Gotta go fast
Risk of Rain 2
Other urls found in this thread:
game where
get in
us northwest
>tfw you find ceremonial dagger in the first chest of the first level of a fresh run
>Have 2 active items equipped and one lying on the floor
>Start quickly re-equipping that item while pressing Q
>its effect will trigger infinite amount of times
fungus engi is patrician
comfy game
no wonder the servers are fucked up
just unlocked the archer and sword guy though
I'm so happy for hopoo games. These fuckers deserve some good sales figures for this. This game is a real fucking treat.
thank you mr. bogdanoff for calling it in, great run
it seems a lot weaker than its RoR1 incarnation, is there a trick to it this time around?
Isn't that cheating?
Is 18 eurocheeses the cheapest?
>These aren't my Lens Maker's
beggar genocide best day of my life
>mfw saw my first elite magma worm that was covered in lightning and zapping lightning bolts all over the fucking place
>completely shit on my ass and sent me back to the title screen
Holy fuck
So can anyone tell me what glass does? I keep hearing people talk about it but never ran into it
why is my mp not working right anymore?
Do syringes and other attack speed items reduce the wizard lass's fireball recharge time? pls answer
It doubles your damage but it cuts your HP by 50%
it's exploiting, not cheating
if you don't use anything outside the game, you're not cheating
So is sales calculation as simple as assuming everyone is using/giving their free copy away or is their an expected "wasted" amount of free copies?
hopoo knew what they were doing
Maybe your internet is down
What does the ukelele do
syringes kind of suck on wizard it feels
They reduce Engi grenade charge time so probably
IN ror1 it was an artifact that made you deal 500% damage, but have 10% health
in ror2 theres shaped glass that gives you double damage for 50% hp
Giving a spare copy to whoever adds a beggar from this thread and sends them the meanest message as to why begging for games is wrong
I've been out of commission for the past couple days because of the stomach flu. Can anyone bring me up to speed on ror2
I've only gotten it that one time so far, but it just seemed to infinitely spawn daggers, even when things weren't dying and would home on infinitely across the map.
Chain lightning.
Robot nail gun makes the world a thunderstorm
You from EU? Where you're from?
Hopefully for a long time. You don't even have to worry about port fowarding now.
Oh that sounds pretty neat, people think its cheating due to how easy it is dodge or something else?
just unlocked him
Go to the log book and read the entries. They each have better explanations that any of us will give you.
It's RoR but with an extra dimension
US Host?
with early access games usually the prices go up as updates come so you might as well buy it now the 1+1 deal makes it totally worth it though
It ukulels
Are they gonna make it so having mutiple of an item makes more of it appear on your character?
I wanna see 6 crowbars strapped to my back damnit
how do i get those beasts as followers
Don't toy with me, jackass.
tfw cant turn bloom off
people are just butthurt a lot of people preferred to play with it
EUBros get in here
You want my second copy?
Huntress is pretty fun
US gamers rise up
Is Demolitionist and that poison lizard guy back in RoR2? Those were my favorites.
Would you fuck a hermit crab?
This warms my cold, cynical heart.
Yeah what's with that? Is there a graphics config I can edit to turn it off?
People are talking about RoR1 Glass, which was a modifier that hosts could turn on to give everyone 10% HP and 500% damage. People would use it because RoR1 multiplayer scaling didn't quite work with the player cap set above 4, so the game made everything into a fucking unbelievable bullet sponge with, say, 8 players. Anyone who used it in Singleplayer or with a 4 player limit with the other artifact "Command" (which lets you choose exactly what items you get) is a maximum scrub.
Lads, does infusion have a cap to it per item, when I was playing huntress earlier I noticed kills beyond a certain point didn't give anymore max health with one of them on.
Easiest 20 level drizzle class? Trying to get the clover...farthest I've gotten is cheesing with engi.
My only complaint is using arrow rain late game feels like a death sentence since you're practically standing still
no but i would fuck beetle queen
If he doesn't, I would.
I hope we get some sort of grenadier character down the line
Returning characters are Commando, Engineer, Huntress and Mercenary. MUL-T and Artificer are new. Files exist for other characters, including Bandit, Sniper, Enforcer, HAN-D and a new character named Assassin
>use that shrine that trades health for money
>my single tougher times blocks the damage twice
Read the log entry if you have any questions on items. The cap is 100 on each stack.
>every single person that bought it is still playing it
holy shit
Oh hey, its IGPX
Does the game not save your resolution setting?
Even if it's the worst case scenario and the player numbers are 50/50 bought and gifted, that's still 33k (confirmed) sales. That's pretty ridiculous for an indie launch.
I don't want to take it unless you have no other friends to give it to.
What do the combat shrines do? Just spawn mobs for cash?
2/4 get in here fellow americans
Nope. Turning it off in the config still has it turn back on when you start the game. It'll probably be fixed.
>tfw not fast enough to join other EU lobby
new EU lobby
The buckler on Merc looks so fucking SASUGA
Are streamers still giving out copies?
Battle Royale mode when
Yeah. Most likely better once you get clover unlocked and can actually have a chance of item drops from those elites.
Is that deal still going?
>He didn't stack 7 3D printed teddy bears
>tfw 10 charges of Ocular HUD
1 more
pay up goyim
HAN-D when?
how do I get a rock follower
You just gotta use it really fast
Fuck, unlocking items is so fucking retarded. Game doesn't have that much content to begin with and I have to do some stupid stuff to inlock more variety. Brilliant idea.
>No poison monster bro.
Suffering. Engineer is who I meant so that's cool he's back. He still lob bombs all over?
I see thanks
So, I would assume character unlock methods are the same as in 1? I need Bandit now.
I think they're instance based. Often times other people pick up coins I never saw and sometimes I'll pick up coins that people just walk right by.
Any easy way to spawn the portal to the bazaar?
look in the logbook on the character page on how to unlock
Find a salamander shrine and spend a lunar coin at it.
They are not. I played with friends in VC and they could see the same ones I could etc.
still waiting, get in EU bros
newt statue
If they are, they're not permanently instance based
one spawned during bossfight and I left it there thinking it was mine, suddenly dude runs to it, picks it up & it vanishes from my game & says in chat he picked it up
>assume ~70,000 people have the game
>assume 50% got it as a gift so 35,000 paid for it
>$14 per bought game after Valve's cut
>a cool $500,000 for a game with a 2 man team after just 2 days
ooooooooooooh that's what that is
>in one of my games, I placed a turret near a chest and I actually watched it open the chest after a while
absolute bullshit
Engineer still has his bombs, which he has to charge up to fire the full load. Mines are still there, which he can throw on anything, including other players. Turrets benefit from items he picks up. However he loses Thermal Harpoons for a shield which blocks projectiles.
Steam takes 30% and Idk about their publisher.
just gives me invalid lobby id
Trough how many levels do you have to go to reach the final boss?
wtf I hate risk of rain now
That means it's full
Exploits are cheats, just not memory-editting cheats. You're doing something unintended by the game rules due to oversights in coding, which will eventually be fixed because it is a bug.
With that said, it's a single player and/or co-op game - you're (mostly) only hurting yourself so do whatever until it's fixed.
There is no final boss yet
The $14 accounts for Valve's 30% cut since the full price is $20
nope i think the deal just ended sorry fren
It loops endlessly in the current build.
You gotta actually start the game, user.
There is no final boss. Not now at least.
Can anyone else not buy the game on steam now? just bought a steam card and going to be pissed if I can't get it.
Really? They must be really finicky with how they spawn then.
that's not what that means retard
Does save editing to unlock the characters fuck anything up?
what about the gearbox cut and the tax
There's no final boss currently, just 4 levels that loop, and 6 possible stages (Level 1 can be Roost or Plains, Level 2 can be Desert or Marsh). You can however kill yourself by going through a portal after level 7 to unlock Mercenary.
My bad, my brain totally skipped that line.
Hopoo said anything related to cheaters?
kill urself my man
>Having decent run, get decent items, mix of healing and damage.
>First portal is Horde of Many overloaded
>get deleted
2 spots left
how do crowbars work? what exactly does "healthy" mean?
Well fug. Guess I'll save up a bit more then before buying.
finally beat 20 stages in one run.
So what do you even DO in this game? Just fights hordes of enemies, pickup random loot, and then go to the next level and repeat for infinity?
People keep calling it a roguelike, but it just looks like a cartoony loot and shoot to me.
kill yourself
Do one loop, get to the third stage, jump in the blue portal, jump to the obelisk, kill self.
nevermind might have been a bug. Disregard, I suck dicks
Reminder to avoid these items
>Wake of Vultures
>Brittle Crown
Reminder that if you can get any other item, then you should also avoid these items
>Rusted Key in multishops
>any Lunar item when Shaped Glass is an option
see loop until you see "A Celestial Orb has appeared", then clear the stage and enter the portal instead of taking the teleporter.
Go through a full cycle and then get back to the snow stage a second time. A portal will appear when you beat the boss. Go through it, parkour to the bottom, and obliterate your character at the obelisk.
After level 7 boss, a portal will appear at the teleporter. Take it. There will be a minor platforming part then you will kill yourself at an obelisk
>Be any class but Multi-e
>Have to be pretty close to enemies for spread/the wep refusing to work to not fuck me over, even on 'ranged' characters
>Die in very few hits
>Mobility is some form of singular dash that doesn't cover much spce
>Enemy hp feels bloated because damage is so low
>Crowds are annoying because aoe move is shit ranged, weak, both and maybe has a long cooldown
>Be based busted bot
>Snipe enemies 100% accurately every second at any range
>Have twice the hp of the other classes, just because
>Mobility is a super run move that covers half the map
>Damage is the best in the game at every range
>Spam my low cooldown aoe stun that does good damage every few seconds so crowds are a joke
>also get a second item for free for no fucking reason
I don't understand how they thought this character was remotely fine
Get to level 7 (Ice area after loop). Should get a popup that says "A celestial orb appeared". Beat the boss and take the green portal to the new area. Hop down and kill yourself at the obelisk.
+90% health. You are aware of the item log menu, right? Where it explains all of these things?
>3d printer with soldiers syringe
just like binding of isaac, the point is that every run is going to be unique
of course right now its not finished
You do extra damage to full/near full health enemies (90+%), so your first hit will do more damage. Good on strong hits.
>Half team whipes v boss, both leave lobby
>Take it down with other dude
>He immediately takes every drop for himself
>Leave him in the empty lobby
Why doesn't it just put boss drops directly in your inventory if you contributed enough damage
Didn't watch out for that AOE on the giant jelly that took all my health in one go
It's not a roguelike, and it's not even really a roguelite.
Yes, you run around and collect power ups and shoot things so you get more power ups. That's the gameplay of RoR.
Healthy means above 90% health. You can stack crowbars to do massive damage first hits.
>Just fights hordes of enemies, pickup random loot, and then go to the next level and repeat for infinity?
For now, yeah. It's rougelite, not Rougelike. There's a final boss in the works, though.
How does MUL-T compare to my boy HAN-D?
Looked up gameplay of him, seems like what I'd want him to play like so that's good. From comments here it seems unfinished. Worth 20 or just wait for a sale when it'll be more complete?
Thanks guys, I didn't realise the logs had info on stacking/caps.
is there a way to make it so sensitivity stays the same when running?
This robot is trained to break your game.
>play with pubbies
>they die like bitches
>spend like 30 minutes farming up because I dont think I can kill the boss alone
>finally get him
>next map
>they all join up
>they were watching me this whole time without saying anything...
is there a way to give suggestions to the devs? like a d*scord or something?
It's super fun right now. I hadn't played the first one
> a indie game is taking control of steams playerbase
> its risk of rain
Tf2 is fucking DEAD
>Noting people like going fast
>>Wake of Vultures
Wait, what's wrong with Wake of Vultures? It's just free buffs for killing elite enemies.
Pls help
There is. Google RoR2 discord
What does Shaped Glass do?
I haven't been in the lunar shop yet. I'm waiting until I can unlock Mage
Not even similar. MUL-T is a mixed range character that can swap between a high power sniper rifle or a rapidfire nailgun. In addition to a stunning grenade and charging attack, MUL-T can uniquely have 2 use items, swapped by changing between his firing modes.
He's actually pretty big brain gameplay but people want to cheese him with the Crit HUD
One more
Just gift it faggot
Still 2 spots left, get in
So is this actually a good early access?
I loved the first game but lol no money so I can't get this yet.
>tfw playing engi with 14 fungus and you can tank the AOE without even a single chip in health
what it says on the tin: Doubles your damage but your max health is halved. You can stack these for extreme glass cannon runs. Did it earlier.
Basically the glass artifact: half health, double damage.
Get in here, NA nerds
Is there a soft cap for how much items stack, at what point is it not worth getting more of the same?
if you kill an enemy that has the shield modifier, your max health is automatically cut in half.
pic related. it's basically the glass artifact but as an item
Can somebody help a pizzabro?
We can play together
> overloading magma worm x2
i convinced my collectorfag friend to buy it and gift me the copy
Imagine able to have 20 Happiest Masks and able to ghost a Worm
Best items for Merc?
What are some easy secrets to hunt down that unlock new items? I see a lot of items in the log just say to find it in the world first
death is the cap. try to get as many as you can but you probably won't get very far unless you abuse good rng 3d printers or that shrine that multiplies all the items you have
soldier syringe
a shit ton of auto hp regens
how about 3?
>if you kill an enemy that has the shield modifier, your max health is automatically cut in half.
I'm pretty sure it only gives you the shield if you're already under 1/2 HP.
open 1 spot
>6 stone titans and some magma worms
i sleep
>one blazing elder lemurian
real shit
Is it me or is something wrong with the game? I cant join quickplay.
>tfw no friends
is there at least a torrent for this?
depends on the item.
Lens Maker Glasses increase your crit chance and it's seemingly linear so once you have 10, you have 100% crit chance and there's no reason to have more.
Tougher Times on the other hand should theoretically cap at 7 (15x7= 105% chance to nullify damage) but it definitely doesn't because it got me killed at one point, so I guess it must have diminishing returns or a cap.
>tfw feeling dizzy from playing 8 hours straight
>tfw can't stop
Once something is free, it has no Trade Value. in this case, it's "sort of" free and still available so noone's going to buy it while others are giving it away. Even when it's over, it's going to be valued at like $10 at best, probably lower due to most folks that WANT it already HAVE it so demand is low. Anyone who played 1 has it for the most part, and even faggots like me who hated 1 for being a smudged graphical 2d mess got 2 because it all makes more sense and flows better in 3d.
how the fuck are you supposed to survive as merc after the loop. everything one shots you.
From what I've heard, the servers can't handle this many people at once.
t. retard
This game is so fucking brainless and simple but fun holy shit
Get better items
So sounds like they have plans to eventually add characters and already have some files in for the first wave of releases. Good. Because I really need to take out the trash, it's so full of crowbars you see.
>350% speed
>tesla coil
>zooming around the map instakilling everything
>group of elite elder lemurians spawn as tele boss
literally gg
I keep seeing people saying soldier syringe on merc but why?
if you're auto attacking as merc constantly you're doing it wrong
his number one most important items are feathers = more jumps
magazines = more M2s
you never touch the ground and should be basically using nothing but your skills nonstop.
>GPU died
>haven't gotten around to buying a new one
>figured its better to wait anyway since I have to work für Uni
>can't play RoR 2 on my onboard GPU
I've had a ghost worm before, it was kinda useless
exit and reenter the multiplayer menu
that or try restarting the game
servers are starting to shit themselves due to the unexpectedly large playerbase
Spam R/Dash like a madfuck, Merc is the easiest to survive with in my experience.
Lobby NA East
No idea if my internet can handle hosting but might as well try
focus on tougher times and medkits, medkit is basically natural health regen on merc
>feeling invincible as MUL-T, got a shitload of defensive items
>big flaming titan in last level oneshots me out of nowhere
wew lads
it adds more attacks to his judgement cut
abuse your dash and eviscerate
>2x tesla coils
>Newt portal appears
>Red item reforge is Ceremonial daggers
>Trade in my rose bucklers for a pair
Doesn't syringe increase the execution speed of all your abilities? It did in RoR.
Is hosting p2p? I keep getting dropped from the servers with quick play. I don't want to waste a slot
user, Syringe on Merc buffs ALL his skills. His dash goes faster, his M2 swings faster, and JUDGEMENT CUT does more hits.
and you have to take into account that concurrent players is only a % of the total who bought. Would imagine it's something like 1/5th to 1/10th.
why the fuck is fire so strong?
1 more EUbros
how do i unlock the melee character i love melee characters
Does it? I just thought it finishes in a shorter amount of time.
>20 fps
turn down the corpse count in settings
so one is the shopkeeper and one is that invincible guy in the gold orb portal, who is the 3rd that im missing?
new US West lobby
>tfw 4 Hoopoe Feathers
Get to level 7. Kill boss. Enter portal. Kill yourself
are we positive on this or are you basing this off of ror1
I haven't had magma worm spawn yet. how much worse is it in 3d
Fix your settings nigga. Turn off shadows entirely, turn down LoD and Textures slightly, and most importantly, set a fucking FPS cap to 60 if not 30 and you'll notice a massive improvement, especially from the Shadows and FPS cap alone.
>No scaling
Why does this piece of shit exist?
Hell area is currently buggy. Mobs aggro doesn't work properly and if you can get to higher ground the boss basically won't touch you.
I would prefer Kirby Air Ride City Trial mode
Sounds like they'll be making the teleporter particle effects brighter and more pronounced. At least, that's my guess based on his statements.
so what if you can fly? merc has no ranged attacks. eventually you're going to have to get close to do damage. shorter cooldowns and abusing iframes is more important. you only need one feather and then eviscerate/dash will close the gap with air enemies.
I have literally been playing nothing but Merc since I unlocked him. That's how it works. You can see it when you use JUDGEMENT CUT while in a warbanner's radius too, since that also boosts attack speed.
Considering the last thing he said doesnt apply to ror1, he's basing it off ror2
>Got to level 7 yesterday and killed the boss but the game crashed right before I went through
Yep, I think they will only put a huge signaling arrow on top of it if people still fail to detect it still.
this desu
already have corpses disabled
I'm not going to use potato settings just for merc and 60fps is shit.
>Tri tip dagger
>it has 1 tip
If we get mod support for RoR2 I'm going to port that RoR1 modloader mod where bandit's hat gets 1 pixel taller for each kill you get
There's not a final boss yet. Didn't know if anyone answered you yet
They should, took me half a fucking hour to find it in the mud world and that was because it was lodged halfway into the ground in a tiny crevice
>it's a teleporter spawns in the cave on level 3 and the fucking worm won't come out and takes 15 minutes to kill episode
"soft particles" also has a MASSIVE performance hit
>his sword is a tool of justice
Yeah, fires pretty fucking busted. I hope they nerf it. It does like half your HP before it even runs out, so if you get lit on fire twice, your basically fucked, and theres nothing you can do to circumvent it either. It'd be better if sprinting put you out quicker or something.
>gave free copy to a random user
>he hasn't even played it yet
>mod support
god please
>host gets sequenced
every time
So fucking close. I was just rushing teleporters the entire time
Even on drizzle, getting to 20 stages cleared is a bitch
Nigga you contradictive as fuck. You ARE playing on a potato. Set your settings accordingly. Mine is more than capable of running at max, but I choose not to stress my system until it crashes for the sake of prettyness - I want functionality more, so I turned off Shadows before I even played and set the FPS limit to 60, and I went from 100%+ GPU usage and a loud-ass fan to 60% GPU usage and not burning out my poor video card.
Are you okay?
>got the game from another user
>already played 15 hours
>not having 4chanx in current year
120fps is my standard, 60fps looks and plays like shit.
This is a real thing. It's more accurately a tri-edge dagger but tri-tip makes it a pun for the cut of meat off the bottom sirloin.
Tri-edged daggers are designed to leave a stabbing wound of an awkward shape that makes it hard for the wound to clot and our flesh to heal, increasing the chances the victim will bleed out.
>Handle everything fine as Merc
>lol fire elite
(US East)
>mfw my friends play the game lik a fucking wow dungeon and all I want is to build energy drinks and zoop the fuck out
What does the mountain challenge do? Does it only affect the current stage or all of the run?
>Someone said "anyone want this" and i just took it because free shit
>tfw the game's really fun
I'd say it's easily sold 150k but usually the concurrent players are smaller than 1/5th of the buyers. Then again RoR2 is the type of game that has insane replayability and the game length is long so it could mean that people are spending more time in it vs an average game.
Does Engineer's turret kills not add to his total dmg/kills?
it makes candy pop out of the teleporter
seriously fire needs to be changed from flat dmg to % based
Man artificer really needs the stack limit on her fireball removed or heavily increased and for the ice wall to actually block stuff.
spawns an extra boss the next time you activate a teleporter i think
Another boss and another set of boss drops for current stage only
1+ boss for each player
2x item drops
>Forgot to buy at the 1+1 deal
>Don't feel like buying the game anymore
Is it me or there is smthing fucked up with quickplay? Can't start any game, it can't load and everyone leaves the lobby.
What the fuck, how to play it?
>There are people in this thread right now who will fucking rush the teleporter and still get mountain shrines
FYI Glass shitters, theres no fucking modifiers in the game, so you don't need to play like a faggot and doom us on the second stage just because "muh fast". I know you hate going slow because your mentally slow yourself, but going fast fucking dooms us if you rush the teleporter before we can get any items, and then have to fight 6 bosses who are mountain shrine buffed.
Fucking niggers
I see it IRL but in-game it kind of just looks like a lance.
Calling it even a roguelite is a stretch in my opinion. It's more of an arcade game where you start a match, kill enemies and loot random shit, find portal and advance levels for high scores. Completing achievements adds new gear to loot tables or characters with different skillsets to play as, but that's about it as far as permanent progression goes. Risk of Rain 1 had a proper final boss with an option to play the game endlessly, but apparently the EA version of RoR2 doesn't yet have an actual ending.
If 120fps is your standard but you're getting 20fps then maybe, juuuust fucking maybe, 60 is better than 20. But even then, don't fucking turn on the FPS cap then - turn off Shadows and Soft Particles like said and you can keep your precious 120fps.
double/triple boss but double item drop at the end
more bosses/elite bosses, more rewards. You need to do a x2 mountain challenge to unlock an item.
Post yfw monsoon HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
it doesn't lol. An engi will always appear to have low damage in the post-game screen
I keep dying on snow. Am I being too slow?
I did this years ago and the fucker never ever played it. I specifically asked him if he planned on playing it or if he was just game collecting, but he never played it ever.
On another occasion, I had a coupon for a game I gave to some random user. I told him to please use it because it's going to expire in two weeks, and he said he's definitely buying it. Never did, it just expired in his account, could have gone to someone else to pay $5 instead of $20, but the absolute faggot just paid $0 and wasted the coupon.
>clutched for team in hell zone
>cheesed boss with glitches
>get to the teleporter and ready to leave
You're not alone at least, user. I like to take my time too, but then you have to realize, this game IS about going at least a little fast. The longer you linger, the stronger shit gets early on. You have to find at least a balance if you're not zerging like a sperg.
>Indie devs have no chance on Ste-
Foolishness commando.
I'm only getting 20 a few stages into the loop.
Making it 60 the rest of the time is not worth it.
Also setting an FPS cap doesn't magically make it so your GPU can reach that number. It reduces stuttering.
I dunno, I think it looks pretty accurate.
Dab on shitty walking sims
>we're at 70k now.
I can manage it pretty consistently on Mercenary, and he's supposedly not all that good of a class according to MUL-T fags.
What does shrine of order even do? I saw one once but it looked like it used a coin so I didn't want to use it
>fire titan spawns on stage 19
>8 teddybears and a legion of healer bots will only let you last for a second
Post your steam id and the story of why you're a pathetic neet and I'll send you my extra key tbqh senpai.
So how do 3d printers work? Can you select what shit you feed into it? Is it random? I'd like to get rid of some shit I don't need like the sticky mines/grenades/whatever but it eats useful shit I'd rather keep sometimes.
the only indie devs who do bad are the ones who dont put forth effort
>health bars
I smell another secret
Oh that's a lotta damage. Shame the range is so fucking short
fungus + war banner + armor piercing + support abilities
engineer is amazing against bosses, make a bubble for your team and keep them alive.
My guess it's random. Find one giving a good item and hope it takes your shit ones.
it inputs a random item of the same quality
but you're not standing still you're floating in the air when you use that move what the fuck are you talking about
Why stop he's the best
It takes a random item of the same rarity
It's semi-random: A white printer will only take white items, but you can't pick which white item.
you can snipe them with mul-t
Pop in item of same rarity to get the advertised item. Seems to prioritize stacks.
I'm not sure how it works with infusions, if when you lose infusions you get the health you earned from it revoked or not.
takes an item of equivalent rarity randomly
you'll notice the text color changes depending on the item so your reds are safe unless its a red item printer
You both give me hope.
I like the massive popularity of the game and I'm happy for hopoo but is anyone else concerned that it might be a double edged sword involving community feedback and balance changes?
I usually play Merc, but I felt like MUL-T on drizzle would be easy as fuck. Now I feel ashamed
It turns all your items of each tier into 1 item of the same tier. I used it once and ended up with 36 glasses and 9 stealthkits. Absolutely destroyed the run. Avoid at all costs.
>get hit for half hp
>lit on fire
>fire does half hp
>equip this with merc
>become BOSS RAPER
monsoon lobby
real niggas ONLY
>patch early next week
>that nigga who thinks he's slick grabbing an extra drop at the teleporter while everyone's distracted
you know who you are
there's nothing there, it just warps you back to the main map
probably a future artifact location if I had to guess
Makes blood altars and regen items basically worthless. But good if you don't have any regen. I think all the lunar stuff is basically a positive and a negative effect.
>can ignite allies
yeah nah fuck off
Oh man this game is so fucking fun but I've been paying for 8 hours straight and need to get some z's. Goodnight you item stealing jews... I will dream of big bum huntress tonight.
Same desu
>good run going
>at my 12th stage
>get wurmed
>all the shit is visible in the chat
>I used it once and ended up with 36 glasses
has anyone killed the bird in swamp? what does it give?
Has anyone tried sniping every possible one on a given map to see if it does anything?
The core gameplay is already phenominal, all they have to do is make sure new classes and items are fun and that's it.
I can't wait for a forced item sharing toggle. Didn't care too much for it in RoR1 but holy hell is this necessary in pubs
Just unlocked [REDACTED] any bros wana do some RoR? trying to unlock merc next
The shilling for this shit game is in full force today
>3d printer bustling fungus on engineer
You're just mad that I'm faster than you at grabbing things.
>yfw he returns
Shit I never even noticed the rarity besides seeing Green a couple times and assumed it was because I had a 2nd/3rd of that item. Good to know though, thanks bros
Am I supposed to figure out how to unlock the characters or just look it up?
Have any of you opened the Ancient Gate
dev update from the discord
I was wondering if you could shoot those fuckers but I was playing merc at the time.
>people are playing and enjoying game
>friend hosts lobby
>I disconnect immediately
>I host lobby
>someone else disconnects imemdiately
What the fuck do I do
>it takes no less than 24 goat hooves to make her fun
Do a run on easy
>4+ player lobbies are private options only
>RoR1 has had semi-regular threads on Yea Forums since its release
>RoR2 just became playable a couple of days ago and the hype hasn't died down yet
But no, surely they must be shills
it was on easy this is the first time i've played the game
They're nice when you find one early on in the map since you get a good chunk of money without having to wait around for mob spawns. Health sacrifice shrines kinda go in the same bag. They're both kinda useless if you have a bunch of money already.
So how the fuck was I hitting around 10k damage as Huntress with these items? It was completely out of the random, my normal critical hits were ~150 but 10k would randomly pop which is confusing since Huntress has no high damage moves.
See shit like that is why RoR did so well and RoR2 will continue to do so well. They're just real niggas like us who want to make a good game. No political correctness or agenda. Professional enough to come across as respectable, but not boring G-rated professional. And most importantly: Honest. I like the "Brain dump" idea and hope others follow suit, to see how they view reactions and progress without being taken as an insult or complaint is nice.
>playing with randoms
that just means you've gotten the unlock req but haven't gotten it as a drop yet; you don't get the log entry until you actually collect the item
>when the entire game collapse even on the lowest settings
Same. Hope you get there soon!
>me and another guy run up to a box
>he opens it
>since I was right behind him the syringes pop out and land on me
>he immediately disconnects before I even apologize
>ask why he left and say what happened
>his friend leaves too
I didn't mean to do it I swear.
>finally get great items
>get immediate lag spikes and then DC'd
jesus christ I love the game but the servers can't handle this
the glaive amplifies with each bounce, that + ukulele will wreck shit fast
How bout we buy it anyway
Sending a free copy to any Brazilian bro who loves Bolsonaro
glaive hits like a truck.
What kind of items should I be looking for as Huntress?
You're a real piece of shit
When the magma worm shows up during HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Do combat shrines do anything besides spawning more enemies to fight?
jfc ez is so ez, I didn't even bat an eye at 6 dune pots and i got the 5k damage achivo by getting all of them to half health simutaneously with 15 crowbars and plasma launcher.
I literally took 3 imp overlords hitting me at same time to think I was dead only my turrets dissapeared and i was at full health
ezmodo is stupid ez
anything that buffs glaive and mobility items.
crowbar maybe? like you crit on a healthy enemy.
just commando roll before you hit the ground user. completely negates fall damage
west coast US need more
>trade items for afterburner in lunar shop
>goes into the mul-t next to me instantly
I just wanted to anime dash more but at least it went on someone that really benefits from it
Having to hit E to pick up items when
I'm quite tempted
It literally tells you how to unlock them. Try looking through the game's menus for a moment.
any mobility shit
this makes me so happy
So which characters benefit the most from spare magazines and Hardlight Afterburners (Extra charges on their second and third abilities respectively)?
Not that i've seen, its just another way to get money.
>He hasn't found a feather 3d printer and Ascended
>not wanting to play with randoms in an 8-man lobby
please kys
>thinking a game that had a buy one get one free offer for 48 hours needed some fucker on Yea Forums to shill it
shut the fuck up you mouth breathing retard
Bought a friend the game and spent the whole time seeing how op I could make him before we sacrificed for merc
He melted everything
I was just trying to beat him to the box, I didn't mean to pick up the item itself. We all spawned right next to it.
Spare magazines turn MUL-T into demoman.
>3d printer with fireworks
It's amazing how much success this got. We're gonna make it bros
1 more
huntress for magazines, engi for afterburners
The game should have a short timer where only the person who paid for the item can pick it up. Something like 3 seconds so you can pick shit up without wonder asshole taking it, but if you want to give someone something you can still do that.
Zero changes are fucking needed for the teleporter. Most people just don't know to look for the particle effects
>Blazing Stone Titan
>As Mercenary
Now wheres the big fat titty bug queens?
>play merc
>literally only fungus drops
forgot pic
>Debate with myself since release if I wanna buy this game
>Would wanna play with friends but since I'm a mentally stunted dipshit I haven't kept contact up with them for a long time
>Fuck it, man up it's just a videogame, buy game, use the gift as a chance to take up contact again
>mfw the buy one gift one initiative ended two hours ago and I didn't notice
I'm fucking retarded and now I feel too miserable to actually play. fug
Fire is such bullshit as merc.
Literally unavoidable damage.
So how often do these guys update their games? I never played the original since I preferred Nuclear Throne etc over it
So I'm interested but I just wanted to know, do you lose absolutely everything when you die? Do you keep levels or anything like that?
>Spare mags for M2
Huntress for boomerangs, Artificer for charge shots, MUL-T for grenade spam
>Hardlight Afterburners for Shift
Artificer for executes, Engineer for 100% barrier uptime, Merc for more stuns and i-frames/teleporting. Everyone else just benefits by having more dodges
speaking of cooldown items, we need more of those that aren't locked behind red items. Artificer is kind of fucked without spare mags. attack speed unironically fucks her over past a certain point, and she's pretty bad at triggering proc items.
>3d printer with crowbars on MUL-T
>Got gold coast event
>fucked it up by not realizing the boss goes immune if you aren't fast enough
>die at 15% life
Co op with a engi
fungus is great on him
so whats the best method to reaching the chest in the third level in under 10 minutes?
lol what
From the discord FAQ
>How often will you be updating the game?
>During Early Access, we expect to do major content updates every 1-2 months, and have smaller bugfixes and quality of life changes more frequently. Major content we have planned will include new characters, bosses, stages, items and much more.
>engi turrets get tesla coil too
>3d printer with sticky bombs as engineer
That was utter suffering.
singleplayer on drizzle
go fast
what's [redacted]
Just look at the replies ???
you never played ror before? Its a rouge like, once you die you lose everything
>34 fucking syringes
Did... did your FPS drop whenever you started pressing M1?
Only thing you keep are lunar coins
>find teleporter asap, only buy after clearing it
>know spawn points of chest beforehand, has at least 4
huntress on easy.
if normal and co-oping, huntress merc and engi or mul-t works ffine i think
>34 syringes
artificer is insane with mags, the nuke basically becomes your leftclick at that point
as merc you can't try to kill a red elite on high levels cus even if you use your shift you touch the lava unverneath (somehow) dunno why and can't even get near him to melee (only with R)
Wish they do somethings with this or he's just fucked for life?
Play on Drizzle and just bumrush the teleporters. You only need to do this once and it unlocks the Preon accumulator, which is a very good nuke item.
>friend has Preon Accumulator
>I have Succ cube
Is there any reason to use the snipe ability on robot-kun? The machine gun seems better all game
I'm really glad for the devs. RoR was a gem and this is fucking great so far.
did she died
>get to the chest on the ice level within 6 min
>still can't open it
Epic prank!
merc just goes to shit after the loop unless you get lucky and find a tougher times printer.
>you never played ror before?
No that's why I'm asking.
I've played other games close to this that let you keep some EXP after dying so I had to ask.
>engi with fungi
>red that doubles healing
>red that shoots homing fireballs when you're healed
>turrets benefit from all of this
>just plop them down and everything around me dies
literally just stood still and let the game play itself until a big red bug killed me in one hit
the damage is huge and it scales well with crowbars, which increase damage against enemies with 90% health or more. So with enough you easily one-shot things.
>Uh, ok. First, I just wanted to say from the whole team how absolutely floored we are with the reception so far. I was personally hoping for something to match at least half of the original game: apparently we're doing a LOT better. It's absolutely surreal - thank you all again.
Fucking Clay Dunestriders as Merc. It's like their explosives spawn right inside you when you're flying around them.
>Spawn in area 4
>Under the floor
>It teleports me above it, fall through it
>This repeats about 6 times, halving my hp
>Instantly die in 1 hit once on solid floor
Get to the timed chest in level 3 in under 10 minutes and find out.
Weird I got the preon accumulator in my last run and I still haven't done that challenge.
do you guys think hopoo will punish players that did the character unlock cheat?
>no more sassy comment on death
Hecking dropped.
>on tiny baby mode
Doesn't count
>got so far that this piece of shit already has 1.2m hp
>after grinding 6 million dollary doos i can finally attack him
>doing jackshit as damage because i'm too busy handling the other 20 golem bullet sponges that will literally kill me within a split second because of their ebin homing lasers (inb4 just hide behind a pebble bro lol)
> realise that the beacons somehow aren't glowing anymore
>check objective
>farm enough to activate all beacons again while he's gaining even more hp in the meantime
>manage to get him down to 80% or something before my damage numbers get replaced with "immune"
Probably never going to open a gold portal again when the game has been going on for too long. What's the purpose of it anyway, besides the few chests and guaranteed HP item you get afterwards? Doesn't seem worth the trouble at all
she rippde in peperonis
Why frost wall doesn't block lasers?
Yes there is, it's in the chatbox in the lower left
tried to get there with the chrysalis wings but i just hit an invisible trigger wall which warped me back
unlikely as every character besides artificer can be unlocked within 3 hours anyway
Fuck, I thought it was midnight because I am a dumb speedreader. I should've swooped up copies for all my friends that wishlisted it.
look at the chatbox user
I just realized that, not only did you have 34 fucking syringes, but you had 5 missiles too.
You must've been near constantly shooting missiles!
It says sassy shit in chat when you die
I see, well like I said before you just lose everything. The whole game is about killing waves of enemies and trying to go to the next level by kiling a boss
>play Engy
>constant Wax Quails, Energy Drinks, Goats Feet and Hopoo Feathers
I wish turrets followed you very slowly if there were no enemies in LoS.
I got one pretty early on and only had to clear beacons twice. Still only got one titanic knurl so really not worth the time it takes. I'm sure the loot will most likely get tuned at a later time. you can finish like 2 levels in the time it takes to kill that encounter
I'm so shit at this game. Only gotten past stage 2 like twice. Still haven't unlocked anyone else either
EU Lads get in here
don't expect much after the game comes out of early access
God bless user.
You can unlock new characters to play as and they stay unlocked forever.
And you don't lose the memory of having fun or the desire to jump right back in for another bout.
>get a single bandoleer
>can place new turrets every 5 seconds
they basically DO follow you
You unlock more characters as you play, as well as more items which make your future runs more interesting/diverse (due to having a bigger pool to roll from).
it's not even a unique drop, it's a possible drop anytime the teleporter boss is the Titan. There's also a boss drop from the beetle queen which gives you an ally beetle guard. Not sure if there are other boss items.
Join a lobby and get carried.
It was my friend not me I spent the whole game trying to make him as OP as possible taking as few items as I could while still remaining viable and giving him the rest to abuse 3d printers and shit
rip totalbiscuit :C
So who's the best for a shitter? Mul-t?
How do I play MUL-T? I dont get it
>all these people saying its fun
>really dont like the new artstyle
is it really good, looks like a clusterfuck and not in a good way like the first one
>24 juices and 18 feathers
holy shit
Forgot to say pic is what fucked me up because I used the thing that makes you get a shitload of a few items while removing everything else
what do you get for doing the golden titan area
his 4th ability swaps between a low range rapidfire gun and a long range sniper (and 2 use items). That's about all there is to say.
From California.
controller or kbm?
Just a few extra items right now. not worth the time investment as is. probably meant for a character unlock down the line but was added early to show off new optional level styles
Yes. He can do everything.
Melt everything with your nailgun. Snipe wisps with your rebar puncher. Spam canisters on groups of enemies. Smash into bosses with transport mode to do a shitton of damage. MUL-T is good no matter how you play him.
>those items
did you die from hitting a wall
join faggots
Cancer is a pain in the butt
I miss him he was pretentious as fuck at times but also like the only person passionate about his job as a reviewer
can't believe they ruined the clover bros
kbm is superior but you can play merc and huntress with a controller with minimal difficulty.
aw, that's lame
it's pretty hard considering the weak reward
This shit is a 3d TPS, of course KBM, this ain't your 2d original
>24 energy drinks
>18 feathers
what in the magma fuck
Close I forgot I had alot of jumps (it was from the thing that sorts all your items so it was not a steady grow it was a sudden oh shit) I hit a hill shot off into space and died of fall damage
it's a pretty good design and different enough experience to make enjoyable but yeah the reward needs to be substantially increased
East coast, lets go
if you kill goldstein twice in one run you get teleported to what appears to be a very unfinished version of the final boss
are there worms? I did 10 runs already and no worms in sight
Giant Urn boss from the desert level
bullshit proof me
Why ppl keep talking like we had any sort of control of our builds? Is there any sort of shop or something?
Citation needed
other players can have it spawn if they unlocked it
you guys keep sprint on CTRL? I don't know where I should put it
hes very item reliant
your pea shooter really falls off hard if youre not getting those on-hit items
your railgun is nice for bosses and you can easily take down more mobile bosses with it like the worm bosses
his m2 is really fucking good cc
spam it on cooldown if youre on nailgun mode
One more person pls.
Can't say i had 20 masks yet but i somehow managed to get a worm. Like your previous reply said, it's pretty fucking worthless.
Anyone else disliking Sprint as a general mechanic? I don't like babysitting the ctrl key on my keyboard
>People already calling dudes noobs
>Game cfame out today
>someones dead/someone obviously doesn't want it/item is not good for someone's character
>pick an extra item up
>"Haha user, Stop being a jew."
then just press it once instead of babysitting it
what you actually need is to ghost an overloading worm because those still one shot you
Fuck off Jimmy you're full of shit.
I switched it to mouse 5 so it's not that bad for me, plus it's a toggle
>triple kiosk things that let you choose which item to buy
>3D printers
>coordinating with friends in multiplayer
I like to jump and attack
>Noting people like ruining their build with Shrine of Order or 3D printer
Don't judge me, Hopoo
>Guy picks gay robot, uses go fast mode to grab all boss drops before anyone else physically can
>We all leave server
I swapped ctrl and shift.
Good thing is when my buddy beat the level and went to the celestial portal I did not have to platform I just ran off the edge landed there without touching any other platform
Play Huntress?
hopefully I will die less this round
where the fuck is the time chest on the ice level
I cant find it
randomly generated. gotta look fast
I keep it on ctrl but the game doesn't use many keybinds
Just wasd for movement, R and shift for a skill, Q for use item, E to interact is all thats mapped by default that you'll actually be using. You could just put it on F since it doesn't have a command or any of the other letters below wasd if you just want it closer to your fingers without swapping any other commands
it has at least 4 spawn points. under the half sunken container, in the main container, on top of the hill, and in the area that looks like its out of bounds but isnt
>lava worm and fire elites exist
>easiest to survive with when you have to rely on specific items and avoiding specific enemies
>inb4 acquire proficiency
I'm not saying he's bad at all, no, but he's definitely not the best at surviving
get lucky
How potato PC friendly is RoR 2
sprint on shift, third ability on mouse thumb button
east coast