Female character comes across as large and intimidating

>Female character comes across as large and intimidating
>Turns out be like 5ft 1
Why do they always do this?

Attached: drake.png (971x1500, 1.59M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I love you Francis.

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Attached: 1514104600198.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

>shinji's used goods
>ugly as hell
>gangbanged by her crew
literally no redeeming feature

Shit taste

Attached: drake 141.jpg (1057x1296, 191K)


Attached: Sir Francis Drake.jpg (1440x810, 127K)

>that height and weight

If you're playing animu games, it's because Japanese men are legitimately scared of girls over 5'5".

It's real

Attached: 1518082844890.gif (580x850, 840K)

Why is she always looking down on people?!?!
God damn l thought she was 1.8m+

>Turns out to be weak to anal

Who wouldn't enjoy some large boob intimidation?

>Those lips
Very nice.

When will they learn?

Attached: 15664323566.jpg (1280x720, 181K)

Attached: drake 97.jpg (600x983, 69K)

big boobs

built for princess-carrying

Japanese have no sense of scale.

Attached: DnEIEU9V4AAT51B.jpg (776x1199, 147K)

bro you're not going to like when agartha comes to NA...

so how does drake act towards her master?

>An 8-year-olds used good

Attached: 72276038_p2.jpg (3035x2150, 3.61M)

I wish a pirate Captain (female) was my mom (sexual)

Average height is very short in japan


Attached: drake 149.jpg (1000x1000, 158K)

Attached: drake 61.jpg (1200x700, 536K)

do girls like characters like this?

Yes, just read any passage from a Western romance novel and it's about the woman being dominated.

would she help me get laid?

kill yourself femdom faggot cuc

I could see it

Attached: drake 3.jpg (750x750, 97K)

Why can't Japs do weight properly? There's no way she is that weighs that little, even with missing an arm.

>instagram hoe with massive hips, ass and titties
>they end up being 5'0

hate this.

Why can't Japs do weight properly? There's no way she weighs that little, even with missing an arm.

Based and Mommypilled

Japs cannot into measurements, especially where height or weight is concerned

That is because they are a race of midgets

You're fucking with me, there's no way

In the original Fate Extra she demeans her Master for being a "cherry boy".

Her Master also happens to be an eight year old in the body of a teen.

>amerifats discovering other races are thin

Attached: 1553894594833.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Thats near perfection right there.
Huge tits

Giantess sweethearts are the best. The best everything.

I don't know this character, but who does she /ss/ with?

She is a violent ronin and most definitely not for mating presses and IMAGINE

Attached: 1515736683705.png (595x818, 382K)

Add 2 or more feet in height, and you would be onto something.

>ywn have a gf like Drake and have her get all flustered when you tell her how beautiful she is and treat her like a woman

Attached: drake 185.jpg (960x540, 106K)

She is short and missing an entire arm. Even if it's on the low side it's far from ridiculous.

wild, long pink hair is patrician as fuck

Attached: a764242c1e41963429a7949753e503a1.jpg (978x1402, 232K)

Jesus at that height it would be impossible not to being staring down her cleavage at all times

Or how about it's not the games fault you're projecting this idea that they need to be giant or taller then you onto them?

Attached: 1553252859622.png (503x656, 207K)

It's not like the real Francis Drake was any more intimidating.

Attached: let.jpg (629x313, 45K)

To be fair neither did the nips, to the point that later chapters essentially decanonize everything in it to do with your own servants.

Shes meant for rimming and ass jobs.

>American is a "race"
Europoor education, everybody.

This perfectly describes my relationship with my mom.

Poison is the hottest guy in all vidya

i'm not gay, but i'd ravage his butt then run away before his turn

Japan is full of short beta males like who get triggered at the thought of a woman being shorter than them, except these guys are like 5'7", so any girl 6'0" is off the table in their fragile minds.

This little lady comes up behind you at the bar and slaps your ass.
What do?

Attached: drake 72.jpg (947x1293, 807K)

japs love their shortstacks

You don't know much about futas my guy.

*at the thought of a woman being taller than them

Even if you were 6ft I highly doubt youd date a woman half a foot taller than you or more.
Fuck? Sure.
Date? Probably not.

>Shit Tier
Abusive parents, strict parents, free-range parents

>Average Tier
Nuclear Family Christian values parents, wannabe-cool parents

>Good Tier
Parents that teach you how to accomplish your goals but don't do it for you

>God Tier
Parents who carefully calculate their every action to be as embarrassing to you as possible

Attached: drake 107.gif (640x360, 2.72M)

Why not? Insecure?

Reminder that pic related is 6cm taller than Drake

Attached: 0271.jpg (512x724, 140K)

With her, yes.

Attached: 1541403993047.jpg (1942x2496, 1.49M)

Attached: drake 181.jpg (1409x1002, 255K)

No, its jsut not attractive to me for anything long term. Itd be a fun "mommy" / Amazon fuck, but I want to have a girl I can hold, not that can hold me, when it comes to wife material. Its not an insecurity, its just what I'd like to do on a daily basis, rather than when my dicks rock solid.

tell my servant to kill her

Attached: musashii.png (193x478, 91K)

But user, she'd just help with the ass-slapping!

Attached: 1522794930548.png (1080x1080, 492K)

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What's her personality like? Can she take bants?

Attached: Drake 46.png (542x767, 521K)

She's a pirate queen who's so manly her crew can't even treat her like a woman. She's going to banter you hard.

Attached: drake 84.png (800x924, 487K)

>Implying that doesn't make this ten times better

Attached: FULL MAST.jpg (320x283, 29K)

Finally someone draw Blackbeard correctly, the dude wasn't a manlet

She's that bro that genuinely tries to help you pick up chicks but all the girls want to bang her instead despite her best efforts to talk you up

It's her best trait

Attached: drake 85.png (593x677, 331K)

tfw same height as boudica

>Female character is older but somehow far shorter

Attached: 07.png (910x1300, 414K)

Pirate captain titty monsters are the best. We need more like this.

Attached: Sip.jpg (566x588, 110K)

Attached: kukaku pirate.png (448x336, 276K)

>is older but somehow far shorter
not uncommon tho?

Attached: drake 158.jpg (1199x848, 202K)

I love the Drake!


Attached: drake 102.jpg (600x800, 127K)

nips can't into heights

Attached: japanese characters.png (1080x1079, 863K)

>tfw tower over playable Gorgon

Attached: drake 74.jpg (750x900, 113K)

What did she mean by this?

Attached: drake 186.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

we deserve Drake Alter!

Attached: fgo_princess_dahut.jpg (764x721, 150K)

Service with a smile

I don't understand the Anal bit, but i know I like anal and want to know more.

>Gooks hated Agartha.

Yeah... No.

Strong girls are weak to anal

I never thought about that? Is it a trope in hentai?
If it is I never noticed, but that does sound like something I'd like to see more of.

But why

Because they're weak to anal.

>Taller than drake

Attached: 1552848503973.jpg (1275x1410, 1.23M)

why tho

For the most part, Japs don't like girls taller than them.

God I want to get mating pressed

>Thought I would like Drake
>Oceana sucked and Drake was boring
Blackbeard, Euryale, and Asterios were the best parts about that singularity.

Attached: 56242643_2250136275259722_3570945456114499584_o.jpg (720x1007, 114K)

SNK just announced one for Samurai Shodown

Strong muscles means even more tight butt

Because they're strong girls.

We know Drake

If I had the skill I'd draw her as one of those Winter Lantern enemies in BB.

My mother is 5'4" and weighs 95lbs, with all her limbs. It's not impossible. We just know that Baikan's tits are actually filled with helium.

Attached: __baiken_guilty_gear_xrd_and_etc_drawn_by_jako_toyprn__9ecdff0d10383db94241abe56258de0d.jpg (1150x1200, 188K)

Post Drake pls

FUCK Hektor and FUCK babas

Attached: do not want.jpg (800x700, 189K)

>female character comes across as small and intimidating
>turns out to be taller than me
I didn't ask for this

Attached: 1530019106224.jpg (795x693, 103K)

I don't care about her height, I still want to fuck her.

Attached: drake 127.png (1100x1100, 1.45M)

How tall is Ram?
She always seemed short to me.

Attached: drake 1.png (1500x2000, 2.16M)

Just be 6'4 like me famalam.

But enjoy rimming a lot.

Attached: Capture.jpg (659x429, 49K)

Sure, just don't forget to provide the booze.

Everyone with taste does

Attached: Drake Bartender.jpg (550x1000, 113K)

>Everyone speaks of her as a ridiculously large woman/giraffe hybrid lanket no one could possibly take seriously
>She's 172cm

Attached: 6247c687ccb4fa6323b7c16415278027.jpg (1000x1400, 173K)

As the tongue-er or the tongue-ee?

That's pretty tall for nips.

>172cm is freakishly tall
It's fucking over for the Japanese

5'7", I thought she was much smaller

Attached: 1527917218095.jpg (560x780, 395K)

[X] Mating press

Anyone who has good taste knows the women is always the tongue-ee.
With another women, shes a switch.

If you allow that the arm of a human is roughly 5.5% of their bodyweight, and Baikan's tits are roughly 5% of her bodyweight, 100lb makes sense.


what happens in agartha?

I'm the same height as Ram

No wait, shes as tall as me?
And Baiken's shorter?
Thats fuckin weird.

Attached: __baiken_guilty_gear_drawn_by_cutesexyrobutts__34d92524c564c9d277e4ff66fc53eacf.png (900x1248, 991K)

How the fuck is that 5,3 100lbs? She's proportionately taller than most men with thicc ass legs.

The alter is wearing black clothes and lipstick. Therefore, fucking her in the ass is sure to result in her cumming so hard her makeup runs and she starts drooling.

Attached: drake 130.jpg (1014x2000, 849K)

The Japanese don't really understand heights. I blame how they keep bowing.

w h y

Not exactly drake, but because Schez insulted Roman.

Cue angry nips. And a long ass interlude to say sorry.

Attached: baiken 72.jpg (745x743, 140K)

She wouldn't mind at all.

Attached: Drake 136.png (1417x1772, 2.85M)

>think her design is just okay
>she literally just takes off her jacket in Extella
>that's literally it and an eyepatch for some reason
>all of a sudden I get extremely horny whenever she shows up.

How is this possible?

Everyone is rape.

Nips literally do not understand how proportions translate into height, they just design tall characters and slap an arbitrary small number on them. Same thing with weight, everything is lowballed to the point where you get characters whose BMIs should have them suffering hair loss and organ shutdown.

Attached: drake 9.jpg (1647x3102, 1004K)

Attached: Drake Teach.jpg (1073x1058, 892K)

when was the last time you weighed your arm?

Ah, I see you're a man of culture as well.

Like Iskander except a scoundrel. She doesn't even really have a wish because she scammed Poseidon out of a Grail when she was still alive and used it to get super hammered so she's all good.

She'd make fun of how you can't get action on your lonesome, but she'd try to help a bit, yeah.

Explain further, please? I see a lot of people shitting on Agartha recently but I don't speak nip to see it for myself yet

She's just that good. And smug.

Attached: Drake 138.jpg (1920x1080, 288K)

There's no way a woman could be a pirate captain without running a train on the entire crew every night and making them cry for mercy with her rum-soaked canal.

In Fate/Extra, Shinji is just the avatar used by a 8-year old kid.

At least those arbitrary numbers they slap on their characters can be easily ignored

Its the ponytail for me

Reminder he's only an otaku because he emulates peak degeneracy in the "current" era. He'd be a Nazi in the 1940s and a Charles Manson type in the 1960s

In FGO's story she offers to have sex with you just for helping her fend of some goons.
The way she goes along with her crew, there's no way she isn't fucking them too.

Because bad girls are weak to anal, they train their front hole to seduce and decieve and wring the spirit from a man most gleefully, but their rear is like the skeleton crew of a secret hideout, venerable and undefended.

Basically, an evil woman would use her pussy to try to defeat you. But fucking her ass is the way to make her crumple, as it is most likely not well used.

She looks right to me.
Johnny is 184 Sure shes squatting here but still

Attached: johnny.jpg (1280x720, 239K)


Attached: drake 180.jpg (1258x1822, 583K)

He is also pretending to be incompetent. He is always on his guard and ready to act.

I wasn't being funny when I said "Everyone is rape".

and Ky is 178

Attached: ky.jpg (640x480, 153K)

Sex, sex, sex more sex add in some shitty not funny trap jokes and then some rape, sex, a bit more rape and let's end the chapter with sex.

Character is 4ft 11

*I M A G I N E intensifies*

Sauce on both, lad?

Attached: 69201472_p0.jpg (1062x1500, 776K)

>peak degeneracy
I don't see Blackbeard to do the furryshit or the poly-non-binary gay gender bullshit

i love fantasizing about medusa wanting to suck me off hard because i tower over her

Sad panda and a drawfag on /h/

Attached: drake 162.jpg (764x1080, 136K)

I like how Blackbeard is so hard in the DFC camp that Drake can bully him just by existing.

I guess it's because they don't have nearly as much contact with that kind of degeneracy as the west does

Attached: drake 184.jpg (612x868, 465K)

Agartha drake is same drake as you have in chaldea, but now dahut is controlling her and having gangbangs around.

The singularity is a bit promiscuous and have some weird ass concepts thrown around like woman giving birth to armies. But Nips took Schez being jelous over Roman death as insult over everything that happened that.

Only thing that still pops around is atolfo and d'eon cross dressing.

Astolfo and d'Eon were really shitty supports after the Alters in Shinjiku.

No chance the drawfag posted with a name where I can find their other stuff? I looked in their drawthread booru but it wasn't there either.

That sucks. Oh well.

Attached: 61120211_p0 smol edition.jpg (4000x4000, 3.03M)

Attached: drake 160.jpg (1200x813, 325K)

They did post their email for commissions [email protected]

Attached: drake 169.png (1600x2900, 1.53M)

I liked that Charlemagne outright calls Astolfo a "shit-for-brains" and far from being one of his strongest allies in Extella Link.

>Missing since 2000

Man, capcom must really hate darkstalkers.

Attached: MarCap2RubyHeart.png (426x650, 316K)

Kurotama thank me later

What game was she from?

>underage newfag never played mahvel.

Get out.

Attached: 1553483760684.jpg (315x396, 28K)


Attached: drake 146.jpg (827x1169, 166K)

I played MvC2, I just didn't know where she was from. Or Amingo for that matter.

She is a rejected Darkstalkers character, capcom just repurposed the design for marvel.

Attached: drake 110.png (706x1000, 1023K)

Attached: drake 71.png (840x1200, 1.16M)


Attached: drake 19.png (500x444, 345K)

translate it weebs

I-JUST-SAID! I didn't ask for old hags! What's with them useless huge knockers? Is that a joke?!

Attached: Blackbeard-Stranger Tides.jpg (1500x992, 331K)

Attached: drake 23.jpg (1204x850, 130K)

why do you have so many image of drake?

big rum tanks

>He doesn't have a lot of images of Drake

Attached: Confused Pirate Woman.png (2170x1548, 1.81M)

>why do you have so many image of drake?
why wouldn't you?

Why not?

Attached: drake 135.jpg (977x1200, 134K)

>not having 40 gigs worth of anime tiddie images
lol normal fag



Attached: 1526893824052.jpg (1050x1509, 392K)

lol, the scar looks like the picture itself is torn. that's like the easiest part to draw wtf
unrelated but still would marry and inseminate

>Cordelia’s pose makes her look like an imposing amazon against every other character
>the length of her legs in Heroes art & general proportions in Warriors imply her to be extremely tall
>she’s actually a total womanlet when propped up against characters like Sumia and I think Tharja
I want my mini-giantess wife fantasies goddammit

Attached: BDC8614E-E113-4282-B8D5-8C2991AE5C76.jpg (280x334, 27K)


How do you live without having many images of Drake?

Attached: Drake 8.jpg (620x877, 446K)

>fun and hot characters like Drake aren't popular
>bland and not even that hot ones like both Titorias aren't
Fuck Japan

Hey now you don't have to shit on other characters to appreciate Drake, be thankful she at least has fanart, you can't say the same for some other characters

>Purple pubes

Drake is a legit fun character
Both Titorias barely have any personality or do anything worth noting

How did you take that from the image posted?

Drake is as boring as the other two.

Attached: 107d59ab5c21153bf905a4cd887ba40e.png (1024x1456, 1.1M)

What kind of a name is that

>Drake is as boring as the other two.
>Posts le Häagen-Dazs girl

t. didn't play extra
She wasn't incredible but she sure was better than Titoria who only appears in noncanon events and Titoria Alter who only appears in the shitfest that is the london finale

short stacks are best

Attached: drake 103.jpg (595x842, 418K)

Fair enough, I should get around to Extrs because Okeanos was shit and so was London while we're at it.

She has big normals though.


Attached: 66926978_p0.jpg (1240x1754, 932K)

Euryale is for Asterios, not (you)

Where did the "Titorias" hurt you, user? It'd odd to see you having a vendetta aimed specifically at them, it's not like they're taking anything away from Drake if she even got her own game

>Bring Drake back in the Extra anime
>Have her fucking job instantly
>Put Drake in Agartha
>Have her just be a mindfucked rapist that gets raped
>Have Drake in FGO
>Don't let me summon her

Attached: Never forgive nip.jpg (1280x720, 69K)

I don't care about that kind of stuff

>It'd odd to see you having a vendetta aimed specifically at them
They are the most "vanilla" big tit servants and so is Drake
They are very popular even if all they have going for them is their tits
Their only story appareance was shit, one of them didn't have one so her personality is borderline nonexistent
Meanwhile Drake has big tits too but she is very unpopular even if she is an enjoyable character, plus her NP is actually cool
So I am mad at japan for liking the boring servants instead of the better one

That'll alone will send the elevens and weebs into a suicidal rage.

Come on now, Drake isn't boring but Shiki holds a special place in TM.

Attached: drake.gif (540x304, 2.9M)

I only explained why this
shit is cuckshit

I like Shiki but I'm not going to pretend she isn't a retarded fucking faggot for 90% of her movies.

Fate Extella Link

He's talking about Artoria, aka Saber with tits
And she's good, so he's wrong. I'll take Drake or Artoria any day

Isn't Sagat's measurements so off that he should be fucking dead?

Everyone knows nips have shit taste. Why be mad about it?

>Jack-O' is the shortest Valentine

I remember there was a "tall" character in a manga, even others took notice off.
At the end of his chapter his bio reveals him to be 180cm.
Island of Dwarfs.

>First Arthur now Francis Drake
Why do Japs love turning English national heroes into females?

Because thats not really the Sir Francis Drake.

There are at least twice as many asian genderbends compared to western ones

Drake is weak to mating press.
Alter Drake is weak to anal.

she is meant for things that requires two arms but she tried to do them anyway

>imagine her trying to paizuri

They turned Nobunaga, who’s basically their Hitler (they don’t like talking about heinous Japanese figures in WW2), into a girl as well.

That's not really Drake, secondary

It is as of FGO, they confirmed the Drake Servant really being Queen Elizabeth taking on a persona plot point in Extra is BS.

Attached: 19d753ccca3e6900fe592136a660e056.png (538x486, 587K)

Japs love short girls who are actually men!


god bless his Baikens

Attached: 1249658441436.jpg (704x480, 47K)

FGO can suck my nuts.

I wouldn't compare Nobunaga to Hitler, genocide aside their ideals were completely different

I have a suspicion she wouldn't want help. Doesn't she have a complex about her disability?

I love old ladies LARPing as men. Especially if they have fat tats

Attached: 57728394_p0.png (1200x1600, 725K)

Doesn't seem like it

Attached: DJJ9yEAVYAA_h-b.jpg (536x836, 84K)

don't forget cuckadelia is a chestlet who is wearing overcompensating chest armor

>french servants retain their genders and are chads
>brit servants are little girls
Nothing personal

Agartha sucked

Does Blackbeard actually like Drake?

Where does he say he radiates peak degeneracy?

They're bros, Teach likes different kinds of ladies

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 194K)

In his interlude he buys up a bunch of nude drawings of her for "safe keeping". Plus Blackbeards lolico schict is partially an act.

What's the deal with Anne and Mary? How is one servant two servants? Why does she wear the bunny suit?

Doesn't he give you those nudes during Valentine's?

They were ultra sluts that were super tight in life. like they got impregnated by the same fuck buddy around the same time close. As such their legends are super, duper connected and their bond is so deep that they became a package deal.
>bunny suit
See the super slut parts above.

basically they were more famous as a duo so they get summoned as one
If one is defeated so is the other
bunny suit is fan service

>like they got impregnated by the same fuck buddy around the same time close
Didn't they do it to try to escape execution?

Because Japan has smaller people on average, and that pushes into their media along-side liking "smaller" women.

Leaves you with either characters with more personality than height, or adorable characters like MonMosu's Tio (on average, there are exceptions).

Different nudes. Altera, Nito and Deon.

A Valentine’s return gift from Blackbeard.

If you look at it, you will probably die.
Your intuition as a master tells you.
You cannot look at the contents.

It is useless to ask Blackbeard.
His A rank Memory Storage is being eliminated. Physically.
I thought they were already preggers when they were caught and just tried to use it as leverage to delay their executions. They've gotten pregnant before but usually just left the baby on some island or threw them out to sea.

Attached: EdwardTeachVACE.png (512x875, 222K)

>Be relatively short.
>Be the same height as medea, who is supposedly "notably tall".

Attached: titan altera.jpg (2159x1560, 485K)

How do you feel about Blackbeard being an announcer for the esport HGW in the Requiem novels?

Attached: d1a491c862410225a1e5af4b239e40b.png (1046x1280, 1.33M)

That comparison is really off-base and Nobunaga is also best girl. Nobunaga also died like 400 years before WW2.

Attached: a0e124ba37cbd9ff06818a3d6237fa26.jpg (433x650, 71K)

yeah bullshit, just her tits add up to 45kg

It’s heavily implied that Drake was Blackbeard’s childhood hero and inspired him to become a seafaring man in the first place. With the world map more or less established, there was precious little to explore so Teach opted to become a pirate once the opportunity presented itself

Except isn't Nobunaga pretty revered as the guy that got Japanese unification really fucking rolling and greased the tracks for modernization by shitting on traditions.

Doesn't FGO turn the multiverse theory into some crazy bullshit though? At that point it's just a matter of finding the universe that appeals to you.

Attached: 20170729195349_1.jpg (1920x1080, 407K)

>Baiken is shorter than Yuzuriha

Attached: 50566466.jpg (646x604, 93K)

she fucks BLACK servants

>people need to be tall to be intimidating

I beat up taller men than me before.
Who the fuck gets scared by height anyway? This isnt the fucking 80s.

>not taking the film off
Oh shit nigga what are you doing

I mean, whenever Nobu shows up in other media, he’s usually this Dick Dastardly Skeletor motherfucker partially because he sarcastically described himself as a “Demon King”

Attached: weight and height.jpg (2566x866, 465K)

>tfw I'm only one centimetre taller than Baiken

Attached: 3UotQzv.jpg (1313x1863, 556K)

Nothing wrong with that.

Attached: Oda-Nobunaga-Kaneko.jpg (640x943, 167K)

The only confirmed African black servants are both female thouh

Attached: Nzambi.jpg (1536x2048, 1.07M)

Attached: nobu.jpg (300x300, 31K)

Really? Cool.

>Why is she always looking down on people?!?!
She's looking down at the dick.

Was it Nobunaga, who killed all the native Ainus, expect the ones on the Russian side?

That looks cool as fuck

Attached: file.png (800x600, 622K)

>Milia is the tallest girl

That's fucking strange considering her playstyle

The only people who really resented him were monks, the guy was a revolutionary and embraced modernization and new ideas, it is why he is always depicted using western armor/guns, because he actually did that.
That aside, the guy simply embraced his infamy and gave himself the demon king title as a sort of joke, and as such he is always depicted as a ruthless and ambitious leader, and even then it's not ALL the time, some depictions of him are quite sympathetic.

Kek, Baiken is one hell of a womanlet.

He only genocided monks

Blackbeard, Euclid and Circe are the announcers for the tournament apparently.

I... honestly like her a lot less now.



Attached: 1508445047256.jpg (458x545, 53K)

i don't dislike what the artist was trying to do, but why did they decide that wadarco should do everyone but altera? It's awful, she's my favourite girl to play around with

Attached: 1543705015644.jpg (1000x1221, 205K)

Yeah. He was ruthless but it was a ruthless time. When people held women and children hostage he'd gun them down with the hostage takers to prove a point that shit won't work so people would stop doing it.

>tfw Nips didn't liked Santa Quetz.

More for me then

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I really enjoy Nioh's depiction of him.

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I don't know, an arm probably weighs like 10 pounds. 110 pounds seems pretty normal for a 5'4 woman. Lighter side for sure.

You can't genocide monks, you can massacre.
Monks are not born that way, they are ordained. Therefore they are not geno.

Trying to wipe out a specific religion counts as Genocide.

>”Piss off, white boys. I’m going back to sleep.”

They didn’t? Really?

The king of shapes n shit

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They don't really like quetz that much in general. She is freakish tall for them to boot.


And he is a Foreigner, which means he is related to Lovecraft's other worldly shit


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fucking i m a g i n e


Imagine being an avatarfag in 2019

162cm is the tallest Japanese woman in the room a large amount of the time.

>anime characters aren't real

I've found trying to judge Japanese female heights by my usual standards doesn't work all that well though.

Like this from left to right is a 155 with the legs of a dwarf, 152, a very self conscious 167cm giraffe, 157, a 163cm model, and 154.

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attempt at comedy i guess

So he's a slut?

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I will find whoever turn my cute Drake into a super slut and kill them

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It was this bitch

Adorable! I guess the shoes help some.

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Why does Fate read like some really bad fantasy written by a horny Japanese author who can't control his sexual fantasies long enough to write a story?

That's tall in Japan, I guess?

Because it is.

Just play extra games.

Never trust official measurements for Japanese cartoon characters. They scale them (down) to fit Japanese real life idol standards, regardless of whether it makes any sense or not.

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Does Drake got any decent doujin?

holy shit i'm a giant compared to these dorks

>6"0 vs 5'3

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Still funny that Abby is taller than Nero

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that makes no fucking sense

Has a more unattractive woman ever existed?

I wonder if this ever got scanned.

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She's a big girl

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In all shots she's in, if you don't count her Geta, she's as tall as Rin.

Yes, she's got like 3-4.
Ginjou maggots has a great one with her.

Oddly enough I'm sort of in the same boat. Drake seemingly has a lot about her I should love, but she just seems okay. This seems to happen with a lot of characters in FGO after they finally get released in NA. Though conversely there are characters I don't think a lot about before who I end up liking after their release, like Chacha.

Kind of hoping Okeanos just wasn't her at her best and she's better in the games where she has more of a role.

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Christ we really are in the same boat, Chacha is growing on me as well.

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>actually learning about servants through FGO shitty story mode

I'm not gonna defend Drake or anything cuz she is far from being my favorite, but you cant blame a character for him/her being horribly written in FGO.

Totally fair. That said I am liking America so far.

it can't be helped

The only people who would be intimidated by Drake are trannies and ugly wimmin

Just revisited this one last night, so this thread was a nice coincidence. Drake can be so good...

Alright now here's the important part.
Were people mad because it lacked any substance and was just sex?
Or because the characters were having sex?

>Medusa consistently joked about being "tall"
>Only 5'6"

I had a feeling I was going to like her when event announcement hinted at her being super spoiled. She was also cute in the GUDA comics. Her overall design, NP, falling over when using a skill, and especially her final ascension art don't hurt either.

Except there are characters who are native to FGO within Okeanos who come off as more appealing. Whoever was in charge of writing Drake just dropped the ball.

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why does she wear coward one piece instead of bikini?

One pieces can be brave

He was a conquer no different from Ghengis Khan, Alexander the Great and Napoleon. He is ultimately only seen as a bad guy because he lost.

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It's pretty hilarious reading Nasu and Takeuchi talk about Medusa's height in the character materials book for FSN.

One pieces are pleb filters

Because a female taller than 5'5 is called a man, and viceversa.

>Tfw you will never pick up Drake by her hips and slam her on a bed and fuck her vag until its raw.
If I could find a pink wig, I could at least get close with THAT doll

Why is Oda Nobunaga a girl?

every fucking time they should have a minimum height of 7'

Because literally everything about Extra/Extella is shit.

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Because apparently the one who everyone associates Nobunaga with was actually her near identical brother Nobuhiro

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Gap moe.

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Bikinis are for betas

Reference to manga about pirates.

>thread about how short supposedly intimidating women are
>dumb europoor starts thinking about weight
>thinks americans are a race

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>Okita complaining about not being able to shoot beams
>Literally foreshadowss future event with Okita Alter who CAN shoot beams

That seems pretty fake but I guess any reason at all TM has to make everyone female.

So why are her boobs so big?

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At least she can fucking WARP

....couldn't concepts be summoned as servants by this point? Hell Sins and Virtues could probabaly be summoned by now.

And hopes and dreams

thats tall for a nip

The "he did all the evil Nobunaga stuff" is shit user pulled from his ass, he's a sadistic siscon but also hero-worships her at the same time.


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Concepts could always be summoned based on the rules but I only know the rules from F/SN so who the fuck knows.

What's a pirate without treasure?

As a matter of fact in Strange Fake the Pale Rider is summoned, and in the same books Jack the Ripper is a formless entity that's the embodiment of an unidentified killer who can take any identity he pleases and has no true form.

>virgin Drake
I like it.

See I like this stuff. Heroes are cool, but actually putting some thought into it every now and then is nice.

I never said he did all the Nobunaga stuff. However Nobukatsu himself acknowledges that he did everything so the Oda retainers would acknowledge Nobunaga as the leader of the Oda clan because Nobbu is female. Thus leading to the public believing Nobukatsu is actually Nobunaga

>No Drake on Gudako futa doujins where Gudako is a virgin so Drake borrows a cock from Merlin to break her in and help her learn to pleasure a man, so she'll be ready for her "real" first time
>Only for Gudako to love it so much she falls in love with Drake instead

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I thought Jack was some loli

Does this have any roots in history at all or TM made up shit?

Same light novel, the "concept" of Jack the Ripper is summoned. Since its just his concept, the Servant is a shapeshifter with no set form

Are you sure you aren't misreading the part of him rebelling against her as a means to get her acknowledged as the heir?

Servants can have different forms based on which war they are summoned. Jack being one of the servants that has multiple forums and interpretations.

it's made up, obviously

None, though surprisingly enough there ARE theories Francis Drake was a woman - specifically Queen Elizabeth herself.

if they look like this

yeah they show what girls are plebs. alpha girls should wear sexy swimsuits.

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Thats the concept of the unborn children that died from abortions done on Jack's prostitute victims

Edgy. Thanks.

God, the fact that she's in makes it the best harem

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As an aside, when the SF Jack tries to become a little girl, he turns into the loli version instead of a generic child.

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WHY do they keep doing this?

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To be fair, SF Jack is also a Berserker and their ME kind of makes their view on reality skewed. I mean they disguise themselves as a watch at one point

The Japanese have shit taste in regards to height. Tall girls are better. And I'm not just saying that because my wife is 6'7"

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What is the ideal height cm?

Eh, I have to disagree. Nothing compares to being able to pick up a smol waifu and fuck her against the wall. Giantess waifu's tend to make that difficult


All it means is you get picked up instead

Enough so that she's barely shorter than me while she's wearing heels.

On the contrary, I'd argue nothing turns me on more than my giant woman on my shoulders, encouraging me to carry her up to the bedroom by whispering all the nasty things she's going to do to me. And trust me there's no sensation like getting a blowjob while being held upside-down.

>Enough so that she's taller than me wearing heels

how big is your wife's penis?

the average male is only 5'6 and 125lb, so it's not that big a deal

Non-existent though her clit is a little bigger than most I've seen in porn.

>This is what manlets believe

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Is this scientifically proven? Asking because I'm making an original character.

May wears baggy pants because she's a fatty.

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I like how they gave Okita a line about the current event not seeming historically accurate.

Probably because she, Okita, and Okita Alter all come from a joke manga.

May's big FAT ASS

i'll never get tired of her victory animation

They're large in another way.

Its scientifically ideal to me

If only Baiken was normal, not giant boob thunder thigh samurai with muscle eh?

Are you that guy that got femdommed by the Greek girl who called herself your Amazon?

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Things I know about Fate having never actually really played/watched Fate
>Revolves around people in modern times questing for the holy grail
>To this end, they summon powerful spirits of legendary people to be their servants
>They can be actual real people or myths, they just have to be legendary
>Servants are in classes (riders, archers, berserkers) based on their feats
>King Arthur is a chick for some reason
>She's also Joan of Arc and Emperor Nero.
>Actually bunch of historical men are chicks (Sir Francis Drake, Genghis Khan, Jack the Ripper)
>Thomas Edison is a lion
>Astolfo is guy like his legend, but he dresses like a chick
>Main dude is a guy called Shinzo who summons Chick Arthur.
>There's also a chick named Rin. Who gets possessed and turned into Ishtar?
>Gilgamesh gets summoned by some nonce
>Gilgamesh is really cool and his palace is a spaceship
>He gets into a dogfight with Lancelot (I think) who stabs a jet to fly it like its MGR
>There's a black guy called Archer who's Shinzo from the future. I'm not sure about this bit, but I know for sure that there's a bad future where Shinzo turns into a even blacker man
>The gacha apparently makes billions
I really dunno

>Agartha drake is same drake as you have in chaldea, but now dahut is controlling her and having gangbangs around.
I'm out of the loop in fate and only ever played EXTRA. Is there any romance with Drake or anything implied there? Either way, it still sounds like the plot of some kind of NTR story. Seriously though, I barely kept up with Fate GO and I even I can tell that this was a bad idea.

I like how you managed to mix so many different continuities together

for who ?

You know what you must do:


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She's a gigantic space-libertarian colony?

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God damn, this is tertiary level
>Genghis Khan
Not introduced in Fate yet, youre thinking Attila the Hun
Its Shirou
>Gilgamesh is summoned by nonce
He's summoned by the Key of Babylon
Thats not his palace

I also have realized this shit is bait and I dont fucking care

>she's on the villain side the entire time and sends cannon barrages at your master any time she appears
Fuck you and stop trying to board me

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Literally who cares about Fate lore, it's all convoluted garbage.
Just jerk off to the waifus and be done with it.

Woah shit
What episode is that?

>The leader of some bandits, gang, or pirates is a woman

How does this happen without the women being immediately raped and replaced by one of the men?

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>Had to play an entire route first before I could play Drake
Fuck YOU Marvelous!

But her character model has such a tight bosom while her character portrait has tasty sag.

>High school
>Mortified that people know I have parents
>6 years later
>Dad does some goofy shit
>Dab and start doing it with him
Man, when you're a kid your sense of self importance is WAYYYY too high, when you realize making everyone as uncomfortable as possible is hilarious and disregarding everything is the way to live, life is ez

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>Jerking off to a girl when you don't even know her lore
How dare you

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ask Sayyida al Hurra, she figured it out somehow.

>Were people mad because it lacked any substance and was just sex?
>Or because the characters were having sex?
This is a bit mixed. There were people upset just because of sex and dumb "muh pure waifu" logic, but there were also people upset at how chars were treated. Excluding the waifufagging, people were upset at how Drake was made to go around having random sex while under control, and it not being treated as a big deal. It makes her OOC and that's it, no more looking into it.
Now if we go into the waifu side of it, it is kind of justified. Fate prides itself for waifu pandering but still can't help itself when making sexual jokes about some of its female servants's past experiences or promiscuity. The writers are clearly into rape or just general sluttiness based on their past works, but can't help but keep it off of some characters they shouldn't write it on. I mean, if they're going to make a character slutty, stop also trying to treat her as this blossoming waifu when she isn't talking about her experiences. What are they expecting to happen?

Look up on wiki pages for an anime or Japanese video game, literally all the female characters are listed as way lighter than they realistically should be. The only one I've seen that doesn't have this is Fate.

>his greatest crime was killing bandits that were using religion as a shield as they plundered and pillaged Japan and kidnapped and raped women

because being turned into a 2d anime waifu shows that you were an important figure in life

The original FSN, I mean. Spinoffs have it, obviously.

>gachafags got NTRed both out of their money and their pure waifu
must suck

Don't forget the Fate EXTRA scene where the player is literally forced to sit outside of the room while their partner mana exchanges with someone else. It's meant to be a fanservice scene, but the writers were clearly too stupid to realize that heavily implying that mana transfer is similar to the sex version of mana transferring in the other game as a joke just leaves people feeling cucked.

It wasn't even implied, it showed the two characters in the missionary position.

I need to see this. For reasons.

did you get her pregnant yet

Japan's sheer butthurt with Nobunaga going against tradition is hilarious.
>muh honorabru warfare
>muh peasant slavery
>muh samurai honor
>muh war economy
>muh noble families ruling with an iron fist
Nobunaga set up a free market, built infrastructure, set up healthcare and education, and destroyed the mercenaries profiting off the war, and gets called Hitler for it.

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I was being generous, in case some brainlets came in with replies. The situation is even worse when it involves a certain fox servant being extremely enthusiastic about doing the deed, when she's constantly made a firm stance about not allowing the player to get attached to other girls prior. The Fate writers seem to love using sex jokes as a crutch to move things along. It wouldn't be such a huge problem if they actually took the time to think about the ramifications of the sex jokes they start setting up. Making a servant in GO constantly mention how much guys she's been with because "lol sex jokes" is bound to upset fans when they try to write cutesy scenes with said servant and the player outside of those awkward conversations. There's also a strict difference between chars who are designed as promiscuous or lewdish characters doing this... and characters who are the exact opposite randomly pulling this stuff. The writers can't seem to understand this. Drake's case wouldn't be an issue at all if she always acted that way, or had it been a different Drake. It just feels like a complete 180 to take a version of a char the players like and randomly turn her into a slut, and then make it a point for her to be canonically THEIR version of Drake.

pic related

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It's not cucking if its lesbian.

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Tamamo has always been a huge bitch and hypocrite, to this day I still can't understand her popularity. The Nerowank that came from Extella/FGO might be bad but Nero started off as an okay character for a single Extra game, Tamamo was garbage from the start.

>More of this cuckold justification
Yeah, I'm sure being forced to sit outside while your girl gets it on with others is so not cucky if it's other girls. True beta male logic.

So, I always wanted to get into fates. How balls to the wall insane is the plot at the moment?

What if your servant is Archer though?

>Nero started off as an okay character for a single Extra game
why the fuck did they force the umu thing on her again? I don't recall it being in Extra

It's all sorts of crazy, depending on the series you go with. Start with the VN and if you like more, try out Fate/ Extra and FGO.

literally just b yourself bro

To her credit, I see other characters doing the same umu thing, but for some reason nero's the one being memed on

I think she still said umu in Extra, it was sort of a verbal tic for her, it wasn't a meme originally. I could be wrong, I played the game on launch which was a good number of years ago.

This. Even Nobunaga says Umu

But I hear there is like a million different versions of everyone and its all so confusing.

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Isn't that because she was the main girl of that recent fate anime and adding umu to her speak was the biggest thing?

>I think she still said umu in Extra
I actually picked up Extra a couple months back to confirm it and didn't find her saying it in the first hour we met her. Maybe my memory is off but I really don't recall her doing it, at least not to this obnoxiously forced level.

We better get swimsuit Drake this year. If that fucking lizard gets it instead I'm gonna freak.

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>Still playing Fateshit
But m-muh magic system!

It's not a verbal tic per se, but she overuses it a lot. It's a strong positive affirmative, along the lines of adding "yes yes" or "certainly". It's an archaic and formal world so a lot of older characters (historically speaking) also use it, but Nero greatly overuses it so its kind of her thing.

>How balls to the wall insane is the plot at the moment?
Like another user said, it depends on which one your playing. It's crazy in a bad way. The writing half of the time reaches fan-fiction levels and sex jokes, rape, or just general promiscuity comes up randomly at times. If you're following the rest of the thread's conversations, you'll be able to understand what I mean by sex being an unplanned crutch.

A lot of it is it's own thing so they are only connected to a degree.
Fate/ Stay Night, Fate/ Extra and Fate/ Grand Order all are sort of their own things.

Who's affected by this besides Drake?

>Drake literally offers Gudao to fuck her
>Mashu as usual cockblocks him
It's amazing how much better Shinjuku and Meiji Isshin are without Mashu being around.

EXTRA was the only Fate game I fully finished and I've only half kept up with the series since then. Aside from porn, I only look into it based on ongoing conversations.

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I love this bitch

Interdasting. Too bad it's yuri

Put Sad Vlad in a swimsuit

someone post the /fit/ screenshot

If shiki was a dude literally nobody would find her interesting

It's only yuri if your servant is Nero or Tamamo. Your servant can also be Seigi no Mikata.

I understand.
The girls are really cute, Saber,Drake Mash,others.

My only exposure to Tsukihime and KnK is through Melty Blood and I play F-Nero, F-Hime, and the Rens exclusively.

Original VN - Hollow Axataria - Zero. If you're not into VNs 2006 F/SN by DEEN - TV UBW - Zero - Heaven's Feel Trilogy. Watch Carnival Phantasm for the memes, Prisma Illya if you're a lolicon and/or like the titular character and want to see her in situations that aren't endless suffering. All the other shit doesn't matter and is generally unrelated to the original series.

There are many different continuities so once you ease yourself into it things will look less messy, just start with the original novel or the ufotable adaptations and move on from there.
FGO is good if you like a particular servant and want some fanservice of them (including implied sex on certain cases with certain servants) but ignore the story overall as it is pretty much trash

>unintentionally makes a cuck scene
>doesn't even have the decency to show the full thing
You know in any other context I would have loved to see some fox girl yuri but cuckholding once again ruins everything

>muh noble families ruling with an iron fist

Pretty sure Nobunaga was a noble, Hideyoshi supposedly wasn't though and he did promote him.

Nice feet for a PSP game.

F-Ries and F-Ryougi player here.

Tamamo being a huge hypocrite in every game she appears in, Ishtar's whole existence as a possessed Rin doesn't fly when the rare sex jokes are made with her, characters getting raped in the most brutal ways for shock value and nothing more, other Servants like Ishtar in GO generally throwing off the random sex joke when some of their dialogue straight up hints at romance between them and the player...

There's just too much to list off, man.

I know better then to touch fgo. I have a better chance of winning the lottery then getting a good unit in that game.

Ironic part is Hideyoshi banned any forms of upwards mobility, despite being a peasant fuck himself

There have been female pirate captains irl. Usually by shooting anyone who tries.

Nobunaga was a noble, but he hated how idiots were put in charge purely on the virtue of being born in a rich family. He believed that talent and hard work should be rewarded, not what family you were born in. He even abolished monopolies run by corrupt noble families and encouraged local businesses to come together to form a proper economy where the common folk can make a good living.

The only fate girls I give a shit about is Nightingale, Medusa Jeanne (both) and the Artorias. This is no big deal.

Yes, he was a noble of the then relatively minor Oda clan, Hideyoshi however was a peasant who rose up the ranks under Nobunaga and became a huge hypocrite later on.

Lucky for me my favorite character is a welfare servant and the only SSR I really wanted besides that was Okita and I got her without spending a dime (after months of saving up Quartz) so all is good

Wow so he was literally Japan's Cao Cao ?

if so then he really did nothing wrong

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Hideyoshi went fucking mad with power. He impeded Ieyasu's dream of uniting Japan because he wanted to be in charge, he impeded Ieyasu's attempt at setting up a unified trade and commerce system because he wanted to be the one profiting off it, he started new wars right after peace had come after the old war.

We need an FGO fighting game. Make Mash the Riesbyfe function.

And now Rin in general is considered a huge slut by the playerbase.
I really wonder what's up with the Fate writers at this point

Honestly, I'm glad they realized fighting as only Altera, Nero, and Tamamo for story content in Extella was fucking boring, and throw that out the window for the most part in Link.

Being able to run story content with Servants like Cu and Robin Hood is a lot more fun.

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Hey, man. I had to do the same for my man Darius. Then I discovered, that I might possibly need to complete ALL THREE ROUTES to unlock the Extra Mission which will get me his MOON ARMOR Skin!

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People don't make endless comparisons between Nobunaga and Cao Cao for nothing.
And yes, Nobbu did nothing wrong even massacring all those monks was justified, those shits had it coming

A lot ogf the lower rarity units are fine though.

Gawain love !

you could always switch to at least one other servant in Extella by using your formalwear's switch command.

Nobunaga is a lot like Cao Cao, yeah. He did cause a lot of deaths, but in actual combat. Hell, the "incident" that makes him infamous was dealing with a bunch of bandits that pretended to be Buddhist monks. They were razing villages and kidnapping village girls as sex slaves. Most of Japan didn't dare touch them because they pretended to be monks, Nobunaga massacred them and as a result gets called a villain.

Honestly if you knew nip I'd suggest you tried the JP servers for the novelty of it as the game is actually kinda fun for a mobile game, they are much more generous when handing out free quartz.
The rates are still garbage though

Always knew there is a reason those two look so much alike, yeah and fuck those """"""monks""""" they deserved to burn

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He massacred women and children. But most of his peers would and did. I'm not saying that's okay, but it was painfully normal back then.