This can't be it, right?

This is all the Xbox One exclusives that exist?

Was debating on picking one up cheap, but fuck, I can't find a fucking thing on it to play that isn't already on PS4 or PC. What's the point owning this thing?

Attached: windows-10-xbox-one-microsoft.jpg (800x500, 31K)

Well, even Microsoft themselves releases multiplats with Windows 10, so I don't see why you'd expect any exclusives on it.

The only console that has true exclusives is nintendo switch, you should see which console has more games that cannot be played on other consoles, something that xbox in particular has 10 times more than the other consoles

Attached: psnow.png (1346x658, 1.57M)

Incidentally, most of the "exclusive" lists I found had a bunch of shit on them that's on Steam now anyway. Hard to find a list that is actually just Xbox One only games.

Pick one up, get a 4K tv and shut the fuck up

PS4 has exclusive games too though

If you like Bethesda games they work so much better on Xbox.
The way PS handles memory fucks up Bethesda games.

I already have a PS4, a decent enough PC and a Switch.

Not much point in buying this if there ain't fuck on it that I can't play elsewhere.

I mean, yeah, but I have already have Bethesda games on PC.

you're not supposed to own a ps4 a pc and xbone. you're supposed to just pick one. there's too much overlap. if you've got a ps4 already the xbone isn't for you. it's like buying 2 fucking blenders

hey now, there's blenders intending to blend different things, you may in fact need two at times

I had the money, so I figured, why not?
Then when I started looking into it, just seemed kind of pointless.
Kept hoping maybe I'd run across something that Xbox had that was good enough to justify the purchase, but everything I find that looks mildly interesting has a PC version when you Google it.

you can play them on youtube.

This. Atleast two is better. My setup is bth PS4 and XO + old laptop which I do not use for gaming at all.

So you're an idiot.

What do you play on your xbox that warrants it?

I mean, if he doesn't have a decent PC then shit like Sunset Overdrive is technically and exclusive to Xbox for him.

>What's the point owning this thing?
For the moment Halo and GamePass. Also for the controller and overall ecosystem

Halo is coming out on PC.

I own a Xbone controller for PC use.

I see no reason to buy one.

>For the moment

Sea of Thieves is arguably the most popular exclusive.

His point is you can play them all on PC through Paystation.Now

Attached: 1543169610363.jpg (338x508, 39K)

Okay, what else? Sunset Overdrive definitely does not warrant the purchase of a $300+ console.

it's also good for playing xbox360 games though

If you get a xbone you are basically getting it for Ninja gaiden black and panzer dragoon orta and some other bc games. It’s a emulator box that’s it.

>anyone giving a shit about the Windows Store

I have had a PS4 and an xbone for a few years and desu, Xbox isn’t worth it. I’ve recently been having internet issues and it’s ridiculous how much you lose trying to play xbox offline. They said they walked back a lot of this shit after that disastrous E3 but they kept a lot of that DRM shit in and people don’t talk about it.

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