>less than 30% of people have the trophy/achievement on PS4 and Steam
Leave the casuals to me
>less than 30% of people have the trophy/achievement on PS4 and Steam
Leave the casuals to me
Other urls found in this thread:
it's a long game
Casual filters are Genichiro, Guardian Ape and Owl
Bitch I beat the game including sword saint isshin
Didn't even cheese him like a faggot, I played for real and whuupped that ass after learning and gettin gud
Now I'm playing a real hardcore game: Yoshi's Crafted World. This game is fckking ipossible
genchiro is in the begining...
Genchiro is at least 1/3rd through the game.
When you get to the end he is a afterthought on the way to the actual boss of the standard ending.
How do you even cheese ssj isshin?
had to git gud because i didn't find any cheese on the internet.
He's the 3rd boss and there are like 10 AND his boss fight is early on (the spacing is uneven.) He really is like a casual filter.
I thought lady butterfly was the first casual filter.
She is there to fucking teach you the games mechanics because you sure as fuck ain't beating her health down before you beat her posture down.
He is made to prevent cheesing. You have to be able to mikiri, deflect, lighting reversal, punish attacks, etc. He's designed to test if you learned the mechanics.
I play maybe an hour every couple of days because I'm an adult and a father with a wife and a job. I've only just reached the palace.
as we speak, I'm currently being casua lfiltered by this guy. I can't even get past his first phase, I think, this is where I quit. I legit am just not good enough. the worst bit is I love exploring and things, but this guy is just far too hard
For you.
The cheese so ssj Isshin is pretty bad because you're kind of just welcoming RNG to fuck your shit up by doing a long grind of hit and run. Like you're just praying for him to pull his gun out so you can hit him while his sword is down.
killed him but the game is too confusing with finding the right way
oh I was just assuming there was cheese. can't you hit and run him? It's slow as fuck and also pussy shit so I attacked him like a champ. It took me ages to learn all his shit but I fuckin owned that bitch.
YOshi's way harder tho for real this game is fuckin my shit up
Rofl I pirated this shit game and finished 3 times already with all 3 different endings, this shit is easier than any Souls game, literally can cheese every boss with firecrackers or stealth attacks, dumb shit
First phase he is easily cheesed with spear. Second and third phase you just have to deflect and don't get greedy since a lot of his moves just super armor everything. Just try to keep the distance and deflect his jump attack for free
what a pitiful life
i tried to hit and run once but he becomes a jumping beyblade. i think it's just easier to learn his attacks andbreak his posture.
So exactly like Bloodborne where only like 50% beat the second boss?
Wait, wrong game.
You can only hit back if he uses sword tho. Any spear attack and he is super armored up the ass. You can put him in a pseudo loop when he goes for sword attacks by deflecting and hitting once then repeat. Just be careful when he goes for sword then spear because of SA
I'm fighting Owl and I have 7 gourd charges. How many should I have?
agreed, if you can correctly time counters to all his stuff you can very quickly dimish his stature. He's got infinite hp so that's the only way to do it. His poise comes back instantly though so you really have to nail it perfectly for a bit.
where do you go after beating this dude? any advice? I've just been farming gold and getting cool items but I want to move on.
you gotta go to the dungeon/ sewer to get to senpou temple i think
Every single major boss in this game is an increasingly more efficient casual filter. You think you've "got it" after Butterfly, but Genichiro kicks your ass. You think you've "got it" after Genichiro, but then Owl kicks your ass.
I had 9
I've been to senpou temple already. I found a broken bridge and didn't know where to go. I guess I'll look around more. I think the Poison Pools boss with the cannon is the other route?
Good to know I’m not that bad but seriously just jump on him on his 3rd phase and slash at him and keep doing it until he is dead. The first 2 phases aren’t that bad.
Saying that I can’t get past the first phase of the guardian ape fight.
Talk to Lord Kuro and Isshin. They tell you everywhere you need to go.
Took me a few tries to get buttefly, but got genichiro first try. Didnt even know about lighting reversal and just dashed under him whenever he jumped
I guess I was motivated as fuck after Wolf told Kuro he will see him in a moment
I'm usually pretty thorough with exploring. Any hints for hard to find ones I might've missed?
I just beat this guy after struggling. My tip is to treat him the same way. It feels off with his opening attack and lightning but keep the pressure and youll mop the floor with him.
His side swip that leads in to a combo is a good time to use an estus if you slipped up.
You can also get one in during his sheev strike in the beginning.
I barely bother with deflecting the hot monkey dick. Aged Feathers to get behind him and stab his bare ass. He gets staggered real easily when you attack from there and you don't even have to lower his posture. When he does his leaping grab, leap backwards as soon as he does and you'll land right as he rolls for some free hits.
Different user but there's two you can buy from the merchant at the Dilapidated Temple and one of the Memorial Mobs. I think there's one at the bottom of the lake at Mibu Village too.
there is a different path to take (left from the bridge i think)
I’m not playing it anymore. Any time I beat a boss I just know I’m going to stuck on another.
who else is one of the elite 3% to beat Demon of Hatred? you're not a casual shitter, right?
Buy some from traders, there is also like 2 of them in mibu village
She’s technically optional. Filters gotta be somewhat mandatory to “block” progression
does the sculptor always become the demon?
he dissapeared in my playtroughtrying to get true ending but didn't really care.
I am at him currently, first two phases are amazingly fun to play. No idea how to avoid the thunder yet, I got to jump? No luck with that whatsoever
I beat him, I think I had more trouble with Isshin though. DoH's first phase is a pain but the second and third get really predictable, so it's not too tough.
Owl is way easier than Genichiro. You can pretty much just walk in circles around all his attacks.
Jump and when you land hit r1 to hit him back with his own lightning does massive damage.
Just jump, let it hit you and then attack in the air and you'll send it back at him once you land.
I think I could grind Demon but I might not because the fight is extremely boring. It is legit just a leftover chalice dungeon boss where you slash ass for 15 mins.
why was he such a joke despite being so cool lads?
I play on PC and would never use pc stats to gauge completion rates because people on PC are unironically using cheats to beat the game because it is too hard for them.
You slice gut, actually.
>you sure as fuck ain't beating her health down before you beat her posture down.
huh? I dodged attacked here till she was half health then parried her
you can fight him as a second boss, you gain access to him after the horse dude.
imagine being this retarded
>despite being so cool lads
>had to play the game like a souls game by summoning someone to do everything for him because he couldn't git gud
and you hang around on the mongolian brick laying forum
dont flatter yourself, most people buy the game and play for 5 mins and forget about it
Uh user non-tutorial Genichiro is like 20-30% in
And then you beat here with posture damage and not health damage.
You can't beat her by wasting her entire health bar. Not unless you purposely don't perform a killing blow on her when you deal maze Posture damage. Hell. Most bosses are like that except the beasts.
I just checked, and it's 38.4% on Steam.
What's sad is there's 98.4% that have gotten the sword, and the fact that there's a difference of 2.8% for the people who got the arm (95.6%). In other words, there are people that started, but never beat the tutorial.
how do i use fire to kill that locked up guy with red eyes who keeps grabbing me
Genichiro being hard is a big meme
Probably died to Genichiro at the start and turned off the game because they can't accept failure.
99.5% of the game is CLANG CLANG
every boss is the fucking same, just stand in front and parry spam, with the occasional hit. congrats, you win the posture "battle".
First, get the bell from blind granny, then go to the budha statue at the temple. Die a million times in tihs new area till you make it to a bonfire next to the only set of staircases that lead to enichi the noob killer, get the fire arm. Go to red eyes, toss oil on him, ???, profit.
Or you could kill him without it
genichiro summons his grandaddy
>99.5% of the game is CLANG CLANG
And that's a good thing
>mfw ran out of places to wander around and now I have to go through the guardian ape
it really isn't
fights are not about movement, it's about hugging the enemy and L1 spam. Literally don't dodge anything but sweeps, spam L1.
ape gave me the most trouble out of the three. the other two i got down after like the second try and first phase of the ape was easy but something about his second form really fucked with me.
meanwhile I beat him on NG+ tutorial and this first try
Just firecracker spam his first phase. 2nd phase just parry all his attacks his big single overhead attack makes him fall over if you parry it.
Got every trophy. I honestly think the trophy list was way too easy, only took me 3 days to finish. It's really telling however that all you can find is people either bitching about the Ogre, Bull, Butterfly and Lightning Gook.
Just how far did you truly get into the game? Most mid to late bosses require a shit ton of jumping, mikiri, and dodging due poise break.
beat saint isshin
every single boss, corrupted monk, ape, etc, all beaten by standing there and parrying with the occasional hit in.
I realized I was playing the game wrong when I tried to dodge and punish instead of sitting there, and parrying, over and over.
> game wrong when I tried to dodge
lul what, you're literally supposed to dash forward when he's juping slam on you with spear in phase 2 and get those hits > defense his aoes repeat until mikiri ets
dodge is shit and builds no posture
parry literally every non-red attack. it's the best way to play.
>something about his second form really fucked with me.
I have no idea how anyone has trouble on his 2nd phase instead of the first.
>no grabs to worry about
>every warning attack is a sweep
>all his sword attacks are telegraphed and easily parried
>scream is easily sprinted away from
38% on Steam, and seems higher to me than I would expect.
Guardian Ape goes down to around 25%
I had more problems with the goddamn cenitpede in gun fort until I spammed firecrackers
Should have spammed block, he literally kills himself if you do that
The people that browse the board these days... Fucking hell. Please reply that you're trolling.
I did but it barely affected his posture and mine kept breaking
So then I asked a thread last night and they said the game was reading it as blocks and not deflects, and I felt retarded because I didnt know this all game
So then I went back today, tried again, and still fucking lost
Its weird, Ive really had no problems with any bosses and Ive cleared past the serpent now. But that room and camera and speed, idk
if you deflect his slam he just continue his combo, moron. If you evade slam > hit him you get more posture dmg and more control
the dodge in this game is absolute shit
I cant tell you how many times i've been hit by stuff trying to "dash" through it. I can rely on L1.
doesn't matter, I beat saint and i'm done with this artificial difficulty shit.
there are at least 8 to 10 bosses that parrying attacks will not save you from getting killed.
Because they manage to still deal damage to do while you are parrying or they deal a Status effect that either deals DOT damage or outright kills you if you build it up to the max.
Demon of Hatred is dodge and punish, he feels like a souls boss
Guardian Ape is one of the easiest bosses in the entire game
I cant think of a single boss that can't be beaten by the strategy "walk in front and spam L1".
Not one. The dragon gimmick boss?
He is one of the few bosses in the game that doesn't have a counter associated to him.
The only exploitative thing you can do to him is the Ghost Whistle. But that has Severe diminishing returns to relying on it is foolhardy.
Who keeps buying these games to not even get past a quarter of it? They'll probably get the next one too. Retards.
>if you deflect his slam he just continue his combo
After defelcting the slam you have enough time to start your own combo, stopping his fuckboi
The Isshin trained swordsman bosses.
Anyone with status effects on their attacks.
The ghosts in general due to terror and grabs.
Also can't block sweeps. Must be jumped over or kicked in the face during.
He's easy, honestly. I also don't get the hate for Ape. Especially his second form is piss easy.
But boy, that god damned bull. Such a fucking bullshit boss.
what if i told you there are people who buy music CDs and never listen to them?
You’re not talking about the bull with bales of fire hay on his shoulders are you? If so, I’m dropping the game now because that boss was a joke and if later bosses are considered easier than him then I’m not gonna bother.
The demon of hatred.
You can block his Flaming arm. But you get set on fire for doing so as well as take chip damage.
Every physical attack he deals with you does like 70% of your posture at least. The Head butt and hand push will instantly break your posture regardless of how high your health is and how low your posture damage is. And he likes to Do two Head butts if the first one connects. So that's instant damage you can't recover from. Can't face fuck his explosion. Can't face fuck any of his fireballs are arm slam that leaves a trail of fire. Can't Face fuck his hand drag.
Hell. You can't fight the demon of hatred like any other boss in the game.
No, the bull was one of the easiest bosses in the game imo.
No. That user probably didn't understand that the bull is made trival by fire crackers and jumping on his head or chasing his ass around and taking pot shots so it can't ram you.
The bull is easy. that user just couldn't grasp it's basic concept.
And the reason people bitch about the ape is because of it's second form scream. His is entirely avoidable because of how long it's telegraph is. But idiots never see it coming or think they should tank it when it applies Terror.
I’m an adult with those things too but I just beat the dragon
uh honey no
Achievement for what, just beating this boss? He was one of the easier ones imo. Mind you I absolutely eat shit in this game
Fuck off, faggot. Bull is just a shit tier boss that needs you wiggle it's HP down taking alot of time.
He isn't hard, but it's a fucking shit fight.
I refuse to buy this game until they add co-op summons
you sound like a retard
Not if you decide to go the optimal path and forgo all side content and pick the bad ending and end the game 2/3rds the way through while doing only 1/5th the content.
Then yes. When you don't explore and choose to end the game far too early it is rather short.
Dude. Like 3 fire crackers and swiping at it's ass while you chase it kills it at 2/3rds HP. you just suck.
I guess you are never buying it then since it has no online features whatsoever and never will.
>They just copypasted the drunkard boss into another area and gave him another name
Lol that's Asylum demon recolor tier lazy
>beat Genshin 3rd try
>beat lady butterfly 2nd
>beat horsefag 2nd
>beat chained ogre 1st try
>beat genshin 3rd try (almost beat him 2nd)
>get rekt by random mobs
This is why I hate Soulshit and games like it. I can absolute buttfuck so called "hard bosses", but along comes some miniboss/random trash mob with weird as fuck move sets that hit for a truckload of damage and I end up getting rekt.
Shit tier sense of progression
They did that for a few of the mid bosses.
>he doesn't think the PS5 remaster will add online multiplayer
I kind of unironically want to do this
I'm really just ready for the game to be over, it's annoying me but for some reason I keep playing further.
DoH is significantly easier than isshin, the fact that prosthetics work on him you know
Sounds like you might be cheesing the bosses by running around taking potshots at them or something, because if you're fighting them the way they're intended and beating them that quickly, then you should absolutely never have any problems whatsoever with trash mobs.
lmao badkid
at least I beat sekiro
>blames players
>doesn't think a second about the fact smart people just aren't willing to pay $60 for a 8 hour long game
Retard. Can't have a high percentage of complete achievements on a game when the playerbase of that said game is stagnated.
Just like me with the Outward.
Oh no
Then again, can't be worse than Nioh's centipede boss because that is easily one of the worst boss fights in vidya history
um, no sweety. Genichiro is the end of the tutorial...
Oh there’s a 3rd one of him later too
>get 3/4 of the way through a boss
>almost out of heals and health
>have to decide whether I want to die like a hero and try again, or play like a pussy and whittle him down
>a few
Pretty much all of them, with one or two exceptions maybe
I beat saint isshin
this is the first fromsoft game where I said "I never want to play this again" after beating it. it is THAT tedious.
spamming L1 for 20 bosses or minibosses is not fun
Help with Divine Dragon please. After he gets angry and no trees come up after a big wind push I get fucked by his slashes and never reach the tree in time, and when I do, no lightning. What is up?
Run around like a spastic until trees pop up
>Guardian Ape
Guardian ape and Owl are easy you subhuman
Nope, beat Genshino by parrying and using my LB + RB attack to take up his poise. His 2nd form was easier than his first for me. Beat Lady Butterfly by sidestep dodge spamming (like the game told me to), Ogre was braindead easy (just keep sidestepping/using firecrackers and dodge his telegraphed grabs).
Some enemies just have weird as fuck animations that are hard to parry and hit like trucks.
its almost like some people arent obsessively rushing through the game for internet brainlet dicklet points
t.someone better than you at ALL videogames and who bought sekiro on release day but has been juggling it, a job, creative arts, mk11 beta and DMC5 on a revolving door
Imagine bragging about being a poor faggot with no life
Nice humble brag you must be a hoot to be around.
>Some enemies just have weird as fuck animations that are hard to parry and hit like trucks.
Like what exactly?
The only ones I can think of are the sniper guys. Everything else was pretty straightforward.
Anyone tried playing the game again after beating it once? So much of it feels like a breeze, just killed Lady Butterfly on second try after fucking up 20+ times during first run. Never knew that a boss 30 hours ago could still be engraved into my mind.
Yeah, I ended up whipping Genichiro's ass in the beginning after having to deal with him so many times in the Isshin fight.
>killed Guardian Monkey with his retard gf in one try
fucking EASY
Casual here, Genchiro was really easy for me. Its literally just a parry fight
Are you actually retarded? Holy shit, man
are you retarded
Yes but he escapes from time to time. Genichiro is a pushover because if are next to him, all he does is attack with sword and deflect. The only time he gets away from you is if he does that series of sword attacks that have super armor, and you can pretty much deflect all of them to gain massive posture damage anyway. Last form is the biggest joke because you get the lightning reversal which is easy as fuck to do.
more like shutting down brainlets, the only people who have completed sekiro at this point are children, people who are consumed by the game and want to do literally nothing else, actual neets with no drive for anything but playing bidoo games in their mothers basement and the people who got prerelease copies of the game
its a long and hard game, you can easily play for 10 hours before even getting to the ashina castle stairs
oh cmon, he's not THAT hard.
>the dodge in this game is absolute shit
Souls babbies are so hilarious to me
>why can't I have a a million i-frames to easily dodge every attack in the game
Absolutely cringe and blue pilled
Go back to your game made for babies
Isshin hardest phase aka spear phase can be cheesed with firecracker stunlock for over half his posture, the first two phases are easy and the last phase is lightning cheese.
Isshin is not hard
>actual neets with no drive for anything but playing bidoo games in their mothers basement
says the guy playing 3 games at the same time
for me sekiro is the only game i've played this year
some of us have better things to do than play trash like dmc or mk
He's not once you have a solid enough understanding of the game mechanics to the point that you can easily react to his combos, but he definitely is a casual filter.
genichiro isn't bad but
>that frame 1 jumping arrow volley that you would need super saiyan reflexes to even begin to block intime
is utter horseshit
>for me sekiro is the only game i've played this year
>people who are consumed by the game and want to do literally nothing else
its almost like the post accounted for it
>some of us have better things to do than play trash like dmc or mk
aand confirmed underage, ill let you figure out why though
That means you are invested. And if you were truly invested you wouldn't bitch out early.
Lowering the difficulty of the game won't magically make the mechanics easier to understand.
This is super retarded. I was fighting seven spears and even deflecting some of his heavy attacks would almost destroy my posture and inflict damage.
Guardian Ape isn't a filter. He's the prelude to the filter.
I'm not the user you're replying to and I don't agree with him but this is how you deal with Seven Spears.
>dodge ogre grab
good fucking game miyazaki
I beat FF7 like 20 years ago. I got bored with the replay.
>talking about video games this way
you need a job or a hobby my friend
Video games are a hobby
Can't play football once a year with your family and then expect the NFL to lower their standards and let you play in the league dude.
So don't expect every damn video game to wait on you hand and foot.