What's wrong with 60fps?
I thought we didn't like 30?
What's wrong with 60fps?
I thought we didn't like 30?
Other urls found in this thread:
30fps has more soul
when everyone gets 60fps it stop being special for graphicwhores
>engine linked to framerate
Why are game developers still doing this in 2019?
Because you have to justify why you waste 400-500$ every year just to upgrade your gpu
they aren't
you can uncap the game there's a mod for it.
>linked its animation to frame rate
The fuck is this, 1991?
They aren't tho, there is a mod that uncaps the framerate and it works fine
>60 fps cap
wait what?
i disabled v-sync and my game ran at around 74fps
>go past 60fps
>game falls apart because it wasn't built for it
how do people not understand this shit in 2019? It doesn't always work for every game especially when it comes to FromSoft games. You're just asking for a potential fuck up if you want to go past 60fps
>He didn't attend the l33tmeet
more demon soul
It's not a problem in this game, but Japs like to link things to framerate because its easier to do then working everything out the hard way, and is usually fine with games with consistent framerate unless you unlock the cap.
>not 144
>not 165
If you haven't played DMC4 at 200+ FPS you haven't really lived.
>Not 165khz
>playing console games
>not playing bootleg indie CRPG's
Only happened in Dark Souls 2 and that's because B team is retards that linked durability loss with how many frames the weapon was inside of a corpse/hitting a wall because reasons.
One very specific issue, not the whole game. IIRC that was fixed with SotFS, no?
>every year
My rig from 2012 plays Sekiro at 60fps
Your $6000 rig from 2012?
I didn't spend a penny over $850.
I've got a $600 rig from 2012 that has a 2016 $200 GPU in it, definitely CPU bottlenecked so if I had the old GPU still in there I'd certainly be able to run it at medium with some effects off.
I unironically wish there were frame rate cap presets in every game (30/60/unlimited/etc.). I'd take a somewhat steady 60 over dropping from 144+ to 50 because it's not well optimized. Better than having to change my own computer settings to have a 60 hz refresh rate.
Isn't delta timing pretty much games programming 101?
Like even kids playing around in Unity know that stuff.
It works for every game not made by idiots. Syncing things in-game to framerate in the modern era is straight-up retarded and indefensible.
i have 1000 bucks for a new pc monitor should have 144hz and come with a realdoll sex toy
any suggestions? is whqhd 144hz worth it with only a 1080 ti?
Nothing really wrong with 60fps, but it is pretty lazy to even have a cap on PC these days. This is from someone that has a 165hz monitor and can't even play modern 30fps games without throwing up.
>Bought a 1060 3GB last year for $250+
>Vram an issue
>Everyone tells me to get a 1660Ti
>Get one for $280
God PC gaming is expensive as hell. I'm going to get a new case and some fans for around $200 later this month too.
He's asking about the cap, you idiot. PC goes way beyond 60fps these days. Mine goes to 144.
Just get msi afterburner and set a cap to w/e you want in rivatuner.
Jesus Christ user I got a 4GB 290 for $250 in 2015, what are you doing?
I got a used 980ti last year for $200
Compared to a PS4 when it launched a year later for half that, and can still run what you run
Wat game
No need for names. What's wrong with the cap?
Not like you can see past 60 anyways
It's only expensive if you don't do your research beforehand. You gotta look at both the pros and cons of each component and decide for yourself what's most important in a game.
Building a PC doesn't have to be expensive, but I concede that it is very time consuming, planning-wise.
>Sekiro @ 60fps
Bitcoin boom. Wrong place wrong time.
you were stupid enough to buy the goodgoy 3GB card there's no one to blame but yourself
taco bell is disgusting
five guys> wendy's> everything else
>is whqhd 144hz worth it with only a 1080 ti?
Yes. I'm only on a 1080, and going 1440p144 was super worth it.
If you saw 144hz and then saw 60, you immediately notice the difference. 120+ is smoother than butter.
>Time consuming
Lol no, look up logicalimcriments and Bam you're done.
Considering the PS4 was outdated on release, it makes sense that you pay less for it, especially since there are a lot of technical compromises that had to be made, least of which is frame rate.
Pc idiots can never be happy can they
nice any suggestions for a eurocuck? which one do you have
Sekiro runs at 20FPS drops youtube.com
And so does every other game while also looking worse than Low settings on the PC.
Your eye literally can't see past 30 what are you on about?
It's a troll, stop feeding the trolls.
To anybody still skeptical of HRF monitors, the jump from 60 to 144/165 is pretty much like going from 30 to 60 in terms of perception. It's fucking rad, especially with Freesync/Gsync.
What the fuck even is the point of PC gaming if you have to upgrade every two years just to keep up?
Next gen consoles are going to be 4k60fps machines anyways
Never heard of that. If this works efficiently, then making a PC is even better than before. Thanks for the heads up.
Why would I settle for mediocrity when I know my PC can run it better? Stop bending over consolecuck and start demanding more instead of defending soulless corporations like some tribal ape.
Because most responsible people can't afford a $5000 PC with a monitor that ether costs twice as much or has lower picture quality then a normal 60hz
pc always wins babyyyy
What are you a fucking loser? 120 FPS is the bare minimum every game should be since 2017. Anything less is literally unplayable.
>It's a troll, stop feeding the trolls.
Go back
>And so does every other game while also looking worse than Low settings on the PC.
That's bullshit. But yeah consoles are pretty shit, which is to be expected of consoles that have been out for 5+ years.
PC race? Master race.
We just got 60 frames and you want 30? You better be happy with your 10 frames because I just got you your 5
>That's bullshit.
But not really.
i would insert my slot into her card
please suck a dick dailytech.page
"the frame rate hangs around 45 fps, and in particularly intense effects episodes sags up to 30 fps."
this was proven fake years ago, stop posting it
You dont have to be at the cutting edge all the time, if at all. Honestly as long as you have decent gear, you can run most games with great performance (definitely better than console).
When you read about people getting these crazy parts those are typically hobbyists who are more interested in PC building as an art over, say, real concern about actually playing games.
It's similar to how gearheads love talking about engines and tires and transmissions and how they work together to make cars capable of certain performance thresholds despite not being racers or professional drivers.
>Digital foundry
Hah please
NX-EDG27, it was the cheapest IPS at the time (on sale for $300). They're quite a bit more expensive now, so you might want to find a cheaper TN instead.
kek no it wasn't coperboy
What's wrong with DF?
Go back
They're gay, and sjw, and are bluepilled.
Dark souls had a bug where if you had higher frame rate you could clip through the ground
And even it doesn't, it's more like 40-45fps.
Now it makes sense why they defend Snoy
You are thinking of Eurogamer.
I can tell you've never been to NYC, yes there are gay flags everywhere
No, it is. There are lots of games that don't look nearly as bad as the PC version on lowest settings on PS4/XB1, and they sure as hell don't all drop down to 20fps like you're claiming. In fact pretty much every game released during the first three years or so doesn't fit that bill. Also your pic is fake and has been debunked for years.
Can you guys just leave?
You're clearly biased, and haven't done anything to refute that the PS4 can run Sekiro at 60fps. You're nothing but trollish haters.
Kaos a shit.
>I thought we didn't like 30?
Actually, the vast majority of Steam users are fine with 30 fps.
>What the fuck even is the point of PC gaming if you have to upgrade every two years just to keep up?
You don't.
PClards are still coping with the fact they will never ever play bloodborne, rdr2, gow, spiderman, etc. etc. etc.
Spoiled kids who fell for the 144Hz meme.
>five guys
No to poison
Things every PC release come 2020 should have at the minimum.
>Customizable framerate limit
>21:9 support for general gameplay, cutscenes can be boxed into 16:9
>Download options since of us don't give a shit about multiplayer or playing with Spanish/French/Russian voices
You do though.
Also the PC has too many buttons
Seethe but also cope
just don't plug in a keyboard lmao
Of course retard, tech advances over time and what may seem good now will not be acceptable in the future.
i own every single current gen console and a good pc and i hate video games
Fuck off retarded consolenigger.
Uhhh then how am I going to type on facebook retard?
Been playing 120+ for a few years now, and I can't stand 60. It's s so choppy.
>literal brainlet
"just" acting like a retard doesn't make it any better than being an actual tard, idiot
based white korra
because Japan can't into PC
Damn, I completely forgot about that. My condolences.
I like how this comic is ancient yet 1440p is still a distant dream for peasants.
thank you bro
idk not my problem
>can't even play modern 30fps games without throwing up.
What a fucking child.
>boasting about being used to poverty
lmao dude
Cool liea, bro.
>sell the 1060 for $125
>The 1660ti now costed you $155
>now both new and old games run better
meanwhile on consoles
>sell console
>now you also have to sell all your games because no retrocompatibility
>new console has no gaems
>wait 4 years until they have games
>rebuy games you already had in previous console if you want to play them
>and I can't stand 60. It's s so choppy
Alcohol helps.
I have a vega 56
What monitor can I get with this?
Nice projecting, kiddo.
Not that guy but he's absolutely right. Once you get used to higher frames 60FPS starts being choppy too. And so on.
>sell console
What a total retard.
Let me answer all the dumb statements in this thread
>Sekiro game physics are not linked to FPS
>There is a mod that can enable 120+ with minimal issues
>The most likely limited 60 for consistent frame pacing / input delay
all framerates and linked to engines in someways.
I've played a couple games at 120. I still go back and enjoy older games at fucking 20-24fps without any issue.
>PS4 pro launched 2013
Good for you I guess. Just saying that was the case for me and my brother and I've seen lots of people online with similar experiences.
No my underdeveloped little friend, 60 is just the bare fucking minimum, and that's why the number became such a big thing, we had 120+ frames since the late 90's and know since then that input lag is a thing.
theres no reason to cap a framerate on a PC, unless you tie physics to framerate, which i dont see a reason for doing. luckily with sekiro, you can just mod it to remove the framecap. so far i havnt noticed anything really fucked up after doing so, the onyl bug in the game ive run into at all is sometimes the character's movement speed is halved whiule the animations remain the same, so its almost like he's running in place. but i played for less than five minutes before removing the cap, so idk if this is a normal bug or mod-related
>get a 144hz monitor a few months ago
>exclusively play games that can run >100fps since then
>Sekiro comes out with 60fps cap
>looks awful, but I played at 60 for years, so I'll get used to it again, it should be fine, right?
>actually, unironically, start getting headaches after a couple hours playing it
So glad someone made a >60fps hack. Honestly would've dropped the game if not for it.
Right, because you are children who only care about graphics and power, not good games.
I still run the same PC since 2013 with the only upgrade a few months ago.
Tech is not progressing as fast as it used to, Moores 'Law' is a lie.
>60 is just the bare fucking minimum
Nah, better games than you play run around 20-30, and were made in the 90s.
i find it interesting that americans always seem to complain about price of games or hardware. In my country the minimum wage is like $400 and price of all items are the same, so with markup it's usually 3-4 times more expensive to buy here. I wonder how they are making any profit,
Performance directly affects gameplay and inputs. You cannot play any fighting game with a slideshow FPS.
I don't get this remark though. High FPS games are an ancient thing. It was only through standardized console hardware that made poor people accept mediocrity.
30fps is fine for cinematic games. I don't really understand how you can defend it on anything fast paced though.
60 is better than 30
But 30 is better than 40-56
Fact of life.
>High FPS games are an ancient thing.
That is an outright lie, though. 20-24fps was the fucking standard in the 80s and 90s.
Do people really believe 60fps is acceptable nowadays? Yikes.
I would say arby's is a top tier fast food place as well
Maybe some RPGs that don't require precise inputs and minimum latency but action games, fighters and shooters? Bet your dick you need a minimum of 60FPS. And that was the case even back in the 90s.
You are showing that you weren't alive during the 90s, pal.
Wrong, faggot. Even the SNES had 60 as the norm.
Is there like a cap of fps that's gonna make the game look shitty if its too high?
Anything beyond what your monitor can handle.
45 is better than 30
Fact of life, my underdeveloped little friend.
five guys has to be one of the most overpriced fast food places of all time
>bought 3GB VRAM card
why user?
> I haven't experienced the vidya from the start till now the post
More fps means smoother gameplay.
It might be harder to tell if you compare it to the jump of 30 to 60 but it's still a thing nevertheless.
And with more and more people jumping to 120+ refresh monitors the demand for frame-uncapped games rises.
Wrong, retard.
nice larp consolecucky
20 fps was only standard on early 3d shit on ps1/n64/ snes (star fox)
i have this one. no complaints
Keep lying and it might be true one day.
That's your problem, kiddo.
Only for 3D console games. On PC most people had their CRT monitor set to 72-96hz due to flickering, so most games would run at that too.
buy nice or buy twice
And on PC games like Diablo and the Ultima games. And on console games. And in arcades... Oh, all of the platforms!
>I'm going to keep shiting out easily disprovable comments
Don't you have a Paul Joseph Watson video to watch or something?
I play sekiro at 144fps at 1440p. The difference from 60fps to 144fps is staggering meanwhile consolefags struggle to keep at consistent 38fps on their "PRO" and "X" super consoles.
Why must console babbies always try their hardest to hold back technology.
it isnt the standard in arcades and you know it. finding a few examples doesnt = standard. Literally pong is 60 fps
post some budget pc builds that own the ps4 and any other consolefags lurking itt
Need a reason to justify paying for 144fps and then one day it will be that 144fps is "unplayable"
So like a game running at 600 fps would look freaking sweet?
Five guys isn't fast food my dude.
Where is was the proof for this image?
Fuck is he on about? That thing is 60fps.
Yes. There is a 480hz monitor (4k120hz that can be ran at 540p480hz) and it's apparently amazing.
>60fps is "choppy"
Im so glad not to be a cunt.
i think 120hz with ULMB would be better
I don't think he's trying to be a cunt. 60 fps looks choppy if you've been playing at 144 for more than a few weeks. It's not noticeable when the camera is static and you're just running in a straight line, but with quick camera movements with lots of fast panning you can definitely tell the difference.
No he is right. Consistently framepaced locked 30fps >unlocked 30-50 fps
he's from south america whadduya expect
He might not be "trying" but those little pills that make people shit gold shit was made for people like him.
For the game to still be 60fps even there? I own it on console and it was fucking fantastic.
It also has backlight strobing.
But the monitor itself cost $500 and you have to modify it with a $500 kit.
What are some good bootleg indie CRPGs?
If 60 frames of a still frame to hit 60 fps then yeah. SNES had tons of slow down and performance issues with games. Hell even the original Doom couldn't run at 30 fps with the hardware at the time.
There's people who play their games below 144 fps?
A game shouldn't have a cap to begin with.
60 FPS is the minimum bar to reach, not what you should max out at.
Yes it is m8
only 500? seems not that bad for 4k 120hz werent some ultrawide acer predators 2000+?
>no drive through
>everything cooked to order and not a second before
>no freezers
>$8-$14 range for a meal
it's fast casual my dude.
>not 240hz
Yeah, I have to run most games at an awful, terribly low framerate of 143fps, otherwise I get tearing due to nvidia's mediocre freesync support.
It's not that South Americans don't get 60fps. It's that they're all retarded mongrels that can only do multiplication if it's in bed.
>not 480Hz
Wrong, your eyes can only see 24 cinematographic fps, and if you close one eye it will be only 12 at maximum.
>Pointed out that the base PS4 you bought in 2013 didn't magically upgrade to a PS4Pro for free
>Linked plenty of hard evidence showing how the game actually runs
>haven't done anything.
60 fps on a 120hz monitor is shit. might as well be 30 fps but without the loss of control due to stuttering.
delta timing is a joke. its old technology, which makes sense since fromsoft is Japanese company. they're still far behind western tech. i think even koreans have better tech than them too.
So once again its "a PC problem" and everyone else is actually fine, gotcha.
five guys has to be one of the most overpriced fast casual places of all time
lol PCs could run above 100 fps assuming you were a rich fag back then.
they're autists who fell for the 144hz meme
>No retrocompatibility
kek, that's where you're wrong faggo
PS5 and Xb2 will be backwards compatibility
BC isn't a new concept either.
It's time to upgrade poorbro
obviously...??? OPs pic is talking about the steam version. ill take high frame rate over high res anyday.
haha. sounds like someone here has no idea what they're talking about :^)
Nobody is actually fine with 20FPS drops. You're just used to eating shit.
You're thinking of chipotle.
No, it's has less frames.
60 FPS is a good baseline because it doesn't look like ass like 30 FPS does.
Obviously more frames is better, but the more you focus resources on FPS, the more you take away from resolution/details.
1080p/60 FPS is a fine expectation for games atm but they have a hard on for 4K because resolution is better for marketing. So we get 4K/30 FPS which is ass unless you're a movie game.
When we get the tech for consistent 4K/60 FPS outside of indie pixel games, THEN we can worry about bumping up the expectation for FPS.
>wanting above 60 FPS when monitors don’t refresh that quick
Biggest meme ever
>someone says they play league and get 200+ FPS
>they only have a 60Hz monitor
What the fuck did they mean by this?
They were trash when they came out, they had a tablet cpu back then which was already outdated. They still have that same cpu now, the threads back then were the same as now, then the 750ti came out and it fueled the fire even more.
>wanting above 60 FPS when monitors don’t refresh that quick
Bait in triplicate
Use the virtual keyboard and you can control everything with a mouse so only two buttons.
not really, im not crazy about their food but you can get a decent value if you get double the chicken. meanwhile five guys makes you pay 8+ dollars for a mediocre and pretty small chesseburger
What the even is the point of modern console gaming if you have to upgrade every 3 years(2013/2016).
Is there any point having my fps over 60 when my monitor is 60hz?
Why is it called PC Mustard race, because consoles can't ketchup
inb4 its nut fair bcus PC has high end hardware
It has always been retarded and there is no excuse for it.
>consistent frame pacing / input delay
>mattering when you're pumping out 144fps in a single second
No, from is just a bit inexperienced and had different priorities.
but he said 165khz
>tfw I have Nvidia ULMB
This is irrelevant if you're on PC as you choose the hardware and settings, you also go over 1080p and 2160p but ignore 1440p which can achieve 120+ fps easily on a decent PC.
Bought my pc 8 years ago, Ive only added a graphics card 6 years into its life and it still runs most modern games very high or ultra 1080p 60+ fps
increased game responsiveness/input
>What's wrong with 60fps
It's all about Unlocked Frameratess now.
god, framerate is such a fucking reddit meme
unlocked framerates can cause games to crash thats why I like vsync
>t. cuck
Why the fuck should it be capped at all? I have a 144hz monitor so I like to play games at 144fps (big surprise). Why do they keep locking framerate? I can see these fucking threads in the years to come.
>Why is this game capped at 90fps in 2025?
>lmao dirty 90fps peasants
There is no reason for a dev to cap framerate unless they're a lazy cunt.
(And before anyone asks, I bought my 144hz monitor years ago when I was so retarded I didn't even know what refresh rate was. It was a decent price. I didn't "buy into a meme")
>Shitty coding can cause games to crash thats why I like vsync
>thats why I like
>I like vsync
You could play overwatch at like 300fps, why limit yourself when there is no need?
>I like screen tearing
No I like freesync
>Screen tearing
>on a 1440p 144hz gsync dell monitor
The human eye can only see up to60 fps. Anything higher doesn't make a difference.
>in six years we'll only advance for 30 frames
I live in ny nigger, you're not seeing them outside of gay districts, feel free to take a walk past 120th street though.
>screen tearing
choose one gama
Nice joke but the human eye doesn't see in frames and it's the brain that processes and forms the image.
>I have shitty eyes so everyone else must have too!
>he fell for the gsync meme
good goy
what did you do before they existed? you were still on CRT?
>what did you do before they existed?
Used V-Sync. I didn't like it, but there was no better alternative.
vsynch literally causes screen tear if you've got a monitor that does above 60fps.
>Dell monitor
/g/entoomen would have a hoot browsing kiddie Yea Forums
>buy a goysync monitor
>ngreedia announce freesync support
/g/ laughs at people who spend the 200 tax to get gsync instead of freesync
Freesync is a vesa standard, it would be ridiculous for Nvidia to omit support of it while simultaneously supporting the latest displayport standard.
>buy a freesync monitor
>not even a week later novidya announces freesync support
I love it when things just happen to work out.
why would some fag who hasn't even beaten the game complain about it not running at 60fps
How come I never heard this one before
>Make top tier monitors
>random Yea Forumsermin: its shit because brand shit flinging
Ok gamerbro
Twice the soul per frame tho
>every two years just to keep up
970 here. still running games above 90 fps. i don't play unoptimized AAA trash either.
I don't understand how high frame rate can even be linked to being a graphic whore when most people who are very adamant about 60fps wouldn't mind graphics being toned down which is the opposite. An extreme example but fuck i'd play some fast ass action game at 640x480 with texture resolution of 4 i don't care long as it's smooth.
I don't deny Dell makes good monitors
jesus christ console fags are blind
>unoptimized AAA trash
Hurr durr, anything my old underpowered GPU can't run at 60 on ultra is unoptimized. It can't possibly be that the game is more demanding because it looks better.
>i can run my loli visual novels above 90fps
good for you?
because they're either delusional or are poor fags with toasters from 2005 that try to make the best out of what they got. trust me, i was in that posistion many years ago, playing WoW at 1500ms lowest settings, 720p and getting like 14 fps in raids
So the same amount of soul regardless?
You're going to be forced to go 1080/60 FPS anyway since every generation of games up hardware. The budget gpus are the ones that most people can afford so they'll have to buy that one to keep to up to day on video games.
But I already play above 1080p and 60FPS so I*m not forced into anything
LESS than 1080p? I'm sure XboxOne and PS4 both do 1080p.
PS4 runs Tekken 7 and some other games at 900p
Bigger games like Battlefield 1 for PS4 and Xbone have variable resolutions and they go from 900p down to 720p if the screen is busy
user these were outdated shitboxes at launch, let alone today.
Everyone tries. What the fuck is she on about?
no, the girls pester the Chads instead
Because consoles are the most important market and it's smarter to optimize for them because they'll be making the majority of your money? Then when an issue presents itself in the future when you port it you fix it then.
yo that dog looks funny af! hahaha!!
Dark souls 1 also had a bug from memory that jumping animation (I think) was tied to frame-rate. So in order to make certain jumps in the game after installing the fix, you had to put the cap back on the framerate for the jump.
Not just jump but also ladders
no you're left.
Bethesda is shit, nobody here is surprised. It's just that it's commonly known that Japan and framerate don't tend to work correctly.
yeah until adaptive resolution kicks in and your shit drops just because you went 2 fps under 30.
>ps4 pro
>still worse than a 780
woman logic basically. i swear they're legit retarded. i ever only met like 4 females in my entire life that wasn't a brain dead basic bitch.
just bee yourself bro
There are two things this could actually mean:
>I am not attracted to you but need an excuse because I can't admit that I'm just an animal, completely and utterly shallow
>it does not follow my moronic memes about what love should be
Holes gonna hole
>same tier as a 590
digital foundry is a treasure
>released in 2010
so basically ps4 pro is a 2010 potato.
That's being generous tbqhwyf. Consoles still can't get a reliable 60fps on any game (and most console games are locked to 30) even though when they were announced it was claimed they'd play every game at 60.
because the year is 2019 and 144 fps is the new 60 fps
I unironically play on a CRT monitor from 1999.
>animation linked to framerate
Someone simplify this neanderthals post because animations have always been tied to framerates.
nice. you can overclock CRT monitors too if you wanted. i think most people can usually get anywhere from 75 fps to around 110 fps with CRTs depending on how lucky you are. you could even do this back in the 90s too if your GPU was really good.
basically if you were to go over the desired frame rate, the game would speed up since the timing is set to 60 fps or lower. if you played a 60 fps delta timed game at 120 fps, you would literally run the game at twice the speed, meaning its unplayable.
A 2010 flagship, but yeah.
yes, but not in japan
you must understand that game dev culture in japan is like a boomer cargo cult, they things in a way simply because it was done that way in the past
>The difference from 60FPS to 144fps is staggering
you mean irrelevant unless you play competitive multiplayer games that necessitate high tickrate.
As a person who punched and kicked both types of screens I can indeed confirm LCDs go to shit from a single punch while my CRT is still alive and well to this day.
>technology gets cheaper for consumers
>better options are around now for similar prices
>"oh i thought we liked 60, lol what happened?"
get with the times senpai
Oh, I'm well aware. I can hit 144Hz at 800x600, 120Hz at 720p, 100Hz at 900p and 75Hz at 1600x1200. It's a nice little experiment. Not as good as many gaming monitors today, but fun anyway. I would recommend any CRT owner to give it a try if you can stomach lower resolutions which, given the general blurriness of CRTs, don't really affect me all that much. It's also good to alliviate frame pacing issues thanks to the way CRTs work.
>that one post "engine limitation"
there is a bug free fps unlocker ffs stop talking when you don't know shit
Dark Souls had this issue back them, if you run the game at 60 the game movement was faster and give you a huge advantage in PVP
i wasnt hacking in some way
Wrong, something as simple as using my desktop feels smoother on 240hz than 60hz. Its not unnecessary, I really like it in all of my games such as city builders, hack n slay, rpg....
You simply have to look at a 140hz display once and youll come to the same realization.
I'm 28 and I'm in Human Resources. I don't like mediocrity and 30 fps is mediocre in 2019.
There's also a reason why good movies don't come out in black and white these days too.
That's interesting. How do animators get around this?
It's a meme. You gotta play at like medium on 1440p to get nearly enough frames for 144fps so what's the point of it chief
It's not necessary by any means but I'll tell ya what man. My 1440p 144 fps rig fucking rocks and I love it
higher framerate>slightly better shadows.
every time.
with your dumb logic, having any graphical inprovement is irrelevant. retard
fucking this. shadows don't look sharp and perfectly clear in real life unless there is a direct source of light casting it.
as long as it isn't fucking blocky looking, its fine.
I unironically can't tell the difference after 60 fps
am I retarded
why are you using 1440p for 120 fps? obviously you're going to have to lower settings a bit at 1440p to achieve it without drops so you can use v-sync.
I've always preferred sharp shadows over soft shadows
I'm sure you tried to test this on a 60hz monitor, so yes, you're retarded.
60hz monitors won't display anymore than 60 fps. anything higher than 60 fps on a 60 hz monitor is just extra room for you to max your shit
Medium settings @144fps > Ultra settings @60fps
Also it's only the case for cards ~1080 level, a 1080ti/2080/2080ti can do 1440p144 Ultra just fine.
i was like 15 until i started paying attention to framerate and then only started caring about 60+ fps at like 22
thats fine but it isn't even close accurate.
no joke one of my buddies told me this exact same thing after getting a 144hz monitor
>I can't tell the difference between 144 and 60
He was fucking using HDMI for his fancy new 144hz monitor.
>Why do standards raise over time?
Gee, what a fucking mystery.
HDMI supports 144 though?
Yeah and how much did that hardware run you just to play the same exact game? If frames were the end all be all then 144 would be standard, but in actual reality, frames dont matter and dont make you better at games. Thats why nobody gives a shit about them except for enthusiasts.
Not his old ass HDMI 1.1 or 1.2 that he had lying around.
You should have mentioned that then
woopsies. listening to a podcast at the same time.
Both 30 and 60 are obsolete. TVs have no reason to not upgrade to 120, 144 and 240 Hz. Games running at 30 is only complicit in limiting display technology. 60fps is the new 30. I refuse to play games locked at 60fps.
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Now if only that one guy would make a FPS unlocker for the Souls games.
It’s just white girl proverbs
You're just bitter because you've obviously never experienced anything above 60. Even moving the mouse on your desktop is noticeably worse below 100Hz+. Now imagine moving the camera at high speeds for shooters or racers. The difference is huge and everyone will tell you that 60Hz is noticeably worse and jarring.
>What's wrong with 60fps?
>I thought we didn't like 30?
It's almost 2020. 120Hz should be the current standard for PC gaming. The fact consoles are still at 30Hz or less is laughable.
>Trying to speedrun segment
>Someone wants me to stream my strat
>Noticeable a lot choppier since my 144+ FPS is now like 80-90
>Poors will tell me there's no difference because they're upset I have something better than they do
not as much if you're using strobed lighting software like lightboost or lightboost 2.0 "ULMB".
you do loose that feel smoothness that native 60hz has but objectively it will always look better as far as motion blur goes.
Who /4k60hz/ here? (or the highest res that can do 60 fps without drops).
resolution does make a difference and anyone who has seen a game on a big screen running at 4k will immediately see it.
Obviously more frames would be better for a competitive advantage but I'm no superman with games I play 4 fun.
>barafag is a retard
1440p@144Hz > 4K@60Hz
600p 160hz less than 1ms>1440p 144hz>4k60fps
im still waiting on new gpus better than rtx for 240 hz curved monitors.
can someone make a webm like this but with 60fps vs 144fps?
>people complaining about 60 fps
>no one complaining about fucking console controls UI for the PC port
>inb4 playing with KB+M
Imaging a PC game that was ported to consoles only having keyboard buttons for the UI.
In n' Out > Chick Fil A > Carls Jr. Sliders > Anything else
>tfw going from home computer to work computer
it hurts to move the mouse
there are xbox buttons if you plug in a controller
>uses school computa
>wheel doesn't even work
>moves to anotha computa
>the wheel also doesn't work
>3D action games with KB/M
Some games should just be played with controllers.
so 60fps has 120 soul while 30 fps only has 60 soul
60fps more soul confirmed by this guy
We don't, but we all also like the highest framerate possible. Have you ever played a game at 144 FPS on a 144hz monitor? That shit will change your life.
Because the math is simpler and therefore faster on the CPU. Games these days are designed for the platform where all the money is: Consoles. PC is just an afterthought so assuming a capped framerate is a perfectly reasonable design decision.
Fucking this, every time I meet a 144hz denier I feel the need to drag them to a fucking screen and peel back their eyelids so they can fucking see the superiority. Even just scrolling through text fees infinitely better.
the human eye can't even see past 60 frames per second
but how much did your computer and your ps4 cost combined
Imagine playing a console port and then complaining that it's a console port.
no, its not that easy. here is a webm at 120 fps. you won't be able to see any difference though if you have 60 hz monitor.
i also reccomend you use lightboost or ulmb, 144hz is just a factory overclock that looks worse than using lightboost or ulmb.
anything in between 120 hz and 240 hz will look like shit in comparison.
lightboost monitos have far superior smoothing but ulmb doesn't have all the "cons" of lightboost. lightboost requires you to use low brightness for better strobing, and you also lose out on color a little bit but that can be fixed easily. its also exclusive to a small selection of monitors, so yeah..
If you want to have an engine that isn't linked to framerate you have to either
a) introduce one frame of lag for interpolation
b) use non-deterministic physics so the way the game plays slightly varies based on your frame rate
being able to make a game run at a fixed framerate is best for making responsive, predictable games
>Bought a 1060 3GB last year for $250+
why in the FUCK would you ever do that? you realize 1060 3GB is literally a gimped card? it not only has less memory it has less cuda cores. it's a worse ripoff than nvidias 970 3.5 clusterfuck.
nigger you have been able to get a 580 4 or even 8gb for ~$200 for years and it decimates the 1060 3g and even edges out the big boy 1060. if you wanted to spend less you should have gotten a 570 it's literally the best value card that has ever existed.
>it looks better.
It really doesn't, games have stagnated in the looks department for 5 years.
>basic fucking UI button for the platform it's being ported to is too much
>but they'll happily take your money though
If you saw PS4 buttons when playing the Xbone version you know you'd be annoyed.
what display runs at an actual 480hz? those numbers are reserved for plasma sub-field drives iirc, which gives them great motion clarity but the actual images don't refresh that fast.
sekiro is fast, but not fast enough to where anything is omitted in a 60fps cap
60 fps on a 120/144hz screen still gets many of the benefits of 60+ FPS. Either way, I play at 4k/60 now.
your standard 4k LED TV can run at 480hz if the panel supports it. there are a couple korean ones on the market that allow you to unlock the frame rate
Still using my 27in 120hz 1440p qnix from 2014. Best moniter ever.
blur busters took a 4k 120hz LCD display than overclocked it to 480hz and took some pictures
how long until we get monitors where lightboost and adaptive sync work correctly and in tandem? that's what I really want.
neat. I would be worried about the TV though, it might introduce so much lag through typical signal processing that it would gimp the 480hz. isn't that why gaming companies are releasing special TVs now? so they can make them gaming-oriented instead of having a "gaming mode" which only helps a bit?
I played on an FW-900 for many years that could do 1920x1200 @ 90hz without OC. I miss that baby, it went out of range and I'm too dumb/lazy to go through the process of fixing it, plus at the time I was afraid of killing myself from electrocution. one day I'll set it up again with a dedicated retro rig.
They replace/bypass the monitor's board with a custom one, which claims it only has 20-30µs input lag (for the board itself, the panel will still have its same input lag).
guaranteed sekiro would have this problem if it had durability. 100%
well i think you can have both technologies on the same monitor but you won't be able to use them at the same time.
honestly it would be kind of pointless to really do that, with lightboost, you want as much power as possible so that you don't drop frames. you always want a stable native refresh rate.
g-sync is mainly for variable refreshrates, like say 144 hz, 165hz, 200 hz or whatever.
nah, the nvidia tax and using a proprietary board in monitors was always a terrible idea which is why they moved to a certification program like they always should have done. there is no need for nvidia to include a $200 control board that just does what the monitor manufacturer should be doing themselves. I fault AMD as well for the opposite thing: being too lax with freesync and letting ignorant people buy any monitor with freesync marketing without letting them know it has to be implemented well to work well. both are still buggy btw.
*dabs on you in Sin City and Logan*
now what kid
Current year, 120 is much more affordable and once youve played an FPS in 120, 60 is unplayable.
fuck that's cool but
>board costs significantly more than the display itself which is already expensive
damn. I think I'll wait for the retail versions to come out lol
this, eventually 120hz will be unplayable. i can't wait for a 240hz curved monitor. the biggest difference between the two will basically be having the smoothness of 120hz but you will be able to have double the PPS (pixels per second), meaning you could use 1800 dpi mouse and it would be smooth 100% of the time no matter how fast you moved your mouse, assuming you are fully capped at 240hz with no microstuttering/drops.
you can even test this here
just change the speed setting on the right side from 1920 to 120 and you will be able to see the ufo clearly. now imagine that but at 1920 PPS.
she cute
actually you can get both working at the same time with hacks and apparently it looks great in very specific scenarios, IE, certain games that have very stable but not locked FPS, and when the game goes too far outside of range the whole thing just falls apart in terms of looking good. I saw a guy test in in some forum post a while back. But it could work in principle with the right tech and software, you would just have to adapt it to work well with LFC so the strobes/frames don't get so low that it eye rapes you. But I don't expect much since a lot of the underlying tech like adaptive sync itself and LFC still are not stable in many monitor + driver configurations. for example on my monitor ULMB only work on high brightness. that's fine on my monitor where full brightness doesn't make you blind but on others it might suck.
>when the game goes too far outside of range the whole thing just falls apart in terms of looking good
this actually makes sense since lightboost is meant for locked frame rates. its probably the way the strobing is setup, go any higher than 120hz and strobing is no longer on and all you're left with is g-sync or something.
yeah, if you've ever seen a freesync monitor that doesn't have a proper LFC range set up it does the same thing when FPS drops too low, the adaptive sync shitting the bed looks worse than actual low FPS.
>If frames were the end all be all then 144 would be standard, but in actual reality, frames dont matter and dont make you better at games. Thats why nobody gives a shit about them except for enthusiasts.
Nah nigga, that's the equivalent of it "sold a lot therefore it's good". Just because something is mainstream/affordable/sold a lot doesn't mean it's the optimal or best experience, hell it doesn't even mean it's good.
Think about it was playing recent releases in 1080p bad in 2009? Because the mainstream was 720p or lower on consoles and low end hardware. Was playing games above 480i in 2004 bad or irrelevant then? Nah nigga, it was superior to the mediocrity of the common denominator experience. Is the VR experience on a Rift or Vive worse or irrelevant compared to PSVR because its more mainstream? Just because you let drone think decide what's important doesn't mean others should.
lol, you fucking retard. I live in Queens NYC and ive only ever seen 1 "Pride" flag, and it was on a gay bar at roosevelt ave jackson heights.
Where do you live? Gaylordsville, Brooklyn?
This, there's no reason displays should be stuck at 60hz.
>I still go back and enjoy older games at fucking 20-24fps without any issue
I used to play games at 7-12fps on a shitty laptop I had fun then but that doesn't mean games should be capped at that fps now. High framerate is the present nowadays compared to last decade and the future. Even google's cloud gaming service Stadia is advertising 4k 120+fps...
Yea the first thing I noticed is how smooth and detailed moving my mouse looked.
This is great
CS:GO literally requires you to have a top end pc and high fps to play with the big boys.