the power of western character developers... the power of western character developers
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Don't talk shit. Both those Sirens make my peepee hard.
Hot as fuck. How can Asia even compete?
Maya is for breeding.
>That kid
Kreig definitely used that siren as a meat bicycle.
Hell yeah.
You'll trigger the tranny lovers, user.
Why is her face so weird looking? The tiny goblin.
So, is the kid on the left the child between Maya and the man on top?
mijn god.....
Is Clementine unironically the only good western character of the last 12 years?
Krieg likes men
The game's 5 years after 3. It's not his.
Maya is the only acceptable character of these three.
giv punk gf
Oops, pic unrelated
>Brown muscular punch girls using stands
I fail to see what's bad about this.
what the fuck is that on the bottom left
How can 3 be 5 years after itself?
The fact that her face is ugly as fucking hell.
In what way? She cute
Not at all, she's a disgusting tranny with the face of a black dude.
Meant after 2, my bad.
>that pic
Man, resetrannies are both trying really hard and not trying at all to push their new disgusting LGBT icon.
How long until people start posting pics of musclegirls with actual pretty faces like Maya's or Lilith's, and not at all like that nig?
Why is the west so fucking afraid of making attractive women?
Why does the west make photorealistic 11year olds when they want to make something 'cute'?
because 11 year olds are cute
>repeat "she's cute" ad nauseum
>wtf she's indian you fucking racists
Are these the only bullet points marketeers have to push that abomination?
Hello, police?
Because it's taken over by millennials who think beauty = bad since they are all ugly fatasses.
Everything has to be ugly because having everything beautiful is bad and boring because diversity is so ebin.
Basically, we have a generation of game developers who are ugly, insecure and anti-art.
Who the fuck is that little gremlin thing on the lower left
Why havent these fatfucks gone after cosmopolitan or vogue or literally any 'beauty' magazines?
Thank god the artists are all drawing her face entirely different, her ingame model is so bad.
>Every girl has tumblr hair
>90% of the cast are these girls
>one of the class characters is a black tranny
is her scalp clipping through her hair?
Because those magazines are also full of them.
What's funny is that pretty much everyone hates them and their autistic war on good looks and they are just burning everything they touch along the way.
If people already resent boomers, I can't even imagine how badly millennials will be remembered because of this minority of autistic fucks.
>Red Siren
>Blue Siren
They really missed their chance to go with green. The fuckers
Tell yourself whatever you want my dude.
>Every girl has tumblr hair
Well yeah, it's a Mad Max like setting but non-serious.
The punk girls are okay, but the black tranny is absolutely disgusting.
The brown muscle girl is 10 times more punk than Maya
Yeah, but she's ugly as hell.
This will be the first borderlands where I won't be playing siren. Nigger siren for fuck's sake.
She's so damn perfect with that hair.
I wish we get a model swap or something to play as her.
looks like she has tiny little stub fingers on her left hand
>actual pretty faces
You had me there for a second
Yeah sure user, """"everyone""""".
Its totally not like most people don't give a fuck because its FPS anyway and they care more about the game than what their fictional character looks like in those 3% of the game they actually see them.
>nu/v/ doesnt want to lick this
When did it all turn to shit..
No, because the point of delicious muscle brown is a muscular woman with a cute feminine face, not one of a tranny.
>wanting to lick what's essentially a dude with failed boob implants
>stringing some random words together to make a nonsensical reply
there is no way to win with you guys, is there
Bottom right is pretty cute.
Oh wow, that's actually even worse, at least the face has feminine cheekbones, but that straight up looks like a black tranny.
Maybe if you posted some actual cute muscular girls instead of this fucking tranny shit i'd agree with you
Maya is great though.
Exactly this.
Dumb punk show off bitch.
I want to push her into a wall and fuck that smug attitude of hers out.
dumb animeposter.
i feel genuinely sorry for your parents
Good fucking lord I want her to suplex me
I think she wants to shove you against a wall and let you know who master is
It doesn't matter, my dick is going to remodel her cunt, and if she lets her guard down her asshole too.
Weebs actually infuriate me beyond belief.
And I'm not exactly fond of numales who have been conditioned to prefer ugly women by their SJW masters With any luck the final version of the game will have her look better than the monstrosity here that you are all so fond of.
Borderlands has always had atrocious character design. Maya is cute though.
Only Maya worths something overall.
The rest are trash.
The absolute state as usual...
>Maya Maya Maya
All this terrible fucking taste. I thought I was among bros
I like Maya, she reminds me of the cousin I lost my virginity with a few years ago.
Ladies that have nicely defined abs are god tier.
she has the downs doesnt she?
Nobody seems to realize that the new commando is Gaige
i gotchu gaige bro
even if she is, her new design sucks ass. especially that helmet is fucking dumb
rent free
she's like 4'8"
dont care, she's a fucking 11/10
>black fit alpha female instead of the shitty sirens we had before
So fucking based
kids always look gross in borderlands games
that bitch doesn't even have a robot arm
/pol/tards triggered by this cutie patootie. Based.
So is the white guy the ninja this time?
Honestly like these characters more than the last set of characters.
god... I want her to wrestle me down and make me her bitch
Why are /pol/tards so damn triggered by her?
I'm only here for the Borderlands cosplay. I can't wait.
And the robo hobo is the beastmaster.
Now, I normally don't main beastmasters, but robo hobo is gonna change that
>hey guise look she's so cute
>proceeds to post a pic that shows her ugly nigger face
brown bad because uhhhhhhhh
rent free
What if she pinned you down with her strong arms and made you like her sweat-slick abs h-haha
Because they are all ugly as hell.
It's amazing how even in videogames they are terrible looking, and this is from SJW devs, not even them can make them look good.
>heh I'm so smart I use phrases completely wrong
Stop ban evading, /pol/tard.
I would shoot her in the head before I went crazy from her ebonic spouting.
Rent free what?
Because /pol/tards get angry about anything.
I love muscle girls but good god her face makes her look like an ogre
why can't leftist trannies come up with their own memes?
wtf? rent free how?
But that's pretty much what everyone is complaining about.
They try to imply it's because of musclegirls because they can't defend her ugly orc face.
I might go with him too if you the new operative has a boring skill set but I doubt it.
>anime poster
>calling anyone a numale
I can google "ugly black/white person" too, friend
>not being a /pol/tard makes you a leftist tranny
>when resetera tries to fit in
whoever made this forgot her bald spot
Yeah no thanks
Oh hey, how you'd find a pic of me? I'm the on you replied to btw.
Maya is so damn cute.
main outfit has some purple
Best girl-mind.
Bottom left's eyes and nose look nigerioid, therefore a nigger.
He can't stop thinking about race like a triggered /pol/tard. All black people have to do is exist and they'll never shut up about them.
poor mans lilith
She's not a siren
Need to breed
I love Amara and there's nothing you triggered /pol/fags can do about it.
Oh no.
I don't like the helmet either, but fortunately BL used to have head skins to fix that.
sirens are infertile
No matter, i'll insist on trying.
yes brainlet. The non-mentally ill don't find this ape attractive
well that sucks for any siren that wants a baby
post body. siren won't breed with fat incels
>dat nope sticked on whatever the fuck the thing at the bottom left is supposed to be
damn right i wouldn't go anywhere near that shit
She's literally hotter than any of the other females. Fuck, I wanna bang her so bad.
drawn by a 12 year old
Yeah, better post obscure pics that hide most of her features lmao.
Thing is, the artstyle make all characters look like crap. But at least the new 2 women look like women, even if the siren is buff.
Fuck. Well back to jerking it to Maya and Lilith. Blue hair is some how as good as red in my retarded eyes.
why are shills pushing this ugly nigger so hard?
>Doesn't have that fucked up "better than you" mentality
Literally perfect
You can really easily see her. She's not obscure at all. Unless you're blind.
Resetera is trying to make their new trans representation icon popular.
This, every other female in the borderlands franchise has looked like trash.
Tannis best girl fuck you all niggers
Go cry on your own board.
>But at least the new 2 women look like women
AKA they are only women if they are ugly as fuck.
Get out.
Yeah, all the cute punk girls and such are nothing compared to a buff tranny.
>Changed literally fuckall about Maya
>Blands 2 skins had more fucking effort
This game is reeking more and more of a huge low effort asset swap
>Imagine nutting in her so hard she stops being a thot and becomes a wholesome Christian mother
>Ywn know this feel
Why bother living?
Those are the most fun girls to fuck.
what do you call this hip-window?
Good thing I'm not trans. But a /pol/tard will never listen to reason.
New girl is organic. No robot limbs. But I like the army/tank girl look
>cute punk girls
I think you mean dicklet bait
This is a really bad bait thread.
Maya is the only cute one in the trailer
To each their own, but there's no denying she isn't what the mainstream would consider attractive or cute.
I also do not consider her attractive or cute. I think this trend of independent black women in games stems from the 'token' mentality of including other races in one's decisions.
the "I'm not wearing panties" window
It was an artistic liberty.
Maya reminds me of AnnaMolli
Gaige still manages to make Angel look like a complete amateur
Sure, but first I want to have fun with her.
You should stop thinking about politics all the time and stop being obsessed with race. It's good that she's not another cookie cutter woman like the other sirens. It sets her apart. It would be boring if she looked like the other too. Muscle goddess is fucking great.
borderlands fans have some of the lowest standards on the planet
I dont think they are. All borderlands women look weird. They are either super skinny or bigger than a house. And the artstyle make all people look odd. And their shit facial animations. This could have been a lot worse, especally for how it is now. Ugly wolfenstein niggers in every game...
>Hate Randy Pitchford
>Claim to hate his games
>Keep making threads about them
>Keep talking about them
Well you don't play Borderlands, so I don't care.
But does she have a dick?
Ah yes, here's the diversity shill who thinks having something bad is good as long as it stands out, even if it stands out for being garbage.
What's the likelyhood that this guy is "Rhymed with Jimothy" Jack's Body Double?
im just hoping this game doesnt have the completely retarded damage scaling and enemy healing on NG+ and further
God that image is pure comedy and barely fap worthy
New robot girl reminds me of Wendy.
Actually /pol/ supports WMBF exclusively now.
Jacks body double's plastic surgery was rigged to blow up if he ever tried to get it reversed
Except it's not garbage? She's hot as shit. You're just triggered because she doesn't look exactly like Lilith or Maya. She looks different and that triggers you.
well yeah, they like Borderlands
But she's not, she has an ugly face.
>She looks different
Yes, she's different, she's ugly as hell unlike the others.
Operative players are CHADS
Why would the opinion of someone who values variety over quality matter?
Variety is meaningless.
But she's not ugly, she's hot
>She's ugly as hell
Looks better than you, and looks better than Maya or Lilith.
Imagine being scared of a little muscle and delicious brown skin.
She's god a fertile body and a cutie face. You're just upset she doens't have the exact same face as anime women. You're sad and pathetic.
Well, this is the part of the discussion where the marketeer will repeat "she's cute" ad nauseum, so this is done.
Borderlands never had attractive women. You fuckers complain about everything.
Youre just repeat "she's ugly" ad nausem. You're dumb.
>You're just upset she doens't have the exact same face as anime women.
Funny, because the people who think she's cute post girls like this
Totally not an anime face, right?
What a bunch of hypocrites, throwing everything they have at the wall to see what sticks and try to defend their disgusting tranny.
She's not black though, she's indian. Why would a black person be slinging magic limbs located behind the back? I don't think she's attractive because I'm not into indian chicks or musclegirls, but everyone has their own shit they're into so I won't judge. As for being a token addition I would agree, but at least they took a step further and are actually playing into her race mechanically by giving her a very Hindu looking main ability.
looks more like an ogre than a nigress. Would definitely cum on her abs
>You're just upset she doens't have the exact same face as anime women
Yes, exactly.
Why would anyone want that disgusting manface?
Because she looks black, nobody cares about your bulletpoint in your marketeer agenda where you have to point out how she's totally indian.
>Funny, because the people who think she's cute post girls like this
I could also post Jasper, which is pretty much the same aesthetic as Amara and Jasper is also fucking hot.
>Call a ugly nigger just what they are
Why is this every thread with you people.
You know for a fact that ugly ass nigger wouldnt have been accepted any day in age before the great shilling of gookmoot and the terrible fucking mods that let any shill multipost threads to hell and back FOR FREE.
This place becomes worse every year and i hope a real admin steps up and actually bans all the fucking resetera mods ignoring all the paid shill and actually bringa back mods that will delete obvious virtualing threads.
No, that one still has a pretty featureless face, doesn't have a manjaw, doesn't have hairy eyebrows, doesn't have a disgusting manface.
>Why would anyone want that disgusting manface?
Why would anybody want a strong muscle goddess? Geez, I just don't know.
Oh, god... MY DICK!
Why do you keep trying to change the topic away from the face?
Because it's ugly as fuck and you can't defend it.
Next time, just post this.
>because she looks back
>her introduction has her flexing her Hindu inspired limbs
You niggers are fucking stupid.
I hope she has a skin with light hair.
>disgusting manface.
Except she doesn't? Seriously, it's not even close to a manjawline. It's not square like a mans. It's nicely feminine. There are white women with manlier faces than that.
Damn, I guess a blue eyed blonde can just start eating dogs and she'll officially chinese.
>expecting /pol/ retards to know anything other than american "culture"
>Why do you keep trying to change the topic from the face?
Because there's nothing wrong with it. Seriously, what makes it look manly to you? Jasper has the exact same facial structure and she looks hot. Are you trying to be a dumbass?
these are literally white women drawn with dark skin. the ape in OP looks nothing like this
She does, she looks like a black man in drag.
It's as if they dropped their SJW ugliness quota entirely on one character, it's embarassing.
>/pol/tards would call that ugly
>Because there's nothing wrong with it.
Yes, it's that of a black man's.
And that's why you try to move away from that, and that's why you don't post any girls like that, you post girls with anime faces, because the kind that look like OP are disgusting.
Whose that one black bdsm girl who ties guys up and some times rides them out?
>The shills are using PedoUniverse as a defense now
Resetera is so easy to spot.
No, it's just if you start acknowledging that people are shitting only in the Borderlands girl you'll narrative falls apart.
Black man in drag.
thats literally the best combo ever though.
She looks like a fit and fertile woman who would make strong children. I think you're just angry cause she looks healtheir than your fat ass.
Poltards don't get laid for a reason.
>btw, let me dump my folder that has exclusively girls with anime faces
>Yes, it's that of a black man's.
You keep saying that but you never actually come up with an argument as to why. You have no argument. She's sexy as shit. And I wanna breed her.
What's funny is there are models like Nia hope whose skin is extremely dark, but then she's 70% white genetically and it's case in point.
>tfw no abs gf to princess carry me
Unironically they do it on /pol/ too, cherrypick caucasoid women with black skin to push for oildrilling.
Nice try changing boogeyman, but no, it's her face, which is that of an ape's.
You just have to look at it, look at this abomination.
>narrow downturned nose
>lips aren't particularly thick
>jaw isn't even remotely square
>black man
Because actual black and brown women are ugly as hell.
let me guess the kid is actually a siren and sh hide ther arms and at the end she will use her powers to save eveybody because of reasons
>literally in every single thread
You kill Jimothy in 2. You kill half the presequal's protags in 2.
Just like the guy who says
>diversity is more important than quality
or the guys who post the exact same pics of the same muscle girls. With anime faces, of course, otherwise they would be as ugly as the Borderlands girl.
>literally keep using the one with her hair clipping through
This is why I know you're a dumbass. Cause you think this is an actual arguemtn somehow. You legitimately think that's a bald spot when it's proven not to be.
>you hate the muscles
>no you hate the bald spot
How many times do I have to repeat that what I dislike it's her ugly gorilla face?
Don't try to draw attention away from that which you can't defend.
I don't think you need to be a virgin to dislike trannies.
>Supporting Gearbox after Colonial Marines
Kill yourself any time sempai
Delete this.
Maya is a delicate, feminine girl.
>waaaah why girls aren't cookie cutter waifus Waaah
exactly as I said. White girl with brown skin is literally fucking paterican tier.
God I hope this flops so Gearbox can finally kick the bucket
You either love /pol/ or you don't belong on 4channel.
different faces
Yes, why not?
Who wants offensively ugly people?
You're a fucking retard
literally her face looks fine. seeYou keep using the same pic that has a bad angle as if that is any proof of anything. She's looks hot and sexy in almost every pic she's in. But one unflattering angle and you screech that that's how she looks.
>that thing in top
Female Ron Perlman.
Go back to you shitty political board and never leave , /pol/tards ruined Yea Forums enough
But all her pics look terrible.
And holy shit, that pic you posted, they managed to make her even worse, what the fuck.
Is it a millennial thing to praise ugliness and trying to convince others that being ugly is good?
I belong on Yea Forums more than you, newfag.
Shut up /pol/fag
I want this cute middle eastern girl to sit on my face
Its a simple fact you nigger tranny. If you don't embrace /pol/ then you actively invite the SJWs
Real people aren't models and this game set in a mad max like universe, so naturally people can't use makeups , you're a fucking retard
>But all her pics look terrible.
She looks great in just about all of them. I'm sorry you're such a fag. If you don't personally like her that's fine. Just don't be such a screechy autist and try and convince her strong feminine features are bad.,
Are you actually appealing to realism in a game that looks like a comic?
When absolutely every single other girl has eyeshadow and eyeliner?
When the Sirens from the previous games are in this one?
>Western devs have largely been incapable of making attractive female faces for years
>Fags defend it this time because she's black
They are trying to pretend Yea Forums is liberal so that come election time Kamala Harris, every big as ugly as this baboon, wins.
Have you noticed a few "I used to be Hal T. Wright but then a tranny on youtube convinced me to vote for Resetera" threads all over the internet? Shills.
They did the same with the mexican mutt in RE2r.
He's right. Nobody that belongs here is globalist progressive liberal.
>hurr durr you're a sjw
You're fucking pathetic just like rest of the /pol/
Except /pol/fags are SJWs. They can't stop thinking about race and politics and try and make everything political. And if people are enjoying something they don't like they have to try and ruin the fun. Just like an SJW.
Literally every single piece of fan art created so far has a better face than the real in-game model.
NOPE is right, yikes
fuck borderlands
No she doesn't, she looks awful, has a gorilla face.
>strong feminine features
Like the manface?
Holy shit how retarded you can be?
Horseshoe. One ruins things, the other complains you ruined things.
And yes, you factually ruined things.
Mmade for Big Robot Cock
lmao that's literally Korra with a less pointy chin.
imagine being so obsessed with politics.
Fuck Resetera, and also fuck /pol/niggers.
You either fight the SJWs by siding /pol/ or you actively welcome them in while screaming IM NOOTROL you false flagging nigger tranny.
her in game model does look like that htough. seeBut holy shit I wanna bust a nut on her abs. Amara is so fucking BREEDABLE
You're a moron, fucking end yourself
>Here's a picture of her face all scrunched up during a moment of frowning
>This means she is ugly all the time
Go watch a video of an attractive woman speaking right now and keep stopping at random points. The human face gets into some weird shit for fractions of a second when we speak or emote.
>Maya got replaced with that thing
She's got a very ugly face that doesn't match with her body in some photos and does in others while still being fucking ugly
In fact a lot of girls in borderlands have fugly faces but atleast people don't defend them going "nuhuh ur wrong /pol/ /pol/ /pol/"
I mean I like lolis but I won't defend the trainwreck that is Tiny Tina's face just because she is (was) one
The difference is that those girls stop being ugly with their resting faces.
The gorilla doesn't.
>she has a gorilla face
She doesn't, and she's hot. Maya has a horse face. I don't think youre should be the one judging beauty considering how fat and ugly you are.
>her face looks fine
Her face looks bad in the op to my guy. Like said most of the artists make her face look less fucked up.
I'd rather play as the midget with down syndrome.
literally kill yourself
The female in that pic literally has the same facial structure as Amara. Why you so stupid>
Retards in this thread dislikes her for being black, that's why people keep saying /pol/tard
>Maya has a horse face
I prefer a horse face than a gorilla face.
Why is Resetera constantly trying to shill that creature?
>horse face
>pig face
All codename for "she's not ugly and black".
Most artists completely change the face of characters they're drawing. And quite honestly if you could fuck Amara irl you would. Too bad you're too stupid too admit it.
>you can't tell someone ugly from someone beautiful unless you're beautiful yourself
Xadies and gentlexen: retards
And she doesn't look like a gorilla, she looks like an african man through and through.
If Yea Forums's prediction that she's a tranny (only women have those powers in the game, therefore furthering their agenda) is real, I wouldn't be shocked in the least. She does look like a man with tits.
Oh wow, trying to force opinions on others, thats desperation.
>hgbLUglurhRBGGHbg I need to JERK OFF to EVERYTHING!@!!!!!!!
have sex
Is that what you call everything that doesn't agree with you, /pol/fag? Do you really have nothing better to do than be triggered all day?
You have to go back
>have sex
Against the wall and spread those cheeks, bitch.
Why are /pol/fags such triggered faggots? Muscle girls that don't have doll faces are the future, and I welcome it.
because it makes one or multiples of you reply every single time
everyone is baiting everyone in this thread
You are absolutely warped if you consider this ugly. It's one thing to not like certain features, but to call this UGLY is actual, clinical delusion and you should seek help.
You should go back to /pol/ where you belong. You'll be safe inside your hugbox there instead of being triggered.
>muscle girls without doll faces
In other words, you want men.
>if you could fuck Amara irl you would
Speak for you're self count fagula.
People keep forgetting that you fight and kill him in Borderlands 2.
/pol/fags can't appreciate chocolate muscle goddesses. They gotta pretend everything that's not white looks ugly to fit their narrative.
he is incredibly ugly, looks like he failed hrt treatment.
Why are you pretending as if all the musclegirls you posted don't have doll faces?
Forgot pic
Some do but not everyone, there are quite a few who just think she's flat out ugly, myself included.
Just look at her face in op's pic compared to Maya and the retard, she's got way darker lighting for some reason which makes her chin look dark as fuck which just looks wrong and ugly as shit
I think you people are pushing the notion that "lipstick on a pig" is to be intended literal, as in "as long as it does have make up it's fuckable".
Then again, I did see someone here yesterday shill Skarlet so I'm no longer surprised. Yea Forums shills fictional roasties, why not have Yea Forums shill for fictional mingers?
Why did you post such a horrid example to try and back your argument? That face does not look natural with that body and honestly looks ugly.
Whoever modeled her face should be fired. She doesn't need to look like a porcelain doll but she should at least look human.
Yes, that looks ugly as hell and like a dude.
>I-I am triggered? N-no you're triggered you plebbit libtard
the whole eight arms gimmick is kind of turning me off though, it's not as fun as Maya and Lilith's abilities.
>complaining everything is getting destroyed is equal to getting triggered by good things so you can actually have your way and destroy everything
Kill yourself tranny.
>that realistic body
>with an abnormally small anime girl's head that has little to no detail
OH NO NO NO NO Who draws this shit
That's a Hyperion engineer wearing a holo-disguise. Timothy had full-on surgery to look and sound like Jack.
So she's middle eastern? I thought she was black at first but that doesn't look black at all.
Understandable have a nice day
first off nigger, Maya is bae
second the top one is some hindi goddess
third that lil midget ugly as sin
This guy didn't have any medical alterations though, just a gimmick that made him look like Jack.
that's not Timothy tho since that double was a generic engineer with a hologram of Jack slapped over him
looks like I broke you.
>You have to be one or the other.
Both sides are shit. You're shit. Kill yourself.
doesn't look arab either.
Absolutely disgusting, Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you? why are you like this?
what do you mean by triggered
Desu only the loli looks bad
The punchsiren's abs makes my pp hard
her name is Brick, and she is the prettiest
/pol/fags downvote this post RIGHT NOW!
Make her hair blue and she would look like a parody made by /pol/ of what SJW characters look like.
Oh neat are we posting big girls?
Honestly she's not that bad, just super gruff and battle hardened
She's not straight up fugly like some chicks end up being in western games
Your face is supposed to help me change my mind? Didn't work, cut the hair and it's literally Genos from OPM with hips.
It's not Brick in drag, he showed up playing sax in the trailer.
You'll see them married in Borderlands 4, so look forward to that.
Why did you just post a basedboy? Is that pic you?
Nice and CUTE
Whats up with those armpit textures though? Geez.
>Poo looks good
>Maya looks great
>Loli looks like a fucking gremlin
What did they mean by this
It's not my fault you're such a fag.
Yeah, true men like gorillas.
I was referencing Tiny Tina's DLC senpai
No, you're right. Genos is more feminine than this. This is literally a mangina, as in a man with a vagina.
stretched textures.
Yea Forums blown the fuck out by cold AI logic once again
Maya is at her best. Glad she's still around as Lilith is fucking insufferable.
Holy shit you're fucking retarded ,just end your life before embarrassing yourself more
She's honestly not that bad, just super rough and battle hardened, she's still at least 6/10, not straight up fugly like a lot of women in western games recently
I want Amara to pin me down and snu snu me to death
I'm going to need a source for that.
Did the bot malfunction?
We don't even know what kind of wild shit the skill trees are going to be yet.
Inb4 stand arms can use guns
I wish i was the smart irish getting paid to lose.
Jesus Christ I want her to benchpress me
Based. How will /pol/fags ever recover?
>Futafags are already desecrating everything.
lmao, this is going to be Zarya 2.0, 60% of the art is going to be futa shit because she looks like a man.
Original pic isn't futa. Censore bar just makes it look like it is.
Then instead of Brick 2.0 she's Salvador 2.0.
That also doesn't sound too appealing.
I hope she gets an interesting skill, but I don't have high hopes
Stopped at "interocular distance". Shit software, her nose bridge is the size of an helicarrier.
Can we talk about BL3 having yet another *creates digital copy of self to confuse enemy* character instead? Can a man get some fucking variety here?
40% yourself.
Thanks, user. I have been filled with white light.
Yeah but those abs
Those were both me, I swear I thought the first one didn't post, my bad
If you removed the full body image or just flattened the tits and told me this was some male antagonist in a new shounen manga I would believe you
There's nothing feminine about that face and "her" only saving grace is her B cups and barely existing hips
Unironically she has a relatively nicer than most female sized noses. Literally, she does.
Fuck you BotNet get back to work on the robo waifus.
shouldn't you be starving in Stalingrad Hans?
>The software is wrong! I am right!
The absolute state of this fag
Enjoy user.
>Only tiny dick LOSERS like HOT WOMEN
my fucking sides
what the fuck is a character developer OP?
>let epic suicide joke
/pol/ is as pathetic as ever
You could just ask me to post more instead of trying to bait for more replies, dummy.
Even better
This wtf so offensive and bigoted.
>hate trannies
>can't shut the fuck up about em
Can't handle the facts, pathetic.
>trannies literally in your head 24/7 rent free
Glad I'm not /pol/ desu
It literally looks like some 12 year old's art for a new Bleach villain or some shit
Unnecessary edge and all
Not as pathetic as mutilating yourself.
the false flagging is really getting out of hand here, boys
That's just how /pol/ works. They cry about SJWs but they're literally just like them. Not even horseshoe theory, it's just a fact.
Imagine making a character so ugly that makes 3D not look PD.
>tfw no twintailed warrior queen gf to princess carry me
life isn't fair
no I want you scum to die faster.
hurry up with that rope degenerate, if you don't kill you your toxic shock from the open wound you maintain will!
You're an incompetent retard whose only argument is "lol tranny". Your parents created a retard and they're probably in shame
Lets post some real muscle girls.
You want more? Okay, but I'm starting to run out.
why is her fucking mouth so high and close to her nose?
Okay user just stop crying please or your mommy will be sad
Keep posting. Seeing seethe is a pleasure all in of itself.
that face doesn't look good with that body honestly.
is fine though.
I don't know, she's not too tall.
So far all the faces look to some extent fucked.
>muh dilation break
Luckily you people die fast enough not to be a problem.
itt: "women" on the juice
>2 sirens in a row virtually identical aside from a few things
>new one with similarities but overall a completely new character
I'm not even a BL fan but come the fuck on Yea Forums this is literal fake outrage lmfao
You don't need to tell me twice!
>ctrl+f /pol/
>36 matches
rent free
No similarities because the new one is ugly.
Does Kriegs skill that randomly hurts himself suck? I think the dynamite fuse one is garbage.
Either you're a resetera tranny tier loser, or you're a shitposter tier loser. Either way nothing you say will ever affect me, I keep responding to you to hammer home just how meaningless you are, eventually you will die or kill yourself, nobody will care, and the world will be a little better off.
I take joy in the fact that this is your daily reminder, and that if I don't do it, somebody else will.
>he doesnt like powerful women
It's literally just a few /pol/fags seething that the new character isn't a carbon copy of Lilith or Maya. That's the full story. It's not like they lost Maya or Lilith either. They're still there. In fac,they'll be seeing Maya and Lilith more because they're actually going to get cinematics while the playable characters don't.
Someone post that pornstar "gamer" that literally became a man by doing testosterone . Her clit looks like a microdick i almost spilled my water.
I don't see the problem?
Can you type like you know someone who isn't retarded
>getting this booty obliterated from being called a tranny
kek you really think he's the retard here?
And it's not porn
smelly girl
Oh shit. she's fucing hot honestly.
It's a bit hard carrying big people if you are small, no matter how strong.
Centre of gravity and all that.
>trying to talking about video games on Yea Forums
The fuck is wrong with you boy.
AMBF is supported because it's garbage collection and the CHINKED meme is funny.
/pol/ was a huge mistake so is it's retarded users
i prefer this design though. the yellow top is a nice contrast to all the blue, but now shes all fucking blue. also something about the hair, the weird priest coat and the strangely tranquil expression she always seems to have totally runs against what BL2 gave her in terms of character. hopefully its just aesthetic
>ctrl+f tranny
>25 matches
rent free
Would. Wouldn't. Would.
>Someone post
No you disgusting cocksucker.
Yes, at least I have more than 2 sentences to say.
It's really funny npc meme came from Yea Forums while majority of it's users what they call an "npc"
I want to fuck one of these women, but I don't want her to pin me down or anything, I want to dominate her, fuck her as hard as I can.
Make a woman, despite being strong and buff, squirm and moan like a little girl.
Completely based honestly. fuck /pol/
Is that all you could muster you mangled deviant aberration?? Come the fuck on do better
Oh man how I'll ever recover
She's Indian you retarded ape
>people say new girl is ugly
>/pol/fags screech about niggers
>some autist spams his musclegirl folder in every thread and screeches about /pol/fags
She's just got an ugly face like Tiny Tina and Maya's retarded midget
I thought i was on Yea Forums
I'm sure she'll be fine.
I'm a twig, after all
You could always head back to ResetGender
I don't have the picture i promise you it's like witnessing homunculus irl.
That wasn’t Timothy. He had surgery done it look and sound like Jack permanently, while the body double you kill in BL2 just had a device that holographicly made him appear like jack; you can see he’s just an engineer after you kill him.
Oh man that's really funny, they weren't kidding about Yea Forums being a laughing stock
This is what peak /fit/ looks like.
Yep this thread is just like how I imagined.
And it's going to be like this everyday until the game comes out.
But you still here laughing. You are no better
Hold my beer
There are times where even He goes too far.
i dont mind the muscle girl guy
hes based
Of all the anons in this thread, you’re the only one who actually gets it. Finding yourself a strong woman isn’t about being dominated, it’s about overcoming the challenge and asserting yourself over her.
These girls don’t want a sissy either, they want a man for them.
>every black or woman darker than cream cheese is secretly a man
grow up /pol/. go back to saving picks of tranny axe wounds and traps while convincing yourself you're not secretly gay. maybe make a youtube video where you try to find michelle obama's dick outline.
Yea Forums is /pol/, better deal with it. oh wait you can't even deal with your own gender
Hopefully the release date getting revealed on the 4th will stop this shit
It definetly will if it is an epic game store exclusive
The architect is not bound by petty concepts such as anatomical correctness.
yeah thats what it says on the packet
Stop calling maya/lilith punk. Neither are punk. Tatoos and colored hair != punk. Amara is more punk looking than either of them. She has gauged ears, a black leather jacket with spikes, black clothes, ripped jeans. She's way more punk. Maya looks like a personal trainer in spandex.
Her being fit simply means you can fuck her brains out as hard as you can without worrying about hurting her.
You take advantage of that to make them feel like a woman.
>Musclegirls are cute!
>Posts pictures with anime heads as opposed to BL3's manface
>Doesn't understand that most people just don't like the face
>Keeps thinking namedropping /pol/ is a good idea and doesn't understand that falseflaggers get off of that
How will /pol/niggers ever recover?!
They look the part.
What are they if not punk?
There are /pol/tards that dislikes her for being nonwhite soooo
>anime has been around longer than numales
Honestly senpai, just admit you have the worlds most shit taste and leave.
Yes and?
Well yeah, non-whites are ugly.
As shown by the OP.
Really, really bad.
Okay are you really that stupid or just pretending?
>soooooo posting
Honestly, I want you to go hang yourself. Right now. Your shitty tastes have done more damage to media as a whole than any polnigger ever has.
If your so much smarter than everyone than why does no one listen to fence sitters?
What a bunch of pathetic retards, go outside more
Went looking for sauce, her name is norwegian_liftinggoddess if you were interested like I was
>Actually replying
Unironically worse than the shitposters desu. Consider death.
Yes you should go outside. To find a nice sturdy tree and hang yourself.
Fence sitters?
Absolutely everyone laughs at the retards who take part of the culture war.
I mean, you idiots actually think the amount of niggers in a superhero movie is going to be the difference between saving the world and dooming it.
No one takes seriously your glorified console wars.
are you falseflagging right now?
have sex
Reminder that trannies will NEVER be cute girls.
It's funny you think that most people don't laugh at the ridiculousness of the right and the left.
Top and bottom right are primo, idk what the fuck is up with bottom left though.
I told you 10 minutes ago to put yourself against a wall and spread your cheeks.
And you'll never have a gf :) So you and trannies have something in common.
Don't bring Woolsworth into this user, please.
Post one youtube video of people doing so.
>post e-celebs
/pol/fags everybody.
>over 1ft shorter than me
even better
if true thats dope. I loved Timothy and really hope he comes back. Playing as Tim and Nisha together made the Presequal awesome.
thanks for conceding, but you still owe me an apology
believe me i wish i could pretend niggers dont exist
he cute
I'm not petty enough to stop listening to something I thoroughly enjoy just because of 1 conversation
But I did NOT expect it to be -that bad- even when hearing guys on Yea Forums talk about it before the fact.
I honestly think if Liam where there, of all people, he would've said stop it. It was ridiculous. I can't believe Pat was indulging and defending it.
I don't give a fuck about their opinions but they talked about shit that was completely unfounded for a good 10mins or more.
>software is right because I said so!
>it's not like it was made by a human who has the capacity to be wrong
gnome cat
Ah yes, cold AI logic. Finally, I can prove once and for all that my Hepler fetish is healthy.
what happaned?
here's 5 syllables, my man;
dilation station.
this girl seriously and unironically has a medical condition.
jasmine webb
I like how most women with bombshell bodies like this actually like to flaunt their assets and seem to be proud of them.
Whereas landwhales and ugly womyn love to shriek about being objectified.
>those bags of sand
Everyone's proud of looking good.
>>Every girl has tumblr hair
>tumblr hair
Only counts if it's dyed, and if the thing is a radical feminist/sjw, otherwise it's either a punk, goth, emo, android, or a super being.
Why does Maya look like a splatoon character now
Rundown on this picture?
Because of the long bangs.
i dont like how pretty women show themselves off
just makes them unattractive to me
Is that confirmed her name?
Woolie showing off his sex appeal.