Is this shit worth as a primary console???
Is this shit worth as a primary console???
>primary console
Take the idort pill user
depends if you play the ordinary multiplayer games. If you do, then no, since your friends won't have it on switch
>Is this shit worth as a primary console???
Hell fucking no, Nintendo consoles are complementary, not for hardcore gaming.
Anyway, i would recommend a PS4/PC combo than having a Switch as a primary console for gaming.
Of course
Yeah, had mine for a year now and it's the best investment I've made in terms of console gaming.
Do you like Nintendo games?
You're good to go
>Not specially/No
It's as simple as that
I think the important question is why OP is buying childrens toys
I use it as a handheld. I do my "primary" gaming on a PC.
Agreed, only kids play video games, why aren't you cutting down trees to build your own house user?
If you play a lot then PC/Switch will be the best combo down the round, PS4 gas great games too but they overlap with PC sometimes so having the Nintendo exclusive chill/mellow franchises and the hard PC games is a good balance
That being said, I’d say the library is only mediocre right now and will be good by the end of the year. You could buy one now and play on it already though
>Is this shit worth as a primary console???
No console really is, but it's an A- secondary gaming platform
No no no no no
redundant, you only need one of those.
Yes if you’re a simple man, and I don’t mean it as an insult, but it’s good enough to get your vidya on and have a good time, just keep in mind that most of the mainstream AAA third party titles might not show up on it.
PS4 is for exclusives and virtually every third party games
PC is for emulation, mods and having prettier graphics.
Only PC is worth it as a primary gaming device. All of the consoles are secondary.
Where I can buy it for the half of the original price?
whatever you decide, don't buy one now with the reiteration around the corner
Don't be mad OP it's not becoming of you
I saw lots of consoles only being sold at around 150 - 200.
Ordinarily I'd say no for Nintendo consoles, but this generation is somewhat different, as Switch is now getting a lot of big name titles like Doom 2016/Eternal, Dragon Quest 11, Mortal Kombat, Wolfenstein, etc. This is probably the first generation in a long time where it doesn't feel like a Nintendo console is experiencing long droughts. It's even getting Xbone games now.
Your mileage may vary though. If you can afford it, go idort. It's the best way to live
>primary console
What the fuck does that even mean?
Third party games are already on PC, and better if you don't have a shit rig. PS4 barely has any exclusives to speak of. It doesn't count if you can play it on PS3 or or Vita either.
>Third party games are already on PC,
Not everyone, like RDR 2, Spyro, etc are missing
>PS4 barely has any exclusives to speak of
Disagree, it has several, also lots of upcoming ones
if you've grown disillusioned with AAA releases, absolutely
If you're a normie who only plays a single release every 2 months, absolutely
it's cute that you tried to copy my post and yet yours doesn't describe me at all lol.
>If you play a lot then PC/Switch will be the best combo down the round
PS Vita + PC is really nice.
Moonlight is a god send for playing PC games on the bed
I'll be honest, I opened the thread and typed that without reading any other post. but the fact that the details look so similar to be seen as a coincidence discouraged me to explain anything
It really isn't that surprising since we're so accostumed to speaking with each other with pre-made and overused sentences and terms and working hard to being part of the hivemind
I have it set up on my monitor so I can play smash or botw in between shitposting and steam games. It's my primary console, but most of my gaming is on PC
Yeah worth more than a parental controls enhanced ps4
>Is this shit worth as a primary console???
At first I didn't think so. But then I realised I played the Switch more than any other gaming system I own. Its changed the way I game, and I am happier for it.
only once animal crossing comes out
If you have a PC that has atleast a 1050 card, then a Switch is pretty good to have.
No, use it as a secondary. In general, choose one of these combos:
PS4 + PC
Switch + PC
Switch + PS4
Fuck no.
this, i just wish the joy-cons sticks werent such a piece of shit
Yes assuming you have a PC for everything else and PS4 exclusives don't interest you.
If you actually like AAA games, not really. Otherwise it's adequate enough, especially if you value portability.
>nintendo as a primary console