So, we're all in agreement that this bitch killed Overwatch, right?

So, we're all in agreement that this bitch killed Overwatch, right?

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Terrible balance, SJW shit and pandering to a nonexistent fickle esports scene killed Overwatched

The community toxicity is what killed Overwatch, but trying to kill Dive Comp was a major part of the decline in interest.

Overwatch didn't just die, it was MURDERED

nope, it was this bitch that killed overwatch

Attached: Ana_portrait.png (350x351, 135K)

So we're all in agreement that if I get a 5 this becomes a mercy thread right?

>Game designed as cheap no-story-mode shooter themed to target teenagers.
>Somehow confused that teenagers got bored of a thing and moved on.

This, playing ranked solo queue is akin to swimming in a pool of nuclear waste. Not to mention all the smurfs that can't handle playing against anyone higher than plat because they'd lose to actual good players. I could mute the chats, sure, but in a team game it's too detrimental. Therefore I don't even bother anymore, thanks to all you spergs that want to go pro so desperately you turn into sociopaths.

>"The day Overwatch died"

Overwatch was dead once "the robot bitch the I don't have the motivation to remember what her name is" came out. That's when they started pushing the eSports scene and trying to make the game into a straight up MOBA instead of the hybrid they had before.

nah more like these assholes

weebs/autists just dont want to admit it

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I have to agree with this
Ana was just an example of things to come. And it all just went downhill from there.

The game was utter shit from the start. Blizzard doesn't know how to make games anymore.

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Shitty maps killed overwatch more then any specific character

Dead before. Moira's addition made me realize that Blizzard doesn't care about the lore and their facade vanished. They implied mercy made reaper, but they put Moira in her place instead because they need any excuse to add a character that fits in their pamphlet of lore. Baptiste feels like an extra you put in the background. But lore isn't the primary reason to play a game, but it was a good way to trick me into thinking it was fun. That and I played way too much of overwatch that I'm burned out.


i see these threads everday, game must be doing well or not bad if Yea Forums is always triggered by it

have to agree with this post

Hanzo as a concept shouldn't exist in a game with unlimited ammo, and abilities that reset on kill aren't compatible with the FPS genre.

Having a raging faggot in charge killed the game.


Anyone who takes serious offense to being called a nigger on the internet should simply be euthanized.

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>t.genji shitter
Learn to play GOATS.

Overwatch was fun as heck until competitive mode was released, and then it became a bunch of tryhard faggots taking things way too seriously. You used to be able to just drop in on people in your friends list and have a nice afternoon.

Well these threads are the only overwatch threads left
No one talks about it anymore. Its forgotten. The only people who dare speak are the ones who find it hilarious how hard it fell off.

no, this bitch did

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Overwatch is just a shittier, no fun copy of Tf2, there's no personality between all the retarded superhero multicultural cast compared to the nine mercenaries. Asking for autographs from eachother instead of genuine banter like Tf2.

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Blizz diverting money from content to OWL is what killed Overwatch.

For me the worst part was that the toxicity didn't decline when you got to Diamond and Masters. Today there's toxicity in GM because most of the people left are the most toxic ones.

Toxicity isn't something you take personally, necessarily. But when every game involves a toxic asshat, you stop playing. At first it's just to take a break and make something to eat. But then it's for the rest of the day. Then it's for the rest of the week (when you've got your maintenance games in). Then it's "shit I accidentally uninstalled retail instead of, fuck it."

Which is how a game dies.

Bingo. Forcing an esports scene instead of building a game that an esports scene develops out of naturally because people want to be good at the game is how you kill overwatch.

There's also porn threads or fake outrage threads fueled by whatever /pol/bait controversy is happening. I don't even care about the new heroes anymore, only ana and sombra were good.

that's a majestic cock

>makes DPS characters totally useless
Heh, nothin personnel kid...

In terms of kit design yeah. She put the nail in the coffin.

agreed tho tf2 is pretty fuckin based.
too bad it's deader than dead and turned into a fucking virtual joke of itself with all the dumb shit valve added

Someone post that video of Overwatch "banter" compared to Tf2's.

absolutely not

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I made it to GM as a main tank and play off tank, dps, and off healer at masters level no problem.

So relax, my dude. This sort of toxicity is, of course, typical of the community and why everyone quits.

your first mistake was buying a blizzard made game

This may be part of it. OWL is starting to disintegrate, too, as the most popular players leave.

I don't blame them, though. Playing OW 9-12 hours a day would be pretty horrifying.

You're alright user...

>I made it to GM
im sure you didnt

It's still one of the top five playerbase games on Steam, so you're just retarded for thinking it's dead compared to Overwatch.

the game got stale extremely fast, and the SFM porn soon lost it's appeal as well.

Turns out that making your game for extreme casuals and extreme esports wannabes alienates like 90% of your core audience.

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I mostly play mystery heroes. Moira, brigitte and Baptiste are fucking cancer and unfun to play against

>go to friends house
>try Overwatch
>consistently find matches within 20-30 seconds

It didn't seem dead at all to me. Are you guys sure this isn't a case of you wanting it to fail, so you claim it's dead?

Overwatch is now all about gook esports. Who the fuck cares about that shit.

She nearly saved it, if only people were more apt to drop playing Genji and Tracer for Junkrat and Pharah. But instead the shitters whined to loudly and killed any hope for this game

Were you playing on his account?
He's probably in the brainlet bracket where all the shitters play.

Well yeah it was his account. I take it that means the game isn't dead and Yea Forums just acts like it is because >muh sjw boogeyman

No, not really, even though she was (maybe is still I don't follow the game anymore) terribly balanced on release.
What killed the game was the abysmally slow rate of updates and balancing that it received.
It's inconceivable that a company like Blizzard with it's resources and the initial popularity OW received thought the pace they released content is OK.
The story is still like it was 3 years ago when the game released. They release ""lore"" every 4-5 months and it contains info of the caliber Tracer is a lesbian. Nothing on worldbuilding at all.
The worst of all is of course the balancing. They had Mercy ruining the game with how OP she was for ~6 months, refusing to do anything about it, when the playerbase was at it's peak. The majority of them left the game during that period.
Reinhardt was bugged into an unplayable state for another 5-6 months and they refused to do anything about it too.
Many heroes are worthless for the majority of the game's life and guess what they leave them to rot.
Even when they decide to try to balance the game they either make someone OP and they leave him like that for months upon months or they change something so miniscule that it doesn't make a difference.
Also I should note that apart from the original cast, and Ana, the new heroes were terribly designed and the character designs and appearance of the heroes was the undisputed major draw of the game, that of course didn't help bring back the ever dwindling playerbase. Worst offenders are doomfist who is completely blandly designed and the hamster that I believe no one really knows how he ended up taking a hero spot.

have sex

It means your friend plays with all the low level hue hue hues, ching chang chongs and CYKA BLYATS

>20-30 seconds
>not dead
I could take a shit and still be in queue, the fuck?

>Worse stun than doomfist, longer CD
>Gets obscene playtime because shield makes her dumb stupid safe and her healing has no skill requirement

if "sjw" is all you got from this thread, then you're just seeing what you want to see.

>t. seething neet who did nothing but solo queue for 6 months to grind for gm
platinum and low diamond are the most fun you can have in overwatch, mostly because of toxic tryhards such as yourself
cope on that one!

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just fucking remove armor already it's what causes the game to be unkillable tank fests
im so fucking tired of this bitch pressing Q and becoming nearly invincible on the point for dps heroes

meant for

>dude shields lmao

So tiresome.


Blizzard obsession with removal of anything remotely skill-based which would give "unfair" adavantage to good players did.

Instead of trying to balance the game and dedicate resources to actual new content for it, they poured all their money on their esports league and it's marketing.
Instead of going on overdrive seeing how popular the game was the first year into releasing new maps/heroes/modes they decided to drip feed new content driving most of the playerbase away. They didn't even bother adding new skins outside of their time gated events, which incidentally where the main reason people kept playing the game. Even the events themselves dropped in quality immensely the last 2 years in what skins they had.
Also they tried too hard to police their game trying to remove anything that they deemed toxic wasting further resources and development time on features that had no impact on the game such us their shitty endorsements that no one cared about except gaming journos and tumblr.

have sex

Literally the two best metas.

For a month or two at least until they started nerfing her into the ground.

>mad cuz bad

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>So, we're all in agreement