Which one, Yea Forums?

Which one, Yea Forums?

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origins because WE

Wuz we?

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I chose death

The one where they pretend dindus built the pyramids.

Odyssey. Because it's better.

Are you idiots really so retarded as to think they put niggers in origins? They're clearly not.

It's a meme user

Black Flag, because it was actually fun

That's clearly not a nigger, that's a tanned Egyptian, right moron ?

Ubitrash games are shit.

Origins because Beyak is a badass and Egypt is cooler (Odyssey's greece looks like a fucking carnival attraction). Also the voice acting in Odyssey is terrible. Nigger speaking with a real north african acccent is fine and believable but those greek accents in Odssey are just so obnoxious

You clearly cannot tell one race from another you retard autist. Bayek clearly is egyption and not a nigger.

You honestly think egyptians were milky white or something? Go seethe more on /pol/ you ass blasted virgin

>that skin color
>not a nigger
That's not how Egyptians look or looked in the past you absolutely retarded nigger fuck. I've had enough of your idiocy, post hands before replying because I have no intention of speaking with a subhuman monkey that's WE WUZ'ing unironically.

Why do they stand like that?

kek at the seething /pol/tard

Have sex

exploring ancient greece was the wet dream of many people

Odyssey because it's the less shitskin.

>seething ameri-mutt
lmao, what's it feel like to know the only vagina you'll ever have touched is your mothers when you were slimed out of her disgusting womb


Odyssey because of my wife Kassandra

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Neither because I only played 1 and 2 and it was hot garbage.

I've been playing Origins waiting for the next Odyssey expansion to drop before finishing it, and fuuuuuuck Origins blows.

Like the controls suck, the mechanics suck, the quests are boring af, everything feels jank, the advancement is godawful.

It's a terrible game, if I'm being honest. Better than some of the worst AC games, though.

Odyssey is incredibly superior. Even if they didn't make Alexios' pathing as good as Kassandra's.

Origins because it felt more alive than Odyssey. Also Bayek was a nice fella


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>Egyptians look like sub saharan monkey men
Repeat after me: WE WUZ KANGS

Have sex, incel

>Also Bayek was a nice fella

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Good argument, you've really convinced me you retarded crayon eating history revisionist. Brb, visiting Chicago to pay my omens to the children of the kangs.

typical racist brainlet

Origins was great and Bayek is easily in the top 3 of AC protags.

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Spoken like a true MALAKA

Odyssey for illuminati

Greeks aren't white, but the blackest, ugliest, niggerest monkey people are the real Egyptians who built the pyramids, fucking lmao.
This is your brain on dumb dumb leftist juice.

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>[current year]
>playing ass creed or any ubishit game at all

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Please kys

Imagine being this much of a seething right wing incel

Better than being a double digit IQ retard who can't into history like you :^)

Pic related, it's you

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>tfw was in top 10 in AC black flag and Brotherhood multiplayer
why the fuck did they take it out, it had one of the highest skill ceilings and was fun as hell.

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>Admitting to being an incel
There goes your opinion

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I prefer co op.

Also friendly reminder that the person who made this post is a self hating nordcuck basement dweller who can't stop choking on black cock.

black flag because its better

you're part of the brainlets that made them take it out

Your wife is a massive slut

>I almost had to admit that I'm a window licking retard that can't comprehend basic history, but I'd rather be thinking about your penis instead
Good posting my friend, really convinced me with that leftist enlightenment of yours. WTF, I hate racists now !

Sorry, I don't value the opinion of mentally ill incels

What an embarrassing thread.

>mentally ill
>he pretends that things that obviously didn't happen happened
Yikes, why'd you bring up your own condition ? Freudian slip ?

>playing muchless buying ubishit

big incel

I'm actually about to start my first Origins play through for some cozy Egyptian kino. Also hear it being referred to as Assassins Creed: Wild Hunt.

Wish me luck bros.

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good luck nigga

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>no friends
>family hates him
>likely little no to college education
>both sides
>likely poor hygiene
>little to no social skills
>misplaced sense of belonging to european culture/history
>has likely peed in a cup while at his desk
>Thinks all women are whores
>thinks drugs are "degenerate"
>likely games on PC
>never read a book outside of high school
How many did I get right?

for me, it's AC2

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odyssey cause alexios is daddy

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Origins. Odyssey gets tedious a lot quicker even though it's essentially the same game. I do like the build variety you can have in Odyssey though.
Exploring Egypt is much more fun than exploring Greece too because the naval combat is so horrible.

writings from the old kingdom

This. Blows my mind that like 80% of the fags in this thread probably not only played BOTH of these shitfests but "enjoyed" them.

Yea Forums was a mistake.

>all of this projection

the pirate one

She knows what she likes

>le projection
An incel's favorite retort

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Her cuck hubby is not on that list

Origins because Bayek is way better than Kassandra/Alexios, and because there's so much less clutter and spam and grinding

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>that picture
H͎ͫ́̃̽̆E̪̎̿͐̃͑ͭ̚ ͚̹̬͙͚͍̗͌C̗̮͉̭̙̿̌̋Ọ̶̹͖͉͈̳͔̓M̪̮̪̯̺͈̯͋̏̎̂ͫ̓ͣES͛̃ͦ̂̆͝

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Egypt is comfy but so is Greek society, I like Odyssey more overall

Both good games desu

Yes. in fact I can only recall seeing 3 black people in the whole game. 2 were villains you kill and 1 was a random side quest giver.

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I don't understand why they take your helmet off for all cutscenes, since Bayek had his.

Epic, thank you for your contribution

What a handsome man. Would let him be my sensei.

literally pirates of the Caribbean the game


Not nearly enough double crosses or yelling parlay to be a PotC game.

Based and truthpilled

Seething shill

how about neither

He is probably my favorite AC character followed by Edward Kenway

Just wanted to drink beer with his bro Hepzefa, Teach his son to be a Medjay, and help people out. And goes full on rage mode when that all goes wrong

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Odyssey has more skills to use but both are good games, worth playing both as the settings are very different.

They dropped the ball, we could have played as Darius and Alexios/Kassandra could have worked really well as a supporting role.

>game starts off you killing Xerxes
>find out about the Cult
>go to Greece

But dude muh Leonidas muh 300 muh this is sparta

Whichever mythology you like the most. If you don't care for setting, but for rpg mechanics, go with Odyssey. If you like a bit more straight up gameplay without a lot of rpg, go for Origins. You're only going to play one of them, because they will saturate you a lot, so choose wisely.

If you choose Odyssey, make sure to use the german VO. It's much better than the english one and contains less cringe and made up words.

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Wouldn't Darius be pro-cult though? I don't have the DLC but my understanding is that he's a Persian. What interests would he have about the cult since they're centered on the Greek world?

Neither they both look like niggers

Playing Odyssey made me miss Origins.
Odyssey's greece is ridiculous, ugly and lifeless. Somehow Origins looks better, the copy pasted assets are much more visible in Odyssey, there's less detail, less people, care overall and more grind, more stupid stats, more damage sponges, more fluff meant to artificially boost game longevity

wtf how did you became a kang is that a mod?

If you look at Bayek's face he's pretty clearly an ethnic Egyptian, he even has the big Semite nose that Egyptians share with other Semites.

It's a great game, I hope you enjoy it.

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>more damage sponges
in case someone else has problems with it, loot the Falx of Olympos and then just slap the +100% damage engraving onto a weapon. you can kill everything in one hit using hero strike with it or any other skill, even on the hardest difficulty and even bosses. use multi shot to farm battlefields empty.

Origins felt more authentic and less theme-parky

I have NO fucking clue why they decided it would be a good idea to just make up a bunch of new monuments and statues for Odyssey

Whichever one you prefer the setting of, they're basically the same game.

They reach newer audiences with it, which is the main goal. They don't care for people who have played assassins creed prior because those are already considered to be loyal sales.

As if it would change anything? Normies doesn't buy they game because they see a big statue that didn't exist in real life

Origins has less content but more SOUL

Odyssey has more content but more grinding, way more grinding, and is SOULLESS