Should I buy a New 2DS XL, or a New 3DS XL?
Should I buy a New 2DS XL, or a New 3DS XL?
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2ds is made with ductape and and left over plastic. Literally any other option is superior
better question is: do you care about 3D? it has an adaptation period and can drop framerate like crazy
new 2DS has a very nice design, sometimes i feel like getting one just for the heck of it
>do you care about 3D?
Did anyone? Ever?
i know some people that do actually use it and even i use it sometimes, its like the only justification i find in booting up my 3DS instead of just playing games on Citra at 1440p
oh yeah also if you plan to pirate it, i think the new 2DS has direct access to the microSD, you have to unscrew the back of the New3DS to access the microSD, i always just connect through the wireless file manage thing but some people gets super autistic about that, they prefer direct access
I got a New 2DS XL to replace my dead 3DS XL. It's definitely thinner and lighter, I can't find a wifi toggle switch, and it only has a MicroSD slot and not a regular SD card slot, but overall feels pretty nice. The stylus is this short, fat pen half the size of the other 3DS family styluses, but there's telescoping styluses for people who want those. The circle pad does leave an imprint on the upper screen on the left side, but that's not actual game space so it doesn't matter, it just looks iffy. The screen hinge doesn't seem to be as tight as I want it to be, since I can shift the top screen about half a millimeter side to side, but it's really a non-issue.
Overall I like it. It came with Mario Kart 7, which I didn't have before, so that's nice.
Is it that bad?
Get a vanilla size n3ds if you can find it.
But why?
Is there any reason to buy one of those instead of an easily acquirable 3DS XL?
>no stretched pixels
>easier on the pockets
>buttons are the same size anyway
I think the main reason is because the XL versions are just upscaled from the original. They’re all 240p so it looks worse on a bigger screen
customizable exterior and colored buttons
its qt
Based Snatchbro
The upscaling isn't that bad, and faceplates and customization are gimmicks, as is the 3D. 2DS XL a best.
Sounds good, looks like I'm getting one next week.
It can't run certain games and runs some games more poorly.
Keep in mind its as mature a game library as it will be, very little else on horizon. but whats there is good
Obviously I meant a New 3DS XL senpai.
I know, that was a reason to get the vanilla 3DS because obviously the person to whom you were responding is a retard.
Well, to be fair, that user said a normal sized New 3DS, not an original 3DS. I think no one with a sane mind would prefer one of those nowadays.
2DS because the 3DS is a stupid gimmick.
2DS. Just make sure it's NEW XL,
People say the non-XL N3DS has a better topscreen because of better pixel density but everyone I've heard from that has both models says you can barely tell the difference and the bigger screen is definitely the way to go. The only reason to get one vs the XL, then, is the customizable faceplates which are a gimmick anyway, it's not like you look at the faceplate while you're playing the thing.
Also, I own a N2DSXL and a N3DSXL. The N3DSXL is the better model, full-stop. It's made with better materials, the speakers are way better, the 3D looks great. The only reason to get the N2DSXL over it is that it's slightly cheaper and you get a free game (which hardly matters, every 3DS game is free anyway).
The N2DSXL is perfectly usable, but it's definitely cheaper feeling all around. The hinge is kinda shitty and loose, the buttons and materials all feel worse, and the speaker placement makes it sound worse.
New 3DS and show off your imported plates
Reminder that the new 2ds is made with cheap material
So if you don't care about that or the 3d get one,if you want one who survive one accident fall and want to see the minimal 3d get one new 3ds,both of them are the same with 30 of more battery and power than the old ones
The 3D is cool once and a while but after the first day of having the 3DS it stops being so impressive. If you play any game with motion control you have to turn the 3D setting off because anytime you turn the screen slightly the 3D effect breaks and looks like shit. Even when you're holding the screen perfect some objects don't display properly like faries in Legend of Zelda or the moon in Majora's Mask.
*30 min
My bad,also remember that the new 2ds includes the charger but the new 3ds don't, I don't fucking get it why they didn't include one with new models of the new 3ds so it's a plus point for the new 2ds
New 3DS XL
But look for IPS screens on top or both sceeens.
I will never understand why people use speakers instead of using headphones.
Is there a panel lottery with the N2DS or are they all IPS screens?
N2DSXL is guaranteed double TN. This is a budget console, make no mistake.
>Should I buy a New 2DS XL, or a New 3DS XL?
None of the above.
Battery on the N2DSXL isn't as good as the one on the N3DSXL. I'm probably going to trade in mine for a N3DSXL since it seems they are scaling back on N3DSXL production
Shut the fuck up faggot, you're fuckin' trailer trash you loser. The 2DS feels like a fuckin' Tiger Electronics handheld, it was made for broke little spics and niggers.
Ideally I shouldn't have to, the thing should just have a good enough sound that it can stand up on its own and doesn't need me to plug my expensive stereo headphones into it to get good sound quality.
But this is hardly just Nintendo's problem. The Vita had fucking garbage speakers too.
Apparently they are all TN but some people say that they have ips screens
So it's a lottery again, I got a top ips new 3ds so I'm good with that
How do you tell what screen you have?
>Easier access to microSD (stored next to game card, whereas on the N3DSXL you need to unscrew the back panel)
>Cheaper cost
>Comes with a copy of Mario Kart
>Overall better design
>Worse battery life than N3DSXL
>Inferior build quality
>Screen brightness can make colors seem a little washed out
just wait 3 weeks for the new 3DS they made, they make 20 new ones a year
I'd rather get a used N3DS XL then. At least you can check the screen that way and have a chance at an IPS one. And the N2DS is still too expensive for what it is.
I would suggest checking out Nintendo's online store for refurbished N3DSXLs. They're the same price as brand new N2DSXLs.
>And the N2DS is still too expensive for what it is.
Agreed - if you're gonna get a brand new 3DS system you might as well pay the 50 extra burgers and just get the good one. Yeah the N2DS comes with Mario Kart but who fucking cares - hack the thing and you get every game for free anyway.
For how cheaply the N2DS is made it really should be closer to $100, which is the price of a used N3DSXL that would probably still be a better deal.
The easiest method is going to this page
This. I have small hands and it's perfect for me. Also I hope you plan on hacking it, OP.
Of course, that's exactly why I'm buying one.
There was one dedicated user who made 3DS formatted pictures of cute anime girls so you could look up their skirts
That's about the most use I ever got out of the 3D
What size is the internal sd card on new3ds?
>>Worse battery life than N3DSXL
Is it a significant difference? Like, an hour less?
When is generations ultimate coming to 3ds? I'll get an n2ds for it if there's a special console pack.
It's on 3ds anyway as XX, don't expect the localized GU to go on 3ds though.
It's pretty damn cheap feeling, but on the other hand it's also much cheaper while playing all the same games