Why yes, I play Senran Kagura, how could you tell?

>why yes, I play Senran Kagura, how could you tell?

Attached: 1553959865519.jpg (720x540, 29K)

That's quite the nose that he's got there...

Imagine being white... Yikes.

How do I get a chin

Senran Kagura? I do enjoy those games, why do you ask?

Attached: download.jpg (200x252, 9K)

At least he's not a slav

Attached: white warriors against deviancy.jpg (1000x750, 815K)

Slavs are the niggers of the white race.

Attached: gummo_1080_720.gif (1080x648, 131K)

>I'll take one copy of the Senran Kagura Estival versus LE, please.

Attached: professor badass.jpg (700x1051, 150K)

>system of a down tee
>not toxicity or debut

>Imagine being mad some people enjoy themselves playing dumb fanservice games.

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whatever you say

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>Slavs are the niggers of the white race.

Attached: 1553613580390.jpg (966x732, 307K)

Exception, not the rule, faggot.

No that would be the irish


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slav boy cool

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Two copies of Deus Ex (2000) please

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 118K)

>yes, could I get a new set of joycons so I can play Senran Kagura Reflexions?

Attached: anonisretarded.jpg (620x420, 144K)

What did he mean by this

Surgery nowadays can fix nochin easily. It costs a bit (affordable with a minimum wage job and some tight fists tho) and takes about 3 years, but if you're not happy with your face structure and chin I think it's worth it.

>Młodzież Wszechpolska
i mean being a subhuman retard is an entry qualification for them so

>why yes, I play fate grand order, how could you tell?

Attached: file.png (720x540, 337K)

Tight fists?


Attached: gigachad.jpg (1068x601, 243K)