>tfw when it takes 10 goddamned minutes just to find the teleporter
swamp can kiss my ass.
Risk of Rain 2
Other urls found in this thread:
NOOOOO stop enjoying the game, it's boring, slow and not how Risk of Rain is suppose to be played!
us east pls
can you unlock challenges in drizzle? I want to unlock clover but am a shitter and can only get to 6th-7th level on rainstorm
Rooms where?
FUCK the magic lizard jew
friendly reminder to not give out free copies here
If you buy a gift copy, do you still get the free gift copy on top of that?
Someone with a Mexico copy? Will give Killing Floor 1
I liked the first game but why the change to 3D? It just straight up looks like the puke released on XBLA over a decade ago..
us west
big jumpers crew
You can but it's still gonna be ass.
It also might not be worth it.
Glorious and based
Why is there no rain in this game?
>playing on drizzle
I hope they make it so that you can't unlock fuck all on drizzle
learn to play
didn't that deal expire
You are the rain, user.
>friendly reminder to not give out free copies here
i fucking check their profile before i give out a game
cheap fucks always asking for free gibs and can easily afford the games
oh i didnt realize it wasnt the same as in ror1
See now THIS is s decent post. Unfortunately I don't have a spare but good for you, user.
I will be the first to admit, that yes, playing the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack as Merc may have slightly affected my decision making. We can all agree that activating every combat shrine in the level and spawning those Lemurians and Overloaded Magma Worms was a mistake that we can put behind us.
we playing the same game bro?
That's strong as shit. Basically doubles the effect of all of your on hit and on kill effects.
Would it help to include proof of poorfaggottry?
>this ost is okay but it's missing something...
>hear the leitmotif from the first game
post golems
lmao vedditors actually think this game is difficult and fast paced
>have all characters except mercenary
>he's the one I want to play the most
I've looped like six times just today and still no portal
Overloading Worms are right bastards
>ignoring the challenge of a good fight
Bandit WHEN
Someone gave me this for free. Is it even a good game?
post EU lobby
what the fuck
If you read the previous that's what some people actually argued. They are used to abusing the game with glass and command to become overpowered within a few minutes, and now think that if it takes 5 seconds or more to kill an enemy it is considered slow, dull and just boring.
what does it mean to loop is each level a loop or is it some number of levels?
Does anyone have the "glass mode" touhou picture?
>mfw I can go home soon to play
being a fucking wagie is suffering
No, we're all paid shills
>spawning those Lemurians and Overloaded Magma Worms
Nah, wait for a full release at the very least.
US East
Why am I not allowed to gift this game?
when you reach the last level you loop back around to the first level
Why do my quickplay games keep ending? Is it the host rage quitting?
>get to lunar shop with 16 coins
>wizards isn't there
What the fuck? is this a glitch or what?
jewish tricks, get it on humble instead, you still get 2 keys and both are region free
give me fucking MERC you STUPID GAME
no idea. we teleported, chat said something about the earth shaking and then there were golems.
Why aren't you playing with v user?
just play single player on easy and farm teleports past loop
Just unlock it in the xml file user.
yes, stop playing like a faggot
reminder to stack crowbars as robot
makes your gatling do 2k damage on full-health enemies
I was op as shit here and only died because I didn't understand what was damaging me
Nope she sometimes isnt there. You got bad rng.
All these hidden events in the game I've yet to experience make me happy
how to play artificer
wait you can play with pubs?
Reminder that US players are trash
thanks fampai, now I have this!
>Running around as commando
>Notice whole team died
>Solo the waves, since the button was pressed
>Get tele to 99%
>Keep killing
>Run around map
>Keep killing
>Check every inch
>Keep killing
>Boss despawned
congrats you fucked your save
>57 leaf is a rare now
play multiplayer
How do you open the gate on the sand level?
>tfw no big slow sturdy fellow with huge dakka-dakka gun character
Just look for the red sparks surrounding the tele location, not the tele itself
I find the tele in the swamp in 2 minutes maximum. Swamp is the easiest map to find it in because the sparks contrast so insanely with the brown environment
yes but don't do that
glass cannon
also, dont use wall as a defense, use it offensively
How did you fuck up that badly kek
How can I cheat to get Mercenary? I've been at it for over 20 hours now.
Fuck you I want to play with my friends
it's 55 bananas where I live. anybody got an extra?
that's basically robot but he has transport mode because being slow 100% of the time is actually boring as shit
you can't play multiplayer tho
Got it right on time. Thanks, user!
drizzle with mul-t
cheated my way in to anime club, boys. now i can finally play a fun character.
my charge was strong as fuck though
What that message just opens at the start every time
Just click continue
>MUL-T with 15 syringes, 8 lenses, and 5 predatory instincts
I am the fast
I have never bought a game on early access. Never. I love risk of rain though so to anons already playing is it worth the $20 as is? if so this would be a good game for me and my sister to play
His continue is grayed out. It happens when a save corrupts from what I've been seeing.
Buy it from humble bundle to avoid zone restrictions
Somebody post some sweet huntress ass.
Also, check 'em
how do you join when people post codes like this?
server where?
What do combat shrines even do? I've never gotten anything from killing all the monsters
That's not TRUE fast, you should be one-shotting bosses with shift you dumb nigger
Wait is there no final level in this game?
It kinda lacks variety right now. too few maps. it's still super fun to play though
Only if you film you fucking your sister
what the fuck does that do?
Literally 4 posts above you
I'm american and have a german friend, will I not be able to gift him my free copy?
go in to the game and click in join clipboard
Thanks user for warning I feel dumb but what exactly is that?
An american gifted me the game and I'm from France
I do this but then it says "invalid ID"
>Get to lap 3 on Mercenary
Okay fuck you game I just want my clover
there shouldn't be any lag anymore
free $$$$
it's fun but it's still exactly what you'd expect from early access
there's some issues people have encountered, but it's nothing too serious (just having to restart run)
there's a lack of map randomization etc. and enemy types are a bit lacking
it's a good investment, but I would recommend not dragging your sis into it till it's got some more polish, because you don't wanna ruin it for her by having her try it ASAP
Probably because it's either full or they disconnected
maybe the party is full, maybe you cant connect to that party, maybe the user post it wrong, in some case to me says invalid id, but i tried with other and i play normally
Wow a game that was once 1 dollar and FREE
Game is started or full then
>bitch about getting to 20 being bullshit
>have enough after a few failed attempts as merc and commando
>switch to mul-t
>get a brilliant behemoth as the first fucking item
>get to 40 before killing self
it feels a bit dirty taking the cowards way out and using mul-t, but i finally have that fucking clover
that makes sense, just got in one now
Why is this game community already cancerous?
is there a difference between north and south america keys?
This is why I hide my list of games.
>350 games
how do you get clover exactly
Sent :^)
>Beg for 20 dollar game with a worthless compensation
Why are you a faggot?
>fungus engi
>stacking reds that double healing
>red that fires orbs when healed
What was datamined?
>Just sold my extra copy for 10 dollaroos
>Bought some booze and played more RoR2
Feels fucking good.
reminder that you can test how laggy a game will be by swapping characters. if it takes forever for your character to switch models, then your game will be laggy as fuck
room for 1
In ROR1 I used to rush tele and unlock chests as I killed the boss and mobs, but now chests are locked after the tele is activated, so what's the new best strategy?
yo need to get 20 rounds/maps in one run
imagine being the 3rd wheel that didnt get his friends free copy
Really? I didnt knew that
PM'd you the fix
Han-D and Enforcer, along with a class called Assassin afaik
I wasn't the begging guy but I've been reading the past 2 threads to get a feel of the community and half of every thread is attacking other people for no reason
Ok yeah because we have been looking for games to play and she made me download that fear the wolves game. Like a fps-br made by a ruski I think. Fucking took 15 hours to download and it was decent but all that only for this bitch to say "yeah no it was shit, let's keep looking"
Give3 me 3 reasons not to play this game
Unlock chests when the teleport hits 100% and you kill the boss
anyone have pictures of the datamined content?
Not one fps shooting game that has rpg aspects to it.
Well maybe e.y.e. so then its 2.
>1346 games
>find one of those lunar coin shrines that turns all your item into like 2 or 3 but with shitloads of stacks
>23 red whips
>my mfw face when out of combat
god DAMN
>the teleporter is tucked in some corner behind that door you can scale in the swap/there's a long hallway to get to
>no particle effects around it, you have to check manually
>took me like 10 minutes
Not him but Yea Forums is all angry /pol/tard meme spouters and "ironic" weebs that keep trying to erp
that's only after the game dies
the game is still in its prime
>Use said shrine
>My quite offensive huntress turns into 13x Warbanner 6x Hopoo feather
Wait, so if my friend in the US wanted to give a copy to me on Costa Rica, it can't be done?
>mfw got 10 goat hoofs 2 sodas and 5 whips
Even better when it's spawned halfway inside the geometry.
It is like dice. If you need to roll 50% to have an item activate it instead rolls twice and is effectively 75%.
central us
>6 hopoo feathers
So long ground
That way works, just not the other way around
No, Steam has put an end to gifting your friends nice things because Russians abused it.
Dumb Satania poster
Holy fucking shit that's amazing
>my mfw
>tfw got 6 magazines with MUL-T
Geez I didn't know Demoman made it into RoR
Threads have been filled with non stop begging for a 20 dollar game, and you're offering to trade for something that's been valued at 5 dollars to free for something that's worth 10 dollars
It should be pretty clear why people like you are getting "attacked'
>stop having fun reeeeeeeee
If you're not worried about activating the teleport ASAP you can get money fast instead of needing to find enemies or wait for them to spawn. It is good if it is near an item box and you want to buy it.
eubros come here
how to get better at looting
everyone runs rings around me it feels like
So specific items won't drop until you unlock their achievement right?
what does Silence between two strikes do?
>1346 games
It's easy to rack it up. Cheap indie game bundles. Games on sale. PC is superior because we get some good fucking deals. And probably just me but I used write about video games for a website so I got free games Console plebs on the other hand get shit deals.
Pic related. It me.
is the 2x1 thing over or does it last til midnight?
but theres no way you completed alll of them, even 50%
If you haven't unlocked anyone besides Commando, you can't keep up in multiplayer with people that have other characters that well unless you get lucky with chests.
If you absolutely hate losing, it's not too fun
It's still a little wonky, early access blues
>hurr git gud with MANdo
Early access blues, dude.
host when?
host now.
Not really. I give out tons of games and could care less if you're rich, poor, or where you live. I think some people just get upset because they're poor and see rich people get free shit like it's an injustice.
So long as you play the game, that's all I care about.
After teleporting run as far away from your team as possible. Pop those blood and combat shrines early.
You don't even deserve to be told how great RoR2 is. Fuck off.
Just play with common courtesy
best plan though would be to wait until they start implimenting artefacts so we can get Yea Forums rules rolling like in RoR 1
hey that's pretty good
I assume it works on crit too?
NA West
I think it ended 15 minutes ago.
Is it too late to purchase the game and get a free copy?
If its the one I'm thinking of then it takes up the use item slot but gives you the passive ability of the shock elites, your shots explode in a small burst of electricity shortly after hitting a target
1 more
oh ok, steam still has the message saying you get a copy, weird.
Reminder to all Mul-T fags your day is coming soon.
It should work on everything, but not bears since it says bears don't work on luck. I'm assuming this is what "luck" is.
IKTF bro
don't play engi for sure, engi can't get anything
>playing the Metal Gear Rising soundtrack as Merc
You did the right thing, regardless of your choices
It had to be this way
>but theres no way you completed alll of them, even 50%
You're right and I don't care. I have money.
>I used write about video games for a website so I got free games
You must leave this place, games journalist
1 slot, cmon
Explain me something.
Let's say I am from Brazil. If someone from the US bought the game and wanted to give their free copy, would it be allowed?
What just happened? This was during the prismatic trial.
does steam store say you're too late?
if it does, you buy & it doesn't have another copy, just contract support or refund it
Does anyone else think the addons can be a bit much? I'd like an option to just keep the model as is without including upgrades.
>go to ror2g in /vg/
>literally first half of the thread is some schizo-tier posting
this is why we do not post on vg
Hit me up when you're done with this round metrid.
1 more spot
>I have money so I can spend it without actually using it
Might as well light your money on fire periodically. Because you have it.
If he isn't nerfing his kit he's still going to be OP. He's good in every role and doesn't have any bad items.
>You must leave this place, games journalist
I know I don't belong because I'm a hard Leftist and everyone would fucking hate me here if you knew who I am. I unironically browse Reddit more than Yea Forums.
What is the challenge of the mountain shrine?
>still doesn't get that it wasn't me
And threads have also been filled with non stop baiting the beggars because that's sure to drive them away instead of reporting and ignoring the posts, right? But hey, gotta have that satisfaction of telling someone to kill themselves.
>Might as well light your money on fire periodically. Because you have it.
You sound really jelly.
what happens if I kill this fucker that sells the mage
are the servers fucked up?
the next teleporter spawns more bosses and you get more loot from them
the boss will be stronger in exchange for more items
>Console plebs on the other hand get shit deals
at least they own the products. at the end of the day you own nothing if you buy digital. imagine if you actually had rights and could resell your keys.
mod to remove player cap fucking WHEN
Multiple bosses but also more items.
Don't pop it without telling your team first.
>this thread
Begging is explicitly against the rules and the thread is to discuss the game, why do you retards think you're entitled to free games
Oh god, you haven't heard?
Okay so check this out
Instead of fight one or two bosses
You fight TWO or FOUR BOSSES
Which sucks but when you activate it the teleporter gets a nice glowing icon over it so you can ACTUALLY FIND THE FUCKING THING IN WETLANDS FUCK AAAAAAA
Also you get double the item drops near the teleporter when you kill the bosses
You can play John Shootman AND Raiden from the Metal Gay Cry series.
I need to convince friends to buy the game, but I need pictures of Huntress' ass.
Where is the best place to find these? Also, is there Artificer porn yet?
Why should I have to pay money for an unfinished game?
No, that was just a statement trying to rationalize your dumb as fuck thought process.
oh yeah, and
>37 fucking grenades
>my mfw face when hitting something
This. I begged 2 years ago on a Christmas giving thread. I was one of the unfortunate retards to beg and post my Steam profile. Don't ever beg on Yea Forums you'll get hit with a banhammer.
good tip, i didn't think of that
you die of old age because he has infinite health
Then don't buy it, are you fucking retarded?
can start a list of shit items you want to avoid picking up?
Wake of the vultures: gives you elite powers after killing an elite. except if you kill a shield elite it turns half your hp into shields, but when it wears off the shields are removed and you are left with half hp.
Brittle crown: shooting an enemies gives you 1 money. taking damage removes money. if you take one hit for 500 hp you lose 500 money.
Like I said in my prior post I don't care. I have money and I can do whatever I want with it, when I want it. I'm fully aware of my decision making. But keep seething you poor fucking NEET.
>I think some people just get upset because they're poor and see rich people get free shit
More like you shouldn't be begging if you can buy the game.
I got one where it was the same, but everything were wisps and greater wisps.
It wasn't fun.
>journalist lying about the game because they're bad
On a scale of dipshit to troglodyte you sit at braindead.
>can start a list of shit items you want to avoid picking up?
Your inventory is infinite why bother deciding which item is good? Just fucking horde until you get better items.
>can't enjoy a game unless it's hard and fast
you sound like a porn director
Remember kids, never sit still.
Slow is the enemy.
what the fuck does that even mean
that journo is probably average at the game judging from the retards I'm playing with in these threads
That's why I said you should just burn it if you're that retarded. You projecting doesn't help. What it does help is me feel better about my finances and knowing you will amount to nothing more than work, sleep, consume and die.
There's one lunar item that doubles your healing but makes it come over time, which kinda defeats the purpose. Pretty much every lunar item besides shaped glass needs a tuning.
wtf that's disappointing I was expecting some kind of boss fight or some shit
wtf is that chain
i am bad so i need people to carry me
Carpet bombing niggas will always be fun
don't forget sniper files, and a model for bandit although we have screenshots of bandit from the dev blogs
this game makes time pass so fast
some items are worse than nothing, moron
You looked like a gundam. I love it.
Sentient Meat Hook.
Who cares if you can or can't buy a game? If I or somebody else has a free copy and somebody else wants the free copy instead of spending money... Well it's up to the person with the free copy, isn't it?
This is why I secretly prefer gifting to people who aren't poor. They don't act like they deserve it.
>That's why I said you should just burn it if you're that retarded.
Why are you trying so hard to offend me? I don't care.
i honestly think it's worth it on the first level to get *a few* items first, but don't do it unless you find the teleporter early
>i like my porn soft and slow
ok grandpa
Mul t is god tier.
>some items are worse than nothing
No there isn't any items "worse than nothing" you stupid faggot.
>some faggot actually voted drizzle
>all commanders except me
>get in-game
>buy a chest
>faggot steals my shit
Fuck them, hope they die to the first boss.
Sentient Hook
Chance when you hit something that a hook comes out of it, hits another enemy nearby for 100% attack damage, and drags it closer to the first target a little. Is really busted on artificer because you use the flamethrower to make it proc a million times and hit the blob with the rest of your aoe abilities.
>didn't record it
Just leave the game.
Are there death messages like in the first game?
>play tons of RoR1, usually try to activate tele as soon as possible cause I played with Yea Forums rules
>try to play 2 with the same mindset
>keep getting killed basically right off the bat
>see someone talking about not activating the tele as soon as possible but gathering chests first even if you need to take a few minutes
>immediate improvements to lifespan
I feel so bad for all the people who had to play with me before I realized this
what's spookymask & blue border watch?
I just fucking listed the two i've come across so far. one of them hurts you for killing shield elites and the other takes money away. the crowdfunder is also turboshit but at least you can just choose not to use it.
It's like the people who post beta screenshots of Ocarina of Time and go WHEN'S NINTENDO GONNA RELEASE THIS.
yep, and they're all super condescending.
It's great
Is the multiplayer better than the first game?
Whatever you fucking incel virgin.
I think optimal strategy is still activate asap but gather loot afterwards
sniper was shown in their devblog. she is definitely in.
happiest mask from RoR1, spawns a ghost upon the death of an enemy, though it has a small chance and unlike in 1 they eventually die off
yeah i had to experiment and mix up the old strategy first. the game's pretty much the same with a *few* differences
How the fuck can you people play this shit for dozens of hours I'm already burnt out two hours in and thinking of refunding it
>play Engineer
>mfw 50x syringes
>he says calling me a neet
>playing merc
>sequence tower
>get 9 quails
>fly across the world at insane speeds
welp. Useless and fucked me but holy shit my sides
maybe you just suck
Drizzle, looking to pass The Long Road achievement
the mask spawn a ghost to fight for you when an enemy dies
Very Yea Forumscore comment, just stating that you don't like something without explaining why and shitting on people who enjoy it.
Hey guys stupid question
Do enemies stop spawning at 99% charge or when the boss is officially killed?
I feel like it's an unintended visual bug and it's really fucking me up if I really plan to go for a long time. Especially that 20 matches in a row achievement
Not yet, but you should play it anyway.
Activating tele as soon as possible isn't even a Yea Forums rule thing, it's just the correct way to play Risk of Rain.
Honestly that too
>gets told
>gets mad
damn, burn
Sniper is a man tho
When the boss is killed as well as 99%
I can't play any game for several hours straight I take small breaks and switch back to it.
i think it's when it's at 99% charge?
Yes, it's not like feeling burnt out is universally associated with feeling like you've already experienced everything the game has had to offer you fucking autist
>4 player max
They had a buy one get one free on this, so I figured fuck it, it's only $20. How is it? I wasn't too big into the first one.
>getting this mad over being told what it is
have sex
How the fuck? also, since it got popular, how long until Yea Forums decides its shit and never liked it in the first place?
lmao do a breathing exercise or something buddy
About as long as the first game did
had to recheck the log
a week from now
Will this game be moddable in the future?
This is the first time in years that I played a game for 10 hours straight
be sure to send it actual feedback fellas
tell hopoo the teleporter needs a faint outline/sound
Yes, and some people can play for hundreds of hours without feeling burnt out. How about you work on providing actual criticism rather than vague buzzwords.
Wow some Anonymous dude called me a retard for spending an obsessive amounts of money on video games wow I am so retarded for not having this cross my mind about spending my money foolishly whoa man I am so dumb my feelings are hurt boohoo oh my god what am I gonna do
Is this item actually just awful or is there something about it I'm not seeing?
Aw man that sucks.
Especially when I'm currently dealing with Stone Titans as the boss and Overlord Imps gaining on me and at my 8th stage.
I have Preon Accumlator at least.
>2 hours
>everything the game has had to offer
which portal goes to lunar shop, celestial green or blue?
I just randomly unlocked huntress for some reason, what do you need to do to unlock her?
Also host
if you're burnt out after a few hours then you should come to the conclusion that you jsut don't like that game
refund it and git out
what's the blue outline watch thingy?
For someone not being offended you sure sound offended
Make lobby nerds.
>was waiting for maybe one of my buds sending me a free copy during the 3 day period
>last day and no copies sent so I bought it
>then IMMEDIATELY get gifted one
Don't ask for the copy, I already sent it to someone else but fug at least I supported the devs
RoR1 is one of the few Yea Forums-approved games, I doubt 2 will get any harsh treatment
I feel like whether or not you come out ahead with that completely depends on the character you're playing. I can see a robot with a bunch of syringes making bank with that, but it's gonna suck for most characters.
I have it
you get to the point where you just generate gold anyways and never die
free gold if you're not a shitter, whats not to like?
less useful on engineer though as turret hits doesnt generate gold
Get to the fourth stage
What do you do to get this? Is the portal its referring to the one to get to the next level?
Cause if so I've tried starting it with 1 hp and also finishing it at 1 hp and it didn't work.
Most people here actually don't care about your politics because the world does not revolve around America
>How the fuck? also, since it got popular, how long until Yea Forums decides its shit and never liked it in the first place?
Have you not noticed how many people played the first game? Years later people still played the first one. Did you not notice the threads? The community is strong.
Nobody will accept you, spic
Survive 3 maps for Huntress
Fuck off to pol, we're trying to have fun and play games, not worry about which politician is gunna fuck the nation raw next.
this can get you money real fucking fast if you're playing something like robo or commando
have less than 10% health the whole time
Fuck, I thought you'd been BTFO'd but it turns out you're not upset at all!
I'm offended because you think I'm offended.
how do I do that when you just passively regen hp?
>as turret hits doesnt generate gold
it does, but like everything else, it's for your turret
in one of my games, I placed a turret near a chest and I actually watched it open the chest after a while
I also would die to random damage for no reason, sometimes i would jump and take massive fall damage even though it was a normal jump, sometimes I would shift into maximum overdrive and just get chunked by air, is it lag maybe?
why is the beetle queen so sexy
get hit on purpose
Celestial and Blue portal needs to look distinctly different from another, too easy for people to get them wrong if they appear at the same time
this! its repetitive trash, I'll just go back to Apex/Pubg/LoL,
rip clover
Is there no final stage/boss?
Protip you get this log by jumping off the spawn spot, you'll see a white outline book
i forgot to buy fuck....
Does this mean Clover is now the 8ball from Risk of Reddit?
pirated it and played for a couple hours, it's fun...probably more fun if I had friends to play with
>Rushing lvls non-stop to unlock engineer
>Finally unlock him
>90% of the time the turrets are surrounded by enemies and don't attack
>They just return fire when they are damage
Guess I will keep playing huntress until they fix the fucking turrets.
Any other PClets in this thread that have the game? How taxing is it on the computer?
Yo dog
I mean, that's pretty fucking nuts too.
Really? I'll check this asap.
East coast
So far ror 2 is a bit disappointing, at least in the first one I could see every enemy projectile and properly dodge, in ror 2 I'm constantly running into an enemy, or getting hit from behind.
it's not built to be addicting
it's built to be a good game
you're just too far gone user, go back to your candy crush saga & whatever mobile games you play
EU LOBBY WHEN?????????????
It increases your regeneration rate over time
>there are people ITT that have no frens to share a copy with and play for hours
i pity your souls
yeah, it's pretty hard to do though, since the turret also loses its gold when it gets hit, plus it doesn't start with your gold, so it has to get all the money just from brittle crown
post lobbies
Damn, they're really making health stacking as hard as possible now with this and the infusion change.
Not yet. Just came out in early access, so there's a ton of content missing.
Still haven't unlocked the Mercenary
>give spare copy to my wife
>try to play together
>shes horrible
>gets a headache
I .. i wish I sent my copy to a fren ;_:
He's not saying you shouldn't give out free copies, just not to random people you don't know.
You can make it look like an Atari game, you can run it on pretty much anything.
God bless you all for making RoR so fun to play
What happens when you kill him ? I got killed just before i could kill him i was so salty
what does the ukulele do?
109775241000542108 EU LOBBY NOW
Makes your music electric.
get told faggot
dude lightning lmao
Your attacks become electric.
Every attack has a chance to zap nearby enemies.
More bosses and more boss items.
>jesus christ this fungus is fucking trash who the fuck is going to stop moving
>"Your turrets inherit all your items."
>Wait what
>..and so they left, the sound still ringing in deaf ears. "I wish you could stay," they tried to hack out, but it was useless. So they held each other, and the Sniper slowly shut off the spotter. Finally, tears fell from blind eyes.
Men don't cry user.
Gives you a chance on hit to fire a chain lightning thing that hits the enemy you originally hit first and then chains to nearby enemies until it can't chain any more.
Zip zap
Anybody know if this game has cloud saves? Alternatively, wheres the save file located?
Sounds like you made a bad choice in wife. Or she made a bad choice in husband because you're complaining about her to strangers.
can i play multiplayer on a pirated client?
2010 toaster here. Runs pretty well with some settings turned down, but leaving draw distance stuff at max. Only time it got really bad was when 4 beetle queens spawned and shit out 50 or so beetles.
what the fuck this is ridiculous I must be missing something, 10% hp you die in the next hit how are you supposed to stay below it while getting hit on purpose?
>this is literally how incel retards think
We've reached escape velocity.
>66k players and rising
with all this money and fame i better see Acrid and Chef
literally sniper and his robot that's why it's "they"
Is my actual human son, the Acrid, in the game?
It means once the teleporter hits 100% charge you need to be at 10% health or below
I got it randomly when I nearly got one-shot by a golem lazer as the teleport charge finished
Sniper is specifically only ever refered to as the collective of the human and the spotter Droid, it's impossible to be sure if the human is male or female untill we see the 3D model.
no egg
Holy fuck the overloading magma worm one-shot me, fucking BS
I also forgot I had Dio's Best Friend so I wasted it, but I guess it one shot me when I revived?
>10 Syringes
>13 Predatory Instincts
>90% Crit
>4 ATG
>4 Ukuleles
>9 Leech Seeds
>5 Stickies
>Frost Relic
>literally chain lightning every millisecond from firing
>spamming stun grenade cause mags, bandoliers and everything chain exploding on fire from wisps/gasoline/lightning
I've got a wife who's awesome and plays vidya well. Again, sounds like you fucked up if you're posting about how your wife sucks in a risk of rain thread.
tfw more people playing this than sekiro
Playing support engie with fungus turrets, item for reduced skill cooldown for your shields, ton of healing based items, and that one Q item that lets you target other players and heal them at range is some of the most fun I've had in ages
>setting up turrets around boss arena to heal frens
>popping ranged shield around someone just before they get hit with a boss attack
>popping ranged heal on someone right when they hit 1 hp
Any game with a support engie is so fucking wholesome and overflowing with positivity between players, it's top tier comfy
What's the trick to completing Prismatic Trial? the second stage boss fucks me up
? is command in this?
i hope not, ruined the first game
>they haven't found the final boss yet
Thank you! I might actually get this then.
>only one fungus
You are but a child.
brittle crown is literally a game restarter
how did I do? I spended most of my time in the gold portal
>Its a worm boss burrows near a wall so its almost impossible to hit episode
How do you get there?
Normal. US East.
>getting defensive and resorting to buzzwords
sounds like you got nailed bud
there are only two types of people that would ever complain about their wife on Yea Forums. LARPers and real greasy cunts
rx 550
i3 3240
runs at 60fps ~high for me
Gnarled Woodsprite >>> Flying >>> Primordial Cube
Nope, no command, all RNG drops but there are 3D printer chests that exchange one random item you have for whatever item is shown on the 3D printer chest. Makes it a bit easier to get a stack of at least one item you need if the right 3D printer spawns. As for the other items we have a system with the people I play with where you can call out what items you need for your build and people will leave and tag them for you if they spawn. Everyone gets what they need to have the most fun with their character so everyone is happy
>removing all challenge and turning the game into a rollercoaster ride is fun
get some fucking taste you casual
the fuck is game restarter
Comes ka nocturne what
>Implying rollercoasters aren't fun
They literally exist to be fun.
>top 10% placers in prismatic trials will be rewarded
>top 50% placers in prismatic trials are all hackers
The game by nature automatically adds challenge, who cares.
>Who cares if you can or can't buy a game?
If you have good revenue and you go begging things from others like a hobo, of course people will be bothered by that. If you don't have a problem that's your prerogative, but it's normal for people to frown at that.
Anyone got any advice for getting further? Got to the abyssal depths and got my shit kicked in by giant lava worms and tons of enemies spawning.
>always begged for host for the first RoR
>now don't even know which to join in RoR 2
wew what a world
Absolute chaos....
Post em boys
Go faster and get better drops.
Cremator when?
are you illiterate? it's something that is so bad you need to restart your game.
Don't spawn lava worms
>5 backup magazines
>4 bandoliers
>brilliant behemoth
>as Huntress
They already made hacks for a 2 day old game?
What exactly am I looking at here?
How do I damage the big gold rock monster in the gold portal?
You can edit a .dll to give you whatever you want stat wise. Bravo, hopoo
This is odd. This thread feels like 2011 Yea Forums. Is Risk of Rain an Olderfag game?
how is it possible to be this much of an insufferable faggot
Wow that'll really kill the competitive multiplayer scene.
You have to farm gold and then pay at each of the totems and it will make him temporarily vulernable, if you don't kill him fast enough you'll have to do it again.
>price in euros
The absolute state of slavs' IQ
I've only played one game with him so far but while Mercenary feels really solid to play, it feels like he's lagging behind a little in the damage department. Anyone else have more experience with him so far?
Ah shit that means there's only a certain number of times hes vulnerable?
idk, maybe I'm autistic or something but I have a hard time getting bored of risk of rain, at most I feel kind of hungover when I do a really long autistic run and I have to convince myself to stop and do something else
You do realize all that drizzle does is start you on easy and then no matter what you will proceed to medium/hard and so forth?
artificer is trash
>Already have Preon Accumlator
>Fuel Cell drops
>play mercenary
>magma worm
Is there a worse feeling?
It was originally made in /agdg/ I think, so probably man..
Why cant I turn bloom off :(
No, enemies will keep spawning until you kill him. You'll never be stuck completely unable to move forward.
1 more
Commando is nice. I think I like to stack him with ukes the best. But when you have that with soldiers syringe it's so good.
Go up into the sky and fight it like a man
>play literally anyone
>Magma worm
except brittle crown is good
the Lunar Coin shop realm, that's where you go when you fall - and there's a white outline at where I'm at (I picked it up so it's gone) where you get the log book for the map
Yeah, being such a fucking faggot PUSSY that you don't see magma worm spawns on merc as a good thing
It came out on 2013 so kind of
>mfw hit shrine of order and ended up with 8 fuel cells for my preon accumulator
literally all drizzle does is adjust the time for the difficulty scaling
once you start looping your difficulty jumps up multiple levels, to the point where all difficulties are the same at about 40 minutes in
Got this far pretty much just because of Sticky bombs. what are the penalties/bonuses for having a lower/higher difficulty?
>use shrine
>my offense face melting commando turns into a 25 stack medkit commando
Tbh it was the first time I saw the shrine and didn't really know what the fuck it does.
It's not that it is hard, it's that it takes fucking forever to kill it because it keeps going up and down and you only get a few hits in each time.
The only penalty is that Monsoon is required for one achievement, so nothing really unless you want that Achievement. I assume it also penalizes or buffs your total score? But who cares.
They made tiny versions that burrow into the ground and run away from you
>play artificer
>wandering vagrant
it's okay early on but when multiple spawn you're just fucked.
euros, get in here
Turrets and drones are too fucking OP now.
Can you unlock characters in multiplayer?
Also, any Yea Forums games open?
>Find giant drone buddy
>He costs 7000 gold to wake up
>Grind for like 7 minutes to get enough cash
>He dies to the boss on the same level
god why are the women in this game so fucking THICK
I feel like 13 again wanting to jack off to lowpoly models
is there a new thread? or this one still good to go?
what does shrine of combat do? whenever I kill the shit that spawns I don't get anything
This one's not past bump limit yet.
Yes and yes. Copy one of the long strings of numbers being posted here and click the "join clipboard lobby" option in the multiplayer menu.
>3+ healing drones
Immortality is mine
You don't know power until you've gotten this stacked.
Does attack speed reduce the recahrge time of the wizard chick's fireball? and of not where can I go yell at the devs to add that shit in?
what women? I've only seen that bow chick so far?
Have we figured out how to kill the newt shopkeep yet?
So we can all agree that the big fire lizards are THE most cancerous and hardest enemy?
>Try Quick Play
>Faggots select Drizzle
Eh, I had some fun still.
US West
You get money.
He certainly does not, despite it may feeling so.
To my knowledge it's just "give me something to make some money off of"
I tried two different recent numbers, but it said invalid lobby ID. I assume the games had already started.
Shrine of combat just spawns shit, usually tanky enemies. The purpose is coins and EXP
Why can't I buy it now?
>*teleports in front of you*
there's the wizard that you have to buy from the time merchant
she doesn't have a massive ass like the huntress but her thighs are 10/10
Is it confirmed that you get more lunar coins on monsoon or is that a meme?
>use shrine
>engineer gets 17 fucking syringes and 24 fungi
>mfw setting up a nest and just sitting there
Is there no in-lobby chat?
Actually, is there even in-game chat?
that's not overpowered alaskan bull worm
That or full or host left. You have to grab them right after they're posted for best results.
>wake of vultures
that's the only negative, not worth not picking up
>brittle crown
all lunar items are situational, you shouldnt just buy one willy nilly. It has it's place
Hmm. Maybe I just got unlucky with items or, more likely, just took too long.
Yes, both of those things, and it's literally just pressing enter, not hidden at all.
Also remember to stack movement speed items.
God starting a new run afterwards was painful because I felt so fucking slow.
better then I ever did so far
It says I join the lobby but it doesn't bring me to class select, probably bugged.
other US west lobby
I'm pressing enter and I believe I'm in a lobby since there's a second person in the top right, but nothing's happening. No chat window or anything.
Try humble bundle
>1 shots you
It loses the thrill of the game. It's like cheating in any other game.
artificer has such a rough early game but once she's geared up she's absurd, especially when you get glass
just pair her with a huntress so that flyers don't completely fuck her
>my mfw
It's my when face when my face when, silly
>>brittle crown
>all lunar items are situational, you shouldnt just buy one willy nilly. It has it's place
>30% chance to gain 3 gold on hit
>lose gold equal to amount of health lost, flat health amount or percentage, whichever is higher
it's terrible
>got two characters in one run
How active do you guys reckon Risky2 will be in weeks to come?
>playing engi without abusing the fuck out of your barrier
>mfw finding hardlight afterburner
It's a damn shame that you can only have one barrier out at once though, so it just acts as a permanent nest.
>die right as I decide to start listening to MGR's ost
I just realized I fucked that webm up, fixed clip here. Posting more soon, also.
Indeed. Artificer became my favorite, mostly for aesthetics. If you make out of early game you simply become a god. You also need those mags for extra nukes so bad.
try it on the character select screen
The community will just be like the first one.
Jesus fucking christ it cut short again. Forgot to change the resolution this time.
Sporadic but dedicated?
>Want Artificer but coins just won't fucking drop
Battle Royale mode when
I got Transcendence and a shield generator, I got to the fourth stage and got overwhelmed. My health would instantly recharge if I could run away for a few seconds.