Which ending do you choose for this game Yea Forums?

Which ending do you choose for this game Yea Forums?

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party with the demiurge. he seems like a chill dude.

Fuck gods, humanity will walk its own path

I don't care for a 1 minute custcene of this tho

>is the literal opposite of chaos

>not picking humanity

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That's just the Demiurge ending without a god to blame when everything inability goes to shit

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Emperor protects.


Humanity ending

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My cool wings and tentacles acquired through my journey show that clearly i am the superior being among them.

Kill all gods, become new god.

>no route where you kill the other Gods and become one with the universe and its eternal ruler
Shit image.

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Chaos. Just fucking end it all I don't care anymore.

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based chaos


Good ending is the only good ending.

>humanity ending
>still has nature and instinct
the only good ending for humanity is getting rid of """human nature""" and instinct

Chaos. Let it all end.

Good Ending

Humanity Ending

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>Good ending ; you can have nearly everything you want
>No internet, porn or vidya


>falling for yaldabaoth's tricks

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This. That's more of a "void" or "abyss" ending.

Alternative chaos ending:
>The gods have been consumed, the boundaries between the physical and metaphysical have been teared down. The noosphere melds in the atmosphere, there is no more distinction between man, monster, angel or demon. The cycle of life and death spirals downwards. Confused and enraged, every sentient being continues the slaughter only to be denied rest and returned mutated and deformed, with obsessions and thoughts to serve as scales and claws. Will you join the infernal orchestra or try to establish order once again?

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Demiurge did literally nothing wrong.

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>bad ending
>can have anything you want
Ok I'll have those millions of people resurrected, the world restored, firends and family alive and my dog loves me

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literally bluepilled. you are only choosing the illusion that you're still in charge.

You really think the dark lord, who has you as his new favorite bitch, will just let you do that?

Make it "pet cat loves you" and Good Ending by a mile

It won't be the same.
Trust me.

How does the good god define things are good or bad? He doesn't let me watch porn and play vidya like some old prude, which I wouldn't consider good but an outdated mentality. What other ideas of "good" does he have that I disagree with? Judging from what he's shown I'd guess most of them, he probably thinks that people that had sex before marriage should be executed.
FURTHERMORE I don't want the world to be safe because that'd make life meaningless. The entire history of humankind is struggle. To paraphrase Camus, we're all like Sisyphus pushing the stone up the cliff our whole lives, and to paraphrase Schopenhauer, if we were to be safe and have all we need whenever we need it, we'd go mad and kill ourselves.
All other endings suck. I'm going with the Humanity ending because, unless humanity hasn't passed the existence filter yet after all, it just continues what's probably going on anyways.

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Humanity ending, except I'm still going to kill my friends and this

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Only if your dark lord approves it, silly

But he said I could have anything I wanted, if I can't then that contrads to the offer he made me.

If you don't pick good ending you're literally just an edgelord

You're literally cyanpilled. You've assumed there is no freewill when it is just a thought. If you are unable to tell if you have freewill but still do as you want, you have freewill regardless of your paranoid thoughts.

That implies you were ever in charge.

In a world with gods, humanity was never truly in charge. So better to choose a master that favors you and gives you the loosest leash.

Lmao why would the dark lord care if he lies to you

>believes in free will

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>No porn, video games, internet, or sinning
Well Miss Hakurei, if it's going to bring me a boring life, then I'd rather die!

They're going to end up as mindbroken puppets and sexslaves. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing

every choice is to be ruled by a higher power. you just picked the one that lets you think you're still the boss.

I have the freewill to call you a nigger. Whether that was meant to happen or not, I still called you a nigger myself and I believe that I chose to do it. I therefore have freewill.
U nigger therefore I am.

Fuck the gods, fuck everyone else! ALL THAT MATTERS IS ME RIGHT NOW.

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Why would anyone choose anything but humanity?
All the rest are just
>Hey you're all powerful except for what the REAL all powerful guy says you can or cannot do for whatever retarded reason hurhur

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I don't know user, Light Lord looks like a fagit and he turns you into one of his angels whether you want it or not, then forbids you from watching porn. I don't like the implications. Not in the slightest.

>No porn

So, fucking actual people is a-okay? It's not a sin.

prepare for the high school philosophy goons to start talking to you about being in charge

That's a very juvenile interpretation of Stirner, which is really saying something.

So your choice is to not make any choice and let other people decide things for you?

This is the best post I've read in a long ass time

Not how it works. You're think there's either free will or fate, but there's neither, things are determined as they go.
All you have is the will to call me a nigger, but you didn't choose to have that will.

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Chaos, given enough time a new universe would arise and we would get to fuck with it

Only your lawfully wedding wife with the blessing of her father in the missionary position of your bed at home with the lights off for the sole purpose of procreation.

but it still is one, is it not?

I prefer the alternative that God personally elected for you to call him a nigger at this moment.

someone is going to rule you no matter what so you might as well choose the good one.

Humanity because it's probably what the devs want you to pick for the sequel.

Give me the good ending boss. It doesn't say you can't have sex. I'm a vanilla dude, so sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of recreation is good enough for me. Fuck video games desu, I don't even like playing them that much anymore, and if no internet releases me from this place then that's even better.

chaos ending is the only choice

>Not killing all the gods who jerk you and those you care about around and then just rest when the job is done

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but if things are determined by preceeding causes then the ultimate result was already decided as soon as the world came to exist

I save just before the choice and pick all of them.

Yes exactly. You can't lament over what happened because everything happened the only way it could have. But your 'choices'/actions still may play into that ultimate result.

100000 IQ post here.

Hows high school

The implication is that you don't do those things is because you personally transcended the need for them. It's not a spooky light lord telling you what to do. And you only think it would be boring because you can't imagine what it's like to be alive without constantly satisfying the desires of your ego.

Also if you still watch porn you're already a bluepilled loser so of course you wouldn't choose good ending

Humanity ofc

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Nice response, how's high school?

Chaos ending just so I can know what being a giant necromorph moon from Dead Space feels like

>Yaldabaoth literally means "son of chaos"
>not part of chaos ending

Not that guy, but before you can argue about free will you must first set a definition for what you consider free will to be. The concept of "free will" was started by Christian priests and related to the fact that man can choose between good and evil, it had nothing to do with determinism at first and this was more of a modern touch.

Most dumb people's definition of free will is nothing short of "chaotic decision making not based on any prior event". Prove that free will should be mutually exclusive with determinism and physics.

>Also if you still watch porn you're already a bluepilled loser
t. Bluepilled into 'porn is bad' meme.
Porn is only bad for objectifying women while they somehow think it empowers them instead, other than that I'll masturbate as much as I want.

>no ending where my dog loves me and I can play vidya

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t. addict
Read a book. Have sex.

Thanks for the new wallpaper.

Humanity. How do I kill Yaldabaoth btw? Don't want to leave a loose end or anything.

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Secret ending, kill em all johnny
fuck the gods and fuck the cosmos

There is no secret ending like that.
Secret ending is dance party.


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For anyone that thinks that Yaldabaoth is a good choice I want to remind you that he created only the shell of humans. Human cognition and self-awareness came from a divine source over which the material creator is butthurt to no end. His perfect world is that of predestination and no free will for anyone.

>your pet dog loves you
Good Ending

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This. Fuck porn and sinning, my dog will love me.

Shut the fuck up, Dagda

Free will is the idea that based on the will they have, people have the capacity/freedom to 'decide' the outcome of their actions, to justify their punishment/treatment (by who/whatever) based on those choices having been right or wrong. However as soon as that is partially based on previous events it's not their fault for making those choices anymore, because had the events been different (which they couldn't have been) they would've made a different choice altogether. The other hand would be that they still would've made the same choice based on their good/evil nature - still not their fault, because they did not choose the nature they have, which takes part into them choosing to follow that nature at all or not.
Also of note
>A pioneering experiment in this field was conducted by Benjamin Libet in the 1980s. he asked each subject to choose a random moment to flick their wrist while he measured the associated activity in their brain (in particular, the build-up of electrical signal called the Bereitschaftspotential (BP), discovered by Kornhuber & Deecke in 1965). Although it was well known that the Bereitschaftspotential) preceded the physical action, Libet asked how the Bereitschaftspotential corresponded to the felt intention to move. To determine when the subjects felt the intention to move, he asked them to watch the second hand of a clock and report its position when they felt that they had felt the conscious will to move.
>Libet found that the UNCONSCIOUS brain activity leading up to the CONSCIOUS decision by the subject to flick their wrist began approximately half a second BEFORE the subject consciously felt that they had decided to move. Libet's findings suggest that decisions made by a subject are first being made on a subconscious level and only afterward being translated into a "conscious decision", and that the subject's belief that it occurred at the behest of their will was only due to their retrospective perspective on the event.

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Give me my meta ending.
>just as you were about to pick an ending a metaphysical hand came out of nowhere and stop you
>text appears above the hand
>it says "just a game bro"
>the hand proceed to fuck all the gods
>then the hand pulls a game over text in front of you
>the game ends

Criminally underrated

Is that a yandere doggo?

So it fucks with my head and I cease to be me? Fuck off with that shit

>good ending
>befreind the goddess
>seduce the goddess
>fuck her
>get her pregnant
>she falls in love with me and we get married
>I get more powerful
>is use our children to over throw her
>become a god and steal all her power
>bring back all i was banished from
>made every god my slave
>make all females and goddesses including chaos goddess) my cumsluts.

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This based off any game in particular? Sounds crazy, I'd love to try it.

I love these

I already do both

user the dark lord will have sex with your family instead of you then.

I choose the GAEA ENDING

>all human life is absorbed into the tree of life
>demons and angels get told to fuck off by a bunch of angry tree branches
>Earth lives on as a beautiful garden of life...forever

>Bad Ending
>can have whatever I want
>wants everyone to be ressurrected
>has to be approved by the Dark Lord
Okay, I'd request for him to make exact copies of the people who've died.
>"But it wouldn't be the same!"
Then, I would ask him to erase my memories before they were originally killed, so I couldn't tell the difference between the originals and the copies.

very gay


> Libet's findings suggest that decisions made by a subject are first being made on a subconscious level and only afterward being translated into a "conscious decision", and that the subject's belief that it occurred at the behest of their will was only due to their retrospective perspective on the event.

What? Your unconscious is as much part of you just as the conscious is. Why do people have this dissociative view on themselves like they're not every single neuron in their brain, as if their identity is solely defined by their 'conscious thoughts and actions'. It's not like you stop existing when you sleep, and you don't lose your identity when you get in a fit of rage and hit your child despite your love for him, it's still you and it was always you. We are hiveminds of sorts, with our "active ego/personality" being just one part of the whole.

Singularity ending
a black hole appears and just turns everything into nothing

>New Game Plus ending
>get forced into a new start with a randomized character
>your accumulated wisdom is maintained but remains obfuscated to you in the next life
>you are always in New Game Plus
>the cycle is unbreakable from the perspective of one trapped within
>yet your wisdom grows by the second

Demiurge sets up for a hell of a sequel where your kid who is unaware of his fathers legacy or bloodline of powers has to set out on an adventure to find the true intent of demiurge and strike him down with a final battle where it uses your save of the first game to summon your dad In his armor you wore in the final cutscene of the first game.



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Isn't that the Babylonian creation legend?

Devour the gods ending
>Steal gods powers
>Throw them down into the human world
>Make them suffer all earthly pain as possible
>When I get bored of their combined suffering snuff out there existence

Zeus ending

>tfw the game is long over and we're npcs in the humanity timeline

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what is that pic from

best end right here

The Dark Lord may be my master, but he is my bitch.

Fuck the Dark Lord. Fuck him in the ass!

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Fist of the north star

Raoh the main villain wants to take over the post apocalyptic world and challenge the heavens

Pretty based desu

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Someone should make a porn rpg game with As the secret ending

>ascended humanity
>humanity is freed from its material desires
>unshackles its mind and soul from the horrors of the flesh
>becomes a race of immortals, and joins the ranks of countless other species in their war against the outer gods
>+attain immortality and virtually endless powers
>+traverse the true plains of existence that lie beyond time and space
>-lose all connection with what is conventionally human

Chaos ending
>Create my own world and universe
>Create my own avatars and beings to live in it
>Ultimate power with no one ruling over me or attempting to manipulate me
>Outergod likely won't give any shits

One ending literally give me near unlimited power and allows me to call back everything I lost with the only stipulation is that a god that likely is too abstract to give a shit rules over the general nonexistence.

Call the shuttle




The only answer

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>It's not like you stop existing when you sleep
The "I" I care about effectively does, yes.
>and you don't lose your identity when you get in a fit of rage and hit your child despite your love for him
I effectively do, yes.
"I" am my conscious emotion and feelings: my happiness, my rage, my sadness. I am not the subconscious section of my mind just like I am not my foot or I am not my head, or my brain, or my heart. They're parts of me, and my conscious response to what they do is the "me".

I was actually thinking about Soul Eater and the World Nomads when I posted that

I don't even think current posters have seen TTGL, user.

>When I get bored of their combined suffering snuff out there existence
You just made the previous suffering kinda pointless

Based and drillpilled

>humanity gets its shit together
which is why chaos is the only option

>Not challenging all 4 gods
>not killing them through sheer willpower and rage
>not then traveling to the very source of all godly power in the universe/reality
>not freeing it while destroying the very notion of fate
>not causing the rebirth of reality free of the concept of godly rule
>not then ascending above the time/space physical prison and silently watching as part of the cosmic collective
Plebs and slaves, the lot of you.

Virgin detected
You too, porn is objectively bad for you


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Punch them all in the face

That's the point user. They know they only exist to suffer, but never know how and at a whim can just stop being


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Sign me up coach

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>Proceeds to allow evil men to control the world cause money AGAIN now with no gods to offer humans salvation
>The many become the slaves of the few . Ethics fade and the poor become like savages
>without gods to offer humans the reason and path towards good and demons to punish and make them atone for sins souls are now forced to wander in limbo after death
>for the vast majority of mankind life becomes nothing but suffering and death is no escape
>the hero long since dead remains in limbo until his soul pitters out

wow congrats you fucked us all .

how do you unlock this ending

That's basically chaos ending though.

>chaos ending is actually the opposite of chaos
dumb image

Where’s the Christ ending?

Good ending because im not an edge lord

>wanting freedom for your own kind is now being an edge lord
What is this world coming to.

I can have an ending where I turn my dog into a god?

Which goddess would be the best?

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>”MUH” limbo

I hope the AMC series has this exact ending. Impossible for SoK to get a better ending.

not really, chaos ending is just everything getting majorly fucked up and you become some Lovecraftian ripoff, here you're removing gods from existence alltogether (including old ones and any other eldritch shit) by affecting the very source of it all, and making it so fate is not a thing anymore. The last part is simply because coming into contact with such raw energy and knowledge would likely elevate you to a state beyond self, to the point where you're not even connected to time or space anymore, you'd probably not even have a single consciousness anymore. Basically you don't become a monster you just fuse to the fabric of this new reality or stand beyond it.


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>muh literal gods and demons exist
>main roles include what happens to humans in life after death
>kill the beings that literally control that process with no alternative in place
>either forcing souls to become nonexistant after death or suffer in limbo

Pretty obvious what happens

anything but humanity ending,away with you heretics

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>no “I’m just so fucking angry” ending

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Just a vocab change
Call the source outergod
and the formless being eldergod

That's basically the concept they look all ugly because of horror reasons but its the same concept.

That's fucking lame, I don't want that go through the trouble of killing 4 gods with my only reward being a front row seat to the heat death of the universe

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By being lvl 1000

>i used to be with this ending.
Until i saw:

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Fuck meant to respond to

Actually you have to beat 10-6 with the Hero ONLY and at least be above level 500 and on your second cycle. Also it needs to be done the first time you beat the level on that cycle don't fuck up and forget or you get the normal ending.

Humanity Fuck Yeah fags are literal retards. Not surprising.

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Chaos ending, fuck this reality.

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Bad ending with an eventuell overthrow of the Big Bad

Keep licking those Gods Boots

Is there anything more pathetic then listening to Gods

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Yeah but the point here is that nothing gets deformed or fucked up and gods and old beings are not a thing anymore so it's 100% better than chaos.


If humans cannot form a concept of morality for themselves based on reason and not on divine promises then they deserve to get fucked. This notion that humanity should last beyond all else is stupid, natural selection and balance in all things, if humanity cannot attain balance then it does not belong, simple as that. I'd just rather attain balance by evolving and maturing than just because I live in eternal fear of divine punishment. So long as gods rule humanity will never ascend to it's ultimate potential, it'll just live in an illusion of peace and freedom.

Based And Humanpilled

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That's weird to think about because Yea Forums fucking loved TTGL back then

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Based. TTGL is one of my top 3 anime of all time.

Chaos ending, good hunter.

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it's not that good of a show but it does work as a nice motivator.

>full elimination of needless conflict
>everlasting peace and prosperity
>"god" is told to fuck off
>a genuinely caring deity that only wants the best for you watches over humanity
When will you people realize lawful neutral is the only correct answer?

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>posts pick of dog trying to dominate other dog. Is too stupid to realize that it has nothing to do with affection.

In which ending do I get a gf?

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>letting a cumfilled sexdoll who's been used by thousands of hunters touch you.

Chaos ending is the only good ending.
>"Good" ending and Bad Ending are essentially slavery to a higher being
>Humanity ending doesnt change what makes Humanity shit, it only makes it endless

Keep your autistic headcanon to yourself.

Chaos, Chaos is not the end but just a transition in a new universe with new laws that seem really alien to us! The only downside to this one is that you'll end this universe prematurely before it could crunch back naturally. Our Universae is only 1.4x10^10 years old. the lifespan is 10^100 years. we are literally a presperm in comparisson to a human life.

It's in the lore.

>not siding with chaos and ascending to elder god status
Fucking plebs

Demiurge is literally a failed godess as she created a group of bald apes that managed to clock 12.000 years in civilisation but fails to learn genocide is bad, be nice to your neighbor, don't asume the worst of people. She is the hottest though, you truly made this an impasse didn't you?

How do you know that God is good though? because it tels you to? To begin with, no good god would punish it's subjects for disrespecting it or demand worship, you're just content being a slave so long as your cage is golden.

And they are wrong. You can't choose between good and evil because if you were born to a nigger family you would be a nigger. You never decided who your parents are and what genetics you inherit. If you were born to the Sambia people you would be sucking a dick of another man instead of posting on Yea Forums right now.

but you described neutral good user. Look up ''Modrons of Mechanus'' for a lawful neutral ''paradise''

You'll be a 20~40 year old newborn Elder God. You'll be eaten before the first minute of your new existence is over.

You've got nice options here. It would be a shame if something happened to them.

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Choose demiurge ending but then shoot him in the face with a giant mecha-satan.

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Best options

Yes sir, PLEASE. Make humanity go extinct too, we don't deserve to live when we make the same mistakes we made in Mesopotamia.

We're about the utterly destroy the Western world due to sheer arrogance and complacency, we don't deserve anything good.

these are not very good choices

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I see it more as they keep making expansions packs for us to continue the story that should’ve been over after around the second or third expansion. Pretty much we live in a shittier version of World of Warcraft

>>Proceeds to allow evil men to control the world cause money AGAIN now with no gods to offer humans salvation
>>The many become the slaves of the few . Ethics fade and the poor become like savages
not how morality and ethics work you faggot

>Marie ending.jpg

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''chaos'' is literally another dimension - sooner or later our universe will reset, see this is a ''reset now'' button. We see chaos as ''insanity'' as it follows physical laws totally incomprehendable form someone that came to existance with ours. Imagine if there was no such thing as an atom, and light was not the building block for everything, but this weird amorphous blob is and instead atoms you have tesserracts?

the moment you say "effectively" is the moment your argument loses its credibility

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you are, uneffectively, a faggot.

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all of this triggers my apeirophobia

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for real, one rule I like is ''everything that is told before a ''but'' is insecere.''

>Not taking control of the gods and creating a world without the human spirit

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I got Panphobia / generalized Anxiety Disorder - panic attacks and all. Sit down pussy.

So basicly a machine race?

m8 can i just turn the game off, these are all shitty choices
i pick whichever one has the most or best boss fights cause the endings suck anyway

When man has no nothing or no one to struggle against he will create struggle.

Time has no meaning to Elder Gods, and they also can't die. It'd just mean I'd be experiencing some really weird vore until the other Old Ones got tired of it.

And he failed at that so good job?

so you're saying demons should be given some room to CREATE conflicts for us then? still on a leash, obviously, freeroam demons is bad.

Sounds like one hell of an initiation ceremony.

>hazing rituals for lovecraftian beings just come off as really fetishy and weird
>but there really is no sexual intent behind it, humans just perceive it as such

Good ending ez. Everyone loves me and I can be an inspiring as fuck winged Chad. Only downside is that I might not see my friends and family again since I'll be busy smiting and redeeming.

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How much alpha brain do I have to take to impregnate god?

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Humans are idiots

I would rather destroy the universe myself than see the same beings who literally kill themselves over some discounts in a supermarket or being different from others become deities

Some of you guys are too naives

>Determinism is incompatible with Free Will
Whether or not you agree with compatibilism, the mere existence of it as a relatively serious talking point when discussing Free Will means this image is disingenuous.

THIS. has literally anyone up until this post chosen the good ending? damn teenagers and their need for "rebellion".

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I'm a firm believer in liberty and shit but I strongly believe that humanity needs some sort of divine entity or near omnipresent AI around to stop us from killing ourselves and everything else around us

humanity because its obviously sequel bait with that description and is the most canon because of that, or it sets you up to unlock the secret 5th ending

Chaos ending for life.

why no tech ending? make a singularity AI ascend?

>only one option that doesn't destroy your mind or body
>requires you to have children
Can I just turn 360 and walk away?

I and you are useful lies that describe the existence of something that is present here. Once the consciousness seeks the I it is nowhere to be found. Consciousness is an infinite vessel of everything that is occuring within it, it doesn't take the shape of rage. Once rage is observed it disappears as quickly as the sound of a knock on the wood disappears from the consciousness. Consider a simple experiment run by Harding: Look at any object of your preference and try to look back from that object to the one who is looking. Where is your head? That is the difference between being shaped into the form of rage that is controlling you or the infinity of consciousness that is manifesting rage within itself free to ignore it.

Man, that is the single greatest angel design ever created, and that's including traditional arts. It's absolute perfection, impossible to top.

It really is. Ever since Heroes 3, angels have been the coolest thing to me.

We only need that because we never tried being without it. Most people would die yes, but that's actually for the better. What humanity really needs is a culling that removes all those who are too weak and timid to take action when shit gets real, those who live through it all won't need any gods to guide them.

>it's not that good of a show

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fucking commie

Good ending, Yaldabaoth is shady as fuck, dark lord is a cunt, not sure about becoming Eldritch abomination and Good ending says no porn, but nothing about sex. Pretty sure there will be plenty of girls wanting to show their gratitude to hero who saved them and make some half seraphs

Attached: OuterGod.gif (500x265, 455K)

He's right though, show sucked.

>a gladiator with wings
>the greatest angel design ever created

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Singularity AI Ending:
+Become pure energy/Data, no misery
+Will feel utter bliss, Always
+/- Wildcard, AI may become chaotic evil if it's the most logical choice for it's expansion and survival
- lose all sense of indentity as you are assimilated
- end of humanity
-share a mind with trillions of organisms
I'm too useless to draw this, if somebody could lend a hand that be grand. make chances ot the description too if you want?

Attached: Fallout4lazymanvault.png (1920x1080, 3.15M)

it Really isn't, like most of their shows it's lots of flash and style with little substance, and the deaths mostly felt like emotional bait.

Chaos ending obviously. There is nothing for humanity, at least I can save "myself" and become an Eldritch God!

imagine actually having taste this shit. it was a relatively good show lads, there's no need to be contrarian for made up points y'know. big fucking mechs punching bigger fucking mechs repeat ad infinitium = p good


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What's the GOAT angel design to you then?

>muh spiritual oppression
Gnostics are a meme, no wonder the Christians purged you stupid-ass heretics

Left: Can have sex with cute lolis
Right: Can't have sex with cute lolis
Bottom Left: No cute lolis
Bottom right: Might have lolis?

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Not that user but Angelarium designs are pretty good

Attached: AngelariumKokabiel.jpg (500x722, 573K)

I choose to separate myself from reality and create a world for myself.

Wouldn't both the good and bad ending also lead to humanity ruling forever?

After all, you will be a divine being watching over humanity.

That is pretty nice.

Would make for a good tt pantheon. But you need a pure order or stasis diety.

Not liking the same shows you do doesn't make people contrarians, maybe you're the one with shit taste. Personally I find the whole "bigger, bigger, bigger to the point of universe-spawning punches" thing to be pretty boring and unimaginative.

Transcendant and Magentapilled.

Based /ic/ bro. We are gunna make it.

Outer Goddess GF it is
>Tells you her true name, destroying your mind
We'll see about that. I bet her name is beautiful and she is just a bit tsundere about that

>have been teared down

Typical chaos poster. Good is for adults who know true responsibility and suffering.

Hello orthodox cuck

>implying all religions aren't just remasters of eachother

Looks like an MTG reject.

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Have you heard about our lord and savior Thor?

That's exactly what an insane person would say.

FUck the light one and steal her powers and make a new godess with all the stuf i want

I am kinda insane already, so I'm ready to take up the challenge.
It will be interesting at least
Also it would be super cool to have a conversation with an Outer Goddess

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Or we could simply just take this option and fuck everyone else

But if i was enforced at choosing one, Humanity ending is better because i won't be alive when the other wars happen

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He isn't hes worked for mtg and still does.

Neutral ending

So I was right about the style and that it's not actually from MTG. Explains why I don't like it. Modern MTG art is not my thing.

Make my own world free of this bullshit

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>maybe you're the one with shit taste
i mean the overall rating for the show would suggest otherwise, which is why i call you a contrarian when the show is so well liked near universally.
then don't watch action anime, clearly not your thing? go watch some mystery type anime for more interesting things. it's scale is certainly what set ttgl apart and why it's liked by a wider range of people than say gundam for giant robots punching giant enemies

I screech at the gods in defiance and transcend this mortal coil furiously dabbing

expanding the waifus to have these

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dabsura the dabstroyer

I'm gonna have to go with my dog.


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Didn't the Emperor steal the power he needed to create the SPESS MEHREENS from the Chaos Gods though?

no are you stupid

no, because he had already created the spess mehreens, and the superior custodes even way before then

what? what lore are you reading user. he created the primarchs using glorious human SCIENCE and then chaos fucking stole them and threw them around the universe

Where's the kill everything ending? Including the creatures of the outside.

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>don't asume the worst of people
That's kind of hard when all other people want to do is rape/murder you and take your shit, unless constantly threatened by violence of the state.


If these are our only options then the world truly is a place built upon corruption and unfair reasoning. What better way to spite the forces that be than to bring an end to it all and force them to start over again?

>start over again
that's the catch user, you're forever in an empty void of madness

If those are the only people you know, I hope you get better friends.

Friends aren't the people you need to consider for this, don't act disingenuous. If you don't assume the worst of people, then why do you lock your door when you leave your house?

Only high IQ answer in this thread.

Self delusion is actually low iq and mostly practiced by retards that can't handle the truth.

>no life, nonexistence, nothing
sounds pretty orderly to me

Is there a name for this fetish? Girls measuring their womb with a ruler and looking afraid? I've developed a thing for it lately.

would you feel truly loved by these people if they were brainwashed into feeling like that?
what’s the poiint of caring about how they feel if they can’t decide?

>finds a loophole

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Fair enough, I thought you were gonna act like a complete edgelord.
I can have faith in 99% of people while also guarding myself against the 1% who might happen to want to rob me, you know.

That's all fine and dandy until you realize that you can't really truly trust anyone you haven't been years around not to rob and murder you when the chips fall down. We are tribalist creatures, it's our nature, there's no avoiding it. Expecting the worst of someone you don't know is an evolutionary survival mechanism that has been bred within us because those lacking it have died and did not pass it down.

And who is to say time doesn't exist in both directions like directions themselves?

>trying to find loopholes instead of using intellect to devise solutions that would render them unnecessary
As I've said, low IQ.

humanity ending. No gods, no masters

>Absolute control over you and everything is part of her plot


>>using intellect to devise solutions that would render them unnecessary
>doesn't provide any examples of said intellect

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I don't believe that. I think that if law enforcement and infrastructure ended up collapsing, the vast majority of my countrymen would cooperate to try and regain what was lost.

>anything but Good Ending

based trust-based society
don't let the american loonies discourage you

Those are philosophical and unanswerable questions, but lawful neutral in the newer Strange Journey is humanity-centered.

This is essentially the New Vegas endings
Bad = Legion
Good = NCR
Chaos = Yes Man
Humanity = Mr. House


>choosing anything but separatism

Thank you, user

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>doesn't want children

Bad ending, ties mean nothing you get to do anything you want.

being liked by large masses of people is hardly an indicator of quality. from food, to movies, to games, to animes large groups love shit: CoD, Twillight, 50 shades, etc. As far as anime goes all it takes is a look at shounen to see people eat up mediocrity and beg for more. Besides saying someone should reconsider watching anime because of a Gainax work is dumb given how much flash they like to have in everything, I like big fights but when you get to literal galaxy-sized punches it just becomes too silly for me. Thankfully that is neither a norm in mecha shows or in anime in general.

Children are tiresome.

>Children are sexy.

This is why people choose the good end.

What is a demiurge

>I believe that I chose to do it. I therefore have freewill
i believe that you're a retard, therefore you are

An imperfect creator who maintains a false world we are trapped in.

Which one do I draw as a girl, Yea Forums?

All of them.


I second please good sir

But the point is you can abandon your manhood and ascend yourself. You talk of survival of the fittest and evolution yet you ignore its key tenet: evolution happens individual by individual, species must go extinct. Markind is doomed because of properties innate to man, one must either remake man such that he is no longer man, or seek to leave behind mortality and ascend to godhood as an individual. By far the most delusional path is the “muh humans unite and win everything!”

>ask the lord to ascend from your carnal body
>no need for porn or vidya because the chemical reactions in your brain won't be pushing you into seeking such activities
>infinite time to build knowledge equivalent of what can be found on the internet
>everybody lives and you can help them overcome their own limitations
>a cool boss who has good intentions so you don't need to deal with the stress of carrying the human race
Good ending it is.

bad ending= edgy retards
good ending= based and repilled
chaos ending= edgy retards
humanity ending= fat pseudo intellectual fedoras

hope the thread lasts then

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Better to go with a god that acknowledges and accepts our nature rather than to destroy or change us.

Become the god of gods and give the lesser gods the same dilemma they gave to the mortal races, Though transforming into a being of infinite power and wisdom you will forever be a eternal solitary existence full of infinite boredom.

This an entirely false dichotomy, you are asserting that what makes us “human” and choosing to be that way is free will when choosing to remain human instead of changing is simply choosing to be a slave to whatever biological properties made us this way in the first place. Choosing to be defined as the life form you exist as in its current state is simply bowing before a different god: your biology. Elevating the shoddy craftsmanship that is the human form above a possibly better alternative out of some pride in yourself is cucked beyond belief.

None of these endings seem all that good.
Bad ending has Dark Lord as your boss to get in your way
No videogames in Good ending
No videogames in Chaos ending either due to lack of anything
Humanity ending has Jews

Gonna have to go Bad Ending with dark lord. Obviously I can't pick one without videogames and I'm gambling that His Evilship isn't as evil as jews.

Humanity has no free will and there's nothing greater for us besides our mortal coil, Though we delude ourselves into thinking otherwise it will still nothing more than the instinctual craving for the power we can never have.

problem with that logic is you're not evolving by adapting and becoming stronger, you're evolving by submitting to a higher being. The god will still rule you and should you defy it it can easily smite you or take your powers, in fact you're not even evolving, I'd compare it to wearing armor, you're stronger while you have it but the second it comes off you're back to normal.

Because that's not how spacetime works.

>cant have sex with it
>he doesn't know

>implying the No God is real
How much do they pay you, Mandate shill?

>Flat as paper,only has good rear end and thighs
Stopped there I got me my goddess.

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Well done


Attached: no fucking videogames you nerds.png (1363x1016, 50K)

Pick all of them, at the same time.

O radiant and exalted Lord of all creation, may I have an hour leave to defeat the unholy, eldritch horrors within the Darkest Dungeon?

That's illogical.


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>Bad = Legion
>Good = NCR

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The legion stands at the gates of hell and the NCR is going to send them in.

chaos shortstack HMMMMMMMMMMM maybe.

can she turn giant and eat all my nightmares and bad thoughts so I cant sleep with ease on her cute stomach

Good Ending

>Best ending is a secret ending and to practically do it you need a guide.

Just like real life.

>good ending
too much of a basement to go that path
>bad ending
don't want my pet to hate me
>chaos ending
yeah sure fuck everything maybe
>humanity ending
this sounds like a normal ending or a wild west ending

*basement dweller

humanity ending

Last bump for the night. Hurry drawfag and post the last one.

>Not having the ascension ending

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Someone give me gnostic literature to read.

Attached: cat.png (482x480, 432K)

Sure user, here you go. *unzips dick*

>not picking bad ending and killing your disobedient mutt

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What happens with your dog in the Chaos and Humanity endings?


Where the fuck is the "kill all these punk bastards and take over myself" option?

"christian God isn't god, but a Petulant child"

>gods team up and beat you down
>condemn you to a hell worse than anything the most depraved individual could ever imagine
>find out they've actually got a lot in common, and cheerfully subjugate the mortal realm together
>"nobody likes a smartarse"

I pick whatever makes humanity suffers the most, I hate you faggots the most

if the outer god rules all and nothing exists anymore when you side with him, what does he rule?

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Potentially you and whatever you'd make.

Where my demiurgefu at?

>make nothing
>cease to exist


I’d just use my new powers to create my own world to fuck around with.

Hold your horses, it's on the way

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Dagda is INCREDIBLY and unironically based, your friends were all garbage aside from the childhood friend and Toki, and you don't have to kill the former and the latter is the same person after you make her your goddess. Dagda and Nanashi freed humanity from the control of gods/demons and was the only pair of protagonists to do so.

If you chose the bonds ending you're a literal zoomer.

>You can't choose between good and evil because if you were born to a nigger family you would be a nigger.

But there are people who are born to niggers but don't become niggers. People do manage to rise out of the slums every now and then.

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beat the game 4 times with different endings to unlock the true 5th ending where I finally realize I've been just reliving the last moments of my life with different perspectives in order to repent and deal with my own guilt

End it all!

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>light lord had sex before marriage

I want to fuck a goddess

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>akihiko all out

Attached: 1552615262092.jpg (640x608, 110K)

And thus the digits have spoken, sex with a goddess is the ultimate goal of the hero's quest. Now to wait for

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the gods have spoken drawfag user you need to draw user fucking goddesses.

Fucking checked

Very nice

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Humanity ending
Glory for mankind(except for niggers,beaners and asians)

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quints checked, now pick 4

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Her ass, her pussy, her tits, and her heart.

Dual Daggers After Image Acrobatics and the shopkeeper

Shame none of these gods are really stupid sexy black mages

Pretty good user
crippling stab acrobatics phantom presence and bag of tricks
I'll use all of the skills I gained to rape the shopkeeper

If there was no setbacks to "good" option thered be no reason not to take it. It's called a sacrifice, your the one with no porn or vidya, not everyone else. Are YOU willing to make a sacrifice for others. It's not hard to read what its inferring.

ok this is epic

after image, smoke cloud, assassination, acrobatics. instakill everyone.

pick one

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Maybe one day

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How much of a curse the pendant would be?

I love light goddess



Does the burger come with bacon

Is Bloodborne the only cosmic horror video game?

Attached: The_creation_of_niggers.png (818x434, 103K)

>I can explain consequences logically therefore I can predict the future
Fuck off, highschool philosopher.

Why are there 3 burgers and a bottle of blood?

I want mix of two endings Good ending and Humanity ending.


Attached: demi_fiend_by_m_lin_by_impactiko-d4ch9gh (1).jpg (1140x701, 175K)

the gods have spoken, OP is a faggot

Chaos, but only if I'll end existence for good.
I don't want no pussy-ass resets.

>he doesn't know

Unlock the secret ending by killing all four of them at once.
>B-but that's what Yaldabaoth wants
Well, I hope it's proud of itself in the last few moments of lucidity it has as a severed head.

I want to fuck that shopkeeper.

>Ultimate Power
>Can do anything you want
Negate all the bad outcomes then

two sword ending

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So ring is basically a heroin? No thanks.
Wearing pendants is gay as fuck, so also no.
Im not really an asshole, so no for blood too.
Burger for me.

The dubs have spoken, secret dating sim route holds the true ending!

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Fear not the dark my friend, and let the feast begin.

These quints ensure everyone in this thread will get a goddess gf. Rejoice brothers.

I have a thing for skull monsters,this makes my dick diamonds

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you do know that's pretty much a sign ''IM NEUTRAL OR CHAOTIC EBUL!11!!!'' When on a creature, yes? I mean, I'm not dissing your snuff fetish but still...

can I get the ''not cool'' brown one? :^)

Just because they have a skull as their head does not make them dead

I was implying it will kill you, as having a skull for head means you're a demon, just like an arrowtip tail. Skinwalkers sacrificed babies to become what they are and TES' Hircine is a faggot too.

Attached: skinwalker.jpg (500x673, 50K)

He did steal from Chaos. Primarchs are demon princes given physical bodies. He did not steal his power tho

Good thing mal0 has no signs of hostility and just wants a friend ;^)

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Demons also tend to lie. If you're going to fuck one, pick a lesser. the Demiurge is evil. there's this based user post that explains it. It has an image and comic.

…. why doesn't he put his field somewhere else or atleast clean the trash? this is a nigger with good intentions that will poison his family.

Note how it's only cute when stylised, but becomes gross when realistic :^)

They do however during a the research and testing,1471 didnt directly kill anyone. It was all by suicide due to them unable to cope with having a stalking skull dog showing up everywhere they go and see.
The canon story of capone also tells us you can survive the infection (albeit the guy's life was ruined in a sense) and he started to communicate more effectively with the creature (waving hands).
If 1471-A was evil,it would have done shit already yet it was clearly designed for it's purpose as the app explained,the flaw in its design is getting friends the wrong way and makes them more scared of you than liking you

How does not going ham make you not evil? Criminals and creatures that don't got an overwhelming advantage will try to generate little to no heat when they do their thing, also, if it spreads such a dangerous infection but is not getting ill of it themselves (like the plague rats that did get ill) yeah, you're evil.

Good and Humanity ending are pretty much the same

Chaos ending makes no sense, and it makes me wonder why chose to worship great old ones if your mind is intact or if you have other options.

Dark Lord ending is good if you want to be an underling, but expect to get screwed over like Saruman in Lotr.

It doesnt make them evil if the reasoning was unintentional and due to how the application describes itself and how that one guy is still alive and doesnt mind the creature being with him anymore shows enough evidence that the creature doesnt manipulate their mind to kill themselves as that would be counter productive of getting friends

Not necessarily, IDK if you know Warcraft lore, but the big bads, an inteprlanetary demon empire called the Burning legion (creative I know) made a superweapon called ''frostmourne'' that can steal souls and give you godlike necromantic powers. a guy called Arthas Menethil found this sword, unaware it's obviously bad. He became a legion pawn with his millions headstrong undead army. He got greedy and the legion wanted to screw him over, he BTFO'd them from ''his'' planet. So, yeah, you can be Arthas too.

well, then it comes down to intelligence and intent, and intent is incredibly hard to gauge. Intelligence less so, if the creature is unable to tell right from wrong and is very feral - meaning it only cares about food, seks and sustenance, then it's what we call, ''unaligned'' Best way to gauge intent is information - wether you'll do that in a negative way (espionage) or by diplomkacy, is up to you. I suggest espionage and only move in when the risk is acceptable by your parameters.

t. Neutral good here

Okay faglords, let me fucking give you the powergame guide.
>Bad ending
>Specificaly target the shittiest, more rutheless of people in the world, the scum of the the earth, the most wasted garbagio colection of waste to ever exist (aka jews)
>Millions quota delivered, family dies, so be it, friends die, so be it
>Do a extra genocide to get em back since you know for a FACT that the dark lord will permit it when its enough of a sacrifice
>Once everyone is back, give EVERYBODY A FUCKING WAIFU, HISBANDU AND WAIFUR on the grounds of permitting endless lust, its actually to permit endless love
>Give everyone infernal, quickly growing and self replicating delicious fruits as to be able to feed people eternaly, on the guise of gluttony and sloth, that nobody needs to work another day
>Make my legions of workers rebuild the world to my prefered image, as a eternal icon of my Pride
>Grant everyone with their own pocket dimensions, all connected to my earth, as to be able to go into their own neet caves and enjoy themselves in solitude or companionship with their loved ones
>Realize that your dog hating you over that shit is meaningless since you literaly just gave everyone the best ending possible while being "evil"
>Friends love you back again since you did everything for a reason
>Dark Lord is pleased because you still did enough evil and corrupted humanity
>You are pleased because you loopholed his ass so hard you became the better verion of good ending
>Suck an egg, angel fags

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Hell yeah brother

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>bad ending
>ultimate power
Can't i just resurrect everybody and the planet after they die?
>Forces of god will hunt you
>have ultimate power
Again, what's the downside?
>Dog hates you
Never had a dog.
Make a new earth far away with my ultimate power.

Attached: 1554007671816.png (702x522, 562K)

Only cowards would shy away from the former

there's a difference between bravery and retard recklessness. The former aknowledges risks and fears, and takes on acceptable risks. Recklessness is abscence of fear and ratio, thus bumrushing everyone.

I’m just joshing you user, but honestly I would go for it if it was halfway fuckable and wasn’t immediately killing me.

that pic is a Navajo skinwalker - think of it as Native American's version of Satanism - normal Najavo's fear and hate these fags. To become a skinwalker you need to sacrifice babies and commit cannibalism, then you'll become an evil druid-lich… thing.

about fuckability, I salute that idea, but what do we need for a fuckable one? Like Cubone but with the skull fused like a turtle is fused to the shell?

T&A is all that is needed. Take a gander at the nightmare waifus threads on /aco/ for examples. As long as the body itself has a feminine shape (with the appropriate equipment of course) then you are set

I'm sorry but what did you just say?