-because it's the ONLY 3D Sonic game to have come out in the past decade.
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Sonic Lost World is the best 3D Sonic game to have come out in the past decade
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What about Boom and Colors?
See pic.
Lost World is pretty shit, but at least it's functional. It's way better than Boom.
Honestly at this rate I'm just convinced Sonic Team has a fetish for 2D sections purely because it means dancing around making actual level design, the same reason they love grind rails these days. They just don't wanna put forth the effort so they just slap 2D sections everywhere to put it off. Keep 2D to the whitehead stuff, at least it works there.
Even their 2D level design sucks these days, so as much as I want to see a return to 3D, I don't trust Neo-Sonic Team to do it.
If the Sonic Adventure remake actually happens, you think ST is actually going to try an recreate the gameplay or will they attempt to toss boost gameplay into stages that weren't built for them? Third option, would they just outsource it to a studio that actually knows how to make games?
Get Sumo Digital to make a 3D Sonic game, with an actually good budget, and we'll be set
>Outsource it to fans who know what they're doing
Yes please.
Perhaps. I don't know how they'd handle Sonic outside of a car.
Based on some of stage layouts of TSR being more dense with alternate routes to take than ones in Transformed had, as well as the stages still having their own identity and set pieces, they could possibly pull it off. Not to mention they would probably make actual momentum based physics for the gameplay engine if they did do it
I was going to mention that I think Generations is less worse than Lost World, but then, I instantly remember that the said game also is plagued with mostly 2D sections (outside of, perhaps, modern Seaside Hill).
Well, would you look at this intriguing state, huh.
>Less worse
I think Generations is pretty good. I boot it up every time a major mod pack is released. But, yeah, as you said. It's mostly 2D because it's half Classic Sonic which is all 2D and Modern Sonic which is a mix of 2D and 3D.
This means that, no matter how you slice it, Generations is a 2D Sonic game.
>tfw Mania possibly had more 3D gameplay than Forces just because of those special stages
Generations came out in 2011 though.
If you take Encore Mode's extra 7 special stages, yeah. It's definitely a possibility. I haven't done the calculations. Of course, I'm not implying that Mania is a 3D Sonic game. I'm not an idiot.
>TSR and Mania have more 3D than Forces
>And both aren't even made by Sonic Team
>2000-2010: Way too many Sonic games coming out
>2010-2020: Not enough Sonic games coming out
I know it's not a 3D game either, it's just kinda embarrassing that Mania possibly had more 3D gameplay than the latest Sonic Team game just by means of bonus stages
The game has alot of shitty levels. But why was it so comfy to play?
You do know Sonic is not a racing game right?
Because it had heart.
Unironically the last time till Mania a Sonic game had soul.
Mostly because of shifting development teams and budgeting. They don't work with Dimps anymore for example. I'll never forget that in 2010 we got 5 games with Sonic's name in the title, and nowadays we only get between 0-2
The music and environments
Neo Sonic Team just really hates 3D for some reason, then again I just remembered they shat out Forces in like a year so that might have something to do with it.
They hate it because there REALLY bad at it.
The worst part is that they don't know they're bad at it. Remember before Forces came out, they actually used the Forces level design as an example for teaching how to make levels? They're absolutely delusional
got one for generations and unleahsed?
Yes, but that doesn't mean the design philosophy for stage layouts can't change to accommodate the project.
It's because they're not confident in making a full 3D game again.
Funnily enough that was the same year Whitehead had an interview talking about why slopes are so important to Sonic level design, and figures that Forces has little to none of those at all, then again... it'd probably break that physics engine that's held together by glue and toothpicks.
I wish they would have kept going with the sonic adventure formula. They were refining the process, it could have kept getting better. Generations and other games like it are boring because it takes away so much control and the physics aren't satisfying at all. Maybe its because I got used to and good at the adventure controls but I just really want another adventure game.
That's not Generations
Nope. Don't need to do exact calculations for those.
Divided between two characters: Modern and Classic Sonic. Classic Sonic makes up 50% of the game with 2D gameplay while Modern takes up the other 50% with a split between 2D and 3D. This means that, regardless of the exact percentage of 2D vs. 3D for Modern, the total is always going to result in more 2D than 3D.
Unleashed has two characters: Hedgehog and Werehog. Hedgehog Sonic has a split between 2D and 3D, but Werehog is ALL 3D. By the same metric as Generations, we can determine that, no matter what, Unleashed is a 3D Sonic game.
I do, however, have calculations for Lost World if you're curious.
Modern Seaside Hill is great, but one mostly 3D level does not a 3D Sonic game make.
There's also modern Sky Sanctuary but I get your point
>Yes, but that doesn't mean the design philosophy for stage layouts can't change to accommodate the project
Sumo digital are good at making racing games. That says nothing about how competent they are at making a 3D platformer
Also City Escape, it only has one 2D segment that's not very long, and it's fully 3D otherwise
I'll take them over Sonic Team at this point, but I suppose that's true. They could always look to SA1 for inspiration, or the Classics, though.
By this you mean "pure 3D gameplay" 3D Sonic game?... Cuz no, there's a shitton of 2D sections in Lost World it's dumb. There's been 3 total "3D" aka, Modern, Sonic games that has came out this decade, not including Boom. Hell if we did, that's the game that actually has full 3D gameplay surprisingly, but that doesn't save a broken game, much like with Sonic 06.
And I don't know what the point of this thread was, but no, Lost World is not the best Sonic game this decade Modern Sonic wise, because more people statistically liked Colors and Gens a lot, revisionist hindsight bias be damned.
generations is better.
And boom and forces came out this decade too. What the fuck sega
I still think Sonic Unleashed is the best looking boost game.
I still don't understand how did Heroes fuck up Adventure's engine so hard. Had Adventure become the standard none of this would have happened
Lost World has 2D sections. Yes. But it has, in total, more 3D than 2D gameplay. Therefore, it is a 3D Sonic game which is more than I can say for Generations and Colors. Lost World sucks, but it's still the best 3D Sonic game of this decade because it's the only one besides Boom. Even then, I'm hesitant to even include Boom as a main-series title.
Generations and Colors are pretty good in my opinion, but they aren't 3D Sonic games.
Again. Read the thread. Good as it is, Generations is not a 3D Sonic game.
Heroes' control is something that needs to be seen to be believed
>but it's still the best 3D Sonic game of this decade because it's the only one besides Boom
Just say fucking "less shit" A metascore of like 50s isn't "best" I don't give a shit. I look at half emtpy on Modern Sonic because that's all his era has. No Modern Sonic has more of the good parts of the game, because it's always tied down with shit, and I cna't tolorate the idiots that try to scapegoat around it. Maybe I'm grouchy because I woke up, but it's still true. If most of the "3D" gameplay of Lost World was this, then I'd be more friendly about it but fucking hell, I ain't calling that Crash Bandicoot tier hallway garbage "3D". Mario tier 3D or it ain't fucking 3D by my standards.
Hell Modern Sinc since fuckung Unleashed don't even have 3D camera controls, which I dictate the classification of a 3D game. Real 3D means I can go EVERYWHERE in 3D space, with a camera following the same rule. If the camera never moves to my orders, and you slapped in level design where I can only go in 2 dimensions (frontwards and sideways) it's still fucking 2D to me.
meh forgot link
They think because the fans enjoy (good) 2D games that they're pandering to them while not realizing what makes the 2D games good. It isn't that they hate them, its just what the extremely disconnected japs think people want.
>3D camera controls, which I dictate the classification of a 3D game
I'll be honest, grumpanon. I'm certainly inclined to agree with your philosophy about what delineates 3D. However, I must point out that Unleashed did have free camera control.
So, what can they actually do for Sonic next? What do people want? Sonic Adventure 3 or something?
I guess this also sparks another curious thought, Iizuka said the next major sonic game was in production, but they also just announced the new Sakura Wars yesterday which is said to be worked on by sonic team members who got reshuffled to that team instead. So... they are either implying the next major game is another Whitehead game to fill the gap while they regroup a new Sonic Team, or they already have and are making the new Modern game with said new team.
I just want something that is a mix of boost and adventure.
After TSR and the new Mario and Sonic, no idea. All I really want is for it to be good and have its own identity, though
Me too. If they can't go all the way then do a compromise to evolve both styles and join the knot rather than just sticking to one side.
sonic heroes and shadow the hedgehog are masterpieces compared to the shit released now
Having Mania and Forces come out around the same time and also share a story really showed people outside of the core fandom the difference between what fans are capable of and what Sonic Team is capable of.
What do people want? They want fangame devs to do to 3D Sonic what Whitehead did to 2D.
>Posting Utopia
No, I'm not suggesting that Utopia is the ideal direction to go in. It's just an example of fans doing things better.
people get too worked up over utopia anyway, but it might have been falseflaggers who gave it a bad name.
I think it may be a remake of Sonic Adventure, due to that overwhelming win of the Chao poll, and Izuka being interested in remaking the game. As much as I'd love another 2D title, I don't expect one.
Utopia has a big world to run around in, but there's nothing to actually DO in that big world. Green Hill Paradise is a better example of open-ended Sonic design in my opinion, despite the clunkier controls.
guys, I'm being autistic
what fucking year is Sonic's 30th anniversary...? We're in his...28th now, right? or 27th? I'm getting different dates when I look it up
This year will be the 28th.
just put the franchise out of its misery and bring back their old series that aren't dogshit. they don't even need sonic anymore since they have persona and yakuza.
Would it be safe to assume, that we may not get anything on mainline Sonic the hedgehog until the 30th ani?
Best soundtrack, too
And outside of the 2D sections of Day Time levels, was Werehog not 100% 3D? If that game came out instead of Forces you'd be claiming (assuming you're OP) Unleashed was the best 3D Sonic game this decade based on the statistics you used earlier in this very thread. Which, compared to Lost World, shit's all over.