Even though we live in the digital now, how do you guys store/display your old vidya?

Even though we live in the digital now, how do you guys store/display your old vidya?

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On a shelf.

I have a file cabinet in my room I store my old cartridge games in. For consoles I use in my living room I just place the games in the drawers of the tv stand, and handheld shit goes in my closet.

As long as its organized and easily accessible I don't care. Nobody is gonna be impressed by my display of 80's Nintendo games, it's just for personal use.

>we live in the digital now

Sure if you're a cunt.

>old vidya
I still buy physical copies for current gen.
And I don't display them I have all my games stuffed inside drawers.

Games on shelf, consoles on a stand next to my CRT

are those just ds cases you printed covers on? show the insides of the cases.

You do know that DS cases have a slot for GBA games, right?

most of my games are in totes and boxes but I have one bookshelf stuffed with games

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I more so wanted to see how you put og game boy games in

Why do you have SMT IV twice?

several are empty boxes but two of those exist cause my roommate's copy got stolen in his console so he had to re buy it and he gave me his old ds games

i think you can buy special cases online but they are pricey

I wanna buy physical shit, but it costs too much. I'm not paying $60 for a complete copy of Silent Hill.

I hate being a poorfag

what is this contraption?

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>tfw you own these games on steam but bought them last week on ebay just because you could

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Let's see them snes games dude.

nintendo switch stand. it's made out of machined aluminum I think. target had them on sale for $9 there's also one with a zelda print on it. It has a cut out to let you use the usb while it's on the stand

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Hidden away in several boxes. I've ripped most of my old vidya so they are safe enough. Now I'm just waiting for disc rot to kill most of them.

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here you go. it was hard to get a clear photo of them. I don't really have anything particularly rare for the snes. I have another box that is mostly sports titles and my boxed snes games are also mostly trash but I bought them just for something for my shelf


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why not just sell them for extra change?

I'm in a non-NTSC region so collecting old games is pointless.
>just buy an NTSC to PAL converter
lmao no

I do have all of the super scope games which is kinda cool. I like my n64 collection more since it's not nearly as expensive to buy boxed games.

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>worshipping a plastic box

>I make stupid decisions
>just because I can
I'm proud of you.

to be fair some canuck sold it to me for $60 american

>we live in the digital now

t. limp-wristed twitter fag

In a box somewhere in the attic

I have never and will never pay for digital distribution. No physical, no buy. Download code in a box doesn't count.
I'm forced to pirate though since PC is digital only for the most part, the only games I pay for are the rare DRM free physical release PC gets and sometimes I buy a physical copy of an old game I pirated if I like it enough.
Digital distribution is a cancer on gaming.

In the trash where it belongs.

>on Steam
No such thing, you shouldn't be using Steam to begin with

yeah I know I shouldn't I'm a physicalfag and steam doesn't sell games they just get you to sign licenses their jew lawyers drafted up. I don't even remember buying them on steam maybe I got a key. I've had pirated copies on my server since forever I just really wanted a physical copy of the first game since it's one of my favorites. I used to own a copy years ago but I think I abandoned it at a friends house. If only he knew what it went for today.

Awesome man thanks. Some good ones in there, nothing crazy rare or anything but some great games for sure.