Risk Of Rain 2

Talk about it

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why is Pressure Mine so shitty bros

give it to me and ill talk about it after giving it a spin

>He spawned?
>Deploy the drones

Attached: THE CALL THAT SAVED THE RUN.png (484x406, 13K)

I just spent 15 minutes running around the second level looking for the teleporter. I even went out of bounds to get a vantage. Nothing.

>having fun with merc
>magma worm mountain challenge

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post webms


merc's not bad at worm with the right items, you can basically just climb him with cooldown stuff and att speed/jumps


new dev blog

I only have 3 lunar coins and Artificer is the last class I need to unlock, feelsbadman

your character gets pretty fucking clogged pretty quick

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How the fuck do i not die to the laser boss ?
The tracking is awful and i just melt

Spent 10 mins on the first level, nothing.
Decided to jsut quit, it probably didnt even spawn or something

I really like the addition of 3d printers
Items being a currency for other items is a nice concept, and it works well in a co-op environment
I was playing engie and we found a fungus printer, it was neat that my bros were willing to print some fungus for my turrets so we could all be a little more safe

>how many waves do you want?

>pick up game
>not progressing as far as I'd hope
>"what gives"
>unlock, pick hunter
>loop twice

why is the commando so shit

How do these coins work? Are they stored between runs?

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G-guys? Is this how you play Merc?

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Its so fucking barebones right now


>Blazing Stone Titan

Guess I'll fucking die then

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>tfw missed the 2 for 1 dealio

whats the deal with those pressure plates?

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if anyone got a spare copy please contact me id/lyraf/

>still haven't gotten a celestial portal
I have 9 lunar coins and I will literally end up getting artificer before the mercenary jesus christ

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these fuckers better not abandon the PC version if they release console versions like they did with the first game.

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dodge roll whenever you can and get behind terrain
alternatively, get a bunch of drones that take aggro away from you

>8 fuel cells
>black hole item
>brilliant behemoth procs on EVERY hit
>instantly kill anything with a LITERAL BLACK HOLE

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.30 - (1920x1080, 2.56M)

Engage them smartly and use anything and everything for cover, if there's no cover, go to somewhere where there is

pressing two of them opens up the big door


Artificer really needs more fireballs I have more lightning ones after one fucking loop.

Why is the desert stage so shit for finding teleporters? I've had one half way clipped into the sand AND a cliff wall

The 3D iteration of the game has some nuances different from the original, but how are you supposed to adapt to the timer/increasing difficulty as a solo player?

Should you go out of your way to unlock all chests or find some middle group between that and rushing to the teleporter, getting as few chests as possible?

think one person needs to stand on it and another enter the place but didnt test yet , got only uncooperative ppl

Does oblitering yourself at the obelisk in an MP game end the party, or disconnect you or something?


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someone make a EU lobby

Look for cover and stick near it

Worst case scenario: stay behind them always (go look for cover)

In case you haven't seen it mentioned: look for the particle effect that the teleporter gives off. If you know what that looks like it's way easier to spot than the teleporter itself. But yeah, the desert level can have some pretty fucked spawn locations.

when they released the PS4 version of RoR, they didn't fix any of the buggy multiplayer shit that was still present in the PC version.

game crashed sorry boys. I gtg anyways so gg

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Seconding this.

>early access

What are these vent things that you can pay money to in the outpost delta map?

I love this game. Wax quails have no right being as fun as they are.

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How do you make a lobby

>brilliant behemoth is back
Fuck yeah. Wasn't it always every hit, essentially every attack has splash damage for something like 20% of the original damage?

I keep getting heavy fps drops at the later difficulties (playing with 4 friends) while my friends dont seem to have any issues, what is causing this?

>playing as mage
>stack lunar glass item twice
>stack mags, reduced cooldown, ukes, gasoline, and wisps
>single right click procs a chain reaction that fills the screen with billions of numbers and wipes out half of the map
>single left click does 5k damage
>flying around deleting literally everything on the map with infinite right click spam
goddamn mage starts out slow but gets broken so fast

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Kills everyone

Just throw money at your problems anons

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chests chests chests
get all the ones you can while looking for teleporter, clear teleporter, then get every chest on the level


New player never liked the graphics ui of the first one which i can appreciate as a good game but just not for me. tried the 2nd and enjoyed what i played but have no idea what happened. part way through my play though i lost all my items, i got a lunar coin and used it on some totem or something and i have no idea what it did or what any of what im doing is for

Nice work bros, was fun playing with you guys.

Sniper when.

These threads go so fast I can't keep up

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fuck this, why even cock tease me on singpleplayer with this

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you copy and post your lobby code by clicking the copy icon in the top right corner of the multiplayer menu

disappointed that the 2 for $20 is over.
I was just about to buy it, guess ill stay pirated until the next actual sale or they finish the damn game.

A waste of money, they just take you up paths you can easily jump to.

Get in

yeah that ps vita port truly was the definitive version, way superior to pc

oh wait

• Noting lots of feedback about 4+ player lobbies. Have to consider best way forward - most likely would be a private game only option with a disclaimer.


you can do it solo with engineer

How do I even build Huntress? I'm retarded

US West

Feels so fucking good.

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Is there a way to check how many i already have?

also FUCK overpowered magma worm what the fuck, it keeps fucking one-shotting me
>Had TWO fucking Dio's friend
>still can't live enough to kill it
literally bullshit if you're merc too

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.30 - (1920x1080, 1.33M)

Drop a turret as engineer
Bump a pot to roll onto it
Git gud
Play with your friends

mags and fast

1 more

I don't like the 3D aspect of RoR2 I wish they could've kept the 2D but completely understand why they went 3D

It was a nice way to end a good run, getting two people merc. Kind of a shame it ends the run for everyone, though.

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Go into a game and it's the purple money

how the FUG do I get lunar glass

This is peak cuhrayzee. You may not like it, but this is it.

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I ran into another Stone Guardian trying to jeep my way away from the Blazing Stone Guardian. 3 fucking stages short.

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does everyone get the achievement for obliteration or just the person that activates it

Do you keep your lunar coins between runs? I don't think I can stand to play a single session long enough to get 11 in one run to open the portal and then buy the crystal slut, let alone live long enough to do it.


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Just here to drop a thank you to the seething user who was shilling my post for me. Posing as me for replies was a nice touch.
See you in game ;^)

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At least learn the meme before posting, newfriend.

get close and circlestrafe or get behind cover.

>tfw you drop a banner in the teleporter zone
I love that you can see the items your character is wearing

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>spent like 4-5 coins before I realized they're needed for unlock


what is your favorite character in the game right now?

mercenary here

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I got my character so broken strong that the only reason why i died is because i got the portal that takes you to a obelisk that makes you die to unlock the sword character.... I was on my 4th rotation of the maps

Does HAHAHA keep increasing enemy stats? Or is it just more enemies and more damages?



loader when he gets added

Artificer, I love her aesthetics/concept.

can anyone tell me what the pink dollars are for?

just cheat them in

I like this game, but the scaling of the third stage and beyond feels super fucked. Imps feel really tanky for no reason, bison are stupid bullet sponges, and golems start hitting like a fucking truck.
The game is top tier, but once you hit the third level, you either die or you go onto the fourth level and die there because the game simply doesn't have enough items to increase your shit. It's not about being skilled like it was in the first game, its just about trying to shoot the 90 bullet sponges infront of you to try and survive. I really hope they fix this and scale down the damage and shit for the third stage and beyond, or do something.

That sword dude saved this game for me. Was on the verge to refund, but cheated the chars and sword dude is amazing

A little bit of everything I think. Although the number of enemies seems to cap since at some point the boss won't even spawn if there is too many enemies out when you activate a teleporter.

Lunar coins

need 1 more

merc and engi
merc doesn't feel as good as ror1 but engi feels amazing now

git gud

ps4 when?


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not yet in the game

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Any trick to get the portal to the obelisk to spawn or do I just need to get lucky?


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you need to go faster

the chick that uses the bow and glaive, that glaive is crazy strong, and auto aim is nice for laid back fun

git gud user

>get a kettle ghost from the mask
>it gets low naturally due to the way ghosts are implemented (limited lifespan due to health degen)
>oh no
>why is it lowering itself like that
>starts inhaling everything around it INCLUDING FRIENDLY DRONES
>lose 15 drones to AoE damage unable to do anything

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east coast

Only have 3 characters unlocked but MUL-T so far and that is mostly because I like high attack speed characters.

EU lobby because no one else is making one, it was working well the last time i hosted but it may lag

ohhhh ok thanks, I had 10 of them last night in a playthough and had no idea what they were.


Don't talk to me or my sentries ever again.

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>tfw you get tesla coil and the snowflake thing
>turrets become a giant aoe death field


Cute brainlet.

They persist until spent.

on that map, specifically using your picture for reference to the back left side of that photo there are some stairs that go up to a balcony catwalk, once for me the portal spawned under the stairs and it blended in very well with the support beams coming down from the catwalk. I ran around that map for 30 min until i noticed it, so watch out for that

shit webm but you get the point
>1 gravity ball
>evaporates everything

Attached: gravity gun mode2.webm (888x500, 2.95M)

I like having the black hole and all sorts of aoe stuff like gasoline and the ukulele. I have 3 fuel cells on my SP run right now and one hole and a glaive will cause most trash mobs to explode on each other.

Attack speed and backup magazine. Backup mag is fucking insane on her because it give her more of her throwing glaive which is absolutely fuckign insane damage on groups and probably make her one of the best at clearing out trash.

No idea, but with those items I could tank and nuke everything short of those worms if they stood together. That was my 17th level and I got gibbed by a greater wisp after clearing the worm boss and tanking the overloading worm aoes, the damage clearly scales

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>they noticed
>they heard

Move faster through stages so the difficulty isn't so high on third stage
It really isn't that big of an increase if you pace properly

>getting a degree in memes
End your life.


How do I get new characters?

I just wanna clear 20 stages

can you unlock shit on easy mode? i want to grind out a bunch of junk solo


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this or can you cheat unlocks im a casual spoonfeed me

Sweet christmas


you're gonna need more than that

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Huntress, get to 3rd stage
Engineer, complete 30 stages
Merc, beat the game
Artificer, spend 10 Lunar Coins at Newt's Shop
Mult, complete the first teleporter event 5 times

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I eagerly await him too, brother.


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I opened some chest with a lunar coin and it said a blue orb appeared. What does that mean? Where's the orb?

Does it REALLY have to be said that you don't start the tele unless everyone ready checks?

I died

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purchase from lizard

Which character is the best?

meta progression in roguelites is ass, I just want to play the damn game



Remember to tell the devs to put more slots for rooms. 4 is shit

The one you have fun playing as

>finally get to the 5th area with the best build I've gotten so far
>game crashes as it loads in
Kill me.

You could be more in the original?

I may be relatively bad at the game but at least my config for Steam controller is the most used. fuck you commando

It's back.

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I actually feel the opposite a bit. Merc was my favorite in the first game. But I think he's way more fun 2 in to an insane degree. So much more movement options.

I liked engineer in the first game but absolutely hate him in 2.

You guys playing on Rainstorm or Monsoon?

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They already heard

Never bothered with using my steam controller, is it as viable as m+kb or is the aim just as shit as every controller?

how do u chat

big shoutout to all the bros at commiefornia. None were casual so far

People will say Mult is top tier but whatever you like is fine, what's good mostly depends on items really. The only questionable class is Artificer. Engineer and Huntress need specific items early to be good. Commando is generic but he's not bad if know how to play. Merc is harder to play and you need to build more defensive but he's strong.

Also gravity gun > gold boss

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.30 - (1920x1080, 2.75M)

US East, Rainstorm

i just miss destroying worms by climbing up them with the spin attack

loader is for gays

Play game, buy from reptile, kys

Enter I think
Or tab?

Rainstorm. Too scared to try monsoon. It's already hard enough on rainstorm imo.

They mentioned the desire for more player slots but say they will probably add is as a private game function.


>energy drink trading machine
>get 8
>zip around as the huntress, getting one shot by any boss that clips me

how does it do that, what item combo makes black hole so deadly

>TFW you miss the fucking B1G1 sale because you've been working 18 hour shifts and wake up at 2:00 PM and now can't give your m8 a free copy for free
I guess I'll buy 2 copies then

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>Second highest damage dealt was 600k
GG bros

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>all these fucking casuals who haven't realized you can hear the teleporter from anywhere on the map if you just fucking listen

I love that this is actually how to unlock characters.

Yea Forums will tell you to fast, but thats the biggest lie ever told on this fucking board. Going fast is a death sentence 9 times out of 10. Take your time, get items, and shoot to only get 1 or 2 difficulty increases per stage. Obviously don't spend 30 minutes on one stage. But don't go sonic speed, time increases no matter what you do. So take your time, get items, and kill bosses efficiently, and eventually you'll git gud.
t. Won 20 times today by just taking things slow

Atleast you were FAST

Steam workshop soon right? I need that vergil merc and dante commando

You guys kill the gold stone boss yet?
any interesting loot?

I found a bug that lets me be invincible, I have no idea how I did it

>spawn in as merc
>go afk for a bit without pausing
>enemies ignore me
>attack one
>all the enemies agro but they can't damage me

I haven't moved from the spot I was in yet so maybe if I move that'll fuck it up

loader is the best

Monsoon Merc when I do solo run because I like to live on the edge.

how do you get to this trial?


I think this is the one time I've been legitimately happy a game did so well on launch

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Blazing Stone Titan is fucking CANCER
Fire elites in general are; I really hope enemy fire damage gets nerfed in the next patch

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I play with it as my main input at the moment as I'm on a couch and TV setup, it's honestly very usable for me at least. Aiming precisely if you don't like gyro control (for small corrections) is difficult but with gyro it's fine. No complaints from me

what i meant was, get every item you possibly can but do it in an efficient manner instead of wasting time running back and forth

Cant wait for gearbox to rape it.

haven't gotten past 6th map yet
only got past 5th once
I wanna try drizzle but I don't want to be the guy that asks to play on drizzle, and I also don't wanna play on my own

109775241000822833 EU

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Looks awesome.

> Noting lots of feedback about 4+ player lobbies. Have to consider best way forward - most likely would be a private game only option with a disclaimer.


Again, they're only responsible for publishing

You cannot win, you can only obliterate yourself.

>*zaps you for 1 second*
Nothing personnel

Engie looks fun but Im bad at him. What items should i prioritize?

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loader is for gays and you know it you mul-t playing subhuman

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Is piggybank in RoR2? I haven't seen one yet.

a gold idol/shrine will spawn on a map - usually the forest/grove one and you then pay a large fee and then once the teleporter is up you get a gold portal

I don't know how but I just started losing health out of nowhere. Killed my good run :c

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Take it back.

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sticky bombs and attack speed

We're in this, us east boys

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fungus -> attack speed -> all proc items

I think you could use some more syringes

same but also for DMC5 and AC7

shroom. find a shroom printer
10x shroom, and you are basically invincible

>22 stages

Fungus is an obvious choice, and some form of mobility for sure
apart from that i don't really care what i get item wise, tougher times are great if you can get a big stack, they make your turrets REALLY fucking tanky

That's what gives the game soul

At least post your specs. What do you expect us to say?

there was a 15 syringe robro in that game

Is the game worth getting for full price or should I wait for a sale?

How do you build artificer? She's one of the few I'm not too sure about.

when you start a new game, are you just supposed to be picking up every item you can find? how do you optimize your build when you are in the mid game?

Monsoon's scaling is fucked in multiplayer though really, multiplayer scaling is just kind of fucked in general. Double Vagrant spawns on first level then quad Vagrant spawns the second level for the teleporter bosses is a bad time. Rainstorm is doable in single, but you'll probably die around the 4th stage in multiplayer.

There's very little hope of accomplishing the 20 stages achievement on anything but Drizzle though.

i play as the merc, you silly cunt.
loader is the best, and i eagerly await his triumphant return.

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>died twice to that golden golem motherfucker in the challenge stage
>it ALWAYS is camping one of the beacons, sitting so close to it that it's right up its gloriously golden rectum
This is hell.

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there seems to be a bug where going out of bounds damages you and still persists even after coming back, i've died a few times to lingering damage from nothing

God I've played for so long I've got a headache and eyes feel sore

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always get every item, without exception; use 3d printers to optimize.

take a break, can't play videogames if you're dead

depends how you play
the most optimal style is to dfind the tele asap, beat boss, finish charging and get the nearest items with your coins

multiplayer plays like
>everyone goes looking for loot and kills mobs for convenient coins when needed
>when no more loot everyone starts teleporter

where the US lobbies

Monsoon, have yet to finish the loop but can't stand the thought of lowering the difficulty to get Merc.

>2 glass on Mercenary
This was a mistake. Also when are they going to remove the big Lemurians? Fuck their instant kill attacks.

Every attack explodes.
Every attack.

Ceremonial Dagger shots, yep. Every drone or turret attack, yep.

*Engineers grenades doing extra explosions on every bounce and going off twice when they actually hit a target. His fucking mines give off a brilliant behemoth explosion when they land.*

make ur own



don't feel bad, it's early access for a reason. single player - monsoon especially - needs some serious balance work, and keep in mind you're playing without any artifacts.

Iktf. I should probably take a break. My head hurts.

so what does everyone think though so far considering the early access and all?

so far as incomplete as it is I'm having f u n

>Bannerlord closed beta
>all and its just 3 months into 2019
Best fucking year of vidya since 2000

Is RoR2 just Risk of Rain in 3d?

I believe removing big lemurians is your job, user.

Was playing with a friend and can confirm it unlocks for everyone

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i hate it

Order shrine, fucks with your items hard, not sure exactly *how* it do. I'd avoid them until we know more.


Literally. it translates well into 3D despite initial fears

host where

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>kill everything flawlessly
>get to hell level
>see a lemurian
>dash into it and spam my sword
>die within a second
Something about those things are complete and utter BULLSHIT. FUCK I HATE THEM.

why user?

Right here.

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>Bannerlord closed beta

by doing damage user, you should try it

none of your damn business

I love that enemies can't stack like in RoR1. Things are hard to see but not completely invisible behind something else

This game is great
>I can go for one more round
Game and then you find that 8 hours has passed

Edf iron rain on pc next please so i can forever stop sleeping

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>he doesn't teleport from behind them

if you enter the celestial portal, is it possible to leave or do you just have to use the obelisk?

You kill me, little buddy.

>110 fireworks
>open chest
>shoots for a full minute

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it's for burst damage that's all, it can be handy when it procs aoe stun though

US West


Just use the obelisk already

Thank god they're on top of it thus far. Was a bit worried with the early access.

>it's another Elite Fire Hermit Crab kills you in one hit from offscreen episode

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It's time to obliterate yourself.

I'm curious to use it but the times I have a lot of items for hilarious are the good runs I want to get furthest one ;~;

EU Monsoon lobby here

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How the fuck do you do this? I found and pressed all the buttons on the map and nothing happens

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Not gonna be surprised if hopoo browses Yea Forums
he is based

any latin american brothers want to make a lobby?

I'm running on lowest settings and low resolution, and yet i can still barely run the game, anyways to make it run better?

he's literally in a Yea Forums group

Hermit Crabs should just be removed from the 4th level. Or at least limited to the ground area. Fuckers can spawn anywhere and then you just get randomly barraged from everywhere for the entire level with no idea where it's coming from.

there's no win condition yet user just have fun


Steal its bike

Why is merc so fucking bad boys

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>Happy with (mostly) class balance outside of MUL-T being a tad too strong. I think it’s worth noting here that we have a stat per attack called it’s “proc coefficient”, and it essentially defines how strong or frequent procs happen on an on-hit basis. MUL-T’s nailgun has a low proc coefficient per nail of 0.4 compared to most character’s 1.0, so he isn’t proccing stuff a ton faster than other characters.


Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.03.29 - (1920x1080, 2.51M)

Press them at the same time

u know hes from /adgd/ right

You have to press both buttons simultaneously. Either do it in MP or use engie turrets.

Friend gave me their extra copy and it's pretty fun so far. Good thing he did too, because I don't buy EA games until they leave EA and I was going to wait no matter how fun the game is.

I missed the portal for unlocking merc, can I still get it in the same run?

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Tell me about it.
>kill a worm taking forever so it doesn't bother me at the bossfight
>another one spawns
>boss is 3 worms

because you're bad

I melted everything in my path, up until I got insta-killed by a nigger lemurian.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\81353744\632360\remote\UserProfiles

He's an /agdg/fag from a long ass time ago now.

yeah I know, but is he HERE right now?

He’s not, he’s just item dependent like in RoR1

If you have vertical mobility, you can just jump over there head forever. Thye can't turn fast enough to track you.

>too much of a pussy to try playing online
It's a fucking PvE game, imagine being as pathetic as me.

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now you're thinking with portals

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Better pray for good item and no blazing titan to blocks your path.

Yes but only on the next loop of level 3

How do you switch equipment slots without switching M1 slot with the robot? I was trying to figure this out in a hectic fight

>14 soldier syringes as commando

Attached: smiling Avitus.jpg (174x191, 50K)

It could be you, it could be me, it could be any one of u*blam*

ID: 109775241000855601


join me fren
everyone else welcome too,

You don't.

I'm NA. How laggy would it be?

why is it so shit bros

lets find out

Nigger just join. Worst that can happen is some nigger steals your shit after the boss or when you open a crate.

It was an ini edit.

I have no idea what I'm doing

You can't. That's the whole idea. Just be more conscious of what weapon you have out when you pick up equipment

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Game desperately needs a final level. Infinitely looping is not very satisfying.

What do you mean by
>good item
? what items do you need for merc to work?

Attached: 14COhR2.png (512x512, 24K)

>install the game on a different drive
>it still puts the save data on the C:/
fuck off

Post what that item does user

can you play with cracked version?

it is if you like to get stronger and descend into chaos

I'm a pussy because I have an irrational fear of fucking up in front of everyone. One time in high school I really fucked up in front of class, even the teacher called me retarded basically. I'm scarred. I'm 28 now, my confidence is absolutely fucked.

this is a sale user

I kind of like it, just needs more variation. Hope they make an endless mode just like how it is now when they've added final level and boss to the base game.

>stuck with the tactical hud on the rebar launcher

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what do I do in the area with the golden crystals? I can't find shit

I made a guide for unlocking every single character. Feel free to download it and spam it to every newfag who comes in these threads asking how to unlock characters.

Attached: RoRUnlocks.png (1053x600, 90K)

Slots still open

Multiplayer fucking blows anyway. Takes all the difficulty out of the game.

The one that let you store your dash up to 3 charges, one that reset skill cd on kill and black hole cube


It's a fucking game, not even voicechat, just fucking join.

Good thing I died 10 mins later

i mean yeah that does give you dps but you're still fucked in higher lvls due to need to be on melee

That's not a guide. That's a quick summary. A guide would, for example, for merc, say ''reach the 7th level of the game after looping, take the alternate portal and kill yourself''. If you just say ''Do X'' and not ''here is how you do X'', it is not a guide


holy shiet. didn't know it was that popular

In RoR1 when you got to the penultimate portal it'd give you the option to either go to the last stage and bossfight or to loop back to a random stage, rinse repeat. I assume they'll do that again.

You should probably put under artificer that you need to spend 1 coin at a newt altar to get to the bazaar in the first place, and that the newt might not even be there in at all sometimes

That's a given with merc yes.

it puts save data in your steam folder retard, doesn't matter what drive it is, it matters where steam is


Let me tell you a secret: you'll never fuck up in RoR as much as I do. Now go get 'em champ, people are looking for a wingman and that wingman is you.

But how do you get to the Celestial Portal?


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>yfw a boss spawns as a fire elite

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east coast

The game was fun at the beginning but then I unlocked the merc and HOLY SHIT I'M SLICING EVERYTHING IT'S THE BEST FEELING THE BOSSES ARE MELTING IT'S SO GOOD

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Why are flaming enemies allowed? You're just fighting them and then you're dead in 5 seconds.

shit EU bros im sorry, i crashed
here's the new lobby

bros help what do I do here. i was just rushing through easy to unlock engy faster, got in this place, there's no boss summon. no altars. nothing but green item shops. im so close to engy

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>Just unlocked mercenary
This game is so exhausting after a while but after that 1 hour run of insanity I still have the biggest grin on my face

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I can already hear the Curb Your Enthusiasm end credits music playing in my head as I blow it and underperform

She can shoot while she's sprinting so stocking up on energy drinks and rose bucklers will make you an unkillable racecar

I don't really care about the MUL-T nerf, i like his skill set

Game's too easy.

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The monster guy isn't in yet right? Fucking loved that dude in RoR

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what the fuck were they thinking giving hunter autoaim, she's boring as fuck now.

US west, get in here boys


What the fuck is the Hidden Chamber in Abandoned Aqueduct (Sand map)
or Altar of Nkuhana

I'm guessing Rally Point Delta's chest is just reaching the stage and finding it before the 10 minute mark.

Wow. I know this game is great and all, but did it get all this attention because Randy cringing his ass off on the stage? If he helped Ror2 this much I could even start to respect this fucker a little.

can you play online with the cracked version?

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Liking the game so much I picked up RoR1, does it play better with a controller or KBM? If you use KBM what key configuration do you use?

at what stage do you unlock merc?

You don't. You have to find a third item to drop your current loadout.

>everyone in my team chooses shit human characters
>always choose MUL-T
>proceed to live as a windrammer as I fuck
Humans just don't understand

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Merc is really fun but I feel like a cunt playing him in multiplayer because of how specific his toolset is. It's hard to feel like you're helping out until you get a bunch of items.

Second best is MUL-T

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Open a third equipment tube. Then you can switch.

no now fuck off


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bro i play on easy. shut yo ass up. im a fucking pussy scrub nigger who just spams the crit exploit on mult

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bros :(
where do I go what do I do there is no boss none 0 not one boss anywhere

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Excuse me?


jesus christ fucking lurk more

thanks user

activate the first teleporter as in looping 5 times or just finish the first level 5 times?

>got randomly dropped from a great monsoon run

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What are the things you're hoping to be added to the game that hasn't already been announced?

I'm hoping there's a run history screen where you can look at the post game stat sheet for your last 20 or so runs. Just would like to view the stats side by side to see what items worked the best for me.

>Corpsebloom: Double healing, but it's now over time instead of instant
>most healing in the game is just regen over time
What's the point of this item? Leech seed builds?

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>no i-frames
>M2 isn't as utilitarian as the first game due to enemy density not being as high
>No knockback in general

I'd make M2 a piercing hitscan knockback, His roll now has I-frames and his R is more forgiving to spam without aiming due to GOTTA GO FAST makes it harder to aim.


Can i run this game on a shitty Intel HD 4000?

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>Glowing Meteorite
>in the same game with Fuel Cell


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I think I've died to bells more than anything else. Sure, they almost always miss, but when they don't I swear it always one shots me.

So what's the optimal strategy for Risk of Rain? Getting as many items as you can in the shortest amount of time and then going for the tp or just rushing it as fast as you can?

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>epick frogfucker
Good, I would've kicked you from the very beginning fuckfag.

this game is gay i can't even get past the third stage

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Maybe it's because I've played 18 hours already (though I know people have binged more) I'm starting to feel a little bit burned out in those long 60+ minute runs. I feel like my body just physically DEMANDS that I take a break at that point. I hope that final boss gets added soon cause it's not really satisfying to end a run by either just killing yourself or exiting out. You never realize just how much long periods of intense concentration take out of you

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How do I get into the gold level with the beacons again? Do I just have to be super lucky? Literally only happened to me once and never again.

Finish the first level 5 times.
Updated the clarity once again. This should now cover everything.

Attached: RoRUnlocksFinalized.png (1040x598, 102K)

Thanks based user

Get to level 3 loop ya nerd

My WASD fingers started to hurt. Time to play an rpg.

Mercenary is way more fun. Engie feels like shit but I haven't gotten fungus my first few runs so idk. Commando is always ok which makes him feel boring to me. He's just too generic.

Waiting for best boi

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Medkit and Gnarled builds


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efficiency over everything
dont prioritize time over chests at dont prioritize chests over time, they both matter
also know how to play your character and the items that enable them to do dumb shit


Do you think he will just get damage reduction in a 90% degree radius in front of him by toggling his shield or actual damage immunity?

I hope he keeps his RoR 1 talents

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EU Lads

meta attained

>Mario Maker 2 and Animal Crossing for comfy gaming

2nd level is awful

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Hey tip. Usually you'll need 12 lunar coins because of how much the items cost at the bazaar.


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>user wasn't lying about bannerlord beta

I think the shield will be a forward facing energy wall, which reduces damages done to you and protects allies behind you.

>10 lunar coins
>can barely find one

Damage statistics my good user, I want to know what on my build shits out the damage, what crits out the damage, what the pie charts say and how big is my dick compared to the shitty mul-t who dies every map


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>>Bannerlord closed beta

Oh that would be nice. Like a "this item contributed this % to your total damage"

Rainstorm if farming unlocks
Monsoon to push myself

Man there is literally no advice we can give you other than just fucking try it. If you can get at least 50 minutes in on Rainstorm difficulty then you're good enough to play multiplayer. There is literally no way to overcome that fear without just taking the plunge

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These threads read like the Ed Edd & Eddy MMO threads

grats. merc is fun.

You can kind of do that right now, but you'd have to work for it. Previous runs are saved in your game folder, so you'd have to save them yourself and compare stats manually. Then again, there might already be a mechanic in the game I am unaware of.

>died to gold golem when almost killing him

solo robo, i still succ

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>3d printer Will o Wisps
>get 12 of those things


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One more Slot Open

Monsoon engie for life

Worst enemies regardless of variation - Lemures or Wisps?

why is merc so fun bros?

Attached: shadman.gif (544x306, 3.86M)

>3d print 12 Tougher Times
The squeaky noises for the entire run were hilarious, but I couldn't kill shit.

I dont think that he is in though, we know that bandit/sniper are confirmed and there is some new lizard character. So only 2 slots are left

I just want the wall

here's a lifetip: nobody gives a shit if you fuck up. sure they have a laugh or two but after a day they'll have already forgotten it. this is even more the case with random people that you don't know

Whisps if playing the texan

I played for a few hours with friends even and im already bored.
It calls itself roguelike but there really aren't that many areas and it doesn't feel randomized at all.
Just chaotic shit that spawns from different directions over time.
The only charm i guess is in your upgrades and appearance, but they're all passives really and the skill rotation is mmorpg tier terrible.
I can only conclude that the steamscore is from braindead loyals that want the same shit.


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y is she cry?

Wisps. Niggas lead like pros. 2hard4me.

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>I dont think that he is in though
You shut your whore mouth

be thankful your suit is on, user.

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where do you find that?

jesus fucking christ this was just 15 stages? it took nearly 2 hours

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I hate to use the "it's early access" excuse, but its only issue is lack of content. Usually games that are functionally good on early access release but weak on content end up being pretty good. Don't Starve was that, one of its biggest complaints was that there was nothing to do, but now there's a lot to do.
But an early access game that's just buggy and broken and runs like ass usually ends up never being good.

My only complaint so far is how much damage fire fucking does, its fucking dumb getting pasted by a lizard as I spawn into the level and then burn to death

I like Huntress and Engie a lot because it feels like I can just relax and zen mode with them.
When I play a high concentration class like Merc I physically feel tired afterwards; he's still fun but holy shit I need a break after every run with him

>thre bustlin fungus
>ready as fuck for space nigger lizards
>get one shot again

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Local multiplayer fucking when?

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The Green Plasma Cannon is really too OP for it to be a guaranteed drop from the chest in Delta that needs you to reach it in under 10m.

beetle bro doesn't want you to obliterate yourself user

Is it still two-for-one? I don't see it on the store page.

How the fuck.

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Goomba-stomping from TF2 has fucking transcending to new levels

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ended today

>trying to kill magma worm as merc

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>being bad at the game

the damage scales with speed like the robot's dash

Just press R LMAO

Well it's supposed to end 12 PM PST, and it's currently 4 PM if I'm not mistaken. I don't know if it said anything on the page in the first place however, or if another copy simply appears in your inventory. That's why I want to know.


lets do this niggers

Attached: thicc.jpg (2000x1748, 1.27M)

12 PM PST was 4 hours ago user

blue portal can spawn randomly, even without donating to the shrine, pls fix
happened to me twice

>merc cant get hit by enemies while R
>still gets damaged by fire variations

Remove that and he actually has a place in higher difficulties

Post those sword boys

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>be within a 50 foot radius of a lemurian
>get instantly deleted

I said faster and pace yourself properly, not fast
That user is obviously moving extremely slow if he's having that much trouble on 3 and 4

Nigger just today I hit a Shrine of Order and my perfectly servicable Engi build with 4 sticky bombs turned into 13 Ammo Piercing Rounds and 4 Will O Wisps and I was immediately useless. We all had a good chortle about it. Just dive in.

>Play Merc
>Game decides wisps are on the menu for the first two zones
>End up dying on the first loop with 6 feathers and a hard light afterburner for near infinite dashes

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only until you get to higher difficulty and the screen is willed with 50 enemies
I have a 1070 and it makes my fps dip below 60

>tfw I'm doing the exact same thing on Old School Runescape, putting off doing barbarian assault because you have to do it with other people and I don't want to potentially open myself up to ridicule
I feel your pain mate. With things like this I usually end up finding out that nobody actually cares anywhere near as much as I'm afraid of. Worst case scenario they'll call you a fucking noob and in an hour they won't remember you even exist.

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Well, shit, I can't into timezones.

>1.5 hours in
>almost done with 20 stages, just need to finish the ice level and then the fire one
>accidentally enter the celestial portal because i'm too fucking fast to control my own speed
>cucked out of 90 minutes and the achievement because this retarded portal still shows up even though i have merc
words cannot describe my rage

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merc for life
fuck the ground
the gaijin will taste our brades

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east coast 2 slots

Can you choose the item you use for the 3d printers or is it random?

Peak soul.

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>playing an early access game nonstop for hours and complaining about lack of content/variety

you only have yourself to blame retard

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What are lunar coins and how come I keep them stacked after death?

Guys I think this may be a good game.

lurk moar nigger

finally "won" for the first time, wizard chick is amazing once you solve her mobility problem

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You moron there's an exit right next to the obelisk.

Fixing Commando: ez mode
His right-click is now wider and stuns for a large-ish duration (2 seconds maybe I don't know)
His R is replaced with a temporary attack speed/damage steroid
Roll refreshes R duration partially
BOOM, better

>get stuck in first level like a brainlet
>after 40 minutes get 4 lunar coins

Are any of the Lunar item even good? The equipment one is so bad.

BEEP BOOP, by far; a handful of mobility buffs and he can move like the rest but also not die from a stiff breeze like almost every other character past the first few levels.

is it bad that I keybinded skills all on the mouse and its shortcut buttons?

CD resets.

If you get a few Alien Heads you're pretty much invincible like in the first.

>going fast recommended

literally all he needs is for his roll to have iframes like it did in risk 1

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His M2 should have been a basic grenade


1/4 na east, tell me if it doesn't werk

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