Has there ever been a bigger "FUCK YOU" game for fans of the respective series than this?
SEGA didn't even attempt to apologize for this scam, and swept it under the rug immediately. I've never bought a single Sonic game after this because I refuse to forgive SEGA for this abomination. Not even the good looking ones like Sonic Mania.
Has there ever been a bigger "FUCK YOU" game for fans of the respective series than this?
Other urls found in this thread:
Only good sonic game is Shadow the Hedgehog anyway
seeing the long list of bad sonic games released even before that one, I don't see why it should be regarded as anything special
>Has there ever been a bigger "FUCK YOU" game for fans of the respective series than this?
Yes, It's called Fallout 76
Don't you have better things to be doing for your weekend, junior?
they redeemed themsevles with sonic unleashed
I think the bigger middle finger is the fact that they never apologized for releasing an unfinished, buggy prototype as the final release of the game. Plus they still reference it in various titles and made Silver a main cast member.
No lol
>sega didn't even apologize
people thought the series was going to die with that abortion
I already thought the series was dead before DmC, so that's not saying much
It was so bad that it killed Game Grumps and turned JonTron into Hitler.
>"I have found it gratifying to piss all over a game that's shit for nice straight forward reasons like the developers being completely fucking inept, not because it got ass cancer from all the corporations raping it"
MGS4, literally shit on everything good the first 3 games did
They didn't apologize to people who bought this game on launch thinking the gameplay videos that showed its potential were actually the real deal.
Frankly, Unleashed should've been free. That would've been a true apology and replace a near unplayable scam to a good one. I'm not going to give them more money, at least not for Sonic.
3 was the original fuck you to people who played the first two.
Unpopular opinion: MGS4 > MGS2.
I think 3 is the best one though.
They kinda made an apology with unleashed. At the very least they recognized it as being a bad game
Revengeance > Rest of MG series
Forces. We waited twice as long for something twice as shit. Literally every single aspect of the game was a massive disappointment in one way or another. They brought the boost gameplay back but it's based on Lost World's engine. They tried to make a more "serious" story but it fucking sucked. The limited custom character options are all pretty ugly and don't fit very well with the main cast. They couldn't even nostalgia pander (The only thing nu-Sonic Team knows how to do) right. Like fo example Chaos doesn't even get a boss fight or anything, classic Sonic just bops him on the head and that's the end of it. What the fuck?
I didn't play it but I'd like to.
>MGS4, literally shit on everything good the first 3 games did
At had to tie up the series and all the stupid bullshit MGS2 introduced.
and fixing Raiden is not shitting on anything
The game was great what are you talking about
good taste
Forces was worse, the only people that think 06 is the worst thing ever are underage faggots. Yes its terrible but its not the worst game ever hell not even the worst in its own franchise.
sonic boom for the people who liked generations
sonic lost world for the people who liked colors
sonic team racing for the people who liked racing transformed
forces and the sonic movie for literally any sonic fan
2006 isnt even the worst sonic game anymore
But Team Sonic Racing looks great user. removing the boat was a good thing. And nobody outside of Yea Forums cares about the other Sega characters(sadly)
And that's a good thing.
>He unironically thinks Forces is better than 06. Fucking kek at the bare minimum its just as bad but atleast 06 tried to have level design.
t. wasn't around for the hype session
Everyone still respected Sonic around the time of 06 and everyone had mostly high hopes, which made the fact that this game was shit even worse. Now EVERYONE has minimal hopes for a Sonic game when it's first announced AND made Sonic into the literal laughing stock of the internet.
Maybe I should envy you guys for not being around that time...
Nice try but around 06 was the peak of my Sonic faggotry so yes I was there. Forces is still the worse game hell even boom is worse. Kinda sad that a game as terrible as 06 can get 1up'd in shittiness. Sonic Team was a mistake
I would argue 06 is so bad its good. It's good for laughs with the gem shenanigans and the other numerous glitches
Objectivity incorrect on everything
It's not even good at that. There's way better glitchy messes you can laugh the fuck about, like Skate 3, Duke Nukem Forever, Fallout 76, etc.
removing the crossover aspect and removing the transformations just turned it into a generic racing game which is pretty lame when they had something much more interesting
i thought it was the shadow the hedgehog game that killed the sonic franchise
To be fair, Boom wasn't really Sonic Team's fault. But Forces definitely was.
Not Sonic. But still a big Fuck you
>. I've never bought a single Sonic game after this because I refuse to forgive SEGA for this abomination. Not even the good looking ones like Sonic Mania.
Kind of cringe. But for the most part you made the right choice. every sonic game besides colors and generations sucked.
>removing the crossover aspect and removing the transformations just turned it into a generic racing game which is pretty lame when they had something much more interesting
Nah the core gameplay in the Sumo games is good enough to carry it. The transformations were always a less refined gimmick that controlled worse.
Nah Shadow the Hedgehog is on par with Sonic Heroes
>It's cringe to avoid a scam company after being scammed once.
shadow's level design was shit compared to heroes mediocre design. Heroes had better music too.
How the hell was KH3 a "fuck you"?
Heroes' level design was just as bad desu
Other M for Metroid.
>sonic mania and good sonic games
>being so butthurt from a badgame you refuse to acknowledge the ok ones
yeah its pretty cringe
The only good tracks in Sonic Heroes are Hang Castle and This Machine. All of the music in Shadow the Hedgehog is better
Oh no, I played the good games, I just pirated them. I'm not giving a single cent to SEGA anymore.
I DO buy games that are genuinely good, though.
heroes has way more interesting environments and the chaotix missions were more fun than dark/hero missions usually
Good answer. My answer would be DmC: Devil May Cry or Fallout 3.
>heroes has way more interesting environments
Yeah sadly they are just skins and nothing interesting happens in them besides the same copy pasted set pieces. Shadow atleast did interesting things with every level.
Shadow the Hedgehog was teetering on the edge, but Sonic 06 threw the franchise off a cliff that has no bottom
was deleted
I take it that post was Barry shitposting and ban evading, yet again
>No one mentioning any Nintendo franchises besides one person
Where does Heroes lie in Yea Forums‘s Ranked Sonic Games?
Sonic Unleashed is ass and doesn't redeem anything.
Is it weird I'd rather have a remake of this than Adventure 1? Sonic Adventure is all it'll ever be whereas 06 has so much scrapped, broken, and missing content it could be so much more.
I feel like a "fuck you" has to be an intentional disregard of fans in favor of reaching a wide audience, usually involve devs dismissing criticism or actively antagonizing fans who criticize them, and have the devs genuinely believe in their product and that they are being daring.
Sonic '06 is a game that got mostly screwed by the devs having little to no experience developing on the scale required by the new consoles, having to develop a brand new engine in-house, the team being spread thin across multiple projects at once, and most of all the clueless publisher ignoring all these issues, pushing out a product that was woefully unfinished against Sonic Team's wishes, I mean we even know the game was pushed out early to meet the holidays.
The game followed the same formula from the Adventure games that fans seemed to like. I imagine the team genuinely would have made a quality game that fans would love if they had the ability to.
It's more like Sega execs who've never played a game in their life not understanding that quality matters and isn't just a given.
fair enough
But it was the last good Sonic game and the only good boost game user(not counting Rush of course)
Sonic 06 was bad?
Name two
I support what you're doing.
It sucks that we have to do without games, but it's the only way these cAAApitalist corporations will improve.
At least it's memorable as one of the greatest fuckups in gaming history. Subsequent Sonic are just bland and forgettable.
>Metroid with Other M
>F-Zero ending off with a shitty GBA game
>Pikmin giving us a shitty platformer that has nothing to do with the main mechanics of Pikmin
>Chibi-Robo with the same thing as Pikmin
>No need to even explain Paper Mario
>2D Mario getting buttrapped by generic garbage while 3D Mario is allowed to flourish creativity
I could go on.
D Mario getting buttrapped by generic garbage while 3D Mario is allowed to flourish creativity
But 3D Mario is just as generic user. With the exception of Galaxy
>Forgets to mention The Doom and Lost Impact being complete garbage
The entire last half of Heroes is garbage too. Neither of the games are very good.
The ending of the game retcons itself. The game is officially non-canon. The end has time reset itself, and the event that led the game to happen never happens. Sonic never meets Elise, or however her name is spelt.
The game is so bad, it never happened.
A robot had a more tragic death than Sonic
I thought the level design got better near the end, but the health bars got ridiculous
>but the health bars got ridiculous
Yeah thats the problem it completely ruins any fun you can have with the levels. The combat in that game is so shitty you are basically forced to do the team blast glitch if you wanna have even a little bit of fun.
Now that Unleashed is coming to Steam, was it a good game?
How is it living in the best timeline? Did 3D Sonic ever get good again?
At least Shadow gives you guns and ammo is plentiful. Which is what made Diablon such a bitch to fight
The Sonic stages are good.
The Werehog stages fucking suck
>Which is what made Diablon such a bitch to fight
Glad i'm not the only one that hates that fucking boss. It wasn't even hard just tedious as hell
>Not giving money to based Taxman and Stealth for their efforts
What are your gay?
Most of the money goes to SEGA.
If they set up some type of donation feature for their website that goes to them, I totally will.
git gud
Having to save at least one bullet until you got Chaos Blast sucked.
Besides the fight should've primarily been against Sonic
Its not hard retard just really boring and slow.
Boring and slow if "abuse team blast glitch" is your strategy
Those Eggman's robots with the helmets are the worst
They already said that after it's backwards compatible they're gonna do the PC port
Not thats the only way to make it not boring and slow. Spamming punch with knuckles isn't fun or fast. especially when you get to the robots with the helmets.
sonic 2006 is the best 3D sonic game by far, its so broken that there's an entire metagame that's developed about using the obviously unfinished broken physics engine and mechanics to skip through actually playing the levels as intended
it's also extremely funny all the time when things glitch out in stupid ways or when the completely insane plot it thinks you should take seriously is happening, and has amazing music
the other 3D sonic games are just generically bad, this game is art. everything in this post I say with 0 hyperbole
Just goes to show how out of touch with reality you are, when this game came out I picked it up after ignoring DMC my whole life (why the fuck would I pay $60 for 4 if I didnt play 1-3?) and I enjoyed this game when it came out as a newcomer and westerner. Which was the intended purpose. I thought it was cool, I dunno.
It's a fuck you to the people who played 1-4, not for newcomers. You'd get it if you played them.
I thought the actual level design of certain stages like dusty desert and tropical jungle had the best level design of the adventure sonics (1999-2006). In GCports adventure 1 and 2 you had great controls for sonic but you could only go through a straight path most of the time. I like how 06 attempted to widen the variety of how to tackle a level. I remember in flame core I had a choice in homing attack bunch of enemies to to get to the spring to take me to the upper path or jump across the lava to get to the rail that will lead me to the same path.
>Spamming punch with knuckles isn't fun or fast
At lvl 2 your punch combo can clear entire rooms of enemies in seconds. And there are probably less than 5 of those helmeted robots and they literally only appear on the last level.
I am playing 1 right now, if its ans consolation. I really like it but i dont know what the fuck is happening
>And there are probably less than 5 of those helmeted robots and they literally only appear on the last level.
Why would you lie? I understand Heroes was probably your first Sonic game but its extremely mediocre to bad.
I don't even hate heroes, what I do hate is just seeing all of this sudden defense for it out of nowhere. Where did all this come from?
You guys are forgetting those flying robots with the shield and lasers, fuck'em
It underage faggots finally reaching maturity and having nostalgia for it.
Why would you buy it in the first place, you colossal retard? It looked like absolute shit from the offset and the demo was a mess. It’s your fucking fault for buying into it.
sonic 4
The sad thing is you can't fault the developers for anything other than the human-furry romance plot. Their team got chopped up twice, forced to develop the game for 360 in under a year when they were prioritizing PS3 initially, their director left the company, the game was released well before it was ready under a corporate launch deal with Microsoft, and SEGA was so ashamed that they refused to even let the team patch the game or improve it at all for the PS3 launch a year later. The only patches the game ever got were with the Hard Mode DLC.
SEGA wanted to release their unfinished game for Sonic's anniversary and/or Christmas.
What a fucking baby.
Ask any Konami fan about big "FUCK YOU"s.
Prove me wrong
Sonic fans are used to eating shit, and they even enjoy it from time to time. Don't blame sega, blame Sonic Fans for their skat fetish.
since its announcement it was painfully obvious to me that 76 was just a quick sideproduct to make up for their lengthy release cycle now that their staff is insanely large and probably means lots of people with downtime, especially with their changes in their roadmap. It is worse than it needed to be, and they charged more than they should have. But I just can't get angry over a quick side product or aditional release I dont care for. Anyway ehat I am trying to say is Fallout 4, Now that was the biggest fuck you to Fallout fans good lord. It was painfully terrible, dumbed down way to much, Skyrim stradled the line, but Fallout 4 jumped off the fucking deep end. Story was shit, sidequests were shit, dialogue system was shit, RPG systems were null and void, the shooting and graphics were improved, but everything else ruined by over casualization. And they didnt even do this just to their own Elder Scrolls fans, they had to do it the IP they robbed to stick it into the fans of the orignal games as well.
dude that image is a blast from deviantart past holy shit
Okay go play the game then retard. The helmet enemies are every where in the later half especially in Team Dark. Not to mention the enemies that can shield themselves. (You)
To be fair, FFXV is just utter incompetence from SE/Tabata, not any form of spite.
When I think of "fuck you fans" I think of shit like DmC
Mario 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, and Odyssey, are all great games. Only okay/generic ones were 3D World/Land
All in all a good series. What are you on about?
Fuck you I liked it.
Show me one level they appear in before egg fleet
Odyssey is pretty generic besides the one gimmick, same with Sunshine.
Also just because they are generic doesn't mean they are bad. The new mario bros games are still good despite being generic.
Hang Castle and the Frog Forest now go kill yourself please.
Mystic Mansion
I am normally fairly rational and detached from it all. I dont hate companies that are just teying to maximize profit. I dont get angry cause a game is bad. But actually fuck Konami. I can not fathom why they seemingly go out of their way to piss off fans.
The only ones that appear there are the regular ones, not the helmeted ones
>Has there ever been a bigger "FUCK YOU" game for fans of the respective series than this?
06 didn't openly mock the fans of the game
Except it can't since the ps3 port refuses to run above 10 fps most of the time during the nighttime stages
I still feel bad for Banjo, that game would have been perfectly fine if it was a new IP instead of wasting it on Banjo and pretty much killing the franchise in cold blood, even worse when you realize the game still has that Rare soul in it but still isn't enough to fully save it.
Take a look
Ok then, one. Still a far cry from "everywhere in the later half"
And you're guaranteed to have team blast if you haven't used it in the last five minutes since it's the very end of the level
Duke Nukem Forever to me
If they can't find a source, maybe we'll just say premydaremy's ass.
No they are everywhere go play the game again.
>Still no PC Port
You fucking owe us after Forces, Sega
yuka layle proved all of the jokes in nuts and bolts about how nobody cares about this style of game were completely on the money
It was more of a wake up call then "FUCK YOU" because Sonic games weren't that great in the first place. Sure there were good ones but none of them age well.
Yeah, the only real good part is the OST and maybe Sonic's story.
to be fair, wasn't it also quite a step back from BK or even Tooie in many ways?
And Yooka Laylee proved them right. Seethe more, pal.
I'd disagree. You take the Wherehog shit outta the way, it introduced boost + hedgehog engine.
>A hat in time
Yooka's middling reception had nothing to do with its core gameplay in the slightest, it had to do with bad decisions for some of the extra shit and people expecting a non-AAA studio to create an AAA-tier game.
I'm glad you hate video games though.
>I didnt buy this back in highschool because the demo was so shit and bought based gears of war instead
>my friend bought it and constantly tried to get me to let him borrow gears for it
>finally let him
>mfw playing it then going to get my game back the same day
>You hate this one had game so you hate video games!
>You hate this one bad game
You hate this entire genre*
>You hate one outdated and shitty genre so you hate video games
Again. COPE.
alright zoomy i'll leave you alone, you can go back to your shooter
both of those games are based on mario 64 and sunshine where the main draw is in the extremely well done platforming mechanics, with collecting stuff just being an excuse to test your skills. they're 3D platformers and a good genre.
banjo, yuka layle, and all the other shitty 3D collecathons make collecting stuff be a test of "use the designated ability in the designated ability zone to receive a prize" over and over. these games were always ass and people only like them because they were children and now have nostalgia about it
>Y-you're just a z-zoomer...
Okay faggot. Get dabbed on.
>first game only successful because waifus and comfy
>remove waifus
>remove comfy
>add shitton of politics
Beyond saving
I'm getting way too old for this board, fucking hell.
weren't all the girls gay?
I know the feeling
>Not even the good looking ones like Sonic Mania.
Good thing Sonic Team didn't make that falseflagger.
>I've never bought a single Sonic game after this because I refuse to forgive SEGA for this abomination,
You sure showed them user! How will they ever recover from one loss sale?
The Hedgehog Engine is a lighting engine and it looks great in Unleashed. They ended up downgrading it in Generations so that game would run better and the new HE doesn't even really look as good as those two games did.
What other game franchises do you like playing?
Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog are underrated
Fucking this. I miss the SEGA characters, but I also loved the gameplay in Transformed and didn't like the boat and plane sections as much. So I can cope.
Nigger newfag fuck off.
Only newfags defend the garbage that is Heroes. Anyone that was old enough at the time saw Heroes for what it was, the first truly mediocre mainline game.
He proved you wrong lol