Boycott vtm:bl

shoving politics in our faeces like that. sjw scum

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t. everything i know and think is from Yea Forums

I don't see how SJW the game can be. Its all about being cruel and unfair to people and hoe humanity is manipulated into sheep for creatures that do nothing but look down on them.

This is just a joke, you know, that think idpols can't actually understand.

I mostly don't give a fuck about tranny shit on video games, but its cringe as fuck how developers just pander to them and use sicuial justice shit just to get them zealot for them like frenzied mindless androids to protect a game that isn't even in production jet, if it hasn't multiplayer I will pirate it anyways.

post yfw current "liberals" and "progressives" would unironically support the bush administration because they're insane pro-war globalists

Let me tell you about communism...

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Boycott? Nah, I'll just pirate it because the game isn't out for another year and they've already announced fucking bundles of DLC.

This is how I know your just a giant faggot.

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This is also how I know your just an idiot. Maybe play the actual game?

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>ass jay double U

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They'll take all of that out because it perpetuates rape culture.

I don't know about anyone else, but I don't want to support a game that panders to actual villains.

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Exactly, enjoy none of that now.

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Body massage?

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I love how everyone suddenly has an opinion about WoD. If there is any remotely mainstream tabletop line that caters to the """SJW""" crowd, it's WoD and has been since the 90's.

She's just talking about exchanging blood in an erotic context

Putting a little politic joke here and there is not the same as pushing some shit down your throat because its "correct".

God VVs voice was pure sex
fuck Jeanette

>it's always the same screenshot
Put some more work you fucking retard.

Yikes! Now that is problematic.

No, fuck you.

If it was Trump instead of Bush then the people who are screeching about Bloodlines now would be just as loud or more compared to them implementing some pronouns.

One of the consequences of Gamergate is that it clued those on the right into the idea that as part of their cultural war they can swoop into anything that could be considered problematic and suddenly act like its defenders, whether they know jack shit about it or not.

These people should not be welcomed with open arms, those who like any product that is supposedly being influenced are capable of defending themselves without being used as pawns in something they want no part of.

tl;dr lmao

back to /pol/ you go
you fucking nugget.

I really wish this type of response worked on the type of people I'm talking about.

anyways how you doing bud?
Looking forward to the sequel?

Fuck yeah I am. Got the head writer back, got the head composer back, and its being designed expressly as a spiritual succesor years after the fact so its not just some rushed hack job out to chase trends and make a quick buck.
I haven't seen anything bad about the game yet outside of the typical /pol/ shitposting, and most of their comments about what they want to mop up for modern audiences is just making the Malkavians less "so random XD" and more like Grout, which is great because Grout was based.

I only played a little of the first game, but this has me interested to try it again and read some of the tabletop books.

Hell yeah man! The only thing I'm worried about is gameplay. I hope they release gameplay soon.

still deflecting, lmao

dumb nigger

Here, v5 book.!ibIUwYbB!0XgND-bLYIic5GULztsmH6J2XXHByiU7CHtwbqeBOiU

It's not the politics that's the issue.
It's how they're handled.
Jabs like these are entirely fine. Trump criticism in the game is absolutely fine.
The important thing is to keep it funny and entertaining, and to not take itself too seriously.
They should be aiming to punch both up and down, as long as it's funny and there's an element of truth to the criticism.
Like it should be entirely fine to make fun of trannies that want to enter bathrooms of the opposite sex, or compete in sports leagues of the opposing gender, because that's really stupid and deserves to be made fun of and also would be really funny if portrayed correctly. It should also be entirely fine to make fun of and BTFO Trump for being such an unabashed rich nepotistic fucker that is robbing America's wealth and global reputation for the sake of earning more money.

American tribalism has completely warped their view on politics. It's not as if you can't criticize both sides for the things they're doing wrong.

This, so long as it's funny then its free game.

Yes, a little joke here or there is fine, as opposed to Vampyr where there's a whole chapter dedicated to ORANGE MAN BAD and it's a major plot point where the Trump expy is quintessentially evil .

Its a game for Liberals by Liberals, obviously Republicans arn't welcome to play it you stupid fuck. We have tons of other games to enjoy why get so bent out of shape over one game? All you are doing is acting the same way as the SJW crowd do.

We shall see. Either way I don't care, lol, nationalism is for nerds.

Part of what makes the screeching fall flat is that this is not currently how the current version of the tabletop game is handling things. There is a text block in the rulebook for the current version of the tabletop game about how if you consider yourself anything close to a fascist you should change your views or not play the game since its not for you. So this is not them widely diverging from the current source material.

As for if it's a divergence from how the tabletop series was before, I can not personally say. I've read on /tg/ enough that WoD has always leaned to the left, yet also read somewhere else that neo-nazis were an example of a type of character. My guess is that the current version of the game does not want to be seen as endorsing such groups now that they're more out of the fringe.

So basically, this isn't a game for people who lean to right now and it never may have been and so to get angry about that is ridiculous.

I think there's a difference between leaning to the left and going full "SMASH THE FASH"

As I said though, the current rulebook contains a portion where they are blatantly anti-fascist, perhaps not to the point of violence, but to the point where they do not want your money and do not want you playing their game. From what little I've read, Paradox seemingly had no problem with this, only when they included real life events from Chechnya.

From what I've read, Bloodlines is seemingly based on the current ruleset, not an older one. So once again it makes little sense to complain about something that was never for you.

>current ruleset, not an older one
>complain about something that was never for you
So was it, or was it not? If you call it Bloodlines 2 and reference it, don't fucking alienate the fans of the original. If they wanted to make something way different, at the very least they could have chosen a different subtitle.
But oh no, then you wouldn't be able to trick the blind ones into pre-ordering it a year before release after only a cinematic trailer.

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>press X to smash the patriarchy

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Try V20 (a modern version of the older editions without changing too much and being light on metaplot) or Revised (what Bloodlines is based on)

>VtM: Bloodlines is SJW now
Is this some new meme or are there morons that actually believe that?

I never got around to playing this game but I always enjoyed the threads; I seem to recall that there was a start up guide image posted sometimes, does anyone have it?

WoD as written in VTMB is just as "SJW" - the difference is that you weren't as radically allergic to something that didn't conform to your exact worldview in 2004 as you are now.

I mean, it's a gothic vampire system that has always dealt with power dynamics of minority populations, AIDS, rape culture, etc, and it's always been a community dominated by the exact people you'd label as "SJW" now. Why is this so surprising to you?

>VtMB shits on Bush and Republicans regularly while never shitting on Democrats
>no one cares
>Source material VtMB was based on has a female black, lesbian Muslim vampire so badass she convinced the Assamites to change their "no women allowed" policy, as well as a genderless Tzimisce who was originally an Afircan male, but frequently is a woman
>no one cares
>VtMB literally features a faction with a woke Che-Guevara wannabe commie grill led by a hispanic who lived during the Great Depression fighting against the objectively evil wealthy elite LaCroix, while Strauss is basically a non-entity
>no one cares
>Mitsoda says one of the themes of the game will be technology vs tradition and the devs will probably take a stance on it

>muh Rudi
The devs literally confirmed he isn't even in

Why does /pol/ pretend to play games, again?

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It's a meme puched by trannydiscord in attempt to justify the upcoming SJW shitfest, that VtMB2 will inevitably be. Nobody actually belevies that shit

Nah I don't think that's a good faith argument

If there was just a single reference mocking Trump I guarantee everyone would be crying over it

Yea Forums gets triggered very easily, which is ironic since everyone accuses SJWs of getting triggered easily, here's all the minor shit that have been bitched about here
>1 pose for Tracer getting changed, because MUH SJWs
>Soldier 76 being confirmed gay in supplementary material outside the actual game, because MUH SJWS
>A couple of lines of dialogue in Pillars of Eternity that you had to dig to find and were inconsequential to the rest of the game getting changed because trannies were upset over it, because MUH SJWS
>Wolfenstein 2 making a Trump reference on Twitter (not in the actual game) because MUH SJWS
>Wolfenstein 2 having ONE line where BJ says "come and get me you white-ass fascist Nazi pigs" as a joke because he couldn't come up with an insult, because MUH SJWS
>Far Cry 5 having a black character (nothing else, literally just having a black character) because MUH SJWS
>One of the devs for Subnautica saying he was anti-gun in a Steam post (again, ultimately irrelevant to the rest of the game) because MUH SJWS
>The dev for Dwarf Fortress agreeing over twitter to put trans pronouns in his game, because MUH SJWS

And many, many, many more

Why am I seeing more and more of these retarded posts? Is this the new boogeyman?

Have you been in a coma for the last half a year

No, I just have a life outside of Yea Forums.

Only tangentially related to WoD, but it definitely seems like people who are discovering tabletop games for the first time are unaware that for either sexual or other reasons there are small things included here and there that would be considered SJW. For example, I recall reading about people being upset at the current iteration of D&D's elf god, yet I can recall it being said in the 3.5 books I own that he is either both male and female or changes between the two forms.

That is another thing, outside of the pronouns there didn't seem to be anything really left leaning about the themes they said they were going to tackle. Tradition versus technology seems kind of vague to me and for all we know could be similar to Tolkein's views on industrialization.

You must have been avoiding Yea Forums entirely to not know anything about trannies and their discord servers

No, just you. No one cares about the supposed "discord trannies" except for your dumb self.

Sure thing, tranny.

>trying to disprove “socialism” by quoting a democratic socialist.

Orwell was anti authoritarian. Like most liberals.

cool story, discord resetera tranny

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Yeah, wasn't on this site for a while and only came back to see the shitfest regarding Halo and Bloodlines 2, but wasn't really worth it since all I'm seeing about Bloodlines is "It's gonna be shit" repeated to the point of tedium.

>If there was just a single reference mocking Trump I guarantee everyone would be crying over it
I have a feeling that nobody will cry about it or even notice the jake except of people who will shitpost about how "incels are mad".
It's been a long time since my ventrue playthrough and I don't remember getting triggered over anything. Some political jokes here and there won't turn the game into a political shitfest. As far as i remember it was mostly about vampires and their shenanigans to get the sarcophagus. Both the Anarchs and the Camarilla made sense in the setting and had both good and bad sides that we, as a player, could find out and make a decision at the end.
What I hope about the game is to not present the setting in the black&white colours where Camarilla are ebil capitalist fascists that hates gays/Muslims/trannies/women and Anarchs are judicious freedomfighters

Everyone who I've met thats been anti-sjw and anti-feminist have always been weaklings that girls dont like being around because they dont trust them.

People that are heavily into this shit, regardless of the side they're on, are best to be avoided.

So like how do Vampires fuck? They dead right? How does the dick work? Are they cold? Cause she fucks humans and won't they notice she's cold as hell?

Go play mass effect andromeda you SJW shill

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No safe space for you. Get out of our hobby.

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Magic and imagining the experience as opposed to actually experiencing it.


I bet Monolith is banned

We lost the culture war.

There was never a war sweetie the space was never yours.

Cracks me up every tiem tbqh

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>anti authoritarian. Like most liberals.
That doesn't make any sense when you cheer on systems that by design capture authority from the public. More like they dislike authoritarian systems that go against their policy preferences and/or morals.

bush is left wing tho

How does being pro-Trump make any sense?
>lol it's the libcucks who are pro-authoritarian!
>now bow down to our God Emperor who regularly praises authoritarian dictators like Kim Jong Un, Duterte, Putin, and Xi Jinping and NEVER EVER criticize him! He should be allowed to violate the Constitution by bypassing Congress to fund his wall (which was supposed to be paid by Mexico, but SHUT UP) and you should just let him do it! The president can't commit a crime!

How does any bit of American politics "make sense" right now, exactly? We're in pre-collapse stage, and only with 10 years' hindsight and the scars of a shattered peace will we look back collectively and finally talk about it.

kill yourself retard
in China if you post a meme of the president looking like winnie the pooh you get kidnapped by the government and killed
in america if you DONT make fun of orange man blumpf then you are killed by antifa

>in america if you DONT make fun of orange man blumpf then you are killed by antifa
Do you honestly believe this? Or are you some Croat teen living vicariously through the internet?

Keep trying.

>in China if you post a meme of the president looking like winnie the pooh you get kidnapped by the government and killed
Do you honestry believe this? Or are you some Tai teen riving vicariousry through the internet?


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yes i do
back to resetera, tranny

>muh antifa
Antifa hasn't actually killed anyone, lol. Meanwhile /pol/'s autismo internet crusade HAS gotten people murdered (see Charlottesville, the New Zealand mosque shooting, etc)

imagine being so infinitely retarded that you missed the point of this thread this hard

hello fed

Needing information. What is a tranny? English is my second language and I have not any clue what you're all talking about.

A guy who's convinced he's a girl or vice versa. Derogatory from "transgender" and the like. Use google.

Epic thread.

Anyways, should I spare this guy's life? He's the r-r-r-r-r-etarded one on the beach.

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>American politics
How does the WoD look in other countries?
This whole shitshow makes me wish the game would take place in some eastern European shithole with tracksuit brujah, toreador golden diggers and parliaments made out of Malkavians.

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imagine being so infinitely retarded that you missed the point of my post this hard

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I'll buy two copies to counter you not buying.

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I'm gonna play it just pirate it like any smart person. Some faggot will buy two copies to spite me so let that sucker pay lmao.

literally everything is political

you only cry about it when you see something disagree with, because you're a gamerbro who hates minorities

There's an ability in the PnP game to spend blood to make yourself seem more human for a time...body heat, heart beat, can even eat food, etc.

She probably uses something like that. Or guys are just willing to put up with a chill to get in that ass.

that's not brainwashing material

based and camarillapilled

>Video games don't make you violent, video games don't influence your thoughts!
>Video games don't make you racist, video games don't influence your thoughts!
>Video games don't make you sexist, video games don't influence your thoughts!
>We can't have anything anti-Trump in this video game, that's brainwashing material!

On the off chance that you're serious, this sort of political joke isn't what people are concerned about.

It's the quickly dated, ham-fisted, nonsensical attempts to insert the issues of today, complete with after-school-special "moral of the story".

You're thinking of it as an alt-right thing, but it really isn't, at least not among reasonable people. No, I don't want a quest line centered around the evil orange Ventrue with an 80 IQ, but I don't want a quest beating me over the head about the evils of a minimum wage, either.

Characters making jokes like real people isn't something anyone really cares about. What people don't want is to have all of their entertainment converted into transparent preaching and propaganda, and they REALLY don't want to deal with getting a scarlet 'R' from the Twitter outrage machine for calling it out.

It's entirely reasonable, but reddit and twitter and Yea Forums and everything else have made goddamn EVERYTHING into a ridiculous culture war, to the point that even just wanting good writing instead of bad writing becomes "the rise of fascism in America".

There's no disagreement between your four statements. The first three are about whether or not video games are effective at altering base personality (they're not), and the last about an attempt to do so, with no comment on efficacy.

If the game is stuffed to the brim with propaganda, I'm still not going to become transgender, or start supporting hormone therapy for five year olds. But the ineffectiveness doesn't excuse it, and doesn't mean that I want it around in all of my entertainment.

>No, I don't want a quest line centered around the evil orange Ventrue with an 80 IQ
No modern game has done anything like this, this is a straw man

>but I don't want a quest beating me over the head about the evils of a minimum wage, either.
Games have regularly gone on and on about the evils of industrialization and corporations all the time. OddWorld for example had a very blatant anti-corporation pro-environment message but no one cared

Men who undergo surgery to become women, or vice versa.

It often ends in suicide, but sometimes they force children to undergo devastating hormonal treatments and gas lighting before hand, perpetuating a cycle of misery and ruined lives.

Americans, still dealing with a past of ACTUAL discrimination, are now so afraid of it that they'll err on the side of caution and accept anything, even this. It causes a lot of political friction here, with much more to come.

Like an political fracas, it infects entertainment mediums, so expect more of this in the future.

Name a more beautiful vidya girl


>No modern game has done anything like this, this is a straw man

Look up "straw man". If you're arguing that nobody has produced entertainment with a clear and awkward political bend, and therefore nobody will do it in a game, your argument is intellectually dishonest.

>Games have regularly gone on and on about the evils of industrialization and corporations all the time. OddWorld for example had a very blatant anti-corporation pro-environment message but no one cared

The two differences are in quality of execution - nobody has faith that allowing twitter blue checks into the writers room will produce a quality result, see Netflix Originals for details - and the timeliness of the issue.

Having Nines rage against the machine when the subjects of banks are brought up, drawing on his background as having come out of the great depression, is fine.

Having Nines bring up modern flashes in the pan, which is what people are actually concerned with, is a horse of a different color. It dates the material, and is just overall poor writing.

Secondly, your premise is false - "no one cared", but quite a few have. When games, film, TV, and books include a political message that is poorly executed or received, there is considerable blow back. Maybe no one cared that you saw, because you didn't look, but plenty did.

No, I’m saying your claim of Trump being inserted in a game as a villain or something is a straw man. This is something I see all the time
>oh no they’re going to make Trump the final boss!
I’ve heard this line with W2, Far Cry V and now this and it never actually fucking happens. It’s a tired argument

The original game made numerous references to Trump and the Republican Party and no one gave a shit, either

a person who changes to live as the other gender

pic related

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I'm not saying that Trump has been inserted into the game, I've giving an illustrative example. If you can't tell the difference, or can't understand why that isn't a straw man, I don't know what to do for you. Conversations are hard to have with people that can't get a good handle on the language, or basic concepts of what is, and isn't, a logical fallacy.

As an example, If I say something is "fucking stupid", I'm not claiming that it's literally having intercourse with you.

>I’ve heard this line with W2, Far Cry V and now this

Did you, though? Because you already think you've heard it here, but you never did, so is there a chance that your poor command of English caused you to misunderstand when people are talking about "W2" (what?) and Far Cry?
Regardless, it doesn't matter. People don't want to be bashed over the head with the message of the day, after school special shit, that's it, that's the sum of the issue. Doubly so for people that don't even live in America, and couldn't care less to hear more hand wringing from you people over slavery, and how you can make up for it by shooting up a ten year old boy with estrogen.

Past experiences, and past statements by one of the head writers, has given customers plenty of valid reason to be concerned.

so what happens if you suck all the blood out of a vampire that is like a gen below you? Absolutely nothing? Not even like a little boost? I can see why not
>all vamps just sireing to diablerize for power boosts

only a loser that gets their identity from marvel movies and hates white men would post this

I don't think you get anything from eating lower gens, power-wise, but consuming kindred vitae (blood) is supposed to be pretty pleasurable.

So think of siring to eat as a long-winded version of jerking off.

I kept putting off on the first game for so long, I really have to try and play it now some time this year before the new game comes out.

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not fooling anyone on this planet or any other.

I still love it, but it has gotten pretty old. It might be harder to understand the praise for it, so far out from its time.

The commie Anarchs are kinda hilariously cartoonish
Jack's a bro tho

Does anyone have the old recommendation picture of all the overhaul patches you need for vtmb? It's time to replay it again

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how about this one?

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you will be fine with just the unofficial patch, which comes with gog version

clanquest mod is cool too

i havent played with anything else

It’s a dumb illustrative example because it’s something that has no realistic chance of happening. There is zero indication that it’s going to happen
>it would be bad if Trump is the final boss!
Is a dumb line of reasoning to begin with because nothing like that has ever actually happened and there’s nothing indicating that it’s going to happen

Is Wolfenstein 2. There was a massive controversy over it and yes there were a bunch of retards claiming the boss would be Trump or that Trump would show up in the game. The same shit with Far Cry V, the devs said they were dealing with cults in the US and everyone just assumed that Trump would be in it.

This is a retarded line of reasoning that gets regurgitated OVER and OVER again, no one can ever cite a single example of something like that actually happening (i.e Trump showing up as a boss). The things that people get offended over are minor comments made either by the developers or in-game. For example there was a massive controversy over one of the Subnautica devs saying he was anti-gun on steam. Even though there was nothing in-game mentioning that everyone got assblasted. The same shit applies with Bloodlines, if there was a line in-game mocking Trump everyone would get assblasted, because that’s the type of thing everyone gets assblasted over.

The unofficial patch in basic mode, then look at the directory and run the widescreen patch.

There's a widescreen UI floating around, but the discipline icon doesn't fit perfectly, and I find that worse than the UI stretching, so I skip it.

Appreciate it, mates. Have a thing in response

>Is a dumb line of reasoning to begin with because nothing like that has ever actually happened and there’s nothing indicating that it’s going to happen
I agree, which is why I didn't say it, or indicate that it would happen. Spend less time raging online against arguments you've conjured from your imagination, and more time working on reading comprehension. Being able to understand what other people are saying when they speak to you could change your entire life.

>there were a bunch of retards claiming the boss would be Trump
Again, you're under the impression that people are claiming that here, too, when nobody has done anything of the sort, so you'll forgive me if I'm a little skeptical.

>if there was a line in-game mocking Trump everyone would get assblasted, because that’s the type of thing everyone gets assblasted over
Time will tell. If such a line is paired with an overbearing and poorly written meta-narrative of "fuck the cis-gender white scum", then I'm sure people WILL get "assblasted", and rightfully so.

The only question is whether you, and those like you, will have the integrity to recognize why, or if you're just pretend that they're upset over a Trump joke.

>t.paradox shill spamming the same fucking image to cover his ass

Not everyone is a shill. There are a lot of legitimate, unpaid, earnest morons on the internet.


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>(i.e Trump showing up as a boss)
Mafia 3 has pic related (A mob boss you have to assasinate), but almost no one on either side remembers that game.

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If you spend your whole life over-simplifying everything, misrepresenting what people say, and how they feel, you'll never learn anything, and you'll end up stuck as this person forever. Don't do that to yourself.

No one cares about the tabletop.
People only care about the Bloodlines video game, which SJWs would find problematic today.
No one wants a sequel to Bloodlines that caters to the tabletop crowd, but a spiritual successor to the 2004 video game.

This triggers the /pol/tard

I don't really see a resemblance, unless he speaks like Trump or something. They're both overweight and old white guys, but that's about it.

One is history and one is a current affair

Agreed, paradox defense force migth have been a better term.

>nobody cares about the tabletop
>this is why I spam images from the tabletop, like Rudi, over and over again
Dishonest argument

Everything must always be about Trump.

Killing nazis in vidya? It's about Trump.

They're both current, VTM:B came out in 2004, when Bush was still around.

But it doesn't matter, because people are being intellectually dishonest, and misrepresenting the concern. Nobody is going to care about a single dialogue line that makes a Trump joke, that isn't the problem.

The sort that posts this kind of "woke" garbage can't get on with arguing against what people actually say.

Bush was a "current affair" when VtM:B came out, silly.

What are people actually saying?

>VtMB literally features a faction with a woke Che-Guevara wannabe commie grill
She's obviously naive and pretty much a joke, though.

nice revisionism, but Trump had literally nothing to do with why people were mad about W2, which was due to the overt white people mocking and blatant racial stereotypes of sassy black woman with afro yelling orders being passed off as "social progress"

I hope Bl2 has the balls to be just as political as its predecessor, but I doubt it. It's too risky.

The original sold around 250k.
Nobody put up a stink over the politics in it because nobody knew about them.

Troika was a pioneer of the Get Woke Go Broke movement.
Well releasing unfinished buggy games didn't help.

People were mad about W2 because of "Fuck Nazis" which is technically an attack on the right which means it's an attack on Trump.

>Get Woke Go Broke
Are you enjoying these Captain Marvel box office numbers, Jeremy?

>Nobody is going to care about a single dialogue line that makes a Trump joke, that isn't the problem.
You’re being dishonest. First of all it isn’t a single dialogue line it’s multiple + the political ads that single out Republicans over Democrats

Second of all Yea Forums would get upset, Yea Forums has always gotten upset over minor shit, here’s a list of some of it
>1 pose for Tracer getting changed, because MUH SJWs
>Soldier 76 being confirmed gay in supplementary material outside the actual game + in a single tweet by one of the devs, because MUH SJWS
>Apex Legends confirming some of their characters being LGBT in supplementary material outside the game, because MUH SJWs
>A couple of lines of a poem in Pillars of Eternity that you had to dig to find and were inconsequential to the rest of the game getting changed because trannies were upset over it, because MUH SJWS
>Tyranny having ONE LINE where a character suggests they are genderless (it changed genders, I didn’t really give a shit or pay attention) because MUH SJWs
>Wolfenstein 2 making a Trump reference on Twitter (not in the actual game) because MUH SJWS
>Wolfenstein 2 having ONE line where BJ says "come and get me you white-ass fascist Nazi pigs" as a joke because he couldn't come up with an insult, because MUH SJWS
>Far Cry 5 having a black character (nothing else, literally just having a black character) because MUH SJWS
>Far Cry V devs saying their game will deal with religious American cults (literally nothing else, just that) because MUH SJWs
>One of the devs for Subnautica saying he was anti-gun in a Steam post (again, ultimately irrelevant to the rest of the game) because MUH SJWS
>The dev for Dwarf Fortress agreeing over twitter to put trans pronouns in his game, because MUH SJWS
And so on and so on. I don’t buy your claim that nu-Yea Forums wouldn’t be upset over an anti-Trump reference

They are orange and have similar hairstyles, and the game is sort of a ''woke'' retool of the franchise.
His concept art also looks more similar.

Attached: latest.jpg (1920x1080, 322K)

The "progressive politics" are going to be a sidenote compared to a focus on the tech boom and how that's affected Seattle, they've even said as much; if I didn't know better I would say most of you are overreacting because you enjoy being angry about things, but that doesn't sound like the Yea Forums I know :^)

Attached: oceanhouse.jpg (1920x1200, 304K)

Attached: Moving-the-goalposts-300x2402.jpg (300x240, 29K)

>How does the WoD look in other countries?
To be fair White Wolf caught some shit for inserting vampires into the politics of other parts of the world, but it was pretty mellow compared to the faux outrage in the American gaming circle.

I guess paradox should make this game extra buggy, the original had bugs so it would be wrong to complain.

That they don't want heavy-handed, quickly dated, out of character commentary and propaganda.

A joke line to a bartender about how you voted Republican once, or Nines ranting about banks, isn't what anyone level headed is concerned with.

It's that the game's writing team is one-half a twitter blue check that makes no bones about being a hateful racist and misandrist, and people don't want that undercurrent in the narrative.

If anyone honestly can't tell the difference between the two, I don't know what else to say, I can't understand it for you. My suspicion is that those who equate the two are pretty young, and they might see the line between them with a little more life experience, but who knows.

God I forgot about the Tyranny one. It was the dumbest shit.

Especially because it makes perfect sense in-game since acquisition of power through reputation is a major theme of the game and Kyros being a genderless "blank slate" people can project their hopes and fears onto is part of what makes him/her so powerful.

I swear Yea Forumsirgins are the biggest crybabies

the new devs are literally saying the old game is not leftist enough for them

literally never happened
people were mad about the symbolism of a functioning society of white people being destroyed by a rag tag team of rejects led by an Angela Davis ripoff because "nazis, therefore bad" and a MC who was retconned into being jewish

I sometimes wonder if this was an act of satire due to the gratuitous torture and mockery of otherwise normal people who happen to wear a swastika, or if it was unintentional

>A joke line to a bartender about how you voted Republican once, or Nines ranting about banks, isn't what anyone level headed is concerned with.
Is that why /pol/ became very, very upset about "come and get me you white-ass fascist Nazi pigs"?

You may be level-handed to not be bothered by it, but you're in the minority.

Yeah, I don't know what else to say to you, you're just not getting it.

The game will be out before we know it, we can see then if they've Netflix Original'd it or not, and what the reaction is.

I'm talking about a broader "they", btw. Nobody with two brain cells to rub together gives a shit what Yea Forums thinks, they're barely half a step above reddit on the mindless contrarian ladder.

He doesn’t actually talk or act like Trump, though. He isn’t a president either, he just owns a prostitution ring, he doesn’t dress like Trump, and the game is set in the 60s.

WOD always was sjw cuckshit, thankfully the devs of the first game toned down most woke crap from the tabletop.

The outrage started before the sassy negro girl was even shown you bellend. The outrage mainly consisted of triggered retards spamming "DUDE NAZIS BAD ANTIFA GOOD" on Yea Forums for weeks.

nope, didn't happen
if it did then post the archived threads

>I swear Yea Forumsirgins are the biggest crybabies
I guess you are a crybaby too, either that or you are not from Yea Forums and got lost on the way from resetera.

>symbolism of a functioning society of white people
Are you talking about Nazi America? The fuck?

Speaking of "I don't know what else to say to you", user, it's getting really hard taking you seriously right now.

Attached: 1552864456518.jpg (850x466, 95K)

>You may be level-handed to not be bothered by it, but you're in the minority.
No, I'm not.

It just seems that way to you, because you spend an inordinate amount of time in places like Yea Forums and reddit, where insane "woke" gaping assholes do battle with knuckle dragging red hats at all hours of the day.

In the real world, people don't want to be preached at, and they don't want an attempt at being politically relevant from a twitter blue check with a room temperature IQ, and a grasp on the issues that levels with Sesame Street.

That doesn't mean those same people are going to give a shit when Hillary and Trump turn out to be Ventrue in a one-off email you get from hacking so and so's computer.

These internet rage-fires aren't even remotely representative of normal people.


A lot of people were asspained the moment it was announced. There was a screen that said that there are a bunch of new, fun ways to kill a Nazi or some shit and a bunch of people got butthurt and spammed threads all day

The actual game proper isn’t even serious, it has BJ get fucking decapitated, then have his head preserved in a jar and put in a robot body

no response, as expected
when in doubt, deflect and hope you don't get called out on it

Vamp chicks slick their parts with blood while you thrust up against their corpse. They also don't enjoy it so I'm worried about the apparent focus on romance and making the player feel sexy

>where insane "woke" gaping assholes do battle with knuckle dragging red hats at all hours of the day.
Explain how "woke" gaping assholes are getting upset over W2's anti-nazi stance then.

What did you mean by "symbolism of a functioning society of white people". I asked you a question, you can answer it or continue to be a smug fucker

>He isn’t a president either, he just owns a prostitution ring
He does get involved in politics tho, he tries to elect a crooked senator who will legalize gambling.

bait thread by RetardEra trannies

you never played VtMB you lying cunt

For how many years have you been here again, user?

Attached: 1452870422277.png (1065x902, 1.49M)

Good God. I'm not that user, but are you retarded? Can you read?
>where insane "woke" gaping assholes do battle with knuckle dragging red hats at all hours of the day.

Which one would be made about an anti-nazi stance? Can you decipher that? Do I have to find a pre-school teacher to explain this to you?

I legitimately don't know a single person who doesn't hate the bush administration. Saged

But he himself isn’t a president and doesn’t run for election? If anything that makes the connection even looser

He just seemed like a generic old, fat, rich white guy

I don't think you understand how video game writing works
there is a team that writes segments of the story, which then get edited to hell and back, with everyone trying to insert their own spin on it
the fact that something retarded happens in the story does not mean that other parts of story aren't mean't to be taken seriously or that they are trying to communicate a message to us, which in the case of Wolfenstein 2 was that white people are evil, should be killed, and at the very least they should not be allowed to exist peacefully

which is coincidentally the same thing that modern progressives say about right wingers, that they are nazis!
look at that, the IRL enemies of progressivism are all nazis, and all progressive fiction is about brutally murdering them

in VtM2 expect full blown hatred of white people disguised as "fighting fascism" and "killing nazis"

That is a complete non sequitur from what I said.

"Woke" morons get angry that there are black zombies, in Africa.

Red hats get angry that Tracer eats pussy, even though they've been jerking it to r34 of that very thing for a year straight.

The point is, none of that represents the majority, or normal people. Nobody gives a shit about any of this, they just want a good game with good writing.

And if you can't understand why having someone who says "mansplaining" and "cis-scum" with a straight face as one of your two head writiers is antithetical to that desire for a well written and cool game, then goddamn man, what else is there to say?

>white people are evil, should be killed, and at the very least they should not be allowed to exist peacefully

Which parts and aspects of W2 expressed this alleged core theme again? Remind me real quick.

There was screenshit evidence of a discord server full of socilaists astroturfing on /pol/ (asking other server members to bump to look more genuine etc) but the paranoia spread to other parts of Yea Forums. So i guess you can see its a boogeyman but it did have basis in reality. Also i dont udnerstand the tranny part maybe that has something to do with certain popular left wing youtubers being transgender

There was nothing in Wolfenstein 2 that suggested white people were evil? And how does this tie in to the fact that everyone was butthurt from the moment it was announced, simply because it mentioned killing Nazis? What likely happened was that /pol/ was so sensitive to getting called a Nazi that any mention of killing Nazis triggered them

He believes Nazis represent all white people, for some reason.

There are screenshots of redditors getting introduced to Yea Forums through /pol/, that means jack shit

Besides, anyone can set up their own server, get their faggot friends on and make a false flag image to get ebin (You)’s on Yea Forums. And even if that was true it’s not even new, irc was a thing before

the overarching theme of the game is that "Nazi America" which is literally represented as 50s America, but with swastikas instead of USA flags, is evil and must be destroyed

spare me your screeching, this is literally the point the writers were going for, that "traditional America" was evil and not something to idolize

and it's up to YOU, gamer, to team up with the attractive black rebels and jews to destroy it!

It’s /pol/ faggots who can’t leave their bullshit on their home board. Same as cunts complaining about /leftypol/ for any posts they don’t like

>"Nazi America" which is literally represented as 50s America, but with swastikas instead of USA flags,
Do you have a few examples of this symbolism?

Specially since they want to change malkavians to be more respectfull towards mental illness or something

another real gem of W2's story is BJ's new backstory, he hates nazis because he had a benevolent Jewish mother that protected him from his evil white abusive father, who was going to beat him because he...... kissed a black girl!

again, satire or progressive doctrine?

Make me

The game doesn’t even take place in 50s America, it takes place in 60s America. It’s also an alternate reality history where the Nazis won
>muh jews
Why are you so upset about Jews killing Nazis?

>white protagonist






imagine being so infinitely insecure that you backpedal and damage control this hard

Also his father turned his mom in when nazis took over, and gets killed by BJ after working with the nazis to lay a trap for him.

he's not white, he's half Jewish and identifies as such

Jews are white.

Jewish is still white. Ask any of the millions of black racists if you doubt it.

only black people think this

>being Jewish is anti-white

I'm white.

Found the jew, lads

what are you responding to? I simply said that BJ is Jewish, not white

no response, as expected
when in doubt, deflect and hope you don't get called out on it

keep posting; this is great.

Attached: 11898559788218.jpg (377x264, 23K)

I can't wait for the next game to pwn drumpf and whites.

Your no true VTMB fan, if you don't know the significance of this screenshot.

Attached: Screenshot (58).png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

and his dad killed his dog, don't forget that



Not the same user, just pointing out the obvious. Which you don't deny, as expected.
When in doubt, and the goyim know, just pretend you aren't j*wish :^) 11898559788218/

Why are you larping as a yuro white man on the internet, Burger?


Wow did you make this pic ?
It must have taken weeks on paint.

I'm not that upset about it because ultimately things like W2 are great for waking people up to what's going on in this country

He’s only half Jewish though? And how does him killing Nazis anti-white? Nazi =/= white Nazi = Nazi, you only kill Nazis in the game not random white people


Attached: Screenshot (83).png (1920x1080, 744K)

I'm not Jewish but I wish I was just to piss you off.

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Too problematic

If the dev makes good on their modding support promises, my hope is that we'll get some loverslab type stuff (they have to move on from Skyrim at some point, and TES VI is paid mod only), which means we'll finally be able to eat Jeanette's ass. In VR even, maybe.

Rape! Rape! Rape! He raped her, dear god whhhhy!!!

>Americans aren't white, but Jews are.
man, better and better.

Attached: 11889878553.png (390x470, 6K)

Sure thing Shlomo

Attached: 1533247702886.jpg (612x611, 37K)

>"this guy's writing about an evil secret society"
>you mean [insert current political organization here]?
>you mean Hollywood?
>you mean the jews?
>you mean literally any organization of people that I, the writer, don't personally like?
Instead of saying that writing of this quality is automatically justified because it's been done before, why don't you explain to me why this is a particularly clever or insightful line of dialouge that the series should have more of.

Attached: really bonks my clonkers.jpg (532x320, 24K)

>LITERALLY 5 dialogue options about politics

Attached: 1553018474306.jpg (740x980, 249K)

>Americans aren't white, but Jews are.
man, better and better.

Attached: 1550874605740.png (696x602, 322K)


Attached: Screenshot (45).png (1920x1080, 1.73M)

Yeah it's hilarious to me how fast Yea Forums went from ecstatic hype to screeching anti-SJW rage

>Americans are white, but Jews aren’t
Even funnier

Attached: 61A04431-50CA-465A-8F07-C10D0F5066E4.png (200x164, 44K)

I've already explained most of your questions. Barack Obama is a black man, even though he is only half black. BJ in this game is now a Jewish man (again, a retcon for more progressive brownie points), even though only half. On top of that, Jewishness is matrilineal, passed down by the mothers.

Actual Jewish person here, and no we don't consider ourselves "white".

banned: drive-by posting

Wolf gang here.

Attached: Screenshot (79).png (1920x1080, 2.41M)

rape culture gets another one

Sure thing Shlomo *burp*

Attached: 1510603304356.jpg (1033x636, 219K)

Remember when you help a WOMAN and she OWED you her life to the point of you OWNING her?
VTMB was problematic and gross and anyone who wants a second one is a MONSTER!

Yea Forums has whined over ONE dialogue option before

>shitty /int/ meme
damn. you were actually funny for a second. oh well.

>Jewishness is matrilineal, passed down by the mothers.
[citation needed]

>not MAGA


Attached: 1529968242635.jpg (200x200, 17K)

Having a kotaku blue check that says "mansplaining" a lot as 1/2 the head writing team will do that.

>shitty /int/ meme
damn. you were actually funny for a second. oh well.

Attached: 1539219698390.jpg (612x428, 97K)

White isn't a fucking race.
are all of you retards American or what is this

Decent bait, I'll give it one (You)

So its shills and bots when it doesn't support your personal opinion, but then its actually "the entirety of Yea Forums" when its the other way around?

Urban is 100% white, though

Attached: urban.gif (500x281, 1.46M)

>blue check
Why do you talk like a Zoomer?

No, his father is Romanian

>shills and bots
said who


Attached: E9A95784-0C1D-42F0-ADC5-627EE2DB637A.png (741x649, 23K)

>You get killed by antifa
Way to prove you're paranoid

Stop saying "zoomer", and learn to communicate in something other than meme, autist.

>shoving politics in our faeces like that. sjw scum
You fail to see the point, and we're done explaining it to you dumb trannies. Enjoy obsessing about gender pronouns 24/7.

I'd say it would be better to call it "the blue badge of faggotry"

Fuck off zoomer

>doesn't deny it
Am I wrong? How old are you?

sell me on VtM:B
I tried playing it a while back but didn't really give it a chance
what makes it worth playing?


Prove it.

t. zoomer

A cool setting, dripping with atmosphere, great level design that enables a lot of player choice (very much a love letter to Deus Ex), etc.

Some of that degrades with age, the atmosphere in particular, so it ends up being a "you had to be there" thing, like a lot of beloved video games. It's hard for a lot of this medium to stand up to 15 years of aging.

Do you enjoy creating unique/fun builds?

Play it or don't. Why would I give a shit?

Attached: 1402888571864.jpg (410x424, 37K)

It's overrated, but it's still the closest thing to a good game with vampires in it or to fantasy deus ex.
If you like vampires and deus ex, you'll probably like bloodlines.

It's generally liked for being able to win most parts of the game in multiple ways depending on your character. Different rewards for different rewards too.

>We have to capture a one-man army who killed hundreds of our best soldies
>Let's set up a trap in his old house
>Do we use explosives or have heavily armed soldiers waiting for him
>Nah just a old guy with a double barrel that could not possibly go wrong
>Dad does not even try to sneak up on BJ to shoot him, he stands still with a gun right in front of him and wastes time gloating about how he hates him
The plan to capture BJ was really dumb.
Also i just remembered, there is that fat nazi woman who defects to your team because her mom fat-shamed her and she has sex with the black guy later on.

So, not all nazis are beyond redemption.

not really, antifa and other progressive orgs are just footsoldiers for the media and DC
fighting antifa IS fighting the government
I see the point went over your head

The Trump administration is the government. Nice try painting yourself as the underdog even though you're in charge though.

Thanks for the laugh mate, no go and commit suduko.

Antifa has killed 0 people in murka as far as I know, unlike right-wing extremists who are only slightly behind radical muslims in headcount.

Also that game is a lesbian festival.
Say no to degeneracy!

How many US citizens have been killed by antifa?

There isn't a single lesbian in that game.

>calling Orwell a liberal
ebin, my dude. Antiauthoritarian or not, he would've murdered you for this insult.

I'm gonna commit bukkake on your face

My femTremere eats every pussy she can find.

>pick female
>seduce more females than males
>have sex with Jeannette

Tell that to my Lesbo Pothead Gangrel

Here you go. Oh, and before you try to argue that none of these groups are linked to Antifa, know that the communists, socialists and anarchists that make up Antifa all worship these terrorist organizations.

>erping yuritardation by incel neckbeards is game lore

>lesbo Gangrel
remember to spay and neuter your gangrels kids

not unless i splash in ur face on ur face first.

Yes, if they accept the BBC they will be spared

>the communists, socialists and anarchists that make up Antifa all worship these terrorist organizations.
[citation needed]

That's exactly the clan a pothead would be, huh?

>How many US citizens have been killed by antifa?
0 then. I rest my case.

I didn't argue anything else, so you can deflect all you want, I don't care. My point has been proven right.

Jezebel used female prostitutes to spread Vampire AIDS
You could fuck Jeannette and you weren't the only female adventure according to her dark book
You collect risky posters for doing errands for Gerry
The only characters immune to you lezzyness are Damsel (ironically enough) and that HIV chick at Giovanni's.

Why aren't SJWs upset from how hard they have to dig to find the meager bones that have been thrown their way?

OK, so how many decades do we need to go back to find a death?

You don't have to dig hard when you were simply on Yea Forums when these "scandals" broke.

Of course, being an underage fag who started coming here last week, you can't relate.

what do you mean I'm "in charge"?
the Trump administration is an abomination staffed by neocons and liberals

antifa exists because they protect the establishment, under the guise of "fighting fascism", if they were a detriment to DC then they would have already been labeled a domestic terror cell, but they aren't
if you want to know how many people antifa has killed, then let's look at how many people have been killed by those who antifa protect, which are the neolibs and neocons who have killed millions in foreign wars and are working to establish a police state

>calling anyone underage
well at least you got the fag part right good job

Removed backgrounds, unmodified by Wesp, allows for a Burnout background for Gangrel, Malkavian and Toreador.

>Science has yet to prove the link between marijuana use and decreased mental capacity. You say you've always been a little slow, but that's just because you're so mellow. You start with 0 Wits, but are less prone to Frenzy.
>Bonus: +3 Frenzy modifier
>Penalty: -1 Wits

>no u are the redditfag!!

Is this the best you've got user?

goodbye goalposts, I'll miss you ;_;

>the Trump administration is an abomination staffed by neocons and liberals
goodbye my sides, I'll miss you ;_;


no (you)


/pol/ fags are absolutely cancerous, I'm going to buy this game literally 20 times because you're all mad virgins and you can't stop me. I will literally be on here giving out steam keys when it releases suck my cock

Attached: MaxCostanza.jpg (400x400, 47K)


well you should still want the game to be good even if a bunch of shitposters are criticizing the sequel for the wrong reasons.


Still waiting for an answer on this.
Why are you people getting so defensive over these hamfisted attempts at political commentary when they don't add anything to the game's story or say anything poignant about the real world?
Why even have it in the game?

no argument against the Trump administration being staffed by neocons and liberals? Why do you think everything he does gets leaked? Why do you think that he has his liberal son-in-law and liberal daughter running things? Why do you think he has broken every single promise he made in the campaign?
Trump is a pussy, and antifa types think he is an authoritarian when the problem is he isn't an authoritarian.

Make sure you preorder and buy the collector's edition as many times as possible; the more money you spend the madder these nazis will get.


Attached: 1514096059269.jpg (699x491, 59K)

based boomer
stop all the downloading


>What makes you think...
His un-liberal policies.

based and cute

Go ahead and buy me a steamkey on the highest dollar version, you dont need to wait for release.

You have the choice of not using the dialogue response.

I will make sure I do, it sends a lesson that derranged virgins on image boards dont matter. Last thing I'm going to do is let some literal seething incels who haven't played the original game affect my opinions.

Attached: jen.png (1520x684, 876K)

>I'm gonna spend my own money to own anonymous internet people epic style
uh ok

>implying Yea Forums was friends with the Bush administration or old school conservatives
you're all newfags

Attached: 244pmih.jpg (593x399, 28K)

Please don't do that user.
Your mom will have to suck twice the daily amount of dicks to buy you all these games.

like banning bump stocks

>implying that picture is wrong

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Good times.

Attached: pikachu.gif (250x188, 54K)

Like tax cuts from which benefits corps and top percenters the most.

hello fag

If we deranged virgins don't matter, why are you spending 1200 dolllars (Assuming it is a 60 dollar game and that you will buy full price to show how much we don't matter) on us ?

Yeah that's a pretty lame joke and ironically really toothless as far as political ones go.

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 11K)

>own internet people

No you missed the point, you guys don't matter no matter how much you squeal and cry. I'll be buying the game to support the developer because I don't take what you virgins say into account what so ever, I know you're all just mad because your lives are shit so it's easy to just laugh at you all seethe. Epic mental gymnastics you did there though bro,

Attached: gos.jpg (426x640, 52K)

I bet vast majority of modern Yea Forums doesn't even know how many penises does Yea Forums have and what are they doing.

you mean the people that fund every single politician in congress?
wake up

Glass /pol/

>I don't take what you virgins say into account what so ever
>so I'm gonna buy a game 20 times with my own money
sounds like you care a whole lot fren

Nuke resetera

So? That doesn't make it witty dialogue, or meaningful social commentary, or useful for bringing up some kind of exposition about the setting. It's not smart enough to be humorous like options 2 or 3 and it's not to the point like 4.
If it were purely there for the sake of role-playing then why is it the only political option the player is given at all?

glass Israel

every time the site managed to pop up on the media radar it was pretty amazing. simpler times.

Attached: DdYJixj.jpg (189x292, 10K)

>great level design that enables a lot of player choice
No need to oversell VTMB, user, unless you definition of great level design is "a door with a lockpick check or a vent - PLAYER CHOICE".

Who's doing it better?

which clan is the best for stealth melee (not unarmed)?

Attached: look.png (454x125, 5K)

Nosferatu get access to Potence on top of Obfuscate so they tear apart anything they can't stealth kill pretty easily.

No, like his immigration policy, his trade policy, his constant attacks on the media and journalists (with the notable exception of Fox News), his insanely un-liberal immigration policy, his handling of international diplomacy, and uuuuh

basically everything else

I care a whole lot about the good people working on this game because they don't care about your opinions.

Nosferatu by far. Obfuscate makes them stealth oriented and Potence makes them good at melee and unarmed combat. Malkavians also have Obfuscate, but they get Auspex instead of Potence so they are better suited to using guns.

>seething and reddit spacing
you seem heated. why not call it a night?

You don't know what reddit spacing is, yikes. Leaving a clear space between post reference and your message was common here around 10 years ago before all you illiterate fucks took over.

>implying leftists REEEEE'D in the streets when Bush got elected and started talking about how half the country was racist and are nazis
The left were crazy, but not as fucking batshit crazy as they are these days. This shit isn't even comparable.

Attached: 1529913184290.gif (320x320, 2.46M)

k, we haven't even seen any gameplay but I'm sure those darn incels will be furious when you spend your own money to prove how much you don't care

Attached: 1528521425110.png (374x374, 189K)

Putting side the falsehood of your second statement, are we legit heading for a world where politics becomes something like the Crips and Bloods and you everyone needs to be hyper-alert about whose "territory" you're in all the time? Probably not for another decade and probably not at all but it makes for fun daydream hypothesizing. Although I stopped underestimating how much of the internet's core being projects itself into reality and then forces the real world to morph into that projection and most of the internet is already like this so it wouldn't surprise me one bit either, not any more.

>unironically thinking people ever leave Xinjiang "re-education" camps
People come in, some don't come out. But it's not a concentration camp at all, no, of course not, that would be impolite and improper and harmful to markets, please use triplespeak, this is 2019 after all.

Mutts got heavily polarized.
Back then, it was center-left vs moderate right.
Now great deal of it is screeching authoritarian left vs knuckle-dragging, subhuman far right.

What do you think Ingsoc in 1984 stood for, you stupid motherfucker

Orwell shat on commies all the time, because he was a true enlightened centrist who knew that all extremists are bastards

Attached: D21Mm82VAAA3gly.jpg (575x1024, 99K)

Vampires are gay.

This post was made by Gill-man gang.

Is this good faggot? Take a long hard look and fuck off back to /pol/

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As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels looking for Anti-SJW/Alt-Right audiences to debate with, I know about them all too well. These people have always been in our society but seek solace in gaming. Gaming is a fantasy lands that, in their eyes, should be a reflection of everything they've always wanted but can't get out of life. It was made with white men in mind, and now that it's starting to change to better reflect its audience, they feel like they're being attacked. Western gaming is taking steps to diversify their protagonists, diversify their developers, and create female characters that aren't grossly sexualized, and they hate it. So they move on to Eastern gaming while condemning Western gaming for its themes of progress.

What's interesting that I noticed about GameFAQs topics and stuff on Yea Forums, and how they align with the Alt-Right, is that you see this pro-Japan agenda theme frequently. It first takes the form of "Japan makes better games" or "JRPGs are superior." But then, it starts evolving into the fetishization of Eastern women, which is a common theme with the Alt-Right, due to fantasizing the submissive stereotypes of Japanese women. They then start talking about how Japanese gamers hate progressives in America due to censorship, and how their culture is really traditional is what makes it superior. Slowly, but surely, it evolves into a "this is why homogenous societies are better" argument, because the themes fill every checkbox in what interests them. Women, traditionalism, homogeny, white, etc..

I'm not sure what can be done about these people, honestly. To me, they're in the same category as the Alt-Right It's really hard to get into an honest conversation with some of them. Some of them have no intention of ever changing their views, even if they acknowledge they're in the wrong.

>As someone who browses GameFAQs and YouTube's Alt-Right clickbait channels
A faggot, in other words

>thinking most liberals during Orwell's lifetime = most liberals well after said lifetime

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What the fuck I'm even supposed to be looking at? Some fat naked boomer? And why the fuck google and yandex can't reverse search it?

>responding to obvious troll pasta

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Can we all just agree that /pol/ is a fucking cancer? Seriously, they get triggered over everything.

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I hate American leftists as much as I hate American conservatives. Really, I just fucking hate all politically involved Americans.

Shit, not him, but that almost looks like me. I'm glad I'm working out these days because I'm not as bad as that guy.

Literally this. I've taken the black pill.

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>implying implications


the fat is eating your cock

Your benis of the same size ?

/pol/ considers video games to be degenerate children's toys and couldn't give a fraction of a fuck about Yea Forums. Try harder, dialatorface.

>me on the left

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>I haven't seen anything bad about the game
>Hell yeah man!
You couldn't sound more pic related if you fucking tried.

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Bunch of degenerate undead in LA sounds about right all you fags have never been to this shithole.

>linking to some cancerous clickbait eceleb
>caring about things is reddit
You are everything wrong with modern Yea Forums.

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>sub 200k subscribers and ad-free is "celeb" now
>I'm going to shut my ears to good solid evidence that I am wrong because the great transfeminist in the sky told me no videos by the big bad YouTube man
Also good job completely deflecting a writing style that outs you as a normie completely foreign to Yea Forums culture "caring about things" like a good little moron.

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F-fuck... maybe... I will buy the game after all.. hmph.

If it's a fake it's a pretty fucking elaborate one.

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You Redditors are so used to upvoting your buddy's posts that when the feature is missing you substitute it for thisposting an empty "Hell yeah man!" like an asspatting normalfaggot.

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The current rendition of the tabletop game is so woke it’s alienating its own fans, and causing international incidents

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"Democratic Socialism" it's not a thing.

Even your own information sources of choice disagree with you, Wokealina.

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>tranny's first reverse psychology marketing campaign
kill yourself tranny

I really don't get the muh sjw fear mongering. Mind you I'm also not saying this is GOTY 2020 there's no gameplay footage yet to even estimate that. It's an RPG with multiple vampire factions and probably cliques within the factions too, can't you just roleplay with whatever sensibilities you want to pursue and disagree or even fight with people you ideologically oppose?

>fatties having heart attacks are murder now
We're gonna have a lot more blood on our hands, I can guarantee it.

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I honestly don't think anybody who brings up Charlottesville know what the fuck actually went down. That kid's in prison because some fat sack of shit had a heard attack and people gave her CPR

>everything is modern day Western insanity
What exactly are you doing on a Japanese culture-centric website if you know nothing of their culture?

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Bush administration is easily hateable by both sides. Both the father and the son. But if they say something about Trump, who has done nothing but try his damnedest, it's SJW

>Troika predicted stutterposting by at least a good half decade

Don't talk about things that happened before you were born zoomer scum.

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But fuck Al Gore. I can understand how the choices were a dude whose only major quality was the ability to dodge shoes or some guy who said the word was supposed to end a decade ago.

I stopped browsing Yea Forums right before the 4channel switch, and I can see I made the right decision.
Funny how I myself used to be part of the anti-/pol/ chorus until I actually started reading the board for myself and gaining more than a reactionarily cursory understanding of it. related.

>said the word was supposed to end a decade ago
I want to agree with you, because I fucking hate SJWs, but you're just so goddamn stupid.

I wish there was some kind of right wing for people with an above room temperature IQ.

Making a harmless rib at the president =/= identity politics.

Shit really hit the fan right before and after the split. Like there was a silent coup of all the mods and jannies

Gore said that the ice caps would be gone and Florida would be under 60 feet of water. The man was mad

It does now though, don't you understand? It doesn't matter whose side you're on, everything is identity politics now. And the left drew first blood.

You should stay there /pol/fag

resetera tranny SEETHING

>can't you just roleplay with whatever sensibilities you want to pursue and disagree or even fight with people you ideologically oppose?
That depends on whether the devs want us to be able to. And we all know how totalitarian SJWs are, so if the game is indeed SJW-ified, the only way to resist is to not play. I do wish the developers would just show gameplay footage. They have it ready, they showed it to the journo filth. If we had some gameplay to go on we could have some non-political threads.

Not a good argument because you're obviously a /pol/fag and you're here shitting up the place. So you don't fucking belong here.

They're probably liberals, who put all European ethnicities under the blanket term "white" because the tribalism of distinguishing their national lineages is "problematic".

>would just show gameplay footage
We'll get the 30 minute dev walkthrough at e3

But if that's the case all of Africa isn't black. They're the most diverse continent on the planet and they didn't even discover the wheel. Really goes to show how diversity is always right.

/pol/fags don't care about video games. They only care about race and politics and making sure nobody can enjoy things they don't like. They're SJWs.

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>I'm stuck in a contemporary Eurocentric Overton Window
And you call the conservatives xenophobic and uneducated.

do you lose humanity for killing him?

Racism is punished. White racism isn't.

Yikes! Ableist much?



Immediately thought of this and was going to post it, but the job is already done and I am not disappointed. Good shit, user.

(((But here's why that's a good thing)))

I hate that now i'm forced to defend bush because of liberal faggotry now.

>shills looking for free press make game a political statement
>devs probably barely even give a fuck
Thanks for helping me avoid your game faggots. Guess it can't sell on its merits if you need this shit to get people talking.

You're right, I should stay on Yea Forums where Yea Forums culture is actually respected rather than this PC normie abomination wearing a Yotsuba mask.

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Because this is a multinational website effective immediately and we must censor ourselves or risk a ban when conversing with the savage browns and blacks that were smart enough to learn our language.

You weren't even there for that you newfag. And yet you latch onto its just like you latch onto the "deads" of your ancestors as if they're your accomplishments. And that wasn't even /pol/ who did that. That's Yea Forums. People did that for a laugh, not because of shitty politics from right wing SJWs.

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user. We all know a lot of Yea Forums migrated to /pol/

the game is already for sale, you can do that now. you never will though, resetfaggot.

Am I putting it into a language you can understand now?

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No, Yea Forums didn't migrate to /pol/. Reddit migrated to /pol/ when they all arrived during the election. So maybe you should go the fuck back.

Sure it is. Get 300 million people in a country, allow the most intelligent and successful million or so to amass as much wealth as they can, and then tell the remaining 299 million they can steal all that wealth if they check the left side of a ballot. Tada, democratic socialism. The truth is, democracy is just thinly veiled socialism.

I don't want Yea Forums to turn into neofag. I hate resetera. But I also hate /pol/ because all you fags do is screech whenever you see a black character or cry whenever the word "trans" is mentioned. I don't even like trannies, but /pol/fags are unbearable.

The same threads on /pol/ used to be on Yea Forums, if you look at Yea Forums now all it is is porn.

You wouldn't know what used to be on Yea Forums since you literally came around in 2016.

So why do you get so god damn triggered by its presence, unless you happen to have turned into the same people on the receiving end of those laughs?
>all you fags do is screech
Pic says hello.

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That's not what happens. The successful million or so amass as much wealth as they can, and then they tell the dregs of society that they can have the small remaining wealth of the working class for themselves if they vote for the representatives handpicked by that successful million.

Every president since the end of ww2 has apparently been Hitler. Even Obama.

t. seething

I'm not the same person, just chiming in. Yea Forums is /pol/ now

>They're SJWs.
Not quite.

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Most importantly, SJWs work through deplatforming and coordinated attacks with their buddies in the media while /pol/ just bitches about another game being ruined but accepts that lefties have every right to make a shitty game in a free market.

I just want another independent ending where I fuck over everyone but me

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It's not projecting if /pol/ shows up in every single fucking thread just to spam "redpills". Just in the past few days I saw a butthurt /pol/fag spam the NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER over and over again because he got triggered that the jannies banned him like they should have for being off topic and breaking the rules. All of you are like that. All. Of. You.

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>r_td should go back where they came from
So, Yea Forums?

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tbqh independent basically helps the anarchs more than anything

I bet a /pol/cuck wrote that. And it's funny that /pol/ thinks they worship strength when each and every one of them are weak fat ugly fucks who blame SJWs for the reason they can't get laid.

When people say "/pol/fags" they don't really just mean people who stay there for the political discussions but the newfags who go to /pol/ first and then post on every other board like it's /pol/.


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They're like poor libertarians: they think that if they lick the boot long enough, they'll get to be the boot next.

Why is his head so fucking weird? Did Tyler1 steal his look?

Lol that was me. Maybe people Like me wouldn't post if you weren't allowed to make obvious political or fetish bait threads on a fucking videogame board you goddamn NIGGER

You don't have to be strong to value or even worship strength. An SJW will actually tell you that being fat is healthy and desirable, and, if given the power to do so, will put you in a gulag if you disagree.

>Bush is left wing.

imagine being this much of a stormfag you think Bush is a leftie.

Dude he ran her over with a fuckin car.

if we're looking at the original definition he is
as in, anyone who's not a religious conservative monarchist is a lefty

And you think you can look down on anybody after your temper tantrums? You're pathetic.

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>It's not projecting if /pol/ shows up in every single fucking thread just to spam "redpills"
If you have a meltdown when someone distributes information you don't like being seen then yeah that kinda fucking is screeching and projecting it when you equate a "redpill" to it.
>Just in the past few days I saw a butthurt /pol/fag spam the NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER
And every single post made by someone who frequents a different board from yours that you don't agree with all did exactly that and nothing different. Got it.
>All of you are like that. All. Of. You.
Awfully prejudicial of you, user. Are you sure that you're not becoming the "racists" in the way you accuse the "racists" of become the "SJWs". Because if one were to refer your post to a chosen racial minority or somesuch you might not feel to great about it being spoken anymore.

All of mainstream American politics throughout its history has been liberal (the country itself is a liberal experiment) and has never really had a right wing, so you could argue that he is left wing, just at the rightmost end of it.

So is avellone sjw now?

Have you actually seen the video? The one that was in the crowd? Of course you haven't, it's been scrubbed off the internet. The car never touched her, she was a good 20 ft away from it and fell down and had a heart attack. People then gave her cpr and broke her ribs and killed her.

The Hitler comparisons were apt because of the patriot act, and people calling 9/11 a false flag you fucknugget. Same as people comparing Trump to hitler for putting people in camps and calling the press the enemy of the people.

>If you have a meltdown when someone distributes information
Look up, faggot. Does it say /pol/? No, it says Yea Forums. Talk about and discuss video games. Stop screeching about race that nobody cares about. Are you truly so insecure that everytime you see black people you have to post a gif or a webm of niggers eating grass or some shit? Are you really that sad?

>I have no evidence to back up what I say to the overwhelming extent that I make such a claim but please believe my Whole Outside World fanfiction
Refer again to

You think I did it because I was mad? I did it to prove a point. A lot of people don't know this but shitpost, baiters, and SJWs all uses their phones. And it's the easiest thing in the world to get a new IP with your phone.

The stuff on the sides is supposed to be hair. Remember this is on an engine that's almost 20 years old. Hair textures weren't as realistic, they're just kind of like blobs on top of the head.

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They can get their taste but I wanna be able to fuck up as much shit as possible.

Jesus, do you think you're "equal" now? Communism can only begin when the capitalist state is so rotten the populace can be tricked with ludicrous hope. It's not something you control with propaganda.

>The left drew first blood.
The right has been calling the left every name in the book since the great depression. When I was 8 years old I saw a book on a shelf 20 years older than me that literally read: Liberalism is a Sin on the spine. Shit like this proves that everything the right does is projection. The crybabying about Jews throwing insults but when you hit them back even a 10th they scream while throwing rocks at you.

>it's been scrubbed off the internet
how do i scrub web?

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>and calling the press the enemy of the people.
Even some of the Founding Fathers said similar things, although they recognized the benefits of a free press in helping keep the government in check, they still criticized it for yellow journalism and dividing people.

>Oppose the very concept of social justice

>engine that's almost 20 years old
depressing as hell

The same way you scrub a server, with a rag.

>I did it to prove a point
Nobody cares. Everybody knows how easy it is to ban evade. You're the only ones autistic enough to throw a fit afterward.

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>every reply is an ultra sarcastic quip

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Yeah a people used to think weed made you kill people, what's your point?

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Reminder VV is a fake ass thot who doesn't deserve your help

Is that the new /pol/ meme trying to dress up fascism with Divine Right bullshit?

No you don't care. And neither do I, this place is a shit heap now. If I can make a tranny janny's life that much more difficult before this place turns into Tumblr 2 then that's good enough for me

>real politics vs made up 30 genders

>literally throwing fits around black people being shown and demanding them to be removed.
>Having a tantrum when a black muscular female with a different muscular structure is announced as a NEW character in Borderlands 3.
>Fucking celebrating that guy in New Zealand shooting up a mosque and acting like you're not sociopathetic niggers
You are SJWs. You're just anti everything else while SJWs are anti-white.

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>Imagine being so much of a stormfag you think anything to the left of fascism, monarchy or totalitarianism is "Leftist"

>Specially since they want to change malkavians to be more respectfull towards mental illness or something
No, they're changing malkavians because the malk in bloodlines was written as a fish malk, if you don't know what that means go to /tg/ and ask what a "that guy" is. There was some really good writing mixed into it, but I'd say 70-80% of it was just outright embarrassing. White Wolf (the company that makes the setting) has since tried to get malks under control because any time a party fell apart it was because some idiot wanted to make a fish malk. In nWoD they were witten out completely. To the WoD community malks were just a plague, and if you were playing with people you hadn't played with before, and the ST wasn't new, you were flat out told malks were off the table.

There is politics in the video game. The developers have openly stated their political views and their intention to be part and parcel of their product. Do you tell the people in racing games to go back to /o/? Do you scream and cry when someone complains about a firearm being improperly recreated in a FPS from a developer that has publicly advertised their real-world accuracy that they're not on /k/?

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Look faggot. Nobody cares about your politics. People just want to have fun playing video games. If that's too hard of a concept for you to understand then you have other places to go.

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You have this deranged mental hallucination of some disconnected from reality being you call a SJW.
Why do you maintain this illusion despite lack of evidence? Are you religious?

>people in camps
The camps existed before trump.
Also keep in mind these are not labor/death camps.

Yeah of course all proof of your ridiculous assertion has been scrubbed off the internet and the guy was found guilty of a crime that didnt actually even happen and nobody else was charged, totally.

>There is politics in the video game.
Hmm... where have I heard that statement before? Oh yeah, I here it from SJWs all the time screaming about how games are political. Seems like you have that in common.

But Muslims arent people, I dont see you weep for all the basedbeans farmers kill for you to have your injections every day

right wing left wing comes from the french revolution
the 'liberals' ie classical liberals were the lefties and the right were the monarchists

America has never had a right wing, so you simply took the true Liberals and started calling them Conservatives, with anyone to the left of them being considered socialists.

Orwell literally fought for the commies in the Spanish Civil War you mongoloid

>people in camps
The ''camps'' existed before trump.

What does the fleshy ball you find in Andrei's house do

No they did not.Most of the founders What Yellow Journalism was did not even exist until around the spanish-American war which was near the end of the 19th century, a hundred years after the American Revolution.

I didn't say anything about politics. I spammed NIGGER for half an hour. That's not politics.

By your logic everyone who has ever complained about anything in a video game to a significant degree is an SJW. But it's okay here because you have a political scapegoat to chase away all the big bad kkkonservative opinions that scare you.

I mean you could probably find an archive of it somewhere if you really cared. But you don't, you just believe everything you're told.

trannies really do live rent free in your heads, don't they?

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All of these are literally opposing social justice and not SJW.
Unless SJW just means people that annoy you , then at this point it's meanigless and you might as well call them a bunch of doodoo heads.

>Everything I know about political history I learned from stormfags and tucker shitbag conservitards.

I bet you think hitler was a socialist.The people who were fighting against desegregation sure were fucking liberal.

>it's political when a sexy woman is sexy in a game because patriarchy
>it's political when a developer has gone on public record as saying a game is going to be developed around a specific political standpoint for the political purpose of having an effect on larger society
Yeah those totally sound the exact same.

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Not literally using the phrase "yellow journalism" but still criticizing it for doing the same thing. Sensationalism and lies in the press were happening before the end of the 19th century.

s e e t h i n g
Go find a website where you can find a nice little hugbox to have your opinions echoed back to you, you clearly aren't ready for Yea Forums.

Ventrue are doodoo heads tbqh

No I'm calling you an effeminate faggot without an original thought in your pozzed skull you dumb shit

until the suicide, anyways

Things being censored is political. But a new character being made who is black and isn't the same cookie cutter face is not political. It's variety, especially when the old character still fucking exist and look the same. You'll cry about SJW shit when there's literally no SJW shit to be found, because everything looks like SJW shit to you if the makers of the game have a semi capable female, or a black person who is a main character. Seriously, shut the fuck up. Nobody cares. You are just annoying triggered babies.

You spammed because jannies rightfully banned you for posting off topic political shit. You deserved to be banned, faggot.

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Not even a trans. But you guys won't shut up about them.

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I didn't really expect to get much out of the conversation especially when you were one of the people participating in a bait thread. But I expected more than this. Stay sad faggot, and stay mad

what a faggot

>Not even a trans.
Then stop talking about us. Nothing about us, without us.

You clearly care. And sassy black woman with afro and hoop earrings isn't variety, it's cookie cutter.

There is no conversation to be had. You got banned for breaking the rules and threw a childish temper tantrum. Maybe one day you'll grow the fuck out of being such a pathetic bitch boy. Maybe on day you'll actually have sex. Oh well though.

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>can't even say tranny
Trannies are always so obvious

>America has never had a right wing
>religious fuckery everywhere
>not right wing

You literally didn't describe her in the least. I guess your argument only works on generalized assumptions.

What game is this ?
Looks like pozzed indie garbage

>everyone who disagrees with me is one person: the post
Refer back to . I've never made any complains about black women in games (I myself being an avid ebonyposter/troll in /pol/) and know better than to believe everyone who isn't from /pol/ is a shrieking harpy who resembles pic related, even though pretty much every single person I've seen complaining about /pol/ in this thread and all the other VTMB2 threads thus far is making it increasingly difficult.

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The cult of socjus is the new group of bible thumping retards. Are you calling SJWs right wing?

Describe who? I'm not who you replied to I'm just saying black women in games are cookie cutter bullshit. Western games anyway, japan does them fine.

Religion is not exclusive to the right wing. The far-left is very hostile to it now because religion is an important pillar of a society in general and destroying it helps to destroy the society, but you can absolutely have a bunch of far left socialists following a religion. Most of the Democrat's voters these days are either white Christian boomers or Blacks, Hispanics and other assorted minorities who are very likely to be religious. Only the young whites tend to be atheists.

You have a folder dedicated to pics like that and you truly think you're not a pathetic SJW? And you think you're fighting for some fucking cause, as if Yea Forums is a battleground or some shit. It's honestly sad. Moot said that /pol/ turned into stormfront he'd straight up delete it, but unfortunatley he left before that happend. And you stupid fuckers honestly think you're welcome here?

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>religion is an important pillar of a society
*tips raped child*
*prays to virgin mary for good robbery*

seething faggot

Here's the offender. /pol/fags screech about her because she doesn't look exactly like lilith, Maya, or Moxxy.

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I can tell that you're a teenager. I used to be the same.

Digits of truth

>*tips raped child*
you talking about the average moslem or priests?

>and you truly think you're not a pathetic SJW?
Why would having a picture like that saved mean you support social justice ?

Fuck off musclecuck.

Borderlands is shit first of all, secondly she's not that good looking so I wouldn't be surprised if people were upset. She's not ugly though, definitely much better than another unattractive afro woman.

a what?

Christian is just an average between muslim and atheist.
Pretty much anything muslims do more often than christians, christians do more than atheists.

You're literally trying to change society for a percieved slight against your race and sex by posting images of fat dyke liberals and niggers being gored. If you're trying to change the social discourse through some memes, then you're an SJW.

>having a folder dedicated to images of cringey people, something that goes back so far in Yea Forums history as to be a defining element of its predecessor Something Awful, is an issue now
Holy shit you really have outed yourself as a pathetic newfaggot Redditor. Nevermind the fact that very same tactic has been a mainstay of fervent anti-/pol/ obsessing for literal years now, so you yourself have quite a lot of people on your side to answer for an then some.

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Just because you're a manchild who believes in invisible fairies doesn't mean that religion is anything but a joke among people with IQ above mean+1*stddev

I'm an atheist. I'm just aware that religion is a vital component of any civilization. That's why as Christianity has died it has been replaced with SJW garbage. Some of the most intelligent people in history have been religious. Most of them in fact. Intelligence has no bearing on whether one is going to be religious. It's a matter of personality type.
Someday, probably when you're not a teenager and your brain has finished developing, you'll be able to see the world in more than black and white.

I am not him.
And the stuff you described seems really counter to the concepts of social justice, not really something a social justice warrior would approve

>I'm an atheist. I'm just aware that religion is a vital component of any civilization.
false flag king.jpg

>doesn't like Borderlands
>Doesn't like the new characters
>Will still screech in a thread you obviously have no reason to be a part of
That's why /pol/fags are so annoying. It's fine if you don't personally find her attractive. It's fine to not even enjoy Borderlands. It's fine to disagree with people. But you don't just stop there. You go into a thread, see people enjoying the new character or Bordlerands in general, and scream and scream and scream like you're going to change their minds if you throw your tantrums long enough. It's not good enough if you just dislike a character, you NEED to make sure nobody else likes her too. That's why /pol/fags are fucking annoying. And it's doesn't stop there. It's also the VtMB2 threads as well. And tomorrow you'll probably be triggered by another game as well. SHut up. We don't care. If it triggers you, don't go in.

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I don't care what anti-pol poster tactics are. And it is the same tactic, then you're doing the exact same literal shit they do. How about just shut the fuck up and stop being annoying? If you want people to like you then stop spamming thread with off topic Red pill garbage because you saw a black person.

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How nice of you not to include her garbage ass facial animations that make her look like she's finna mak you in the muhfuggen mouf

I've never posted in a shitlands thread, resetera. In case you haven't realized, this was a VTMB shitpost thread from the start. Keep seething though. People can go to borderlands threads and call her ugly all they want, you being triggered doesn't matter

I genuinely thought they were tumors or some shit years ago

>Stop being political!
>Tranny jannies and mods removing anything resembling white opinions
>Tranny jannies ignoring bait threads and off topic threads because the "btfo those dang incels"
Do you even post here?

Yeah it's not a matter of being old, it's kinda just a bad model/texture job. The textures are a big culprit, the hair is almost the same color as his skin.

You talk just like a triggered little /pol/ turd.

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You talk just like a triggered little resetera / turd.

Stop spamming off topic garbage then? If you want to talk about politics go to /pol/.

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>Not only a pedophile but a furry pedophile
Nobody asked for your opinion, freak

Well that's funny, because I've quite literally never been to Resetera. But I can almost guarantee you frequent /pol/. You've never even denied it.

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Reread my post again, and if you still don't understand shit the fuck up and go back to lurking.