Does anybody know whats up with this, nobody ever talks about it?

Does anybody know whats up with this, nobody ever talks about it?

Attached: unknown.png (940x448, 42K)

i would expect the one on the left is with a beard, while the right one is without a beard.

It was to make "Steve?" Genderless.

nobody also talks about that nigger npc

I always thought it was a big goofy smile on his face

Attached: 1544315099628.jpg (563x585, 51K)

He shaved.

that's because you're dumb as shit

Soul vs soulless

it is, which is why they removed it since it reeks of lazy developer art. Same with the OOF hurt sound.

he shaved

If you check minecraft advertisements and stuff everything has a beard but the current default skin is the right. It's super weird

It's literally not. It's a goatee

It's a beard

>they even removed the notch on his face

i dont buy it holy shit that sounds retarded


Attached: multicultural.png (888x283, 90K)

So I'm not the only one noticing this shit? Look at his smug smile on the left

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He learned to shave, you should too OP

I refuse to shave anything except my pubic hair, and even that is only because your mother asked nicely.

Left is definitely a smile and you can't convince me otherwise

That's what I always thought, and hated it because it's so creepy.
Being a beard makes more sense.

>Shaves chin
>Keeps toothbrush moustache

its a nose, user.

That's his nose you fucking ding dong

you mean it's not a smile?

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Wait, the sound is gone?

at first i also thought its a smile, but upon closer examination i figured that its a beard. you can see the mouth on both sides is the same excluding the pixels that are covered by the beard.
im sorry user, its not a smile.

i imagine the right as a duck bill

Attached: donaldduckQR.jpg (610x555, 97K)


He stopped smiling

it is him smoking a cigar on the left.

> his smile and optimism: gone

Who would continue to in this day and age?

I'll take the "ooh" sound over whatever we have now is supposed to be any day.

reply to this post if you think/thought the steve on the left is smiling
just give me free (you)s

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>Stefano Mineycrafto
>Steven Staven
who would win

Now it's a fucking horrible bone crunching noise

glad im not alone on this one

Attached: 279px-Snow_Golem.png (279x599, 56K)

Thought it was a beard though. I'll give a (you) though because cute cat


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but then they added the female body?

Why would a white guy have a big fucking brown lipped smile? Please answer me that, that's all I ask

>This white character totally has big brown lips and is smiling

What a bunch of fucking retards

would they instead make his lips a nice shade of red? Also I thought it was just black from a distance, which is a pretty normal way of depicting a mouth

Attached: 1538652635934.gif (360x276, 2.42M)


>his smile and optimism: gone

Smile or Goatee, anons?

Goatee but it's hard to not see it as a smile

who the fuck cares

Is his hair an upside down mouth to you, you moron?


please play fortnite.

>white character
he's pretty clearly not white. looks indian desu

>why do you think his hair looks like a mouth?
>it looks like a smile, due to the shape and dark color, and mixed with the very simple artstyle of the game it's a pretty easy mistake to make
>so you think HAIR looks like a MOUTH????
shut up retard

Attached: 332.png (272x348, 187K)

If you thought it was a giant mouth fucking kill yourself
Actually end your life because you were this incorrect over the Steve texture

Attached: adshu.jpg (480x360, 25K)

His beard is literally the same color as his hair, and you're out here claiming
>Muh black, like a cartoon

You do, you clicked the thread

they're literally not, give me a real fucking argument retard

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Understandable considering the current state of Minecraft.

No you polish fuck you are not white

I can tell you're from the EU.

Why does he have a nigger nose? Is Notch racist or something?

i refuse to believe it isnt a smile, also this is the best depiction of steve and if you disagree you are wrong

Attached: f7930e93eb7fd5dc78204329fc9b1ef0.jpg (649x822, 86K)

>Notch just had to ask any artist to fix his shit placeholder textures

Attached: wreck it ralph.jpg (474x531, 55K)

Nah, his jawline is too square to pull it off convincingly.

endermen are


It has to be a smile, it looks absolutely nothing like facial hair

>there are people in this world who unironically though that was a mouth

Attached: hmm.jpg (1080x951, 48K)

Hes mexican or blackish or barley white.

>Soul vs Soulless

Attached: 7D4F730D-A11C-4A4E-86DE-C768604103BD.jpg (468x312, 97K)

People talked about this fucking years ago newfag. Minecraft is 10 years old, it's been plenty of time and people have noticed. But no one cares because no one fucking use the default skin anymore and use their own OCs instead.

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I wish simple steve and this art style where texture packs and skins

Fucking Mako Infused Niggers taking all the good Mercenary Work.


how is pointing out his beard is the same color as his hair not a real argument?
>That brown curve on his face that's the same color as his hair is a smile

That's clearly purple, doggo

it's not a real argument because they aren't the same colors retard.

Attached: 35C54CDB-080A-4055-BE24-F78DDC057C46.jpg (131x172, 18K)

>soulpatch vs soulpatchless

Why do people have autism? Can't they just accept facts and live a better life? The devs said it's a beard, because it's literally Notch's standard "self insert" dev art before making his own sprite to represent himself explicitly in universe.

We know it's a beard, we just thought it was a mouth because the art is extremely simplistic

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>Is this a smirk with a dimple or a mustache?

That's how retarded everyone in this thread sounds

Attached: Smirk.jpg (300x242, 13K)

Later promotional art has made it clear that it's a beard.

Attached: steve_alex.png (642x609, 45K)

Guess what. He's still not getting into smash.

Retard detected

Attached: BROWN.jpg (908x678, 128K)

Please reply to this with a character that has a brown mouth

>Is this the correct thread im posting in?

That's how retarded you sound in this thread

just playing

Attached: Capture.png (593x220, 50K)

woah! you're a retard!


pic related

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what the hell is minecraft up to these days.

Attached: xvpack.png (571x320, 396K)

Imagine buying minecraft level pixel art LMFAO THE ACTUAL STATE OF CONSOLE FAGS

mine craft was literally just shitty developer art notch cooked up in an afternoon. complaining about it changing is fucking retarded, it should have been changed years ago

>this is the only amount relevancy the original pair of fallout games will ever have.

Attached: fallout.png (1147x487, 305K)

>not having embarrassing tabs open
you're not playing good enough

But he does, two of them in fact