>blocks your path Yea Forums
What do?
Blocks your path Yea Forums
who? which? why? what?
call the cops.
also is this way
They both look like they need a good fucking bath desu.
>making an eceleb thread about two fags that hardly make gaming videos
what a waste of time
Nothing wrong with that.
So what, did the left get cucked, and how did either of them get a girl so clearly out of their league
Fuck off not videogames choke on 64 dicks
The smug fucking look on that Asian girl, holy shit.
I watched Kobayashi's Dragon Maid because of Digibro, fuck him.
>BTFOs digibrony
you were saying?
Digi is fucking toast
How can Destiny support eugenics while being a deformed manlet?
Eugenics for Asians is based.
Is this image photo shopped or something? What the fuck is wrong with that dude on the right? He looks like a god damn bobble head, jesus.
Isn't Digi married?