which will win in a race, the hare or the tortoise? also Marina and Pearl will be in their OE outfits for this splatfest.
Special Spring Splatfest
its easter so all the Timmys online with pick the rabbit.
dead game, only pedos still play this trash
But the Tortoise is the correct answer
>bunny squids
I usually choose based on color, and it seems this green is a unique shade compared to the "slime" and "mint" ones in the vanilla game. That and I don't like the fursuit in the hare.
Guess I'm going Tortoise with my bf.
>posts Overwatch
funny because inklings were originally gonna be rabbits.
would octolings be rabbits too though? cats seem somewhat more fitting to them.
Also, here's Sheldon's Picks. Which would you use?
Hare literally only lost because he stopped to rest out of his own arrogance. If he just finished the fucking race, he would have run.
Finally my fucking Cherry. Too bad the special isn't that great with the sub like in one but it's still good
Skalman represent!
Tortoise all the way!
She's not a rabbit, she's a hare
>Fanbase are a bunch of trannys and salt miners
Somebody post that tranny chart were it's confirmed that trannys are pedophiles
I'm digging the look of the 4 in the middle.
the dapples you dumb nigger
Don't call me a nigger
Team Jeb!
>he says this while posting a picture from a game that's only alive because of porn
>Slow and steady
Those are some slick Dapples, but Sploosh with Ultra Stamp is really nice too.
Rabbits all the way.
>all the inklings in rabbit costume art that'll now be created
My dick can't wait.
>mfw he says he's picking hare
>thinking he has any say in what is a "dead game"
He's trying to be more high energy nowadays
Wait is this a new Splatfest? Wasn't last one like, last week?
Aww yeah time to ink some splat zones
There's one for literally every week.
Splatfests have been once a month since Splatoon 2 started. The Springfest is like the Spookyfest, an extra-special special dress up Splatfest.
it's not actually happening until 3 weeks from now
>new bamboozler
>doesn’t have ink cloud
It's not until the 19th
This is hard. I had 1 of each as pets as a kid. My dad had to amputate one of the rabbit's legs and eventually died. The turtle we had was born with 3 legs and managed to run away. Turtle has the advantage with my personal experience, so I'll have to go with that.
Not bad but I can see why they went with humanoid squids
Why do your pets lose their legs?
>he says posting in defense of a game that is only alive because of porn and shipfags
same shit
This one is like 3 weeks away
imagine picking hare
>have to spend 5 minutes everytime I start up splatoon to report all the faggots and mentally ill posts
I love splatoon and don't give a shit about overwatch, but complaining about trannies doesn't really work in this case
You're the hero we need
>Splatling with Booyah Bomb
In the story hare would of won if he didnt sleep,the moral is shit.Slow and steady doesnt win the race:Not being cocky does
I fucking hate this shit story
Its fucking braindead how they thought the turtle won because he was slow
The rabbit went to sleep not for being tired of running,But of cockiness
This story is shit and so is anyone who likes it.If your a parent and tell your kid this story and think the moral “slow and steady wins” you should kill yourself and if you already told your kids then kill the kids
>pearl in a bunny outfit
The moral of the story is twofold: Don't get cocky even when you're ahead, and don't give up even when you're behind. Both the hare and tortoise have an important message to tell. One isn't better than the other.
Yes, the hare absolutely would have won if he hadn't gotten cocky. The only reason the tortoise won is because he didn't give up. You should learn from both lessons. That's the whole idea.
How did a turtle manage to run away?
>What's the easiest way of selling my extra copy as a Steam gift?
Go to the RoR2's Steam forums or the official Discord.
slow and steady
I was playing with it outside during the summer and went inside to get some water and didn't bother putting him back in the cage because he's a 3 legged turtle but when I came he was gone forever. There was a little creek in the front yard about 100 yards away so I hope the little guy made it there to live a happy turtle life.
He fucking died
It most likely died a few days later.
They announce the special splatfests earlier than usual. If I remember correctly I think the FrostyFest was even announced before the Smash Splatfest despite taking place after it.
>No new beakons
Yeah, the 'slow and steady wins the race' thing never made sense.
If the rabbit had collapsed from exhaustion from running too fast it would be different.
Nobody even uses them.
I do.
They're pretty good now that you can use them without worrying about them being wasted.
I'm with you, tortoise bros
>people still play this game
Remember, the moral isn't "slow and steady wins the race," it's "don't get cocky and take a nap during the race"
>once again no third tri-slosher
Wonder how badly they will nerf the meter gain for the Aerospray since it builds up extremely quick on the other two variants.
Finally, someone with a brain.
new squiffer and dabbers are nice bit overall pretty shit picks
Of course. It's fun.
The free trial also got in more new players. Like me. Holy shit, I didn't expect it to be so fun. I don't really even like online multiplayer games but it really got me.
I mean it’s a fun game overall.
I have seen a bunch in my square talking about how the demo brought them in. Welcome to the inking fields, user.
peenus VS weenus
Trannies weren't noticeable in the first game since you needed to use Memeverse to post and not the online sewage container that is Twitter. Also, only autists and retards bought a Wii U.
>new maps on splatfests
>consistent balance patches
>new weapons
>unique gameplay
>new players due to sales and the recent free trial
Why not play it?
not really
Bunnysuit squidkids incoming
Team hare is definitely going to have the better fanart
what in the world is the bottom left one?
Wonder what kind of fanart would team tortoise have? Scallie shit?
Of course. Whoever heard of tortoise girls? And there's even the new Pokemon to crossover with.
But who gives a shit, we /turtle/ now.
Tenta brella
killing miiverse and not letting anyone but twitter users ie sjws and not manchildren and actual children post completely ruined the plaza and I really miss the gamepad and having the map always visible
i wanna fuck that rabbit
Hare is sure to win because his speed is superior.
>dex vs str will finally be solved
>I can't draw feet or hands
turtles aren't strong though, they just have maxed out armor
This better end up being full of all brush vs all dynamo matches
That's more of spd vs def.