I just don't get why you'd go for PC over PlayStation/Xbox when the games are optimized for the consoles anyway, and the consoles are five times cheaper. Seems like it's usually the best experience with a pretty negligible difference.
I just don't get why you'd go for PC over PlayStation/Xbox when the games are optimized for the consoles anyway...
Elite PC god want broken games to mod
How about you get some sex, incel
Dare I say based?
most people already have the pc. and consoles have no games that aren't just passionless cashgrabs, and I don't have the fucking internet on it
PC players are either poor third world shitskins, furries, trannies, or weebs
>oh boy, now i can play the latest ubisoft games at 45-60 fps!
If they are optimized for the console, then why do they run at 25 fps?
>30 fps locked
>shitty controller that needs auto aim
>mostly movie games
>60 dollars per game
Thers is a reason PC gaming is the Master race. Go back to playing your third person action movie kiddo the adults are going to play some real games.
Fair enough points. For me I play a lot of shooters and prefer the mouse and keyboard for those games. I also like that with my PC it was a lot of upfront $$$ to build up from scratch, more than any console at the time. But each game generation I have to pay less to continue to play new games because I'm only replacing one or two parts at a time, which feels cheaper than buying a new console each gen.
Definitely the worst thing about PC gaming for me is just not having access to console exclusives. Sony and Nintendo made a bunch of great games recently that I really want to play but can't. Ideally when I get some more $$$ flow in my life I can just have both, the modern system AND a gaming PC.
They don't, they run at a locked 30 if not higher.
>inb4 posts a cherrypicked screenshot from a digital foundry video
Also, going higher than 30fps ruins the devs intentions. If they wanted it to be 60 then it would have been 60. RE2 and DMCV run at 60 on consoles.
I play WoW for 12 years already I don't care about other games at all.
>Optimized for consoles
6th was the last one like that. The 360 had many games that would stutter here and there due to hardware limitations, some of them not running even at a playable framerate (which is why they sold like shit, too). Nowadays they don't even give a shit and give you a product that has constant framerate drops like you wouldn't fucking notice, without really making things look amazing.
consoles are for casuals, pcs are for enthusiasts.
>console games
Porn mods you imbecile
My PC costed me 1500$ and I probably pirated and finished 2500$ worth in games, the cpu is still overpowered so it will last me next gen too, I'll just buy some 350$ videocard and stay on 1080/60hz
consoles are good only for those who buy 10 games max per gen, PC is always worth it if you pirate, otherwise it's overpriced and you will hate yourself
I gotta go fast. Consoles do not go fast.
how's nier:automata treating you
What's the point of cats being invasive during vidya?
>Have 2 bengals
>they lie on my keyboard or jump on my lap
>if i ignore them, they roll around, meow, paw, or stretch out
>if i pet them, they bail out and try again later
vr is better on pc, fps games are too hard to play with a controller, mods are super fun, and you can't play roms on console
I've been spoiled by pc hardware this past year. Whenever I play ps4 a lot of games feel like a slide show compared to smooth 144hz. Only drawback is the price, but I think it's well worth it in the long run. You can build a pretty good pc for $400 if you buy used and do a shit ton of research.
Especially when stadia is about to btfo all pc gaming
Lmao Pcbros have been thirsty as fuck ever since BB was teased
They spent the entire period from 2007 onwards going "LOL WE GOT 1080, LOOK LOOK"
and then PS4 shows up, for a quarter of the price of their machines, doing not only 1080p, but advanced graphics
"pff GTX680 is about to come out and it's gunna fucking blow the PS4 out all generation! Just spend 1k on my rig, super worth!"
That GTX680 rig can't run the latest games and ports as well as a PS4 can, let alone a PS4 Pro which again, is fucktonnes cheaper than what they paid.
More people are figuring out that we're hitting the plateau and it makes zero sense to keep investing in PC hardware now that the honeymoon phases are over. Consoles are getting everything and none of the downsides, for less money.
It's exactly why Gaben anhero'd his entire steambox idea, because PC gaming is being so utterly fucking raped by consoles again that this time it won't recover. PC titles are now selling less copies than they did in 2011 across the board. Publishers are gunna leave soon causing a vacuume.
High GPU prices the last year and a bit have also helped greatly in warding off potential new PC gamers.
PC will be merged/replaced with tablet environment. It's allready started, dev studios are more and more using tablets and notebooks + devkits for workstations, only industries still using PC's with custom parts are fucking few and far between.
It's all going to be server grade/compute grade from here on out and by around 2020 Intel will only ship their CPU's soldered to motherboards.
PC gaming is in the process of being kek'd hard.
The reveal of Fromsoft's next PS4/Sony exclusive will help seal the deal massively. It'll deliver another large emotional blow to PC ecosystem and lack of true visionary exclusives.
>Diablo is now a console series and plays better on console
Wolfenstein is now a console IP
When Billzard announces their next MMO is console, it's game over
far better than any console version
Can't do 21:9 on consoles either. Think of all the immersion lost because you gotta play on that fucking walmart tv
Pretty fucking aight to be honest. Do you know hardware and drivers get better? It's crazy.
My 65" LG OLED TV beats out your faggy little monitor, dweeb. When a girl sees my tv she gets wet, IF a girl sees your monitor she laughs
I just like playing games above 60hz.
Can you give me more info about the kitten? It has the same color scheme as my cat.
Their mission is to fuck with you as much as possible while still getting you to feed them and scoop of their poop.
>When a girl sees my tv
user, your mom is not a girl. She's more of a woman. I would know.
I bet you enjoy image retention and ghosting.
>Diablo 3 was pure garbage
>Doom = press button on glowing enemy to kill
>Wolfenstein is pure sjw politics now
>good mmo's ever on console
time to pull your head out of your ass user, the only ppl talking about BB are ps4 cope kids because its the only good game they have
it's funny how people still shill their cats on this site, toxo still working overtime i guess
>no 240hz
>no gsync
>organic meme technology that degrades over time
op btfo xD
I just don't get why you gotta have one or the other. I play both on PC and consoles
>calling anything a meme
>silky smooth 24fps
What's wrong with 60fps?
You're such a rude asshole, leave him alone. He has shit eyesight, everything's a blur to him.
Consoles are entry-level development cycle. Making a video game that runs on variant hardware is a true challenge. PC invented Hard Mode.
Pass the kitten, bro.
name one modern gen video game that runs at 24fps. also get some new insults you fucking fedora wearing neckbeard
because I like to not pay for my games.
>get some new insults
>you [decade old insult]
post yfw console gamers cant play truck sim
I dont understand why these guys dont just own both.. One PC + One Console cant be that hard to work for considering both those will last 4-5 years.. Why pick one?
>Seems like it's usually the best experience with a pretty negligible difference.
The lack of self awareness is simply stunning.
console games here are twice as expensive as on pc
still can't understand sarcasm, eh? guess those special ed classes didn't work
Consolefags will never know the comfyness of dual montiors.
That's a real classy meal as an example..
Imagine typing all this shit and being wrong with everything.
Imagine the smell.
My tv is bigger than your monitors
if the devs intended to give me a bad time i'd have a bad time on every platform and wouldn't buy the game
>inb4 posts evidence
you're a funny guy, go back to playing fallout 76 at 10 fps
>the games are optimized for the consoles anyway,
I don't think you know what dual monitors are for
>the games are optimized for the consoles anyway
I can just imagine fromsoft laughing at this post
>optimized for the consoles
Its not the 2010s anymore.
If anything nearly all non console exclusives run like shit on consoles.
Its just that console users are so used to bad frame-rates and delayed inputs they dont even notice anymore.
How many games are in PS4 shop now? Or in PS3? 200? 300?
>posts cherrypicked scene from metro exodus that lags even a 2080ti
it already does everything else, so might as well
my dual monitor setup feels weak after using the six monitor/multiple desktop environment at work
How are you liking RDR2? Or KH3? Or Bloodborne? Or God of War? Or Spider-Man?
>The earth is flat.
>Here is a picture of a cute animal so it must mean its true and you trying to argue agaisnt me makes you look like a meanie.
>optimized for the consoles
>I just don't get why you'd go for PC over PlayStation/Xbox when the games are optimized for the consoles anyway
>30 or 60 fucking FPS
based peasant
They're "optimized" for consoles but still with almost no exceptions manage to look and run better on PC, not to mention any game with issues usually gets fixed by fans.
I guess I can see if you're a casual gamer who mostly just plays all the new release AAA games and only gets a couple of games a year, but if you're an enthusiast who has an interest in a variety of genres outside of shooters and open world games, wants to see the envelope pushed on technology, has an interest in classic games, and likes to have many options to customize their experience, I don't understand why you wouldn't invest in a PC.
Note that the "It's cheaper" argument only makes sense if you only play new games and upgrade consoles when there's a new generation. If you want to play older games, you'll have to buy the older consoles as well, and you'll have to own all three current gen consoles to get access to all the big games. A $1000 PC will last you as long as a console generation, while on console you'll get a PS4 for $300, a Switch for $300, a 3DS for $200, maybe a Xbox for another $300, plus any older consoles if you want to play something on PS2, Neogeo, etc. plus the cost of retro games, you're easily going to match the price of the PC and even leave room for upgrades.
So yeah, if you're a gamer whose yearly hall rarely goes outside of Ubisoft, Rockstar, and EA games, it indeed doesn't make sense to invest in a PC. But if you're an enthusiast who plays several dozen games a year, only owning a current gen console doesn't make much sense.
How are you liking 30 fps lock that dips below and washed out colors on all games.
And having to keep old hardware and pray to good it still works just to play old games.
How come hundreds of millions of people can play and enjoy games at 30fps but Yea Forums makes a big deal out of it?
I use my PC for a lot of things, gaming is just one of them.
I have a PS3 and I'll get a PS4 eventually to play the exclusives, but there's no reason besides that.
>If I eat shit why can't everyone just eat shit too
A PC can play almost every worthwhile game from the beginning of gaming to now.
there are basically no strategy games on consoles
and I don't give a flying fuck about third-person movies
Same reason why hundreds of millions of people can watch realty tv believe in the bible and kuran and listen to objectively badly made shitty music and movies and play PUBG.
>he unironically uses the term master race
You take being called "special" as a good thing, don't you?
laying in bed watching anime/streams on your bigass tv while shitposting from a tablet is comfiness you mortals cant possibly fathom
or The Sims
>given proof
>t-that doesn't count!
every time
Console is perfect if you're the kind of person who wants a no hassle way to play, the kind who who plays with assist mode on. Aka most of the population. For people who want the best experience instead of the easiest, there's PC.
Can you play literally any game made before 2005 on PC on modern consoles?
Checkmate atheists.
How do you like
Dota 2
Euro truck simulator 2
Arma 3
Europa Universalis 4
Slay the spire
Original war
Witcher 1
Zoo tycoon
Age of empires
Heroes of might and magic
Feel free to name ALL console exclusives, i know i can double the count easily of games you cant run on your console hardware :-)
Btw can your console play the new zelda with 60fps?
>the consoles are five times cheaper
That's not quite straightforward. Over time, I'd argue they're about the same, and maybe the computer is even cheaper.
There are console revisions that require buying a full new machine to be up-to-date with the generation. There are already 3 or 4 versions of PS4 and XBOne each. Then there is the online subscription that costs money over time, and there are the full-priced games. $40-$60 games can stack up the costs quite fast.
Computers have individual pin-point part replacement abilities for relatively cheap upgrades, and the games are cheap/free.
I did a calculation once, tallying 2 console revisions, a generation's length of online service and a certain amount of games, and it got around the price of a high-end computer or so. Feel free to look that up yourself.
>games are optimized for the consoles
They are "optimized" usually for a low standard of fluctuating resolution and relatively low framerates. Developers nowadays are lazy, and you no longer see the Halo 3 level of "we wrote the game in a meticulous way that makes reading it from a disc faster" optimization. Today's "optimization" is locking the graphical settings to some medium level and limiting framerates to a low number.
If you're talking about optimizing interface to a console controller, such as in the cases of Darksiders and Bioshock Infinite, you need to also remember computers have controller support, and that controllers are not exclusive to consoles. On the other side of the same coin, computers have more variability when it comes to input devices.
My cat rarley does shit like that. I have a little blanket for him to lay on while i'm playing vidya so sometimes he'll come on my desk and lay on the blanket.
I play need for speed II at 4k and it is a glorious experience.
>start playing a game
>cat suddenly gets the urge to fuck with cables
Because consoles are for children.
Because you are supporting licensing bullshit that keeps games dead.
Because emulators.
Because you're a nigger and computers are too hard for you.
Because I can live without paying 600 dollars for 1 exclusive.
Can we stop having this thread every day?
pc fats are retards that are bad at everything that's not fps
seen a ton editing stats in sekiro
and theres a fuck ton of cheaters in all the souls games
T. pc snoy hybrid
>Especially when Onlive is about to--
oh no
The cats simply want a daily reminder that you still care about them and accept their existence.
Also from cats perspective humans look ill when they watch TV ot play vidia: you arent moving but at the same time you arent sleeping or napping. The cat simply wants to know you are still okay.
>playing shitty vidya when you have a cute kot to play with
>editing stats in sekiro
Absolutely disgusting
I own a PC for more than just video games.
Holy shit, is that really what console shooters play like? At a professional level?
Would have been dead in seconds on 1.6 with shit accuracy like that
Being a PC gamer sucks ass, honestly. Expensive as fuck, no worthwhile games. Only saving grace is older games and indie games but you eventually run out of the first and the latter usually sucks dick. Being an idort is the real redpill.
Maybe someday the console R&D teams will figure out what a mouse is and give us proper control hardware for a shooter.
Until then I'm done with consoles.
ow console has really good aim and some cod
Nice bait nigger here's your (You)
Oh wait that's a fucking shit bait and I ain't given you a (You)
Because I start up games maybe one time in three months and the PC is my rooms cornerstone of every other media and it's all for free when you don't count electricity and internet bills.
But consoles are just literally limited PCs?
Consoles are only a reasonable only choice if you only care about new games but dont care about graphics,framerate and resolution(aka casual)
>ow console has really good aim
Overwatch had to have seperate patches for PC and console because aiming on console is so shit
Torbjorn was OP on console because the turret had better aim than any player and they couldn't aim at it quickly enough to kill it
>console gamers can't even alt tab
they have to save and quit the game they are playing to open YouTube or web browser
no thanks
Half the price, one fifth the framerate.
>Better Graphics for new games
>Backwards compatability
>Online Play that isn't shit
>Any controller you want
>Superior M+KB and frames for FPS games
Why do consoles bother you so much? You post these webms so fucking much, go get laid or something
Every good multiplayer game is better on PC and I don't play single player games.
I have a gtx 1080 and can barely play DMC 5 at 4k 60fps at high settings,that already makes me mad.
I cannot wait for Nvidia to release a proper Beast and play 4k 144fps ULTRA
yeah they do it's sickening
that and a lot of pc fats being redditors put's me off of using my pc more than i do.
>he posts a webm of a level 1 guy with lowest sensitivity
kys retard
i bet your plat
post a webm of a gm console widow or zarya etc
Imagine that you've been going to this mom-and-pop burger place for years, it's expensive, you have to put the burger together yourself, but all the ingredients are top quality and the finished product is great.
Suddenly, a burger joint opens next door to the mom-and-pop place. Everyone's going on about how much better the burger joint is, how much cheaper it is, how the burgers are already put together so you can just order them and eat, You order a hamburger. The advertisement for the burger shows plump buns, fresh lettuce, juicy burger and all the toppings, but what you get is actual human feces between two buns.
You try telling everyone the burger joint is shit, but nobody listens and says your just a seething mom-and-pop elitiest and the shitburgers are the future.
That's basically Console vs PC. Console is just a hyped up shit sandwich, and the only way to make consolefags open their eyes is post webms of their awful games
The first webm I posted is of an actual esports team you retarded cock guzzler
pc is free because I use it for other things already plus pirate games means it's still free I don't see how consoles beat that
Weird. Thought the 1080 could easily get you 4k over 60, maybe like 80 ish fps.
You think it might be a cpu bottleneck senpai? What's your cpu?
Also have you looked into 2080? That might be able to get you 144fps.
I've got my switch wired up to one of my monitors and going through my pc so I can use audio with my wireless headset. plus I use ps4 link for my ps4 on the comp. consoles + pc is pretty comfy.
What game?
>my dual monitor setup feels weak after using the six monitor/multiple desktop environment at work
what is six good for? I have 3 and a tv. I mostly just use two for work sometimes 3 but mostly just the two. I really don't see what benefit having 6 monitors would provide aside from something like traffic control or visualizing a factory or some shit
Bare s iay dased?
man that cat is cute
>They can't play flight sims
I work in deregulated energy. We use software for watching market prices, monitoring congestion across regional grids, weather reports, etc. I also reserve a monitor for formula 1 or something.
Because they look better on my PC, and I get them on sale more often. Consoles are cheaper, but certainly not in the long run, Since they are easily outdated within a few years.
>Now with realistic concrete textures!
This is why I prefer underage panty quest IX.
This, Ill give you rdr 2 and spiderman. But thats 2 games compared to countless....
>games are optimized for the consoles anyway
>lucky to run above 1080p, rare to run at 60fps
the overwatch one wasn't you retard
and just because there a team doesn't mean anything
regular gms are better than the shanghai dragons
>he posts a bunch of level 1 retards again
level 1 retards on pc are the same
Honestly the best you can do is to have a Switch and a PC combo
RTX is the most dissapointing series ever,sales itselft reflect the situation, I hope they can deliver a new series that is atleast thrice as powerful than a gtx 1080.
Literally one of the prettiest games in existence m8
No need for a shitty switch, I can emulate a wii u just fine.
don't bother arguing with consoleapes, they're too stupid to comprehend anything you post
Not bottleneck btw everything is optimal i7 7700k ,16gb 2700 ddr4 ram,etc
that's such a meme use for more monitors
>I'm a stock broker I need 6 monitors
you're basically just using them like tvs I guess
I'm not gonna invite the guys over to play on my PC, the switch, Smash and some treats is all we need.
Also they've been playing Smash since Melee and still have their controls and adapters, it's just easier to play on the console
I wish, trying to run some games that played on even XP shit the bed completely on 7.
Yeah sounds like you just need a new gpu senpai. Go for it if you got the dosh and want that extra performance. I can't afford the top end shit Because i'm a college student working in the donut mines but honestly I get by with my modest build.
I need to upgrade my cpu though so I might grab the ryzen 2200 g since that might pair well with my 570.
You think I should keep an eye out for anything in particular?
Same. I hope nvidia step up there game and realise that there consumer base want legitimate powerful hardware and willing to shill out a bit more.
i dont even know what game this is, sorry i have better taste since as a console player i have more games than just fps unlike pc port beggars
I invite my friends to play on my pc though. I got tons of controllers, 3 screens, and a shit ton of splitscreen/party games for them to play. I can even set up a steam link to my living room teli to play out there if they want to game on a couch that badly. Either way neither of my guest were not entertained since while we were gaming it's not uncommon for us to watch a movie or something.
>tfw you find a fucking BASED user
It runs and looks best on PC, what point are you trying to make?
It's rainbow six siege. Nice bait though here's your (You)
Gee i wonder why.
exclusive games on all consoles
frame rate issues
made like plastic and cheap
under powered
My pc will run these games far better than any console can even dream of.
no u
>you're basically just using them like tvs I guess
That's literally what a monitor's for. Also don't knock it till you've tried it. It's true that you can have everything you need on a laptop and a lot of people do when they're on the go, but the difference is night and day, especially for the hourly autists.
Ah btw if you play at lower resolutions like 1080p prioritize your budget on the cpu
It would be infinitely better on console
Imagine a world where games are released on every platform and each of those platforms has to compete on their own merits, not on the games they have. Consoles would die out within a month.
Hmmm I feel my PC as something more private and since it's also my work station I usually leave it like that. It's actually my phylosphy behind some game purchases. If I'm gonna enjoy them be taking them out to play it somewhere else, I buy it for the switch, if shit is in my house, PC.
To each their own
Reminder that PC gayming was a meme that Reddit started pushing after that faggot yahtzee made it mainstream
>It would be infinitely better on console
>We have control support as a bonus
This is painful.
>food analogy
>I just don't get why you'd go for PC over PlayStation/Xbox when the games are optimized for the consoles anyway
They're not.
There's plenty of games where the console versions are 30 and the PC version is 60.
lol - I think not. The game at 120fps is smoooooth.
I game on PC, but you saying master race made your post cringe instantaneously
PC gaming is the Master race keep your filthy fucking console war exclusive bullshit out of my pc games OUT NOW!
I'd like people to stop using mouse and keyboard as an argument for PC gaming, or rather, controllers as an argument agains consoles. I play on PC and I use a DS4 controller for pretty much everything, inlcuding fps and other first person games, I don't play fps online anymore so I don't really use mouse and keyboard. PC is superior not because mkb is better than a controller, it's superior because you can use whatever you want.
>I'd like people to stop using mouse and keyboard as an argument for PC gaming, or rather, controllers as an argument agains consoles.
Nice cat
You're paying 400$ for a base console, if you get it at launch, brand new. Ps4 came out in 2013, that means at 2020 when the new generation comes, you'll have spent 750$ without tax on internet which you already pay for and semi free games to get the equivalent of a pc at less than 1/3rd the functionality. That price is 600$ if you got the ps4pro much later.
Consider that that's about half of what it costs to get a high end pc, and about the same as a low end of mid high end of low tier pc which will both work several times better than your current console. Also consider the fact that when the next generation comes you will have to pay 400$ or more to upgrade and you most likely won't be able to play your old games on it. If you were using a pc, you woudln't have to do this, as you could slowly upgrade you rig with higher end components slowly over time and not have to upgrade for awhile. You also don't get conned into paying for your own internet twice.
Consoles are the brainlet's choice, or for those who don't have the room for a pc.
>low end of mid high end of low tier pc
Of course your confused your a nigger and a console tard stay dumb your to stupid to even push the ON button of a pc LMFAO!
now you're just trying too hard, no (you)s this time.
most pcniggers are redditors
> 2019
> Still not being Idort
it's the only thing that will get through to low IQ consoleniggers
>Y-You don't need to play shit games at 60 FPS
Just don't play shit games in the first place maybe?
I like having backwards compatibility
>b-but PS5 will have that
Microsoft said the same thing with XBOne, and look at that. Only a few select games, or shit like "Rare Replay".
What boring ass game is he playing even the kitten is falling asleep? God of soi?
monitors are mostly used for interacting you're using them like the menus at a mcdonalds
>not knowing fucking rainbow six siege
I dont even play it and I know it's r6s. It's like you're proud to be retarded.
I'm happy Path of Exile finally came to PS4 for you guys. I'm an enthusiast, I dont give a shit about price when it comes to PC hardware. I have a nice hotas setup that I play x4 with. PC is all about user customization, and sure it can come with a premium. If all you care about is just playing AAA games then sure grab a console and you'll be happy. I could never settle for that.
Idk man, I just like playing videogames. I have a PS4 and a Switch. I invite friends over to play all the time. I never miss out on any games because I can play them all on these two consoles.
What's the problem? Sure PC has better hardware but who the fuck cares? Its video games, stop taking shit so seriously
>144 Hz Monitor at 1440p
>Running gaems at 100-150 FPS at all times
Yeah, nah.
same fucking copy pasta thread and almost 200 replies
>like the menus at a mcdonalds
Nope. I wrote and maintain our market software and it's not just watching some ticker, and neither is any of the other proprietary software we use. I'll give you the monitor that's generally reserved for weather, though.
Why would it BTFO only pc gaming and not consoles as well?
>Assuming games are not optimised for the platform they are built on.
Do we keep these threads around to laugh at brainlets like this? C'mon Yea Forums!
This argument made a lot more sense a generation ago befor consoles had a bunch of background applications attached to them and their home menu's became twice as much of a headache as anything on Windows, and mandatory day 1 40 gig updates and constant system crashes, and a secondary fee for using the internet ontop of the bill you already pay to your ISP..
>run out of games
As oppose to the sony 20 hour exclusive they release every other year? If you game on pc you should have more hours of games to play than hours of free time in your life.
>Why do consoles bother you so much?
I'm sorry did you want to shitpost about pc gaming in your safe space?
>posts bait
>people point out how shitty and shallow the bait is
>"lol why do you care so much, get laid"