You jelly ?
You jelly ?
All I see is a faggot still playing Diablo 3 in 2019.
Aww, poor triggered Yea Forums member
...come on man that's not cool
hardcore character I hope
>playing d3 after AH closure
The only reason to play tht shit was to make money if you play d3 for fun you're a retarded apefucker
no, as I only played Diablo 1&2.
fpbp op btfo
i wish i can read arabic
you got plenty of time to learn it
Stop playing trash.
You got BTFO, fuck off diablonigger.
>still having diablo3 installed in 2019
are you disabled lmao?
itt jealous losers that belong in /pol/
>I'm 14yo and I'm making my first epic thread
I'll have to admit you made some of us reply
lmao seething
Absolutely destroyed.
Jesus D3 itemization is still so fucking awful and unfun. Look at those fucking numbers. WHY
No because I don't play shit games from fag enabler devs.
Imagine if:
>itemization and stats changed and were just like in d2/d1, making items have some value instead of trash and making season builds obsolete
>campaign story gets erased and changed with a normal story
>game gets the retarded wow-like graphic filter and gets a more obscure one
what would happen?
but is it t16 viable?