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pro-tip - his go to move is always the grab move, but every time you dodge it he'll follow up with a deflect-able attack, which is how you build up his posture damage. Took me hours to learn his tells.
Also for this boss you wanna start off with chip damage, do this by pressing dodge TWICE to get behind him, slash about two or three times then dodge out if its a grab but deflect if its a regular blow. Do this enough and you'll build up his posture damage to the point you can death blow him.
Once you get the pattern down it becomes easier.
if it was ""literally impossible"" you wouldn't be able to beat him in first place you insufferable retarded faggot, git gud
Not even a boss really. Just a miniboss. If you have trouble with him you may as well refund the game because theres no chance youre beating it.
he's actually difficult the first time you meet him tho. especially if you're used to "souls" tactics. After you learn that this is a completely different game, then everything's easy as shit
>magnetic hug of death
Did you guys not get the fire prosthetic before fighting him? It trivializes the fight completely.
So simple, yet so effective. May you powerbomb all those suckers brother!
That’s flat out wrong, he literally encourage you to play like the Souls games
this is the main issue.
you pretty much need to get fucked up at least once to realize the grab has such a massive hitbox with tracking.
At least it teaches you for Poo Manchu.
depends really. i beat every souls game with a sword and board so dodging aint my shit
Is the chained ogre the only white guy in the game?
How the fuck do people struggle with this guy just backdash all his moves except the leaping grab which you can jump over, like just press x nigga hahaha
it trivialises the whole fucking game, why does From always add OP shit in the early game
just jump lol
i beat him on my second try.
the fucking spear guy behind him gave me more trouble.
2 hits then circle around
repeat until it's dead
there's that robert guy
>die a bunch of times to him
>decide to play it boring
>run around in circles at light speed around him until he does an unsafe attack, pop in and hit, then continue running around
>fight becomes a joke
yeah idk. force me to get good, but don't give a piss-easy cheese option. why even bother staying close and actually having to react and dodge when you can sanic around in circles.
>the dragon come from the west
why does he look like an oversized, white baka gaijin compared to all the other japs in the game?
Minibosses in Sekiro are basically the same as lesser bosses in other games. In fact, more often than not, they'd serve as decent main bosses comparatively as well.
Some equivalents:
Taurus Demon - Chained Ogre
Bloodstarved Beast - Seven Spears
The Last Giant - Headless
Abyss Watchers - Lone Shadow Longswordman
The prayer bead/memory reward is basically the only difference.
they're more likely referring to china
he's just a 5'10 white man they found washed ashore.
The people in the game are actually just tiny.
True, I legit think everybody who says they beat him is memeing.
Because it’s literally a white dude
This just proves souls players are filthy casuals and can't handle real games where the difficulty curve isn't about mastering the opponent but mastering the weapon. Git gud souls drones.
i beat him ON MY FIRST TRY today lmao. just circle him and hit him like twice at a time
the easiest boss in the game
easier than fuckin shinobi hunter
just stay away from him and go in for a couple hits after he does an attack
he can't do shit if you just sprint around him and chop him with running attacks. His grabs (even leaping grabs), drop kicks, kicks and slams all miss by a country mile
I actually returned the game because of this piece of shit. I was told this game wasn't like Souls and the was clearly a like.
West of Japan, dumb ass. It's talking about China.
don't get to cocky he's easier than a lot of the common enemies you face in swarms.
I can't even get past this general with a spear outside some tower. These spear characters just fuck me.
I just threw oil in his face then lit him up, free hits.
you can do a crazy parry that deals a bunch of posture damage if you press circle right as the thrust lands.
>"if you hurt my friends.." comes up
>proceeds to kill spearguy
kek. autists have a diffrent kind of humor
here is a hint how to easy peasy kill it
press circle / B
No he's not, he is still deadly as fuck even compared to the strongest samurai dudes. You can test this by fighting the respawning ogre + the red samurais in front of demon of hatred
if the tracking on his dropkick and jump grab wasn't so bullshit this would be almost a good fight
yeah its funny after i beat him right away i got rekt once by the dudes after him
just sprint around him
I've been attempting that but it isn't working. Most of the time he decides to sweep.
>watched the pre release gameplays
>people dying to him
>oh damn retards
>get the game
>try to pull some Bloodborne shit on him
>got killed 2 times
unlearn your soulsbourne muscle memory
dodging will kill you almost all the time
you can always just fucking run away or jump
dodging is shit in the early game but it feels like the developers forgot it's an option because it's super effective later on.
no shit
but if he changes his direction literally in the air and follows you like a cruise missle it sometimes isn't enough and you still get hit
it looks ridicules and just shouldn't be there in the first time
I know the enemies need some tracking to not make the game too easy but there has to be some middle ground
Don't stay too close to him. Enemies with thrust attacks you can mikiri counter generally use them when you're out of reach of their other attacks.
watch the animation. also when they sweep you can jump straight up then jump on their heads to deal posture damage. as you're coming back down you can swing your sword again to return to offense.
>chained ogre
He looks like a homeless Asian guy
>basically only beat Sword Saint because I found an easy way to loop his first phase
One of the grabs is really a sweep, jump it.
You can also just run in circles and running attack him when he whiffs
>but if he changes his direction literally in the air and follows you like a cruise missle it sometimes isn't enough and you still get hit
That only happens because you stand still or mash dodge so he hits you at the tail end of the dodge. You're probably taking too many swings at him before trying to get away.
His tracking, however good it may be, is absolute shit compared to your running. He will miss 100% of the time if you are just sprinting past him as he tries any of his moves
once he is free just run away and wait for him to calm down and sneak him to get a free health bar down
and yet he moves like a true American
yeah he's also 10 feet tall. It's called fiction, my man.
He's actually only 5'11
People in Feudal Japan were just poorly nourished and much shorter than white people in those days
Nobody could genuinely believe any major boss encounter after Genichiro is "easy as shit"
Fuck him, this is real artificial difficulty. You can see the throw coming 5 seconds in advance but you CAN'T FUCKING DODGE IT
t. spent 30 minutes looking for the invisible monkey
don't feel bad, that guy is really hard. Spears are some of the most dangerous enemy weapons in the game because half the time or more, the enemy swings them fast and like a giant sword instead of doing exploitable thrusts
Im just before Owls fight. What is the effective place to farm some skill point this time? Been doing it awhile at mibu village but wondering if theres something better?
Nevermind I got him. Actually easy when you realize you gave to dodge HARD to the left or right and essentially turn around him.
Looks like soulshit.
The game even tells you that fighting them directly is retarded so this is the optimum method
Fight the ninjas and samurais in the dojo, then drop down the hole and kill the red hat guys and the big samurais (better yet make them fight eachother). Then travel back to the dojo and do it again.
You can stealth kill them but I think it's more fun to fight them, especially ninjas
About the that one ending. I havent defeated Owl yet, but I could already eavesdrop Kuro, spoke to Emma and agreed with her. Next I eavesdop her at Isshins place, she didnt appear at all in Old grave but I just found her at sculptors place. Didnt receive the bell. Anyone know if I still can get her to appear at Old grave and receive the bell?
>liking WWE
Literally impossible
I'm starting the think not being able to cancel a dodge with a block is bullshit.
>If you have trouble with him you may as well refund the game because theres no chance youre beating it.
Wait really? I don't really play this type of games, I am actually filthy casual, but I liked the setting, so I bought it.
or if you're retarded like me and find out you can jump up to avoid his grabs after you've beaten him
This game isn’t for casuals.
you can't jump on his powerbombs tho
hours, dude? hours? eavesdropping on the soldiers next to him tells you to use fire
>just beat headless ape and brother ape
>realize I had already visited the bonfire after them so I really didn't have to do it
You mean buddah statue, right?
how do you even trigger this fight? Every time I go by the area there is no boss
>haha wow i sure got him because bonfires are completely different from buddah statues
they're called archstones
It took me over 4 hours of playing to realize you can sprint
How does that happen? Do they not appear until after the lone Guardian Ape is defeated?
god i miss this guy and the ashina guy with the 5 musketeers so much
>he hit him instead letting him finish
I just dodged to the left or right non stop you can pretty much just slide around like a spastic and dodge a lot of shit
I went there after the guardian ape fight.
My exact steps were Guardian Ape->talking to Emma and Kuro->Bottomless pit bonfire down to the two apes.
I don't know if it's because I had already been through that area, but it was post Guardian ape.
Can anyone give me the SHA-256 hash of their Codex .iso? I want to make sure my shit is legit.
>"that was pretty easy"
lying cunt
git gud
is the voice of Sekiro the same as Kiryu? They sound identical
You have to fight the guardian ape before you fight the corrupted monk. After Genichiro, just head straight to the guardian ape. He should then spawn in that room. make sure you bring the mortal blade to the headless ape's fight.
Bhutan is actually lands of thunder dragon, and really into Bhuddism.
I think either mountainous region of Tibet or Bhutan are cool.
I also like Fromsoftware China.
Anyways as long it is not another western theme game, it is good