Why are Japanese devs so much better at making combat systems than Western devs?

Why are Japanese devs so much better at making combat systems than Western devs?

Scratch that, why are western devs so bad at making good combat systems that are not FPS? Seriously, this game has the best sword combat I've seen, meanwhile western devs ALL try to use the bamham style with slight variations

Attached: sekiro.jpg (640x640, 94K)

Western devs are creatively corrupt and bankrupt. Money is their king.

That said, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic did sword combat really well.

Threads over

Ah yes, classic Nipponese vidya, Batman Arkham Asylum.

they're not, you're just a weaboo fag that hates it's own culture. delet this!

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Who says OP is Western you retard?

He said batman was western you dumbass

That Ghosts of Tsujima or whatever is gonna have one hard time fucking with Sekiro's combat I can tell you that much. Sekiro is the game Japan has been building to I'd argue since Onimusha 1.

because a jap wouldn't ask that question, japs are busy slipping mirrors glued on shoes under girls dresses on the train stations faggot. met couple of japs myself, none of them cared for western developers.

Name some western games with good combat

DSP has just
said on stream that the devs should have warned that Sekiro would be harder than Dark Souls and that you wouldn't be able to summon your friends to help with impossible bosses. Is he right?

Is it a question of right or wrong?

For Honor has better combat desu.

Why don't japs make FPS/Racing/RTS/Simulator games as often as the West do?
Seems like every Jap game which isn't pandering to waifus is character action focused.

I mean if they had then maybe we wouldn't be seeing so much whining around sekiro

western devs doesnt have auteurs anymore. it's all designed by committee to fit some kind of market research.

If a game is impossibly difficult, should you entitled to a refund?

A quick google search would have told you everything about Sekiro
DSP is just being DSP

Zeno Clash
Mount and Blade: Warband
Arx Fatalis/Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
Jedi Knight games
There's probably many more but I'm a huge stoner who's played too many games.

bugged meme mechanics

Ghost of Tsushima is made by Sucker Punch, a studio whose games Sekiro aped pretty hard. I think they will be fine.

western devs too busy trying to craft an interactive movie to pay attention to original gameplay

>it's another "japanese games are better" thread
Both cultures have their own pros and cons in different genres. Stop categorizing vidya by the country they were made in and enjoy the hobby, you stupid waifu fucker

FPS/RTS and sims because theyre PC genres and PC gamig didnt take off in Japan as much as arcade and console gaming. Wtf are you talking about with racers though? They made tons of really influential ones like the stuff sega put out in the arcades like Outrun, Daytona, Sega Rally, etc to Nintendo ones like F Zero and Mario Kart to Ridge Racer to simcades like F355 Challenge and GT. Westerners only clearly dominate in terms of hardcore sims but thats a PC centric subgenre

>Both cultures have their own pros and cons in different genres.
why do you suppose that is?

Probably same reason why Japan can't do proper role playing experiences and have to make visual novels with very basic RPG-esque combat and then call it a role playing game.

No, unless you meet the refunds requirements like play time.

You should have researched before shelling out 60 bucks

I don't know, I haven't made a study regarding Japan's particular taste and skills in vidya, nor I care. Probably someone has already.

But Lab Zero, Reikon, Team Cherry, Motion Twin, The Game Bakers, Red Hook and other Indie devs exist and have released quality products that refute this idea.

Sure, what you've said pretty much does cover the AAA industry, but not western devs as a whole.

Japs developed martial arts, their approach to fighting carries over to games.

I can already imagine that shit, easy as fuck with bamham combat. It's bamham right?

Give me the pros that western action games with melee systems have over Japanese ones

Western devs just want to tell a story. Gameplay is an afterthought to them at best.

Chinese developed martial arts. in fact, Japan's culture (art and language, for example) is mostly a ripoff of China's

same reason why west still hasn't made a fighting game as mechanically good as what japan does. West doesn't care about actual gameplay

>Both cultures have their own pros and cons in different genres
>different genres
Not neccesarily better at an specific one

>Arx Fatalis

Nigro please. It's Thief combat with bad magic.
You could have named Severance instead.

I don't know, I liked Sekiro alot more but the combat, parries and skill trees aren't any deeper or more complex than like nuGoW.
then again that was inspired by Souls so it all comes back to Japan anyway.

They also have had a very rich adult oriented animation industry unlike the west which is disney and other kids shit. And due to the low budgets and framerates anime stresses good conveyance of impact and key poses too which translates wondefully to game animations which have strict limitations. Combine that with their love of martial arts and youve got a history of animating combat and lots of talent to draw from.


youre missing the point

Is this ghost of whocares game bamham combat or are people just memeing?

For Horno was alright
I think Sekiro would have been better if the 3 directional system was underneath

Western devs also have to please the people who suck at games.

it's like Batou in GiTS:SAC says: "they say the Japanese are superior artists, but true-to-life artwork has never been their strong suit." The best western melee games tend to focus on simulation, whereas the best Japanese melee systems revolve around abstraction. If that's not plainly obvious you're an idiot ir don't play enough actual good games.

Current emphasis in the west is two-pronged.

One is to create a "cinematic" game with a lot of cutscenes and movie-like presentation. Gameplay, while not necessarily bad, is secondary and only meant to have you do something between cutscenes.

Second one is "retro" stuff where games mimic old ones in design, gameplay and so on. Usually light on content they rely on visual design carrying the game's worth.

In Japan however smaller studios still produce games that are janky in the graphics department but are built solidly on a gameplay foundation. Even games that are extremely looked-down on like Musou games are still built around gameplay.

I happened to enjoy the thief combat with magic, thank you very much.

tsushima is beiung developed by a western dev.

Attached: ghost of bamham.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Japanese developer
>knows that they are making a GAME, and that the point of a GAME is FUN
>creative and original, has variety
>action packed like DMC or just plain fun like Mario
>finished game that holds up a decade after coming out
>pander to PLAYERS
Western developer
>pretentious Oscar bait
>same few formulas, like big empty open world or a copy of Fortnite or COD
>thinks walking in between cutscenes is "gameplay"
>unfinished piece of shit that has bugs and needs patches/mods to function, also microtransactions because fuck you
>pander to "journalists" and Twitterfags

West can do better fps, strategy games, rpg and it is also very competent in making both 2D and 3D platformers sometimes even surpassing Japan in that as well. Not every game is fighting or hackin slashing

>hooded guy in extremely bright colored robes takes on literally 40 highly trained soldiers at once while they take turns to attack

God damn that looks like shit. Is the sword fighting gonna be like this too or just stealth takedowns?

>let's pretend JRPG's with minimal gameplay and thousands of dialogue boxes never existed
>let's also pretend dumbed down point n click adventures with no substance were never made in Japan

I think JRPGs are better than most Western RPGs.

I would say its more polished version.
Japan does almost everything better than China.

Counterpoint example to your description of Japs: MGS4

Counterpoint example to your description of Westerners: Rocket League

How about you stop shitposting and actually go learn a thing or two about vidja.

Ahh ffs I knew it, it's Fucking bamham. Can't trust western developers anymore I guess

Don't forget dating sims and dumbed down dungeon crawlers.

Came into the thread to say this. For Honor has the best melee combat system just based on the fact that blocking isn't just a single invulnerability button.

notice I said BEST not ALL. It's almost like you can find good OR shitty games from any country of any genre

I'm honestly disappointed this game is just another batman clone

Yeah JRPGs served as a big influence for the modern wave of cinematic shit, it wasnt the autistic story light PC dungeon crawlers that opened peoples minds to the potential of story telling in games, it was stuff like FF7 and Chrono Trigger. Not to mention MGS. Think even stuff like Kings Quest and Monkey Island is cited less than those

Japanese RPG's aren't even RPG's, so you're wrong.
That's only because Japan opened itself to the world after WWII and absorbed other cultures, while China's only relevance is economy.

No one knows. That clip in the webm might be spamming a special that allows multiple takedowns like Sekiro's bloodmist but I doubt it

Dude, the majority of western character action games are bamham which is 0 realistic

It's not just the combat system.

>the majority of AAA melee action games released after God of War
ftfy. unlike you I am over 18 have played many games

jesus christ, time to completely ignore this game now.

I just think there's a lack of demand for the kind of combat you see in Japanese games among a Western audience and so instead of that Western developers learn how to better implement things that do appeal to a Western audience in their games.

I never said there were zero exceptions. But it is an accurate general statement.

Japan didn't make Deus Ex, the absolute best game in history. So there's that.

>make a worse and casualized for honor combat system
idk prolly cuz you are a dumb weeb

that doesn't make much sense considering they are closed on almost all fronts
they only distribute their stuff world wide and even that is pretty shitty; they usually only look at domestic sales and base products on that
for example anime, one of their biggest multi billion dollar industries and they still only have some shitty half assed distribution platforms owned by degenerate American hippies

I don't care about whatever your definition of what makes an RPG is. You can't just change the definitions of genres because you hate certain games.

>all of those are either indie or old
>mentioning early access too
>You will never see new Jedi Knight game because they are no longer canon
>M&B II Bannerlord takes centuries to come out

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Because white Americans have no culture

I think it's only an accurate general statement if you're examining AAA budget releases within the last 5-8 years

in the west the game is made by a committee while japan allows authors to take over the game

>Japanese RPG's aren't even RPG's
Then Dungeon Crawlers and Roguelikes aren't RPGs either, numbskull.

>RPGs I don't like are'nt RPGs
>moving the goalposts this hard

Yea it's a real shame.
At least we make better RPGs

Skyrim's combat was great.

I went 2h sword and wrecked things all day.

>inb4 "lel you made a typo so you're wrong"

Made. And only because when great RPGs were made only nerds were in game dev, now it's infested with all sorts of people who don't even understand what makes a good game

Just had this intense moment with a Sekiro boss and I can only laugh looking at that gameplay

Attached: z.webm (700x394, 2.91M)

the game is not an rpg
not even an action rpg

its just a 3rd person action game where you unlock new abilites before or after a boss like in any shitty console game from the past 2 decades

Tsushima's combat will suck but I think they'll do the whole ninja thing better.

It's actually depends on social/community pressure and social justice warriors in the west.
Which are almost non-existent in Nipland.

I think the Japan part has always been accurate and the West part has been accurate for at least 12 years.

The sad part is I thought Sekiros combat was a linear one play style affront to good action games and its still better then any combat system western games have put out this year or last.

>release like 6 games with the same combat
>hurr why are jap devs so superior

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while that is true, it's still better than the Jap trash with mile long swords

didnt know you should use covfefe for this boss, so i beat it without

Honestly too easy & too focused on cinematic bullshit

Look at Ghost of Yoshimitsu or whatever it's called, press x to insta kill 3 people, what a joke, who does that impress?

I'm actually stunned by how many Soulsfans (admittedly mostly people that play western games only) have 0 experience with action games and absolutely get shitted on by Sekiro.

Its accurate,
There is rarely any good western games, either on console or PC.
It has always been like that. Only chinks and gooks play western game anyways.

Now consider how many souls player that summoned. It's probably the majority.

Japs steal their culture from China

>Superior nippon. We're not worthy.

Attached: self_flagellation.jpg (1016x690, 190K)

China steal culture from everyone. It is like a hotpot.
Even Huaxia is a bunch of people stealing from each other.

All the good western games are on the PC.

ayooo i got a big nutsack CHIEF , smokin them DOINKS gang.

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Skullgirls proves you wrong.

>a studio whose games Sekiro aped pretty hard
Sekiro aped Sly and Infamous?
I mean Sly has stealth stuff and rooftop shit, but I mean, really? and what's your angle with Infamous?
I mean surely you're not thinking of Rocket.

Cause western developers employ women and minorities just because of that, JP developers employ whoever is actually the best at the job.

Western games have decent to okay combat when they're indie titles.

The AAA industry in the west is retarded though

I think its weirder that Sekiro players are gushing about their combat system when MGR already did it.

Not even close