Why is this game so hated...

Why is this game so hated? I was wanting to get back into borderlands and I realized even though I bought the handsome jack collection years ago I never actually played this one. Should I just play 2 again or is this one worth checking out?

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It doubled down on being exceedingly obnoxious and tryhard to the point of impeding any amount of "fun" you could possibly have. It was basically DLC sold as a "new game"


The Claptrap character is animated poorly.


>huge ass maps that takes forever to traverse
>gimmicky laser guns
>gimmicky slam attack
>low variance in tilesets
>floaty low gravity
>forced aussie """""humour""""
>20 quests from like 1 NPC

the nicest thing was that grinding station that allowed you to recycle guns

Guys, give me your honest opinion on Borderlands 1 and 2. Should I play them? I always found them a little cringy and annoying, and the weapons felt pretty shitty.

It was basically an standalone expansion pack for BL2 that was sold as a completely unique title.
It was shorter than the other games and still priced the same despite using a shit ton of reused assets.

You can either embrace the cringe and understand it's basically so bad that it can be amusingly bad or just not play it.

Claptrap was fun to play.

But the game was super bogged down with literal gay shit. Also, Lilith is a super turbo cunt and everything that happened prior to BL2 was entirely her fault.

Borderlands 1 is the only good one.
Prove me wrong.

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I didn't like 2 and and the pre-sequel looked like more of the same, so I skipped it

im assuming you are talking about solo play, unless you are teaming up with randoms..and I heard that random is full of people with gibbed guns so that will ruin the fun desu

never really played BL1 but BL2 was an absolute blast with friends, as far as a looter shooter goes it is almost perfect. Playing solo is okay I guess but some parts you'd really wish you had squadmates to revive you, and the scaling for OP levels is very aggressive so its frustrating for a solo player. Thats like NG++++ though

the dialogue doesnt bother me that much and at the time it was made it was less cringey.

I can deal with the cringe, I'm more concerned about the weapons feeling like shit when I gave the first game a shot. I played for about an hour or two max and just never had any interest in continuing.

One of the few things I liked about the game is the unique dialog you get sometimes depending on what character you are.
It wasn't much but it was a nice touch and something I hope comes to 3. Probably not.

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First of all, this: Second of all:
>Burch at his most reactionary state
>literally puts in sections based on what people wrote him on twitter and to tell off Yea Forums
>shoehorns his LGBT for "a better world" agenda in the most awkard ways, so NPCs always find a way to remind you that they're gay or bi.
>First NPC you meat literally reminds you three times that she's a lesbian and the game itself reminds you throughout the whole game per echos or scene's she's in
>even bosses have echos that tell that they're actually gay
>gameplay gimmicks that arent needed(slam and low gravity for example)
>many areas are boring as fuck
>quests are boring as fuck and many are just copy pasted from BL2
That said
>some of the characters are fun to play as
>Doppelganger literally has the most interesting characterization in the whole BL universe, hating his job yet still acting like Jack during official moments
>Cryo was a neat addition as element
>No slag
>CT DLC is unironically great and one of the best next to TT Dragon Keep
I'd say that its worth checking out for one playthrough.
But even during my first playthrough of TPS, I always thought about going back to another run in 2 instead(which I often did for a bit.)

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Not even kidding, what did they mean in that picture? Are they just being “lol so random” or are they making fun of the people who say Borderlands has too many memes?

The pre sequel did one thing better than BL2, making every gun worth picking up and thinking about, like in the first game. In 1, the best moments of the game were in the middle of a firefight, needing a full mag right then and there, and snatching up a gun from a guy you just killed to finish the fight rather than reloading, which took way longer than in 2. But trying that shit in 2 was suicide, using anything less than purple rarity was just useless, and in NG+, you needed 3 specific legendaries working in tandum, no mixing and matching guns you like the look or feel of. Pre sequel let me use white and green rarity guns again, like the first game.

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>Shining example of content padding between average travel distances, multiple detours per quest every other quest and oft-recycled set pieces
>weapon variety is far more narrow while unique weapons lean more towards gimmicky for better or worse
>writing that relies on topical nonsense is very hit or critically misses since the dev team are strayans, so good luck catching or enjoying any cultural references if you aren't an austraiboo

It did a few things right like reigning in the enemy scaling and damage outputs while also removing the need for mandatory slag. Even it's replacement element Ice is handy outside the damage increase it provides. Atmo and vacuum also help mix things up with elements but how you feel about that means more than what it does. The playable characters themselves are different enough not to feel like rehashes when it comes to their skills.

tl;dr it did some things better than BL2 but the sheer lack of content and replayability makes it inferior even after factoring in the positives.

>8 hours in Borderlands 2
>You go through an icy wasteland, wreckage of a ship, steampunk-esque factories, the desert, grassy highlands, modern cities, the hellfire area, revisit the first game's starting zone and finish up in a volcano

>8 hours in The Pre-Sequel
>You go through a space station, the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon, the moon, a space station, and the moon again with one cool Eridian area at the end

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they are extremely butthurt

they became self-aware and are were putting shit in the game so that people could meme it even more.

I played through all the previous games with friends but this one made us drop it at some point in the middle.
Every single quest required us to assemble near some npc and listen to longass obnoxious monologues in locked rooms instead of doing something productive separately all over the map while that npc rants over radio.

The latter.
And it's with certainty aimed at Yea Forums.
At the time of BL2's release up to TPS Yea Forums shat on Burch harder than you can imagine and shitposted on his twitter daily.

am I the only one that liked the slam attacks?

it added a bit to the combat with doing extra damage or shooting off their oxygen bubble helmet

seemed neat to me

Idk, it's a pretty good shut your brain off and shoot shit game. Worth about as much as 2, anyone who pays attention to the retarded story and characters is room temp iq

i want to fuck
i guess

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>game is set on the moon
>"why do we go to the moon so much"

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That’s hilarious lol. Borderlands goes a little overboard with its meme jokes but it never really bothered me that much. Sometimes it’s funny, usually it’s not. I just love the gameplay too much in the games to let it bother me.

not him but its not like their hands were tied in a fictional universe where they could've literally done anything with any premise and get away with it too

That guy has a good point, though.
Most areas in TPS were awful.

that's anthony burch for you.
he can't leave shit alone, which is why everything(including his marriage) ends up with him being thrown out

its short and weak and not fun

yeah the games are enjoyable
despite the faggy characters

the oxygen mechanic was annoying

Atleast they have an accurate portrayal of lesbians

The awkward feeling gunplay may depend on what level you played at. At low levels all the guns feel shitty and awful, but over time when you start getting blues and purples you really like to use it feels a lot better.

BL1 is really great in my opinion but always felt really unpolished to me. There's a lot of awkward silence in the game, pretty drab colored environments, and the tone is a lot less memey and more dark. I had a lot of fun playing it, but that was back when it first came out YEARS ago so I'm not sure how well it would hold up. Remaster might fix a lot of that though.

BL2 is really good, just a much more polished version of BL1 but with more varied environments, color palettes, and enemies. I like the story more, guns are cooler, and it's just a great time even playing solo.

Pre Sequel is very similar to BL2 imo. Just with much better gunplay because of the added laser weapons, cryo element, low grav combat, double jumping, and ground slamming. Many levels are bloated and look very samey to other levels, and apparently the endgame and boss grinding aren't that good (but I don't do that so I can't properly speak to it). But I think the gunplay and the story are the best in the Pre Sequel compared to the previous two games.

It would have been good if it had actual endgame content. The characters were pretty fun and the cryo and laser weapons were cool.

No I loved low grav and slams. With low grav you could spring double jump down corridors sniping away head shots, take an ox vent sky high and do some more sniping, then groundslam into some goons and blast them with the shotgun. Low grav and all its mechanics were easily some of the best things about the pre sequel. Plus having all the extra jump range and jump height in maps forced them to make their maps higher which brought a lot more verticality to the game design that I think BL2 desperately needed.

I love the Pre Sequel and even I can admit the samey level design was a bit tedious. They could have done more with that setting I think to break it up.

It made the BL1 characters seem like absolute dicks. And the map design was shit. And the australian accents did not work. Gday mate, eres me billabonga(??!). And the dlc development was stopped halfway through.

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Map sizes were obnoxiously huge with no reason to that just padded game time and the classes felt uninspired with one literally just being aimbot.

Though i did buy the handsome collection on steam today for dirt cheap to play this again and wanted to give it another shot and check out the claptrap dlc

Reminder that Tales from the Borderlands is objectively both the best Borderlands game and the best Telltale game and you should play it

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>buy it
Why? just pirate that shit.

oh wait, you said "play"
never mind, my bad

the first one had better feeling weapons than later games. I hate the fact that they dumbed down some of the weapons like revolvers so you can't just go with a full pistol build anymore. bl1 had lots of fun ways to make your weapon build and I feel like they hamstrung it later.

they did do that the moon has lava waterfalls and shit

telltale is shit I'm glad the company went under so they stop making shitty "games" that people pretend are good or some shit choices matter

This is ture, also Brick is best playable character.