Do we agree?

Do we agree?

Attached: shit.png (1682x1293, 1.56M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>shadow of the colossus
Lmao get outta here fag
>witcher 3
>persona 5
Shit list

Imagine I'm someone who hates RPGs, your have to remove a great deal of those

> WW
> SoTC
Everything else is objectively wrong, kill yourself

>Dragon Age
>Max Payne
>Witcher 3
Kek no.

Attached: dabbing_maria.png (794x447, 192K)

This, Western games have always been complete shit


Attached: 2019-03-24-09-37-18--1759578227.jpg (216x233, 8K)

>Doesn't mention the fact that nothing Nintendo made should EVER be considered game of the year
I wonder who made this post...

Attached: Crying.png (225x224, 8K)

The only choices I agree with are 2003, 2010 and 2011.

fucking kill yourself holy shit

Why are you seething? Does Nintendo really live Rent free in your head?

Don't worry. I'll add more to the shit list.
>Wind Waker
>Donkey Kong
Jesus, OP. What a terrible fucking list.

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>Persona 5 over Hollow Knight

What an abhorrent list

2012 was a slow year


Congratulations, you have the worst taste I have EVER seen on Yea Forums.

>Max Payne 3
>Witcher 3
>Doom 2016

No but that's okay because taste is subjective.

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Better than 2013 or 2014, those are the worst 2 years of the decade. Dishonored in 2012 was really good though.

> No GTA 3 or GTA SA
Confirmed shit taste

Wow. Not one good game. What a fucking surprise. Kill yourself, OP.

Here, fixed your shit list for you

Attached: 1553973592689.png (1682x1293, 1.48M)

GTA 3 isn't bad, but I like DMC1 more.

why you are so much of a faggot.

>all of em are single players

Introverts are scums.

Hitman 2 is definitely better than MH but Zoo Tycoon is based

2018 RDR 2
2017 Horizon Zero Dawn
2016 Last Guardian
2015 The Witcher 3
2014 Alien: Isolation
2013 GTAV
2012 Spec Ops: The Line
2011 Dark Souls
2010 ME2
2009 Demon's Souls
2008 GTAIV
2006 Final Fantasy XII
2005 Shadow of the Colossus
2004 Half-Life 2
2003 The Sands of Time
2002 Morrowind
2000 Deus Ex

Single player is much better though. And I'm a pretty extraverted person.

>gta 4
>dragon age origins
>max payne 3



I'm waiting on the DLC to be done before I play it. Do so with every singleplayer game.

Hyped for it though.

When did SysShock force start?

When making these lists I can't even come up with a GOTY for 2013 or 2018, they're so bad. What would you guys say is the best game of each of those years?

I honestly cannot tell if you're a 30yo boomer or a zoomer

Neither of those years are bad.

2014 is the one year I struggle with because the best game to come out in it was only an 8/10 and it feels odd to call anything less than a 9 the GotY

That's fair, but they're definitely drip feeding the fuck out of the content.
plus you've been missing out on elusive targets and seasonal events, which the timed aspect of them are my biggest issue of the game aside from the always online. Still love it tho.

GTAV and Black Fag are both fine options.
RDR 2, God of War, Kingdom Come, Monster Hunter World. Pick one
Now 2012 and 2014, those are SHIT years.

2012 was GOAT material

Why do you all jump in and talk shit, but never offer up any replacements for those titles?

Retrospectively, after all updates, Battlefield 4 is definitely the GOTY.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate's western release was 2013
Alternatively, Metal Gear Rising Revengeance

As for 2018, RDR2 I guess.

1998 Half-Life
1997 Fallout
1996 Quake
1995 C&C
1994 XCOM
1993 Doom
1992 Dune 2
1991 Sonic
1990 Final Fantasy

take your 2 milly copies sold cuz exclusive and no sequel ever somewhere else

No way fag. Far Cry 3, Resident Evil 6, Dishonored, Spec Ops: The Line, all a bit shit.


Attached: GOTYs.png (1682x1104, 2.24M)

2014 at least had a clear winner in Bayonetta 2, but for 2013 and 2018 I can't really think of one. 2012 was mid tier but I really liked Dishonored.


RDR2 and God of War were too cinematic for me. I don't play onlone so I didn't bother with Monster Hunter: World. Never played Kingdom Come but I'l look into it.

Meant to reply to on the last part.

2013 was a shit year but COME THE FUCK ON

This. Even BioShock Infinite and GTA V would've been better picks, honestly.

I guess GTA but did nothing come out in 2013? Seriously?

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To be honest, I liked AC4. The only other thing that comes to mind is MGR.

Last Light was the best game of 2013

I never understand what convoluted metric google uses for those lists but I don't even see MGR on it, yet shit like this is.
Also rogue legacy was a really fun game

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>Dark Souls over Skyrim.

Get the fuck outta here you idiot contrarian moron. Nobody takes you seriously retard kek.

2000 - Deus Ex
2001 - Silent Hill 2
2002 - Metroid Prime
2003 - KOTOR
2004 - Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
2005 - Ninja Gaiden Black
2006 - God Hand
2007 - Halo 3
2008 - Dead Space
2009 - Bayonetta
2010 - Civilization V
2011 - Dark Souls
2012 - Dragon's Dogma
2013 - Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
2014 - Divinity Original Sin
2015 - Bloodborne
2016 - Hitman
2017 - Hollow Knight
2018 - Hitman 2
2019 - contenders so far - DMCV and Sekiro

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i want to call you an anime pussy ass virgin, but i can't do that to a katamari bro.

The entire board worships Dark Souls and hates Skyrim. And for good reason. Skyrim has more bugs and less features than Oblivion, and is otherwise the same game.

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Were games just mostly shit from 2012-2013? I can't remember jack fuck from them and google's lists sure aren't helping.

I don’t even care what you think about the other stuff but if you believe Dark Souls is objectively a better game than Skyrim you’re a complete fucking moron.

Bayo 2 was a 6.5/10 at best lad, that game was a massive downgrade from the first and has embarrassingly poorly designed combat in comparison.

I was referring to Endless Legend.

Skyrim is the most overrated game of all time. It has a bad magic system, bad combat, all the dungeons feel the same, it's buggy as fuck, and a downgrade from the previous shitty game.

>RE 4
Snap your neck

>Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines
>a broken, unfinished mess with shit combat

And no fanmade mods and patches don't count

>it was only an 8/10
Please for my sake tell me this is bait.
8/10 is way too fucking high a score, it's the highest I'd give any videogame.

Replace Silent Hill 2 with Melee, then sure.

You have given no reason to back up your argument. WHY is Skyrim better than Dark Souls?

>original sin
I'll respect it.

God tier taste, even though you are a scummy frogposter

2000 - Red Alert 2
2001 - Max Payne
2002 - GTA3
2003 - Generals Zero Hour
2004 - Space Rangers 2
2005 - GTA:SA (PC)
2006 - Dark Messiah
2007 - Stalker SoC/CoD:MW1
2008 - GTA IV
2009 - Stalker CoP
2010 - Fallout: New Vegas
2011 - DE:HR
2012 - Max Payne 3
2013 - Splinter Cell Blacklist
2014 - Wolfenstein
2015 - GTA 5
2016 - nuDoom
2017 - Prey
2018 - Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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nobody cares, retard


>2009 Dragon Age
I don't know why people do this... I tried playing it for the first time recently and GOD did it age horribly. Everything about it is mediocre, I was searching for a reason to like it. "Well, the music sucks but at least ____ is good." Nope. Everything was garbage.

I don't think I can say that about many older games, so I'm convinced it sucked back then too. Was 2009 really that stale where DA:O is the "best" game?

>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

>TLOU, max payne, GTA, windwaker, all this normalfag shit
get the fuck out of here with your basic bitch taste

2019 - Apex Legends.

2012-2014 were the worst years ever for gaming

A rational answer? gtfo

taste is subjective too, doesn't mean shit tastes anything but

From Soft's next game will be a PS5 exclusive, cope more.

Not bad, for a green nigger.

Why do these charts start in 2000? 1997-1999 are some of the most stacked years for classic games.

>reee games have to be literally perfect to deserve a 10 and anything above 7 must be an exceptional genre defining masterpiece!
Calm down man not everybody rates shit that stringently.

2000:Deus Ex
2001:Max Payne
2002:007 Nightfire
2006:Hitman Blood Money
2007:Team Fortress 2
2008:World at War
2009:S.T.A.L.K.E.R. CoP
2010:Bioshock 2
2011:Batman Arkham City
2012:Max Payne 3/ Black Ops 2
2014:Shadow of Mordor
2015:Dying Light

Haven't played much after those years. Shit GPU.

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because your old gramdpa

Yes, it was an awkward time as we transitioned from one console gen to the next, most of the heavy hitting games in development were being saved for the coming years. We're in a similar situation now but we're getting great games this year nonetheless.

I'm actually a zoomer but I still grew up playing the likes of OoT, Half Life, MGS1, and Thief 2.

>My list is better!
>No mine is!

If you actually look at these lists as definitive answers to what is a question relative to each person that actually plays games then you're a fucking idiot.

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>shadow of mordor
The combat is so bad in that game.


Sure, not that bad.

>ror2 is out
>bloodstained is actually looking good now
>new animal crossing Soon™

Bamham too.


I didn't give you permission to speak. Step out of line again and I'll shit in your yard.

>2 cods
>shadow of mordor

>World at War
>Arkham City
>Shadow of Mordor
nevermind. Fuck you, frogposter.

You can already add Sekiro to 2019

>an unironically good list
kys nigger

Attached: CAN YOU PLEASE GIVE ME ATENTION!.jpg (1200x822, 368K)

>half life
>best game of 2004
It was not even the best game released on November 16 of that year.
I can get behind GTA IV, Seus Ex, DAO, and a couple others though, P5 was not as good as BOTW, but it belongs in the conversation at least so I wont complain.

agree on 2014 and maybe 2017

>SHODAN's taken over the fucking board
oh fuck

Attached: 1549078941168.jpg (472x255, 23K)

Whether you fucking like it or not, those games that I listed you in which you seem to have a problem with being on that list have no demonstrable major flaws, have innovated the gaming industry in one way or another, are actually really decent and are personal favourites of mine. They're cute. They're based. And they're redpilled.

Now sit down and shut the fuck up.

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I have nothing against Sekiro but I'd say DMC5.

Bad combat isn't a flaw to you?

define "bad"

Bamham and Shadow of Mordor's combat is too easy. It's "press button to do cool thing," basically. The constant slow motion in Bamham puts me to sleep too.

man 2012 was really a shitty year uh?

There have been worse, like 2013 and 2014.

For the popular choice, GTA V or AC IV
For the underground choice, The Wonderful 101 or Revengeance

What about 2018?

Pikmin 3, Rayman legends, 3d world all came out in 2013.

Top mostly correct, bottom Reddit tier garbage

Kingdom Come or RDR2

in 2013 BF4 was shit though
by 2015 it was finally in the state it should have shipped in, almost remake-tier

Is it still worth playing today? I don't want to play Niggerfield 1.

>Tearaway Unfolded

Attached: 1470777231738.gif (600x366, 822K)

probably, it's better than BF1 and V, but BF3 is my jam personally

>not botw

2000: Majora's Mask or Baldur's Gate 2
2001: Halo:CE or Devil May Cry 1
2002: Metroid Prime or Gothic 2
2003: F-Zero GX or SMT:Nocturne
2004: Ninja Gaiden or Vampire: TM-B
2005: RE4 or SotC
2006: Mother 3 or God Hand
2007: SMG1 or STALKER
2008: Persona 4 or Mirror's Edge
2009: Demon's Souls or Punch-Out!!
2010: Bayonetta or New Vegas
2011: Dark Souls or SpaceChem
2012: Kid Icarus: Uprising or Dragon's Dogma
2013: The Wonderful 101 or MGR:Revengeance
2014: Divinity: Origina Sin or The Talos Principle
2015: TW3 or Bloodborne
2016: Hitman or Stephen's Sausage Roll
2017: BotW or Rain World

I have great taste.

so 2 mediocre games and an ok one?
>Dark moon was in 2013 as well
jesus was there something in the water that year?

Seething weeb

>can't decide between Halo or DMC
>great taste

2018 is missing

None of these games teach you anything substantial about science or mathematics, that means they SUCK

>or or or or or
Are you a woman

>ctrl+f "minecraft"
>zero results

>not DKCTF


>but has a good list

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Meant to reply to

>all those w*stern """games"""

This, especially TLOU

The semi-official GOTY's were these, just for reference

Attached: GOTY.jpg (3000x836, 3.05M)

Yea Forums hates games

It's the best 3D platformer since the first Mario Galaxy, it deserves it.

you're right
he should've picked the clearly superior max payne
ought luck

>half life 2
Has it been that long??

Attached: 1508833600709.jpg (728x1090, 104K)

Based 2002, sequel when?

> 1990
> 1991
> 1992
> 1993
No, should be Zelda: LA
> 1994
No, should be FF6
> 1995
> 1996
> 1997
No, should be SOTN
> 1998
Yes, it's the GOAT
> 1999
> 2000
Yes for CC, other should be FF9
> 2001
No should be Silent Hill 2
> 2002
> 2003
> 2004
No, should be MGS3
> 2005
No, should be SotC
> 2006
No, Should be MOTHER 3
> 2007
No, should be Portal or Galaxy
> 2008
No, should be Braid
> 2009
No, should be Pokemon HG/SS
> 2010
No, should be Galaxy 2
> 2011
Absolutely Not, should be Portal 2
> 2012
> 2013
Yes, this year was Horrible
> 2014
No, should be Trails in the Sky FC
> 2015
No, should be Trails in the Sky SC
> 2016
No, should be INSIDE
> 2017
No, should be NieR Automata
> 2018
No, should be Smash Bros Ultimate

user the point of these threads is to post shit lists for bait not to post decent lists

Disagree with 2003.
>C&C Generals
>Knights of the Old Republic
>Max Payne 2

Surprisingly good taste

what a shit list