Play dr1 for the first time

>play dr1 for the first time
>see this
is there any fucking way to change his watch to digital? i cant read analog.

Attached: dr1watch.jpg (1920x1080, 231K)

Yeah yeah

Are you kidding?

zoom zoom

holy shit

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lmao dumb zoomer


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>taking test at college
>look up at clock
>it's analog
>raise my hand
>teacher comes over
>"how much time is left?"
>"30 minutes. The clock is eight there"
>don't raise my hand again out of embrassment
>out of nowhere hear the teacher say 5 minutes left
>had no clue because couldn't read clock
>half the questions are unanswered
>start crying

how the fuck did you get past 1st grade without being able to tell time lmao

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>there are grown adults in the current year who can't read a fucking clock

The absolute state of western civilization.

Great thread OP

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Schools should be legally barred from having digital clocks.

This is why I've worn a (digital) wristwatch since I was in 3rd grade
Ironically, it's also why I really can't read analog now. I sucked at it when I was supposed to learn how to, and now it's worse

you don't need to read analog. you see the "19" there on the side?? that's means you have 19 minutes to complete the current objective so get moving!

BASED retard

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lol some people have this problem. srs. Adults. Thing is, the internet exists. No embarrasment of asking some IRL to teach you. Unless you have dyslexia, just teach yourself.

There's not even numbers on the watch, how the fuck did Capcom this this was good game design

stop making fun of me, analog clocks are archaic design. theres no reason they should still exist

How can you not read analog? I find it to be way easier to judge the passing of time compared to digital.

Is this some form of autism?

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It is so pathetically simple

>Teach english as a foreign language
>Have to teach how to read time
>Always use analog clocks
>About 80% of my students learn to read analog watches for the first time during this lesson
>We are talking about people going from age 10 to 41

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they look nice

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I can easily tell what hour it is on an analog clock, but figuring out the minutes takes an embarrassingly long time starting at the clock that I don't do it

whats the point of wearing a watch when everyone owns a smartphone?

Aare you American?

bait thread, but the only thing worse than a person who can't read an analog clock is a person who can't read cursive script

Fashion, and to tell the time without having to turn your phone on

I had no idea there were people beyond the 2nd grade who couldn't read a normal old clock. Am I being fucked with or is this an actual thing now? Because if there are really swaths of adults who can't read a clock that's distressing as hell.

Literally just
5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60 and back to 5.

I remember when you made this thread before, zoomer

>pull smartphone just to see the time
>raise wrist to see the time with a watch
Also watches are part of fashion.

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>My face when i have to ask my mom what time was it.

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It entirely depends on who is writing the cursive if I can read it.


Where I live people seen wearing watches get laughed at.

Half the people who write in cursive can't fucking read it. It is fucking chicken scratch for the most part.

We were all taught in like second grade how to read analog, even though digital clocks were beginning to out pace them just in case we needed that knowledge. I prefer digital since it's much faster to just look right at the numbers and not have to even think for an attosecond.

Yeah, I thought they literally taught you this in elementary school.

yeah middle school lunch period is fun

What nigger-ridden hellscape do you live in? I don't know anyone who can't both read and write cursive. We were taught that shit in 3rd grade.

I didn't know how to tell the time untill I was 14, digital or analog.

>wanted to wear those nice looking watches
>could not read it for shit
>forced myself to learn by just wearing and doing the 5 times table in my head
Seriously,remember the times 5 table
Thats how i learned,the rest is just getting used to it.

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Even if you can read analogue it still takes a while to decipher the angle of both the arms and put it all together. And especially if your watch has those old style numbers it will take some time to convert it. Not to mention you have no way to tell if it's before or after noon. Yeah, they look cool but taking a minute to read the time is just stupid when digital exists.

PLease die soon and never breed.