The number of people logged in on steam is pathetic. I thought Valve reached the Chinese market. Where the fuck are the hundreds of millions of insectoids and poop flingers from india as well?
Steam has been stagnant the past 2 years.
The number of people logged in on steam is pathetic. I thought Valve reached the Chinese market. Where the fuck are the hundreds of millions of insectoids and poop flingers from india as well?
Steam has been stagnant the past 2 years.
yeah that's too bad now go fuck yourself
For how long will you keep spamming these OBSESSED threads?
sorry bro, maybe you'd like the platform owned by the chinese instead
>ep*c shill cant stop screeching about his worthless platform
how much does it hurt knowing your only fucking success is being leeched by uno faggot?
how long until you lose your worthless fucking job trog?
>not pirating games
also, if the faggot OP understands, valve hasn't officially launched in china yet, insectoids can use steam through regular vpn shit but they don't want it to launch officially because then the government can censor their shit, but that's the hardcore crowd for them, chinese casuals will like it
That's just PC gaming in general, it's fucking dead
at least steam isn't riding off the back of a single game
>15 million users on right fucking now
>they're pathetic
Post a user base with more, protip you cant.
>consoyles are too afraid to post current players number
what is wrong with epic shills
do they just do this dumb shit 24/7 in broad daylight and expect nobody to catch on or what
Reminder that you can still use on Steam while in offline mode so people cannot message you.
>twice as many people logged into steam than there are people in the world
Seems legit.
Fuck the CPC
I could be wrong but I remember somebody saying Steam isn't really a thing in China.
Popular games in China like Dota have their own exclusive Chinese launcher without Steam included.
OK Tim, time to get back to work, Tencent won't be happy
still waiting for the Epic Store to make their info public
pathetic compared to what?
you know pc gaming scene is much, much smaller than consoles if you exclude the people who only use it to play either f2p games or mmos, which are the majority
>he isn't such a jaded fag that only finds joy in PS2 games, anime and literature
Get on my level, brah.
chinks have their own client, moron
>you know pc gaming scene is much, much smaller than consoles
Except PC gaming is as big as all consoles combined game revenue-wise.
What's the point of this thread? Fuck off.
I think I'm going to buy a Steam game just because you posted this.
Also, 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
Based and anti-chinese pill’d
>this Is coming from steam posters
Both sides are a bunch of faggot incels
>wanting chinese and indian "people" infesting videogames
frankly i think valve needs to do more to keep them out
what's your favourite piece of PS2 literature user?
>finds joy in anime
Gabe Newell 纽厄尔加布 Valve Software 阀门软件 Steam 蒸汽 Half-Life
半衰期 Gordon Freeman 弗里曼戈登 1998 Black Mesa Incident 1998年黑色台面事件 Seven Hour War 七小时的战争 Resistance 抵抗性 Red Letter Day 大喜的日子 City 17 uprising 城市17起义 Lambda 拉姆达 Index 指数
have you ever met a chink? yes this is how they are
>I thought Valve reached the Chinese market.
They did, but as it turns out, they're only interested in review bombing anything they perceive as an insult to the glorious superior god emperor supreme Winnie the Pooh. Understandable I suppose when you need to gain enough social credit points in order to not disappear into a concentration camp, but still unfortunate, just a decade ago it was looking like China was opening up and wanted to have fun along with the rest of the world but Winnie killed all that, forbid people gaming for more than 2 hours a day and after 9PM they shut down and block all gaming activities so kids can study how to cheat on tests in order to stand a 1 in 10,000 chance of making it into a decent university.
Nothing about those Steam numbers is surprising, people who play plenty of games are few and far between today as they were 10 years ago, just because the industry has grown and managed to sell cinematic experience AAA shit to the masses doesn't mean the masses will magically unplug their brains from Facebook which remains the biggest time-sink and once people are hooked into the social media compulsion loop it's too late for them and no substance or process exists to free them from that yet, short of getting them hooked on opiates or meth which are slightly less horrific than social media but still nothing like an actual cure and that'd be a bit like treating plutonium poisoning with arsenic.
numbers are more than fine
steam does a good job in keeping NPCs out
cant really remember the last time a SJW quoted me on the forums, happens very very rarely
Why is this relevant who cares about politics
Fuck Steam
lmao, should've stayed private like valve, you jew fucks
well i don't really enjoy talking or playing with faggots and subhumans
it is not very pleasant
and fuck white people
Then shoot them with your gun or punch them with your combo
Just a reminder that you can use a Russian IP to get the best prices in the world at GOG.
If it's not on GOG you can proceed to buy on Steam.
i won't do that
crime is for niggers
In vidya anything is legal, entering your server is a violation of the NAP
youre not making sense anymore user
which part of i do not associate with niggers did you not understand
Yeah man, Steam users are just innocent goobers who dindu nuffin. (Other than enable the biggest monopoly in gaming)
That's not regional pricing you mongoloid, it was actually an inverse deal where you would get the game for the NA price at most if your currency was particularly overvalued, it only benefited fatcats.
Are there really less Steam users than Switch owners? Is it that small?
>Online players
That doesn't really say much when most players sit in offline or invis 24/7
If your invisble that doesn't count in OP's numbers?
going based on how the system seems to work, I'd assume so as it registers you as offline to the API, using which is the easiest way to get a number for that sort of thing
Concurrent steam users and players =/= total number of users, which is probably upward of 100M or more. But concurrent is the most useful metric, otherwise you venture into Faceberg territory with its claims it has 20 billion active users.
Considering being invisible doesnt change your online status on your profile, then yeah should not count
Steam is the only platform that actually releases any kind of useful data, the rest is all marketing handwaves for investors.
Okay? Why are we supposed to care about the number of people using Steam?
To win console wars
Steam is better tham Epic but Valve is a load of jews too, user.
>muh monopoly
what is uplay? what is bnet? what is origin? what is gog?
grow the fuck up
Tiannamen Square Massacre
At least they don't have investor cunts telling them to maximize profits and spy on users.
do you have a /pol/ version?
Yeah, they just have Gabe doing that instead.
I hate this gook spyware software not only because it's garbage gook spyware software but because its made people love the jew addled company known as valve again.
Why can't you mentally ill freaks just despise both? I'll admit steam is the lesser evil but it deserves its own death too.
1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre
you mean like it did with tf2 for years?
>my faceless corporation is better than yours!
I'm not a bug person, you're just retarded.
It's pottery.
Gabe is the face of valve, retard.
>Profit driven
>Majority of development is pushing new VR hardware and updating old games with new content for people that already paid for them
Do you actually know anything about valve?
And what's your point? Valve is by far the most profitable company per employee because they only employ roughly 250 employees.
They just canned 27 people and closed a branch of their VR division. Keep up.
>And what's your point?
That valve is not a faceless corporation as you claimed. Jesus, do you even remember your own posts?
>finds joy
something's not right here
So if any company has a person to handle social stuff, it humanizes the company? Are you this naive?
It was actually 13 people and they said it was a people thing and not a hardware thing and it didn't change the company's direction.
Also they just announced their VR set, update your memes.
Steam doesn't inflate numbers like everybody else does
Yea, what gives, why is Steam the only platform that shows concurrent players?
Even for MP-only console games like Destiny.
Chinks have their own launcher for popular games
I was off on the number, you're right. But to your point of updating old games, what do they update besides CSGO and TF2, which generate stupid amounts of money on their own?
Valve may have been retarded via basicly cancelling development of any game that isn't mp focused it's still not as bad as epic gaming.
These fuckers unironicly put a fucking beta version of there newest unreal tournament game, fucking gave it the smallest dev team in the world, and did no fucking marketing in order to actually boost fucking sales of the game. Most people didn't even know there was a new Unreal tournament game.
Valve may be retarded in some cases but at least there not Chinese insects that ruin everything they touch. TF2 is still being supported and probably still one of the most populated fucking hero shooters on the market.
>They just canned 27 people and closed a branch of their VR division. Keep up.
They didn't can anyone from the teams working on TF2/CS:GO/DOTA or any of their other teams other than artifact, it still remains that valve is placing the enjoyment of people playing their games already over the economically effective options, that and valve is still pretty clearly working on VR as well as the fact that the VR team got slashed after a leak. They are the objectively better company for the consumer. There's also the fact that they're not in tencent's pocket and run by a pathological liar.
I'm entirely with you that epic is shit; however Valve is hardly better. Just because one is bad does not retroactively make the other good, just preferable.
I'm not arguing in favor of Epic. Get this out of your head. Epic is shitty. I just think Steam is also shitty - artificial inflation of the market, declining quality of sales, the shaky situation regarding their ToS, etc.
So what's wrong with valve exactly?
Chinese numbers don't count towards the statistics because it's walled off. This is a well understood and explained phenomenon.
Yeah i'm with this user here m8.
Valve themselves don't make alot of anti consumer decisions often. When it comes to vidya developing then hell fucking yes they can do some really stupid shit. See artifact, but honestly steam itself is probably the best thing for pc gaymen in a long time. You can argue that GoG is 10x better but I can't argue with that...because it's fucking fact I love GoG.
Why would they need to constantly update their finished games?
Half-Life 2 actually had big engine updates for a very long time after the game's release, improving a lot of graphical stuff so it's pretty silly to claim they don't support their titles when they're by far the ones that do it the most in an industry where it's the norm to stop updating a game a week after release unless it's for selling more DLC.
The only unfortunate thing about GoG is their significantly smaller choice of games. I pick GoG whenever I can but it's not often enough they get the game I want.
The last update was a month ago for a fucking 15 years old game.
>Over 2/3rds of people aren't playing a game
Why do people have Steam open if they're not playing vidya?
GoG for older titles senpai. Especially titles that are harder to run on newer os. They've been amazing in giving us versions of games that are a bit on the obscure side.
I mean I played XIII, ultima 1-4, and a couple of other obscure older titles recently using it. It's fucking great for me because I really really really love retro games.
Plus the steam versions of certain titles sometimes require ALOT of fixing to get working correctly. Like for instance jade empire required me to do a shit ton of editing configs to get running correctly.
GoG launchers for the most part are designed on giving you the best version of sed games off the bat. VOTMB, Swat 3 and 4, and a couple of other titles have fan patches that fix many of the issues on not only modern operating systems but add missing content that wasn't in the game previously.
GoG may not have as big as a library when it comes to newer more popular titles, they definitely make up for it with offering better modern ports of older more obscure titles.