What Sonic games should I play?

Despite the autism of the fanbase, I liked playing Sonic Mania, and was wondering what other games to try.

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1, 2, CD, 3 & Knuckles. Sonic Adventure 2 if you're feeling adventurous. Rest isn't worth your time.

What should I play Adventure 2 on? And what about the DS and GBA games?

1, 2, CD, 3&K
1, 2, Chaos, Triple Trouble (Game Gear/Master System)
Pocket Adventure
Advance 1-3
Adventure 1 and 2


>And what about the DS
Rush is fantastic, don't know about the sequel myself.

rush, rush adventure, unleashed

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Honestly, any of them.
Every sonic game (yes even forces/06/unleashed) all have something to love.
Granted that may be bias for me since I grew up with them all

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What is there to love about Forces? I heard that game was even worse than 06.

The character creator while obviously for the oc fans, is pretty fun to mess around with.
Plus some of the music is alright, and you get to use shadow in sonic-only stages (It's not much, but atleast shadow is playable again)

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This but I'd add Rush, Rush Adventure and Generations

Same poster whoops:
>I heard that game was even worse than 06.
The only sonic game worse then 06 is rise of lyric. Forces may not be good but it's not a glitchy mess like 06 was. It has it's moments of enjoyment.

And sonic colors DS

Never tried it, was it good?

Look at that smug bastard.

Oh, it was acceptable. I'll give it a try.

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Honestly I keep changing my mind on which version of colors is better. Wii colors is fun (when it's not 2d)
But DS colors is consistently fun + has a super sonic boss fight (can't use him in stages though)
Plus both versions have exclusive wisps etc etc

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Except riders art, the rush games art style were top tier

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All of them except Unleashed, Black Knight, and Boom.

>Black Knight
No play black knight. Underrated gem with a great ost and an actual story for once with a meaning to it (nothing lasts forever)

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When will they announce the sonic adventure remake?

I wouldn't count too much on it, but if it does come true I'll be buying it asap.
This might be our way of showing sega that it's possible to have modern sonic *without* 2d segments (shocker I know) and more playable characters that aren't just sonic reskins

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yeah but... do you REALLY trust them?

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Honestly, forces would have been an "alright" game if it just focused on the Avatar. Modern was what you'd expect but Classic was an abomination that did nothing but detract from the game.

2 GG is not worth playing at all but agree with rest

Yes. They already showed improvement with forces. All they need to do is refine the levels (fix the cap on them), make them more like unleashed 3d segments and dump classic sonic/oc.
Get rid of the 2d segments too.
I have (admittedly too much) faith in sonic team


>Heroes (GC)
>Unleashed (Xbox 360)
>Generations (PC)
>Lost World PC with better physics mod

Spin off
>Black Knight
>All Stars Racing Transformed
>Advance 1-2
>Rush & Rush Adventure
>Shadow (For the memes)

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