Ubisoft has done it again

Ubisoft has done it again.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 177K)

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what the fuck


can someone explain how a "remaster" ends up looking worse

Hopefully Ubisoft goes bankrupt soon.


devs aren't devs anymore

diversity hires etc

they took away all atmosphere. why do they think making everything bright and shiny makes it better?

because you'll buy it anyway

The developers don't care about the actual product and are just looking for an excuse to resell the game, so they just make minimal changes so they can claim it's a "remaster" and rerelease it.

What did they mean by this?

Attached: Magicpirate.png (1376x729, 1.08M)

Did they tweak the ending to imply Desmond's brain got sucked into the machine to revive him later?

they have to justify paying their entire staff wages so instead of just porting the game to a new system with a higher resolution, they have their team redo models, textures and lighting etc. that looked fine already.

Attached: 1532195695645.jpg (1399x729, 69K)

Classic Ubisoft

Didn't this actually have the valid excuse of being rendered in engine as opposed to prerendered?

they had to downgrade it to make it work on Switch

Why are you here if you personally dislike every user of this place to a point where you get so mad?

Why do they insist on remaking 7-year-old games? Have Xbox 360 games really aged to the point where normies find them unplayable?

How? Why would I want something that looks worse for the sake of it not being pre-rendered?

they "improve" the textures but they don't edit the models to match.

Attached: elxuxi_nintemod-super-mario-64-retextured-.png (800x640, 745K)

That's an explanation; not an excuse.

No backwards compatibility means they have an excuse to sell them again. I'm sure plenty of Wii-U owners bought a game or two again on the switch.

my guess its the product of just porting the game to their new engine, without actually giving a fuck

nope, the original wasn't prerendered

Right looks better

Your pic is not a remaster, and OP's pic the problem is mostly the lighting.

Outsourcing and retards in charge not giving a fuck about original aesthetics.

Is this a joke?

Attached: LOOOO.png (632x352, 296K)

Looks like they just stuck a new lighting engine in and didn't look at what might be changed because of it. That's why the skin tones are all off and overexposed

This is what baffles me the most.
You don't even have to create the game anymore so why don't you at least concentrate on fixing the bare essentials to make it a game fit for the current year and attract more people in the process?

What the actual fuck.

You can turn your head around in the original. Not pre-rendered.
Lmao it looks like there's a strong flashlight being shined right next to that dude's face. It's awful.

april fools?

Are there at least gameplay changes?

Loks better than the original imo. Use a reshade if you want him to have a mutt shitskin color.

So basically there's zero changes on the gameplay department?
I swear if this shit still has that horrible inventory system it'll be hilarious.

>tfw SADX.

Why the fuck lighting always get fucked on those stupid ports?

Attached: 1550148264668.jpg (1280x720, 377K)

you can whistle to attract guards and double assassinate now
also hide in bushes but i thought it was already the case

>character turns out whiter
based ubisoft

nothing a 15gb patch won't fix

I assume Desmond still players like Connor despite downloading a lifetime of experience from Ezio. I'm the only person who's annoyed by that it seems.

The gruntwork people don't give a shit since they're underpaid, overworked and the upthere people are the only ones reaping any value from it.
It's kind of an insult to the boss making the product subpar.
In a better world, AC3 would have been like it was shown in the alphas.

Attached: chickensuit.jpg (322x444, 37K)

You could always whistle, you could always double-assassinate, and you could always hide in bushes.

Yoga teleport.

not in 3

>It looks better because of my mental problems


Yes you fucking idiot. I still remember how funny it was that Haytham and Connor have the same exact whistling sound.

Here's a gameplay trailer from 2012 where Connor hides in bushes. It happens at 1:22


Attached: ac3comp.jpg (1474x1663, 606K)

Because they used the lighting system of the newer games on a much older game not built around it.
The game overall looks much better, but the problem is that the skeletons and character models are mostly untouched, and they haven't aged well, and the lighting system exposes it.

Attached: Assassin's Creed® III - Remastered2019-3-30-11-50-56.jpg (1920x1080, 226K)

Attached: 1479475600501.jpg (508x676, 56K)

ubishit lying shill BTFO

I understand a new lighting system can be hit or miss sometimes but how can you make the textures worse than before?

It's a lighting issue. He's darker in the original because it's in a dimly lit room. The 'remaster' has a very poor lighting system which shows his true color, but it doesn't blend properly because he's still in the same dimly lit room.

They are the exact same.
This is the same thing that happens when you port models from a game to SFM and suddenly it looks like something straight out of a PS2 game even if it's a much newer game.
The lighting is not built around it, and it doesn't blend well.

Look here, how suddenly everyone's blue eyes look like they are lit up.

Attached: 1526912012418.jpg (1920x1080, 133K)

>That water and that kid
jesus christ that is just embarassing

By letting a bunch of chinks do it. I bet my 100 bucks that this was made by ubisofts chinese division

reminder there are ubishills patrolling Yea Forums
I doubt anyone can defend this though

Video is fake

see my picture

Attached: truth.png (1362x650, 1.33M)

There are, the inventory is different, the HUD now doesn't just take you to a different screen, all your stealth attacks are done with the hidden blade instead of with the tomahawk, the clusterfuck of a crafting system is improved and now you can craft every weapon instead of just buying it since there was pretty much no way to make money in AC3 beyond looting corpses.

I bet they are like 10 women on the dev team.
And that's 10 too many.

Women have been in game development for decades, the problem is millennials who are a bunch of autistic talentless hacks with zero creativity and who hate beauty and never work hard.
It's not a coincidence that the videogame industry started going to shit the moment millennials started getting into the workforce.

Isn't he busy fighting ken and ryu lol

Sometimes engines are changed, which are the things that control how lighting worlds and how they look. There are other changes that occure that also effect game engines when moving to different platforms. It all literally comes down to game engines.

Both of you are right. It's not about there being women working on it, it's that they're hiring people just because they are women, and not based on their competence.


have sex

there is visibly less detail in the "remastered" version

just do drugs so you'll stop thinking about things, that's basically this argument

fucking roastie

More like burgerclaps.
Americans haven't made any decent entertainment media for like 40 years now.
They should be banned from making any videogames, movies or music, all they create are microtransaction-ridden cashgrabs, terrible superhero movies filled with propaganda and incomprehensible black people noise compilations.

Litterally feels like asscreed 3 came out 2 years ago. Now it's getting a remastered edition.

Actually it is pajeets.
It is not a secret that western software and gaymes become worse and worse because of them being dominant in the industry.
If they can't make a decent toilet, how can they make any decent thing?

fucking incels

modafuka u not like my game bitch lasagna

Your perception of time increases if nothing remarkable or worth remembering happens.

Who cares?
AC 3 was the worst of AC game.

Talent ascends tech progression

This one was comedy gold.

right doesn't look pre-rendered at all

i'll have you know i had sex twice in 2012 thank you

Nah, that would be either Syndicate or Unity.
AC3 was a dissapointment though because it was supposed to be the end of the franchise and all what the previous games were built up to: a modern day Assassins Creed with Desmond destroying the modern day Templars.
The whole deal with Ezio was just to train him, and what was that for, to just take on the 3 missions with him there are in AC3?

I am right now

Attached: 1553839400820.jpg (492x600, 104K)

its usually C teams who make remasters
they end up changing the lighting. it might make certain scenes look better but they don't care enough to see if it makes other scenes look worse


I believe this

How to ubisoft remaster: Just push the brigthness slider up, that's it.

what happened to Aladin?


Retards put in old assess in an updated engine and expect tweaks and upscale to make it look better or make new assess they didn't have the time and resources put in like the old assets. Ubi doesn't give a fuck about quality because their sheep of consumers don't.

This, I lost all interest in the game when I heard it wouldn't be set in the modern day.

>Gta 4 vs Gta 5