20 minutes of gameplay
The Outer Worlds Pax East gameplay
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Literally just looks like Bioshock Infinite.
wow it's shit
So it's a borderlands AND bioshock clone
>loading screens when entering buildings
really? wow.
jesus christ, it looks like it was made 10 years ago
i was legit hyped until this gameplay video
>Nyoka the token afro lady
Wow so progressive obsidian, how many brownie points is that?
This is one of the most generic gameplay demos I've ever seen, it's like they went out of their way to hit every trope in the book.
>Epic paid $10 million for THIS
>Fucking loading screens when entering
>bethesda-tier interface
>melee looks like it has no weight
>ranged straight out of Fallout NV
>Epic store exclusive for a year
I haven't pirated a game in years but this looks like a nice candidate. Just in case it's somehow not shit.
got anything without morons talking over everything?
>kill a bunch of random people
>develop fear of dogs because there was apparently a dog somewhere in the bunch
I realize that it's not coming out soon but it does't really seem like a good mechanic if it's that random
Didn't Microsoft buy the studio as well?
>everyone was excited for this game
>epic exclusive
>everyone hates it now
its like people here dont even care about the game itself
Dam, why do American girls sound so annoying?
emptiness everywhere how people praise this?
They're the devs you imbecile.
>over explaining everything instead of letting the game speak for itself
>making sure the audience knows when it's time to laugh
It looks like a fallout new vegas clone with slightly improved graphics. Sure, NV was quite good for the day but in 2019 this looks like generic jank. Worse than elex.
You forgot your 'Oh no no no'.
Why does it look like Bioshock but somehow the gameplay looks even worse than Bioshock 1?
Looks pretty shit, like some indie devs tried to recreate Prey 2017 and Biocock
also do they know Odeon is a massive European cinema chain? I can't imagine they'd be too happy
english dub of you was pretty good though
MS also bought Ninja Theory
Here are your companions bro.
>population: 50 people
I'm pretty sure someone runs into more bandits on the way to a city in Skyrim than they did people in this hub area.
but what do they eat?
thats what he said. its just like the other gameplay video from a few months back. gotta mute their bullshit.
>Sure, NV was quite good for the day but in 2019 this looks like generic jank.
Name me ONE (1) superior RPG to Fallout New Vegas that has come out since then. you can't
I had hope for this game, but the dialogue shown in this is just awful. The jokes feel like they came out of a bad episode of Rick and Morty and there are way too many of them.
Is there any actual detail on how the character building will work? That entire video of this supposed role playing game was basically nothing but shitty combat and didn't show off any semblance of a character build anywhere.
Looks like utter shite
Fuck off Todd. Vanilla Skyrim literally has 1 bandit camp between Helgen and Whiterun assuming you go straight there. 4 camps if you meander around, which would still be about 15 people.
Just goes to show that the best trailers can hide any awful product, no matter how shitty it is. The gameplay and graphics looks like it's emulating Battleborn.
they're explaining way too much, they don't follow the rule of 'don't tell it, show it'
>actually taking it literally
It was hyperbole, you mong, I was taking the piss out of Skyrim too in case you couldn't tell.
>not romanceable
The gunplay/movement look barely upgraded from New Vegas, which is basically Fallout 4.
>extremely clunky bethesda fallout styled killcam happens
>people clap and cheer
it would be disrespectful to assume players wanted to romance those ugly turds
Why even bother showing it when you haven't even put in the most basic elements such as characters talking.
I'll get it for a dollar when it's on Steam.
Felix is kinda cute, you're right about Nyoka tho
Looks shit.
>Not just pirating
Talk about uninspired and boring. When you need to dye a character's hair to make them stand out, you know you have a bland design on your hands.
If that's how they look, I'm glad.
Thanks epic for the free game
Why is the art style so fucking awful? I remember walking inside the buildings in the strip and thinking how great they looked.
>here's our RPG all about reactivity, player choice and roleplaying!
>and here's us randomly killing NPCs like retarded 7 year olds in a GTA game
honestly looks worse than a bethesda game
>this fucking huge spam of particles
>time slowing
>no mobility at all
Christ, Epic said they wouldn't allow shitty games, but I can see that very swiftly going to hell.
I get that it's a small demo or whatever but is every character in the game going to be snarky and sarcastic or something?
Ew. How many companions will there be? If these are the choices I might be forced to go solo.
Looks like new vegas but in space
I think the devs mentioned there's 12 or 15
Rick and Morty: The Outer Worlds
The graphics look Xbox360/PS3 tier. Hopefully the graphics aren't fully finished.
Bioshock infinite meets anthem: the art style
>shitty looking
>shitty combat
>might as well not have rpg elements since it’s being written by the nusidion which means SJWism ramped up to 11
This game is going to fucking bomb
Hah, that's a surprise. I was expecting at most five or six. There has to be at least one or two not shit ones then, maybe a robot/animal if nothing else.
visuals aren't great but it looks good otherwise
If this trailer is disappointing, what were people expecting? Asking as someone who thought the release trailer was cringe.
So what was this most similar to again? Fallout? Borderlands? Purely speaking from gameplay perspective.
People really thought this garbage was going to BTFO of Starfield?
hay todd you should hire ninja to stream some beta gameplay lolol
people were expecting something on the level of fallout or arcanum because that's what the directors are known for
>b-but they made NV
le sigh
I don't know, Todd. If both are fun I'd rather have and play and have fun with both of them.
looks like Boredomlands 2.5
Borderlands 3 just got announced. There is no need for this trash anymore.
why is gameplay never fucking gameplay? walkaround slow as fuck staring at the sky and walls. no human plays videogames like that. this game better have damn sprint button.
whatever game/s I dislike
that is the gameplay
I think the "humor" is more worrysome than any tumblrisms that might crop up
>outer world colony
>everything is trying to look like it's just in muttland
I get that you're supposed to be fighting that subhumanism, but god damn it, it still feels like such a shit setting.
about tree fiddy
i know one dude who does, but he also can't tell right from left and he thinks TTGL is the peak of mecha
The videos they've shown make it look like another Fallout 3 mod, down to the slow-mo kills. It's allegedly running on Unreal though.
It's boomer humor.
Overscrpted piece of cringe
>have unreal engine 4 at your disposal
>make it literally look like a gamebryo game
Is that a TiTS reference?
free Tibet
Hard pass.
This. Why didn’t they just make a good looking game set in the 20sand 30s?
Why do games all have to look so fucking cartoony
they want that authentic Obsidian feeling.
it looks like a return to fallout 3 or new vegas. back to garbage barely adequate gunplay mechanics.
borderlands had good shooting
what reference the gun?
Worse than any eurojank like ELEX. Todd just needs to repackage Skyrim in Space and it's an auto-win.
New Vegas was good for its writing and world
The good writers are no longer at Obsidian
Who is this game for??? the pople who wanted more New Vegas GAMEPLAY?
>borderlands had good shooting
I'm hype I know what I'm getting here and I like it.
is this the last xbox 360 game ever to release?
Captain Steele
That HUD
Who gives a fuck about Europe?
maybe. TiTs is pretty big.
Sawyer was responsible for FNV being good and he's still at Obs. Ironically, he didn't work on TOW, which means the combat is probably going to suck.
Anyway, people are hyped for TOW because it's Cain/Boyarsky collaboration. You know who they are, right?
We want the Rick and Morty audience
To say that I'm disappointed would imply that I had any expectations to begin with. Still, the "humor" is even more cringe than I imagined it would be.
compared to fallout yeah.
the only joke I laughed at was when you shoot that guy and they just brush it off with "Okay, you just keep doing you." Only because I didn't expect that
If only you remembered how memey fallout 2 was
Odeon is a name used for many things outside of some silly chain on an island that like 200 people live on. lel silly retard
No thanks. This looks terrible,
This is fucking atrocious. These people don't learn or improve at ALL. Faces and animations look like from Alpha Protocol and that was almost a decade ago. Did the modellers and animators got the job through nepotism or do they borrow them from Bethesda and Bioware? There are indie devs who make better looking faces/animations. How is this acceptable in 2019, especially with all the MS money and knowhow? Reminds me of We Happy Few honestly and they are a new indie studio with barely any money.
>epic games store exclusive
>NPCs are diversity quotas
>game looks stiff, shooting looks shit
No more that 3 dialoge options. Awful graphics and weapon effects. Style of architecture is like Bioshock on PCP. This game can stay on Epic Store forever cause I ain't gonna buy it.
YIKES goodbye hype
Epic frog, fellow redditor. Can I have some more to post on the front page of /r/Yea Forums?
imagine getting mad at a fucking jpg
Here's one for you my friend *grabs dick*
I doubt it.
>tfw Bloodlines 2, developed by Hardsuit fucking Labs, is going to be a better RPG
what a strange timeline
>white male named after pewdiepie
based and redpilled Trumpkino companion
Ima need some mods before that becomes playable.
>game is roughly 3-6 months from release
>VO isn't implemented
>melee animations cut and pasted from FO3/NV
>facial animations are janky to say the least
Goodness even Fallout 76 looks better than this
>expecting anythig else from californian gaming companies
>open video at random time
>literally first thing I see is a nigger with a fro
>that effect as he teleports in
That was given some effort to make, so no way is it just a coincidence it was shown.
I always love shit like this because gamers are ultimately torn between their ceaseless need for a waifu and their subtle racism. Will lmao at all the animefags who suspiciously go with Felix.
>turns around to show companions
>black chick with an afro
it's like a parody
>quota black female needs to be in game
>she's a sassy chick with an afro
Are SJWs the real racists?
they care way more about race than even the kkk, so yes
unreal engine is dogshit
90% of the fabs that complain, because the game does not look too good, or that it is a copy of X game, have very invalid arguments and very wrong comparisons. All this gives me to understand that they are just burned by the Epic Store exclusivity.
I'll just say that I'm going to enjoy that game until the end, and that all the fags in this thread are giant hypocrites for not criticizing Skyrim or Fallout 4 in the same way.
I am completely sure that the same will happen with the fight of Vampire 2, it will look super horrible and its strong will be in the dialogues, and in the role options.
Cry for me, please cry for me.
looks godawful uninspired and boring
I was about to say. This gives me heavy Bioshock Infinite vibes, which is not good, at all.
Good presentations in gaming is a lost art, apparently.
I wouldn't say superior. More like equally as good, but with different pros and cons.
Nice example, though.
They both look like dogshit, and these two accompanied with that other dyke, makes it look like a shit line up.
If this is what to expect for human companions, and there are no robot/monster/animal companions, I'd rather just play solo.
what's up with the awful screen tearing
I have no idea. Enlighten me, user.
Why the fk are they using Not-VATS so much?
>no romance
what's the point?
Didn't they say that the game would have mod support? I'll just wait for loli mods is so then.
I'm still interested in this game, but that was one of the worst gameplay demonstrations I've seen in a long time. Showing off an RPG with player-choice by massacring everyone in sight? Right after all these shooting of innocents, too. Whoever is their PR guy needs to get fired.
Isn't this game about space and planets? It looks like a shit fantasy MMO.
This looks bad...
Very, very bad...
Isn't Odeon the name of Marik's best friend in yugioh?
Divinity Original Sin 2?
Fallout 4 as made by obsidian
good choice pathfinder kingmaker is really good too
>playing the game in a gameplay demonstration
>From the original creators of Fallout
no lie that troublehair redhead could get it
Looks janky as fuck. I can't wait for it to be considered a under-rated gem on Yea Forums in 4-5 years.
actually that's true. Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are the leads on it.
And? Just 2 dudes from the original team means jack shit.
Nu-Obsidian is garbage.
I mean all games are garbage nowadays
Because pure RPGs aren't fun to watch usually. Too slow paced, not enough action and flash
Why do female game devs all look the same?
Looks like a rejected Bioshock concept, that ui is fucking terrible too
The real fathers of Fallout are Scott Campbell and Chris Taylor. Taylor led the team in early development and came up with SPECIAL + perks system. Campbell created nearly all of the lore/setting. Cain made the engine and tried to make art assets but since he's a colorblind fuck that job was relegated to Boyarsky. Cain also pitched the general idea of vaults but all the details of it were made by Campbell.
Would you rather it look like an early access survival game? Because that's what comes to mind when I think unreal 4
>Discount Lucia and Geral
>Why do games all have to look so fucking cartoony
Because great graphics takes a lot of time and money away from everything else
See: monster hunter world looking fucking beautiful with 1/4th the content of its direct predecessors
Exception: Horizon Zero Dawn somehow has like 70 hours of content AND amazing graphics
>World looks boring
>Characters are ugly
>Animations are garbage
>Humor is atrocious
>Combat is Fallout NV tier
Why do people still like Obsidian?
>Just 2 dudes
Tim Cain worked solo on the original Fallout for months, back when it was supposed to use GURPS. Boyarsky came up with the whole retro-future style. Regardless of what you think about their current games, they are without an argument the most important people of the franchise.
I never thought I would see the day Yea Forums would turn their back on an Obsidian game, but here we are right now.
And all movies. And especially TV.
And all books.
Everything is just fucking shit.
I mean after new vegas it's all been shit
>brand/company loyality
Fucking yikes my dude.
Western devs can't make good faces/people
Although it's possible that the only reason the japanese can do it is that they aren't obssessed with realism which means it's possible to make something that looks good
whatever, i'll check it out on steam once it's out. not gonna bother until then
I can see why they accepted the epic games money LMAO
>braindead AI not reacting to the massacre happening 10 meters from them
>designing combat with casuals in mind
>dude capitalism is so funny every dialogue option
>town looks like something from an mmo
>loading screens when entering building and also elevator cutscenes in buildings
holy fuck
i was going to reply with a throwaway post calling it trash, but i ended up looking at the video and this is bad
really, really bad
this competes with Cyanide RPGs, not New Vegas
Looks more dated than New Vegas.
Legit some fucking Elex tier aesthetics
>sassy black lady but also a pink haired wailing banshee
worst of both worlds
Killing everyone is a pretty fun thing to try and do once in a while in elder scrolls games though. That's why town guards that level with the player are a thing
One of those female devs legit looks like Carly Rae Jepson lol
it's funny because Cain pretended like they invited something new with the AA budget limited-scope open world RPG but really they're just making a PB game without the confidence and the soul
CRPGs are a dying breed, so you have to support the last of its kind if you don't want to see the end
Both Pillars games are A+. Eat your own cum you troglodyte.
I'm sorry, but everything in this game looks janky as fuck. No wonder they didn't go with Steam - it looks like shit so far and they're going with Epic for that minimum sales guarantee..
Yeah, and games nowadays require big teams to make. Also, Outer Worlds clearly isn't the same type of game as the original fallouts.
They are bland shit riding in the coat tails of a much better era of RPGs.
I couldn't bear getting past the first city and refunded before the 2 hours expired.
Fuck that shit.
>game sucks ass
>get money offered by epic games
>probably more money than the game will make overall
>can avoid negative reviews
i never thought Obsidian would be won over by trannies and Biodrones demanding romance and comic book movie quips but here we are
get fucked obsidiots
Epic, simply epic.
I used to make fun of weebs but Japanese games are truly the only hope left in gaming until there's major changes.
>say something that's neither funny nor clever
>hurr durr why did you take me seriously?
Umm spicy
has there ever been a case of a director coming back to the industry from a long absence and actually creating comparable in quality to what they were known for making originally?
back in the day Bioware could do no wrong. Look at where we're at now.
is this the most reddit game to ever exist? like really, is there any more perfect example of "reddit the game" ?
it just looks like motion blur to me, if they intended to have the guard teleport in (which doesnt make much sense because no other guard seemed to do that) they would have an animation or particle effect.
american mcgee?
Not even cool gore like fallout ..battlefield is clean after fight. No aftermath. Pathetic shitty game
Shitty combat
Fanboyism and "Not Bethesda" butthut complex
I wanted New Vegas in space.
It looks like New Vegas in space.
I am happy.
So Yea Forums is already shitting on this?
May get it on sale now.
What a retard, everyone knows Big O is the best mecha nipvision product.
American McGee never really left the industry. People stopped paying attention to him in the mid 2000's because he was making shit like Bad Day L.A., and they stopped paying attention again after Madness Returns because he only makes Chinese browser games now. He's always been working, it's just that most people don't care.
this desu, looks terrible
it looks like The Technomancer / Mars: War Logs
at least the latter had cool music
Is this on the Gamebyro engine? Everything looks so static, dead and badly animated. I feel like I don't even need to ask.
what's his claim to fame, really?
iirc he was a level designer with id but other than that i really don't know
>beating civilians to death is funny
That's a yikes from me
AND epic exclusive
also what happened to his sister, that's the last i've heard of him
that's to be expected at this pont
Sweenie literally bought up every upcoming mid-budget game that has any sort of media attention
looks kinda meh, might pirate
I mean, to be fair, this is an extremely alpha build they put together to show in that interview.
It doesn't even have voice acting in it or graphical effects to mention. Lips don't even move.
The age of decadence
no budget poor indie studio
I find difficult to cry for you when I'm laughing my ass off your idiocy. You are not even going to buy any of those games, tranny. And now the people that would, will not either.
>no mod support
After he left id, he spent the 2000s developing a couple mid-to-low budget original IPs, which range from cult classics (Alice, Scrapland) to garbage scows (Bad Day L.A.). After that he went back to EA to make a sequel to Alice, and when that flopped he opened a studio in China and disappeared from western consciousness. The main reason he's fondly remembered in my view is that he's seen as an "auteur", in that he actually made a variety of games with unique concepts, and made sure to stamp his distinctive name over each and every one of them. He was never the best game designer (even Alice and Scrapland have massive design issues) but he made different shit and made sure people remembered it was him that did.
Doesn't look all that interesting. It looks too much like bioshock. I've had my fill for the immersive sim type games.
The combat seems serviceable enough. Whether or not it's worth it will depend on if they stick the landing with the other RPG elements - unlike some other anons in this thread I haven't been put-off by any of the dialogue shown off yet but I also don't think they've bothered to show off anything particularly interesting in that department, either, besides confirming that there's a unique choice linked to a retard-run that has some major effects on the story.
>atrocious tearing even in a staged demo with reviewer-tier controller movement
Not nitpicking or anything, but why can't tech companies into tech? Genuinely curious how someone decided against using vsync for a staged demo.
It is pathetic how they can't even come up with an original aesthetic of their own, or at least copy something that doesn't make everyone realize where they stole it from in 4 seconds.
Then support underrail, dos, pathfinder and age of decadence instead of this garbage.
Dude, don't insult Elex.
Go back to the Codex gramps.
>white male
It is a fucking pajeet, man. Because it is funny you see, pewdiepie is the enemy of the indian channel T-series hahahaha so it is a very subversive and original gag, so unexpected and randum xP
Dude who told you could stop sucking obsidian's cock for a second? Go back and clean all that rancid smegma, you pathetic fanboy.
pewdiepie is reddit incarnate desu
I don't care who likes him or who doesn't. Just telling you that the devs put that absolute garbage joke there and thought themselves very smart for it.
Based garbage collectors, hope they release xbox exclusives only so we don't have to see any of their "games" in other systems.
Underrail, Lisa the Painful and it's respective fan games, Age of Decadence, Wasteland II, Divinity Original Sin I and II, Soulsborne... Hell, a few of the Skyrim mods put New Vegas to shame. Honestly? I consider unmodded NV to be below Insomnia: the Arc in quality.
>game looks like it'll be memelands shit
>game is guaranteed flop thanks to being chink store exclusive (Sweeney's bribe money to the publisher will make it a financial success for the pub though)
>obsidian already blaming it all on the publisher
>>obsidian already blaming it all on the publisher
this is par for the course
At this point I want Starfield to be great just so the bandwagon-jumping fuckfaces get BTFO
You missed the fuck out of that call gramps.
Never been a fan of Obsidian.
As to your point as bad as Obsidian is they are ten times better than anyone that hipster bait list you threw out.
Now go back to the Codex and yell at clouds with all the other old timers.
>anyone I don't like is codex
Fuck off retarded "not a fanboy cocksucker I swear" FANBOY. Any of the games I mentioned are better and a lot more anons are recommending games along those lines because they are objectively better. The only one who can't see it is you because due to sheer autism, or retardation, of god knows whatever mental ailment afflicts you.
there were a few bugs and texture popins through out the demo, I doubt this was intentional.
Western videogame development is just a phase. Most of them find out that it is a career suicide quit the industry before it is too late. That is why every dev team seems to be composed of a bunch of fat kids with capeshit tshirts and the occasional tranny writer whose previous experience was writing harry potter slashfics and stinks the workplace with his open crotch wound, and that one hasbeen game dev in his 50's who knows he is in a dead end industry but can't do the switch anymore. Whoever worked this animation probably is browsing youtube for tips on how to rig models because he has no real experience.
Mentions Utterfail,Age of Derpadence,and Pathfinder (couldn't come up with a mocking name for that one) and then claims not from the Codex.
that city looks as lifeless as the one in crackdown 3
There are 146 inique IPs in this thread and if you read the posts almost every single one of them except you are flinging insane amounts of (well deserved) shit at the game you are shilling for, fanboy. Also that joke you tried to do there sucks as much as the obsidian dick you can't get out of your mouth, which explains why you like their Rick and Morty type of humor.
Seems the publisher has the right idea to accepy epic’s bribe money. Just look at this shit. This screams flop
Devs and animators with skills won’t work in the video game industry because it has a hellish work environment.
Fallout set in not Rapture without mods. Could not even finish that video.
Five out of five yikes my dude.
Dementia has set in gramps.
The only posts in this thread I have made is to tease you.
There was one earlier where I pointed out Obsidians animators make Bethesda's look good.
You don't belong here and should head back to your safe space in the Codex.
>Obsidian makes isometric CRPGs
>people aren't happy
>Obsidian makes AA 00's style RPGs
>people aren't happy
What do you people even want?
>Did the modellers and animators got the job through nepotism
Ah, yes, the "lol I troll you" defense. Cry me a river, little fanboy. You don't sound butthurt at all.
This is why you never listen to your fans.
They are retarded.
Because the games fucking suck you fanboy shit.
Obsidian hasn't made a good game in the last 9 years.
Uh oh, not looking good obsidibro
Seems like you are the retard here though.
Not shitposting or falseflagging I was unironically excited for this. All my excitement is severely tampered down trailer by trailer - it's not even about the Epic store bullshit since I was gonna pirate it anyway. It just looks boring and lame
Meant for
>that sluggish analog stick aiming
Why, after all these years, do people continue to be okay with this?
Why are games so shit this gen? Its like nothing advanced from last gen at all
They are playing in front of a live audience who are probably too far away to read the dialogue and it had no voice acting. What the fuck did you expect?
that town and the npc behavior seems braindead, they don't even react well to getting massacred
why can't communities like 17:20 onwards be the norm in the year of our lord 2000 + 19
They want to release by August this year right?
This seems like a DOA
Its gonna be a sleeper like prey I'm buying day 1 tho so I know in my heart that I atleast tried, fucking assholes,
You're making an RPG.
The perspective and budget barely matter.
Gameplay, and aesthetics play second fiddle.
What's actually important is high degrees of reactivity and interactivity from the setting, player agency, and sublime narrative quality and variability.
The player wants to carve out their own little story in the setting, they want the things that happen to be interesting and occasionally unexpected, and above all, dependent on the actions they make.
Am I the only one who can barely look at the flashy gun effects? Don't mind a minor flare but this is almost Anthem tier
You're not alone, I had the same reaction to the splash damage type gun that fires M-rays or whatever, in fact most of the effects look terrible but that might just be the absolute aspartame overload of this ugly af planet/moon/whatever. Also having a hard time believing MS didn't bribe half the audience to laugh at every opportunity or cue.
I was stunned guards didn't respond to the carnage of that restricted area when they were 30 feet away down the stairs with no door or wall in between. There's so much wrong in this trailer I wouldn't even know where to begin though, never lost interest in a game so quickly.
That was extremely awkward to watch.
The problem is that this has already happened before with Pillars of Eternity Deadfire.
>Josh Sawyer creates a fucking amazing combat, class and skill system
>everything else about the game by the rest of modern Obsidian is fucking garbage, from the atmosphere to the writing to the progression to the companions to any gameplay features that weren't done by Sawyer like naval combat
looks lit AF for some reason I thought it was going to be top down or isometric or something
Nice try Sawyerfag, but we all know he was responsible for the main plot
They bailed on those outdated mechanics once they realized people only say they want those games.
Sawyer has never been much of a writer though so I wasn't even expecting much from him in that regard, he wrote one of the most boring companions in PoE1 too. His gameplay autism is what makes him great.
Moreso Obsidian just fucking SUCKS at making anything that isn't a console RPG it seems.
Even mobileshit like the Shadowrun games get good reception.
because normalfags aka Yea Forums keep buying shit unoriginal games
Everything looks like a fucking christmas tree. That is the thing about having poor or no art direction at all.
that looks like shit
no wonder Private Division went to Epic instead of Steam because they knew it'll sell like shit
that is because nu obsidian employees are millennial cucks and women
Lisa the painful
>Obsidian making another blunder
How much are you going to bet Larian is going to announce its own first person RPG next year?
>No VO's
>The city looks less lively than Megaton
>Those companions
>That boring woman presenting this shit heap
>Worse looking gunplay than Bioshock Infinite
>Worse graphics than Bioshock Infinite
>That guard popping in
Is this really the best they could show? Yikes.
Meant for
>ultimately torn between their ceaseless need for a waifu and their subtle racism.
My racism is not subtle. Fuck you.
>Ugly, over-designed clothing.
Kojima is practically the only man who can make cool looking characters anymore.
>but what do they eat?
Black pussy, I assume.
>epic store
Well that makes it easy to not buy
so much salt from steam drones in this thread. first minute of the video looks good. if there's more content like that it will probably be worth picking up
>being this much of an idiot
All of the shitty memey parts of Fallout 2 were written by Avellone.
It just looks so outdated and rehashed. I don't mean the graphics, I mean the designs of everything, the way the menus are, the combat. If this came out in 2010 it probably would have been a hit. But it looks like Fallout 3 + Bioshock Infinite. The pure retorfuturism aesthetic is just tired. The combat looks straight out of Fallout 3/NV with some new paint. The guns don't look impressive or like they feel good. Throw in meme special weapons to make up for it. It's all some tiresome.
>emptiness everywhere
That's Obsidian for you. Everyone wanted to blame it on Gamebryo when it happened in NV. But nope, just a shit dev.
>steam drones
I was going to pirate it even before the EGS announcement, and I still say it looks like shit. What now?
The postal guys made a good postal 2 DLC numerous aeons after postal 2
ur opinion is irrelevant, get a job
why does this look so much worse then Rage 2
looks fun. Can't wait to play it.
New Vegas wasn't really that empty. Like shit it took me my second playthrough to find out what the Thorn is, or the Sewer City
Why are you looking at a dev who has never been known for graphics, engines, innovation or technical skill for improvements over last gen?
he did make some of the cooler Doom 2 maps as well, like Dead Simple and Gotcha!
Man, I wish I had a minimum wage job at McDonalds like you so I could spend $60 on a shit videogame and have a relevant opinion.
>mfw "Fallout killer"
Fallout is already dead.
>It looks like New Vegas in space
It really doesn`t. It looks like Bioshock infinite, we happy few and whatever FOTM trend is now had a sloppy orgy and birthed this monstrosity.
Wasteland 2 fucking sucks. It`s one of the biggest waste of goodwill in gaming.
Well said, user. RPGs are about limitations and choices and how they make your character part of the setting`s story.
>it looks like NV in space
Are you blind? It looks like a bioshock clone.
>yfw you didn’t pre order it
Games aren`t shit, actually. AAA games are shit because we are reaching the point where, in most other mediums, the big companies learn the "formula" to get the public's attention and money for the longest time with minimal effort.
But gaming, being a more interactive medium, can't have a "formula" for too long because people play said formula and sooner or later they get tired of it if it isn't actually decent to play.
are you projecting user? i didn't say get a minimum wage job. free mcdonalds is free mcdonalds though...
>Amazing combat,class and skill system
How much did it improve when compared to the original PoE, because the first game battle system was fucking boring as hell and the "chanting" gimmick was pretty much pointless.
Is it just me, or does this look suspiciously like Infinite only with more randumb humour?
You can even see when Japan goes for realism they start to miss the mark. Capcom's new obsession with mo-cap results in some really jank shit like RE2make.
Yeah it was a really stupid way to base your entire gameplay presentation on gimmicks instead of actual gameplay. Looked awful and made me think they don't actually have that much real content one can get immersed in.
Looks ridden with SJW/leftist propaganda, hard pass.
Outside Dragons Dogma, I have never seen Yea Forums loving a shit game.
I would argue Pathologic as a self-aware thing that I also love and EYE, of course.
that seems like a big word for you, but you at least tried to use it correctly so good job
If you like good gameplay are lore, dragons dogma is great. Sorry you can't appreciate those things
Check out the Mount and Blade threads.
They genuflect before posting about that turd.
It's not fair to count Mountain Blade. It has a neat base, it's just an unfinished piece of turkjank.
If Bannerlord is ever released, you'll see.
Ugly Ugly astetic.
flaws are great and I hope they are cool. but they will prob be very boring percentage nerfs.
lol at epic
Replace the word good with the word MMO and you will be 100% correct.
And that's a good thing
This unironically looks like a 360/PS3 era game
>MMO gameplay are lore
This is more accurate than I think was intended.
This looks like SJW garbage, what happened to Obsidian?
No wonder they sold out to epic.
Can someone explain to me what the point of roleplaying is in a world where non of the in-game characters take anything seriously? How can I get invested when it seems like everyone has read the script?
a console fps shooter
it was never going to be good
looks like absolute garbage, what's the chances it will be delayed?
AA is always shit
>normies don't know the name Tim Cain
>normies don't know Troika or Black Isle
>Normes just thing this is supposed to be some shooty shooty game and complain the gunplay doesnt look like doom or whatever.
Man I really hate this board now.
No joke, you can mod New Vegas' character models to around 2018 standards and give it an ENB and it will look better than this.
they're rushing this shit because they are literally in a weird zone where they can do whatever they want, but need to finish their last project so they can get to work on what microsoft wants them to do
expect another we happy few
>Make a first person "shooter" game
>People complain about it being shit
>"But muh dialogs!"
If you can't make a good combat and weapon design why even do a first person?
Aging has beens have never produced anything that equals their previous peak.
just don't take him to any bridges or you'll faction rep
>this was the game that was supposed to dab on Bethesda
>Make a first person "shooter" game
Who is making a first person shooter game?
I am talking about Outerworlds. It is an RPG.
Was VTMB a FPS as well? Guess my favourite game of all time is actually shit. Thanks user, here I was lamenting how much I loved the RPG elements, world, characters, lore, and fun builds you could do. Turns out it was a failed doom clone.
Well i don't know anything about Diablo III lore or world design, so I cant comment on what Boyarsky has been up to. But if it is half as good as the last game either of them directed, I am pretty hype. If you watch Cain talk about making RPGs, it is clear the dude still knows what he is doing.
when they played b-roll for their interview with, i forget; asked questions really fast, a couple of weeks ago, I knew it was a bad. People were shitting on it pretty hard. When they announced Epic exclusive, i knew it was going to be a shit game. They had to have no confidence in this crap. the animations were some of the worst I've seen in a long while. even for a AA game.
Fallout killed itself.
they did me a real favor by putting this crap on chinese botnet, i would have bought this day one on steam without even questioning whether it would be worth the premium price tag.
Nigga did you even play PoE 1&2?
Those fucks turned their backs on us.
pillars 2 was shitty and this looks like it's making what made pillars 2 bad even worse, the tone of this game seems so obnoxious
you sure showed them
yea they sure showed them bro
We live in the Marvel Movie era where every character has to be a quirky, witty smartass with a heart of gold in every form of media ever. Nothing is allowed to be serious. Nothing is allowed to try.
i fucking hate it
>attack guards on the staircase
>nobody reacts
Ironman 1 was a great movie. I just wish they didn't copy paste it a million times.
Aaaaaand it's the niggerbitch. MANDATORY DOGFACE NIGGERBITCHES IN
you okay there bud?
Nothing wrong with beautiful black women, to be completely honest with you. The real problem here is Tumblr syndrome and SJW aesthetics, which are repulsive.
>Nothing wrong with beautiful black women,
except greasy skin and sour smell
then dont make FPS next time retard
We live in an age where soap has been invented.
The guy who came up with the retrofuturistic style of fallout is literally one of the lead devs.
Why do devs still make gameplay reveals with analog stick aiming? It never ever looks good.
Looking nice, can’t wait to pirate it.
Because the paid shills playing them don't want to bother with KB+M, they just want to breeze through with a controller.
What if I told you it was not an FPS...?
I agree. I would argue they haven't shown anything yet to that would make me believe the game is going to be contrary to any of those factors, though, so I don't think there's any reason to think it will be shit on that front (yet).
I was going to say it looks like bioshock infinite except actually good.
Not great, but it as actual roleplay to it.
Because it looks better and cinematic and proves that controllers won't be an impediment because the game is accessible.
Unrelated but where the fuck is Epic getting the money to buy all these exclusivity deals
Is some retard bankrupting himself / his company in a pipedream attempt to surpass Steam?
are you going to wash your nigger wife with soap 24/7?
Looks like Fallout 3 and Bioshock fucking crashed into one another. I can safely say I will pass on this completely. Not even a pirate.
sounds hot, so why not
>20 min reveal
>Half of it is combat and the other one is rick and morty tier dialog
Yeah. It's neither a fps or rpg. It's just shit
People aren't happy because they were shit. It's incredibly disingenuous to just ignore the actual quality of the games, rather than just what kind of games they were
I do, I backed Original Sin 2
RPGs like this do not tend to lend themselves to snippets of out of context gameplay I will admit. Especially when the average ADD zoomer such as yourself gets confused why it no have good shooty shooty.
Fortnite, and having one of the most used/profitable game engines, also a bunch of money was raised with the private sale of shares a while ago. Also a lot of the deals are not "buyouts" they just basically garuntee you will sell a certain number on EGS, and if the game doesn't hit it, they have to pay the difference. So for all we know, half these games could be free for them.
>people aren't happy
?? by people you mean Yea Forumsposters trying to make everygame be the next tortanic right? most of these things were incredibly well received.
To be fair a good share of the burden is on them for showing the game off in a really poor fashion. Not having any spoken dialogue ready for the area whilst showing off a dialogue-heavy quest and then also just going around and killing random civilians who don't put up much of a fight isn't going to leave a fantastic impression with most people outside the crowd of usual suspects who will note that it's nice you can seemingly murder everyone if you so please (but even then you don't need to dedicate half your showcase to that, the point was perfectly illustrated after one or two NPCs were murdered).
I mean, maybe it's just this one city that looks boring as fuck. Hopefully the rest of the planets biomes are more fun .Waiting 1 year isn't a big deal.
I actually 100% agree. They should have done a reveal with a fully polished sidequest chain complete with VA work to better show the game, and gone over the rpg elements. preferably a darker one to juxtapose the tone of the trailer. Or even do something Cyberpunk gameplay reveal style. But I do acknowledge this is insanely hard to do for a game like this, and Take-two is probably making them show off shit before they are ready for something like that, or their order of developing things doesn't work for it, possibly it would contain major spoilers of an early event etc. But even barring all that, imagine trying to take 20 minutes of combat to make VTMB look good. You just fucking cant. I dont begrudge the zoomers going "oh this FPS looks bad!" they simply don't know better. It is just annoying.
Doesn't even look like it's worth pirating
Kate Dollarhyde looks cute, is she hates white men?
PoE1 was great.
>confused why it no have good shooty shooty
In their trailes they show almost nothing but combat and some cut-scenes. Combat is boring trash with eye-bleeding effects and presented dialogs are ME tier with no more than 3 choices and somehow even worse "humor".
So what are the redeeming qualities of this game? It's literally on the same level as Fallout 4 if not worse since F4 at least tried to do good combat
Bad demonstration.
There's definitely some upfront cash money on the table, Phoenix Point and Satisfactory devs admitted as much.
This. Good devs used to make the game they wanted to play but now that they made them they take their talents elsewhere.
>So what are the redeeming qualities of this game?
Will likely have god tier RPG systems, good lore, good characters, a great world and a great narrative?
>what if the guys that made dead money made a game
oh god oh god oh god
Journey to a Hostile Planet
All advertise like they are the same game. And they should be,
You have to choose to accept the flaw for an immediate perk or reject as many as you want. Doesnt really seem like a big deal if you dont like it
Yeah, I can definitely agree that it's annoying. Unfortunately this game has a lot going against it at the moment, particularly on Yea Forums where it was already on a lot of people's shit lists even before the whole Epic debacle due to more recent Obsidian games.
>due to more recent Obsidian games
But again this is annoying, because while I may be biased in that I actually liked PoE. This is the first game Tim Cain is directing there and Boyarsky literally just joined the company in 2016 to start on this game.
It honestly looks fine
It isn't meant to be big budget, and it looks it
Still looks fun
I hope because what I saw from this gameplay was the opposite of everything you said.
Because it didnt show any of it. It just showed a half finished snippet of an out of context sidequest and a dude fucking around shooting shit. They even wanted to skip over the flaw system, not thinking to mention it until it came up at the end. So dumb.
You can wear silly hats !!! Omg pre ordering rn !!
I’m glad your still optimistic enough to expect anything good from people who thought showing this shitheap to the public was a good idea.
looks like eurojank lmfao. obsidian have done it again, watch out pirana bytes
>Because it didnt show any of it.
Ah yes, the fags playing pretend are here
>this game will totally have all of this stuff that they didnt show but it'll totally have it because I just know deep in me heart that its there it has to be!
>Kojima is practically the only man who can make cool looking characters anymore.
Cool looking male characters.
Don't insult eurojank like that.
>it's just a bad demonstration!
>it'll still be good!
>it's probably the publishers fault!
Tim Cain has never let me down. I am possitive most the marketing is taketwo anyway.
This type of gaming is incredibly hard to "show off." It is not so much, me playing "pretend" it is me basing it on the team, and what they are saying about it. This type of game is not for everyone, and I do not begrudge you not seeing the appeal.
fuck is wrong with you people? it looks decent
why is Yea Forums so shit, sekiro gets a pass because it's japanese but even sekiro gets shit threads for no reason.
That Alex guy might come off as a pretentious idiot but he actually makes a case against pre-ordering games on his Tumblr. Colour me surprised...
>less than one minute in
>game is already pretentious
it's like with Prey marketing, marketing companies who build up on shit like CoD and GTA have no fucking clue how to sell other type of games to the right people
>second sentence in the post
>edgelord retard
like clockwork.
This demo was done by some of the devs though, not some fucking marketers
Divinity OS 1 & 2
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Age of Decadence
>This type of game is not for everyone
Agreed, not all of us are delusional obsidiots.
But the game is mainstream-tier. Every gamer girl gonna play it on release
They just talked it through and played it user. I doubt they pick what to show off, and even if they did, they are hardly expert marketers themselves.
That was actually interesting to read. thanks user
>Agreed, not all of us are delusional obsidiots.
I am a delusional troikashit get it right zoomer.
>12 people out of 34458
I know, right? Kind of interesting to peek behind the curtain into game development.
I'm surprised he's allowed to air his actual opinions on the matter without being fired or being given a serious talking to from the higher ups.
all of these, really
i think you're talking about the same thing
the difference between a normal black girl character and a social justice KVEEN is usually very apparent
>being blind
Well on the up side now I've lot whatever temptation I had to go on Epic and buy it.
I might buy it on Steam in a year. On sale.
It is actually 11/39 presently playing it, not just owning it, but playing it. And that is in the "boycott" group, which is probably the most hardcore of the disgruntled.
Good thing the image was cropped so you can't even see everyone on the first page.
I'm sure the remaining 675 pages are also all people in game and playing L4D2 at that ratio.
when did they confirm this as an epic store exclusive?
At GDC they said they are giving away grants of 100 million USD if you can pitch them a videogame or movie that's good enough.
Sweeney probably thinks that's a small price to pay because his vision is for EGS to become the go-to monolithic platform for BOTH consoles and PC.
Seriously, watch his keynote.
A while ago have you been living under a rock?
just google outer worlds and epic store
how long can he keep up with buying games, realistically?
>seething steamnegroids
it's honestly hard to keep up with which game was and wasn't confirmed
it feels like epic bought exclusivity for every single mid-budget game coming out in the next two years
>this is an extremely alpha build
okay, but why would you show that?
all it does is give a subpar impression of your product
>implying it will get better
I don't care if it's on the Epic store or not, I don't want Steam to have a monopoly and competition is good for the consumer, but this game looks like an absolute turd.
Looks great, can't wait to play it.
tencent has a lot of money.
Yikes. The first person RPG genre stuck in 2005 still I see. Loading screens between doors, retard NPCs, RPG elements always so shallow it's basically just Bioshock which wasn't even trying to be an RPG when it was made.
Also Fallout New Vegas wasn't any better than 3, with Bethesda and Obsidian "leading" this genre, it's never going to evolve.
Are you me? Can't believe I defended western gaming back then. I still believed that westerners are superior in strategy and tactic genre in video game but I wouldn't even put up a fight anymore when it comes to anything else.
>Game gets announced
>stuff I don't like (Epic) happens
i fucking hate all of you niggers
Steam was never a monopoly
In fact Epic tries to be one by throwing money around
western games are still superior to japanese ones, you just get triggered by the SJW ones, even with SJW elements the game is still superior to the japanese ones in gameplay, atmosphere and story
But what he said was literally correct. I didn't know why Cain was the sole sole man credited for lead designer when much of the SPECIAL system was co-developed by him and Taylor.
And Sekiro is only on Steam, why no outrage? Why isn't it on GOG?
the feeling's mutual
Why does everything have to be comedic like a Marvel movie nowadays?
name 5 without mentioning outer worlds
That gameplay clip was really low energy, I hope it is not indicative of the game as a whole.
I hope it is indicative of the game. This cancerous studio deserves to fail.
You should demand better service as a consumer and not just launcher that lets you play Fortnite.
Also, it's an RPG. There is not much to showcase except things to read. People would call FNV shit if you show them game like this without interacting with NPCs, exploring locations and fucking around with leveling system.
poe 2 lesbian shit is annoying but they must of had an ultra d and d geek slaving away cause gameplay feels so nice
Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment
>Yikes. The first person RPG genre stuck in 2005 still I see.
If only.
>RPG elements always so shallow it's basically just Bioshock which wasn't even trying to be an RPG when it was made.
Bioshock didn't even have an inventory, NPCs you could interact with or any sort of permanent character progression (you only had loadsouts in the form of plasmids/tonics). Your comparison makes no sense.
>demoing your video game by going around killing non-hostile NPCs
wew, what a boring fucking demo.
Looks decent. Yea Forums automatically hates pretty much everything.
>Looks and play like a worst Fallout New Vegas
>SJW devs
>Epic Store Exclusive
Day one pirate
Exclusives are counter-intuitive to any competition that would benefit the consumer. Instead of storefronts selling the same product and having to lure people with better features or prices, exclusives ensure that they can force people to come to their store while never improving anything.
I can purchase Sekiro from all of these different stores. How many stores are competing to sell epic exclusives?
even bothering pirating?
it looks like shit, adn will be forgotten in a week
But this demo did show interacting with NPCs and it was shit. Less dialogue options than fucking Fallout 4. You couldn't even tell the actors they were being set up, just had to play along with the stupid scenario.
>It is pathetic how they can't even come up with an original aesthetic of their own, or at least copy something that doesn't make everyone realize where they stole it from in 4 seconds.
You do realize Bioshock itself ripped off its retrofuturistic aesthetic, and those whacky 50's plasmid commercials, from Fallout? The Outer Worlds is made by the original developers of Fallout.
>constant rick and morty tier quips in the dialogue
Yikes. What happened? Where's the Dead Money -tier dialogue?
>But this demo did show interacting with NPCs and it was shit. Less dialogue options than fucking Fallout 4.
That's scientifically impossible.
Did you even watch the video? It literally was exactly that
And? Its completely justified.
I have morbid curiosity.
>Elex tier
You take that back. Elex is actually a good game.
Not him but I need some form of fps rpg to tide me over before cyberpunk.
>inb4 cyberpunk shitposting
>Did you even watch the video? It literally was exactly that
No it wasn't, Most conversations had at least 2-3 responses, and you also had responses that required having certain skills/attributes high enough, or certain items.
Fallout 4 literally only has 1 response for most situations that it fakes as being 4 responses, there are no skill checks apart from lackluster charisma-based ones and the game railroads you in other ways, e.g. most NPCS are essential and can't be killed, whereas in the outer worlds you can kill anyone.
Quality > quantity. I'd rather have 2 meaningful responses than 10 responses with no meaningful difference.
FUCK epic games and FUCK tence—
>Most conversations had at least 2-3 responses
That were all essentially the same thing and led the conversations in exactly the same direction.
It's especially hilarious though that there was a [lie] check when every option there was fucking acting anyway
I'm not seeing that much of an Bioshock Infinite influence. I see more Prey and Dishonored in there. Even if it did look like Infinite, the art direction in infinite was the one thing that almost everyone agreed was actually good about that game.
>That were all essentially the same thing and led the conversations in exactly the same direction.
How so? You could have resolved that acting session peacefully. You could also have bribed the guard or persuaded him to let you by peacefully. Despite most of the video consisting of mindless slaughter, there were plenty of meaningful choices of display.
>That's what you think!
>Is this where we're dumping backstory? Because that should come up earlier.
Phew, look at all that variety.
My eyes would rot from this much bloom, lens flare and lasers.
Thanks tumblr
There are LITERALLY no technical roadblocks anymore, a team like Obsidian can literaly do ANYTHING
The only reason they don't is because they are lazy
Yikey Doodle Dandy
I'll wait for it to hit Game Pass, like We Happy Few and Vampyr
>wanted an rpg where I can actually roleplay
>won't be able to because no one in the game actually acts like the live in the setting
What's more is I can guarantee you all dialogue choices would only lead to the actor replying somewhat differently. It wouldn't change anything else.
Friendly reminder that stuffing a lot of shiny objects and particles into your design is a sign of shitty artist. Femenists and basedboys can't into art
*grabs you by the throat* BACK OFF?!
Have you played Old World Blues?
Its a fucking comedy shitshow anyway. Even in the video itself they said it was inspired by Futurama. So the Doc might as well be rick and morty one.
>But it's just an Alpha
>You could have resolved that acting session peacefully
I fucking doubt it, judging by what we saw
>all that wasted space on the "enemy killed 2000xp" block
are they trying to make the game as unnapealing as possible?
its so fucking bad, I would be depressed if I had to work on this trash
Do you think the staff got sick of having to fake laugh every time it happened? You just know they've seen that effect thousands of times already given they've been playing/testing for months.
It looks great
Yes and it was shit. And I certainly don't want an entire game around that premise.
people excuse owb cause of its humor, but you right
it was shit
Every annoying enemy from base game plus robo Scorps Spammed to fucking hell
>Outer Worlds isn't an RPG
What sort of mental gymnastics are you doing? You're probably a mouth breathing retard who thinks Bioshock invented retro art deco.
Pillars games are complete dog shit that are overly balanced removing the fun from build comps. Writings shit too. Go fuck your gay fish.
>Epic Store exclusive
I fucked a girl while she was wearing that same dress
I honestly don't know too much about them, but I would prefer people release good games instead of bad ones. I don't like to play bad games.
>western games are still superior to japanese ones
Yes and? Am I magically going to support Obsiditard based on their previous record? Say what you want about nip games but at least they fucking deliver a polished product with sound design while a lot of established western dev seem to gone worse recently. Like I said, western strategy and tactic game are still superior, I just don't want to defend their developers on anything else anymore.
Out of all my childhood game, I always seem to remember this quote more than anything else, even Deus Ex. Why is that?
>that canned laughter
Jesus, might as well call it Rick and Morty's Big Bang Theory.
Have you seen the presentation in OP? When they start smacking NPCs it looked worse than Postal 2. Its a fucking sandbox game so far. Like that moment when you install bunch of crazy mods on oblivion just to fool around.
It copies the worst parts of Bioshock Infinite and Fallout 4
So we have the
-fake plastic looking world
-awkward stiff npc animations
-retarded dialogue system
-shitty mele combat
-overreliance on gun combat
-loading screen every 5 minutes
-world dosnt seem seamless
-empty "towns"
-shitty console inventory system
But mostly its the way they design everything seems like 1 to 1 fallout copy.
Why the fuck dont they use streaming and instead load levels at doors?
I prefer walking down empty corridors over hitting a loading screen every fucking second.
You forgot one.
Because it's true. And because Wh40k has some cool quotes
Vanilla new vegas is shit.
easily the best one imo
with maybe divinty tying
Fake laughter was the best when they started to smack black woman to death and laugh at it. It was right after they killed asian man by melting him and said "video games meant to be fun".
>An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded
>looks at BLM and the modern tranny movement
fuck, that quote was probably meant to be satire but the Librarian was right
I liked the dialogue and the options. The rest looked very unimpressive.
>floating names
i want to walk to the one who designed this an kick him in the balls
Best part of floating names is that most of NPCs aren't named. That's why there's pop-in in the very beginning, because they are just randomly spawning like in GTA.
>Bloodlines 2 has zero gameplay
>it's going to be a good RPG
If you cared about full presentation with them talking:
To hell with this.
fucking trash
was the audience paid to laugh?
there's nothing funny going on an it sounds like a fucking laughing track in the background
Yes, the whole reason they sold out to epic because they knew the game will face backlash because of its quality and won't sell enough anyway.
i fucking hate this and Deadfire really went this way, especially with the player's lines
have sex
There's no reason to support a developer with no faith in their own product. Let alone one who will sellout at the drop of a hat for a quick buck.