Why do you retards want Vanilla Classic Warcraft back when Wrath of the Lich King was peak WoW?
Why do you retards want Vanilla Classic Warcraft back when Wrath of the Lich King was peak WoW?
KYS wrathbaby, worst expansion that started catering to casual faggots, LFG, Welfare gear, shit class design.
why is it called vanilla when it's also called classic?
tbc has welfare gear
He's a dumbass, it's called Classic WoW, vanilla is just what orginial WoW is known as. Makes no sense in calling it "Vanilla Classic" when Classic WoW is not 100% the same as Vanilla. People are tards
Americans have to make everything about ice cream flavors.
3.3.5a was kino.
Frost DK was so fucking satisfying
>Heirlooms, completely killing the difficulty of levelling and encouraging solo levelling in an MMO
what the fuck does "kino" even mean? because I know it doesn't mean 'good' or 'quality'
i'm torn. I liked how easy it was to level in battlegrounds, but eventually so many people had BoA gear that it wasn't fun. i got 'iron man' on my level 55 priest because of BoA gear
god I hate wrathbabies and tbcfags
Although TBC was where the casualization started, Wrath is where it was implemented in its entirety. Welfare epics, group finder, different difficulties, it was looking at a mirror to the future.
Fuck Blizzard and fuck WoW
The first time I played WoW was because of Yea Forums. Someone set up a private server. it was The Burning Crusade. fuck you, you got me addicted.
pleb who started with wrath of the lich king here. Is it really that bad in comparison to vanilla? I honestly loved it
everything past BC is babby casualised shit
>tfw playing wrath on a private server where LFG was disabled
It’s not. Stop listening to Yea Forums. NEVER LISTEN TO Yea Forums. DO EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT V TELLS YOU
TBC killed WoW.
WotLK killed WoW.
CATA killed WoW.
MoP killed WoW.
WoD killed WoW.
Legion killed WoW.
BfA killed WoW.
I never played anything beyond a few months into Burning Crusade. The changes they made there kinda ruined it.
imagine if WoW was more like Starcraft.
that'd be cool
It's not BAD.. Wotlk was good, TBC was great and Vanilla amazing.
But those are all good things- solo leveling means that you can still play,even if all your friends have different working hours and therefore group leveling becomes impossible.
Means i can re-roll a warrior and not feel like shit untill level 40 due to being 'undergeard' since a weapon that always scales helps a lot with a weapon-depend class
People that moan about conveniences probs the type to waste 20+ daily on a video game and hate it when people who play less can catch up( rather than pre-tbc where the elitists would park in the middle of org, hoping to be jerked off for how uber they looked)
Now i can hop into s dungeon within 15 mins- great if you want to run a dungeon before college/work shift - unlike the olden days that required to organise a group and wait for people to travel manuelly to the dungeon entrance( thats an extra 10-20 mins wasted that doesn't need to be wasted)
Take off your rose-tinted googles- wrath/MoP/Legion r pretty much improved version of classic(Cata and BFA suck a hot one)
you disgust me, you're the reason WoW died
why the fuck does everybody call it this
you don't roll anything except a randomized name
a single enemy is not a "mob" where the fuck did that come from
>people complain about LFG in wrath
But it was still jsut your server, i don't get it to be honest. When i play on earlier expansions and the group is made, sometimes faster sometimes slower, it always goes the same:
>who goes to summon stone
>Player 1 uhh lol not me i'm at capital (used HS)
>Player 2 pretends to be AFK
>Player 3 i was traveling in the last group
>Player 4 Ni hao!
A simple rule such as "the 2 closest summon the rest" always killed most of the groups. I can totally get the shitstain that is server wide LFG, but on your own server?
Icecrown Citadel....
You're the reason WoW is dying, disgusting.
What's the obsession with Wrath? Almost none of it is really any good.
>Dungeons are pathetic cake-walks only a sub-50 IQ mongrel could find entertaining
>LFG murders servers communities
>PvP spends most of the expansion either laughably broken, or with 1 competitive comp
>Tier 7 is entirely bad except for Sarth3D
>Tier 9 is entirely bad
>Tier 10 is just plain mediocre, ICC is literally only good in comparison to the other bad raids of Wrath, and schlock like Highmaul or Mogu'shan. Can't even come close to the great raids.
>Awful vehicle mechanic shoehorned in
>SotA is so bad it was removed from live eventually
>IoC is equally bad
The only good parts are the art and music, (which have never been bad in WoW plus Wrath is outdone by pretty much every Xpac except BC and Cata), and the gameplay which is hardly enough to carry the rest of this crap expansion.
quality of life stuff. cheaper mounts, earlier mounts, now you can actually queue for dungeons, it streamlined battlegrounds and made it a viable way to level if you didn't want to quest
May as well say WoD was peak WoW.
>a single enemy is not a "mob" where the fuck did that come from
mob is short for mobile, you absolute fucking retarded nigger
>PvP spends most of the expansion either laughably broken, or with 1 competitive comp
Yes because Vanilla and TBC had such variety, right?
Remember when there was a ten level gap in BGs?
Wrath was in some ways peak WoW, but in later patches it introduced things that wrecked the whole game. Cross-realm LFD etc.
No it doesn't.
Oh sorry do you want to point out where in my post I was praising PvP in either Vanilla or BC? Cause otherwise you're just trying to deflect from how bad Wrath is.
great bait sir
>babby mode dungeons
>lazily splitting each raid into 10/25 mans instead of having unique 10 man raids like TBC
>Class homogenization up the ass
>Cut content up the ass
>death knights coming out rushed and unbalanced
>shit battlegrounds
>no attunements
>Welfare gear up the ass
>Rehashed naxxramas
>beginning of the “play the patch, not the expansion” mentality
>9 month content drought
>L F G
No thanks, wrathbabbies can stay in their bubble
maybe you should look for a gf instead of lfg
No it didn't
>9 month content drought
No one counts Ruby Sanctum as content. Wrath effectively had a 12 month drought.
>summoning stones
Did anyone give a shit about Ruby Sanctum at all?
The story of wotlk was so cringe.
If I streamed some classic would anyone watch?
There’s a reason Wrathbaby is such a widely used term. Tons and tons of people started playing in wrath, so they never experienced the things that made vanilla/tbc so good. And since wrath was amazing compared to the complete shit that was cata onwards, they believe wrath is the second coming of Christ without realizing that vanilla/tbc were even better.
Most people joined back then so they have all this nostalgic memories about it.
Also it started to introduce all those convenient improvements that eventually ruined the game to the point it is now.
are you a cute boy?
Rent free
>can't play my feral in Classic because vanilla balance
I already went through that hell just give me the lifebloom
>good things are bad
Why are retailfags so retarded?
Magister's Terrace?
WotLK with no LFG and with Vanilla-like leveling would be GOAT.
>bad things are good
WotLK was a god damn fun time being a feral
Kino is a German word for theatre.
Fucking cunts aren’t they?
It was so fucking satisfying to learn, having all the refreshes line up perfectly
And then in BGs there was the niche of being a cheeky as fuck flag nigger, if your side lost the flag you were already there grabbing it from their base and sanicing the fuck out of there
Everybody really likes Ulduar and forgets how awful everything else is. DK was fun though
Yea Forums meme based on pretentious movie opinions
there was unironically more class variance in wotlk than in vanilla courtesy of every class actually having 3 usable playstyles
feral was perfectly fine in pvp, even one of the stronger choices
being the one melee spec that could shit all over frost mages was fun
Good TBC private server? I heard that most of the popular ones are p2w and/or died out.
Wrath also started class homogenization with the mentality of bring the player not the class. TBC was a nice balance though. It was harder for some specs, but at least you could find gear for them now.
I would give it a go in classic but post-cata with the instant cyclone shit everyone ended up despising ferals, their population soaring to hunter levels, people are going to assume any druid is a shitter
Which was really strange to go through because in vanilla I remember everyone finding druids in general really endearing
>Baby gets to use his special boy ret spec outside of dungeons
>Apparently makes up for the 9000 glaring flaws WoTLK had that ruined the game
however during WOTLK the class homogenization had not yet reached dangerous levels, every class still had their own unique little quirks and even Death Knights were very original in their mechanics
and honestly in itself, bring the player not the class is not necessarily bad design, as long as it doesn't intrude on class uniqueness as what happened during later wow.
Bosses that say, require 8 endgame geared warriors, were bad design as well
>it's not enough that I have fun, others must be hating themselves while I'm doing so
I remember asking in a /psg/ thread if Netherwing was any good, if it was comfy, if battlegrounds were working etc and I got laughed at
is classic going to have the scarab lord quest line? is it going to end up going to some titty girl streamer?
Why do people like classic again? Are they just larpers?
>dungeons are easy s fuck, only sub 50 IQ retards find lava/tribute runs entertaining
>"server community" of 3rd world monkeys and chinks
>welfare gear from Dire Maul that is straight up better than t1
>t1 """"raiding""" that is absolute fucking borefest with 1 mechanics per boss(not much changes in t2 either)
>raiding in general is a "10 good players carry other 30 retards" formula, barely any personal skill involved
>pvp is absolutely fucking broken, warlock and rogue are imbalanced as fuck
>2/3 of classes are straight unplayable because they weren't given any gear/damage/utility
>leveling is either a brainless grind with 0 downtime because your life is easy or a suicide-tier quest after which you want to kill yourself, depending on the class that you play. No middle ground.
>half of the game is locked behind absolutely useless grind
I mean... probably.
If yes, how absolutely seething will you be on a scale of 1-10?
>2/3 of classes are straight unplayable because they weren't given any gear/damage/utility
This is unironically why I won't be playing ActiBlizzard's game
wrath was peak afk aoe farming
TBC with no flying is where its at
I just want grizzly hills soundtrack back