
He will protect you from evil commies but only if you reply with:
Tienanmen Square Massacre of 1989

Attached: Happy Chiang.jpg (340x480, 38K)

but I wanted this.

>developing linux so linux can now become a viable gaming platform so the migration from windows to linux can happen sooner
>this is bad


but yeah I get it, you want valve to make games again. You want the half-life series to be finished. You want more portal and shit.

>You want to know why Epic Games is defeating Valve?
because they aren't taking a 30% cut because they don't have to in order to pay for support and discussion forums and cloud saves and screenshot upload diskspace because they don't exist.

You know that if Valve were to completely drop and cancel their hardware retardation, cancelled Artifact for real, and refocused almost exclusively on the Half-Life series at the expense of Dota 2, Valve would get their good will back.

fuck that. I want my brain chip, so I cant hold my waifu.

thank you china

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Dota 2 is well liked by a very large number of people. If/when Half-Life 3 comes out it's almost certainly not going to be good, and it definitely will not live up to expectations. I mean HL2 itself isn't really that good anyway, and the respect it has comes from nostalgia more than anything.

Nathan Grayson is that you?

>bad company wants to be even bigger worse company
wow based chinacuck i love installing spyware now

go the fuck back to redit

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That's only a fraction of what Steam offers and what Epic doesn't

Forget FAS that’s fuckin Downs mate

>epic games ceo wants his company to be evil cancer
well he's on the right track

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If epic is so good for publishers why does epic have to pay them to out their games on the store?

I have multiple physical PC games on me right now you dunce and I can play them any time I want.

I hope Valve never goes public, because then they'd have to release stupid statements like this to appease shareholders.

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>posts mobile trash

Valve is busy making brain chips to put in you.

>Dota 2 is well liked by a very large number of people
Oh yes, well liked by a worthless bunch of people who literally only play one game, and one game only. Dotards deserve no sympathy or empathy.

So it's just like Fortnite.

>yeah but strawman strawman lol he has so many straws

The language in this title suggest it was written for investors (the majority of which likely don't play games). Using language like "next" or "equivalent" followed by [whale] is just stock bumping PR

>Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney Wants to Work For the CIA Just Like Google or Facebook
If China was smart they'd ban Epic Games launcher from China. Oh wait they already do!

>Like vulkan
Vulkan was made by the Khronos Group, with help from AMD. Valve had little to nothing to do with it.

Egotistical prick

Fuck steam

"The Khronos Group began a project to create a next generation graphics API in July 2014 with a kickoff meeting atValve Corporation"
Valve litterally paid for developers and pushed for vulkan to be made to stop dx10-12 to take monopoly for low level graphica api

I hope Valve goes public just to piss you off

That's pretty petty, user.

>"Evil man wants to be monopolist billionaire just like creators of other anti-competitive corporations"
second post best post that needs repeating in full

never compare yourself to others like this, otherwise you'll be drawing more parallels than you would like.

Let the big fish dream to swim with whales and sharks.

>I hope valve starts acting cancerous just so you get mad lmao
what exactly was the goal with this post

why does the board allow sweeney to talk publicly?
hes like a fucking ugly code monkey with 0 charisma.

Is he retarded? The guys a walking pr distaster who needs to shut up if he wants to hook his fortnite kids into the store properly.

that ain't falco

>But they havent done fucking shit for years
No matter how often you keep on repeating it, it won't come true Chang.

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>are you okay in the OP
>100+ posts and nobody has said it yet


You earned this (you).


It wouldn't make me mad, I'd buy substantial shares of their sure to be $2 stock.

Fuck you President Xi
In 100 years you will be used as fap material in the fate universe

EpicS also not wasting their time having a working storefront. Who needs shit like shopping carts, right? Only steam losers.

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>>workshop is bloatware now
>>nobody gives a fuck about controllers

Poor quality bait, chink shill. Your overlords will be most dispreased

He's an idiot running a company that was only good at making an Engine, now that the Chinese are willing to fund him into some multi-billion dollar company in exchange for mass publishing spyware, he has dollar signs in his eyes and not an original thought in his head

Attached: I seriously hope you guys NEVER EVER do this.jpg (532x502, 31K)

>He looks conservative. I trust him.
>Literally looks like a fucking numale bugman liberal
This is bait.

He better get to it then, because currently the Epic store looks like shit and there isn't a single reason to install it.

>Valve goes public
>forced to start making video games instead of just jacking off for five years literally nothing
Literally the best outcome.

He's a codemonkey who's way over his head in it by now and doesn't know how to back out. With the bugs at his back probably pushing him more and more to go on in the hope that he'll crash it with no survivors so they can buy it. Tencent did the same shit in the past already and being so heavily invested in Epic means that they're next on the target list.

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Uhm actually having games aint be no reeeaaaasoooOOOOnnnn ?

>forced to start making video games
I don't get it, why does them going public suddenly mean they need to make video games?

I think it's time Sweeney stopped talking.
It's obvious he's gonna walk into a big pile of turd if he keeps flapping his gums any longer.

It's like he's actively waiting for an excuse to end his career.

Because that's what the investors expect them to do instead of sitting around jacking off doing nothing and wasting the investments.

>well liked by a worthless bunch of people who literally only play one game
Keep flossing, it helps you social score.

>that's what the investors expect them to do
Are you legitimately loony? Investors expect them to make money. They don't give a shit how it happens.

He has his billions secure. Everything that comes his way now is just a bonus.

Meanwhile, as he's bullshitting about this stuff, all the epic exclusives are getting cracked and pirated.

You aren't competing with Gaben or Valve, little chinamen. You are competing with free.

And Valve certainly don't make money from their hardware, seeing how all of their non-vidya shit has flopped and bombed hardcore.

So this is the face of a pathological liar.

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>Metro: Exodus sales on Epic Games Store 2.5 times higher at launch than Last Light on Steam

>From their hardware
They're dumping cash into retard projects like VR and Steam Machines because they've made so much money from Steam. I'm gonna stop beating around the bush this time and ask you straight up, do you legitimately have head trauma?

That's kinda sad considering Last Light sold like shit

It's easy for people to hate Tim Sweeney and his abomination but they don't have the gumption not to buy these games.

Selling around 50k units when the rerelease of the old title has a couple million sold...
If that really os the hill you want to die on, then go ahead Tim.

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That has nothing to do with Epic Games store being a good platform and has everything to do with people being acquainted with the first game and discussing it in various places thus creating a certain amount of positive word of mouth.

Oh and it still got pirated like a motherfucker. Epic Games store is shit and it will fail.

two player juggle combo

>investors would let valve get away with making a dead-on-arrival hardware when they've proven that they can't make hardware for shit

What the fuck are you even arguing at this point you fucking schizo?

Kinda reminds me of Dahmer.

>The Division 2 has more PC preorders than the original, despite skipping Steam

>implying people buy it on EPICstore and not uplay

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That no investor would ever allow Valve to waste 5 years working on hardware that won't make an impact whatsoever. It's called basic fucking logic, bitch.

Okay nigger, and? The investors would demand they make money. They don't give a shit how. They're not going to be forced to make video games you legitimate autist.

Valves a private company dipshit

Yes, and?

I like how they give random number like 2.5x steam
The reason they dont give real numbers is because they are bad or mediocre.
Stop falling for lies meant to fool investors

>That no investor would ever allow Valve to waste 5 years working on hardware that won't make an impact whatsoever

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>epic is Facebook
>steam is Yea Forums
I'm okay with this

>Implying people bought it on Epic store, installing another launcher in the proces, when they can simply buy it directly on Uplay and not deal with another layer of launchers unnessecarily
Try harder next time, Tim.

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>make money
>by wasting money on something that won't return even 5% of the money Valve wasted on it
You're genuinely retarded.

>Epic is Chad
>Valve is incel

RIP UT4 and Paragon

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>in fantasyland every investor cvan immediately see what works and what not
>while in reality investors barely even know what the company they investing in produces

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If you consider fortnite kids as Chads, and everyone else who plays on PC as incels, then yes

Imagine being this wrong.

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This. Tim Sweeney is making me appreciate Gaben, and that is saying a lot.

>in fantasyland every investor cvan immediately see what works and what not
You don't even have to live in fantasyland considering that every single hardware that Valve has ever made has flopped. Anyone can tell from Valve's history with hardware that Valve-designed hardware is never going to fucking work or even sell.

Been wanting to play Detroit: Become Movie and now I will be able to for free!
Thanks Epic!

Do you even know how investing works, or maybe even what it means? I really would like toknow it since it sounds that you don't and are just you for (you)s?

>Sells your data and tracks your everything
>Under constant fire from world governments because of their privacy concerns
Great companies to emulate, keep being Winnie the Pooh's personal cock sleeve

Just make me less likely to install it.

Attached: ohgodno.jpg (712x636, 27K)

Do you really not know what an investor is and how they operate? Go back to school, mate, you're in desperate need ot if.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-31 Nintendo Investor 'I Do Not Understand Video Games'.png (760x947, 112K)

>Third-world countries account for large amount of PC vidya sales
>These places buy games on Steam using Steam cash cards that they buy with cash because they don't have access to credit cards
>Valve sells these cash cards at a 10-15% hit to themselves

So how exactly is Epic going to operate in these areas when they only take 12% themselves? They'd be literally losing money trying to sell cash cards like that

Yup. And what a coincidence that both Epic and Google have sold their souls to the Chinese.

Wait what, that can't be real.

>invests in video games
>why's everyone talking about video games?

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>m-muh privacy le gooberment is after me!!

I know that investments that don't make return enough profits will bankrupt a company in the long run. Epic really loves betting all their money that these games they moneyhat will succeed, but time and time again these exact games have flopped. Anyone with even the slightest business sense can see that what they're doing is not sustainable, and the only reason they'd be able to get away with it for an extended period of time is if their Tencent overlords give them the money to keep doing it, and it's a coin toss to see how long they want to keep that shit up.

Yet steam takes up less space than Epic.

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They don't invest in video games. They invest in a comapny that has a realiable way of generating profits. The how is secondary at best, the profits are the most important part and how to expand the company to make even more profit. That's how you end up with comapnies going public and getting shareholders who have no idea what they're on about exepct that the company has to somehow make more money.

>bootlicking statist
cringe and bluepilled

>shilling for any cooperation
they are not your friends

Do you live in a glass house with no basement?

>Admitting to wanting to be the largest botnet

Epicfags will defend this.

>company makes money through games
>what's important about making sure the people buy the games? we need to talk about how to make money!
you realize how retarded that sounds?

Why? He did more for the consumer than any company in the industry and he never tried to agressively push steam as the be all end all of distribution, like google play and istore

Valve has been cancer since they launched Steam, arguably before that with the launch of Half Life

It does sound retarded, but it's reality. Look at EA and Activision. Do you honestly think they discuss video games at their shareholder meetings?

"Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney wants his company to be the gaming equivalent of Fucking Evil Datahoarder Monopolies

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>Valve has been cancer since they launched Steam

At least he's honest.

Well fuck

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>they're cancer
>pc gaming as we know it today is directly attributable to them
fucking MICROSOFT abandoned pc gaming in the mid 2000's.

kill yourself epic shill.

using cirno for this type of shitposting should be a bannable offense

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After reading Taleb and some of Makridakis' observations on twitter, I am convinced that the entirety of the financial world is run by 4 or 5 competent people and that rest is simply lucky imbeciles.

Biased as fuck and will delete or de-rank any facts inconvenient to them?
Yep. Sounds like we need to get the Bug spray out.

ching chong ping lao winnie the poo

I want to be permanent, worldwide equivelent of US presidents.

That's not necessarily a good thing. Physical releases are basically dead because of them
It's mostly on devs/publishers for being cheap fucks and wanting to cut various costs but I wouldn't say PC gaming's in a good place because of them. Steam's just convenient

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Physical releases are pretty much the main negative, but even when you look at physical releases on consoles they're basically glorified digital releases that require you to have a disk in the tray, and it's been like this for a long time.


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about valve. u wouldnt say this shit to them at an Artifact event, they're doing amazing. not only that but they have the freshest RNG-free game system, chillest monetization model and hottest current player count growth. yall are pathetic lol

Steam and digital distribution is cancer
PC gaming was fine without Steam, in fact it was better because we got actual PC games, now we have console ports and indie trash
That's on consoles, when it requires a download the blame goes to digital distribution since that is what allows that and download codes in a box on PC, Valve popularized that. Your saying we should eat Valve's shit because they ruined gaming and made it so there isn't a legal alternative to putting up with their anti consumer practices.
Don't ignore all the negatives that come with digital distribution which is why they tried as hard as possible to get rid of physical copies and pushed Steam and digital distribution.
Gabe said it was a bad thing that developers used to have to release their games complete and playable without a patch because they had no way of updating it. Valve drones act like updates are a good thing.

>Still have RPGs
>Still have MMOs
>Still have RTS albeit significantly less
>On top of shit loads of other games
What is this faggot crying about ?

1. It's not
And because fortnite bucks, AND all the industry rebloggers shilling a success story out of their assess

>PC gaming was fine without Steam
>He actually believes this
PC was largely fucking dead because everyone considered it a dead-end platform filled with pirates. It took Steam gaining dominance for publishers to come back. No matter how much you want to bitch about it the 90s were never going to come back. It's also funny given that Epic themselves abandoned the PC in the mid-to-late 2000s, claiming all PC players were pirates

This. Google and Facebook are awful companies and wanting to be like them is not a good sign.

Updates have existed since long before Steam, and updates ARE a good thing. Companies abusing them suck.

where's the skeleton, user?

>If Valve Want compete need build new Game engine given as Unreal engine terms and build some big game with it .... Like Half Life 3.

Valve is trying to polish up VR. They are steps ahead.

did she survive?

>Epic Games CEO Dim Downsy Wants His Company to Be the Gaming Equivalent of Hershey's or Mars

Gabe Newell is the father of gaming, we will never abandon him.

While the netflix generation might move to Epic, the true gamers will never abandon Steam

So he wants to make all the money by spying on users and selling their data? Noted.

>Console warring has made itself onto PC after all these years
Christ... and it isn't like I dislike the Epic Store in principle, it's just the way they are going about their "competition" that is completely anti-consumer.

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Steam is already the gaming equivalent of facebook with direct messenging, sharing photos and much much more.
What did he mean by this?