Trap Shrine


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Other urls found in this thread:

Where's the link

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It's on steam
H patch on their official site

The best part is that the guy who did the Josou Kaikyou fan-translation literally got a job working on the Trap Shrine official translation because of it, apparently think he was in a few of the /jp/ threads
Solid translation

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Literally the best kind of translation

No thank you.

The fuck? Traps getting pregnant?

I looked up the artist and one of the images on the booru was a pregnant trap getting fucked

That's a yikes from me

men are more evolved women
in a few thousand years, women won't exist anymore
all fetuses start out as female with vaginas that develop into a scrotum and penis

>Look up the artist
>He does a ton of trap doujins too
I've let this trap gold mine slip right under me

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Who's the artist?

aogiri penta

So this is the hourly tranny thread

Aogiri penta

If we're lucky, Josou millennium will get translated eventually too.

Keep seething resetera/normalfag

Attached: fucking traps is the manliest thing you can do.jpg (720x872, 146K)

where is the torrent

aaaand it's bought, based.

I checked nyaa but couldn't find it user, it just released today, give it a little bit of time I guess
I'm surprised they released the english version at the same time as the jap version

show me those examples.


Girls (male) > boys > boys (female) >>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>> girls > trannies

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I'd link it but the jannies would delete it
look up the artist on your favorite booru
pregnant trap getting fucked is from the same dev's other game josou gakuen

>not self-inserting as the boy in Aogiri Penta stuff
I don't want to get fucked by men but being femdomed while I'm crossdressing, now that's hot.

>pregnant trap
The what now

>translation on Yea Forums

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Available for the Switch?

It's not a ps4 either don't get all smug

Name ONE other eroge on the switch

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>$10.34 CAD

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>In distant future, woman is few and the birth-rate of woman is low. To defeat low birth-rate, a government secretly initiate "cross dressers pregnancy project". The project is to make cross dresser who have suitable potential as couple and make them pregnant by mandatory law.

sweet sweet girl(male) ass

>shrine maidens


Imagine being gay. Imagine your every desire going against nature and what God intended, a sick degenerate with no other biological role than to spread disease. Years of repeated trauma from this website warping your sexuality because you're too weak willed to not let it happen. If we lived in any other era in history bit this one society would rightfully reject all the issues you bring and cast you out, but because of this modern world you are allowed to spread the disease in your mind.

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Imagine being a seething normalfag

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the problem is the internet allowing instant gratification to reign unchallenged. this is why you see sexual deviancy and obsession stand more prevalent today than ever.
if it wasn't for the internet, we wouldn't have trans teens or gay 12 year olds

>old men yelling at the internet

traps irl look like chris chan. this fetish you guys have will stay 2d forever

I do some minor translations for things. Do you guys prefer to keep some common things like "onii-san" or have them changed to English like "older brother"?

Wow, so it's, like, every single one of my fetishes, shieeet, dang.

I'd rather them keep the honorifics in though I know there are some buttblasted dubfags on Yea Forums that'll disagree

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It is best to keep the honorifics.

Traps irl don't exist. They're called traps because you think they're women until you see the dick

seething /pol/nigger/normalfag/reshitera loser

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Don't you have a self to kill, tranny.


Imagine being confined away from freedom by some imaginary sky fairy.

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Bros how do I tell my friends/family I'm gay? (For traps, not typical men)

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God's not real and man wrote all religious texts.

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Just unzip their pants and start sucking on their penises.

Of course the flaming fags are fedora tippers.

Traps are gay

>I act the way everyone expects because the invisible man in the sky tells me to
Do whatever the fuck makes you happy my nigger, and for me that's cute girls(male) milking my cock with their ass pussies

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No you are.

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>arno becker pic

You know Hitler and his inner circle hated Christianity and wanted to wipe it out for Germanic paganism eventually, right brainlet?

>hacka doll #3

You like female beauty, not the sexual organ itself.

Imagine living in a boring period of history.


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the thing is, in this game universe, traps can get pregnant, so liking traps here is literally NOT gay

Mega where?

I could never get into mpreg. I know we're not supposed to think about it, but the babies are literally coming out from the same hole you defecate from.

Someone posted some furry comic ages ago somewhere here that involved a male who could get pregnant menstruating. It looked exactly how it sounds.

>it's not gay if he can get pregnants

I don't care what genitalia Felix has. That asshole would never be the same.

oh boy

Because you stay at home all day dodging your discord DMs, you coward.

Because you have AIDS and love to spread it.

Is it?
I thought it came out through the dick and that thought alone ruined my boner.

>Implying trap births aren't C-sections

>immediately assumes he was talking about the christian god

Do you resent Christians for not wanting you to get fucked in the ass, faggot? Why do you want to get pozzed so bad?

>all the seething faggots replying

that gets a based from me

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assuming you're only half-memeing, you don't. Just let them occasionally check up on your social life and brush off any notion of finding a girlfriend. Only explicitly tell them when you're financially independent and living separately from your family, which by then they should already have formed and accepted some notion of possibility of their child being non-heterosexual.

Don't tell your friends, lmfao.

Keep honorifics, ye. It’s a lot easier to read nii-chan, aniki, etc.

because you're literal degenerates

How horrifying.

I've never tried to follow mpreg to it's natural conclusion, but seeing pictures of explanations given...infact, that same comic had a diagram of how there was two paths in his ass. One leading to his womb and another leading to his guts. One of those paths had some sort of little flap or something that closed off the other as...whatever was passing through.

capital G = christcuck

better update that image sweaty

Trapfags are just tranny-lite. They will still try to deny it even with something like this.

i thought Yea Forums hated gays and trannies??

Ugly ones only - perfect ones are ok

You need to update your meme. Atheist don’t wear fedoras now it’s the god fearing republicucks wear fedoras now.

My library is 70% visual novels and even I would be embarrassed by this.

Haven't played this, but if it's anything like what I'm familiar with, you get the patch from the localizer's website and it sticks in all the sex and removes all the mosaics.

>a janny got so assblasted by middling below the chin insults he deleted the post
these new jannies are working overtime.

Eh, not feeling this. Traps are supposed to be special treats that randomly show up, not the entire point of a game.

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honorifics with the single exception that ojisan during sex should be replaced with "daddy"

Can a Deity really be a trap?
It would have to be a male deity that later went among humans in order to acquire clothing and then found a shrine to worship it as female.
Otherwise it is just a deity defining its own form, that would be amorphous not trap.

It's like you kids can't separate fap bait from gender politics.

Yea Forums is not a hivemind. Yea Forums is counter-culture. That includes counter-counter-culture and etc. Yea Forums-various loves anything BUT video games.

Dude back in 07 Yea Forums was full of trap threads alongside the pokegirl and Namefag threads. Hating cute boys is a new thing brought in by redditors who came for goobergate and the 16 election.

That's not entirely untrue, but eh, a lot of people are just weird from birth. I was into femdom and facesitting when I was like, 6 years old. The internet and porn boredom has helped me slip further down the rabbit hole though.

Fuck you I love video games

bring home a girl(male) to meet your parents, let them praise how cute and feminine she is, and then once she leaves tell them that she's a boy and you fuck her in the butt. they'll understand.

hey fuck you buddy, I love video games

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This board belongs to us trans. Accept it already.

This would work if a trap's voice wasn't an immediate giveaway in real life.

Agree on this point. There should be just 1, not an entire game of them. Ruins the appeal.

Hey! I like cute boys and video games.

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don't bother arguing with the newfags, they've already started falseflagging harder

>god fearing user got post deleted
>thread is still up

When are you going to take your website back white man.

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>2019 Yea Forums doesnt even know the difference between gay, crossdressing, trap, tranny

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Then you haven't been here long. Yea Forums has had trap threads for years. There's a difference between fapping to something designed to be fapped to, and gender politics.

I am forgotten...

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1. It's all gay.
2. Delusional faggots will make up whatever definition they want to keep their fragile, shallow self-image in tact

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Liking traps is gay

everything you're describing was brought in by newfags from Gaia, which I assume you also came from. Literal fucking cancer. Just admit you want to have an off-topic thread dedicated to your shitty fetish.

Sounds like cope

Well, is it the woman's beauty that turn you on or her sexual organ?

I want to find a cute boy to marry.

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You guys say "traps and trannies are totally different lmao" but then you call Sue Lightning and Bailey Jay "traps" even though they're trannies who take HRT.
So yes, traps and trannies are the same thing, even according to trapfags themselves. And liking any of it is gay


>brings up 3dpd shit
end yourself

I like them, as long as you don't go into the obnoxious "just according to keikaku" territory where you're leaving certain words untranslated for no reason. Honorifics in particular are usually fine though.

The real question you should be asking is how and whether to localize jokes/idioms/references/phrases. Obviously everyone here hates it when TLs rewrite things, but often-times literal translations can completely miss the mark. For example, suppose a character uses a catchphrase from a popular japanese TV show, which any Japanese person would immediately catch but out-of-context sounds somewhat odd to say. Should you:

A) Translate the phrase literally, and leave it at that
B) Translate the phrase literally, and add a TL note to explain the reference
C) Change the phrase to something that makes more sense in context, removing the fact that it's a reference
D) Change the phrase to reference a popular western TV show that any westerner would immediately catch

Oh please do enlighten me.
What's the difference?

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If one looks perfect, why would I assume it is a man first?

do you think timmy ever touched his pusy haha

Nature is turning you gay to curve the population problem. Buncha low test faggots

Not anyone you're arguing with, but they're not exactly the same thing in the realms of 2D. People calling 2D traps trannies is retarded (unless that's their actual character). Like Astolfo, he's not a tranny, just a trap. When it comes to real people, yeah, you're right, if they do the stuff you mentioned, they're trannies.

A man who likes men
A man with feminine features that can look like a girl but still knows he is a man. Can be straight or gay
Man who thinks they are a girl.

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>to curve the population problem.
nearly 30% of guys are already virgins, and it's subhumans that statistically have the most children

nigger, what

I get rid of most things I can. I used onii/onee early on, but that was years ago. Usually I use the character's name, or occasionally bro/sis, which sometimes triggers people. But just experiment and find your own style, I know people who've translated over a decade and still keep honorifics and everything.

Traps, how exciting
What plebian "taste"

Isn't this just a Kinetic VN? Like with no choices at all?

I just don't feel like I'm doing my job as a translator if I don't keep them. Plus, they sound like shit most of the time. There's this one series I do use honorifics for, and I get annoyed every time I write "nee-sama", but the series is so absolutely entrenched in the Japanese language that it makes sense to go full weeaboo for that one.

Happiness remake when

>educational doujinshi
fucking based

Attached: 2019-03-30 18_59_36-(C93) [High-Spirit (Aogiri Penta)] Hokenshitsu no JK-san Bangaihen [English] [my (1096x889, 1012K)

>Trying to show off with sexual fetishes

Haha, fucking kids.


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>A) Translate the phrase literally, and leave it at that
>B) Translate the phrase literally, and add a TL note to explain the reference
>C) Change the phrase to something that makes more sense in context, removing the fact that it's a reference
>D) Change the phrase to reference a popular western TV show that any westerner would immediately catch
i never realized how complicated translations can get. is there some sort of global ruleset translators try to follow? im assuming it is just up to the individual.

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>and removes all the mosaics
It adds in all the sex, but keeps the mosaics.

those fags that get triggered over this shit are just political puppets that happened to wander onto this board

You say this as if 95% of people who like this shit don't actually know that already.

>is there some sort of global ruleset translators try to follow?

Not really. Scanlators just do whatever. People who do it officially do whatever their company says. It's a complicated process, especially if you try to be somewhat decent. Someone I know suggested I write a TL guide, but I'm not an authority on it or anything. I wrote TL guidelines for a company once, but it would be less useful for scanlation since everyone can do what they want.

That's pretty shit then.

Nice bulge

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Some doujins make it so when the guy impregnates a trap their dick fucks a womb into existence, so it's not like the baby is gestating in their colon. They'll still birth from their ass though.

>A literal PowerPoint presentation

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>but then you call Sue Lightning and Bailey Jay "traps"
Only other trannies call them traps, and they do it because they desperately want people to think they're attractive. Traps and trannies have never been the same thing.

This happens a lot. I and every other official translator I personally know got their start in fan translations.

Traps are gay

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So, uh, how is the game?

>implying anyone here played it and isn't here just for the trapposting

Really good so far. I haven't completed it yet but the art and characters are all top tier as usual from Aogiri Penta. I refuse to give it a 10/10 though unless I get to fuck the dog boy.

Trap acting like an onee-san

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>Draw a girl
>Call it a boy

So, are traps gay?

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So, do they fuck you as well?

is not as sexy as gothic lolita trap.

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You need female organs to get pregnant though.

Attached: Traps are gay.png (500x185, 51K)

>trap shrine

Wasn't there a trap village game?

Hm, sweety...

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Steins;Gate did this well, I think
To be fair? Almost all the references we're entry-tier shit weebs would get anyways.
Also lots of western references too

He cute

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Fucking based, imagine if we translated and localized some other foreign language terms so readily as we do to common Japanese terms

For some reason only Japanese needs to be fully localized and anglofied, and the fact that people are used to foreign language terms in daily English and are fine with them remaining untranslated (dèja vu, schaudenfraud, coup d' etat, rendezvous, delicatessen, guerrilla, macho, tsunami) is completely ignored by most translators insistent on localizing everything even when it would flow better and make more sense leaving things in as they are spoken (sensei, oni, nee, chan, kun, tsundere, senapi, etc)

At least this guy understands.

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there are some that look great, but you're right it's a fucking rarity they look good. and it's a rarity they exist at all. good thing i'm still attracted to women.

TL note is always prefered

Don't you post that evil here
My dick hasn't recovered from the last time


Time to commit sudoku

This is why traps aren't gay, they don't exist in real life.


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Yeah it was gaia fags posting boku no pico, bridget threads, and hardblush daily right?

Both games he translated are extremely easy to read and accurate translations when compared to a lot of modern anime translated by people like crunchyroll staff who insist on localizing everything. The only questionable thing is there's a reference to dogecoin in trap shrine that I doubt was in the original japanese, but who knows, it might have been.

>that lack of kerning on the font

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are you dualboxing a VN?

>*All the characters in this game are older than 20 Years old.

Starting censorship lol

>20 years old
still to young
fucking pedos

that's just pedophilia

>Fuck a person so hard you impregnate them
I mean, that is common sense

I still really don't agree with not translating onee/onii-chan and senpai and most honorifics in most cases because there's usually an easy translation for them. And a lot of scanlators are terrible about overusing things like names and terms. Even if you are using "onii-chan" you don't have to use it constantly like they do in Japanese. "Onii-chan is so funny!" sounds meh and can easily be translated as "You're so funny" or "You're so funny, onii-chan!", but I digress.

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Based and enlightened Diogenes.

What are labels for when concerning the world of 2D and imagination? For nothing.

See pic related, shes perfect and ideal to fap to be she trap, or futa or just female, the only distinction is visual.

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>sub-par art
>no animations
Literally why do people waste their time with this when they could go read genuinely good trap doujins. Mind boggling to me


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It's an unfortunate thing in official localization. I work for one company that doesn't really care, one that mostly doesn't, and I used to work for one that started forcing stuff like that to be censored because Reddit started fighting loli/shota content again.

yeah, you're right.

>Ninofags starting shit again even though Miku is best

I just want to let you know that your post was shockingly retarded and reading it made my day significantly worse


I mean, at least in this VN it's likely that all the characters actually are older than 20.
I mean, the MC went to college, and Mishiro was his childhood friend and is likely the same age as him.
And the other two characters are gods, so they're thousands of years old.

>In the end the idea that a trap can enslave a man is fundamentally mistaken

Yeah, I have no idea about the ages in the game this thread is about, I haven't played any version of it, I was just saying.

>until Christianity fucked everything up
Always kek when I hear this. Had the Romans not decided to fuck more men than women and not outsource their military to a bunch of barbars who, like the apparent christcucks, thought faggotry was overrated, they might still be around

I disagree, see the recent Nauti sub of Kakegurui XX, they did it both ways allowing you to choose honorifics or no honorifics and its the best possible solution because everyone can have the option they choose but most choose honorifcs judging by comments and Yea Forums threads.

Translators should strive to make accurate subtitles not localizations.

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Traps are made for dominating me.

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You are confused.
Kerning is applied when the characters overlap.
There is no lack of kerning in these pictures.

>fuck a boy so hard you impregnate him
So it's Fire Emblem.

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I need to know when the fist H scene happens to confirm the patch worked

If you're translating quickly and just want to get it out there for people who want to read shit ASAP (ie lets say an artist uploads a page of something to twitter and you're literally the first person to translate it), keep things like that in Japanese. People know what they mean.

If you're translating something that is intended to be the way people read things (translating manga, VNs etc.) for the forseeable future, then context sensitive. There are no absolutes. What's the setting? What's the actual context of the use of the word in that sentence/is there an english equivalent word that would carry the same tone?

>A man with feminine features that can look like a girl but still knows he is a man. Can be straight or gay

The word you are looking for is transvestite.


Having an option is fine.

>Translators should strive to make accurate subtitles not localizations.

Well, every good translation requires some localization. Some things just don't translate at all, and you have to do what you can. And any decent entertainment translation should try to sound natural. If you're translating court documents or scientific papers it doesn't matter, but a good tarnslator will try to get the message across (it's about the message, not the exact words) and make the experience as close to how the writers/developers intended. That's why I support the heavy localization Ace Attorney goes through (not the burgers thing though, that's too far) because most characters are supposed to have punny names, and it wouldn't be as funny if you had to read a TL note about why the game is funny. Though even if they wanted to be super literal, it would be impossible anyway due to how important language is in that game.

I don't support heavy localization in everything though. Something like Persona doesn't need renamed characters in most instances, for example. Though the way they handle honorifics in Persona is mind-bogglingly fucked, but that's another topic entirely.

I've done it, I've lost my virginity Yea Forums

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Oh, additionally, I wanted to say that some people think honorifics and such should be kept if the setting is Japanese. I can understand the idea; I don't fully agree and don't do it when I have the choice, but I understand the idea, and a company I work for does have a rule where if the setting is Japan, use honorifics, but no where else.

Is that a bludge?


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No thats someone with no feminine feautures and no hope of fooling anyone and wont even shave to crossdress at worst

>son, we found the gay porn on your computer

What do you say Yea Forums?

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>disgusting skeleton bodies lacking of curves
>voluptuous bodies that have the bouncing breast of women with the superior genitals of men

Newhalfs >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>>>> traps

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What's wrong with that font?

Jesus Christ, did they even try to work on the formatting?

Who are you and how'd you get into my house?
*Unsheathes katana*
Heh nothing personnel kid

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>a person, typically a man, who derives pleasure from dressing in clothes primarily associated with the opposite sex.

You seem confused so I posted the definition for you.

I still love you and I hope whomever you chose makes you happy.

Traps hide it better, hence the literal "trap", you are oblivious until the trap is sprung and suddenly UwU whats this fuck my boipussy


Wait, what? I hope I'm too tired and am just misunderstanding this.

I'm pretty sure he said in the TL notes for Josou Kaikyou that the game had engine limitations that prevented him from properly formatting the text, Since Trap Shrine is an official english translation, it has good formatting.

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Is the gallery up on panda?

Traps playing vidya
I checked a few hours ago, didn't see it

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Of course someone with taste this shit is also retarded.


>not downloading the full size version
>getting triggered by a filename

I'm sorry you have autism.

Newfags begone

Oh okay. I thought that was the official release.

Who gives a shit it's a fuckin drawing.

>>not downloading the full size version
When you download an image from pixiv, if the filename has master1200 at the end of it, you're downloading a thumbnail, retard. The one who isn't downloading the full size version is you.

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Tryhard newfags begone

In a few days retarded europoors will be cleansed from Yea Forums and the internet as a whole
All normalfags need to burn

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>the vn that saved the industry

Keep the honorifics, always

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Hey man theres so much fucking hentai out there its hard to keep up esp when you like almost every fetish. Anyways thanks.

Wow youre definitely a newfag no questions asked now.

Don't change them to older brother, that sounds a bit unnatural. Change it to something like
Not only would it make it sound more natural, but it would also help keep that Japanese flair to it.

Please state the source. My own search with yandex, google and iqdb brought up nothing conclusive. Also, in my oppinion, if a trap is feminine enough in looks and behaviour to masquerade as female, he deverses all the dickings he likes. Too bad about 95% of all 3d traps suck or are easily distinguishable as men.

But that is what 2d is for. It is a fantasy, a refuge from reality. If fapping to drawn and fictional girls (male) made you gay, playing GTA would make you a mass murderer and playing Sim City would make a planner.

My oppinion: Be a real man and fap to what makes your dick hard and don't complain at other people for indulging their fantasies. Fap and let Fap.

Attached: samus trap.png (1049x1920, 826K)

I've been here since 2006. You don't have any idea what spoonfeeding means because tryhard idiots like you confused it with helping out at all. Spoon feeding is when someone could very easily find something themselves. Take, for example, pic related. You can reverse image search that in Google or Exhentai easily. Crops are much harder to work with. It's appropriate to ask for help for them.

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Case in point

Kill yourself you utter fucking degenerate I hope you get run over by a bus

anyone got a link to just the h scene cgs?

>i-it's you guys now!!
Fedoras never have and never will change

man, bimbo samus always kills my boner.
the thought of fucking a retard makes me feel like an asshole.

The word Trap...being used in a VN is incredilby cringy. It's like a god damn memeword

Always keep the honorifics and ignore anyone that says otherwise.

Which h-scene was your favorite?

Attached: file.png (1613x385, 392K)

Attached: umad.jpg (319x243, 16K)

>not boipucci

>if you posted this without the text it would get deleted for being a topless flat chested female

I've def fapped to this before and his other shit too. Theres just so much hentai along with a lot of artists with similar styles its easy to forget if you've seen them or not. Esp when you browse through exhentai and look at a bunch of shit to keep the edge going.

>Shameless shota fetish: The Artist


I dont play games for faggots and trannies.

Attached: ayo tranny.png (738x669, 186K)

It looks like a girl who has gotten a double mastectomy.

Trap is the closest approximation to otokonoko you could ask for. The term "femboy" does not necessitate crossdressing, and "tomgirl" makes me think of Chris Chan, and I don't want to think of that in my h-game.

are there any cute soft girly traps in this game, or only masculine bodies like ?

>leave in untranslated Japanese
lose the honorifics, 99% of the time they're unnecessary and only there because of east-Asian autism and obsession with social hierarchy

Don’t think anyone’s uploaded them yet

/ss/ is the purest form of olev.

Milf x Shota is the best esp when theres femdom involved.

Shota x newhalf isn't /ss/.

you're right, it's no different from any other degenerate genre of porn that only exists in 2D

Well thank you gentlemen. Have another from me. Regarding the discussion: My favorite kind of trap is at least partially clothes, preferably in something very feminine like a summer dress, a schoolgirl uniform or a skimpy maid uniform. Fluffy long hair and a choker are also very nice. Lingerie is a great addition. It's even better when the bulge isn't noticably right away or somewhat hidden. Office women (male) are often fun too. Mmmmm pantsuits and short skirts.

Attached: 1537735921484.jpg (728x855, 153K)

>Milf x Shota

You mean Milf(male).

When did you start visiting /d/ more often than /h/?

Male x trap is

I haven't gone to /h/ in years because of the shit userbase who gets triggered over everything. Only recently started going to /d/, it weirded me out when I first found it 13 years ago.

>Office women (male) are often fun too.
This is criminally underrated and uncommon. Excellent taste.

Attached: 72305422_p0.png (954x800, 317K)

Yuya is great. Nice tastes.


>Not trap x male

I want to fuck a cute trap so fucking bad!

Attached: e284d9db41da20417e73a1783f9af5a36e9d348c.jpg (600x350, 23K)

2D or 3D?

one day sexbots will make it possible brother, stay strong

TRAP HAREM (except this isn't the harem route)
Can't wait to start that one later

Attached: file.png (1681x917, 2.12M)

Have fun user

3d isn't worth it

>Like 2D traps
>Don't like when they focus on the dick too much, or when they huge dicks

It can get kind of confusing.

>tfw just finished fapping to this doujin, again
josou seme is a blessed tag.

Why do they make the demo Steam only? I seriously don't understand the purpose of this. I would try the demo and maybe consider buying it but I'm not using Steam to do it. Just give me a download link on your website for fucks sake

You know this is the longest I've seen a trap thread stay alive on Yea Forums
We should have more trap VN discussion more often
thanks user

Attached: file.png (1685x935, 2.14M)

All thanks to Trap Shrine, the hero we needed but didn’t deserve.

I understand wanting more options, but what's the big deal?

Huge dicks I understand but it’s cute when they focus on the little ones

I've seen them last a long time. I saw one last for a few hours in 2012 once. Actual porn and everything, nothing to do with video games. The mods deleted a Wreck-It-Ralph thread though.

He probably doesn't want his friends seeing him playing a game called Trap Shrine.

Can't you hide games and what game you're playing now? If not then yeah I guess I understand.

Why not? Doesn’t he want his friends to know he’s straight?

You can, which is what I do since I have some friends who would probably berate me for playing it, maybe he doesn't know that.

Yeah I didn't know that, I guess that makes it not that bad but it's still kind of a pain in the ass. I don't understand what's so hard about just having a download link on the website. I've never ran a website though so maybe there's some reason not to do that.

>caring about what others think of you
Feels good to not be you.


Whats the name?

Astolfo x Astolfo
Artist is meme50

Where does one find a trap girlfriend?

Asking for a friend,

Attached: a6575d0bb893ca1e9cd734df434ed734.jpg (723x1023, 156K)

Bless you kind user

Attached: 1382225698634.jpg (540x572, 71K)

Naked apron

Attached: file.png (1678x644, 1.12M)

Happy fapping, user.


You should translate common names like Sakura to Sally, or Tanaka to John Smith

They dont exist user, stick to 2D its less gay and it'll make you happy


It's time user

Attached: file.png (1683x939, 1.78M)

Someone just link the scans, who the fuck is buying this shit.

the appeal is to find the one with the largest hips and smash it

trannies and femboys are ok when they pass for women in both looks and manners

I am

Don't forget!

Attached: 1543960495888.jpg (474x711, 83K)

God I want to impregnate her

wtf i hate nature now

Might as well I guess since I already played through Trap Island which the translator also worked on.

Traps are neither gay nor trannies

cringe and bluepilled

This, but unironically.
tfw have huge desire to fuck a cute boyand maybe have a little josou seme action with him but finding them is impossible and if you do find one they're either cam whores or have so much emotional baggage they'll end up being a tranny within the next two years. It hurts.

I'm warning you guys 5 years ago I was jerking it to traps and now I'm jerking it to imaging masculine guys fucking me in the ass. You can still turn back don't give in.

I managed to censor it but just in case mods get a little too stimulated

Attached: file.png (1477x929, 1.43M)

>and now I'm jerking it to imaging masculine guys fucking me in the ass
Well I like genderbender too and over 5 years later of fapping to traps, I'm still not into pure yaoi, it's either traps or nothing

Guess you could smash until they start to go tranny.

Post again when there's a torrent.

>i'll never be an ancient greek with a trap harem

Attached: 2017-03-14-16-15-22.jpg (1200x800, 949K)


user you're just gay

Been fapping to loli for 8 years and still don't fap to real children, so I think I'm fine.

I fapped to gender bender for 15 years before I started getting into traps.

user is just a fucking retard who did something wrong when setting the game up. If set up correctly, the font should look like this.

Attached: 1537203592902.png (1602x940, 2.29M)

It's too late for me too, though I fap to fat men instead.


Another example. Dunno what he fucked up, but he clearly messed it up bad.

Attached: Screenshot (414).png (1280x720, 1.25M)

you were just a closeted gay bro

i fap to women since 10 and to traps / futa since 15, it's been a decade and nothing changed

Of course it's going to stay 2D, real boys aren't cute.

Attached: 1420564145553.png (175x175, 25K)

user pls I’ve already fapped to shrine traps 4 times today

It sounds like you are actually gay, user.

>get excited
>look through thread
>realize it wasn't the kind of trap i was interested
This sucks

don't be crazy. it was the bridget art i jerked off to once and nothing else.

>>realize it wasn't the kind of trap i was interested
most of the pics in the thread are from trap island user

>realize it wasn't the kind of trap i was interested

imo they look too much like young girls, i like traps when they're more women-like

>find old PS2 game called TRAPT in used game store
>it's not that kind of trap

I feel ya, buddy.

The younger the better.

>traps irl look like chris chan

Asians can be passable traps. Now and then you can find some really good ones period, but they're rare.

Attached: Knitemaya.png (583x808, 509K)

>all this degeneracy
you need a girlfriend anons. So do I

Attached: 1541947593850.png (970x542, 257K)

So, do they get pregnant or not? I want some evidence.

Fuck you user I desperately need one

Attached: 29c15991b27f1f1587118fb66fbce12efc3a36ea3adbd4ef3a4a550870ddac6a.png (474x316, 142K)

I really don't want one, but I could use a fuck buddy that's into S&M.

I just prefer a different kind of trap.
Pic very related

Attached: Traps illustrated.jpg (624x352, 59K)

How old is that picture

Sometimes you guys are alright.

Attached: 1485759802826.jpg (1200x1469, 248K)

Liking traps is gay

Learn the difference.
It'll save your life.

Attached: 1550516036472.jpg (750x1000, 110K)

i love deception

Trap Island, yes. Trap shrine, no but sequel hopefully should let you

>If there's something you're confused by that isn't explained here, google it
: O ! oh no, toxic gatekeeping of the entertainment you paid for behind EASILY SEARCHABLE KNOWLEDGE! What elitism !

Objectively wrong.

right is a trap, left is just a gay headbanger

deception, you say?

Attached: 1479787089646.png (290x188, 46K)


Not interested in traps unless they have big dicks and are being raped by older women

ye but where is the torrent?

darker is better. is lewder.

Not an argument.

Neither is this

That's gay as fuck user

Attached: dick math futa.png (1439x1377, 318K)

>had many friends in high school
>not a single one turned out like this

Attached: 1553481416513.jpg (976x3016, 1.15M)


>dickgirl on male
Gross dude

>Your bestfriend will never become a cute girl for you
Life is unfair

Attached: 1551924576502.jpg (1280x1877, 735K)

>what about futa x futa

knitemaya barely looks human, let alone a trap

Attached: 32ac8450136a22e36c4a3b93b7741bbd.jpg (461x357, 19K)


It's hilarious of men make better women than women
Roasties BTFO


not as long as they have a lower body like this

t. also a trapfag

Attached: 1553989496540.jpg (961x1200, 172K)

why do you feel the need to tell them?
like seriously i dont tell my family im into facesitting and ass licking

This philosophy completely fucks itself. If it was about dominating a man to be superiour, then surely fucking a big fucking bara faggot would be "hotter" than a faggot who renounces his gender.

its not unheard of

youre missing the point

Mah nigga.

>Non-nude photo deleted

What? I was just showing an example mods, stop being retarded.

Fucking a man is peek straightness.
Being fucked by a man is peek faggotry.

Attached: 1550692829680.png (985x987, 901K)

>Fucking a man is peek straightness.

He's barely a man. A trap is "expected" to sub too
Fucking Ike on the other hand, that's manly. It's gay, but you guys need to cool it with this insecurity meme. Remember what Billy said.

The fact that traps are boys is the appeal. 3dpd belongs in the trash.

no, because if you dick get hard for a man you're gay

traps are men who look like women, you're both dominating a man while getting aroused by the figure of a woman


The true snowflake political group.

>if your dick get hard for a regular man

>t. GAIAfags who never mentall matured or SEA flip monkies who stream anime

Attached: fucking based.png (1333x1600, 139K)

Reminder, to all "straightfags"

Formulaicaly The fact that you like women and traps is enough to show you like women cause of their tits and ass(otherwise why not just go for a twink) a trap has neither of those, so you substitute albeit poorly the other feminine attributes a woman has that make up very little percentage of their overall attractiveness, to make up for it. Point is that your just settling for easy pickings because you lack social skills and the will that even a caveman like Grug had. And its even easier now cause Grug could get clubbed to death by Grad for looking at his harem the wrong way.

You're just a weak bitch. More so than the trap. Simple as.

The only exception being you have the ULTIMATE GOD tier tase of liking traps with boyish features and tomboys experiencing the incredible pleasures of both being domd and topped by both, because your not insecure, since both have the same degree of masculine and feminine traits(tomboy is more often than not flat and short haired resembling a man as well a dressing as one, but smooth skin, small stature and effeminate facial features) and a trap (has the muscle structure of a man, and the penis and libido, but the body type of a effeminate chestlet female, with a semi girlish face thanks to make up to disguise their little facial hair and girlish but not over the top clothing to blur the distinction of their muscular structure and body type).

Thats peak human beauty. And you appreciate it, cause you made this world your oyster and limiting yourself to labels like straight n gay while deluding yourself that you are man is the most cuckish thing you can do, to the point where you are an Omega

But if your the former, you're a bitch. Which is why this game is shit. I want to fuck a boy, not a flat futa.

Attached: pixiv62726768.jpg (982x1618, 458K)

Attached: TV-Nihon - a and jp would probably prefer this shit.jpg (704x3511, 371K)

Good taste

This. Honorifics are most often used by unskilled translators who don't know how to make it work without them.



custom made for straight men

Attached: 1553819113972.jpg (724x436, 104K)

Keep the honorifics, user. We already hear them, just leave them in to be read.

Where do social skills come into play when I'm jacking off to pictures of Astolfo getting a dick rammed up his ass?

I sort of agree with it, that its the ultimate form of masculinity because its the combination of two men' strength, with one man being much more masculine then the other, but it still doesn't stop it from being gay and therefore inferior to being straight.

It say it right there in the first line
>because fucking a woman is natural.

Why would honorifics break the flow? Most people that consume manga are already used to hearing them.

Yea Forums hates leftists

>one of these things is not like the others


>pink hair good
sakurafags just never give up, do they

>Pink hair
Pink hair is just the biggest warning sign, ain't it?

Attached: 908070.jpg (650x795, 131K)

Never thought I would live long enough to see an abridged version of a fucking Yea Forums post get posted unironically.

Cause you cant have sex im guessing.

They're also used to bad scanlations, but that doesn't mean you can't try to be better.

>people losing their shit over "are traps gay"
The transcendent answer is "it doesn't matter"
If you wanna fuck an adult human, fuck them
It literally doesn't matter what they call themselves, "gay" is just a dumb label
Fuck what your body tells you to fuck

You have a lot to learn about the world and people.

And true.

I make $140,000 per year and have a 10/10 gf, sometimes I just like to sit back in my easy chair with some brandy and jack off to astolfo getting pounded

>Josou Seme

>that doesn't mean you can't try to be better
Explain how is it better to remove honorifics.

Girls (Male) > Girls > Boys (Female) > Boys

science has found that biological females can't have pink hair

What are some good VNs with ONLY TRAP HEROINES Yea Forums?

>Josou Seme
Picked up

Attached: 3242333.png (558x489, 164K)

God I fucking love Abdominal Pregnancy, both 1 and 2 get me so hard
>the end of 2 where the pregnant trap is getting fucked by she-dick and leaking milk from his/her nipples

The mental gymnastics going on in this thread is ridiculous. If you like men, just say it. You're gay and you like men. Don't sugar coat it with all this bullshit.

Otomaid cafe is a must play

100% literally true in the ontological sense.

Trap Island

I'm not gay, I just have a fetish for cute boys.

Because it's, you know, TRANSLATING?

>He says on the most underage board on Yea Forums

fact: if liking traps is gay then liking loli is pedophilia

But traps are hardly men.
That's the point, they look like girls.

>masculine crossdresser > Girls > Boys > Girls (Male)

Fuck I was gonna completely ignore this shit, thanks for the tip user

And im Donald Trump

>">" anything

girls and girls (male), that's it, the rest isn't important

Hello Mr. President

So because something is untranslatable you just remove it?

I think you misunderstood the point of my post. It meant: "Just because fans are used to something, it doesn't mean you can't try something else." The example being shitty translations because a lot of scanlations are pretty bad and filled with awkward English, but that's no reason for you to not try to be better than that. Similarly, just because readers are used to honorifics, that's no reason to not use them if you don't want to.

Hello. MAGA.

Attached: image_5.jpg (708x785, 97K)

You're not straight either


It's not. You can represent honorifics in other ways, through the way characters speak to each other and general mannerisms. It's not always easy, believe me. but it's not the Herculean task some of you make it out to be.It just requires a little creative though, which scares most scanlators away.

this dude with a cock that I'm jerking off to is wearing a dress so it doesn't count.

Stop letting wannabe neo-nazis on the internet tell you what it's ok to jack off to
Jack off to what you want and stop worrying about it

Attached: 1160616651871.jpg (560x429, 69K)

This is getting fucking nuts, but I just want to go further

Attached: 1346076303237.jpg (300x166, 45K)

To be honest I'm not a fan of most kinds of localization except if the setting is completely western (for example medieval Europe). What do you gain with it? Does the audience really need it?

Reminder gay men love traps, this shoud be enough to classify traps as gay, however it's worth noting that gay men don't really like men, they like dicks, 90% of their sexual arousal is dick, the remaining 10% are mere bonuses. On the other hand, straight men are also very attracted to secondary female sex characteristics.

Assuming it's a "girl with a dick" trap, it's possible for both straight and gay men to like it, the former because they would like the trap's face, hips, small shoulders, thin waistline, small hands and feet, soft voice, while the latter group would like the trap's dick, since their arousal is mostly that.

>LIKING a trap
can be straight, depending on how feminine the trap looks and on what draws you to it
>FUCKING a trap
objectivelly gay, because it's a male. likewise, fucking Buck Angel is TECHNICALLY a straight act since it's a female, even if disgusting to look at

Attached: 1553006187403.jpg (751x1063, 116K)

>trap village is getting released this year
Looks like more trapkino is on the menu boys

>gay men don't really like men
God you people get stupider every fucking day

Attached: 1405149772702.gif (425x247, 1.59M)

People only like traps cause they're now seen as a status symbol now that girls are ez as hell to get. Since the good ones are so rare and hard to get, they're thirsted after 24/7

Its also why so many people try in vain to be trannies, to get attention they never had..hence why you always see those tube sock pics but no face

The mental gymnastics is just a front for the insecurity of no accomplishments. Just like your usual fag who wont stop talking about his car

Prove me wrong: you cant

Attached: hitler.png (550x550, 171K)

>gay men don't really like men

Attached: 1346852253454.jpg (363x310, 33K)

When we getting trap cuckino

why is the eroge patch not working for me lads. i followed the very simple instructions

Attached: 0-501-440x264.jpg (440x264, 13K)

i miss you, fuhrer

Doesn't sound weeb as fuck. Faster to read (those split seconds count). Looks professional. Won't have to worry about normals and newfags asking questions about what means what.

>t gay men don't really like men, they like dicks

Attached: 1553772108541.jpg (632x762, 80K)

tastefully pretty boys > traps > * > shit > transgenders

>Does the audience really need it?

I guess not, but in scanlation I just scanlate for myself, so I translate the way I want. I like things to be as natural and accurate as possible. Of course you're going to have times where things can't help but not sound natural or be completely accurate, but I've always tried to do my best and I don't like to take the easy way out. I think my translations have benefited quite a bit from my hardheadedness. That said I do recognize I sometimes try a little too hard. That's why I cut loose with this series that's so entrenched in the Japanese language that it's impossible to use my normal style.

When it comes to official products, well, I still basically do things my way as much as possible because I think natural sounding translations are the best. Translation is less about translating the words and more about translating the message. Of course, you have to follow the company's rules, so sometimes I have to use honorifics even when I don't agree. One I work for requires the usage of honorifics in Japanese settings, for instance. One place I worked for required honorifics all the time. One I worked for I wrote the TL rules for so I just did what I normally did.

Attached: ev202.jpg (1280x720, 372K)

>gay men don't like men, they like dick
You're actually a moron
Genitals have very little bearing on whether someone finds someone else attractive
Why do you think so many incels talk about how gross vaginas are, yet still claim to be straight?
You can like dick or pussy on either gender, what makes it "gay" or not is if you're attracted to the body type, personality, smell, feel, presentation of someone
Stop being retarded

Attached: 1456781564745.jpg (229x220, 7K)

The is no reason to pander to normalfags and newfags
>sound weeb as fuck
Like you.

>mfw feminization
I hate how doujins never go far enough with this.

Attached: 1542872901976.gif (480x270, 3.02M)

>tfw no trad trap wife

why live?

Attached: ljraa5f6as611.jpg (521x729, 53K)

How do you know it's not working? When is the first H scene supposed to be?


Attached: 1540457405475.jpg (5000x5000, 1.32M)

Not him, but explain why 90% of gays are size queens?
Explain the whole BBC fetish
Hell creampies are super popular. So the vagina has something to do with it

Attached: 1551769186988.png (452x399, 21K)

Nigga u blind?

There's just not enough traps in videogames, there are quite a few in anime, but I wish there was more in games but I understand that overall it's a fairly niche thing. So what can one do?

Attached: 04.jpg (1280x1813, 607K)

Is this from the same devs as that trap maid cafe game? That one was pretty good.

Attached: 1545326708301.jpg (483x589, 78K)

Naturally we can disagree but in the end you are the TL and if you want to localize as much as you can without 'breaking' anything it's up to you. I imagine it's a challenge.

Vaginas are gross, literally no one has ever jerked off to a vagina by itself

How does a trap get pregnant? Do they shit out a baby?

That's just me as a translator. As a reader I don't care too much if they're used or not. It'd be weird to play Yakuza and not see "Kiryu-chaaan!" in the subs when Majima is doing his thing.

>So what can one do?
Buy any and every game with traps in it to convince devs to add more traps to their games.
I'm doing my part, are you?

is there an artist more kino than inari

Sorry user you are gay. Left is a male, right is a female(male)

Yeah, like how your mother did you

different devs

I think older brother is better. Hearing oniisan is cringe because I know EOPs fantasize the word yet in JP it's just how they say the word.

>Japanese anime of a western setting
>characters still use honorifics

Attached: 1553799881043.gif (400x225, 1013K)

"Older brother" just sounds so unnatural when used in the same context as oniisan. If you're gonna insist on changing it to english, I'd rather it be something like "big bro".

>using cringe as an adjective
Kill yourself, retard.

Attached: ev209.jpg (1280x720, 234K)

Diogenes is right. If it's cute and 2D, fuck it.

That's fine. I was just using it as my example. In real western speech you call older and younger siblings just bro or sis. You really only use older or younger if you're explaining to someone that doesn't know your family.


Attached: Bride Astolfo.jpg (1500x2000, 174K)

Calm down zoomer

All I want in the world is to be given the chance to suck a trap's dick.

Attached: 1546322529858.png (1301x169, 42K)

Attached: 1553004855738.png (814x678, 330K)

Astolfo is an honorary girl, I'm fine.

Attached: 1513761268240.jpg (800x1200, 124K)

Why is he hiding his lack of tiddies?

This. The future is genderfluidity and those who hold prejudice will be left behind.

kys faggot

liking kanna makes you a pedophile

tiddies are a secondary sex characteristic and girls know that, he's hiding his nonexistent tits by instinct since he's a girl at heart

Attached: 05e36e204473c2ffa30138b3ebf66cb9.jpg (800x1133, 162K)

Is a sadpanda gallery up?

>implying you wouldn't

Attached: 1552522550477.jpg (1280x720, 249K)

not yet no.

Isn't Poison a newhalf?

Why did you leave us senpai?

every single picture with this little faggot in it makes me rock hard. anime made me fucking gay god damn it.

Attached: 1552786666218.jpg (1908x1080, 329K)

what a semen demon

Mfw I'm gonna go to church and ask when we can start the next Crusades after reading this shit

Literal tranny

Jairou is pretty good too.

Attached: 10.jpg (1280x1825, 641K)

>no tits
>no ass
No i wouldnt it.

>Meanwhile in the west

...I'm not the one advocating for honorifics, user-chan.

He doesn't have enough traps getting dicked by men translated for an EOP like me to appreciate him.

So is she/he actually related to you? Incest will seal the deal on me getting this

stop looking him user, he's a shy girl

Attached: 1559099292022.jpg (1384x1188, 606K)

I'm calling you a normalfag and newfag for being bothered by something being "weeb as fuck".

WTF? I love trannies now

Attached: 1552099414873.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

not related
he's your kohai at your university, he started calling you onii-chan because he secretly wants to be doted on but spends part of the game being insecure about being a trap/tsundere

This is now a KanoBitch thread. Fags go home.

Attached: file.png (537x768, 263K)

also right after that armpit scene you start fucking his armpit pussy

>404 Not Found

what did mods mean by this?

Attached: Steins;Gate 0.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

I personally prefer trap on trap or trap being dominated by girls or a milf.
To each their own.

This has been a great thread.
Thanks for that, Yea Forums

Attached: 1515972568745.jpg (408x529, 86K)

oh well, being a trap's senpai is good enough

nice, trap armpits are delicious

Attached: ev207.jpg (1280x720, 199K)

Shimakaze was made to be a trap

male-on-trap and trap+girl are both great

strangely enough i'm not into into trap+MILF, despite liking both

Trap doujins are great and all, but what about actual hentai


Attached: 1484136902417.jpg (500x572, 145K)

See you next thread Yea Forums, I haven't enjoyed a thread this much in a long time, it was fun
Based mods, if this were Yea Forums, this thread would've been pruned long ago
Fuck nu-Yea Forums

NekoPara cool 1 and 2

The tru patrician taste is male on trap then the male cums but the traps is not satisfied yet so they go trap on male.

My dorm mate in college (Who'd also been my best friend since the 7th grade) walked in on me railing a little Asian trap in college. It was awkward. He stood there in shock for a minute before just leaving in a rush. Showed up a few hours later and neither of us discussed what happened.

Six months later, my friends and I were all smashed. And he finally asked "So, are we ever gonna talk about you fucking the girliest dude I'd ever seen?"

All I said was I like traps.

Shounen maid kuro kun
boku no pico (lol)
otokonoko delivery

That's all.

Wrong. The true enjoyment is having such a high sexual value that another man would willingly degrade their own bodies and spend what is most likely hours of their time trying to make themselves as feminine as possible just for a shot at you.

>my friends and I were all smashed
What does that even means?

Holy shit! Is that Aogiri Penta?

user-san... please stop it

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A cute right wing (Or even slightly right of center) trap BF would be amazing. A lot of the ones I've been with are craaazy levels of leftist.

Did you say that knowing that is also the guy who translated kanobitch?

>The true patrician taste is male-on-trap then the male cums but the trap is not satisfied and keeps sucking

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We were drunk. Smashed. Pickled. Nackered. Plastered. Pissed. I can only say it so many ways.

post more of my wife before the thread dies ty.

Shall I show off my Rider & Sentai screencaps as well?

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Best trap thread on Yea Forums in fucking years

Why dont you speak like a normal human being then?
Smashed can have many meanings and you didnt give enough context.
For example smash can mean fuck.
>Ex. Damn, i smashed dat pussey XD

the last one

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>things that never happened

its not working cause the game doesnt load up any more. had to reinstall it


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"That guy" would be me, so yes I did know.

>pretending to be the translator

>Don't just stare at it, EAT it!

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Or maybe a screencap of my exhentai favorites? Or my pixiv account. Or japanese RPGmakers games.

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Its almost as if hes trying to impress people about his made up story...

>yeah brah i totally smashed that trap lol


what did user mean by this?

He has a league of legends addiction

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can someone at least show me where i can find the actual hentai this game has. i cant get the 18 plus patch to work. gives me a debug menu and crashed each time

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