Greentext your worst online gaming experiences
Greentext your worst online gaming experiences
>i dont remember
>genji on our team is toxic and wont fucking switch on a competitive match even though everyone is telling him to
>lose 2-3
>play another match right after
>same genji
>more toxic, starts bragging about him being a doctor and me not going to get anywhere in my life
>throws from the start
>lose instantly
and thats the last ever overwatch match i've ever played, this was about mid-summer 2017
>Pop in MAG for ps3 for the first time
>Drop in to a game that is underway
>Run a little ways and some guy runs out in front of you
>Shoot and kill him
>Oops , team kill yo didn't even know about friendly fire
>Fucking guy hunts me down for the rest of the match just fucking butt hurt
>unironically complaining about “toxicity”
You deserve it reddit
>a million years ago
>Man leads me into Wilderness for some random reason
>attempts to murder me
>murder him back
I never trusted anyone in an online game ever again.
>genji on our team is toxic
I can't tell if this is satire or not.
Runescape was pretty good at teaching us life lessons.
yeah fuck ow. what a waste of money and time.
>Playing dead by daylight as killer
>survivors are on a team all carrying flashlights to blind me
>helplessly slay one at a time and each time i pick one up even facing a wall one fucker comes up, t-bags and blinds me
>This image is accurate
>They all circle me and t-bag me
>there's nothing i can do
>it's on a twitch stream
>after the match they all make fun of me
>get out of my chair, go smoke a cigarettes and contemplate what the taste of bleach and vodka mixed would taste like
I died a little bit inside.
this must have been when flashlights were stronger, no?
>was the Hunter on a game of L4D
>try to get a good vantage point on an overpass
>get kicked
but why?
>playing Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
>get on a stationary ballista
>shooting at enemies when some friendly comes up from behind me and kills me
>complain about the tk
>others are just like lol
>the guy who killed me is now manning the ballista
>avenge myself
>the guy calls a kick vote on me
>I get kicked
People really are arbitrary
I have no idea its been months since i last played.
>playing OW comp
>Reinhardt solo queue, rest of the team is a premade
>ask them to join the chat, they don't
>do my best with what I can, they all are fucking awful and we lose handily
>they join the team chat in the end and all start literally screeching at me like banshees
>tell them they suck and I can't carry 5 bad players
>they freak the fuck out and start screaming
I think I was grouped with literal autists, but that was the last match of comp I have and will ever play.
To prevent depression, I will tell one of my best experiences
>bantering on voice chat of a game
>say the word "nigger" in some context that doesn't discriminate against black people
>"oh no you didn't, razism is against the rules"
>the admin heard the word I uttered
>smugly says "see ya" over the voice chat
>read on the screen "somerandomguy was kicked from the server"
>everyone is like "why did you ban that guy, he didn't do nothing, he a good boy"
>the admin starts sweating his onions, apologizing for his mistake
>I just laugh, call him an idiot and leave the server
Fuck off redditor.
im glad that i got banned for having a virtual machine open in the background
>playing wolfenstein on og xbox live
>everyone on mic having a great time
>hear what sounds like dog whimpering in backround
>everyone stops talking and whimpering gets louder
>here what sounds like someone slamming a puppy on the floor repeatedly
>puppy is going crazy
>hear one last slam and whimper
>everyone just leaves server
Easily the most fucked up thing I've ever heard playing online
You wouldn't be in the game to voice chat if you got banned you liar. If you're going to tell lies on the internet at least make them believable.
>"somerandomguy was kicked from the server"
the admin didnt ban him, but somebody else, you moron
>play Darkest Hour first time after 5 year break
>get into a tank with other player manning the turret
>forget how basic driving
>drive into the river, killing us both
>immidetaly quit game and change nickname out of shame
That one was partly your fault. How the fuck do you jump into a multiplayer game and not know what the factions look like?
This is why you will never leave this place.
>Playing TTT on Gmod on that Minecraft map
>Kill some guy that was acting suspicious and ended up being a traitor but people started losing their shit claiming RDM
>Match goes into over time and everyone is dead but find one guy hanging around the light house with a shit ton of un ID bodies and blast his skull open with a shotty and win the game
>Get banned for RDM because there was one other guy who was just wandering around doing but fuck nothing on the other side of the map
Fucking geeks that take this shit beyond serious ruined TTT
>play Overwatch comp
>someone picks torb on attack
>another teammate complains and tells him to switch
>he doesn't
>player leaves
>another player leaves
>the torb player leaves
>we lose the game instantly
this type of shit happened to me multiple times that is why i quit overwatch never went back
>getting bullied by older kids over voice chat when your balls havnt dropped
>contemplate suicide over a video game
wow, now I genuinely hope you do
>Can't tell what is or isn't a joke
Actual autism.
>dota 2
>guy with name I LOST MY JOB FOR DOTA 2
>absolutely salty bastard
>shits on everyone
>then breaks down about how he got fired from his job
>people confused asking him how thats possible
>dude literally didnt show up to his job because he had to climb mmr
>probably does the same thing every match
>ITT: pussy-ass "men"
ha, close your eyes nigga haha what is wrong with y'all learn to get thick skin and retort back. You might even make friends that way.
>le romanticized bants
It never happens, people just meme and repeat naughty words without thought.
>having any negative emotions about anything at all makes you a pussy
calm down you fucking edgelord
>playing Chivalry: Medieval Warfare
don't even need to read the rest, that game has a HORRIBLE playerbase
>Colonial Marines SS13
>Character is Artyom Dotevsky, slav with tourettes and definitely not surgically-induced frontal lobe damage by back-alley Weyland Yutani abortion doctor
>greet fellow deltard waiting for dropship
>"privyet duboy! kak dela?"
>"Enjoy your beauty sleep, da?"
>basic russian shit
>he's a newfag and a retard, "SHUT UP COMMIE RETARD BEFORE I KILL YOU"
>I'm used to deltards being stupid
>usually they back down after a couple of slav-screeches
>he gets quiet
>mission accomplished
>starts pushing me, "What'd you just say to me commie"
>use disarm to knock him down
>"Of calm down tovarisch, was only joke. Have brain-bug that make me say things sometimes"
>Squad Leader uses radio to tell me to calm down, "Arty what the fuck?"
>Staff officer LT chimes in, "Dotevsky, Alamo's landing in a minute shut the fuck up so SL can relay orders"
>Tell faggoty western LT to go fuck self, "Shut up desk-jockey go back to rub cock to shitty space jav blyat"
>hangar lights turn on, Alamo starts to land
>faggot gets up, tries pushing me under it
>Artyom is partially retarded so he thinks its a joke
>"Haha! Funny one duboy!"
>push him again, he's laying down where one of the engines lands
>pull him out of the way right as Alamo lands
>"You are of fine tovarisch, I of have you blin"
>get on ship
>buckle in across from fag, he doesn't understand how to buckle in
>"You of need help tovarisch?"
>take off helmet to get smokes off of it
>fucker throws knife at me
>breaks through skull, lodged in brain
>he throws another, bounces off chest
>"Okay, that is of not funny cyka"
>get up, get out shotgun
>point blank buckshot straight to skull
>everyone on Alamo freaks the fuck out
>MPs rush in, disarm and stun me
Fuck didn't realize this story would take so long, cont.
You thick cunt.
My cont. post got deleted when I tried to post it somehow. Re-writing
>MP asks me what the fuck
>"fuckhead dupitsa put knife in head so I put lead in head blyat FUCK CUNTWHORE THAT HURT"
>head bleeding, brain hurt
>MP drags me to brig
>admin messages me, "why the fuck am I getting friendly fire messages"
>explain the situation like I did to the MP
>after a minute of log-reading the admin messages me back
>I'm not getting banned, and since I got FF'd he heals me (based server rule)
>admin gibs saves Artyom from bleeding out
>in brig, MP says I get permabrig since I killed my SL
>worry that I shot the wrong guy (I was in critical health so my vision was all fucked up, and I didn't bother reading the name)
>ask LT over radio what the fuck
>commander jumps on and yells at me, "ARTY WHAT THE FUCK WHY'D YOU KILL DELTA SL"
>LT says, "Yeah Artyom why'd you kill the fucking aSL"
>aSL = acting squad leader
>Ask LT what happened to real SL
>real SL got killed planetside along with the spec, so the retarded LT made the faggot our aSL
>crisis averted
>commander and retard LT chill out (I think the MP used the Command Channel to explain stuff, he was talking but I couldn't hear it)
>sentence moves from perma to 5 minutes because the ship's about to be attacked by aliens
>shoot shit with MP while he gears up to defend the ship and wait for my sentence to be done
I can't remember that many bad online experiences, but this one fucked me up a little bit when I thought I killed the SL in my blood-blind buckshot hunt
The rest of the round was good, but that's not a story for this thread
Oh yeah I forgot to add what happened with the medic
>MP remembers he had to yank a knife out of my head
>drags a doctor in from medbay to fix me
>they stun me before letting him in
>"What of fuck am I going to do to doc? Hit him with prison slipper blin?"
>doc scans me
>doc is confused
>"Not a scratch on him"
>MP is confused
>Doc leaves my room right as I recover
>go to prison door to look at them
>"Space Jesus of healed me the head trauma, for I am his tovarisch and sword"
>doc fucking leaves while the MP just stares for a minute
Artyom is also a devout Orthodox Christian, if I forgot to mention that
I dig this Artyom fellow.
>MAG Beta
>Everyone getting use to the squad system
>Get matched with some tryhard who is trying to call all the shots
>Starts bitching over Mic when objectives start getting captured
>"Wow, you guys call yourself a team?! This is fucking pathetic!"
>Screw it
>Ditch what I'm doing and run around looking for him
>Start repeatedly killing him as he crys on mic
>He starts commanding others to Team Kill me in retaliation
>Nobody bites the bait
>He starts chasing me soon after and starts killing me
>He continues to do this as I casually get back to the actual game
>Ragequits after a few minutes.
I can't say that encounter was bad with how it ended but I pretty much gave up on the Idea of getting MAG when I realized it was probably going to be more of the same in full game.
yeah why would i want to play the fucking game when i can be a dickhead lmao, ebin reply 4channer
>Playing CSGO ranked with friends, using aimbots
>One friend gets banned
>10 minutes later I get banned
>We still won
>literally every single LoL match
>absolutely delusional as fuck players
>not only low skilled but oversensitive too
>devs are garbage too
I shit not the game brings out the worst of people. Not a single other online game community can top them in stupidity. The worst part is the game is literally locking you up with these people and you cant leave.