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Sup shill
Is nu/v/ really so bad we can't have TECHNOLOGY threads anymore?
>an incorrect reload is somehow an example of TECHNOLOGY
the absolute state of nu-Yea Forums
>The papers disappear after touching the floor
What technology?
>hmm I see this game lets you shoot a fish tank and the fish tank drains of water... but why isn't the water pooling up and creating a slip hazard?
>mMmmm this is _not_ technology, m'lady. I hope they were fired for this.
who invented a battery operated film projector? amazing
I've seen this posted a few times and I need sauce.
>Is nu/v/ really so bad
this is sad
I like how this is kind of true to Sully's character.
Looks like braps back on the menu boys!
Reminds me when you spawn an NPC in GMOD and they just fall straight down
>female protag
Remedy has been dead since Max Payne 2
What's incorrect about it?
what game
You got the one where he surfs on the barrel? Shit's tight
>too lazy to put some stuff on the paper
>all documents are just blank paper
Meh. Not impressed.
>10 year old teaser for game that never truly was
>Looks better than most games today
Good graphics are a meme.
Honestly, would you rather prefer the original vision of a realistic slicing Metal Gear Raiden game or the awesome combat heavy game we got from Platinum?
Metal Gear Solid: Rising. Canceled game that became Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
what games
He means having it cocked forward while loading
>documents are blurry text
Meh not impressed
>documents high res but are lorem ipsum
Meh not impressed
>framerate goes to shit
Wow these devs are bad at optimizing
that's pretty impressive
That's not incorrect
It's modern day and it's in a hyper secret magic not-FBI building I think portable projectors are within the realm of possibility
Game is called BUTCHER. "The easiest difficulty is hard", as they say.
Wow it's like I'm playing Half-life 2!
Unless it was empty, there was no need to pump it at the end, and pumping it should have ejected a shell since it's not empty. If it were empty, it would be correct to pump halfway to open the chamber then insert a shell, pumping it the rest of the way so that you have an extra round, then reload the tube as usual.
There is no pump shotgun with a left ejection port.
This looks great but the lack of any hair physics kills it
I mean this is just an invitation to all kinds of porn games, but the technology itself is absolutely amazing in terms of realistic looking body interaction. looks like next gen Euphoria engine
I will never understand why autists do this? Just go fap on a porn site
Then how is the ejection open? You can also clearly see that it pulls a shell up when he cocks it, which should only eject the empty shell.
Damn. I was being lenient and you just go and add another three layers of the devs being lazy.
Don't forget the papers disappear when they hit the floor. That's your argument right? Point out even for lazy actions the devs took?
This isn't "technology". Its just a canned reload animation.
one of my favorite examples of TECHNOLOGY honestly
user, you seem very upset someone doesn't like your upcoming game. Do you think color or textures is some big thing? Making the paper with white and black scribbles is as easy as making the paper white or any color.
doesnt source do the exact same shit
i remember fiddling with rt camera in gmod
If you never shot a shotgun why are you commenting about it? You clearly don't know shit.
That webm is fine. He could've ejected the last empty shell and pushed the pump forward. The only mistake is he could have +1 more shell loaded
Based Japs.
Christ I still can't believe they fucked up the last title as much as they did.
>he still does the face
Sam Lake is a cool dude honestly.
what game
not saying it's infeasible but having textures to the pages would reduce performance
>having textures to the pages would reduce performance
Pages already have white textures dumbass. Changing white to white and black wouldn't reduce performance retard.
Super Mario Brothers 3
The beta version was basically Jedi Outcast in the Metal Gear universe, how fucking awesome wouldn't that have been?
>Control is gonna sell like shit on PC and there will be exclusivity complaining for a year because their publisher is a greedy fuck
I feel bad for Sam, he's too nice for this
Had me until the face.
user there's a massive performance difference between setting the object as #ffffff and giving it an actual texture. Please don't comment on topics you do not understand such as 3D graphics.
>female protagonist
Platinum's MGR:R was a good but standard beat em up. The demo footage of MGR looked like a truly unique game.
euphoria needs to be a staple physics engine everyone uses. ragdolls are bullshit at this point.
That is absolutely retarded
should have been the game we got, could have just made it like mgs 4 but more hardcore and difficult because of raidens super powers, and crazier guns but stealth should have also been a part of it.
I suggest you take your own advice. But if you need to keep on defending this game anyway you can, then do what you gotta do I guess.
>pistol disappears and reappears in her hand for the telekinesis animation
Reminds me of Boston Dynamics
Still one of the best FPS games ever made
nothing about that is incorrect, you don't have to put a shell in the chamber when reloading a shotgun. That's about the same level of pedantic as calling an AK reload unrealistic/shit because they charge the rifle with their right hand instead of their left.
Ka ka
>female protagonist
>game is named Control
in that webm he is using the knife that he has in his back the whole fucking game and he never use
same energy
Regular porn is boring.
Now that's a technology.
>the device is unplugged and somehow still has a picture
More like anti-technology.
>a flashlight with a texture
i love this type of threads, post more faggots, stop talking
I highly doubt that the ammo count accurately reflects that, and also the part about pumping it when not reloading on an empty is still right, so get fucked, you noguns liberal faggot.
too bad remedy make the boringest shit movie games imaginable.
This. That's really good technology for any VR game. I'm just disappointed that he didn't punch or throw her at any point
Seriously, what game?
no, retard
>NPCs can't see or hear what is going on basically in front of them like 2 feet away
how is this an example of TECHNOLOGY
Why didn't they just steal the code for that from New Vegas? It's all the same engine, isn't it?
gonna be a shit movie game with average gameplay. nu remedy is trash
>and also the part about pumping it when not reloading on an empty is still right,
it would be, if he ejected a shell when he pumped it, but he didn't, so we can assume it's empty. It's some pretty decent attention to detail for a reload in a third person game, I'm not sure why you're so hung up on him not reloading it in some specific way when how he does it in the webm would work perfectly fine.
Top fucking kek
This is what TECHNOLOGY threads look like now? What the fuck
Why didn't they steal a decent plot, good character writing, and actual RPG mechanics from New Vegas either? Because they're retarded.
>Only knocks them out instead of FIBERing them
What a gentleman.
Interactive Buddy: VR Edition when? GET ON IT NEWGROUNDS!
Oh really? Where was the power cord then, you fuckers wake me up when these assholes remember TV's and shit have a power cord to them.
>sling clips right through the M30 at the start
>shell manages to clip through the ejection port and barrel
Big yikes.
The engine changed quite a bit since new vegas, they probably didn't know how to implement it
fuck off shill
It isn't. That's the joke you gormless fuck.
that´s pretty good tech tho
>would you prefer a good game or another copypasted 6/10 generic button masher from Platinum?
Gee, user, I really can't decide.
>i was merely pretending
Are you fucking stupid? How the fuck is the ejection open with the pump being in the fire position and how the fuck can it cycle the next shell moving the pump back?
Literally what FEAR had in 2005
This game looks really good but play it and the controls are this amateurish mess based on player orientation rather than camera.
>disappointed that he didn't punch or throw her at any point
Then why is this guy doing the exact same then?
What exclusivity?
I don't recall any bookshelf destruction in Fear. Do you?
god Quantum Break was such shit
>noguns educating people on how guns work
I love people who's only experience with firearms is from people who make games who have no experience with firearms
..and on Xbox and PC
Epic Insectoid Launcher year exclusivity.
The ejection port is not open you fucking retard. Stop acting smart nogunz faggot. It's clearly closed and you can see it close again after he puts one in the chamber
>How the fuck is the ejection open with the pump being in the fire position
it's clearly closed
what game?
She looks so happy.
is the grabbling hook attached to clouds?
Oh shit really? Sucks for you PC guys.
Holy shit the object is out of sight, that means it's moonswinging, right? No, dumbass. Load up the map and look at the beam yourself.
The interaction is impressive, but that wobbly ass looks terrible.
Why is it so difficult to pull breast and ass physics off? They are either too stiff, or jiggle out of control, as if they were separate entities.
I also hate how these porn games always have cheap, shitty graphics. This is the only genre where realistic, cutting edge graphics actually matter.
But it is. Right after he's done filling the tube you can see the shell being lifted up, you can even see the ejector under the shell, without the cover moving. But even if not, my point about the action being backwards, still stands.
wow just like half life 2 that was released like two decades ago!
How is one fanbase so utterly clueless? They just seem so sincerely confused that every single franchise isn't an incoherent speedrunning sim
Will we get this in Redfall?
The guy said he experimented with that kind of thing and that it was really funky. Just slap the orientate button every so often like an old third person game
Pretending to be an idol is fun, being one is not. Seriously idols are late-capitalism grade entertainment.
any game with jumping: uhuhuhuh wow what is this super mario?
any game with a gun: uhh wow nice doom clone
any game with object punting: uh, hmm, half-life am i right?
>after he's done filling the tube you can see the shell being lifted up
when he's pumping? yeah that's when the ejection port opens
sorry no one's impressed by your game, Mr. Game Dev. I'm sure you worked very hard on it
Virt a Mate, fully customizable, and interactable, actual soft body physics, degenerate stuff like futa, traps, loli, and furry shit aswell if you know where to look.
Been holding out on VR until the next valve headset comes out, it does have some desktop functionality aswell but its not great if you don't have VR.
But the gameplay IS fun and better than Alan Wakes'.
Just because they made it visually stunning doesn't mean it's bad, boomer.
Oh shit when did blastcorps get a remake?
>better than Alan Wakes'
not exactly a high bar you're setting, there
bls giv sauce
Canned animation.
I bet the shelf collapses the same way no matter where it is hit.
Too bad dev abandoned it.
The more I watch these development diary videos the more I'm amazed at what they developed.
So a reload animation is all the technology your movie game has to offer? Top kek.
wait what the fuck
why isn't this in more games?
Is this FEAR?
Yup, and still shows they focused on good gameplay this time and retards shat on it.
It's also better than MP2 and 3.
>cant post a single webm without nincels seething
>Virt a Mate
Anyway to play it without VR shit?
>playable leaked beta never fucking ever
It's an AR girl dancing along to the dance on the TV. At about 5 seconds in you see her skating away from the tv when the guy zooms out.
>sling overreacts and goes spastic by the slightest movement
This really fucking triggers me
hahaha what the fuck
how can people watch this and not find anything wrong with that sequence?
have sex
plugging in my oculus rn
At first I thought it was a person with sensors on his body or something.
it's meant to be completely ridiculous
it's a show about a man who runs really fast and fights a psychic gorilla
I think it's somewhat easier to do this when your model is made of 6 polygons
Yes. He was, blatantly. And you still fell for it.
>it's meant to be completely ridiculous
not in that sense
even dumb comic stuff still has basis on reality
that's like totally spies doing the mirror laser trick
No one consumes comic book media for realism. The mere concept of superheroes is unrealistic as it is.
I myself thought it was a game then had to do a double take because the backdrop just looked too real to be a game. When she did that short slide is when I noticed it's AR.
Hol up
what game is this?
Retards want more polygons. People with a brain want better games. I see which camp you are in
What's with this forced meme lately?
Considering that lasers have negative temperature, that actually makes some sense.
this is on loop right?
Our times almost here boys. The new golden age for masturbation is around the corner.
Sorry, dogfucker, it's you who needs to hang from a tree.
Holy shit that's cool
That's some quality KINO right here.
I think you're confused by the shell elevator position when the pump is full back. Everything is correct and you would know if you ever shot a pump shotgun. The gif you posted has a non-working elevator
>frezzing beams of light
Dumb frogposter
>uglier games r better XD
this is how you sound
spoonfeed me daddy
aw he doesn't know :( sweetie...
>prominently featuring a prequel character
you can't freeze light retard, only if you have some God ayy lmaos technology
Will fully modeled be phased out by fully scanned?
fucking furry fucking trash pile of shit.
Yea Forums reached a level of contrarianism where pretty games are automatically bad
the model was 6 polygons, but the hardware was even worse.
men also can't travel through time by running really fast
Is this where Minecraft Steve escaped from?
I feel like this is simple to do, but games don't want to add something as nice as this
It's called Repent
but Yea Forums likes Devil May Cry 5 and Resident Evil 2
Quantum Break is just garbage
>comic book media is unrealistic!
And water is wet. What point are you trying to make?
What is James Charles doing in a video game?
Prove it
Actually Einstien thorised that if you were able to travel faster than the speed of light you could, which is what Barry does.
>but Yea Forums likes Devil May Cry 5 and Resident Evil 2
both are average
>Old IP
>Older IP
Yea Forums just hates new IPs. Most of the people here are too young to have played Max Payne.
>This frozen state — intangible and invisible to human eyes — is a brand-new behavior for light. And Houck is planning a bigger device with 200 wires. Such a system may help scientists understand matter’s behavior when it gains or loses mass or energy. In other words, freezing photons could help shed light on the material world.
Yea Forums brainlet absolutely butt ravaged for the ages, unrecoverable
If you can't tell the writers weren't being completely ridiculous and retarded on purpose you are probably autistic. This is obviously over the top and played straight just for laughs
you're the retard who thinks Quantum Break is good, your taste is meaningless
The fuck are you spamming random webms for? Fuck off to /wsg/
what movie
the face swap just ruins it
the face recognition finding something in the pitch black room is already unsettling enough
True dat. It's not a perfect game, but it's fun and did a lot really, really well.
>it wasn't a skybox
It's also internally inconsistent because the freeze gun didn't freeze the light directly in front of it, only the lasers.
That's actually possible in theory.
>something that was animated to seem happy is "happy"
Double digit IQ weeb posters everyone
I don't know if fake trailers should count as technology.
holy shit stop breathing
I cannot think of any other game having this.
>Freeze beam freezing the lasers but not the light in front of it is unrealistic!
You don't say.
Not video games.
>It makes sense!
>Actually, it doesn't.
>Well, it's not SUPPOSED to make sense.
What's your fucking point here?
another Yea Forums kid bites the dust, fucking destroyed
>This is obviously over the top and played straight just for laughs
no it's not. flash isnt a comedy series
cape series are straight up low budget b tier garbage that only manage to be funny unintentionally
I'm a sucker for telekinetic powers in games.
if they add the ability to hurt or kill I will immediately go to the store and buy a VR set and the game.
RDR2 has good attention to detail, does the rain work real time in that? never played it
>played all of them in the run up to 3
>enjoyed 3 the most
Is this that game which actually does some real science work through mob sourcing
you realize there's more than one person arguing about this, right?
this is crazy autistic. I get problems in levels far below that.
you can in theory if you run faster than light, time will
for you.
try psy ops
it's pretty old but it had some dank psychic powers including telekineses
Season 1 was like half a comedy series
then everything went to shit
I don't think so.
You could display a model with 10000000 polygons and still have an invisible one with 6 polygons for hit detection.
The point is that comic book shows or movies aren't something you consume without turning off your brain. You fail to do that and you just question everything dumb going on. Consuming that sort of media while applying anything based on reality would be akin to watching a rugby game while thinking of everything american football and bitching that none of it made sense to you.
It is, but it's also internally inconsistent which is the real issue.
It's ok if a piece of media doesn't follow real world logic, but not when they break their own bullshit logic.
They could've just shut down the lights in the room before freezing the lasers.
i literally dont even get what this is supposed to be
am i a brainlet?
Time isn't real.
Psi-Ops is free
I played it and it's fun but the movement and prop flinging is a little janky
Is he jerking off?
Unironically, Remedy's one of the few studios left that really experiments with technology when it comes to computer graphics. The vast majority of studios have a pretty straight forward rendering pipeline. The thing they did for Quantum Break though, is absolute genius.Temporal frame reconstruction with MSAA is quite amazing.
In a decade, when GPUs will be able to drive 8K60, it will be fun to play that game at 6K144 with 4 * 4K frames temporally reconstructed with 2xMSAA up to 6K.
What game is that
Realism != Internal Logic
he looks like a cartoon character with those animations
shit looks super tacky.
Cold Force, I ain't gotta explain shit
I still want this game
It's linked to space but it's still real
is there a spacechem-like game except it goes through orgo mechanisms?
People watch this because they want to look at a screen eat pop-corn and switch off what little brain capacity they have.
Crawling against a pool of blood and not getting any of it on your clothes or face is supposed to be a good example?
Can you smack her around?
Blade and Sorcery
what the fuck is meant to be going on here?
all those effects are hideous
it's probably about the boob deformation and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
>jerk off so hard you fucking explode
not big enough
Perfect Dark for the n64
>When you browse /k/ and a few Wikipedia articles and think you're any authority on proper gun mechanics despite being a nogunz with a room-temperature IQ
something weird with this
no way can a game comport that many models in a single sandbox
are there VR games that simulate a parent?
This fucked me up.
>Have young niece.
>She used to do shit like that all the time.
>Her dad, my brother, dies.
>She doesn't dance anymore.
>She hardly smiles anymore either.
Witnessing the moment when a child loses their innocence is truly an awful thing.
>that dead stare
This is why vr will always be a meme. We're nowhere near close to having good enough AI that can respond to motions and words in a believable manner.
Just don't get near solid ground or another vehicle
The internal logic of comic book media is that there is no logic. You can't reverse time by spinning the planet backwards. You can't become as strong as the strongest power lifter and as fast as the fastest sprinter at the same time. No matter how much practice you put in you can never quickdraw a bow and arrow faster than you can quickdraw a gun. You can't run faster than the speed of light while keeping your vision. If you can somehow acknowledge these things but not accept a freeze beam that just somehow knows what its wielder wants to freeze then you may need to consume other forms of media for entertainment instead.
Wii Sports Resort's swordfighting had an activity where you needed to slash objects with similar, if slightly less gory, effect. I remember trying to slice the bombs as much as I could before they despawned for the next item.
Destroy all Humans already did this, so did Second Sight.
>This is why vr will always be a meme
i think not being able to feel anything is a much bigger downside
PC version when?
Logic != realism
>make great porn game
>lock it to like 1% of the PC owning population who fell for the early VR adoption meme
I don't get it. How hard could it be to implement mouse controls and increase your potential audience by 100 fold?
On one hand, this is a cool way to use a staff type light saber as some kind of huge saw/shield thing. On the other hand, why the fuck do they have to use it as a fucking helicopter when they could just force their shit through it?
I don't recall either game having shelf destruction like that.
wow is that new Spider-Man dlc where mary jane finally gets those super powers she Always wanted?
Not everything is meant for everyone retard. The devs want it available for 1% who can afford it, so learn your place.
Logic is just a reasoning based on the observable reality around you. That's why you have some tv lines like "given what we know of blah blah blah, logic would dictate that thingamabob would be their next target."
>women doing their makeup
Actually pretty accurate user
>Witnessing the moment when a child loses their innocence is truly an awful thing.
why'd you rape her?
I'm not saying there isn't a market in that 1% but why restrict it when implementing a nonVR mode is rather simple?
based and sizepilled
what movie is this?
this always make me laugh
>around you.
That's the key part
>lord goalpost saves the day
Even sam fisher is confused
I was in the room when her mom told her her dad was dead, and I saw the look on her face when she looked into the casket for the first time.
>I must go now my planet needs me
I don't think you understand what I'm talking about.
No logic whatsoever means that there are no stakes, because there would be no predictability to conflict. Even magic has limitations, otherwise everything becomes a series of back to back asspulls.
Also drawing a bow really fast? That's not even that impressive by real life standards. You are retarded.
Fuck I remember this game, It was fun making combos. I had one where I could virtually rip someone to shreds in about 2 seconds with very little counterplay
Doesn't change the fact that it's retarded in everyway. If it's a detection laser, the solid light would block it and start the alarm. If it's a resident evil movie laser that kills you, it would just destroy the ice.
Either way breaking the ice would just let the laser continue it's way normally.
isn't captain cold's gun technically not actually a ice weapon and is literally some high-level magic heat removal bullshit device
i don't think light would work that way regardless but isn't he technically removing all heat in the beams and not just freezing it
im not trying to excuse the nonsense but im pretty sure captain cold is just a broken-tier character in the first place
good post
you niggers are useless
Look at the tits in the mirror.
Idk if it's real time in homefront, it may just be random drops poping on the floor unrelated to the drops you see falling.
>tfw still haven't beaten this game
The spaceship boss was fucking impossible
Cute but not technology.
Fuck off, those pirouettes look absolutely fucking terrible. Go back to your Bitcher Wild Cunt shitty combat.
It isn't.
I'm still amazed that they actually got this game to run on XB1.
the more i see of dreams the more i think what the fuck is the point in this money sink?
I really didn't want to be reminded of those kids born without the majority of their brain.
Do you realise where you are user?
I often wonder about all the TECHNOLOGY we take for granted now. Things like collision are very easy to forget and then you see how many games have havok.
My sides
Big question, why would you ever walk if you could fly like her ?
her smugness is the crowning achievement here
That unironically looks so satisfying.
>still no sound on Yea Forums
>Even magic has limitations, otherwise everything becomes a series of back to back asspulls.
Magic doesn't even have consistency in a given media. Zatanna needs to say her shit backwards, but Dr. Fate, Constantine, Etrigan, Klarion the witch boy don't. Shazam literally just has to shout his name out and anything can happen based on what he wanted. Most of Dr. Strange's known spells revolve around him saying "[Thing] of [Entity]" Whereas Nico Minoru just has to say a word to mean what spell she's casting and Scarlet Witch doesn't even have to say anything at all.
What game, DCS ?
this, the barrier of entry keeps out the drooling masses and retarded niggers
Wow women are literally obsolete
Don't you wanna play as a cute girl?
>he wants to get ear raped
How does a shelf animation make a game fun?
Because the entire thing is coded and made for VR, the guy specifically started working on it for VR.
He'd have to waste time redesigning a bunch of things for nonVR plebs.
I always thought the PhysX in borderlands 2 was pretty neat
Yes but it controls like ass and isn't really easy to use at all. More of a novelty if you don't have VR, not even close to xstoryplayer if you don't have VR
what is this
>retards shat on it
Or maybe the story was generic, the gameplay uninteresting, and graphics was all it had to offer like every single triple A game these days?
It can't be! It's DA GAMURZ who are wrong!
Stop posting this crap any time.
Maybe if they had spent that development money on ensuring the TV episodes actually fit on the disk instead of having to stream them from Microsoft servers the game would have sold more than 10 copies.
It would be full of screamers at first sure but eventually it would be like /wsg/ or /gif/ just without the 3dpd
looked good in metro and bamham city too
I'm getting tired af about all these movie-games. Quantum Break was a snoozefest, I forced myself to finish it.
Humans don't look like that when we move because ( obviously ) when we turn around our arms "know" that we're going to do it.
Instead, in that game the body turns around and then the arms react to an unexpected change in physics.
Both will be phased out by machine learning
Is it good or is it whack ?
>throw object
>humorous cascade of objects and things breaking
>throw object near enemies
>entire library gets dumped on them as they struggle to right themselves
>enemy is on your ass but you're out of bullets
>panic and throw books, one at a time in quick succession, at his head
>eventually you're out of books and you accidentally rip the entire shelf out and bop his ass with it
use you imagination, user
I don't know why I thought this was so funny
What is that?
Filename doesn't help.
It's not like it's locked behind a purchase of hardware you don't need. It's just stupid corporate loyalty and once something worthwhile comes out on the Epic store they're gonna cave in and register.
Worked for Steam, worked for, worked for uplay.
>this kills the valve drone
>a robot isn't technology
Red faction Gorilla had styrofoam buildings 10 years ago.
Except the webm didn't show any of this, no point in using your imagination since it's Remedy we are talking about here, they have made a good game in over a decade, not of those things would be in the final product.
That's technology we should have never taken for granted.
I love havok for the retarded shit that happens. Sadly most of the fun stuff is patched now.
In gta v it does something similar if my memory isnt wrong, but instead of being little droplets it's a bit bigger area, it creates puddles when it stops raining that slowly fade away aswell
made for idiots. modern shit games
What a god.
user what the fuck are you smoking? they're physics objects and you can pull and throw any object, of course the shit I mentioned would all work you. Boy you are thick.
Spend some time around women doing their makeup. If it's for something they deem important, you could murder their families and they wouldn't notice.
she doesn't look very cute though, and she's probably going to have an obnoxious personality as well
discord trannies
now if only the webm had showed that instead of a canned animation of a shelf collapsing
Having done some shader programming, stuff like that require each material to have two texture, one dry, one wet.
Then you basically mix the two texture using a semi-random pattern, with said pattern becoming more favorable toward the wet texture over time.
Mostly a matter of "how much free time do your texturefags and shaderfags have" and "is a one time effect the best use of that extra-time". Generally everything is way behind schedule, and if the artists aren't they are generally tasked to improve the existing textures instead of creating slightly different duplicate of one zone for something the average player won't even notice.
oh fuck now I see it too
Terrible thread, good job everyone.
What does that have to do with anything
It isn't a money sink. Very few people have been working on it during most of the years. I am talking under 15 people. And only in the past 2 years have they had maybe 50 people working on it.
That isn't that much of a money sink. LBP was similar in a way, it was delayed a full year from the initial plan but it made back its money so many times.
Based Orkin Man keeping us safe.
That's a cute mutt
Why do you believe Remedy would make enemies react to being hit by books and books falling, unless the enemies all have awful physics animations that play when hit? Just saying "You're stupid for not thinking it'd work, when getting something like that in a game to be fun is pretty fucking hard, especially when the Webm you posted were physics objects, it was a canned animation made in maya or some shit.
I really want to work in Sam's studio. Too bad I can't do anything that would be beneficial to them :(
that's just moronic
source engine can't into technology
What about sucking dicks ?
Can you replace the slag with an anime babe?
lmao no it didnt
The only thing really impressive or clever is cutting the archway to crush the soldiers. Other than that what little we saw of MGS:R looked like a slow and awkwardaction game made by people who had no idea what they were doing and were too occupied with a gimmick that was just completely impossible (at least on PS3/360 hardware). Platinum saved that game.
user, you have issues
>that time travel level
legit the most fun i've had in an fps since hl2
>Why would you ever sleep if you could be awake all the time
>Why would you relax your mind if you could be solving complex problems all the time
Your brain doesnt have infinite stamina.
They actually fixed this in 76
It is just a canned animation, everything you said only exists in your fantasy.
You sound like a kid who is hyped about a game for the first time. You are setting yourself up for disappointment.
To be fair, that is a retarded control setup. Just the least retarded you can come up with for first and third person games on a gamepad.
that rock physics is whack as fuck
Yeah it's like why walk when you can run and feel the wind of gaia
Not really. Animator don't care that much if a model has 6 or muh 6 millions polygons, since their work is mostly based around bones.
It's probably a combination of modern game design not liking the "shooting a limb make the enemy play an animation for 5 seconds" effectively making accidental stun locking ridiculously easy. That and dev team being given always more retarded deadlines, meaning tasking your animatorfag into doing 10-20 different "shit that hurt" animations for each enemy is rarely a priority.
>not liking looney tunes logic
it's like you guys hate fun
day one pirate
im dying
that girl is crazy cute
>b-but bookshelf
I think there might be physics for the top row, but the books aren't individuals objects, they are 4 books snapped together if you look closely. But everything is canned, if it were physics then the projector hitting the books would have just pushed them into the bookcase and maybe one would pop out in unrealistic way, which is common in physics games like Halo 3 for example. But yeah that guy thinks if you just throw physics onto everything it just works AND is fun to play.
Radiant AI.
Because it's a VR game?
>le canned
You should watch the old demo stream they did a few months ago
Here on vee four chan if you say "This game looks cool" you get shit on by very cynical cool dudes who go "ackshully it will clearly be a 2/10 prove me wrong" which really is just top tier discussion. TECHNOLOGY threads these days breed the worst kind of empty cynicism, I swear. Nothing is good enough and nothing is enjoyable.
>Why would you ever sleep if you could be awake all the time
If I could be awake all the time I wouldn't sleep retard. And I was talking in-game. You're always running in-game unless you just want to chill and look at the scenery.
15 senior devs is still a lot of money, at least half a mil a month between them.
at least lbp had an actual game behind it. this just looks like a glorified drag-and-drop level building tool.
the bookshelf is the only impressive part of the webm though
shitty games breed cynicism, not shills posting shitty games and pretending they're good
Captain Cold's "Cold Gun" isn't a freeze ray like Mr. Freeze's gun. It's a weapon that literally stops the movement of molecules. Basically it puts shit in complete heat death.
I don't know how this would work on a laser grid, but I just though I'd let you guys know the actual context to the scene. He's not "freezing" the beams, he's completely stopping all their molecules from moving.
Yeah okay how do I actually find it on google?
I can't just type dreams
Does anyone else feel like this thread was only made so this dude can shill Control
I don't think anyone gives a fuck about this game
Corporate is getting desperate
looks like shit
It looks better than quantum break already. QB had all those visual effects that would deform what you see but no particles like when you shoot at walls in FEAR.
That's not even the same type of light.
Yes obviously but you can't, retard. That was the point he was making.
Canonically she probably doesn't want to fly around constantly because she has to control herself carefully to not fly into a wall or it's just generally tiring.
what game?
I don't give a fuck either and won't play the game, not even pirating it but those effects are still cool to see.
that's just how faceswap apps work.They work as soon as they find the two faces
Project Shinobu. It's great but a bit limited without VR handgrips.
Why don't you explain how books falling on enemies is fun and how it works properly everytime. You're mistaking that fella's "cynicism" for logic on how to build a game. Someone has to make this for it work it doesn't happen magically because of technology. Seeing a webm of something happening and making it work in a final product are nothing alike. You should try making you're game about dropping books on lads and see how fun and easy it is to make work.
Light has no molecules, though.
Yeah it looks like yet another CINEMATIC EXPERIENCE with a crappy story written like shit so it doesn't offend anyone
This thread was made to shill Virt a Mate
looks great but I'm not liking her design at all. Looks like some average hipster chick. The skinny pants are the worst part.
Well it's the same shit when you walk but you're doing it unconsciously. There's a reason why it's so hard to make bipedal robots.
Ah yes, the light molecules
Witcher 3
I didn't even know it was a game, dont be a cunt
>tfw have all games
>can't play because my setup is too modern or something and its locked at 17 fps
Holy 'tism you go from "HOW CAN THIS BE FUN" to "OKAY EXPLAIN HOW IT WORKS AND ALSO MAKE YOUR OWN GAME" dude chill. The game looks like it could be neat and the physics looks fun. That's it.
telekinesis is such a boring fucking power. it's top 3 with super strength and flight.
Still the best
>ask question
>get annoyed when it's answered
>call others cunts
Then it's still retarded then, but less retarded than just blasting cold at things.
Have you tried searching for fixes ?
super strength can be fun, it's just rarely implemented well in games
Literally no technology.
I have to admire Remedy for being one of the few Devs who dare to experiment even though every single of their games is a commercial disaster.
Telekinesis is fun when it's done in a cool way like Dark Messiah.
i unironically want to punch her and see what happens. seriously, i want a full on sadism simulator with different creatures and equipment dlc. let me see her face turn white when I pow her in the tummy.
fuck you virgin ass bitches, you can always fuck the corpse after, literally everyone wins.
>he doesn't have 4chanX
what. They make the safest games possible
>Why do you believe Remedy would make enemies react to being hit by books and books falling
Because the core fucking gimmick of the game, is the telekinesis powers? I'm not saying the game is going to be good or anything, but when the CORE PREMISE OF THE GAME is "You can pick up shit in the environment and fling it at enemies" why the fuck would enemies NOT react to having shit flung at them?
fucking lol
When it's the only power you have it's quickly boring but it's always a cool thing to have.
That was hot.
the darkness is pure kino, i hope someday my fellow PCbros and i will be able to play it the way god intended
wait so the entire interdimentional travel with the elf was on one single map ?
those cheeky polish
the witcher 3
no, they had more planned, each of the worlds were enormous. there's a much larger webm showing each of the worlds and how big they were supposed to be. it just got cut out due to budget and time
You can tell it is a canned animation, because it is the grand finale of the trailer. The whole scene was orchestrated so people can go "WOAH". She has no reason to throw that projector against that shelf, it is not normal gameplay just vertical slice bullshit.
I guarantee you in the finished product the shelf falls apart the exact same way no matter what you toss at it and where you hit it.