Literally censors video games

>Literally censors video games
>Normalfags don't give a shit, sales are going to reach 100m+
Are they unstoppable?

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The only people who care about the censoreship are weebs who play garbage waifu shit like senran kagura, and you can just play the most of the same censored games uncensored on other platforms anyways

>expecting casuals to care
>When not even "hardcore" gamers care
Only a very specific niche of players give a shit about fanservice weeb shit getting censored. It's not a surprise.

Depends if they get cocky with PS5 and end up embarrassing themselves like with the PS3 or Xbone reveal.

>Japanese devs are still releasing exclusives to PS4 even with censoring going on
Yeah Sony won

Only a niche few give a shit about prepubescent panty shots

>Only Sony is able to beat themselves

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>Literally censors video games

90% of the time, the "censorship" involves cheap tits-and-ass fanservice, which you can easily get anywhere else.

They already lost user, staying in denial will not change the reality

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Quit larping as an Xfag

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have fun playing your blurry 90+ movie games in fake 1440p/1080p

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do only switch and ps4 exist in your mind? not one of those is exclusive and ps4 is actually the worst place to play them.

Yeah, I bet normal people buy weeb visual novels. Wii is even more censored than PS4 yet won last gen. PS4 is only current gen console where you can see nipples by the way.

no one owns an xbox and only third worlders play on pc

>When these games sell the most on PS4
Point is that they're not on Switch.
Their 3rd party is support is garbage because the tablet is underpowered as hell.

Those are literally all ps4 exclusives you brainlet nigger

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Same thing happened with Microsoft and paid online, but Yea Forums was busy praising it.

Wut? Xbox and most PCs play them worse.

>censures cp
>Yea Forums revolts
Based Sony
You retards seriously need to neck yourselves. You shit on Xbox and now ps. I'm fully convinced v is nothing but pedophile pc neckbeard man child imbeciles. Fuck off

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Only real problem with sony is that they adapted that paid online shit along with nintendo. I don't even play online on consoles but it's just shit and I'll never pay for it.

just shows what fags bought the ps4

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only fifaniggers buy playstation. i can generalize too.
nobody brought up the switch until you.
no comment
xbox one x and good PCs play them better (except kh3 for PC but there still xbox one x)



Xbox and most PCs play them worse therefore you were wrong about PS4.

Just import the uncensored game.

Normal people who don't buy visual novels? I guess other players prefer movie games with no gameplay at all.

I'm pretty sure these are already projects in the works long before they censorship started, user. That shit literally sprang up on Japan overnight just a few months ago. Either they would have to scrap those projects entirely or just continue despite that shit.

Quality control isn't gamer oppression, retards.

do you know how many times I have heard this argument?

So when Nintendo censors shit and nobody bats an eye it's fine?

Because it's true? How fucking retarded are you?

No! Stop talking about Nintendo!

People shat all over them during the Wii U Era for doing similar shit you moron. Do you not remember the whole #FE fiasco? And what Sony is doing is objectively worse because they're applying the censorship to ALL games on their platform, not just the games they themselves own.

>ALL games
Are you fucking retarded?

Just look at hentai if you wanna jerk off to anime tiddies.
oh wait Jap porn is also censored

Sony censors some of the third party Nintendo third and first party.

DMCV was censored on the PS4

Do you not know how their policy works now?

When the fuck has Nintendo censored third party shit?

>Sony censors all games
This has to be the single dumbest comment made on Yea Forums today, they only censor shit waifu fan service games like senran kagura that have gratuitous amount of blatant sexual imagery and are basically just soft core eroge which only a massive weeb incel would play

They censored Fatal Frame and recently some visual novel from Sega Saturn.
Since when Sony is censoring first party games?

Only one cutscene in US version. You can play uncensored version on PS4 anytime.

they'll lose next gen

What did they censor?

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It's not fucking fair.

>They censored Fatal Frame
Again, that was during the Wii U era and people gave them massive shit for that.

>recently some visual novel from Sega Saturn.
Those were literal porn games censored by CERO, not Nintendo themselves.

You don't think they'll go further with it?
It clearly isn't just shitty fap bait being affected

I don't care when or how, you asked me so I answered. Don't care about excuses to be honest.

so this pretty much proves that third parties didn't ditch Nintendo because muh censorship and other draconian policies. They just found a higger blacker cock to choke on.