Don't mind me, just continuing to be the best Souls game
Don't mind me, just continuing to be the best Souls game
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It wasn't even the best Souls game when it was released and I don't even know how that works.
So can this game be properly emulated or not? I don't want to dig out my PS3 just for one game.
Best boss theme
Yes but there is a private server community running on ps3
One of these days, I'm going to buy a new processor, and I'm going to emulate you, and I'll get revenge on that bitch ass tower knight from the LAN party 10 years ago and steal his kick-ass song.
Sucks the community will never be as good as it was before dark souls released on PC
may you rot in the deepest depths of this swamp
Demons' Souls was lightning in a bottle
When do we get this and Bloodborne on PC
When I entered that area and that music started playing.
When I faced Garl Vinland. His voice acting, his lines. "We lead humble lives" broke me. I continued mashing the buttons to destroy him because that was the game until then, and those were all the games I had ever played before that. And then I get to Maiden Astrea, and she just kills herself. I get myself a demon's soul, I "beat" a boss, but there was no sense of accomplishment, just me, myself, and the monster that I had become.
None of the following Souls games have come even close to the magistrality of this moment. Everyone will forget Sekiro in six months, but ten years later Demon's Souls still rings so true, so close to home. The characters, the little tragic moments like that, the soundtrack. Dark Souls 1 is a close second
I booted my PS3 up today and found out my SL1 save was eaten.
DaS > BB > DeS > the rest
Is it easy to set up?
if it’s so good, then where’s its remaster?
Lol what the fuck are you on about. Astraea is literally a demon feeding the old one. Her actions result in everyone losing their souls if she isn't stopped. She is evil.
It had the best atmosphere. The actual gameplay and bosses were the weakest of the series, besides the DaS2 base game.
Nobody cares about the game enough.
Literally the only thing PS4 has to offer, no way it's going to be on PC unless PS5 comes out.
Yeah keep telling yourself that tale to justify your horrible actions.
>t. demon
lol faggot
best girl
I know you are great, just come to PC asshole.
has more impact with the dialogue
Thanks for letting me know about the private server running.
Saw that it's black tendency tho. Is it even worth bothering with it? Is it populated at all?
Probably never, by the looks of it.
>they hated him because he told the truth