This club is only for those who have the absolute worst taste in videogames.
This club is only for those who have the absolute worst taste in videogames
Other urls found in this thread:
homm 7 > homm 3
i am objectively correct, stop excusing 3's flaws just because it's old
Zelda Minish Cap has to be one of my favorite video game.
>"I like KH3 and Xenoblade 2"
Here your VIP Pass, sir.
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 is my favorite on the franchise.
BotW is my favorite game of all time
Infinite is a great game and the best Bioshock.
Fallout 3 was amazing
Skyrim is the pinnacle of western RPGs
I don't get why people like Dark Souls.
you're gonna have to leave sir
Human Revolution is the best deus ex
I just love cities with cyberpunk aesthetics, and the modern cities of HR, coupled with the unique golden colors, and the surrounding symbolism, are just too good to pass on.
The game itself is pretty nice, even
I kinda liked Fable 3.
I couldn't force myself to finish KH2, but besides COM/re:COM it's probably my least favorite KH.
I like open world games.
Final Fantasy 2 and Fallout 76 were great games
However nothing will ever beat Mega Man Soccer for its flawless gameplay
I like Battlefield and Call of Duty series
games that are made purely as products to make a profit are a cancer
You're in
I think GTAV is one of the best games in the series.
You're supposed to post opinions you actually have, not just be a satirical retard.
Tenchu Z is the best stealth I've played and only one I've truly enjoyed. I don't like Metal Gear Solid, Hitman, Splinter Cell, Thief, or any other Tenchus
Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls game.
Imagine if he has unironically those opinions.
Anthem's not that bad though.
I enjoy gacha
MGS sucks because the controls are garbage
The only reason MGS2 isn't the worst in the series is because MGS5 exists.
so nearly every game in existence?
I bought MG Survive and throughly enjoyed it.
I like the assassins creed franchise.
OoT is so fucking boring but WW on the other hand is pretty fun
Skyrim has to have the best combat system I've ever seen in an RPG. Also the quests are amazing, your choices feel like they have a deep impact on the world.
I have over 3700 hours in Team Fortress 2.
I pre-ordered The Conduit for Wii and heavily enjoyed it
no, Faggot
Heroes of the Storm is pretty good.
Metal Gear Solid games suck balls.
SSBB was better than Melee.
I play warframe
Sonic Heroes was the best 3D Sonic game, the second best was Sonic 3D Blast not as bad as everyone make it out to be
I played Starcraft 2 for the story and love it.
I unironically do this.
Isometric RPGs are absolute fucking garbage
Earthbound is a boring, clunky piece of shit and i dropped it before getting to the KKK looking motherfuckers.
I BUY and PLAY senran kagura games
I had fun with it and it's the only DMC game I played to completion.
I like Onimusha better
My brother in bad taste, I unironically enjoy HoMM6 and 7, too bad that the series seems to be on hiatus
>Final Fantasy 2
How do I enjoy this game?
He's the club president
V is my favourite MGS.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a great game
o-oh mister hanson please come on in!
How is this bad taste? The game is objectively good and one of the best 2D ones.
I liked Dragon Ball Z Battle of Z, I hated Xenoverse.
Loved kh3
I spend my money on anime games, not because they're good, but because they have boobies on it
I play every RTS for the story
I enjoy idle games while getting stoned.
1. I primarily look for games with a character creation system these days
2. I prefer male protagonist hentai games
3. I don't care for NTR hentai games unless I'm playing as the guy doing the girlfriend/wife stealing
4. I lost interest in playing FF7 some time after the the Shinra parade march
5. I usually don't care for the tactical rpg genre
6. I "usually" tend to avoid games where the player character is female, there are few exceptions to this such as the original Tomb Raider games
7. In regards to the first one, I also hope the game allows my character to engage in romance though I don't really need it
I’ve never played
Mega man
MK except 9
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon is my favorite game
Ori and the Blind Forest is one of the best platformers ever, I love it to death
that's a very unique, very flawed game. If anything you get street cred for playing that.
PS4 games have the most and best gameplay
I'll let myself in, sir
Yeah the boring repetitive atrocious gameplay really made me feel for roxas
are you me? I also like building the ultimate base in every RTS like I'm playing a city builder or some shit.
I like wh40k fire warrior
do you also enjoy fucking around, making random battles in the mission editor?
can you even play that thing
I love the Borderlands franchise
I still play WoW.
Sonic and the Secret Rings is an underrated title
Every clasic sonic game is shit and only the first level is ok in those games
There is no bad mario game
Skyward sword is underrated
Majora's mask is overrated
People pretend star fox used to be good when in reality only the 64 games holds on. The SNES games play so fucking slow nowadays
I used to when I was younger, I stopped fucking around in map editors a while back.
FFXV is good game and i really love smash
i unironically like super mario advance
I think Fallout 3 is better than New Vegas, every Silent Hill is dogshit, and my favorite game of all time is literally a walking simulator
I played it a few years ago, hated everything about it except for the scenery, it's definitely playable and beatable.
Dark Souls 2 is my favorite Dark Souls.
literally all i really play are GTA and GTA clones. Mafia 1-2, Saints Row 2, LA noire (that counts right?), Watch_Dawgs 1-2, Sleeping Dogs / True Crime. occasionally ill play the odd shooter and sometimes arma.
NieR Automata sucks dick and I genuinely love Dark Souls 2
Can I come in?
hum ok it didn't run on my PC for some reason
oh, and I forgot to mention. I actually care about the lore and story in these games.
My favourite Zelda games are The Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild.
I played it on PS2, I heard that the PC version was a mess, I found it to be an adequate Halo clone
A true patrician.
Master of Orion 3 is my favorite of the franchise!
sekiro is bad because dark souls is better
Other M is the best Metroid
Sticker Star is the best Paper Mario
Absolution is the best Hitman
Sonic 06 is the best Sonic
Link: the Faces of Evil is the best Zelda
Invisible War is the best Deus Ex
Conviction is the best Splinter Cell
4 is the best Smash Bros
DOA is the best fighting game series
The greatest game of all time is Fire Emblem Heroes
The worst game of all time is Thief: the Dark Project
kinda weird, but it's still a 4X game so you don't get in.
you're just trolling now.
Fallout 3 is better than Fallout New Vegas
*legs buckle as I present my alltime favorite*
I unironically love Fire Emblem Awakening and Fates. Shame about Fates localization though.
The franchise is better without weapon durability.
fortnite is the ONLY game i play
>Dark Souls 3 is the best Dark Souls
>DMC V is repetitive button mashing garbage for edgy faggots
>Sonic Mania was mediocre at best
>Dishonored 2 is the best stealth game since Thief 2
>Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes is the only decent Metal Gear game
>Hollow Knight is a 7/10 game at best
>Hard Reset is one of the best FPS games ever made
>Final Fantasy XV is the best FF
>Cuphead is the definition of style over substance
I stand by every single one of these opinions.
I genuinely liked Gone Home. Even got teary eyed playing it.
Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects was very addictive and a decent game.
Battle for Azeroth genuinely put the "War" back in "Warcraft"
I play video games
>Hard Reset is one of the best FPS games ever made
t. someone who hasn't played it yet
Resident evil 4 and new vegas are the second coming of christ to me XD
>max paine
>last of us
>nu doom
>some weird jrpg and a nintendo game
What were they thinking?
both are good games. No entry.
I enjoyed Watch_Dogs more than GTAV, see this graph
I arbitrarily support shitty games/devs/ecelebs that validate my reactionary agenda just to be a contrarian, making myself more miserable and disconnected from reality each day.
Equally arbitrarily, I berate good games/devs/ecelebs that oppose said agenda, discrediting their entire work, even when I genuinely enjoy it, because I'm mortally afraid my internet peers will hate me for genuinely enjoying something opposing said agenda (even though they follow the same agenda for the exact same reasons as I do).
I bought Thief Gold and I am fucking awful at it and haven't touched it since not being able to find a safe way into the castle in Mission 4 after 10 minutes of attempts.
I legitimately think I can't fully enjoy first-person games no matter how good they are, and stealth games go against how much I like more straight-forward action games. I also feel no attachment to the setting of Thief or Garrett as a character. I get what he is and I'm cool with that, but as far as I got there didn't seem to really be much going on outside of one Mission's end leading to the next. Also the supernatural shit in Mission 3 is way worse than the actual sneaking and thieving in the other Missions and the fact that I know other later Missions lean on that a lot helped stop my progress.
Uncharted is my favorite TPS series
I really liked Sonic Lost World.
I have over 10000 hours collectively between LoL Dota and overwatch
I believe Im a VIP sir
You don't have bad taste.
It's not your fault games fucking died from 2008 to 2013
I agree with most of those opinions. I dishonored 1 but didn't play the second one. Does it change/improve alot or is it more of the same?
Nuh uh i even have a reservation in the vip BBC lounge
It's a straightforward old school FPS with great graphics, a cool setting, and fun weapons. It never tries to be anything else.
Sorry sir, you can't come in
How about Autismcraft? I bought it in 2010, alpha 1.0.1 though...
I think Monster Hunter World is the best game in the franchise
I'll do you one better: Sonic & The Black Knight is one of the better Sonic games in my eyes. It's definitely one of the best 3D Sonics. I'd also argue it's the only Sonic game with a legitimately good story.
I think Symphony of the Night is so boring and don't see why people like it.
and I love Hollow Knight
The Black Knight was a fucking rad game
I like Fable 3, what does that get me at the bar?
This is still the best Smash game
Sorry sir you have to leave
I was wondering um what's the wacommended amount of deditated wam I should have to server?
I unironically had the most fun out of the series with the DMC reboot.
Haven't played the new one though.
i like dark souls 2
Shadow the Hedgehog is the best Sonic game
jak 2 is the best game of the series and is on my top 3 favorite ps2 games
anything works, just download more if it starts lagging.
you're looking for the best tastes club which if you turn around you can see it across the street, sir
I exlusively play the best genre there is - JRPGs.
I have over 1500 hours in CSGO
I spent the last month playing Anthem every day.
Get on my level.
I like every fire emblem game
except #FE and Revelations
Only games I played in all off 2019 are Jeff Vogel games.
I have about 4k hours in tf2
Megaman Battle Network 4 is the best one in the series.
MMBN 4 > 5 > 1 > 6 > 2 >3
My favorite games are FF7, Zelda OOT, MM and BotW, I love MMos, especially WoW, Fallout NV is a masterpiece and it's not vydia but I also love Evangelion and think it's the deepest anime ever made.
Ah you're a leddit tourist? Right this way
XCOM interceptor is the best XCOM game. Who the fuck enjoys turn-based combat? Real-time space battles now that is the shit.
Let someone in already, you fat faggot.
Disciples 1 & 2 > Any HoMM
I like Skyrim.
ah, right this way sir. sorry to have kept you waiting
Play Megaman X and nothing else
not only should you get in, you should get a VIP pass.
I like Bubsy.
Only the first one, though
>all i really play are GTA and GTA clones
Have fun with Cyberpunk 2077
Op we got a winner
More like "Test in PROD Todd"
Not only do I play Call of Duty, I bought the red dot everyone was complaining about. I am the cancer you hate so much, and I feed off your hatred and anger, feed me user, feed me.
Borderlands is overall a very good series of games.
The last of us is a pinnacle of video games and will only be out shined by it's sequel which will be 100x better because Joel will not be in it.
OP left the thread like a faggot he is
FFXIII-2 Is the best mainline final fantasy game
I enjoyed DmC: Devil May Cry's portrayal of Dante and unironically believe he was pretty entertaining as a character and as Dante after DMC4.
I love Indie shit games with Roguelike elements. I love the artstyle on the majority of the games. I fucking hate Triple-A games because all of them are uninspired trash.
Clear sky is the best game in the Stalker series.
AFPS games are fucking boring to git gud at and watch. You're a goddamn liar if you tell me with a straight face the average Joe would rather watch a Quake Live duel as opposed a game of cheating CS:GO pros or even a Melee fight
Quest 64 was a fantastic gem no one appreciated.
The only good games in the Soulsbourne series are Demon's souls, the first half of Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne
My dad gave this to me when I came home from school one day, apparently someone just threw it in our garden
Darksouls3 = Sekiro > Darksouls2 >> Darksouls1
probably one of your friends threw it in there instead of just asking you if you wanted it after they found out it wasn't a very good game.
I'd do the same thing, it'd be weird to just walk up to someone i know and just ask them if they wanted a video game.
Mastery rank 20 in warframe, my entrance is assured.
>Ctrl-F Skyrim, Fallout 4, Dark souls, Bloodborne, BioShock
Shut up you stupid fucking frogposter.
I enjoy asscreed games despite the series never finding its footing and dropping stealth mechanics altogether in Origins and Odyssey and I gloss over any flaws using the power of headcanon and looking away in order to maintain the illusion.
He's right you know.
the AC games is my favorite vidya series
I have always enjoyed and still enjoy Fallout 3
Banjo-Kazooie is my favorite N64 game
I think Fire Emblem: Awakening is one of the best handheld games ever made
I own every version of Fable available for purchase and don't regret it
only you posted Fallout 4 as text you dumb frogposter
If we have to dig super deep into the bottom of the pile I played through the entirety of pic and didn't hate it. I'm not sure I've ever actually hated a game I've played.
If we're just on Yea Forums's definitions, then I enjoyed Pokemon Gen 7, The Legend of Legacy, Fire Emblem Echoes, and several others like them. I also genuinely enjoy the story of Etrian Odyssey games.
This game was great though, why is this one bad taste?
Armored Core? that's based
You don’t
anyone who is console-only
starfox was never good and is really just a spaceship game where you have to babysit an obnoxious frog an asshole bird and a senile rabbit.
I'm actually the video game and you must play with me.
1. FF6 is genuinely a terrible game and a terrible RPG
2. Most Nintendo IPs are simple-minded kids' games that no adult should be proud of enjoying
3. Ghost Trick is an excellent game hampered by a very mixed bag of a story
4. Symphony of the Night is an irredeemable shitfest of a game, a fucking joke
5. 3D games are inherently inferior to 2D
6. Rogue-like is an incredible genre that most devs just so happpen to fuck up
7. There is nothing wrong with movie games or walking simulators
Have a go if you want to, anons, I know I'm right.
I pre-purchased the $90 edition of Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines 2 already.
I have purchased skyrim 5 separate times on different platforms
How? Just how?
I love this shit, lol
Fallout 3 does several things better than NV, including environmental story telling and general world layout. NV has way too much exposition from a lot of NPCs and does little to show rather than tell. The map in NV feels cramped which makes exploration feel less rewarding because everything is so close together and you don't have to go out of your way to look for things as much. Say what you want about Downtown DC, but Freeside is an awful location. Quests there consist of walking across empty streets just to talk to one NPC. Other than that, NVthe better game mechanically, but FO3 isn't terrible in anything but its
Story. Am I in?
>worst taste
I hear it a lot.
Best games in their respective series:
>Fallout Tactics
>Final Fantasy XIII (next is FFVI)
>Heroes IV (next is V)
>Worms Ultimate Mayhem (2D worms are lame)
>Persona 4
>Pokemon LGPE (I played every mainline Pokemon game.)
>Oracle of Ages (but OoS is lame)
>Assassin's Creed III
>Yakuza Dead Souls
>Rayman Origins
>Tetris DS
>Valkyria Chronicles II
>Crash Bandicoot 4
>DmC (I played all games but DMC5)
>Crash Bandicoot 4
you mean crash bash or CTR?
The Wrath of Cortex
he/you is joking right? That game was a buggy mess and didn't even function properly. Especially the underwater levels. Only good thing to come from Wrath is the music. Okay, Cortex's hub had fun levels, but only his.
whats good about ground zeroes?
i´ve never played it and i want to know why
Smash brawl was the best one in the entire series.
It has it flaws, but it has superior level design and I like characters.
Battle Royale is the best genre
Hack n Slash games are really tedious.
I feel it's far too ambitious with the assets it had - you saw the jungle level trees? looks like fucking plastic man. I can show you what I mean if you want, the originality and ambition does shine through but it feels like it was underfunded and/or rushed. was it? All the vehicle levels was too much though, cut that shit down by 75% and fix bugs, then I'll see it being on par with CB3.
Transformers ROTF The Game > RDR2 GOW
Assassins creed 1 was a really fucking unique and great game, all sequels were dogshit
I thoroughly enjoy Life is Strange over any cinematic game and I think both the original and the prequel are superior to The Walking Dead
I fucking loved Darksiders 3, 9/10.
G-Darius is the best shmup every created.
Pic related is the best HoMM game.
Koudelka is probably the most underrated game ever made, certainly the most underrated of the 5th gen.
Metro Exodus so far is 2019's GoTY.
most of Yea Forums seems to like BL2 now when BL3 is on the horizon
I've played nearly 700 hours of For Honor.
I love all the souls games for different reasons.
Xenoblade X is one of my favorite games of all time and I love the OST, and desperately await a port and sequel.
I like all TES games minus Arena, and I am eagerly awaiting TESVI.
There are no good jrpgs
There is no good sonic games
Animal crossing is one of the greatest games of all time
Fortnite is a good game
Europa Universalis 4 is the greatest gsg
Crash bandicoot is bad
Sunshine was the best 3d mario
Halo reach was the best halo
Call of duty 4 was better than halo 3
N64 is over rated
Zelda is over rated (especially btow)
Xbox 360 was the greatest consol of all time
I play IWBTG Fangames
Welcome to the Deluxe VIP lounge sir.
I played and loved turok evolution
Because since BL2 came out, a bunch of looter shooters also came out and every singe one was inferior in one way or another. The only thing Yea Forums hated at launch was the writing, but our current "memes" are so fucking awful that bl2s memes are nostalgiac of a better time now.
i despise resident evil 4 that fucking game destroyed my favourite saga made the overthe shoulder and shitty action an staple for the series instead of slow scary inventory management game , i really hate that game like no other game in existence
>there are no good jrpgs
>he never played Tales of Vesperia
Unironically the best combat ever made in a game that wasnt designed by capcom or platinum.
Contra lore > Metal Slug lore
this is good taste though
I know exactly what you look like.
>tooie> kazooie
>anti aliasing is a fucking meme that kills performance
My taste are good
+6000hrs on tf2, spy main
Tenkaichi is better than Budokai
I enjoy Musashi: Samurai Legends Unironically.
right this way sir
its suppose to be worst taste, not exquisite
You're alright.
but as much as I love it, turok evolution is kinda objectively a bad game.
Yeah, I mean I played and completed it but there's no Ignoring the glaring issues such as the literal dozens of game-impeding bugs like weapons disappearing from levels and your inventory and the lack of Checkpointing leaving every level a one-shot run. While we're at it Fuck 3-1 and 13.
I am starting to think people just make satirical posts
I genuinely like FO76 DESPITE its flaws, and I have +110 hours into it
I play video games for fun.
I recently finished Dragon Age Inquisition and Vivienne is my favorite character.
I played Sonic 06 recently and while it is a deeply flawed game i still enjoyed it.
But Dragon Age Inquisition wasn't a bad game. It had interesting story to it, interesting followers, decent romance choices and decent humour
Could've done with less pandering to certain demographics and could've stick to the more traditional gameplay of DA:O because even when Frostbite engine looks amazing, it fucking sucks at everything else, it makes everything look and feel janky as fuck, the graphics are just a bravado when the worlds that look good are hollow as fuck, also the "bullet spongey" nature of the enemies was annoying. Holding LMB while occasionally launching a volley of projectiles for 5 minutes straight. Then just go Mage Knight and fuck everything up with your immortal refreshing shield and spellsword swings.
It was exactly the same problem with Mass Effect Andromeda, the game was okay experience and showed promise but fucked up in so many fronts to make it even equal to the previous iterations
I know this isn't a confession thread but I'd like to just vent. I unironically fell for the marketing on Yea Forums and preordered the ultimate edition for Overwatch for PC, then bought it again for 60 burger bucks to play with some coworkers
They stopped playing a month in and I stopped lying to myself two years ago before uninstalling
I also bought 20 loot boxes
I'm sorry
Welcome in, Sir!
That game fucking sucks.
Damn, so I can't coming in?
I unironically believe shooters are better on consoles
>I swear Im gonna buy Borderlands 3!
>You're in, but you better bring a receipt next time
I don't even play games. I come here for the memes while I wait for WoW Classic.
I don't think Zelda, Naruto and FE are enough to enter the shit club, there are some solid games on your pic
With gyro aiming
Mah nigga.
Fuck You bandai namco and your shitty anime brawlers.
I like Donkey Kong Country 1 better than 2
it's only a guilty pleasure, still awful writing tho
Wind Waker is the best Zelda game there is.
Devil May Cry 2 is underrated.
Final Fantasy VIII is the best one.
Silent Hill 2 has some of the most thrilling boss fights in any game. I love it too, but come on guys the bosses were the worst part of the game
You can't come in
I have over 1000 hours in Violated Heroine, dropped Breath of the Wild in 2 hours
I have 700+hours in FFXIV where I play as a Male Dunesfolk Lalafell and my main job is White Mage. But I don't RP. My item level is only 307 and I've spent $100+ on mogstation items
Final fantasy 9 is bad and people only remember it fondly because of muh castles and because it's better than the rest of the train wrecks that came out after ff7.
I present my friend: Screenshot taken a minute before posting.
Time to show my strength
-Megaman x7 isn't bad
-Megaman x8 is
-Megaman 2 is the worst classic game
-Sonic 3&k is my least fav of the trilogy (quadrilogy if you count cd)
-Sonic unleashed isn't good
-Sonic colors isn't good
-Sonic black knight is best 3d game
-R&C 3 is not as good as 1 and 2 (still great don't get me wrong)
-Crash Mutant games were fun
Can I come in now I hear there's a ps1 set up with x6
Lux Pain was a masterpiece
I think it's more of that they hated it less over time rather than them liking it more. Like others said, it's still objectively better than games of the same genre coming out in recent years, even it's own successor TPS, which even that could be said to be better than recent looter-shooters. Also, TftBs writing was really good, so it kind of made up for the burch-infested trash in BL2, and made us optimistic for how good mainline writing could be. In the next game
holy shit
Holy shit first post in and I hate you. Fuck you. Die.
Subspace Emissary was unironically the best single player anything the Smash series has ever had.
Seriously guys why'd you have to make Sakurai take it out- every other single player mode has sucked ass before and after it.
This isn't shit taste
2008-12 weren't bad, just less good than the years before them. 2013-14 were SHIT.
Not shit taste. Though I like 3 more, all of them are good.
I don't think there's enough room to fit in all the snoybois
I enjoyed crackdown 3 over just cause 3.
Kingdom hearts is great
t. someone with shit taste
Every game is absolute dogshit.
>implying I think any of the zelda games are beyond 7/10
i thrown out every game that gearbox or bethesda have touched, both developed or published
>half-life expansions
>every elder scrolls
>every fallout, even NV
>even fucking doom 2016
i don't want to touch risk of rain 2 because of this shit
yes it is