Samurai Showdown new character

This design is disrespectful toward women, they should learn from Mortal Kombat 11

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Shitpost aside, she looks really cool. The weird sword/axe thing makes me think she'll be slow but do big damage.

This design is respectful to my dick, and that's all that matters.

I quite like her weapon.

>they should learn from MK11
>they learn from Borderlands 3 instead

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I don't care about this character specifically but fuck i cannot wait to play this game.

It's coming to either PC or Switch right?

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it's coming to both, but after the PS4/Xbox versions

PS4 and Xbone June 2019, Switch Q4 2019, PC at a later date.

Isn't this basically monster hunter armor and a Greatsword? You can forge both of those items both pretty identical to what she's wearing

Thanks for beta testing Sony and.. Well mostly Sony guys since nobody here cares about Xbox.

OH SHIT. It's the amazon we were promised in SCVI but never got. Bye Haomaru, I have a new main.
Until they add Cocaine Caffeine though, he's the real deal.

Not familiar with the story how would a character like this fit in?

There's a Maya warrior and a Texan guy even though Texas didn't exist yet. I'm sure they'll find a way.

she's a pirate

futa when

hmm hmmm,

Rise Up.

That is all.

Is she a Wokou or something? That's awesome.

And now the nips are sjw pandering retards. durrr let me add a black woman to my FUCKING SAMURAI game fucking disgrace

This, Samurai Shodown was always about respectful characters like Andrew Jackson in SamSho VI, this is clearly over the line.

According to tweets she's supposed to be a pirate so it's not much of a stretch to say that she's supposed to be Okinawan, though I guess we have to wait for more info either way

Dude, unironically, fucking have sex
You keep seething about MK11 and making a billion threads about it, it's not healthy for you, it's not healthy for Yea Forums
Buy a prostitute if you must, buy there is always a woman who may be into guts like you, so, just have sex and stop seething

Her name doesn't feel very Okinawan to me and as an user in another thread said she appears to be influenced by the Caribbean.

This design is respectful towards my dick.

Somebody pranked Woolie!

She looks awesome.

You're most likely a troll but fuck it
Your attitude is disrespectful to women. Stop listening to the vocal minority of multi-colored haired whores who make me feel ashamed to be a woman. There are people on both sides of the gender barrier who like these designs and likewise with barbaric/conan-esqe male designs and similar skimpy stuff.
There is nothing wrong with sexuality in any aspect and you will find there are real women (fit and ugly alike) who would dress like this if they lived in the times or in klassic MK, or any other timeline/universe. Sexuality is a weapon and people who can use it will, and sometimes dressing like a light slut is just fucking comfortable where its not required to be more dressed.

tldr Stop yelling with the other people yelling. The silent majority is tired of the loudmouths and just want to enjoy their hobby

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>All those belts
Looks like they learned from Final Fantasy

isn't this the girl from final fantasy 9?